コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Method that decodes a element
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Elements DecodeElement(Proyects.Proyects p, Elements e)
            e.Title        = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeElementString(p, e.Title);
            e.Type         = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeElementString(p, e.Type);
            e.State        = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeElementString(p, e.State);
            e.AssignedTo   = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeElementString(p, e.AssignedTo);
            e.Priority     = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeElementString(p, e.Priority);
            e.Summary      = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeElementString(p, e.Summary);
            e.DateCreation = e.DateCreation;
            e.DateStart    = e.DateStart;
            e.DateFinish   = e.DateFinish;
            e.IdProyect    = e.IdProyect;

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Method that decodes an elements list from a proyect
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p">Proyect</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <Elements> GetAllElementsDecoded(Proyects.Proyects p)
            List <Elements> LE = new List <Elements>();

            // Its necessary to fill this LIST with elements from the P introduced
            // Do a linq query and get all elements from a certain idProyect
            // then add it to this LE list

            // Decode the entire list
            foreach (Elements e in LE)
                e.DecodeElement(p, e);

コード例 #3
        public Elements(string title, string type, string state, string priority, string assigendTo, string summary, DateTime dateStart, DateTime dateFinish, Proyects.Proyects p)
            Id           = Security.CryptoUtils.SHA1HashStringForUTF8String(lovis.Security.CryptoUtils.RandomKey());
            Title        = Security.CryptoUtils.EncodeElementString(p, title);
            Type         = Security.CryptoUtils.EncodeElementString(p, type);
            State        = Security.CryptoUtils.EncodeElementString(p, state);
            AssignedTo   = Security.CryptoUtils.EncodeElementString(p, assigendTo);
            Priority     = Security.CryptoUtils.EncodeElementString(p, priority);
            Summary      = Security.CryptoUtils.EncodeElementString(p, summary);
            DateCreation = DateTime.Now;
            DateStart    = dateStart;
            DateFinish   = dateFinish;
            IdProyect    = p.Id;
