コード例 #1
        private static GeneratedTypeInfo GenerateProxyType(
            [DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicParameterlessConstructor)] Type baseType,
            [DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.All)] Type interfaceType)
            // Parameter validation is deferred until the point we need to create the proxy.
            // This prevents unnecessary overhead revalidating cached proxy types.

            // The interface type must be an interface, not a class
            if (!interfaceType.IsInterface)
                // "T" is the generic parameter seen via the public contract
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.InterfaceType_Must_Be_Interface, interfaceType.FullName), "T");

            // The base type cannot be sealed because the proxy needs to subclass it.
            if (baseType.IsSealed)
                // "TProxy" is the generic parameter seen via the public contract
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.BaseType_Cannot_Be_Sealed, baseType.FullName), "TProxy");

            // The base type cannot be abstract
            if (baseType.IsAbstract)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.BaseType_Cannot_Be_Abstract, baseType.FullName), "TProxy");

            // The base type must have a public default ctor
            if (baseType.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes) == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.BaseType_Must_Have_Default_Ctor, baseType.FullName), "TProxy");

            // Create a type that derives from 'baseType' provided by caller
            ProxyBuilder pb = s_proxyAssembly.CreateProxy("generatedProxy", baseType);

            foreach (Type t in interfaceType.GetInterfaces())


            GeneratedTypeInfo generatedProxyType = pb.CreateType();

コード例 #2
        // Unconditionally generates a new proxy type derived from 'baseType' and implements 'interfaceType'
        private static Type GenerateProxyType(Type baseType, Type interfaceType)
            // Parameter validation is deferred until the point we need to create the proxy.
            // This prevents unnecessary overhead revalidating cached proxy types.
            TypeInfo baseTypeInfo = baseType.GetTypeInfo();

            // The interface type must be an interface, not a class
            if (!interfaceType.GetTypeInfo().IsInterface)
                // "T" is the generic parameter seen via the public contract
                throw new ArgumentException($"{interfaceType.FullName}必须是一个接口", "T");

            // The base type cannot be sealed because the proxy needs to subclass it.
            if (baseTypeInfo.IsSealed)
                // "TProxy" is the generic parameter seen via the public contract
                throw new ArgumentException($"{baseTypeInfo.FullName}不能是Sealed", "TProxy");

            // The base type cannot be abstract
            if (baseTypeInfo.IsAbstract)
                throw new ArgumentException($"{baseTypeInfo.FullName}不能是Abstract", "TProxy");

            // The base type must have a public default ctor
            if (!baseTypeInfo.DeclaredConstructors.Any(c => c.IsPublic && c.GetParameters().Length == 0))
                throw new ArgumentException($"{baseType.FullName}必须要有无参构造函数", "TProxy");

            // Create a type that derives from 'baseType' provided by caller
            var          name = $"{interfaceType.Name.TrimStart('I')}GeneratedProxy";
            ProxyBuilder pb   = s_proxyAssembly.CreateProxy(name, baseType);

            foreach (Type t in interfaceType.GetTypeInfo().ImplementedInterfaces)


            Type generatedProxyType = pb.CreateType();

コード例 #3
        // Unconditionally generates a new proxy type derived from 'baseType' and implements 'interfaceType'
        private static Type GenerateProxyType(Type baseType, Type interfaceType)
            // Parameter validation is deferred until the point we need to create the proxy.
            // This prevents unnecessary overhead revalidating cached proxy types.
            TypeInfo baseTypeInfo = baseType.GetTypeInfo();

            // The interface type must be an interface, not a class
            if (!interfaceType.GetTypeInfo().IsInterface)
                // "T" is the generic parameter seen via the public contract
                throw new ArgumentException(String.Format(SR.InterfaceType_Must_Be_Interface, interfaceType.FullName), "T");

            // The base type cannot be sealed because the proxy needs to subclass it.
            if (baseTypeInfo.IsSealed)
                // "TProxy" is the generic parameter seen via the public contract
                throw new ArgumentException(String.Format(SR.BaseType_Cannot_Be_Sealed, baseTypeInfo.FullName), "TProxy");

            // The base type cannot be abstract
            if (baseTypeInfo.IsAbstract)
                throw new ArgumentException(String.Format(SR.BaseType_Cannot_Be_Abstract, baseType.FullName), "TProxy");

            // The base type must have a public default ctor
            if (!baseTypeInfo.DeclaredConstructors.Any(c => c.IsPublic && c.GetParameters().Length == 0))
                throw new ArgumentException(String.Format(SR.BaseType_Must_Have_Default_Ctor, baseType.FullName), "TProxy");

            // Create a type that derives from 'baseType' provided by caller
            ProxyBuilder pb = s_proxyAssembly.CreateProxy("generatedProxy", baseType);

            foreach (Type t in interfaceType.GetTypeInfo().ImplementedInterfaces)


            Type generatedProxyType = pb.CreateType();

コード例 #4
        Type GetProxyType()
            // lock?
            if (this.proxyType == null)
                lock (proxyTypes)
                    if (!proxyTypes.TryGetValue(this.proxiedType, out this.proxyType))
                        if (proxyAssembly == null)
                            proxyAssembly = new ProxyAssembly(DynamicAssemblyName);

                        Type proxyBaseType;
                        if (!proxyTypes.TryGetValue(this.baseType, out proxyBaseType))
                            ProxyBuilder pbt = proxyAssembly.CreateProxy("proxyBase", typeof(object));
                            foreach (Type t in baseType.GetInterfaces())
                            proxyTypes[this.baseType] = proxyBaseType = pbt.CreateType();

                        ProxyBuilder pb = proxyAssembly.CreateProxy("proxy", proxyBaseType);
                        foreach (Type t in this.proxiedType.GetInterfaces())
                        proxyTypes[this.proxiedType] = this.proxyType = pb.CreateType();
コード例 #5
        private static Type GenerateProxyType(Type baseType, Type interfaceType)
            TypeInfo baseTypeInfo = baseType.GetTypeInfo();

            if (!interfaceType.GetTypeInfo().IsInterface)
                throw new Exception();

            if (baseTypeInfo.IsSealed)
                throw new Exception();

            if (baseTypeInfo.IsAbstract)
                throw new Exception();

            if (!baseTypeInfo.DeclaredConstructors.Any(c => c.IsPublic && c.GetParameters().Length == 0))
                throw new Exception();

            ProxyBuilder pb = s_proxyAssembly.CreateProxy("generatedProxy", baseType);

            foreach (Type t in interfaceType.GetTypeInfo().ImplementedInterfaces)


            Type generatedProxyType = pb.CreateType();
