[TestCase("206102", GameVersion.RS2012)] // free ODLC Holiday Song Pack - no messagebox
        public void TestRepackAppId(string appId, GameVersion gameVersion)
            // start fresh
            if (!TestSettings.Instance.ArchivePaths.Any())
                Assert.Fail("TestSettings CopyResources Failed ...");

            packerUnpacker.Version = gameVersion;
            packerUnpacker.AppId   = appId;

            foreach (var archivePath in TestSettings.Instance.ArchivePaths)
                var platform = archivePath.GetPlatform();
                if (gameVersion != platform.version)

                // console package does not have an AppId
                if (platform.IsConsole)
                    // NOTE: when unit test is finished, double click the test result to see this message
                    Debug.WriteLine("TestRepackAppId skipped console files: " + Path.GetFileName(archivePath));

                // test AppId validation method

                // call background worker method from unit test to avoid threading issues
                packerUnpacker.UpdateAppId(null, new DoWorkEventArgs(new string[] { archivePath }));

                if (!File.Exists(archivePath))
                    Assert.Fail("RepackAppId Method Failed: " + Path.GetFileName(archivePath));

                if (gameVersion == GameVersion.RS2012)

                // check if RepackAppId wrote the new AppId (RS2014 ONLY)
                using (var psarcLoader = new PsarcLoader(archivePath, true))
                    var entryAppId = psarcLoader.ExtractAppId();
                    Assert.AreEqual(packerUnpacker.AppId, entryAppId);
        public void TestPackageGenerate()
            var archivePaths = new List <string>();

            foreach (var srcPath in TestSettings.Instance.ResourcePaths)
                Debug.WriteLine("Processing: " + srcPath);
                // load info from srcPath
                DLCPackageData info = new DLCPackageData();

                var platform = srcPath.GetPlatform();
                if (platform.version == GameVersion.RS2012)
                    packageCreator.CurrentGameVersion = GameVersion.RS2012;
                    packageCreator.CurrentGameVersion = GameVersion.RS2014;

                info = packageCreator.PackageImport(srcPath, TestSettings.Instance.TmpDestDir);

                // set package version, old srcPackage may not have it
                packageCreator.PackageVersion = "8";      // make easy to identify
                packageCreator.AppId          = "492988"; // free Bob Marley - Three Little Birds
                // stress test package generation for all platforms
                packageCreator.PlatformPC      = true;
                packageCreator.PlatformXBox360 = true;
                packageCreator.PlatformPS3     = true;
                packageCreator.PlatformMAC     = true;
                // skip testing ddc generation
                // ConfigRepository.Instance()["ddc_autogen"] = "false";

                if (packageCreator.CurrentGameVersion == GameVersion.RS2012)
                    packageCreator.AppId       = "206102"; // free Holiday Song Pack
                    packageCreator.PlatformPS3 = false;
                    packageCreator.PlatformMAC = false;

                // set destPath and test getting the package data
                var archivePath = Path.Combine(TestSettings.Instance.TmpDestDir, Path.GetFileName(srcPath));
                packageCreator.DestPath = archivePath;
                var packageData = packageCreator.PackageGenerate();

                // call background worker method from unit test to avoid threading issues
                packageCreator.GeneratePackage(null, new DoWorkEventArgs(packageData));
                var shortPath = archivePath.Replace("_p.psarc", "").Replace("_m.psarc", "").Replace("_ps3.psarc.edat", "").Replace("_xbox", "").Replace(".dat", "");

                if (packageCreator.CurrentGameVersion == GameVersion.RS2012)
                    if (!File.Exists(shortPath + ".dat"))
                        Assert.Fail("RS1 PC Package Generation Failed ...");

                    if (!File.Exists(shortPath + "_xbox"))
                        Assert.Fail("RS1 Xbox Package Generation Failed ...");
                    if (!File.Exists(shortPath + "_p.psarc"))
                        Assert.Fail("PC Package Generation Failed ...");

                    if (!File.Exists(shortPath + "_m.psarc"))
                        Assert.Fail("Mac Package Generation Failed ...");

                    if (!File.Exists(shortPath + "_xbox"))
                        Assert.Fail("Xbox Package Generation Failed ...");

                    if (!File.Exists(shortPath + "_ps3.psarc.edat"))
                        Assert.Fail("PS3 Package Generation Failed ...");

                    // console files do not contain an AppId
                    if (!info.PS3 && !info.XBox360)
                        // check if GeneratePackage wrote the new AppId
                        using (var psarcLoader = new PsarcLoader(archivePath, true))
                            var entryAppId = psarcLoader.ExtractAppId();
                            Assert.AreEqual(packageCreator.AppId, entryAppId);


            Assert.AreEqual(TestSettings.Instance.ResourcePaths.Count, archivePaths.Count);