コード例 #1
ファイル: SmsApi.cs プロジェクト: zhuangshaoying/ZJB
        private static SendResult Send(string url, string receivers, string message, Purpose purpose, string signature)
            NameValueCollection collection = new NameValueCollection();

            collection.Add("Message", message);
            collection.Add("Receivers", receivers);
            collection.Add("Signature", signature);
            collection.Add("Purpose", purpose.ToString());
            string json       = HttpUtility.PostHtml(url, collection, Encoding.UTF8);
            var    serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();

            return(serializer.Deserialize <SendResult>(json));
コード例 #2
ファイル: Executor.cs プロジェクト: kriti-sc/lionfish
        protected List <string> GetSQLCommands(string sqlDialect, Purpose enumPurpose, bool isFirstOfThisType, List <StrReplace> list)
            string purpose = enumPurpose.ToString().ToLower();

            string sqlCommands;
            string customFilepath  = "./sql/" + sqlDialect + "/" + purpose + "/cmd.sql";
            string defaultFilepath = "./sql/" + sqlDialect + "/" + purpose + "/default-cmd.sql";

            Logger.Log(String.Format("\tLoading SQL commands from file: {0}",
                                     File.Exists(customFilepath) ? customFilepath : defaultFilepath)

            sqlCommands = File.Exists(customFilepath)
                ? File.ReadAllText(customFilepath)
                : File.ReadAllText(defaultFilepath);

            //  Ted se sekce Queries v JSONu plni tak, ze se nacte napriklad definice procedury a ta se vlozi do Queries.
            //  Potrebujeme uzivatelum dat moznost, aby meli moznost vlozit vlastni SQL prikaz z jine tabulku a nejen databazoveho katalogu. A to by se ulozilo do Queries.
            // Navrhuju to resit tak, ze by vznikl v kazdem adresari s dialektemadresar custom, cili / sql / teradata / custom
            // Tam by se lionfish vzdy koukl a pokud by tam existoval nejaky fajl, tak by ho spustil.
            // Uvnitr by byl takovyhle nejaky dotaz, ktery by rovnou vracel vsechny fieldy, ktere jsou treba vyplnit v Queries.
            // SELECT
            //  sql_query_stmt as sourceCode,
            //  sql_name as name, --can be left empty
            //  sql_group_name as groupName, --can be empty
            //  'my-database-name' as databaseName
            //  'SCOTT' as schemaName
            // FROM
            //  ETL_LOG

            if (enumPurpose == Purpose.QUERIES)
                if (isFirstOfThisType)
                    string customPath = "./sql/" + sqlDialect + "/custom";

                    if (Directory.Exists(customPath))
                        Logger.Log(string.Format("\tChecked custom sql files in {0} - directory exists.", customPath));
                        foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(customPath))
                            if (file.EndsWith("sql", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                                string customSqlCommands = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(file);

                                // add to standard
                                sqlCommands += "\n--split\n";
                                sqlCommands += customSqlCommands;

                                // log it
                                Logger.Log(string.Format("\tConfFile {0} in custom directory succesfully added ({1} characters read).", file, customSqlCommands.Length));
                                Logger.Log(string.Format("\tConfFile {0} in custom directory ignored - expected extension sql.", customPath));
                        Logger.Log(string.Format("\tChecked custom sql files in {0} - directory does not exist.", customPath));

            // a dale jedeme jako posledne
            if (list != null)
                foreach (var item in list)
                    sqlCommands = sqlCommands.Replace(item.SearchText, item.ReplaceText);

            string[]      separator       = { "--split" };
            List <string> sqlCommandsList = sqlCommands.Split(separator, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList();
