コード例 #1
    //Used to set a bezier path for the gizmo drawing
    void SetPathFromIndex(bool mobilePath, int currentIndex)
        Vector3[] debugPath = new Vector3[curveNodeCount[currentIndex]];

        if (mobilePath)
            for (int i = 0; i < curveNodeCount[currentIndex]; i++)
                if (debugPath.Length > i)
                    debugPath[i] =
                        QCBezier.Bezier2((float)i / curveNodeCount[currentIndex], cutsceneCameraPoints[currentIndex + 1].position, cutsceneMidPoints[currentIndex + 1].position,
                                         cutsceneCameraPoints[currentIndex + 2].position);
            for (int i = 0; i < curveNodeCount[currentIndex]; i++)
                if (debugPath.Length > i)
                    debugPath[i] =
                        QCBezier.Bezier3((float)i / curveNodeCount[currentIndex], cutsceneCameraPoints[currentIndex + 1].position, cutsceneMidPoints[currentIndex + 1].position,
                                         cutsceneCubicMidPoints[currentIndex + 1].position,
                                         cutsceneCameraPoints[currentIndex + 2].position);

        currentDebugnodes = debugPath;
コード例 #2
    //Moves along a bezier path over a period of time
    private void CurveMove()
        if (currentUseLerp)        //If we are lerping, we need to create the points as we go
            t += deltaTimeMultiplier / currentCameraSpeed;

            if (mobileCurve)
                mainCamT.position = QCBezier.Bezier2(t, cutsceneCameraPoints[currentEvent + 1].position, cutsceneMidPoints[currentEvent + 1].position,
                                                     cutsceneCameraPoints[currentEvent + 2].position);
                mainCamT.position =
                    QCBezier.Bezier3(t, cutsceneCameraPoints[currentEvent + 1].position, cutsceneMidPoints[currentEvent + 1].position,
                                     cutsceneCubicMidPoints[currentEvent + 1].position,
                                     cutsceneCameraPoints[currentEvent + 2].position);

            if (t >= 1)
                doUpdate = false;
                t        = 0f;
            if (currentNodePosition < currentNodes.Length)
                mainCamT.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(mainCamT.position, currentNodes[currentNodePosition], customCurveMovementSpeed[currentEvent] * Time.deltaTime);
                if (mainCamT.position == currentNodes[currentNodePosition])
                    currentNodePosition += 1;
                doUpdate            = false;
                currentNodePosition = 0;
コード例 #3
    //This coroutine handles the cutscene whilst active. It will call itself to
    //proceed to the next 'event' in the cutscene after the preceding event is finished
    IEnumerator PlayCutscene()
        //Make sure currentEvent is valid, if not, output to debug and end the cutscene
        if (cutsceneEventKeyTime.Length < currentEvent)
            Debug.LogWarning("Camera event time " + cutsceneEventKeyTime[currentEvent] + " did not have a value set.");

        //Broadcast the message at the start of this event if we want to
        if (broadcastMessageChoice[currentEvent])
            //Debug.Log("Trying to send message");
            if (broadcastMessageTarget[currentEvent] != null && broadcastMessageString[currentEvent] != "")
                broadcastMessageTarget[currentEvent].BroadcastMessage(broadcastMessageString[currentEvent], SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
                Debug.LogWarning("No target/method name for BroadcastMessage set");

        //Wait desired amount before moving
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(cutsceneEventKeyTime[currentEvent]));

        //Broadcast that we have reached a transition. Because we only do this at specific intervals, it is fine to use over delegates/events.
        BroadcastMessage("OnCutsceneEnterTransition", currentEvent + 1, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);

        //Set our current positional, rotational and speed targets, with error handling
        if (cutsceneCameraPoints[currentEvent + 2] != null)
            currentPositionTarget = cutsceneCameraPoints[currentEvent + 2].position;
            currentRotationTarget = cutsceneCameraPoints[currentEvent + 2].rotation;
        else             //If something is wrong, end the cutscene
            Debug.LogWarning("Camera point " + cutsceneCameraPoints[currentEvent + 2] + " did not have a value set.");

        //Set our movement and rotational speeds
        currentSpeedSetting           = cutsceneCameraSpeedOptions[currentEvent];
        currentRotationalSpeedSetting = cutsceneCameraRotationSpeedOptions[currentEvent];

        //Check if we want to follow a target during this transition
        if (currentRotationalSpeedSetting == CameraRotationSpeedOptions.FollowTarget)
            //Set the current position we want to follow with the camera
            currentSmoothFollowTarget = smoothFollowTarget[currentEvent];

            //Handle null references
            if (!currentSmoothFollowTarget)
                Debug.LogWarning("No smooth follow target set for event " + (currentEvent + 1));

        //Set the cameras movement and rotational/follow speed targets

        //Make sure we are still in the cutscene before we change the time scales
        if (playingCutscene)
            //Set the time scale to be used for this event
            Time.timeScale = cutsceneEventTimescale[currentEvent];
            //Sets the fixed timestep as well. 0.02 is the default physics timestep
            Time.fixedDeltaTime = (cutsceneEventTimescale[currentEvent] * 0.02f);


        //Start updating in Update()
        doUpdate = true;

        //Start camera shake if we want it
        if (doShake[currentEvent] == true)
            cameraShakeTime = initialCameraShakeTime / cameraShakeAmount[currentEvent];

        //Control zooming
        if (cutsceneEventZoom[currentEvent] == true)
            currentZoomSpeed = cutsceneEventZoomSpeed[currentEvent];

        //Start curved movement if we want it
        if (curveChoice[currentEvent] == true && currentUseLerp == false)
            if (currentEvent < cutsceneCameraPoints.Length)
                Vector3[] path = new Vector3[curveNodeCount[currentEvent]];

                //Check what curve we want (mobile is quadratic/lower cost, other is cubic)
                if (mobileCurve)
                    for (int i = 0; i < curveNodeCount[currentEvent]; i++)
                        path[i] =
                            QCBezier.Bezier2((float)i / curveNodeCount[currentEvent], cutsceneCameraPoints[currentEvent + 1].position, cutsceneMidPoints[currentEvent + 1].position,
                                             cutsceneCameraPoints[currentEvent + 2].position);
                    for (int i = 0; i < curveNodeCount[currentEvent]; i++)
                        path[i] =
                            QCBezier.Bezier3((float)i / curveNodeCount[currentEvent], cutsceneCameraPoints[currentEvent + 1].position, cutsceneMidPoints[currentEvent + 1].position,
                                             cutsceneCubicMidPoints[currentEvent + 1].position,
                                             cutsceneCameraPoints[currentEvent + 2].position);

                currentNodes = path;

                //currentCameraSpeed = customCurveMovementSpeed[currentEvent] / currentNodes.Length;//Set this for lerping the value
                Debug.LogWarning("Curve point not found, you cannot start a curve at the last camera point");

        //Don't progress further until current update has finished
        while (doUpdate == true)
            yield return(null);

        //If we have gone through all the camera points, finish the cutscene
        if (currentEvent == cutsceneCameraPoints.Length - 3)
        else             //If not, proceed to the next event