コード例 #1
ファイル: Game.cs プロジェクト: Mindar/QuickFont
        private void PrintComment(QFont font, string comment, QFontAlignment alignment, ref float yOffset, QFontRenderOptions opts)
            yOffset += 20;
            var pos = new Vector3(30f, Height - yOffset, 0f);
            var dp  = new QFontDrawingPrimitive(font, opts ?? new QFontRenderOptions());

            dp.Print(comment, pos, new SizeF(Width - 60, -1), alignment);
            yOffset += dp.Measure(comment, new SizeF(Width - 60, -1), alignment).Height;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Game.cs プロジェクト: Mindar/QuickFont
        private void PrintCommentWithLine(QFont font, string comment, QFontAlignment alignment, float xOffset, ref float yOffset, QFontRenderOptions opts)
            yOffset += 20;
            var dp = new QFontDrawingPrimitive(font, opts);

            dp.Print(comment, new Vector3(xOffset, Height - yOffset, 0f), new SizeF(Width - 60, -1), alignment);
            var bounds = font.Measure(comment, new SizeF(Width - 60, float.MaxValue), alignment);

            yOffset += bounds.Height;
コード例 #3
        public static void DrawText(string text, QFont font, RectangleF bounds,
                                    StringAlignment vAlign,
                                    StringAlignment hAlign,
                                    QFontRenderOptions options)
            if (!Freetype6Loaded)

            var textSize = font.Measure(text, bounds.Size, QFontAlignment.Left);

            textSize.Height += 2;
            var textPos = Vector2.Zero;

            switch (hAlign)
            case StringAlignment.Near:
                textPos.X = bounds.X;

            case StringAlignment.Far:
                textPos.X = bounds.Right - textSize.Width;

            case StringAlignment.Center:
                textPos.X = bounds.Left + ((bounds.Width - textSize.Width) / 2f);
            switch (vAlign)
            case StringAlignment.Near:
                textPos.Y = bounds.Y;

            case StringAlignment.Far:
                textPos.Y = bounds.Y + bounds.Height - textSize.Height;

            case StringAlignment.Center:
                textPos.Y = bounds.Y + ((bounds.Height - textSize.Height) / 2f);

            textPos.Y = ViewSize.Y - textPos.Y;

            var dp = new QFontDrawingPrimitive(font, options);

            dp.Print(text, new Vector3(textPos.X, textPos.Y, 0f), bounds.Size, QFontAlignment.Left);

コード例 #4
ファイル: Game.cs プロジェクト: Mindar/QuickFont
        private void PrintWithBounds(QFont font, string text, RectangleF bounds, QFontAlignment alignment, ref float yOffset)
            var maxWidth = bounds.Width;

            var height = font.Measure(text, new SizeF(maxWidth, -1), alignment).Height;

            var dp = new QFontDrawingPrimitive(font);

            dp.Print(text, new Vector3(bounds.X, Height - yOffset, 0), new SizeF(maxWidth, float.MaxValue), alignment);

            yOffset += height;
コード例 #5
        public static void DrawText(string text, QFont font, Color color, RectangleF bounds,
                                    StringAlignment vAlign = StringAlignment.Near,
                                    StringAlignment hAlign = StringAlignment.Near)
            var textSize = font.Measure(text, bounds.Size, QFontAlignment.Left);

            textSize.Height += 2;
            var textPos = Vector2.Zero;

            switch (hAlign)
            case StringAlignment.Near:
                textPos.X = bounds.X;

            case StringAlignment.Far:
                textPos.X = bounds.Right - textSize.Width;

            case StringAlignment.Center:
                textPos.X = bounds.Left + ((bounds.Width - textSize.Width) / 2f);
            switch (vAlign)
            case StringAlignment.Near:
                textPos.Y = bounds.Y;

            case StringAlignment.Far:
                textPos.Y = bounds.Y + bounds.Height - textSize.Height;

            case StringAlignment.Center:
                textPos.Y = bounds.Y + ((bounds.Height - textSize.Height) / 2f);

            textPos.Y = ViewSize.Y - textPos.Y;

            var dp = new QFontDrawingPrimitive(font, new QFontRenderOptions()
                Colour = color, LockToPixel = true

            dp.Print(text, new Vector3(textPos.X, textPos.Y, 0f), bounds.Size, QFontAlignment.Left);
コード例 #6
        public override void Update(double time, bool focused = false)
            // Update total elapsed time
            _totalTime += time;

            if (InputSystem.NewKeys.Contains(Key.Escape))

            _centerPolygon.Update(time, false);


            // Update next if needed
            if (_selectedItemChanged)
                // Reset elapsed time
                _totalTime = 0;

                _menuFDP = new QFontDrawingPrimitive(_menuFont.Font, _menuRenderOptions);

                _menuFDP.Print(_selectedMenuItemText.ToUpper(), Vector3.Zero, QFontAlignment.Centre);
                _selectedItemChanged = false;

            // Pulse text
            var size         = _menuFont.Font.Measure(_selectedMenuItemText.ToUpper());
            var selectedSide = GetSelectedSide();
            var newPos       = new PolarVector(selectedSide * _centerPolygon.AngleBetweenSides + _centerPolygon.AngleBetweenSides * 0.5f, _player.Position.Radius + _player.Width + size.Height * 0.9);

            var extraRotation = (selectedSide >= 0 && selectedSide < 3) ? (-Math.PI / 2.0) : (Math.PI / 2.0);
            var extraOffset   = (selectedSide >= 0 && selectedSide < 3) ? (0) : (-size.Height / 4);

            newPos.Radius += extraOffset;
            var cart = newPos.ToCartesianCoordinates();
            var mvm  = Matrix4.CreateTranslation(0, size.Height / 2, 0)
                       * Matrix4.CreateScale(0.90f + (float)Math.Pow(Math.Sin(_totalTime * 3), 2) * 0.10f)
                       * Matrix4.CreateRotationZ((float)(newPos.Azimuth + extraRotation))
                       * Matrix4.CreateTranslation(cart.X, cart.Y, 0);

            _menuFDP.ModelViewMatrix = mvm;
コード例 #7
        private void PrintCommentWithLine(QFont font, string comment, QFontAlignment alignment, float xOffset, ref float yOffset, QFontRenderOptions opts)
            yOffset += 20;
            var dp = new QFontDrawingPrimitive(font, opts);

            //if (doSpacing)
            //    dp.Options.CharacterSpacing = 0.05f;
            dp.Print(comment, new Vector3(xOffset, Height - yOffset, 0f), new SizeF(Width - 60, -1), alignment);
            var bounds = font.Measure(comment, new SizeF(Width - 60, float.MaxValue), alignment);

            //GL.Color4(1.0f, 0f, 0f, 1f); GL.Vertex2(0f, 0f);
            //GL.Color4(1.0f, 0f, 0f, 1f); GL.Vertex2(0f, bounds.Height + 20f);

            yOffset += bounds.Height;
コード例 #8
        private void PrintWithBounds(QFont font, string text, RectangleF bounds, QFontAlignment alignment, ref float yOffset)
            float maxWidth = bounds.Width;

            float height = font.Measure(text, new SizeF(maxWidth, -1), alignment).Height;

            //gl.vertex3(bounds.x, bounds.y, 0f);
            //gl.vertex3(bounds.x + bounds.width, bounds.y, 0f);
            //gl.vertex3(bounds.x + bounds.width, bounds.y + height, 0f);
            //gl.vertex3(bounds.x, bounds.y + height, 0f);

            var dp = new QFontDrawingPrimitive(font);

            dp.Print(text, new Vector3(bounds.X, Height - yOffset, 0), new SizeF(maxWidth, float.MaxValue), alignment);

            yOffset += height;
コード例 #9
ファイル: Game.cs プロジェクト: Mindar/QuickFont
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when it is time to render the next frame. Add your rendering code here.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">Contains timing information.</param>
        protected override void OnRenderFrame(FrameEventArgs e)

            GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit);

            _drawing.ProjectionMatrix = _projectionMatrix;


            float yOffset = 0;

            if (_currentDemoPage != _previousPage)
                _previousPage = _currentDemoPage;
                // we have to rebuild the stuff

                switch (_currentDemoPage)
                case 0:
                    yOffset += _drawing.Print(_heading1, "ModernQuickFont",
                                              new Vector3((float)Width / 2, Height, 0),
                                              QFontAlignment.Centre, _heading1Options).Height;

                    yOffset += _drawing.Print(_heading2, "Introduction #0",
                                              new Vector3(20, Height - yOffset, 0),
                                              QFontAlignment.Left, _heading2Options)

                    yOffset += _drawing.Print(_mainText, _modernQuickFontIntro, new Vector3(30, Height - yOffset, 0),
                                              new SizeF(Width - 60f, -1), QFontAlignment.Left).Height;

                    PrintCode(_modernIntroCode, ref yOffset);

                case 1:
                    yOffset += _drawing.Print(_heading1, "QuickFont",
                                              new Vector3((float)Width / 2, Height, 0),
                                              QFontAlignment.Centre, _heading1Options).Height;

                    yOffset += _drawing.Print(_heading2, "Introduction",
                                              new Vector3(20, Height - yOffset, 0),
                                              QFontAlignment.Left, _heading2Options)

                    yOffset += 20f;
                    _drawing.Print(_mainText, _introduction, new Vector3(30, Height - yOffset, 0),
                                   new SizeF(Width - 60f, -1), QFontAlignment.Justify);


                case 2:
                    yOffset += _drawing.Print(_heading2, "Easy as ABC!",
                                              new Vector3(20f, Height - yOffset, 0f),
                                              QFontAlignment.Left, _heading2Options).Height;

                    PrintComment(_usingQuickFontIsSuperEasy, ref yOffset);
                    PrintCode(_loadingAFont1, ref yOffset);

                    PrintComment(_andPrintWithIt, ref yOffset);
                    PrintCode(_printWithFont1, ref yOffset);

                    PrintComment(_itIsAlsoEasyToMeasure, ref yOffset);
                    PrintCode(_measureText1, ref yOffset);

                    PrintComment(oneOfTheFirstGotchas, ref yOffset);
                    PrintCode(_loadingAFont2, ref yOffset);


                case 3:
                    yOffset += _drawing.Print(_heading2, "Alignment", new Vector3(20f, Height - yOffset, 0f),
                                              QFontAlignment.Left, _heading2Options).Height;

                    PrintCommentWithLine(_whenPrintingText, QFontAlignment.Left, 20f, ref yOffset);
                    PrintCode(_printWithFont2, ref yOffset);

                    PrintCommentWithLine(_righAlignedText, QFontAlignment.Right, 20f, ref yOffset);
                    yOffset += 10f;

                    PrintCommentWithLine(_centredTextAsYou, QFontAlignment.Centre, Width * 0.5f, ref yOffset);


                case 4:
                    // in this stage force redraw and recreation of VBO every time: just divert last page
                    _previousPage = -1;
                    yOffset      += _drawing.Print(_heading2, "Bounds and Justify",
                                                   new Vector3(20f, Height - yOffset, 0f),
                                                   QFontAlignment.Left, _heading2Options).Height;

                    yOffset += 20;
                    yOffset += _drawing.Print(_controlsText, "Press [Up], [Down] or [Enter]!",
                                              new Vector3(Width * 0.5f, Height - yOffset, 0f),
                                              QFontAlignment.Centre, _controlsTextOpts).Height;

                    float boundShrink = (int)(350 * (1 - Math.Cos(_boundsAnimationCnt * Math.PI * 2)));

                    yOffset += 15;
                    PrintWithBounds(_mainText, _ofCourseItsNot,
                                    new RectangleF(30f + boundShrink * 0.5f, yOffset, Width - 60 - boundShrink,
                                                   350f), _cycleAlignment, ref yOffset);

                    string printWithBounds = "myFont.Print(text, position, maxSize, QFontAlignment." +
                                             _cycleAlignment + ");";
                    yOffset += 15f;
                    PrintCode(printWithBounds, ref yOffset);


                case 5:
                    yOffset += _drawing.Print(_heading2, "Your own Texture Fonts",
                                              new Vector3(20f, Height - yOffset, 0f),
                                              QFontAlignment.Left, _heading2Options).Height;

                    PrintComment(_anotherCoolFeature, ref yOffset);
                    PrintCode(_textureFontCode1, ref yOffset);
                    PrintComment(_thisWillHaveCreated, ref yOffset);


                case 6:
                    yOffset += _drawing.Print(_heading2, "Your own Texture Fonts",
                                              new Vector3(20f, Height - yOffset, 0f),
                                              QFontAlignment.Left, _heading2Options).Height;

                    PrintComment(_ifYouDoIntend, ref yOffset);
                    PrintCode(_textureFontCode2, ref yOffset);
                    PrintComment(_actuallyTexturing, ref yOffset);
                    PrintCode(_textureFontCode3, ref yOffset);


                case 7:
                    // in this stage force redraw and recreation of VBO every time: just divert last page
                    _previousPage = -1;

                    // store this primitive to remember
                    QFontDrawingPrimitive dp = new QFontDrawingPrimitive(_heading2)
                        Options =
                            DropShadowActive = true,
                            DropShadowOffset = new Vector2(0.1f + 0.2f * (float)Math.Sin(_cnt),
                                                           0.1f + 0.2f * (float)Math.Cos(_cnt))

                    yOffset += dp.Print("Drop Shadows",
                                        new Vector3(20f, Height - yOffset, 0f),

                    PrintComment(_asIhaveleant, ref yOffset);
                    PrintCode(_dropShadowCode1, ref yOffset);
                    PrintComment(_thisWorksFine, ref yOffset);
                    PrintCode(_dropShadowCode2, ref yOffset);
                    PrintComment(_onceAFont, ref yOffset);

                    //mainText.Options.DropShadowActive = false;

                case 8:
                    yOffset += _drawing.Print(_heading2, "Monospaced Fonts",
                                              new Vector3(20f, Height - yOffset, 0f),
                                              QFontAlignment.Left, _heading2Options).Height;

                    QFontRenderOptions monoSpaceCondensed = _monoSpacedOptions.CreateClone();
                    monoSpaceCondensed.CharacterSpacing = 0.05f;
                    PrintComment(_monoSpaced, _hereIsSomeMono, QFontAlignment.Left, ref yOffset, monoSpaceCondensed);
                    PrintCode(_monoCode1, ref yOffset);
                    PrintComment(_monoSpaced, _theDefaultMono, QFontAlignment.Left, ref yOffset, monoSpaceCondensed);

                    PrintCommentWithLine(_monoSpaced, _mono, QFontAlignment.Left, 20f, ref yOffset, monoSpaceCondensed);
                    yOffset += 2f;
                    PrintCommentWithLine(_monoSpaced, _mono, QFontAlignment.Right, 20f, ref yOffset, monoSpaceCondensed);
                    yOffset += 2f;
                    PrintCommentWithLine(_monoSpaced, _mono, QFontAlignment.Centre, Width * 0.5f, ref yOffset, monoSpaceCondensed);
                    yOffset += 2f;

                                 "As usual, you can adjust character spacing with myPrimitive.Options.CharacterSpacing.",
                                 QFontAlignment.Left, ref yOffset, monoSpaceCondensed);


                case 9:
                    // in this stage force redraw and recreation of VBO every time: just divert last page
                    _previousPage = -1;
                    yOffset      += _drawing.Print(_heading2, "Preprocessed Text",
                                                   new Vector3(20f, Height - yOffset, 0f),
                    yOffset += 20f;

                    _stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                    yOffset   += _drawing.Print(_mainText, _processedText,
                                                new Vector3(20, Height - yOffset, 0)).Height;
                    long preprocessed = _stopwatch.Elapsed.Ticks;

                    _stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                    yOffset   += _drawing.Print(_mainText, _nonPreProcessed,
                                                new Vector3(20, Height - yOffset, 0),
                                                new SizeF(Width - 40f, -1), QFontAlignment.Left)
                    long notpreprocessed = _stopwatch.Elapsed.Ticks;

                    if (_frameCount > 60)
                        _benchResult = string.Format(("{0}       {1}\nPreprocessed was {2} ticks faster"),
                                                     notpreprocessed, notpreprocessed - preprocessed);
                        _frameCount = 0;

                    _drawing.Print(_benchmarkResults, _benchResult,
                                   new Vector3(Width * 0.5f, Height - yOffset, 0),
                                   QFontAlignment.Centre, Color.White);

                case 10:
                    yOffset += _drawing.Print(_heading2, "In Conclusion",
                                              new Vector3(20f, Height - yOffset, 0f),
                                              QFontAlignment.Left, _heading2Options).Height;

                    PrintComment(_thereAreActually, ref yOffset);


                case 11:
                    yOffset += _drawing.Print(_heading2, "Different installed fonts",
                                              new Vector3(20f, Height - yOffset, 0f),
                                              QFontAlignment.Left, _heading2Options).Height + 20;

                    foreach (var qFont in _installedFonts)
                        yOffset += _drawing.Print(qFont, "This text is printed with " + qFont.FontName,
                                                  new Vector3(20f, Height - yOffset, 0), QFontAlignment.Left, Color.White).Height + 10;



            // Create controlsDrawing every time.. would be also good to vary ProjectionMatrix with * Matrix4.CreateTranslation() !
            // this would save buffer work for OpenGL
            _controlsDrawing.ProjectionMatrix = _projectionMatrix;

            if (_currentDemoPage != _lastPage)
                var     dim = _controlsText.Measure("Press [Right] ->");
                Vector3 pos = new Vector3(Width - dim.Width / 2 - 16 * (float)(1 + Math.Sin(_cnt * 4)),
                                          _controlsText.Measure("P").Height + 10f, 0f);
                var dp = new QFontDrawingPrimitive(_controlsText, _controlsTextOpts);
                dp.ModelViewMatrix = Matrix4.CreateTranslation(0, dim.Height / 2, 0) * Matrix4.CreateRotationZ((float)MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(Math.Sin(_cnt * 4) * 15)) * Matrix4.CreateTranslation(pos);
                dp.Print("Press [Right] ->", Vector3.Zero, QFontAlignment.Centre);

            if (_currentDemoPage != 0)
                var pos = new Vector3(10 + 16 * (float)(1 + Math.Sin(_cnt * 4)), _controlsText.Measure("P").Height + 10f, 0f);
                _controlsDrawing.Print(_controlsText, "<- Press [Left]", pos, QFontAlignment.Left, _controlsTextOpts);

コード例 #10
ファイル: OptionsScene.cs プロジェクト: forki/turnt-ninja
        public override void Draw(double time)

            float lineStep = Math.Max(_optionsFont.MaxLineHeight, _valueFont.MaxLineHeight);
            float height   = lineStep * _options.Count;

            float currentY             = height / 2.0f;
            float unselectedValueScale = 0.8f;

            foreach (var op in _options)
                var settingColour = Color4.Black;
                if (_options[_currentlySelectedOption] != op)
                    settingColour   = Color.Black;
                    settingColour.A = 0.50f;

                var dp = new QFontDrawingPrimitive(_optionsFont.Font, new QFontRenderOptions {
                    Colour = (Color)settingColour
                dp.Print(op.FriendlyName + ":", Vector3.Zero, QFontAlignment.Centre);
                dp.ModelViewMatrix = Matrix4.CreateTranslation(0, _optionsFont.MaxLineHeight * 0.5f, 0)
                                     * Matrix4.CreateTranslation(-WindowWidth * 0.15f, currentY, 0);

                dp = new QFontDrawingPrimitive(_valueFont.Font, new QFontRenderOptions {
                    Colour = (Color)settingColour
                var valueSize = dp.Print(op.GetValue(), Vector3.Zero, QFontAlignment.Centre);
                dp.ModelViewMatrix = Matrix4.CreateTranslation(0, _valueFont.MaxLineHeight * 0.5f, 0)
                                     * Matrix4.CreateTranslation(WindowWidth * 0.15f, currentY, 0);

                if (op.CanMoveForward())
                    dp = new QFontDrawingPrimitive(_valueFont.Font, new QFontRenderOptions {
                        Colour = (Color)settingColour
                    dp.Print(op.GetNextValue(), Vector3.Zero, QFontAlignment.Left);
                    dp.ModelViewMatrix = Matrix4.CreateScale(unselectedValueScale)
                                         * Matrix4.CreateTranslation(WindowWidth * 0.15f + valueSize.Width * 1.25f, currentY + _valueFont.Font.MaxLineHeight * 0.5f * unselectedValueScale, 0);
                if (op.CanMoveBackward())
                    dp = new QFontDrawingPrimitive(_valueFont.Font, new QFontRenderOptions {
                        Colour = (Color)settingColour
                    dp.Print(op.GetPrevValue(), Vector3.Zero, QFontAlignment.Right);
                    dp.ModelViewMatrix = Matrix4.CreateScale(unselectedValueScale)
                                         * Matrix4.CreateTranslation(WindowWidth * 0.15f - valueSize.Width * 1.25f, currentY + _valueFont.Font.MaxLineHeight * 0.5f * unselectedValueScale, 0);

                currentY -= lineStep;

コード例 #11
ファイル: DirectoryBrowser.cs プロジェクト: forki/turnt-ninja
        public void Draw(double time)
            var col = Color4.White;

            if (_fileSystemEntries.Count > 0)
                var s = _selectedFont.Font.Measure(_fileSystemEntries[_directoryBrowserEntryIndex].Name);
                _parentManager.DrawTextLine(_fileSystemEntries[_directoryBrowserEntryIndex].Name, new Vector3(0, s.Height / 2.0f, 0), Color4.White, QFontAlignment.Centre, _selectedFont.Font);

                float startY = _unselectedFont.MaxLineHeight * (_halfEntryDrawCount) + s.Height * 0.5f + _unselectedFont.MaxLineHeight * 0.5f;
                for (int i = _directoryBrowserEntryIndex - (_halfEntryDrawCount); i < _directoryBrowserEntryIndex + _halfEntryDrawCount; i++)
                    if (i >= 0 && i < _fileSystemEntries.Count && i != _directoryBrowserEntryIndex)
                        _parentManager.DrawTextLine(_fileSystemEntries[i].Name, new Vector3(0, startY, 0), col, QFontAlignment.Centre, _unselectedFont.Font);
                    if (i == _directoryBrowserEntryIndex)
                        startY -= s.Height + _unselectedFont.MaxLineHeight * 1.5f;
                    if (i != _directoryBrowserEntryIndex)
                        startY -= _unselectedFont.MaxLineHeight;

            // Draw file systems
            var size = _parentManager.DrawTextLine(_currentFileSystem.FriendlyName, new Vector3(0, (_parentManager.Height / 2), 0), Color4.White, QFontAlignment.Centre, _selectedFont.Font);

            int currentFSIndex = _fileSystemCollection.IndexOf(_currentFileSystem);

            // Draw two file systems on either side
            float unselectedFsScale = 0.9f;

            col   = Color4.White;
            col.A = 1.0f;

            var dp = new QFontDrawingPrimitive(_selectedFont.Font, new QFontRenderOptions {
                Colour = (System.Drawing.Color)col

            // Draw next fs on right
                _fileSystemCollection[(currentFSIndex + 1 + _fileSystemCollection.Count) % _fileSystemCollection.Count].FriendlyName,
            dp.ModelViewMatrix = Matrix4.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(0, size.Height * 2.0f, 0))
                                 * Matrix4.CreateScale(unselectedFsScale)
                                 * Matrix4.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(size.Width * 0.75f, _parentManager.Height / 2 - size.Height * 2.0f, 0));


            dp = new QFontDrawingPrimitive(_selectedFont.Font, new QFontRenderOptions {
                Colour = (System.Drawing.Color)col
            // Draw previous fs on left
                _fileSystemCollection[(currentFSIndex - 1 + _fileSystemCollection.Count) % _fileSystemCollection.Count].FriendlyName,
            dp.ModelViewMatrix = Matrix4.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(0, size.Height * 2.0f, 0))
                                 * Matrix4.CreateScale(unselectedFsScale)
                                 * Matrix4.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(-size.Width * 0.75f, _parentManager.Height / 2 - size.Height * 2.0f, 0));


            var searchString = string.Format("Search: {0}", _searchString);

            _parentManager.DrawTextLine(searchString, new Vector3(0, -(_parentManager.Height / 2) + _searchFont.MaxLineHeight, 0), Color4.White, QuickFont.QFontAlignment.Centre, _searchFont.Font);
コード例 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when it is time to render the next frame. Add your rendering code here.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">Contains timing information.</param>
        protected override void OnRenderFrame(FrameEventArgs e)

            GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit);

            drawing.ProjectionMatrix = _projectionMatrix;


            float yOffset = 0;


            //GL.Color3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0); GL.Vertex2(0, 0);
            //GL.Color3(0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f); GL.Vertex2(0, Height);
            //GL.Color3(0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f); GL.Vertex2(Width, Height);
            //GL.Color3(0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f); GL.Vertex2(Width, 0);

            if (currentDemoPage != _previousPage)
                _previousPage = currentDemoPage;
                // we have to rebuild the stuff

                switch (currentDemoPage)
                case 0:
                    yOffset += drawing.Print(heading1, "ModernQuickFont",
                                             new Vector3((float)Width / 2, Height, 0),
                                             QFontAlignment.Centre, heading1Options).Height;

                    yOffset += drawing.Print(heading2, "Introduction #0",
                                             new Vector3(20, Height - yOffset, 0),
                                             QFontAlignment.Left, heading2Options)

                    yOffset += drawing.Print(mainText, modernQuickFontIntro, new Vector3(30, Height - yOffset, 0),
                                             new SizeF(Width - 60f, -1), QFontAlignment.Justify, new Rectangle(60, Height - 400, 200, 200)).Height;

                    PrintCode(modernIntroCode, ref yOffset);

                case 1:
                    yOffset += drawing.Print(heading1, "QuickFont",
                                             new Vector3((float)Width / 2, Height, 0),
                                             QFontAlignment.Centre, heading1Options).Height;

                    yOffset += drawing.Print(heading2, "Introduction",
                                             new Vector3(20, Height - yOffset, 0),
                                             QFontAlignment.Left, heading2Options)

                    yOffset += 20f;
                    drawing.Print(mainText, introduction, new Vector3(30, Height - yOffset, 0),
                                  new SizeF(Width - 60f, -1), QFontAlignment.Justify);


                case 2:
                    yOffset += drawing.Print(heading2, "Easy as ABC!",
                                             new Vector3(20f, Height - yOffset, 0f),
                                             QFontAlignment.Left, heading2Options).Height;

                    PrintComment(usingQuickFontIsSuperEasy, ref yOffset);
                    PrintCode(loadingAFont1, ref yOffset);

                    PrintComment(andPrintWithIt, ref yOffset);
                    PrintCode(printWithFont1, ref yOffset);

                    PrintComment(itIsAlsoEasyToMeasure, ref yOffset);
                    PrintCode(measureText1, ref yOffset);

                    PrintComment(oneOfTheFirstGotchas, ref yOffset);
                    PrintCode(loadingAFont2, ref yOffset);


                case 3:
                    yOffset += drawing.Print(heading2, "Alignment", new Vector3(20f, Height - yOffset, 0f),
                                             QFontAlignment.Left, heading2Options).Height;

                    PrintCommentWithLine(whenPrintingText, QFontAlignment.Left, 20f, ref yOffset);
                    PrintCode(printWithFont2, ref yOffset);

                    PrintCommentWithLine(righAlignedText, QFontAlignment.Right, 20f, ref yOffset);
                    yOffset += 10f;

                    PrintCommentWithLine(centredTextAsYou, QFontAlignment.Centre, Width * 0.5f, ref yOffset);


                case 4:
                    // in this stage force redraw and recreation of VBO every time: just divert last page
                    _previousPage = -1;
                    yOffset      += drawing.Print(heading2, "Bounds and Justify",
                                                  new Vector3(20f, Height - yOffset, 0f),
                                                  QFontAlignment.Left, heading2Options).Height;

                    yOffset += 20;
                    yOffset += drawing.Print(controlsText, "Press [Up], [Down] or [Enter]!",
                                             new Vector3(Width * 0.5f, Height - yOffset, 0f),
                                             QFontAlignment.Centre, controlsTextOpts).Height;

                    float boundShrink = (int)(350 * (1 - Math.Cos(boundsAnimationCnt * Math.PI * 2)));

                    yOffset += 15;
                    PrintWithBounds(mainText, ofCourseItsNot,
                                    new RectangleF(30f + boundShrink * 0.5f, yOffset, Width - 60 - boundShrink,
                                                   350f), cycleAlignment, ref yOffset);

                    string printWithBounds = "myFont.Print(text, position, maxSize, QFontAlignment." +
                                             cycleAlignment + ");";
                    yOffset += 15f;
                    PrintCode(printWithBounds, ref yOffset);


                case 5:
                    yOffset += drawing.Print(heading2, "Your own Texture Fonts",
                                             new Vector3(20f, Height - yOffset, 0f),
                                             QFontAlignment.Left, heading2Options).Height;

                    PrintComment(anotherCoolFeature, ref yOffset);
                    PrintCode(textureFontCode1, ref yOffset);
                    PrintComment(thisWillHaveCreated, ref yOffset);


                case 6:
                    yOffset += drawing.Print(heading2, "Your own Texture Fonts",
                                             new Vector3(20f, Height - yOffset, 0f),
                                             QFontAlignment.Left, heading2Options).Height;

                    PrintComment(ifYouDoIntend, ref yOffset);
                    PrintCode(textureFontCode2, ref yOffset);
                    PrintComment(actuallyTexturing, ref yOffset);
                    PrintCode(textureFontCode3, ref yOffset);


                case 7:
                    // in this stage force redraw and recreation of VBO every time: just divert last page
                    _previousPage = -1;

                    // store this primitive to remember
                    QFontDrawingPrimitive dp = new QFontDrawingPrimitive(heading2);
                    dp.Options.DropShadowActive = true;
                    dp.Options.DropShadowOffset = new Vector2(0.1f + 0.2f * (float)Math.Sin(cnt),
                                                              0.1f + 0.2f * (float)Math.Cos(cnt));

                    yOffset += dp.Print("Drop Shadows",
                                        new Vector3(20f, Height - yOffset, 0f),

                    PrintComment(asIhaveleant, ref yOffset);
                    PrintCode(dropShadowCode1, ref yOffset);
                    PrintComment(thisWorksFine, ref yOffset);
                    PrintCode(dropShadowCode2, ref yOffset);
                    PrintComment(onceAFont, ref yOffset);

                    //mainText.Options.DropShadowActive = false;

                case 8:
                    yOffset += drawing.Print(heading2, "Monospaced Fonts",
                                             new Vector3(20f, Height - yOffset, 0f),
                                             QFontAlignment.Left, heading2Options).Height;

                    QFontRenderOptions monoSpaceCondensed = monoSpacedOptions.CreateClone();
                    monoSpaceCondensed.CharacterSpacing = 0.05f;
                    PrintComment(monoSpaced, hereIsSomeMono, QFontAlignment.Left, ref yOffset, monoSpaceCondensed);
                    PrintCode(monoCode1, ref yOffset);
                    PrintComment(monoSpaced, theDefaultMono, QFontAlignment.Left, ref yOffset, monoSpaceCondensed);

                    PrintCommentWithLine(monoSpaced, mono, QFontAlignment.Left, 20f, ref yOffset, monoSpaceCondensed);
                    yOffset += 2f;
                    PrintCommentWithLine(monoSpaced, mono, QFontAlignment.Right, 20f, ref yOffset, monoSpaceCondensed);
                    yOffset += 2f;
                    PrintCommentWithLine(monoSpaced, mono, QFontAlignment.Centre, Width * 0.5f, ref yOffset, monoSpaceCondensed);
                    yOffset += 2f;

                                 "As usual, you can adjust character spacing with myPrimitive.Options.CharacterSpacing.",
                                 QFontAlignment.Left, ref yOffset, monoSpaceCondensed);


                case 9:
                    // in this stage force redraw and recreation of VBO every time: just divert last page
                    _previousPage = -1;
                    yOffset      += drawing.Print(heading2, "Preprocessed Text",
                                                  new Vector3(20f, Height - yOffset, 0f),
                    yOffset += 20f;

                    _stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                    yOffset   += drawing.Print(mainText, _processedText,
                                               new Vector3(20, Height - yOffset, 0)).Height;
                    long preprocessed = _stopwatch.Elapsed.Ticks;

                    _stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                    yOffset   += drawing.Print(mainText, nonPreProcessed,
                                               new Vector3(20, Height - yOffset, 0),
                                               new SizeF(Width - 40f, -1), QFontAlignment.Left)
                    long notpreprocessed = _stopwatch.Elapsed.Ticks;

                    if (frameCount > 60)
                        _benchResult = string.Format(("{0}       {1}\nPreprocessed was {2} ticks faster"),
                                                     notpreprocessed, notpreprocessed - preprocessed);
                        frameCount = 0;

                    drawing.Print(_benchmarkResults, _benchResult,
                                  new Vector3(Width * 0.5f, Height - yOffset, 0),
                                  QFontAlignment.Centre, Color.White);

                case 10:
                    yOffset += drawing.Print(heading2, "In Conclusion",
                                             new Vector3(20f, Height - yOffset, 0f),
                                             QFontAlignment.Left, heading2Options).Height;

                    PrintComment(thereAreActually, ref yOffset);



            // Create controlsDrawing every time.. would be also good to vary ProjectionMatrix with * Matrix4.CreateTranslation() !
            // this would save buffer work for OpenGL
            controlsDrawing.ProjectionMatrix = _projectionMatrix;

            if (currentDemoPage != lastPage)
                Vector3 pos = new Vector3(Width - 10 - 16 * (float)(1 + Math.Sin(cnt * 4)),
                                          controlsText.Measure("P").Height + 10f, 0f);
                controlsDrawing.Print(controlsText, "Press [Right] ->", pos, QFontAlignment.Right, controlsTextOpts);

            if (currentDemoPage != 0)
                var pos = new Vector3(10 + 16 * (float)(1 + Math.Sin(cnt * 4)), controlsText.Measure("P").Height + 10f, 0f);
                controlsDrawing.Print(controlsText, "<- Press [Left]", pos, QFontAlignment.Left, controlsTextOpts);
