コード例 #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the name of the decision variable representing the chosen relation for a qualitative edge
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="edge"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static string GetDVarName(this QualitativeEdge edge)
     return(String.Format("{0}-dvar", edge.GetUId()));
コード例 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the name of the decision variable representing whether a specific relation holds for a qualitative edge
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="edge"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static string GetDVarName(this QualitativeEdge edge, QualitativeRelation relation)
     return(String.Format("{0}-{1}-dvar", edge.GetUId(), relation.Name));
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// ! Use this only once (not for every relation) per edge constraint !
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="constraint"></param>
        /// <param name="edge"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override List <TmsConstraint> GetTmsConstraints(ConfigurationConstraint constraint, Edge edge)
            ////OLD: Rem: Qualitative relations use composition constraints and constraint limiting the allowed relations between components, hence there are no constraints implied by a single relation
            //throw new NotSupportedException("A single qualitative relation do not imply a constraint!");

            List <TmsConstraint> result    = new List <TmsConstraint>();
            RelationFamily       relFamily = constraint.AllowedRelations[0].RelationFamily;

            if (!(edge is QualitativeEdge))
                edge.Network.SturcturalReasonerLog.AddItem(LogType.Warning, string.Format("Edge {0} is not a qualitative edge. The requested TMS constraints will not be added.", edge.GetUId()));
            else if (!edge.Constraints.Contains(constraint))
                edge.Network.SturcturalReasonerLog.AddItem(LogType.Warning, string.Format("The constraint {0} is not found in the edge {1}. The requested TMS constraints will not be added.", constraint.DomainConstraint.Name, edge.GetUId()));
            else if (relFamily == StructuralRelationsManager.GetRelationFamily(RelationFamilyNames.MetricRelationsName))
                edge.Network.SturcturalReasonerLog.AddItem(LogType.Warning, string.Format("The constraint {0} is metric while the needed relation for edge {1} is qualitative. The requested TMS constraints will not be added.", constraint.DomainConstraint.Name, edge.GetUId()));
                QualitativeEdge qualEdge                  = (QualitativeEdge)edge;
                GKODomain       calculusDomain            = StructuralRelationsManager.GetDomain(constraint.AllowedRelations[0].RelationFamily.GetTmsRelationsDomainName());
                TmsConstraint   exactlyOneHoldsConstraint = new TmsConstraint();
                List <string>   relDvars                  = new List <string>(); // holds all relation variables
                GKODomain       boolDomain                = TmsManager.GenerateBoolDomain();
                string          dVarSat = constraint.GetSatDVarName();

                // This will create a constraint saying that the edge dvar is matching the chosen relation and the relation's dvar is TRUE, or if they are not matching and the relation's dvar is FALSE
                foreach (var relation in constraint.AllowedRelations)
                    TmsConstraint tmsConstraint      = new TmsConstraint();
                    string        edgeDVar           = qualEdge.GetDVarName();
                    string        edgeRelDVar        = qualEdge.GetDVarName((QualitativeRelation)relation);
                    string        constraintTypeName = calculusDomain.GetIndividualValueCTName(relation.Name);


                    tmsConstraint.ConstraintType = constraintTypeName;
                    tmsConstraint.VariableTuple  = new List <string>()
                        edgeDVar, edgeRelDVar


                // This will create the constraint saying that one of the relation dvars has to be set
                // This works because the calculi are JEPD
                exactlyOneHoldsConstraint.ConstraintType = relDvars.Count.GetExactlyOneCTName();
                exactlyOneHoldsConstraint.VariableTuple  = new List <string>(relDvars);

                // This prohibits the constraint to be violated
                if (!constraint.CanBeViolated)
                    result.Add(TmsConstraint.GenerateSingleValueConstraint(boolDomain, dVarSat, TmsManager.TrueValue));

