コード例 #1
    public static string lot_change(string lot, string domain)
        string  result = "";
        string  sql    = @" exec [usp_app_JC_Apply_lot_change] '" + domain + "','" + lot + "'";
        DataSet ds     = SQLHelper.Query(sql, connString);

        string    xmh = "", ljh = "", line = "", workshop = "";
        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];

        if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
            xmh      = dt.Rows[0]["xmh"].ToString();
            ljh      = dt.Rows[0]["pt_desc1"].ToString();
            line     = dt.Rows[0]["scx"].ToString();
            workshop = dt.Rows[0]["scx_workshop"].ToString();

        if (xmh == "")
            DataTable ldt    = new DataTable();
            string    sqlStr = @"select ld_part from pub.ld_det where ld_ref='{0}' and ld_qty_oh>0 with (nolock)";
            sqlStr = string.Format(sqlStr, lot);
            ldt    = QadOdbcHelper.GetODBCRows(sqlStr);
            if (ldt != null)
                if (ldt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    xmh = ldt.Rows[0]["ld_part"].ToString();

        result = "[{\"xmh\":\"" + xmh + "\",\"ljh\":\"" + ljh + "\",\"line\":\"" + line + "\",\"workshop\":\"" + workshop + "\"}]";
コード例 #2
ファイル: Ruku_bcp_hege.aspx.cs プロジェクト: PGIMES/PGI_APP
    protected void btnsave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //check qad 库存
        DataTable ldt    = new DataTable();
        string    sqlStr = @"select sum(cast(cast(ld_qty_oh as numeric(18,4)) as float)) ld_qty_oh from pub.ld_det where ld_ref='{0}' and ld_domain='{1}' with (nolock)";

        sqlStr = string.Format(sqlStr, workorder.Text, domain.Text);
        ldt    = QadOdbcHelper.GetODBCRows(sqlStr);
        if (ldt == null)
            ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "showsuccess", "layer.alert('单号" + workorder.Text + ",QAD库存不存在');", true);
        if (ldt.Rows.Count <= 0)
            ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "showsuccess", "layer.alert('单号" + workorder.Text + ",QAD库存不存在');", true);
        if (ldt.Rows[0]["ld_qty_oh"].ToString() != act_qty.Text)
            ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType()
                                                , "showsuccess", "layer.alert('单号" + workorder.Text + ",库存不一致.QAD库存" + ldt.Rows[0]["ld_qty_oh"].ToString() + "当前待入库" + act_qty.Text + "');"
                                                , true);

        string re_sql = re_sql = @"exec usp_app_Ruku_bcp_hege '{0}', '{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}','{8}'";

        re_sql = string.Format(re_sql, emp_code_name.Text, workorder.Text, domain.Text, pgino.Text, pn.Text, qty.Text, act_qty.Text, comment.Value, loc_hg.Text);
        DataTable re_dt = SQLHelper.Query(re_sql).Tables[0];
        string    flag  = re_dt.Rows[0][0].ToString();
        string    msg   = re_dt.Rows[0][1].ToString();

        if (flag == "N")
            string url = "";
            if (_dh != "")
                if (_ck == "N")//车间的
                    url = "/Cjgl1.aspx?workshop=" + _workshop;
                if (_ck == "Y")//仓库的
                    url = "/ck.aspx";
            ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "showsuccess"
                                                , "$.toptip('入库成功', 2000, 'success');var int = self.setTimeout(function(){ self.location='" + url + "'  }, 2000); "
                                                , true);
            ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "showsuccess", "layer.alert('失败:" + msg + "');", true);
コード例 #3
    void init_data(string formno, string stepid)
        string sql = @"exec [usp_app_Adjust_Apply_init_V1] '{0}','{1}'";

        sql = string.Format(sql, formno, stepid);
        DataSet ds = SQLHelper.Query(sql);

        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];

        if (dt.Rows.Count == 1)
            emp_code_name_db.Text = dt.Rows[0]["emp_code"].ToString() + dt.Rows[0]["emp_name"].ToString();
            source.Text           = dt.Rows[0]["source"].ToString();
            dh.Text          = dt.Rows[0]["lot_no"].ToString();
            pgino.Text       = dt.Rows[0]["pgino"].ToString();
            pn.Text          = dt.Rows[0]["pn"].ToString();
            from_qty_db.Text = "原数量" + dt.Rows[0]["from_qty"].ToString(); from_qty_db.Visible = true;
            adj_qty.Text     = dt.Rows[0]["adj_qty"].ToString();
            comment.Value    = dt.Rows[0]["remark"].ToString();

            if (dt.Rows[0]["flagwhere"].ToString() != "QAD")
                from_qty.Text  = dt.Rows[0]["from_qty_cur"].ToString();
                need_no.Text   = dt.Rows[0]["need_no"].ToString();
                flagwhere.Text = dt.Rows[0]["flagwhere"].ToString();
                loc.Text       = dt.Rows[0]["loc"].ToString();
                DataTable ldt    = new DataTable();
                string    sqlStr = @"select ld_part,ld_loc,cast(cast(ld_qty_oh as numeric(18,4)) as float) ld_qty_oh 
                                from pub.ld_det where ld_ref='{0}' and ld_domain='200' and ld_loc='{1}' with (nolock)";
                sqlStr = string.Format(sqlStr, dt.Rows[0]["lot_no"].ToString(), dt.Rows[0]["loc"].ToString());
                ldt    = QadOdbcHelper.GetODBCRows(sqlStr);
                if (ldt == null)
                else if (ldt.Rows.Count <= 0)
                    from_qty.Text  = ldt.Rows[0]["ld_qty_oh"].ToString();
                    flagwhere.Text = "QAD";
                    need_no.Text   = "";
                    loc.Text       = ldt.Rows[0]["ld_loc"].ToString();

        DataTable dt_sg = ds.Tables[1];

        Repeater_sg.DataSource = dt_sg;
コード例 #4
ファイル: bhgp_Apply_V1.aspx.cs プロジェクト: PGIMES/PGI_APP
    public static string ref_order_change(string domain, string ref_order, string pgino, string op)
        string flag = "N", msg = "", qty = "", workorder_qc_loc = "";
        //check qad 库存
        DataTable ldt    = new DataTable();
        string    sqlStr = @"select ld_part,cast(cast(ld_qty_oh as numeric(18,4)) as float) ld_qty_oh,ld_loc 
                        from pub.ld_det where ld_ref='{0}' and ld_domain='{1}' and ld_qty_oh>0  with (nolock)";

        sqlStr = string.Format(sqlStr, ref_order, domain);
        ldt    = QadOdbcHelper.GetODBCRows(sqlStr);
        if (ldt == null)
            flag = "Y";
            msg  = "参考号" + ref_order + ",QAD库存不存在";
        else if (ldt.Rows.Count <= 0)
            flag = "Y";
            msg  = "参考号" + ref_order + ",QAD库存不存在";
        else if (ldt.Rows.Count > 1)
            flag = "Y";
            msg  = "参考号" + ref_order + ",QAD多笔库存";
            if (ldt.Rows[0]["ld_part"].ToString() != pgino)
                flag = "Y"; msg = "物料号不一致.参考号" + ref_order + "对应的物料号" + ldt.Rows[0]["ld_part"].ToString() + ",当前申请物料号" + pgino;
            else if (op == "997" && ldt.Rows[0]["ld_loc"].ToString() != "2002")
                flag = "Y"; msg = "参考号" + ref_order + "当前库位不是2002,请联系仓库.";
            else if (op == "998" && ldt.Rows[0]["ld_loc"].ToString() != "4002")
                flag = "Y"; msg = "参考号" + ref_order + "当前库位不是4002,请联系仓库.";
            else if (op == "999" && ldt.Rows[0]["ld_loc"].ToString() != "9002")
                flag = "Y"; msg = "参考号" + ref_order + "当前库位不是9002,请联系仓库.";
                qty = ldt.Rows[0]["ld_qty_oh"].ToString();
                workorder_qc_loc = ldt.Rows[0]["ld_loc"].ToString();

        string result = "[{\"flag\":\"" + flag + "\",\"msg\":\"" + msg + "\",\"qty\":\"" + qty + "\",\"workorder_qc_loc\":\"" + workorder_qc_loc + "\"}]";

コード例 #5
    public static string sure2(string _emp_code_name, string need_no, string lotno, string act_qty, string pgino, string pn
                               , string comment, string loc_from, string loc_to, string sku_area, string pgino_yn)
        string flag = "N", msg = "";

        if (pgino_yn == "Y")
            if (loc_from != loc_to)
                DataTable ldt    = new DataTable();
                string    sqlStr = @"select top 1 ld_ref,ld_loc,ld_qty_oh from pub.ld_det where ld_status in('FG-ZONE','RM-ZONE') and ld_part='{0}' and ld_qty_oh>0
                            order by ld_date,ld_ref  with (nolock)";
                sqlStr = string.Format(sqlStr, pgino);
                ldt    = QadOdbcHelper.GetODBCRows(sqlStr);

                if (ldt.Rows.Count <= 0)
                    flag = "Y"; msg = "QAD没有可移到线边库的Lot No";
                    if (ldt.Rows[0]["ld_ref"].ToString() == lotno)
                        if (ldt.Rows[0]["ld_loc"].ToString() != loc_from)
                            flag = "Y"; msg = "库位不一致,QAD:" + ldt.Rows[0]["ld_loc"].ToString() + "当前:" + loc_from;
                        if ((Convert.ToSingle(ldt.Rows[0]["ld_qty_oh"].ToString())).ToString() != act_qty)
                            flag = "Y"; msg = "数量不相等,QAD:" + (Convert.ToSingle(ldt.Rows[0]["ld_qty_oh"].ToString())).ToString() + "当前:" + act_qty;
                        flag = "Y_S"; msg = "QAD第一笔Lot No" + ldt.Rows[0]["ld_loc"].ToString() + ",当前:" + lotno;

        string result = "[{\"flag\":\"" + flag + "\",\"msg\":\"" + msg + "\"}]";

コード例 #6
ファイル: Adjust_sign.aspx.cs プロジェクト: PGIMES/PGI_APP
    public static string sure2(string _emp_code_name, string _formno, string _stepid, string _sign_comment
                               , string _lot_no, string _source, string _flagwhere, string _loc, string _adj_qty_abs, string _from_qty)
        string flag = "N", msg = "";

        string from_qty_cur = _from_qty;

        if (_flagwhere == "QAD")
            if ((_stepid == "0002" && Convert.ToSingle(_adj_qty_abs) <= 2) || _stepid == "0003")//签核完成才调用
                DataTable ldt    = new DataTable();
                string    sqlStr = @"select ld_part,ld_loc,cast(cast(ld_qty_oh as numeric(18,4)) as float) ld_qty_oh from pub.ld_det where ld_ref='{0}' and ld_domain='200' and ld_loc='{1}' with (nolock)";
                sqlStr = string.Format(sqlStr, _lot_no, _loc);
                ldt    = QadOdbcHelper.GetODBCRows(sqlStr);
                if (ldt == null)
                else if (ldt.Rows.Count <= 0)
                    from_qty_cur = ldt.Rows[0]["ld_qty_oh"].ToString();

        string re_sql = @"exec [usp_app_Adjust_sign] '{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}'";

        re_sql = string.Format(re_sql, _emp_code_name, _formno, _stepid, _sign_comment, from_qty_cur);
        DataTable re_dt = SQLHelper.Query(re_sql).Tables[0];

        flag = re_dt.Rows[0][0].ToString();
        msg  = re_dt.Rows[0][1].ToString();

        string result = "[{\"flag\":\"" + flag + "\",\"msg\":\"" + msg + "\"}]";

コード例 #7
    public static string save2(string _dh, float _curr_qty, string _emp, string _pgino, string _btnms
                               , string _dh_record, string _remark, string _stepvalue)
        string flag = "N", msg = "", re_sql = "", _dh_source = "", _ref = "", _rk_dh = "", _loc = "", _tx = "";;

        if (_dh_record.Contains(","))
            _dh_source = _dh_record.Substring(1, _dh_record.Length - 1);

        string sql_dh = "select top 1 1 from Mes_App_WorkOrder_hege where workorder='{0}'  and right(routing,1)='R' ";

        sql_dh = string.Format(sql_dh, _dh);
        DataTable dt_dh = SQLHelper.Query(sql_dh).Tables[0];

        if (dt_dh.Rows.Count > 0)
            _tx = "挑选";

        string sql = "select dh from Mes_APP_WorkOrder_CKSH_Hege where workorder='{0}' and ISNULL(is_yn,'')='' ";

        sql = string.Format(sql, _dh_source);
        DataTable dt = SQLHelper.Query(sql).Tables[0];

        if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
            _rk_dh = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString();
            // _ref= dt.Rows[0][0].ToString();
        //    _ref = _dh_source;
        _ref = _dh_source;
        if (_tx != "")
            DataTable ldt    = new DataTable();
            string    sqlStr = @"select ld_loc from pub.ld_det where ld_ref='{0}' with (nolock)";
            sqlStr = string.Format(sqlStr, _ref);
            ldt    = QadOdbcHelper.GetODBCRows(sqlStr);
            if (ldt != null)
                if (ldt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    _loc = ldt.Rows[0]["ld_loc"].ToString();

        if (_curr_qty <= 0)
            re_sql = @"exec usp_app_qc_recover '{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}','{8}','{9}','{10}'";
            re_sql = @"exec usp_app_qc_Insert_V1 '{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}','{8}','{9}','{10}'";

        if (flag == "N")
            re_sql = string.Format(re_sql, _dh, _curr_qty, _emp, _pgino, _btnms, _dh_source, _remark, _stepvalue, _rk_dh, _loc, _ref);
            DataTable re_dt = SQLHelper.Query(re_sql).Tables[0];
            flag = re_dt.Rows[0][0].ToString();
            msg  = re_dt.Rows[0][1].ToString();
        string result = "[{\"flag\":\"" + flag + "\",\"msg\":\"" + msg + "\"}]";

コード例 #8
    public static string reason_change(string workorder, string ruku_dh, string reason)
        string flag = "N", msg = "", qty = "";

        string re_sql = @"exec [usp_app_Chuku_reason_change_V1] '{0}','{1}','{2}'";

        re_sql = string.Format(re_sql, workorder, ruku_dh, reason);
        DataSet ds = SQLHelper.Query(re_sql);

        DataTable re_dt = ds.Tables[0];

        flag = re_dt.Rows[0][0].ToString();
        msg  = re_dt.Rows[0][1].ToString();

        if (flag == "N")
            string ld_ref = "";
            if (reason == "成品领用")//form_dh
                if (ruku_dh == "")
                    ld_ref = workorder;
                    ld_ref = ruku_dh;
            else if (reason == "零箱返线")
                ld_ref = ruku_dh;

            DataTable ldt    = new DataTable();
            string    sqlStr = @"select ld_date,cast(cast(ld_qty_oh as numeric(18,4)) as float) ld_qty_oh from pub.ld_det where ld_ref='{0}' with (nolock)";
            sqlStr = string.Format(sqlStr, ld_ref);
            ldt    = QadOdbcHelper.GetODBCRows(sqlStr);

            if (ldt == null)
                flag = "Y"; msg = "参考号" + ld_ref + ",QAD不存在";
            else if (ldt.Rows.Count <= 0)
                flag = "Y"; msg = "参考号" + ld_ref + ",QAD不存在";
            else if (ldt.Rows.Count > 1)
                flag = "Y"; msg = "参考号" + ld_ref + ",QAD存在多笔.";
                string ld_date   = ldt.Rows[0]["ld_date"].ToString();
                float  ld_qty_oh = Convert.ToSingle(ldt.Rows[0]["ld_qty_oh"].ToString());

                string re_sql_q = @"exec [usp_app_Chuku_reason_change_qty] '{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}',{4}";
                re_sql_q = string.Format(re_sql_q, workorder, ruku_dh, reason, ld_date, ld_qty_oh);
                DataSet ds_q = SQLHelper.Query(re_sql_q);

                DataTable re_dt_q = ds_q.Tables[0];
                flag = re_dt_q.Rows[0][0].ToString();
                msg  = re_dt_q.Rows[0][1].ToString();

                if (flag == "N")
                    qty = re_dt_q.Rows[0]["qty"].ToString();

        string result = "[{\"flag\":\"" + flag + "\",\"msg\":\"" + msg + "\",\"qty\":\"" + qty + "\"}]";

コード例 #9
    protected void btnsave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string form_dh = "", loc = "";

        if (reason.Text == "成品领用")//form_dh
            if (ruku_dh.Text == "")
                form_dh = workorder.Text;
                form_dh = ruku_dh.Text;

        //qad 库位
        if (reason.Text == "成品领用" || reason.Text == "零箱返线")
            string ld_ref = "";
            if (reason.Text == "成品领用")
                ld_ref = form_dh;
            else if (reason.Text == "零箱返线")
                ld_ref = ruku_dh.Text;

            DataTable ldt    = new DataTable();
            string    sqlStr = @"select ld_loc from pub.ld_det where ld_ref='{0}' with (nolock)";
            sqlStr = string.Format(sqlStr, ld_ref);
            ldt    = QadOdbcHelper.GetODBCRows(sqlStr);

            if (ldt == null)
                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "showsuccess", "layer.alert('参考号" + ld_ref + ",QAD不存在');", true);
            if (ldt.Rows.Count <= 0)
                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "showsuccess", "layer.alert('参考号" + ld_ref + ",QAD不存在');", true);
            loc = ldt.Rows[0]["ld_loc"].ToString();

        string re_sql = re_sql = @"exec usp_app_Chuku '{0}', '{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}','{8}','{9}','{10}','{11}'";

        re_sql = string.Format(re_sql, emp_code_name.Text, workorder.Text, ruku_dh.Text, domain.Text, pgino.Text, pn.Text, qty.Text, act_qty.Text, comment.Value, reason.Text, form_dh, loc);
        DataTable re_dt = SQLHelper.Query(re_sql).Tables[0];
        string    flag  = re_dt.Rows[0][0].ToString();
        string    msg   = re_dt.Rows[0][1].ToString();

        if (flag == "N")
            string url = "/ck.aspx";
            //ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "showsuccess"
            //    , "layer.alert('出库成功,出库单号" + msg + "', {}, function (index) {window.location.href='" + url + "'; }); "
            //    , true);
            ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "showsuccess"
                                                , "layer.alert('" + msg + "', {}, function (index) {window.location.href='" + url + "'; }); "
                                                , true);
            ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "showsuccess", "layer.alert('失败:" + msg + "');", true);
コード例 #10
    public static string lotno_change(string pgino, string lotno, string need_no, string domain)
        string re_sql = @"exec [usp_app_SL_lot_change_qad_V1] '{0}', '{1}', '{2}'";

        re_sql = string.Format(re_sql, pgino, lotno, need_no);
        DataSet ds = SQLHelper.Query(re_sql);

        DataTable re_dt = ds.Tables[0];
        string    flag  = re_dt.Rows[0][0].ToString();
        string    msg   = re_dt.Rows[0][1].ToString();

        string qty = "", loc_from = "", loc_to = "", pgino_yn = "";

        if (flag == "N")
            DataTable dt = ds.Tables[1];
            loc_to   = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString();
            pgino_yn = ds.Tables[2].Rows[0][0].ToString();

            DataTable ldt = new DataTable();
            string    sqlStr = ""; string ldt_source = "";
            if (pgino_yn == "Y")
                sqlStr = @"select ld_loc,ld_qty_oh from pub.ld_det where ld_status in('FG-ZONE','RM-ZONE') and ld_part='{0}' and ld_ref='{1}' and ld_qty_oh>0 with (nolock)";
                sqlStr = string.Format(sqlStr, pgino, lotno);
                ldt    = QadOdbcHelper.GetODBCRows(sqlStr);

                ldt_source = "1";

            //1,未获取到高架库位的参考号,需要继续获取线边库的 2,直接需要获取线边库的参考号
            if (ldt.Rows.Count == 0)
                //sqlStr = @"select ld_loc,ld_qty_oh from pub.ld_det where ld_status='WIP' and ld_part='" + pgino + "' and ld_ref='" + lotno + "' and ld_loc='" + loc_to + "' with (nolock)";
                sqlStr = @"select ld_loc,ld_qty_oh,ld_part,ld_status from pub.ld_det where ld_ref='" + lotno + "' and ld_qty_oh>0 with (nolock)";
                ldt    = QadOdbcHelper.GetODBCRows(sqlStr);

                ldt_source = "2";

            if (ldt == null)
                flag = "Y"; msg = "Lot No:" + lotno + "不存在";
            else if (ldt.Rows.Count <= 0)
                flag = "Y"; msg = "Lot No:" + lotno + "不存在";
                if (ldt_source == "1")
                    flag = "N"; msg = "";
                else if (ldt_source == "2")
                    if (ldt.Rows[0]["ld_part"].ToString() != pgino)
                        flag = "Y"; msg = "物料号不一致.QAD物料号:" + ldt.Rows[0]["ld_part"].ToString() + " 当前物料号:" + pgino;
                    else if (ldt.Rows[0]["ld_loc"].ToString() != loc_to)
                        flag = "Y"; msg = "库位不一致.QAD库位:" + ldt.Rows[0]["ld_loc"].ToString() + " 当前库位:" + loc_to;
                    else if (ldt.Rows[0]["ld_status"].ToString().ToUpper() != "WIP")
                        flag = "Y"; msg = "QAD状态不是WIP.当前QAD状态:" + ldt.Rows[0]["ld_status"].ToString();
                        flag = "N"; msg = "";

            if (flag == "N")
                loc_from = ldt.Rows[0]["ld_loc"].ToString();
                float qty_c = Convert.ToSingle(ldt.Rows[0]["ld_qty_oh"].ToString());

                string sql_q = @"exec [usp_app_SL_lot_change_qad_qty] '{0}', '{1}', {2}, '{3}', '{4}'";
                sql_q = string.Format(sql_q, pgino, lotno, qty_c, need_no, domain);
                DataTable re_dt_q = SQLHelper.Query(sql_q).Tables[0];

                flag = re_dt_q.Rows[0][0].ToString();
                msg  = re_dt_q.Rows[0][1].ToString();

                if (flag == "N")
                    qty = qty_c.ToString();

        string result = "[{\"flag\":\"" + flag + "\",\"msg\":\"" + msg + "\",\"qty\":\"" + qty + "\",\"loc_from\":\"" + loc_from + "\",\"loc_to\":\"" + loc_to + "\",\"pgino_yn\":\"" + pgino_yn + "\"}]";

コード例 #11
    protected void lk_lotno_qad_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (listBx_lotno_qad.Visible == true)
            listBx_lotno_qad.Visible = false;
            listBx_lotno_qad.Visible = true;

        DataTable ldt = new DataTable();

        //送料信息里,第一笔 绑定库存明细里的
        string sqlStr = @"select top 2 ld_part,ld_ref,ld_loc,cast(cast(ld_qty_oh as numeric(18,4)) as float) ld_qty_oh from pub.ld_det 
                            where ld_status in('FG-ZONE','RM-ZONE') and ld_part='{0}' and ld_qty_oh>0
                            order by ld_date,ld_ref 
                            with (nolock)";

        sqlStr = string.Format(sqlStr, pgino.Text);
        ldt    = QadOdbcHelper.GetODBCRows(sqlStr);

        string flag = "N";
        string msg  = "";

        if (ldt.Rows.Count <= 0)
            flag = "Y"; msg = "没有符合条件的Lot No";

        if (flag == "Y")
            ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "showsuccess", "$.toptip('没有符合条件的Lot No', 'warning');", true);

        string re_sql = @"exec [usp_app_SL_lot_change_loc] '{0}'";

        re_sql = string.Format(re_sql, pgino.Text);
        DataSet ds = SQLHelper.Query(re_sql);

        DataTable re_dt = ds.Tables[0];

        flag = re_dt.Rows[0][0].ToString();
        msg  = re_dt.Rows[0][1].ToString();

        if (flag == "Y")
            ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "showsuccess", "$.toptip('" + msg + "', 'warning');", true);

        DataTable dt     = ds.Tables[1];
        string    loc_to = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString();

        ldt.Columns.Add("sku_area", typeof(string)); ldt.Columns.Add("loc_to", typeof(string));
        foreach (DataRow row in ldt.Rows)
            row["sku_area"] = sku_area.Text; row["loc_to"] = loc_to;

        listBx_lotno_qad.DataSource = ldt;
コード例 #12
    public static string save2(string _emp_code_name, string _source, string _dh, string _pgino, string _pn, string _from_qty
                               , string _adj_qty, string _comment, string _flagwhere, string _need_no, string _formno, string _stepid, string _loc)
        string flag = "N", msg = "";
        string re_sql = "", flagw = "";

        if (_flagwhere != "QAD")
            if (_flagwhere == "QAD_W")//QAD里的车间数据,需要补WIP表数据
                string sql_n = @"exec usp_app_Adjust_Apply_HY '{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}'";
                sql_n = string.Format(sql_n, _emp_code_name, _dh, _need_no, _source);
                DataTable dt_n = SQLHelper.Query(sql_n).Tables[0];
                flag = dt_n.Rows[0][0].ToString();
                msg  = dt_n.Rows[0][1].ToString();

                if (flag == "N")
                    flagw      = _flagwhere;
                    _flagwhere = "已生产";

            re_sql = @"exec usp_app_Adjust_Apply '{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}','{8}','{9}','{10}','{11}','{12}','{13}'";
            DataTable ldt    = new DataTable();
            string    sqlStr = @"select ld_part,ld_loc,cast(cast(ld_qty_oh as numeric(18,4)) as float) ld_qty_oh 
                                from pub.ld_det where ld_ref='{0}' and ld_domain='200' and ld_loc='{1}' with (nolock)";
            sqlStr = string.Format(sqlStr, _dh, _loc);
            ldt    = QadOdbcHelper.GetODBCRows(sqlStr);
            if (ldt == null)
                flag = "Y"; msg = "单号:" + _dh + ",地点:" + _source + ",QAD不存在.请重新打开页面申请.";
            else if (ldt.Rows.Count <= 0)
                flag = "Y"; msg = "单号:" + _dh + ",地点:" + _source + ",QAD不存在.请重新打开页面申请.";
                if (_from_qty != ldt.Rows[0]["ld_qty_oh"].ToString())
                    flag = "Y"; msg = "单号:" + _dh + ",地点:" + _source + ",QAD【数量】发生异动.请重新打开页面申请.";
                    re_sql = @"exec usp_app_Adjust_Apply_QAD '{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}','{8}','{9}','{10}','{11}','{12}'";

        if (flag == "N")
            re_sql = string.Format(re_sql, _emp_code_name, _source, _dh, _pgino, _pn, _from_qty, _adj_qty
                                   , _comment, _flagwhere, _need_no, _formno, _stepid, _loc, flagw);
            DataTable re_dt = SQLHelper.Query(re_sql).Tables[0];
            flag = re_dt.Rows[0][0].ToString();
            msg  = re_dt.Rows[0][1].ToString();
        string result = "[{\"flag\":\"" + flag + "\",\"msg\":\"" + msg + "\"}]";

コード例 #13
    public static string dh_change(string dh, string source)
        string flag = "N", msg = "";
        string pgino = "", pn = "", from_qty = "", flagwhere = "", need_no = "", loc = "";

        #region 车间

        if (source == "二车间" || source == "三车间" || source == "四车间")
            string re_sql = @"exec [usp_app_Adjust_Apply_dh_change_V1] '{0}','{1}'";
            re_sql = string.Format(re_sql, dh, source);
            DataSet ds = SQLHelper.Query(re_sql);

            DataTable dt_r = ds.Tables[0];
            flag = dt_r.Rows[0][0].ToString();
            msg  = dt_r.Rows[0][1].ToString();

            if (flag == "N")
                DataTable re_dt = ds.Tables[1];
                pgino     = re_dt.Rows[0]["pgino"].ToString();
                pn        = re_dt.Rows[0]["pn"].ToString();
                from_qty  = re_dt.Rows[0]["from_qty"].ToString();
                flagwhere = re_dt.Rows[0]["flagwhere"].ToString();
                need_no   = re_dt.Rows[0]["need_no"].ToString();

            if (flag == "Y1")
                if (dt_r.Rows[0]["need_no"].ToString() == "" && (source == "二车间" || source == "四车间"))
                    flag = "Y"; msg = msg + ",且没有上料记录";
                //else if (dt_r.Rows[0]["from_qty"].ToString() == "0")
                //    flag = "Y"; msg = ",在制数量不为0";
                    DataTable ldt    = new DataTable();
                    string    sqlStr = @"select ld_part,ld_loc,ld_status,cast(cast(ld_qty_oh as numeric(18,4)) as float) ld_qty_oh 
                                from pub.ld_det where ld_ref='{0}' and ld_domain='200' with (nolock)";
                    sqlStr = string.Format(sqlStr, dh);
                    ldt    = QadOdbcHelper.GetODBCRows(sqlStr);
                    if (ldt == null)
                        flag = "Y"; msg = msg + "/QAD";
                    else if (ldt.Rows.Count <= 0)
                        flag = "Y"; msg = msg + "/QAD";
                        string    sql_s = @"select pt_desc1,pt_prod_line from [].qad.dbo.qad_pt_mstr where pt_part='" + ldt.Rows[0]["ld_part"].ToString() + "' and pt_domain='200'";
                        DataTable dt_s  = SQLHelper.Query(sql_s).Tables[0];

                        if (dt_s == null)
                            flag = "Y"; msg = "物料号" + ldt.Rows[0]["ld_part"].ToString() + ",对应的零件号不存在";
                        else if (dt_s.Rows.Count <= 0)
                            flag = "Y"; msg = "物料号" + ldt.Rows[0]["ld_part"].ToString() + "对应的零件号不存在";
                            pn = dt_s.Rows[0]["pt_desc1"].ToString();

                            if (source == "二车间" || source == "四车间")
                                if (ldt.Rows[0]["ld_loc"].ToString() != "9000" && ldt.Rows[0]["ld_status"].ToString().ToUpper() != "WIP")
                                    flag = "Y"; msg = "单号" + dh + ",库位不是9000、状态WIP";
                            if (source == "三车间")
                                if (dt_s.Rows[0]["pt_prod_line"].ToString().StartsWith("3"))
                                    if (ldt.Select("ld_loc='9000'").Length != 1)//if (ldt.Rows[0]["ld_loc"].ToString() != "9000")
                                        flag = "Y"; msg = "单号" + dh + ",库位不是9000";
                                if (dt_s.Rows[0]["pt_prod_line"].ToString().StartsWith("2"))
                                    if (ldt.Select("ld_loc='4009'").Length != 1)//if (ldt.Rows[0]["ld_loc"].ToString() != "4009")
                                        flag = "Y"; msg = "单号" + dh + ",库位不是4009";

                            if (flag == "Y1")
                                if (source == "二车间" || source == "四车间")
                                    if (ldt.Rows[0]["ld_qty_oh"].ToString() != dt_r.Rows[0]["from_qty"].ToString())
                                        flag = "Y"; msg = "单号" + dh + ",APP在制数量" + dt_r.Rows[0]["from_qty"].ToString() + ",QAD数量" + ldt.Rows[0]["ld_qty_oh"].ToString() + "不一致,不能申请.";
                                        flag  = "N"; msg = "";
                                        pgino = ldt.Rows[0]["ld_part"].ToString();
                                        loc   = ldt.Rows[0]["ld_loc"].ToString();

                                        from_qty  = dt_r.Rows[0]["from_qty"].ToString();
                                        flagwhere = "QAD_W";
                                        need_no   = dt_r.Rows[0]["need_no"].ToString();
                                if (source == "三车间")
                                    flag = "N"; msg = "";
                                    //pgino = ldt.Rows[0]["ld_part"].ToString();
                                    //loc = ldt.Rows[0]["ld_loc"].ToString();
                                    //from_qty = ldt.Rows[0]["ld_qty_oh"].ToString();
                                    flagwhere = "QAD";
                                    need_no   = "";

                                    DataRow[] drs = null;
                                    if (dt_s.Rows[0]["pt_prod_line"].ToString().StartsWith("3"))
                                        drs = ldt.Select("ld_loc='9000'");
                                    if (dt_s.Rows[0]["pt_prod_line"].ToString().StartsWith("2"))
                                        drs = ldt.Select("ld_loc='4009'");

                                    pgino    = drs[0]["ld_part"].ToString();
                                    loc      = drs[0]["ld_loc"].ToString();
                                    from_qty = drs[0]["ld_qty_oh"].ToString();

        #region 库内

        if (source == "原材料库" || source == "成品库" || source == "半成品库")
            DataTable ldt    = new DataTable();
            string    sqlStr = @"select ld_part,ld_loc,ld_status,cast(cast(ld_qty_oh as numeric(18,4)) as float) ld_qty_oh 
                            from pub.ld_det where ld_ref='{0}' and ld_domain='200' with (nolock)";
            sqlStr = string.Format(sqlStr, dh);
            ldt    = QadOdbcHelper.GetODBCRows(sqlStr);
            if (ldt == null)
                flag = "Y"; msg = "单号:" + dh + ",地点:" + source + ",不存在QAD";
            else if (ldt.Rows.Count <= 0)
                flag = "Y"; msg = "单号:" + dh + ",地点:" + source + ",不存在QAD";
                string    sql_s = @"select pt_desc1,pt_prod_line from [].qad.dbo.qad_pt_mstr where pt_part='" + ldt.Rows[0]["ld_part"].ToString() + "' and pt_domain='200'";
                DataTable dt_s  = SQLHelper.Query(sql_s).Tables[0];

                if (dt_s == null)
                    flag = "Y"; msg = "物料号" + ldt.Rows[0]["ld_part"].ToString() + ",对应的零件号不存在";
                else if (dt_s.Rows.Count <= 0)
                    flag = "Y"; msg = "物料号" + ldt.Rows[0]["ld_part"].ToString() + "对应的零件号不存在";
                    pn = dt_s.Rows[0]["pt_desc1"].ToString();

                    if (source == "原材料库")
                        if (dt_s.Rows[0]["pt_prod_line"].ToString().StartsWith("1") == false)
                            flag = "Y"; msg = "物料号" + ldt.Rows[0]["ld_part"].ToString() + "不是原材料,不能选择【原材料库】.";
                    if (source == "半成品库")
                        if (dt_s.Rows[0]["pt_prod_line"].ToString().StartsWith("2") == false)
                            flag = "Y"; msg = "物料号" + ldt.Rows[0]["ld_part"].ToString() + "不是半成品,不能选择【半成品库】.";
                    if (source == "成品库")
                        if (dt_s.Rows[0]["pt_prod_line"].ToString().StartsWith("3") == false)
                            flag = "Y"; msg = "物料号" + ldt.Rows[0]["ld_part"].ToString() + "不是成品,不能选择【成品库】.";

                    if (flag == "N")
                        flag      = "N"; msg = "";
                        pgino     = ldt.Rows[0]["ld_part"].ToString();
                        from_qty  = ldt.Rows[0]["ld_qty_oh"].ToString();
                        flagwhere = "QAD";
                        need_no   = "";
                        loc       = ldt.Rows[0]["ld_loc"].ToString();


        string result = "[{\"flag\":\"" + flag + "\",\"msg\":\"" + msg + "\",\"pgino\":\"" + pgino + "\",\"pn\":\"" + pn + "\",\"from_qty\":\"" + from_qty
                        + "\",\"flagwhere\":\"" + flagwhere + "\",\"need_no\":\"" + need_no + "\",\"loc\":\"" + loc + "\"}]";
コード例 #14
    public static string pgino_change(string domain, string pgino, string _ref, string loc)
        string result = ""; string msg = "";
        string xmh_value = "", ref_value = "", loc_value = "", qty_value = "";

        if (pgino == "")
            msg = "请先输入物料号";

        if (msg == "")
            string    sql      = @" exec [usp_app_Loc_Transfer_init_data_js] '" + domain + "','','" + pgino + "'";
            DataTable dt_pgino = SQLHelper.Query(sql).Tables[0];
            if (dt_pgino.Rows.Count <= 0)
                msg = "物料号" + pgino + "不存在";

            if (msg == "")
                xmh_value = dt_pgino.Rows[0]["title"].ToString();

                DataTable ldt    = new DataTable();
                string    sqlStr = "select ld_ref,cast(ld_qty_oh as float)ld_qty_oh,ld_loc from pub.ld_det where ld_domain='{0}' and ld_part='{1}' and ld_qty_oh>0 with (nolock)";
                sqlStr = string.Format(sqlStr, domain, xmh_value);
                ldt    = QadOdbcHelper.GetODBCRows(sqlStr);

                if (ldt == null)
                    msg = "项目号" + xmh_value + ",QAD库存不存在";
                    if (ldt.Rows.Count <= 0)
                        msg = "项目号" + xmh_value + ",QAD库存不存在";

                if (msg == "")
                    DataRow[] drs = null;
                    if (_ref != "" && loc == "")
                        drs = ldt.Select("ld_ref='" + _ref + "'");
                        if (drs.Length <= 0)
                            msg = "项目号" + xmh_value + ",参考号" + _ref + ",QAD库存不存在";
                    else if (_ref == "" && loc != "")
                        drs = ldt.Select("ld_loc='" + loc + "' and ld_ref=''");
                        if (drs.Length <= 0)
                            msg = "项目号" + xmh_value + ",当前库位" + loc + ",QAD库存不存在";
                        else if (drs.Length > 1)
                            msg = "项目号" + xmh_value + ",当前库位" + loc + ",QAD库存存在多笔";
                    else if (_ref != "" && loc != "")
                        drs = ldt.Select("ld_ref='" + _ref + "' and ld_loc='" + loc + "'");
                        if (drs.Length <= 0)
                            msg = "项目号" + xmh_value + ",参考号" + _ref + ",当前库位" + loc + ",QAD库存不存在";
                        else if (drs.Length > 1)
                            msg = "项目号" + xmh_value + ",参考号" + _ref + ",当前库位" + loc + ",QAD库存存在多笔";

                    if (msg == "" && drs != null)
                        if (drs.Length == 1)//多笔的 不自动带出
                            ref_value = drs[0]["ld_ref"].ToString();
                            qty_value = drs[0]["ld_qty_oh"].ToString();
                            loc_value = drs[0]["ld_loc"].ToString();

        result = "[{\"msg\":\"" + msg + "\",\"xmh_value\":\"" + xmh_value + "\",\"ref_value\":\"" + ref_value + "\",\"loc_value\":\"" + loc_value + "\",\"qty_value\":\"" + qty_value + "\"}]";
コード例 #15
    public static string pgino_change(string pgino, string domain)
        string re_sql = @"exec [usp_app_YL_pgino_change] '{0}','{1}'";

        re_sql = string.Format(re_sql, pgino, domain);
        DataSet ds = SQLHelper.Query(re_sql);

        DataTable re_dt = ds.Tables[0];
        string    flag  = re_dt.Rows[0][0].ToString();
        string    msg   = re_dt.Rows[0][1].ToString();

        string pn = "", descr = "", qty = "", pt_prod_line = "";

        if (flag == "N")
            DataTable dt = ds.Tables[1];
            pn           = dt.Rows[0]["pt_desc1"].ToString();
            descr        = dt.Rows[0]["pt_desc2"].ToString();
            qty          = dt.Rows[0]["pt_ord_mult"].ToString();
            pt_prod_line = dt.Rows[0]["pt_prod_line"].ToString();

        string    ld_ref = "", ld_qty_oh = "";
        DataTable ldt = new DataTable();

         * string sqlStr = @"";//送料信息里,第一笔 绑定库存明细里的
         * if (pt_prod_line != "1090")
         * {
         *  sqlStr = @"select top 1 ld_part,ld_ref,ld_loc,cast(cast(ld_qty_oh as numeric(18,4)) as float) ld_qty_oh from pub.ld_det
         *                  where ld_status in('FG-ZONE','RM-ZONE') and ld_part='{0}' and ld_qty_oh>0
         *                  order by ld_date,ld_ref
         *                  with (nolock)";
         * }
         * else
         * {
         *  sqlStr = @"select top 1 ld_part,ld_ref,ld_loc,cast(cast(ld_qty_oh as numeric(18,4)) as float) ld_qty_oh from pub.ld_det
         *                  where ld_status in('FG-ZONE','RM-ZONE') and ld_part='{0}' and ld_qty_oh>0
         *                  order by ld_date,ld_ref,ld_qty_oh
         *                  with (nolock)";
         * }
         * sqlStr = string.Format(sqlStr, pgino);
         * ldt = QadOdbcHelper.GetODBCRows(sqlStr);
         * if (ldt.Rows.Count > 0)
         * {
         *  ld_ref = ldt.Rows[0]["ld_ref"].ToString();
         *  ld_qty_oh = ldt.Rows[0]["ld_qty_oh"].ToString();
         * }

        string sqlStr = @"select ld_ref title,cast(cast(ld_qty_oh as numeric(18,4)) as float) value
                    from pub.ld_det where ld_status in('FG-ZONE','RM-ZONE') and ld_part='{0}' and ld_qty_oh>0";

        if (pt_prod_line != "1090")
            sqlStr = sqlStr + @" order by ld_date,ld_ref";
            sqlStr = sqlStr + @" order by ld_date,ld_ref,ld_qty_oh";
        sqlStr = sqlStr + @" with (nolock)";

        sqlStr = string.Format(sqlStr, pgino);
        ldt    = QadOdbcHelper.GetODBCRows(sqlStr);
        if (ldt.Rows.Count > 0)
            ld_ref    = ldt.Rows[0]["title"].ToString();
            ld_qty_oh = ldt.Rows[0]["value"].ToString();

        DataTable ldt_n    = UpdateDataTable(ldt);
        string    json_lot = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ldt_n);

        string result = "[{\"flag\":\"" + flag + "\",\"msg\":\"" + msg + "\",\"pn\":\"" + pn + "\",\"descr\":\"" + descr + "\",\"qty\":\"" + qty
                        + "\",\"ld_ref\":\"" + ld_ref + "\",\"ld_qty_oh\":\"" + ld_qty_oh + "\",\"json_lot\":" + json_lot + "}]";
