public void ImportProject(FileInfo mainInfo, string qtVersion) { VersionInformation versionInfo = QtVersionManager.The().GetVersionInfo(qtVersion); FileInfo VCInfo = RunQmake(mainInfo, projectFileExtension, false, versionInfo); if (null == VCInfo) { return; } ReplaceAbsoluteQtDirInProject(VCInfo); try { if (CheckQtVersion(versionInfo)) { // no need to add the project again if it's already there... if (!HelperFunctions.IsProjectInSolution(dteObject, VCInfo.FullName)) { try { dteObject.Solution.AddFromFile(VCInfo.FullName, false); } catch (Exception /*exception*/) { Messages.PaneMessage(dteObject, "--- (Import): Generated project could not be loaded."); Messages.PaneMessage(dteObject, "--- (Import): Please look in the output above for errors and warnings."); return; } Messages.PaneMessage(dteObject, "--- (Import): Added " + VCInfo.Name + " to Solution"); } else { Messages.PaneMessage(dteObject, "Project already in Solution"); } EnvDTE.Project pro = null; foreach (EnvDTE.Project p in HelperFunctions.ProjectsInSolution(dteObject)) { if (p.FullName.ToLower() == VCInfo.FullName.ToLower()) { pro = p; break; } } if (pro != null) { QtProject qtPro = QtProject.Create(pro); qtPro.SetQtEnvironment(); string platformName = versionInfo.GetVSPlatformName(); if (qtVersion != null) { QtVersionManager.The().SaveProjectQtVersion(pro, qtVersion, platformName); } if (!qtPro.SelectSolutionPlatform(platformName) || !qtPro.HasPlatform(platformName)) { bool newProject = false; qtPro.CreatePlatform("Win32", platformName, null, versionInfo, ref newProject); if (!qtPro.SelectSolutionPlatform(platformName)) { Messages.PaneMessage(dteObject, "Can't select the platform " + platformName + "."); } } // try to figure out if the project is a plugin project try { string activeConfig = pro.ConfigurationManager.ActiveConfiguration.ConfigurationName; VCConfiguration config = (VCConfiguration)((IVCCollection)qtPro.VCProject.Configurations).Item(activeConfig); if (config.ConfigurationType == ConfigurationTypes.typeDynamicLibrary) { CompilerToolWrapper compiler = CompilerToolWrapper.Create(config); VCLinkerTool linker = (VCLinkerTool)((IVCCollection)config.Tools).Item("VCLinkerTool"); if (compiler.GetPreprocessorDefinitions().IndexOf("QT_PLUGIN") > -1 && compiler.GetPreprocessorDefinitions().IndexOf("QDESIGNER_EXPORT_WIDGETS") > -1 && compiler.GetAdditionalIncludeDirectories().IndexOf("QtDesigner") > -1 && linker.AdditionalDependencies.IndexOf("QtDesigner") > -1) { qtPro.MarkAsDesignerPluginProject(); } } } catch (Exception) { } ApplyPostImportSteps(qtPro); } } } catch (Exception e) { Messages.DisplayCriticalErrorMessage(SR.GetString("ExportProject_ProjectOrSolutionCorrupt", e.ToString())); } }