public static void CreateDynamic(string preName, PsdLayerToNGUI.Data data, PsdLayerCommandParser.Control c) { #if UNITY_3_5 #else if (data.trueTypeFont == null){ Debug.LogError("True Type Font doens't set"); return; } NGUIFontCreator.fontPrefabPath = preName + "_Font_" + c.fontSize + ".prefab"; NGUISettings.ambigiousFont = data.trueTypeFont; NGUISettings.fontSize = c.fontSize; #endif }
private static void SetLabelAppearance(UILabel label, PsdLayerCommandParser.Control c) { PsdLayerToNGUI.SetLabelAppearance(label, c,; }
private static PsdLayerCommandParser.Control FindDynamicFontContainer( PsdLayerCommandParser.Control c) { if (c.fontSize > 0) return c; for (var i=0; i<c.sources.Count; ++i) { var src = c.sources[i]; if (src.fontSize > 0) return src; } return null; }
private static bool UpdateNGUIAnimation(GameObject owner, PsdLayerCommandParser.Control c) { Selection.activeGameObject = Util.FindGameObjectRecursively(owner,, true); if (Selection.activeGameObject == null) return false; var ani = Util.FindComponent<PsdLayerSpriteAnimation>(Selection.activeGameObject); if (ani != null && c.children.Count > 0) { var names = new List<string>(); for (var i=0; i<c.children.Count; ++i){ names.Add(c.children[i].fullName); } names.Sort(); ani.SetSprites(names.ToArray()); ani.fps = c.fps; PsdLayerToNGUI.MoveAndResize(ani.gameObject, c.children[0]); return true; } return false; }
private static bool UpdateVirtualView(GameObject owner, PsdLayerCommandParser.Control c) { var arr = PsdLayerToNGUI.FindControlSources(c, "virtualview", new string[]{ "", ".item", "", ".vscrollbar.fg", "", ".hscrollbar.fg" }); var bg = arr[0]; var item = arr[1]; //**todo // var vscrollbar_bg = arr[2]; // var vscrollbar_fg = arr[3]; // var hscrollbar_bg = arr[4]; // var hscrollbar_fg = arr[5]; if (bg != null) { owner = Util.FindGameObjectRecursively(owner,, true); if (owner == null) return false; var bgSprite = Util.FindGameObjectRecursively(owner, "Bg", true); if (bgSprite == null) return false; { PsdLayerToNGUI.MoveAndResize(bgSprite, bg); } //**todo // var vscrollbar = null as UIScrollBar; // if (vscrollbar_bg != null || vscrollbar_fg != null) // { // NGUIWidgetCreator.mScrollBG = // vscrollbar_bg != null ? vscrollbar_bg.fullName : vscrollbar_fg.fullName; // // NGUIWidgetCreator.mScrollFG = // vscrollbar_fg != null ? vscrollbar_fg.fullName : vscrollbar_bg.fullName; // // NGUIWidgetCreator.CreateScrollBar(owner); // // vscrollbar = Util.FindComponent<UIScrollBar>(Selection.activeGameObject); // vscrollbar.direction = UIScrollBar.Direction.Vertical; // } // if (vscrollbar != null) // { // PsdLayerToNGUI.MoveAndResize(vscrollbar.gameObject, vscrollbar_bg); // // var go = vscrollbar.gameObject; // var c2 = vscrollbar_bg; // var x = (float)c2.area.left; // var y = (float); // { // x -= (float)targetWidth/2f; // x += (float)c2.area.width/2f; // y -= (float)targetHeight/2f; // // var pos = new Vector3(Mathf.RoundToInt(x), Mathf.RoundToInt(-y), 0); // pos.z = go.transform.localPosition.z; // go.transform.localPosition = pos; // } // } // // var hscrollbar = null as UIScrollBar; // if (hscrollbar_bg != null || hscrollbar_fg != null) // { // NGUIWidgetCreator.mScrollBG = // hscrollbar_bg != null ? hscrollbar_bg.fullName : hscrollbar_fg.fullName; // // NGUIWidgetCreator.mScrollFG = // hscrollbar_fg != null ? hscrollbar_fg.fullName : hscrollbar_bg.fullName; // // NGUIWidgetCreator.CreateScrollBar(owner); // // hscrollbar = Util.FindComponent<UIScrollBar>(Selection.activeGameObject); // hscrollbar.direction = UIScrollBar.Direction.Horizontal; // } // if (hscrollbar != null) // { // PsdLayerToNGUI.MoveAndResize(hscrollbar.gameObject, hscrollbar_bg); // // var go = hscrollbar.gameObject; // var c2 = hscrollbar_bg; // var x = (float)c2.area.left; // var y = (float); // { // x -= (float)targetWidth/2f; // y -= (float)targetHeight/2f; // y += (float)c2.area.height/2f; // // var pos = new Vector3(Mathf.RoundToInt(x), Mathf.RoundToInt(-y), 0); // pos.z = go.transform.localPosition.z; // go.transform.localPosition = pos; // } // } var view = Util.FindComponent<PsdLayerVirtualView>(owner); if (view == null) return false; { = bgSprite.transform; var box = Util.FindComponent<BoxCollider>(owner, true); = bgSprite.transform.localPosition; box.size = bgSprite.transform.localScale; } var panel = Util.FindComponent<UIPanel>(owner); if (panel == null) return false; { panel.depth =; panel.clipping = UIDrawCall.Clipping.SoftClip; panel.baseClipRegion = new Vector4( bgSprite.transform.localPosition.x, bgSprite.transform.localPosition.y, bg.area.width, bg.area.height); } //**todo // view.verticalScrollBar = vscrollbar; // view.horizontalScrollBar = hscrollbar; if (item != null) { var itemGo = Util.FindGameObject(view.gameObject, "Item", true); foreach (var child in item.children) { if (!UpdateNGUI(itemGo, child)) CreateNGUI(itemGo, child); } view.item = itemGo.transform; Util.SetXYCenterAmongChildren(itemGo); } Selection.activeGameObject = view.gameObject; } else { return false; } return true; }
private static bool UpdateNGUILabel(GameObject owner, PsdLayerCommandParser.Control c) { Selection.activeGameObject = Util.FindGameObjectRecursively(owner,, true); if (Selection.activeGameObject == null) return false; var label = Util.FindComponent<UILabel>(Selection.activeGameObject); if (label != null) PsdLayerToNGUI.SetLabelAppearance(label, c); else return false; return true; }
private static bool UpdateNGUIToggle(GameObject owner, PsdLayerCommandParser.Control c) { var arr = PsdLayerToNGUI.FindControlSources(c, "checkbox,toggle", new string[]{".normal", ".checked", ".label"}); var normal = arr[0]; var check = arr[1]; var label = arr[2]; Selection.activeGameObject = Util.FindGameObjectRecursively(owner,, true); if (Selection.activeGameObject == null) return false; var cb = Util.FindComponent<UIToggle>(Selection.activeGameObject); if (normal != null) { if (cb != null) { var btn = Util.FindComponent<UIButton>(cb); { Util.FindComponent<UISprite>(btn.tweenTarget).spriteName = normal.fullName; } (cb.activeSprite as UISprite).spriteName = check != null ? check.fullName : normal.fullName; } else return false; } else { return false; } PsdLayerToNGUI.SetButtonAppearance(Selection.activeGameObject, normal, null, true); var uilabel = Util.FindComponent<UILabel>(Selection.activeGameObject); PsdLayerToNGUI.SetLabelAppearance(uilabel, label); return true; }
private static bool UpdateNGUIButton(GameObject owner, PsdLayerCommandParser.Control c) { var arr = PsdLayerToNGUI.FindControlSources(c, "button", new string[]{".normal", ".hover", ".pressed", ".label"}); var normal = arr[0]; var hover = arr[1]; var push = arr[2]; var label = arr[3]; Selection.activeGameObject = Util.FindGameObjectRecursively(owner,, true); if (Selection.activeGameObject == null) return false; var ib = Util.FindComponent<UIImageButton>(Selection.activeGameObject); var b = Util.FindComponent<UIButton>(Selection.activeGameObject); var uilabel = Util.FindComponent<UILabel>(Selection.activeGameObject); if (normal != null && push != null) { if (ib != null) { ib.normalSprite = normal.fullName; ib.hoverSprite = hover == null ? normal.fullName : hover.fullName; ib.pressedSprite = push.fullName; } else if (b != null && b.tweenTarget != null) { Util.FindComponent<UISprite>(b.tweenTarget).spriteName = normal.fullName; } else return false; } else if (normal != null) { if (ib != null) { ib.normalSprite = normal.fullName; ib.hoverSprite = hover == null ? normal.fullName : hover.fullName; ib.pressedSprite = hover == null ? normal.fullName : hover.fullName; } else if (b != null && b.tweenTarget != null) { var spr = Util.FindComponent<UISprite>(b.tweenTarget); if (spr != null) spr.spriteName = normal.fullName; } else return false; if (uilabel != null && normal.type == PsdLayerCommandParser.ControlType.LabelButton) { label = normal; } } else { return false; } PsdLayerToNGUI.SetButtonAppearance(Selection.activeGameObject, normal, uilabel, true); PsdLayerToNGUI.SetLabelAppearance(uilabel, label); return true; }
private static bool CreateNGUIComboBox(GameObject owner, PsdLayerCommandParser.Control c) { if (NGUISettings.ambigiousFont == null) return false; var arr = PsdLayerToNGUI.FindControlSources(c, "combobox", new string[]{".bg", ".bar", ".listbg", ".label"}); var bg = arr[0]; var bar = arr[1]; var listbg = arr[2]; var label = arr[3]; if (bg != null) { NGUIWidgetCreator.mListBG = bg.fullName; NGUIWidgetCreator.mListFG = bar == null ? bg.fullName : bar.fullName; NGUIWidgetCreator.mListHL = listbg == null ? bg.fullName : listbg.fullName; NGUIWidgetCreator.CreatePopup(owner, true); } else { return false; } PsdLayerToNGUI.SetButtonAppearance(Selection.activeGameObject, bg, null, true); var uilabel = Util.FindComponent<UILabel>(Selection.activeGameObject); PsdLayerToNGUI.SetLabelAppearance(uilabel, label); { var spr = Util.FindComponent<UISprite>(Selection.activeGameObject); uilabel.width = (int)spr.transform.localScale.x; uilabel.transform.localPosition =; } var p = Util.FindComponent<UIPopupList>(Selection.activeGameObject); p.highlightColor = Color.gray; if (label != null) { p.textColor = label.color; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(label.text)) { p.items.Clear(); var lines = label.text.Split('\n'); foreach (var line in lines) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(line)) p.items.Add(line); } } } return true; }
private static bool CreateNGUIButton(GameObject owner, PsdLayerCommandParser.Control c) { var arr = PsdLayerToNGUI.FindControlSources(c, "button", new string[]{".normal", ".hover", ".pressed", ".label"}); var normal = arr[0]; var hover = arr[1]; var push = arr[2]; var label = arr[3]; if (normal != null && push != null) { NGUIWidgetCreator.mImage0 = normal.fullName; NGUIWidgetCreator.mImage1 = hover == null ? normal.fullName : hover.fullName; NGUIWidgetCreator.mImage2 = push.fullName; NGUIWidgetCreator.CreateImageButton(owner); } else if (normal != null && c.type == PsdLayerCommandParser.ControlType.Button) { NGUIWidgetCreator.mButton = normal.fullName; NGUIWidgetCreator.CreateButton(owner); } else if (c.type == PsdLayerCommandParser.ControlType.LabelButton) { NGUIWidgetCreator.mButton = normal.fullName; NGUIWidgetCreator.CreateButton(owner); label = normal; } else { return false; } var uilabel = Util.FindComponent<UILabel>(Selection.activeGameObject); PsdLayerToNGUI.SetButtonAppearance(Selection.activeGameObject, normal, uilabel, true); PsdLayerToNGUI.SetLabelAppearance(uilabel, label); return true; }
private static bool CreateNGUISprite(GameObject owner, PsdLayerCommandParser.Control c) { PsdLayerToNGUI.SetSlicedSprite(c.fullName, c.sliceArea); NGUIWidgetCreator.CreateSprite(owner, c.fullName, c.sliceArea != null ); return true; }
private static bool CreateNGUI(GameObject owner, PsdLayerCommandParser.Control c) { var succeeded = false; var moveAndResize = true; // try to create dynamic font var extractor =; if ( == Data.FontType.Dynamic && extractor != null) { var dynamicFontContainer = PsdLayerToNGUI.FindDynamicFontContainer(c); if (dynamicFontContainer != null && dynamicFontContainer.fontSize > 0) { var currentPath = PsdLayerToNGUI.CurrentPath; var name = extractor.PsdFileName.Substring(0, extractor.PsdFileName.Length - 4); NGUIFontCreator.CreateDynamic(currentPath + name,, dynamicFontContainer); } } switch (c.type) { case PsdLayerCommandParser.ControlType.Container: case PsdLayerCommandParser.ControlType.Panel: case PsdLayerCommandParser.ControlType.SpriteFont: { var gg = Util.CreateEmptyGameObject(owner); if (c.type == PsdLayerCommandParser.ControlType.SpriteFont) { gg.AddComponent<PsdLayerSpriteFont>(); } else if (c.type == PsdLayerCommandParser.ControlType.Panel) { var panel = gg.AddComponent<UIPanel>(); panel.depth =; } foreach (var c2 in c.children) { CreateNGUI(gg, c2); } Util.SetXYCenterAmongChildren(gg); Selection.activeGameObject = gg; } succeeded = true; moveAndResize = false; break; case PsdLayerCommandParser.ControlType.Button: case PsdLayerCommandParser.ControlType.LabelButton: succeeded = CreateNGUIButton(owner, c); break; case PsdLayerCommandParser.ControlType.Toggle: succeeded = CreateNGUIToggle(owner, c); break; case PsdLayerCommandParser.ControlType.ComboBox: succeeded = CreateNGUIComboBox(owner, c); break; case PsdLayerCommandParser.ControlType.Input: succeeded = CreateNGUIEditBox(owner, c, false); break; case PsdLayerCommandParser.ControlType.Password: succeeded = CreateNGUIEditBox(owner, c, true); break; case PsdLayerCommandParser.ControlType.Label: succeeded = CreateNGUILabel(owner, c); break; case PsdLayerCommandParser.ControlType.VScrollBar: succeeded = CreateNGUIScrollBar(owner, c, true); break; case PsdLayerCommandParser.ControlType.HScrollBar: succeeded = CreateNGUIScrollBar(owner, c, false); break; case PsdLayerCommandParser.ControlType.ScrollView: succeeded = CreateNGUIScrollView(owner, c); moveAndResize = false; break; case PsdLayerCommandParser.ControlType.VirtualView: succeeded = CreateVirtualView(owner, c); moveAndResize = false; break; case PsdLayerCommandParser.ControlType.Texture: succeeded = CreateTexture(owner, c); break; case PsdLayerCommandParser.ControlType.SpriteAnimation: succeeded = CreateNGUIAnimation(owner, c); moveAndResize = false; break; case PsdLayerCommandParser.ControlType.Script: break; default: succeeded = CreateNGUISprite(owner, c); break; } if (succeeded) { var go = Selection.activeGameObject; =; for (var i=0; i<c.sources.Count; ++i) { if (c.sources[i].type == PsdLayerCommandParser.ControlType.Script) { var userScript = go.AddComponent<PsdLayerUserScript>(); = c.sources[i].text; } } if (moveAndResize) { PsdLayerToNGUI.MoveAndResize(go, c); } } return succeeded; }
private static void CreateNGUIs(GameObject rootGo, GameObject owner, string psdFileName, List<PsdLayerExtractor.Layer> layers) { if (! return; var root = Util.FindComponent<UIRoot>(rootGo); { root.manualHeight = root.maximumHeight = root.minimumHeight =; } var anchor = Util.FindComponent<UIAnchor>(root); if (anchor != null) { anchor.side = UIAnchor.Side.Center; } var pa = new PsdLayerCommandParser(); pa.Parse(psdFileName, layers); foreach (var c in pa.root.children) { PsdLayerToNGUI.CreateNGUI(owner, c); } }
private static void MoveAndResize(GameObject go, PsdLayerCommandParser.Control c) { // set depth and init var widgets = Util.FindComponents<UIWidget>(go); if (widgets != null) { foreach (var widget in widgets) { widget.depth =; widget.pivot = UIWidget.Pivot.Center; widget.cachedTransform.localPosition =; } } // set size var thisWidget = go.GetComponent<UIWidget>(); var w = (float)c.area.width; var h = (float)c.area.height; { var sprs = Util.FindComponents<UISprite>(go); if (sprs != null) { foreach (var spr in sprs) { spr.width = Mathf.RoundToInt(w); spr.height = Mathf.RoundToInt(h); } } if (c.type != PsdLayerCommandParser.ControlType.VirtualView) { var collider = Util.FindComponent<BoxCollider>(go); if (collider != null) { var z = 0f; if (NGUIRootCreator.camType == UICreateNewUIWizard.CameraType.Simple2D) z =; = new Vector3(0, 0, Mathf.RoundToInt(z)); collider.size = new Vector3( Mathf.RoundToInt(w), Mathf.RoundToInt(h), 1); } } if (c.hasBoxCollider) { var label = Util.FindComponent<UILabel>(go); if (label != null) { Util.FindComponent<BoxCollider>(go, true); } var sprite = Util.FindComponent<UISprite>(go); if (sprite != null) { var box = Util.FindComponent<BoxCollider>(go, true); = new Vector3( Mathf.RoundToInt(, Mathf.RoundToInt(, 0.1f); // in case box.size = new Vector3( Mathf.RoundToInt(w), Mathf.RoundToInt(h), 1); } } if (c.type == PsdLayerCommandParser.ControlType.Texture) { var tex = Util.FindComponent<UITexture>(go); if (tex != null) { tex.width = Mathf.RoundToInt(w); tex.height = Mathf.RoundToInt(h); } } } if (thisWidget as UILabel != null) { thisWidget.MakePixelPerfect(); } // set position var x = (float)c.area.left; var y = (float); { x -= (float) * 0.5f; y -= (float) * 0.5f; x += (float)w * 0.5f; y += (float)h * 0.5f; } var parent = go.transform.parent; var root = Util.ClosestComponent<UIRoot>(go); var pos = new Vector3(Mathf.Round(x), Mathf.Round(-y), 0); pos.z = 0; go.transform.parent = root.transform; go.transform.localPosition = pos; go.transform.parent = parent; // set sprite align if (c.type == PsdLayerCommandParser.ControlType.Sprite) { var spr2 = Util.FindComponent<UISprite>(go); if (spr2 != null) { spr2.pivot = (UIWidget.Pivot)c.align; } } // set label align var labels = Util.FindComponents<UILabel>(go); foreach (var label in labels) { foreach (var src in c.sources) { if (src.type == PsdLayerCommandParser.ControlType.Label || src.type == PsdLayerCommandParser.ControlType.LabelButton) { label.pivot = (UIWidget.Pivot)src.align; break; } } } }
private static void SetLabelAppearance(UILabel label, PsdLayerCommandParser.Control c, Vector3 labelSize) { if (label == null) return; if (c != null) { // try to create dynamic font var extractor =; if ( == Data.FontType.Dynamic && extractor != null) { if (c.fontSize > 0) { var currentPath = PsdLayerToNGUI.CurrentPath; var name = extractor.PsdFileName.Substring(0, extractor.PsdFileName.Length - 4); NGUIFontCreator.CreateDynamic(currentPath + name,, c); } } label.ambigiousFont = NGUISettings.ambigiousFont; if (c.bold) { label.effectStyle = UILabel.Effect.Outline; label.effectColor = new Color(c.color.r, c.color.g, c.color.b, 0.8f); } label.text = c.text; label.color = c.color; label.height = Mathf.RoundToInt(c.area.height); label.fontSize = c.fontSize; if (labelSize !={ label.width = Mathf.RoundToInt(labelSize.x * 0.98f); } else{ label.width = Mathf.RoundToInt(c.area.width); } } else { label.text = ""; label.color =; } }
private static bool UpdateNGUI(GameObject owner, PsdLayerCommandParser.Control c) { var succeeded = false; var moveAndResize = true; switch (c.type) { case PsdLayerCommandParser.ControlType.Container: case PsdLayerCommandParser.ControlType.Panel: case PsdLayerCommandParser.ControlType.SpriteFont: { var gg = Util.FindGameObjectRecursively(owner,, true); if (gg == null){ gg = Util.CreateEmptyGameObject(owner); } if (c.type == PsdLayerCommandParser.ControlType.SpriteFont) { Util.FindComponent<PsdLayerSpriteFont>(gg, true); } else if (c.type == PsdLayerCommandParser.ControlType.Panel) { var panel = Util.FindComponent<UIPanel>(gg, true); panel.depth =; } foreach (var c2 in c.children) { if (!UpdateNGUI(gg, c2)){ CreateNGUI(gg, c2); } } Util.SetXYCenterAmongChildren(gg); Selection.activeGameObject = gg; } succeeded = true; moveAndResize = false; break; case PsdLayerCommandParser.ControlType.Button: case PsdLayerCommandParser.ControlType.LabelButton: succeeded = UpdateNGUIButton(owner, c); break; case PsdLayerCommandParser.ControlType.Toggle: succeeded = UpdateNGUIToggle(owner, c); break; case PsdLayerCommandParser.ControlType.ComboBox: succeeded = UpdateNGUIComboBox(owner, c); break; case PsdLayerCommandParser.ControlType.Input: succeeded = UpdateNGUIEditBox(owner, c, false); break; case PsdLayerCommandParser.ControlType.Password: succeeded = UpdateNGUIEditBox(owner, c, true); break; case PsdLayerCommandParser.ControlType.Label: succeeded = UpdateNGUILabel(owner, c); break; case PsdLayerCommandParser.ControlType.VScrollBar: succeeded = UpdateNGUIScrollBar(owner, c, true); break; case PsdLayerCommandParser.ControlType.HScrollBar: succeeded = UpdateNGUIScrollBar(owner, c, false); break; case PsdLayerCommandParser.ControlType.ScrollView: succeeded = UpdateNGUIScrollView(owner, c); moveAndResize = false; break; case PsdLayerCommandParser.ControlType.VirtualView: succeeded = UpdateVirtualView(owner, c); moveAndResize = false; break; case PsdLayerCommandParser.ControlType.Texture: succeeded = UpdateTexture(owner, c); break; case PsdLayerCommandParser.ControlType.SpriteAnimation: succeeded = UpdateNGUIAnimation(owner, c); moveAndResize = false; break; case PsdLayerCommandParser.ControlType.Script: break; default: succeeded = UpdateNGUISprite(owner, c); break; } if (succeeded) { var go = Selection.activeGameObject; =; for (var i=0; i<c.sources.Count; ++i) { if (c.sources[i].type == PsdLayerCommandParser.ControlType.Script) { var userScript = Util.FindComponent<PsdLayerUserScript>(go, true); = c.sources[i].text; } } if (moveAndResize) { PsdLayerToNGUI.MoveAndResize(go, c); } } return succeeded; }
private static bool UpdateNGUISprite(GameObject owner, PsdLayerCommandParser.Control c) { SetSlicedSprite(c.fullName, c.sliceArea); Selection.activeGameObject = Util.FindGameObjectRecursively(owner,, true); return Selection.activeGameObject != null; }
private static bool CreateNGUIToggle(GameObject owner, PsdLayerCommandParser.Control c) { var arr = PsdLayerToNGUI.FindControlSources(c, "toggle,checkbox", new string[]{".normal", ".checked", ".label"}); var normal = arr[0]; var check = arr[1]; var label = arr[2]; if (normal != null) { NGUIWidgetCreator.mCheckBG = normal.fullName; NGUIWidgetCreator.mCheck = check != null ? check.fullName : normal.fullName; NGUIWidgetCreator.CreateToggle(owner); } else { return false; } PsdLayerToNGUI.SetButtonAppearance(Selection.activeGameObject, normal, null, true); var uilabel = Util.FindComponent<UILabel>(Selection.activeGameObject); PsdLayerToNGUI.SetLabelAppearance(uilabel, label); return true; }
private static bool UpdateNGUIComboBox(GameObject owner, PsdLayerCommandParser.Control c) { var arr = PsdLayerToNGUI.FindControlSources(c, "combobox", new string[]{".bg", ".bar", ".listbg", ".label"}); var bg = arr[0]; var bar = arr[1]; var listbg = arr[2]; var label = arr[3]; Selection.activeGameObject = Util.FindGameObjectRecursively(owner,, true); if (Selection.activeGameObject == null) return false; var pl = Util.FindComponent<UIPopupList>(Selection.activeGameObject); var b = Util.FindComponent<UIButton>(Selection.activeGameObject); if (bg != null) { if (pl != null && b != null) { pl.backgroundSprite = bg.fullName; pl.highlightSprite = listbg == null ? bg.fullName : listbg.fullName; Util.FindComponent<UISprite>(b.tweenTarget).spriteName = bar == null ? bg.fullName : bar.fullName; } else return false; } else { return false; } PsdLayerToNGUI.SetButtonAppearance(Selection.activeGameObject, bg, null, true); var uilabel = Util.FindComponent<UILabel>(Selection.activeGameObject); PsdLayerToNGUI.SetLabelAppearance(uilabel, label); { var spr = Util.FindComponent<UISprite>(Selection.activeGameObject); uilabel.width = (int)spr.transform.localScale.x; uilabel.transform.localPosition =; } var p = Util.FindComponent<UIPopupList>(Selection.activeGameObject); p.highlightColor = Color.gray; if (label != null) { p.textColor = label.color; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(label.text)) { p.items.Clear(); var lines = label.text.Split('\n'); foreach (var line in lines) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(line)) p.items.Add(line); } } } return true; }
private static bool CreateNGUIEditBox(GameObject owner, PsdLayerCommandParser.Control c, bool password) { var arr = PsdLayerToNGUI.FindControlSources(c, password ? "password" : "editbox", new string[]{".bg", ".label"}); var normal = arr[0]; var label = arr[1]; if (normal != null) { NGUIWidgetCreator.mInputBG = normal.fullName; NGUIWidgetCreator.CreateInput(owner, password); Util.FindComponent<UIInput>(Selection.activeGameObject).activeTextColor = normal.color; } else { return false; } var uilabel = Util.FindComponent<UILabel>(Selection.activeGameObject); var sprite = Util.FindComponent<UISprite>(Selection.activeGameObject); PsdLayerToNGUI.SetLabelAppearance(uilabel, label, sprite.localSize); return true; }
private static bool UpdateNGUIEditBox(GameObject owner, PsdLayerCommandParser.Control c, bool password) { var arr = PsdLayerToNGUI.FindControlSources(c, password ? "password" : "editbox,input", new string[]{".bg", ".label"}); var normal = arr[0]; var label = arr[1]; Selection.activeGameObject = Util.FindGameObjectRecursively(owner,, true); if (Selection.activeGameObject == null) return false; var eb = Util.FindComponent<UIInput>(Selection.activeGameObject); if (normal != null) { if (eb != null) { Util.FindComponent<UISprite>(eb).spriteName = c.fullName; eb.activeTextColor = label.color; eb.inputType = password ? UIInput.InputType.Password : UIInput.InputType.Standard; } } else { return false; } var uilabel = Util.FindComponent<UILabel>(Selection.activeGameObject); var sprite = Util.FindComponent<UISprite>(Selection.activeGameObject); PsdLayerToNGUI.SetLabelAppearance(uilabel, label, sprite.localSize); return true; }
private static bool CreateNGUILabel(GameObject owner, PsdLayerCommandParser.Control c) { NGUIWidgetCreator.CreateLabel(owner); var label = Util.FindComponent<UILabel>(Selection.activeGameObject); PsdLayerToNGUI.SetLabelAppearance(label, c); return true; }
private static bool UpdateNGUIScrollBar(GameObject owner, PsdLayerCommandParser.Control c, bool vertical) { //**todo // var arr = PsdLayerToNGUI.FindControlSources(c, // "scrollbar", new string[]{".bg", ".fg"}); // // var scrollbar = null as UIScrollBar; // var scrollbar_bg = arr[0]; // var scrollbar_fg = arr[1]; // // if (scrollbar_bg != null || scrollbar_fg != null) // { // NGUIWidgetCreator.mScrollBG = // scrollbar_bg != null ? scrollbar_bg.fullName : scrollbar_fg.fullName; // // NGUIWidgetCreator.mScrollFG = // scrollbar_fg != null ? scrollbar_fg.fullName : scrollbar_bg.fullName; // // NGUIWidgetCreator.CreateScrollBar(owner); // // scrollbar = Util.FindComponent<UIScrollBar>(Selection.activeGameObject); // scrollbar.direction = UIScrollBar.Direction.Vertical; // return false; // } // else // return false; // // if (scrollbar != null) // { // PsdLayerToNGUI.MoveAndResize(scrollbar.gameObject, scrollbar_bg); // // var go = scrollbar.gameObject; // var c2 = scrollbar_bg; // var x = (float)c2.area.left; // var y = (float); // if (vertical) // { // x -= (float)targetWidth/2f; // x += (float)c2.area.width/2f; // y -= (float)targetHeight/2f; // } // else // { // x -= (float)targetWidth/2f; // y -= (float)targetHeight/2f; // y += (float)c2.area.height/2f; // } // var pos = new Vector3(Mathf.RoundToInt(x), Mathf.RoundToInt(-y), 0); // pos.z = go.transform.localPosition.z; // go.transform.localPosition = pos; // } return false; }
private static bool CreateNGUIScrollView(GameObject owner, PsdLayerCommandParser.Control c) { var arr = PsdLayerToNGUI.FindControlSources(c, "scrollview", new string[]{ "", ".item", "", ".vscrollbar.fg", "", ".hscrollbar.fg" }); var bg = arr[0]; var item = arr[1]; //**todo // var vscrollbar_bg = arr[2]; // var vscrollbar_fg = arr[3]; // var hscrollbar_bg = arr[4]; // var hscrollbar_fg = arr[5]; if (bg != null) { owner = Util.CreateEmptyGameObject(owner); =; var bgSprite = null as GameObject; { NGUIWidgetCreator.CreateSprite(owner, c.fullName, bg.sliceArea != null ); bgSprite = Selection.activeGameObject; bgSprite.AddComponent<BoxCollider>(); = "Bg"; PsdLayerToNGUI.MoveAndResize(bgSprite, bg); } //**todo // var vscrollbar = null as UIScrollBar; // if (vscrollbar_bg != null || vscrollbar_fg != null) // { // NGUIWidgetCreator.mScrollBG = // vscrollbar_bg != null ? vscrollbar_bg.fullName : vscrollbar_fg.fullName; // // NGUIWidgetCreator.mScrollFG = // vscrollbar_fg != null ? vscrollbar_fg.fullName : vscrollbar_bg.fullName; // // NGUIWidgetCreator.CreateScrollBar(owner); // // vscrollbar = Util.FindComponent<UIScrollBar>(Selection.activeGameObject); // vscrollbar.direction = UIScrollBar.Direction.Vertical; // } // if (vscrollbar != null) // { // PsdLayerToNGUI.MoveAndResize(vscrollbar.gameObject, vscrollbar_bg); // // var go = vscrollbar.gameObject; // var c2 = vscrollbar_bg; // var x = (float)c2.area.left; // var y = (float); // { // x -= (float)targetWidth/2f; // x += (float)c2.area.width/2f; // y -= (float)targetHeight/2f; // // var pos = new Vector3(Mathf.RoundToInt(x), Mathf.RoundToInt(-y), 0); // pos.z = go.transform.localPosition.z; // go.transform.localPosition = pos; // } // } // // var hscrollbar = null as UIScrollBar; // if (hscrollbar_bg != null || hscrollbar_fg != null) // { // NGUIWidgetCreator.mScrollBG = // hscrollbar_bg != null ? hscrollbar_bg.fullName : hscrollbar_fg.fullName; // // NGUIWidgetCreator.mScrollFG = // hscrollbar_fg != null ? hscrollbar_fg.fullName : hscrollbar_bg.fullName; // // NGUIWidgetCreator.CreateScrollBar(owner); // // hscrollbar = Util.FindComponent<UIScrollBar>(Selection.activeGameObject); // hscrollbar.direction = UIScrollBar.Direction.Horizontal; // } // if (hscrollbar != null) // { // PsdLayerToNGUI.MoveAndResize(hscrollbar.gameObject, hscrollbar_bg); // // var go = hscrollbar.gameObject; // var c2 = hscrollbar_bg; // var x = (float)c2.area.left; // var y = (float); // { // x -= (float)targetWidth/2f; // y -= (float)targetHeight/2f; // y += (float)c2.area.height/2f; // // var pos = new Vector3(Mathf.RoundToInt(x), Mathf.RoundToInt(-y), 0); // pos.z = go.transform.localPosition.z; // go.transform.localPosition = pos; // } // } var panelgo = Util.CreateEmptyGameObject(owner); = "ScrollView"; panelgo.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0 -1); { var panel = panelgo.AddComponent<UIPanel>(); panel.depth =; var view = panelgo.AddComponent<UIScrollView>(); //**todo // view.verticalScrollBar = vscrollbar; // view.horizontalScrollBar = hscrollbar; view.showScrollBars = UIScrollView.ShowCondition.WhenDragging; view.movement = UIScrollView.Movement.Vertical; Util.FindComponent<UIDragScrollView>(bgSprite, true).scrollView = view; if (item != null) { foreach (var child in item.children) CreateNGUI(panelgo, child); Util.SetXYCenterAmongChildren(panelgo); } panel.clipping = UIDrawCall.Clipping.SoftClip; panel.baseClipRegion = new Vector4( panel.transform.localPosition.x, -panel.transform.localPosition.y, bg.area.width, bg.area.height); } Selection.activeGameObject = owner; } else { return false; } return true; }
private static bool UpdateTexture(GameObject owner, PsdLayerCommandParser.Control c) { Selection.activeGameObject = Util.FindGameObjectRecursively(owner,, true); if (Selection.activeGameObject == null) return false; var tex = Util.FindComponent<UITexture>(Selection.activeGameObject); if (tex != null) { //**todo //tex.mainTexture = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(, typeof(Texture2D)) as Texture2D; return true; } return false; }
private static bool CreateTexture(GameObject owner, PsdLayerCommandParser.Control c) { NGUIWidgetCreator.CreateSimpleTexture(owner); var tex = Util.FindComponent<UITexture>(Selection.activeGameObject); if (tex != null) { //**todo //tex.mainTexture = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(, typeof(Texture2D)) as Texture2D; return true; } return false; }
private static PsdLayerCommandParser.Control[] FindControlSources( PsdLayerCommandParser.Control c, string controlName, string[] sourceNames) { var controlNames = controlName.Split(','); var sources = new PsdLayerCommandParser.Control[sourceNames.Length]; for (var i=0; i<c.sources.Count; ++i) { var src = c.sources[i]; SetSlicedSprite(src.fullName, src.sliceArea); var first = false; foreach (var name in controlNames) { if (first = src.command.EndsWith(name)) break; } if (first || src.command.EndsWith(sourceNames[0])) { sources[0] = src; } else { for (var n=1; n<sources.Length; ++n) { if (src.command.EndsWith(sourceNames[n])) sources[n] = src; } } } return sources; }
private static bool CreateNGUIAnimation(GameObject owner, PsdLayerCommandParser.Control c) { if (PsdLayerToNGUI.CreateNGUISprite(owner, c) && c.children.Count > 0){ var ani = Selection.activeGameObject.AddComponent<PsdLayerSpriteAnimation>(); var names = new List<string>(); for (var i=0; i<c.children.Count; ++i){ names.Add(c.children[i].fullName); } names.Sort(); ani.SetSprites(names.ToArray()); ani.fps = c.fps; PsdLayerToNGUI.MoveAndResize(ani.gameObject, c.children[0]); return true; } return false; }
private static void UpdateNGUIs(GameObject owner, string psdFileName, List<PsdLayerExtractor.Layer> layers) { var pa = new PsdLayerCommandParser(); pa.Parse(psdFileName, layers); foreach (var c in pa.root.children) { if (!PsdLayerToNGUI.UpdateNGUI(owner, c)) PsdLayerToNGUI.CreateNGUI(owner, c); } }
private static void SetButtonAppearance( GameObject go, PsdLayerCommandParser.Control c, UILabel label, bool enable) { var btn = Util.FindComponent<UIButton>(go); var btnScale = Util.FindComponent<UIButtonScale>(go); var btnOffset = Util.FindComponent<UIButtonOffset>(go); UIWidget btnBackground = null; if (btn != null) { btn.enabled = enable; btn.hover = Color.yellow; btn.pressed = new Color(.7f, .7f, .7f, 1f); btnBackground = Util.FindComponent<UIWidget>(btn.tweenTarget); if (c.type == PsdLayerCommandParser.ControlType.LabelButton){ if (btnBackground != null){ btnBackground.alpha = 0; } btn.tweenTarget = label.gameObject; btnBackground = Util.FindComponent<UIWidget>(btn.tweenTarget); } } if (btnScale != null) { btnScale.hover =; btnScale.pressed = new Vector3(0.998f, 0.998f, 1); } if (btnOffset != null) { btnOffset.pressed =; } var imgbtn = Util.FindComponent<UIImageButton>(go); if (imgbtn != null) { = imgbtn.normalSprite; } var toggle = Util.FindComponent<UIToggle>(go); if (toggle != null && c.sources.Count == 1) { btnBackground.color = new Color(.7f, .7f, .7f, 1f); } }