public FollowerBot(string[] configArgs, ILogger logger) { Log = logger; Log.LogInformation("## LOADING..."); LoadConfig(configArgs); LoadData(); string w = PseudoRand.Next(Config.SeleniumWindowMinW, Config.SeleniumWindowMaxW).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); string h = PseudoRand.Next(Config.SeleniumWindowMinH, Config.SeleniumWindowMaxH).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Config.SeleniumRemoteServer)) { Log.LogDebug("NewChromeSeleniumWrapper({0}, {1}, {2})", ExecPath, w, h); Selenium = SeleniumWrapper.NewChromeSeleniumWrapper(ExecPath, w, h, Config.SeleniumBrowserArguments, Config.BotSeleniumTimeoutSec); } else { if (Config.SeleniumRemoteServerWarmUpWaitMs > 0) { Task.Delay(Config.SeleniumRemoteServerWarmUpWaitMs) .Wait(); } Log.LogDebug("NewRemoteSeleniumWrapper({0}, {1}, {2})", Config.SeleniumRemoteServer, w, h); Selenium = SeleniumWrapper.NewRemoteSeleniumWrapper(Config.SeleniumRemoteServer, w, h, Config.SeleniumBrowserArguments, Config.BotSeleniumTimeoutSec); } }
private void DoContactsFollow() { int todo = PseudoRand.Next(Config.BotFollowTaskBatchMinLimit, Config.BotFollowTaskBatchMaxLimit); int c = Data.ContactsToFollow.Count; while (Data.ContactsToFollow.TryDequeue(out string uri) && todo > 0) { if (!MoveTo(uri)) { Log.LogWarning("ACTION STOPED : FLICKR RETURN ERROR 500 ON ({0})", uri); break; // no retry } try { MyContactsInTryout.Add(uri); if (Selenium.GetElements(Config.CssContactFollow).Any()) // manage the already followed like this { Selenium.Click(Config.CssContactFollow); Data.MyContacts.Add(uri); WaitHumanizer();// the url relad may break a waiting ball // issue detection : Manage limit to 20 follow on a new account : Then there seem to be another limit if (Selenium.GetElements(Config.CssContactFollow).Any()) // may be slow so will wait if required { WaitHumanizer(); // give a last chance if (Selenium.GetElements(Config.CssContactFollow, true, true).Any()) { Log.LogWarning("ACTION STOPED : SEEMS USER CAN'T FOLLOW ({0}) ANYMORE", uri); break; // no retry } } // hang issue detection if (Selenium.GetElements(Config.CssModalWaiterBalls, true, true).Any()) // will not wait { WaitHumanizer(); // give a last chance... if (Selenium.GetElements(Config.CssModalWaiterBalls, true, true).Any()) // will not wait { Log.LogWarning("ACTION STOPED : SEEMS FLICKR HANG ON THIS CONTACT ({0})", uri); break; // no retry } } todo--; } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.LogWarning(default, ex, "ACTION STOPED : {0}", ex.GetBaseException().Message);
public void Run() { Log.LogInformation("## LOGGING..."); if (Data.UserContactUrl == null || !TryAuthCookies()) { AuthLogin(); } Log.LogInformation("Logged user : {0}", Data.UserContactUrl); PostAuthInit(); SaveData(); // save cookies at last Log.LogInformation("## RUNNING..."); foreach (string curTask in GetTasks(Config.BotTasks, Config.BotSaveAfterEachAction, Config.BotSaveOnEnd, Config.BotSaveOnLoop, Config.BotLoopTaskLimit)) { Log.LogInformation("# {0}...", curTask); switch (curTask) { case DetectContactsFollowBackStr: DetectContactsFollowBack(); break; case DetectExploredStr: DetectExplored(); break; case DetectExploredContactsOnlyStr: DetectExplored(true, false); break; case DetectExploredPhotosOnlyStr: DetectExplored(false, true); break; case SearchKeywordsStr: SearchKeywords(); break; case SearchKeywordsContactsOnlyStr: SearchKeywords(true, false); break; case SearchKeywordsPhotosOnlyStr: SearchKeywords(false, true); break; case DoContactsFollowStr: DoContactsFollow(); break; case DoContactsFavStr: DoContactsFav(); break; case DoPhotosFavStr: DoPhotosFav(); break; case DetectContactsUnfollowBackStr: DetectContactsUnfollowBack(); break; case DoContactsUnfollowStr: DoContactsUnfollow(); break; case DetectRecentContactPhotosStr: DetectRecentContactPhotos(); break; case SaveStr: SaveData(); break; case PauseStr: case WaitStr: Task.Delay(PseudoRand.Next(Config.BotWaitTaskMinWaitMs, Config.BotWaitTaskMaxWaitMs)) .Wait(); break; default: Log.LogError("Unknown BotTask : {0}", curTask); break; } } Log.LogInformation("## ENDED OK"); }