private IEnumerable <ICommandData> MigratePerson1ToPerson2(RavenJObject doc, RavenJObject metadata) { var name = doc.Value <string>("Name"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { doc["FirstName"] = name.Split(' ')[0]; doc["LastName"] = name.Split(' ')[1]; } doc.Remove("Name"); metadata[Constants.RavenClrType] = "RavenMigrations.Tests.Person2, RavenMigrations.Tests"; var foobaz = new FooBaz { Id = 1, Bar = "loaded" }; var foobazDoc = RavenJObject.FromObject(foobaz); var meta = new RavenJObject(); meta[Constants.RavenEntityName] = "FooBazs"; var cmd = new PutCommandData { Document = foobazDoc, Key = "foobazs/" + foobaz.Id, Metadata = meta }; return(new[] { cmd }); }
public static ICommandData CreateCommand(RavenJObject jsonCommand, TransactionInformation transactionInformation) { var key = jsonCommand["Key"].Value<string>(); switch (jsonCommand.Value<string>("Method")) { case "PUT": var putCommand = new PutCommandData { Key = key, Etag = GetEtagFromCommand(jsonCommand), Document = jsonCommand["Document"] as RavenJObject, Metadata = jsonCommand["Metadata"] as RavenJObject, TransactionInformation = transactionInformation }; ValidateMetadataKeys(putCommand.Metadata); return putCommand; case "DELETE": return new DeleteCommandData { Key = key, Etag = GetEtagFromCommand(jsonCommand), TransactionInformation = transactionInformation }; case "PATCH": return new PatchCommandData { Key = key, Etag = GetEtagFromCommand(jsonCommand), TransactionInformation = transactionInformation, Metadata = jsonCommand["Metadata"] as RavenJObject, Patches = jsonCommand .Value<RavenJArray>("Patches") .Cast<RavenJObject>() .Select(PatchRequest.FromJson) .ToArray(), PatchesIfMissing = jsonCommand["PatchesIfMissing"] == null ? null : jsonCommand .Value<RavenJArray>("PatchesIfMissing") .Cast<RavenJObject>() .Select(PatchRequest.FromJson) .ToArray(), SkipPatchIfEtagMismatch = jsonCommand.ContainsKey("SkipPatchIfEtagMismatch") && jsonCommand.Value<bool>("SkipPatchIfEtagMismatch") }; case "EVAL": var debug = jsonCommand["DebugMode"].Value<bool>(); return new ScriptedPatchCommandData { Key = key, Metadata = jsonCommand["Metadata"] as RavenJObject, Etag = GetEtagFromCommand(jsonCommand), TransactionInformation = transactionInformation, Patch = ScriptedPatchRequest.FromJson(jsonCommand.Value<RavenJObject>("Patch")), PatchIfMissing = jsonCommand["PatchIfMissing"] == null ? null : ScriptedPatchRequest.FromJson(jsonCommand.Value<RavenJObject>("PatchIfMissing")), DebugMode = debug }; default: throw new ArgumentException("Batching only supports PUT, PATCH, EVAL and DELETE."); } }
public static PutCommandData ToPutCommandData(this RavenJObject itemToSave) { var output = new PutCommandData { Document = itemToSave, Metadata = itemToSave.Value <RavenJObject>("@metadata"), Key = itemToSave.Value <RavenJObject>("@metadata").Value <string>("@id") }; return(output); }
public void PutEntities(List <object> entities) { var commands = new List <PutCommandData>(); foreach (var entity in entities) { var command = new PutCommandData(); command.Document = RavenJObject.FromObject(entity); command.Key = GenerateId(entity); command.Metadata = CreateMetadata(entity); commands.Add(command); } var response = httpClient .PostAsync(databaseUrl + "/bulk_docs", new JsonContent(RavenJToken.FromObject(commands))) .ResultUnwrap(); if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode == false) { throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("BATCH failed. Code: {0}.", response.StatusCode)); } }
public void Run(ISagaInfo sagaInfo) { PrintHelper.PrintFunctionCallDetails("PopulateSagaUniqueIdentityRecords", sagaInfo); var documentStore = new DocumentStore { Url = sagaInfo.RavenUrl, DefaultDatabase = sagaInfo.DatabaseName }; documentStore.Initialize(); var existingSagaUniqueIdentityUniqueValues = DocumentHelper.GetExistingSagaUniqueIdentityUniqueValues(documentStore, sagaInfo); var commandsList = new List <ICommandData>(); var dictionarytest = new Dictionary <string, int>(); const int pageSize = 100; for (var start = 0; ; start += pageSize) { var sagaDocuments = documentStore.DatabaseCommands.GetDocuments(start, pageSize); foreach (var document in sagaDocuments) { if (document.Key.StartsWith(sagaInfo.SagaKeyPrefix) && DocumentHelper.HasServicebusUniqueValue(document)) { var body = document.DataAsJson; var uniqueValue = body.Value <string>(sagaInfo.UniqueField); if (existingSagaUniqueIdentityUniqueValues.Exists(x => x == uniqueValue)) { PrintHelper.PrintMessage(string.Format("Skip uniquevalue {0} because it already exists", uniqueValue)); continue; // Already has SagaUniqueIdentity record } var sagaId = document.Key.Replace(sagaInfo.SagaKeyPrefix + "/", ""); var documentBody = new RavenJObject(); documentBody.Add("SagaId", sagaId); documentBody.Add("UniqueValue", uniqueValue); documentBody.Add("SagaDocId", document.Key); var documentMetadata = new RavenJObject(); documentMetadata.Add("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8"); documentMetadata.Add("Raven-Entity-Name", "SagaUniqueIdentity"); documentMetadata.Add("Raven-Clr-Type", "NServiceBus.SagaPersisters.Raven.SagaUniqueIdentity, NServiceBus.Core"); ICommandData command = new PutCommandData { Key = DocumentHelper.GenerateUniqueIdentityRecordId(uniqueValue, sagaInfo), Document = documentBody, Metadata = documentMetadata, }; if (dictionarytest.ContainsKey(uniqueValue)) { dictionarytest[uniqueValue] += 1; } else { dictionarytest[uniqueValue] = 1; } commandsList.Add(command); } } if (sagaDocuments.Length < pageSize) { break; } } PrintHelper.PrintMessage(string.Format("Attempt to insert {0} SagaUniqueIdentity documents", commandsList.Count)); foreach (var item in dictionarytest.Keys) { if (dictionarytest[item] > 1) { PrintHelper.PrintMessage("the following has duplicate " + item + " : " + dictionarytest[item]); } } var results = documentStore.AsyncDatabaseCommands.BatchAsync(commandsList.ToArray()); PrintHelper.PrintResults("PopulateSagaUniqueIdentityRecords", results); }
private void GetApps2(int pages = -1, int apps = -1, Operation operation = Operation.Full) { Store.Conventions.MaxNumberOfRequestsPerSession = 820; const string sitemapIndex = ""; var prefixLength = "".Length; XNamespace xmlns = XNamespace.Get(""); XmlNameTable table = new NameTable(); var manager = new XmlNamespaceManager(table); manager.AddNamespace("", xmlns.NamespaceName); IEnumerable <string> sitemapPages; using (var response = _httpClient.GetAsync(sitemapIndex, HttpCompletionOption.ResponseContentRead).Result) { if (response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK) { return; } using (var stream = response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync().Result) { XDocument sitemap = XDocument.Load(stream); var sitemapIndexElem = sitemap.Element(xmlns.GetName("sitemapindex")); var sitemaps = sitemapIndexElem.Elements(xmlns.GetName("sitemap")); sitemapPages = sitemaps .Select(x => x.Element(xmlns.GetName("loc"))).Select(x => x.Value); } } var globalAppsToCultures = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, AppInfo2>(); if (pages > 0) { sitemapPages = sitemapPages.Take(pages); } Parallel.ForEach( sitemapPages, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 2 }, sitemapPage => { Console.WriteLine("Requesting: {0}", sitemapPage); using (var response = _httpClient.GetAsync(sitemapPage, HttpCompletionOption.ResponseContentRead).Result) { if (response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK) { return; } Console.WriteLine("Received: {0}", sitemapPage); using (var stream = response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync().Result) { Console.WriteLine("Loading: {0}", sitemapPage); XDocument sitemapPageContent = XDocument.Load(stream); var urlsetElem = sitemapPageContent.Element(xmlns.GetName("urlset")); var urlsElems = urlsetElem.Elements(xmlns.GetName("url")); var appsLinks = urlsElems.Select(x => x.Element(xmlns.GetName("loc"))) .Select(x => x.Value); foreach (var appLink in appsLinks) { var appId = appLink.Substring(appLink.LastIndexOf('/') + 1); var culture = appLink.Substring(prefixLength, appLink.IndexOf('/', prefixLength) - prefixLength); if (appId == "ROW") { continue; } globalAppsToCultures.AddOrUpdate( appId, new AppInfo2 { Id = appId, Url = appLink, Countries = new List <string>(new[] { culture }) }, (c, ai) => { ai.Countries.Add(culture); return(ai); } ); } Console.WriteLine("Total Found {0} applications", globalAppsToCultures.Count); } } }); AppIds = new HashSet <string>(globalAppsToCultures.Keys); if (LoadIdsOnly) { return; } var toProcess = globalAppsToCultures.AsEnumerable(); if (apps > 0) { toProcess = toProcess.Take(apps); } var toProcessList = toProcess.ToList(); var countdown = new CountdownEvent(toProcessList.Count); var commands = new List <ICommandData>(); Parallel.ForEach( toProcessList, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 8 }, (kvp, pls, index) => { using (var session = Store.OpenSession()) { try { Console.WriteLine("({0}/{1} - {2} remaining) Loading app {3}", index, globalAppsToCultures.Count, countdown.CurrentCount, kvp.Value.Id); var existing = session.Load <App>("apps/" + kvp.Value.Id); try { var app = GetAppDetails2(kvp.Value.Id, kvp.Value.Countries); if (app == null) { return; } if (existing != null) { if ((app.Price != null && existing.Price != null && app.Price.Amount == existing.Price.Amount) || app.LastUpdated == existing.LastUpdated) { return; } app.FriendlyUrl = existing.FriendlyUrl; app.PreviousPrice = existing.Price; } var putCommandData = new PutCommandData { Key = app.Id, Document = RavenJObject.FromObject(app), Metadata = new RavenJObject { { "Raven-Entity-Name", new RavenJValue("Apps") }, { "Raven-Clr-Type", new RavenJValue("Win8Apps.Model.App, Win8Apps.Model") } } }; lock (commands) { commands.Add(putCommandData); } } catch (Exception ex) { } } finally { countdown.Signal(); } } }); countdown.Wait(); if (commands.Count > 0) { const int batchSize = 512; int handled = 0; do { var commandsToSave = commands .Skip(handled) .Take(batchSize) .ToList(); Store.DatabaseCommands.Batch(commandsToSave); handled += commandsToSave.Count(); Console.WriteLine("Saving {0} {1}/{2} applications", commandsToSave.Count(), handled, commands.Count); Thread.Sleep(5000); } while (handled < commands.Count); } }