コード例 #1
        private InlineHook(QHackContext ctx, AssemblyCode code, HookParameters parameters)
            Context          = ctx;
            Code             = code.Copy();
            MemoryAllocation = new MemoryAllocation(ctx);
            Parameters       = parameters;

            byte[] headInstBytes = GetHeadBytes(Context.DataAccess.ReadBytes(Parameters.TargetAddress, 32));

            nuint allocAddr        = MemoryAllocation.AllocationBase;
            nuint safeFreeFlagAddr = allocAddr + (uint)HookInfo.Offset_SafeFreeFlag;
            nuint onceFlagAddr     = allocAddr + (uint)HookInfo.Offset_OnceFlag;
            nuint codeAddr         = allocAddr + (uint)HookInfo.HeaderSize;
            nuint retAddr          = Parameters.TargetAddress + (uint)headInstBytes.Length;

            HookInfo info = new(allocAddr, headInstBytes);

            Assembler assembler = new();

            assembler.Emit(DataHelper.GetBytes(info));                                         //emit the header before runnable code
            assembler.Emit((Instruction)$"mov dword ptr [{safeFreeFlagAddr}],1");
            assembler.Emit(Parameters.IsOnce ? GetOnceCheckedCode(Code, onceFlagAddr) : Code); //once or not
            if (Parameters.Original)
                assembler.Emit(headInstBytes);                //emit the raw code replaced by hook jmp
            assembler.Emit((Instruction)$"mov dword ptr [{safeFreeFlagAddr}],0");
            assembler.Emit((Instruction)$"jmp {retAddr}");

            Context.DataAccess.WriteBytes(allocAddr, assembler.GetByteCode(allocAddr));

            JmpHeadBytes = new byte[headInstBytes.Length];
            Array.Fill <byte>(JmpHeadBytes, 0x90);
            Assembler.Assemble($"jmp {codeAddr}", Parameters.TargetAddress).CopyTo(JmpHeadBytes, 0);
コード例 #2
        public static InlineHook Hook(QHackContext ctx, AssemblyCode code, HookParameters parameters)
            var hook = new InlineHook(ctx, code, parameters);

コード例 #3
ファイル: RemoteThread.cs プロジェクト: ZQiu233/QTRHacker
        private RemoteThread(QHackContext ctx, AssemblyCode asm, uint size = 0x1000)
            Context    = ctx;
            Allocation = new MemoryAllocation(ctx, size);
            Header     = new RemoteThreadHeader(Allocation.AllocationBase);

            Assembler assembler = new();

            assembler.Emit((Instruction)$"mov dword ptr [{Header.Address_SafeFreeFlag}],1");
            assembler.Emit((Instruction)$"mov dword ptr [{Header.Address_SafeFreeFlag}],0");
            Context.DataAccess.WriteBytes(Header.AllocationAddress, assembler.GetByteCode(Header.AllocationAddress));
コード例 #4
ファイル: MemoryAllocation.cs プロジェクト: ZQiu233/QTRHacker
 public static MemoryAllocation Alloc(QHackContext ctx, uint size = 0x1000) => new(ctx, size);
コード例 #5
ファイル: MemoryAllocation.cs プロジェクト: ZQiu233/QTRHacker
 /// <summary>
 /// Do not use this.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ctx"></param>
 /// <param name="base"></param>
 /// <param name="size"></param>
 internal MemoryAllocation(QHackContext ctx, nuint @base, uint size)
     Context        = ctx;
     AllocationBase = @base;
     AllocationSize = size;
コード例 #6
ファイル: MemoryAllocation.cs プロジェクト: ZQiu233/QTRHacker
 public MemoryAllocation(QHackContext ctx, uint size = 0x1000)
     Context        = ctx;
     AllocationBase = Alloc(ctx.Handle, size);
     AllocationSize = size;
コード例 #7
ファイル: RemoteThread.cs プロジェクト: ZQiu233/QTRHacker
 /// <summary>
 /// Allocates space and fills the code in before calling <see cref="RunOnNativeThread"/> to start a remote native thread.<br/>
 /// To avoid a memory leak, call <see cref="Dispose"/> to release the allocated space when the thread is not running.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ctx"></param>
 /// <param name="asm"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static RemoteThread Create(QHackContext ctx, AssemblyCode asm) => new(ctx, asm);
コード例 #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Size is in bytes
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ctx"></param>
 /// <param name="base"></param>
 /// <param name="size"></param>
 public RemoteMemorySpan(QHackContext ctx, nuint @base, int size)
     Context = ctx;
     Base    = @base;
     Size    = size;