コード例 #1
        public SelectJobGradeForm(string company, string cmd)
            this.company     = company;
            this.command     = cmd;
            this.salary_plan = company;
            company_code = PsHelper.GetCompanyCode(salary_plan);


            if (cmd == "录入职级及职级工资" || cmd == "查看各职等职级月薪执行标准" || cmd == "调整各职等月薪执行标准")
                this.Text = "请选择年度";
                listBoxControl职级.Visible = false;
                this.Size      = new Size(this.Size.Width, this.Size.Height - 480);
                btn确定.Location = new Point(btn确定.Location.X, btn确定.Location.Y - 480);
                btn取消.Location = new Point(btn取消.Location.X, btn取消.Location.Y - 480);

            if (cmd == "录入异动人员薪酬执行明细" ||
                cmd == "查看各职等人员薪酬发放明细表" ||
                cmd == "查看各职等管理人员薪酬执行明细" ||
                cmd == "查看各职等人员薪酬结构明细表")
                this.Text                 = "请选择职等";
                spin年度.Visible            = false;
                cbSemiannual.Visible      = false;
                listBoxControl职级.Location = new Point(spin年度.Location.X, spin年度.Location.Y);
                listBoxControl职级.Size     = new Size(listBoxControl职级.Size.Width, listBoxControl职级.Size.Height + spin年度.Size.Height);
コード例 #2
        public AdjustMonthlySalaryForm(string salary_plan, string group, int year, SemiannualType st, bool isCheck)
            : this()
            this.salary_plan = salary_plan;
            this.group       = group;
            this.year        = year;
            this.sntype      = st;
            this.isCheck     = isCheck;

            this.period = year * 10 + (byte)st;
            company_code = PsHelper.GetCompanyCode(salary_plan);
            jobgrade = JobGrade.GetJobGrade(salary_plan, group);

            emp_list = GetEmployeeList();
            //设置标记, 标记有异动的人员
            foreach (EmployeeInfo emp in emp_list)
                MonthlySalary effectiveMonthlySalary = MonthlySalary.GetEffective(emp.员工编号, DateTime.Today);
                if (effectiveMonthlySalary == null)
                    emp.标记 = true;
        public IndividualAdjustMonthlySalaryForm(string salary_plan, string group, bool isCheck)
            : this()
            this.salary_plan = salary_plan;
            this.group       = group;
            this.isCheck     = isCheck;
            company_code = PsHelper.GetCompanyCode(salary_plan);
            jobgrade = JobGrade.GetJobGrade(salary_plan, group);
            int lastestPeriodNonYear = MonthlySalary.GetLastestPeriodNonYear(salary_plan, group);

            period = lastestPeriodNonYear == -1 ? 100001 : lastestPeriodNonYear + 1;

            emp_list = GetEmployeeList();
            //设置标记, 标记有异动的人员
            foreach (EmployeeInfo emp in emp_list)
                MonthlySalary effectiveMonthlySalary = MonthlySalary.GetEffective(emp.员工编号, DateTime.Today);
                if (effectiveMonthlySalary == null)
                    emp.标记 = true;
コード例 #4
 public MonthlySalaryForm(string salary_plan, string group)
     : this()
     this.salary_plan = salary_plan;
     this.group       = group;
     company_code = PsHelper.GetCompanyCode(salary_plan);
     jobgrade = JobGrade.GetJobGrade(salary_plan, group);
コード例 #5
        List <EmployeeSalaryStructure> all_rows = new List <EmployeeSalaryStructure>();   //所有记录
        public SalaryDetailListForm(string salary_plan, string group)
            // This call is required by the Windows Form Designer.

            // TODO: Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent call
            this.salary_plan = salary_plan;
            this.group       = group;
            company_code = PsHelper.GetCompanyCode(salary_plan);
            jobgrade = JobGrade.GetJobGrade(salary_plan, group);