public static PyString CreateString(IParseTree context) { // TODO: Expand to include literals, unicode, f-strings... // For now, we just clip off the single/double quotes string rawText = context.GetText(); // Check for long string. var match = LongStringDoubleQuoteRegex.Match(rawText); if (match.Success) { return(PyString.Create(match.Groups[1].Value)); } match = LongStringSingleQuoteRegex.Match(rawText); if (match.Success) { return(PyString.Create(match.Groups[1].Value)); } // At this point, just assume quotes on each end and clip them off. string finalString = rawText.Substring(1, rawText.Length - 2); return(PyString.Create(finalString)); }
public void DeclareBasicTuple() { // The peephole optimizer for reference Python code can turn the constants straight into a tuple. // That's a huge pain, so here's an example that throws in some math to show how it goes under // the hood. // // >>> def big_tuple(x): // ... a = (x + 1, x + 2) // ... return a // ... // >>> dis.dis(big_tuple) // 2 0 LOAD_FAST 0(x) // 2 LOAD_CONST 1(1) // 4 BINARY_ADD // 6 LOAD_FAST 0(x) // 8 LOAD_CONST 2(2) // 10 BINARY_ADD // 12 BUILD_TUPLE 2 // 14 STORE_FAST 1(a) // // 3 16 LOAD_FAST 1(a) // 18 RETURN_VALUE var interpreter = runProgram("a = (\"foo\", 1)\n", new Dictionary <string, object>(), 1); var variables = interpreter.DumpVariables(); Assert.That(variables.ContainsKey("a")); var tuple = (PyTuple)variables["a"]; Assert.That(tuple.Values, Is.EquivalentTo(new object[] { PyString.Create("foo"), PyInteger.Create(1) })); }
public void BasicSingleQuoteString() { var context = new MockContext("'Hello'"); PyString result = ConstantsFactory.CreateString(context); Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(PyString.Create("Hello"))); }
public static object Convert(object fromObj, Type toType) { cachedKey.Item1 = fromObj.GetType(); cachedKey.Item2 = toType; if (fromObj == NoneType.Instance) { return(null); } else if (toType.IsAssignableFrom(cachedKey.Item1)) { return(fromObj); } else if (toType == typeof(string)) { return(fromObj.ToString()); } else if (toType == typeof(PyString)) { return(PyString.Create(fromObj.ToString())); } else if (converters.ContainsKey(cachedKey)) { return(converters[cachedKey].Invoke(fromObj)); } else if (fromObj is PyDotNetClassProxy) { return(((PyDotNetClassProxy)fromObj).__getattribute__(PyDotNetClassProxy.__dotnettype__)); } else { return(fromObj); } }
public void LongString() { var context = new MockContext("\"\"\"Hello\"\"\""); PyString result = ConstantsFactory.CreateString(context); Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(PyString.Create("Hello"))); }
public void DeclareBasicDictionary() { // The peephole optimizer figures out basic, constant dictionaries and diverts them to // BUILD_CONST_KEY_MAP, so I have to use a more obtuse example here to show BUILD_MAP. // return_foo() just returns "foo": // // >>> def dict_name_maker(): // ... return {return_foo(): "bar", "number": 1} // ... // >>> dis.dis(dict_name_maker) // 2 0 LOAD_GLOBAL 0 (return_foo) // 2 CALL_FUNCTION 0 // 4 LOAD_CONST 1 ('bar') // 6 LOAD_CONST 2 ('number') // 8 LOAD_CONST 3 (1) // 10 BUILD_MAP 2 // 12 RETURN_VALUE // var interpreter = runProgram("a = { \"foo\": \"bar\", \"number\": 1 }\n", new Dictionary <string, object>(), 1); var variables = interpreter.DumpVariables(); Assert.That(variables.ContainsKey("a")); Assert.That(variables["a"], Is.EquivalentTo(new Dictionary <PyString, object> { { PyString.Create("foo"), PyString.Create("bar") }, { PyString.Create("number"), PyInteger.Create(1) } })); }
public static PyString readline(PyIOBase self, PyInteger size = null) { if (size == null) { size = PyInteger.Create(-1); } return(PyString.Create(self.Readline(size.number))); }
public void DeclareSingleElementTuple() { var interpreter = runProgram("a = (\"foo\",)\n", new Dictionary <string, object>(), 1); var variables = interpreter.DumpVariables(); Assert.That(variables.ContainsKey("a")); var tuple = (PyTuple)variables["a"]; Assert.That(tuple.Values, Is.EquivalentTo(new object[] { PyString.Create("foo") })); }
public void StringConcatenation() { // Making sure that we're properly parsing and generating all of these when there's multiples of the operator. runBasicTest( "a = 'Hello'\n" + "a = a + ', World!'\n", new VariableMultimap(new TupleList <string, object> { { "a", PyString.Create("Hello, World!") } }), 1); }
public void SimpleStrAssign() { runBasicTest("a = 'Hello!'\n", new VariableMultimap(new TupleList <string, object> { { "a", PyString.Create("Hello!") } }), 1); runBasicTest("a = \"Hello!\"\n", new VariableMultimap(new TupleList <string, object> { { "a", PyString.Create("Hello!") } }), 1); }
public void IndexIntoListWithVariable() { var interpreter = runProgram("a = [\"foo\", 1]\n" + "b = 0\n" + "c = a[b]\n", new Dictionary <string, object>(), 1); var variables = interpreter.DumpVariables(); Assert.That(variables.ContainsKey("c")); var element = (PyString)variables["c"]; Assert.That(element, Is.EqualTo(PyString.Create("foo"))); }
public void DictionaryReadWrite() { var interpreter = runProgram("a = { \"foo\": 1, \"bar\": 2 }\n" + "b = a[\"foo\"]\n" + "a[\"bar\"] = 200\n", new Dictionary <string, object>(), 1); var variables = interpreter.DumpVariables(); Assert.That(variables.ContainsKey("a")); Assert.That(variables["a"], Is.EquivalentTo(new Dictionary <PyString, object> { { PyString.Create("foo"), PyInteger.Create(1) }, { PyString.Create("bar"), PyInteger.Create(200) } })); Assert.That(variables.ContainsKey("b")); Assert.That(variables["b"], Is.EqualTo(PyInteger.Create(1))); }
/// <summary> /// Implements the dir() command used to dump methods and properties of this PyObject. /// </summary> /// <param name="o">The object to inspect</param> /// <returns>A PyList of the names of the methods and properties of this PyObject.</returns> //public static async Task<PyList> dir(IInterpreter interpreter, FrameContext context, PyObject o) public static async Task <object> dir(IInterpreter interpreter, FrameContext context, PyObject o) { // TODO: Figure out how to switch to Task<PyList> signature without everything hanging. var internalList = new List <object>(); foreach (var name in o.__dict__.Keys) { internalList.Add(PyString.Create(name)); } // Alphabetize them. It's how Python does it and it is quite useful for scanning through the output anyways. internalList.Sort((a, b) => a.ToString().CompareTo(b.ToString())); var retList = (PyList)await PyListClass.Instance.Call(interpreter, context, new object[0]); retList.SetList(internalList); return(retList); }
public void DeclareBasicList() { // 2 0 LOAD_CONST 1 ('foo') // 2 LOAD_CONST 2(1) // 4 BUILD_LIST 2 // 6 STORE_FAST 0(a) var interpreter = runProgram("a = [\"foo\", 1]\n", new Dictionary <string, object>(), 1); var variables = interpreter.DumpVariables(); Assert.That(variables.ContainsKey("a")); List <object> referenceList = new List <object>(); referenceList.Add(PyString.Create("foo")); referenceList.Add(PyInteger.Create(1)); var list = (PyList)variables["a"]; Assert.That(list, Is.EquivalentTo(referenceList)); }
public async Task LenFunction() { var dictin = PyDict.Create(); dictin.InternalDict[PyString.Create("1")] = PyInteger.Create(1); dictin.InternalDict[PyString.Create("2")] = PyInteger.Create(2); await runBasicTest( "listout = len(listin)\n" + "dictout = len(dictin)\n" + "tupleout = len(tuplein)\n" + "strout = len(strin)\n" + "rangeout = len(rangein)\n" + "arrayout = len(arrayin)\n" + "enumerableout = len(enumerablein)\n" + "dotnetstrout = len(dotnetstrin)\n", // I think this should be IEnumerable but I'm not taking chances new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "listin", PyList.Create(new List <object>() { PyInteger.Create(1) }) }, { "dictin", dictin }, { "tuplein", PyTuple.Create(new object[] { 1, 2, 3 }) }, { "strin", PyString.Create("1234") }, { "rangein", PyRange.Create(5, 0, 1) }, { "arrayin", new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } }, { "enumerablein", new List <int>() { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 } }, { "dotnetstrin", "12345678" }, }, new VariableMultimap(new TupleList <string, object> { { "listout", PyInteger.Create(1) }, { "dictout", PyInteger.Create(2) }, { "tupleout", PyInteger.Create(3) }, { "strout", PyInteger.Create(4) }, { "rangeout", PyInteger.Create(5) }, { "arrayout", PyInteger.Create(6) }, { "enumerableout", PyInteger.Create(7) }, { "dotnetstrout", PyInteger.Create(8) }, }), 1); }
public async Task DoubleComprehension() { string program = "a = [['Hello', 'World!'], ['Lets', 'Eat!']]\n" + "b = [word for words in a for word in words]\n"; var b = PyList.Create(); b.list.Add(PyString.Create("Hello")); b.list.Add(PyString.Create("World!")); b.list.Add(PyString.Create("Lets")); b.list.Add(PyString.Create("Eat!")); await runBasicTest(program, new VariableMultimap(new TupleList <string, object> { { "b", b } }), 1); }
public async Task NumericStringConversions() { await runBasicTest( "a_string = '1'\n" + "as_int = int(a_string)\n" + "as_float = float(a_string)\n" + "as_bool = bool(a_string)\n" + "int_str = str(1)\n" + "float_str = str(1.0)\n" + "bool_str = str(True)\n", new VariableMultimap(new TupleList <string, object> { { "as_int", PyInteger.Create(1) }, { "as_float", PyFloat.Create(1.0) }, { "as_bool", PyBool.True }, { "int_str", PyString.Create("1") }, { "float_str", PyString.Create("1.0") }, { "bool_str", PyString.Create("True") }, }), 1); }
public void setupFinders() { var repo = new InjectedModuleRepository(); fooModule = PyModule.Create("foo"); barModule = PyModule.Create("bar"); fooThing = PyString.Create("FooThing"); otherThing = PyString.Create("OtherThing"); fooModule.__dict__.Add("bar", barModule); fooModule.__dict__.Add("FooThing", fooThing); fooModule.__dict__.Add("OtherThing", otherThing); foo2Module = PyModule.Create("foo2"); repo.AddNewModuleRoot(fooModule); repo.AddNewModuleRoot(foo2Module); moduleFinders = new List <ISpecFinder>(); moduleFinders.Add(repo); }
public async Task SecondLevelNonModule() { // Exception should be something like: // ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ''; '' is not a package // They would be forced to use the "from import barstring" var repo = new InjectedModuleRepository(); var fooModule = PyModule.Create("foo"); var barModule = PyModule.Create("bar"); var barString = PyString.Create("bar string"); barModule.__dict__.Add("barstring", barString); fooModule.__dict__.Add("bar", barModule); repo.AddNewModuleRoot(fooModule); var barStringSpec = repo.find_spec(null, "", null, null); Assert.That(barStringSpec, Is.Not.Null); var barStringLoaded = await barStringSpec.Loader.Load(null, null, barStringSpec); Assert.That(barStringLoaded, Is.EqualTo(barString)); }
public async Task BasicImport() { var repoRoots = new List <string>(); var fake_module_root = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(typeof(FileImporterTests).Assembly.Location), "fake_module_root"); repoRoots.Add(fake_module_root); var scheduler = new Scheduler(); // Might not need the actual scheduler... var interpreter = new Interpreter(scheduler); var loader = new FileBasedModuleLoader(); var rootContext = new FrameContext(); var repo = new FileBasedModuleFinder(repoRoots, loader); var spec = repo.find_spec(null, "test", null, null); Assert.NotNull(spec); var loadedModule = await spec.Loader.Load(interpreter, rootContext, spec) as PyModule; Assert.That(loadedModule.__dict__, Contains.Key("a_string")); Assert.That(loadedModule.__dict__["a_string"], Is.EqualTo(PyString.Create("Yay!"))); }