コード例 #1
ファイル: PythonUtility.cs プロジェクト: jakelamotta/FPLStats
        public static PythonResultDto <string> ExecutePythonScript(PythonRequestDto request)
            var cmd = request.Command; // "understats2.py";
            var workingDirectory       = Utility.GetApplicationSetting <string>("WorkingDirectory");
            var pathToPythonExecutable = Utility.GetApplicationSetting <string>("PathTopythonExe");

            var pythonResult = new PythonResultDto <string>
                Status = false

            ProcessStartInfo start = new ProcessStartInfo();

            start.WorkingDirectory       = workingDirectory;
            start.FileName               = pathToPythonExecutable;
            start.Arguments              = string.Format("\"{0}\" \"{1}\" \"{2}\"", cmd, request.Params[0], request.Params[1]);
            start.UseShellExecute        = false; // Do not use OS shell
            start.CreateNoWindow         = true;  // We don't need new window
            start.RedirectStandardOutput = true;  // Any output, generated by application will be redirected back
            start.RedirectStandardError  = true;  // Any error in standard output will be redirected back (for example exceptions)

            using (Process process = Process.Start(start))
                using (StreamReader reader = process.StandardOutput)
                    string stderr = process.StandardError.ReadToEnd(); // Here are the exceptions from our Python script
                    string result = reader.ReadToEnd();                // Here is the result of StdOut(for example: print "test")

                    pythonResult.Status       = stderr == "";
                    pythonResult.ErrorMessage = stderr;
                    pythonResult.Output       = result.StripLineBreaks();

コード例 #2
ファイル: StatsProvider.cs プロジェクト: jakelamotta/FPLStats
        public BaseResultDto <List <SeasonTeamDto> > GetTeams(IEnumerable <SeasonDto> seasons)
            var result = new BaseResultDto <List <SeasonTeamDto> >();

            result.DataObject = new List <SeasonTeamDto>();
            var dataPath = Utility.GetApplicationSetting <string>("PathToDataFiles");

            foreach (var season in seasons)
                var pythonRequest = new PythonRequestDto
                    Command = Utility.GetApplicationSetting <string>("TeamScript"),
                    Params  = new string[] { season.StartYear.ToString(), season.League.Name }

                var pythonResult = PythonUtility.ExecutePythonScript(pythonRequest);

                if (pythonResult.Status)
                    var cleanSheetsFile = Utility.GetFileData(dataPath + "team_Fpl.csv");

                    foreach (var line in Utility.GetFileData(dataPath + pythonResult.Output).Skip(1))
                        var lineAsList = Utility.CsvRowToList(line);

                        int    position;
                        int    matches;
                        int    won;
                        int    drawn;
                        int    lost;
                        int    goals;
                        int    goalsAgainst;
                        int    points;
                        double xG;
                        double xGAgainst;
                        double xPoints;

                        var status = int.TryParse(lineAsList[0], out position);
                        status &= int.TryParse(lineAsList[2], out matches);
                        status &= int.TryParse(lineAsList[3], out won);
                        status &= int.TryParse(lineAsList[4], out drawn);
                        status &= int.TryParse(lineAsList[5], out lost);
                        status &= int.TryParse(lineAsList[6], out goals);
                        status &= int.TryParse(lineAsList[7], out goalsAgainst);
                        status &= int.TryParse(lineAsList[8], out points);

                        status &= double.TryParse(lineAsList[9].StripXValues().Replace(".", ","), out xG);
                        status &= double.TryParse(lineAsList[10].StripXValues().Replace(".", ","), out xGAgainst);
                        status &= double.TryParse(lineAsList[11].StripXValues().Replace(".", ","), out xPoints);

                        if (status)
                            var seasonTeam = new SeasonTeamDto
                                Season = season,
                                Team   = new TeamDto
                                    Name = ConvertDoubleTeam(lineAsList[1])
                                Drawn        = drawn,
                                GoalsAgainst = goalsAgainst,
                                GoalsFor     = goals,
                                Lost         = lost,
                                GamesPlayed  = matches,
                                Points       = points,
                                Position     = position,
                                Won          = won,
                                XGAgainst    = xGAgainst,
                                XGFor        = xG,
                                XPoints      = xPoints


                    var           nextPosition = true;
                    var           nextTeam     = false;
                    var           nextCS       = false;
                    SeasonTeamDto st           = null;

                    foreach (var line in cleanSheetsFile)
                        if (nextPosition)
                            nextPosition = false;
                            nextTeam     = true;
                            nextCS       = false;

                        int cs;

                        if (nextTeam)
                            st = result.DataObject.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Team.Name.Equals(line) &&
                                                                  r.Season.Id == season.Id);

                            if (st == null)
                                var tt = 1;

                            nextPosition = false;
                            nextTeam     = false;
                            nextCS       = true;


                        var status = int.TryParse(line, out cs);

                        if (!status || st == null)
                            throw new Exception();

                        st.CleanSheets = cs;

                        st           = null;
                        nextPosition = true;
                        nextTeam     = false;
                        nextCS       = false;

                    //foreach (var line in cleanSheetsFile)
                    //    var csLineAsList = Utility.CsvRowToList(line);
                    //    int cs;

                    //    var st = result.DataObject.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Team.Name.Equals(csLineAsList[1])
                    //        && r.Season.Id == season.Id);

                    //    var status = int.TryParse(csLineAsList[2], out cs);

                    //    if (!status || st == null)
                    //    {
                    //        throw new Exception();
                    //    }

                    //    st.CleanSheets = cs;
                    var e = new Exception(pythonResult.ErrorMessage);
                    _logger.Error(e, "Could not parse team data");
                    throw e;

            //result.Status = result.DataObject.Count/seasons.Count() == 20;
            result.Status = true;
