コード例 #1
        public ActionResult Details(String packageId)
            DetailsViewModel model = new DetailsViewModel();

            ProvisioningAppDBContext context = new ProvisioningAppDBContext();

            // Get the package
            if (Boolean.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TestEnvironment"]))
                // Show any package in the test environment
                model.Package = context.Packages.Include("Categories").FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == new Guid(packageId));
                // Show not-preview packages in the production environment
                model.Package = context.Packages.Include("Categories").FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == new Guid(packageId) && p.Preview == false);

            if (model.Package == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("There is no Package with the provided packageId!");

            return(View("Details", model));
コード例 #2
        public ActionResult DetailsByPath(String packageUrl)
            ProvisioningAppDBContext context = new ProvisioningAppDBContext();
            Package targetPackage            = null;

            packageUrl.Replace("-", "/");

            // Get the package
            if (Boolean.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TestEnvironment"]))
                // Show any package in the test environment
                targetPackage = context.Packages.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PackageUrl == packageUrl);
                // Show not-preview packages in the production environment
                targetPackage = context.Packages.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PackageUrl == packageUrl && p.Preview == false);

            if (targetPackage != null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Details", targetPackage.Id));
                throw new ApplicationException("There is no Package with the provided packageUrl!");
コード例 #3
        private async Task SyncCategories()
            using (ProvisioningAppDBContext context = GetContext())
                // Find the category file
                ITemplateFile file = (await _cloneProvider.GetAsync(SYSTEM_PATH, WriteLog)).FindFile(CATEGORIES_NAME);
                if (file == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot find file {CATEGORIES_NAME}");

                // Deserialize the json
                var categories = await file.DownloadAsJsonAsync(new
                    categories = new[]
                        new { id = "", displayName = "" }

                var existingDbCategories = context.Categories.ToDictionary(c => c.Id, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                foreach (var category in categories.categories)
                    // Update category, if already exists
                    if (existingDbCategories.TryGetValue(category.id, out Category dbCategory))
                        dbCategory.DisplayName          = category.displayName;
                        context.Entry(dbCategory).State = EntityState.Modified;
                        // Add new category
                        dbCategory = new Category
                            Id          = category.id,
                            DisplayName = category.displayName
                        context.Entry(dbCategory).State = EntityState.Added;


                // Remove exceed categories
                var objectStateManager = ((IObjectContextAdapter)context).ObjectContext.ObjectStateManager;
                foreach (var dbCategory in existingDbCategories)
                    await context.Entry(dbCategory.Value).Collection(d => d.Packages).LoadAsync();

                    foreach (var dbPackage in dbCategory.Value.Packages.ToArray())
                        objectStateManager.ChangeRelationshipState(dbCategory.Value, dbPackage, d => d.Packages, EntityState.Deleted);

                    context.Entry(dbCategory.Value).State = EntityState.Deleted;

                await context.SaveChangesAsync();
コード例 #4
        public ActionResult Index()
            IndexViewModel model = new IndexViewModel();

            ProvisioningAppDBContext context = new ProvisioningAppDBContext();

            // Get the packages
            if (Boolean.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TestEnvironment"]))
                // Show all packages in the test environment
                model.Packages = context.Packages.Include("Categories").ToList();
                // Show not-preview packages in the production environment
                model.Packages = context.Packages.Include("Categories").Where(p => p.Preview == false).ToList();

            // Get the service description content
            var contentPage = context.ContentPages.FirstOrDefault(cp => cp.Id == "system/pages/ServiceDescription.md");

            if (contentPage != null)
                model.ServiceDescription = contentPage.Content;

            // Get the categories
            model.Categories = context.Categories.ToDictionary(c => c.Id, c => c.DisplayName);

コード例 #5
        private async Task SyncPlatforms()
            using (ProvisioningAppDBContext context = GetContext())
                // Find the platforms file
                ITemplateFile file = (await _cloneProvider.GetAsync(SYSTEM_PATH, WriteLog)).FindFile(PLATFORMS_NAME);
                if (file == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot find file {PLATFORMS_NAME}");

                // Deserialize the json
                var platforms = await file.DownloadAsJsonAsync(new
                    platforms = new[]
                        new { id = "", displayName = "" }

                var existingDbPlatforms = context.Platforms.ToDictionary(c => c.Id, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                foreach (var platform in platforms.platforms)
                    // Update platform, if already exists
                    if (existingDbPlatforms.TryGetValue(platform.id, out Platform dbPlatform))
                        dbPlatform.DisplayName          = platform.displayName;
                        context.Entry(dbPlatform).State = EntityState.Modified;
                        // Add new platform
                        dbPlatform = new Platform
                            Id          = platform.id,
                            DisplayName = platform.displayName,
                        context.Entry(dbPlatform).State = EntityState.Added;


                // Remove exceed platforms
                var objectStateManager = ((IObjectContextAdapter)context).ObjectContext.ObjectStateManager;
                foreach (var dbPlatform in existingDbPlatforms)
                    await context.Entry(dbPlatform.Value).Collection(p => p.Packages).LoadAsync();

                    foreach (var dbPackage in dbPlatform.Value.Packages.ToArray())
                        objectStateManager.ChangeRelationshipState(dbPlatform.Value, dbPackage, p => p.Packages, EntityState.Deleted);

                    context.Entry(dbPlatform.Value).State = EntityState.Deleted;

                await context.SaveChangesAsync();
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks the Authorization for an API request
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="allowAppOnly">Defines whether an app-only request is allowed or not</param>
        public static void CheckRequestAuthorization(Boolean allowAppOnly)
            // Read the current audience from the configuration
            var audience = AuthenticationConfig.Audience;

            // Read the permission scopes from the configuration
            var scope = AuthenticationConfig.ApiScope;

            // If there isn't a current user identity, there is a security issue
            if (ClaimsPrincipal.Current == null || ClaimsPrincipal.Current.Identity == null)

            // Otherwise try to get the permission scope and the appid claims
            var scopeClaim    = ClaimsPrincipal.Current.FindFirst("http://schemas.microsoft.com/identity/claims/scope");
            var appIdClaim    = ClaimsPrincipal.Current.FindFirst("appid");
            var audienceClaim = ClaimsPrincipal.Current.FindFirst("aud");

            // Check if the audience claim matches the current audience, otherwise there is a security issue
            if (audienceClaim == null ||
                audienceClaim.Value != audience)

            // If we have the AppId, check it against the ConsumerApps collection
            if (appIdClaim != null)
                var dbContext     = new ProvisioningAppDBContext();
                var consumerAppId = Guid.Parse(appIdClaim.Value);
                var consumerApp   = dbContext.ConsumerApps.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id == consumerAppId);
                if (consumerApp == null)
                    // If the AppId is not "supported", there is a security issue
                // If we don't have the AppId, there is a security issue

            // If we're not allowed to accept an app-only request
            if (!allowAppOnly)
                // and there is no scope claim or the scope claim is wrong, there is a security issue
                if (scopeClaim == null ||
                    (scopeClaim != null &&
                     scopeClaim.Value != scope))
コード例 #7
        private ProvisioningAppDBContext GetContext()
            var context = new ProvisioningAppDBContext();

            context.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled     = false;
            context.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled       = false;
            context.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false;

コード例 #8
        private async Task SyncFirstReleaseTenants()
            using (ProvisioningAppDBContext context = GetContext())
                // Find the category file
                ITemplateFile file = (await _cloneProvider.GetAsync(SYSTEM_PATH, WriteLog)).FindFile(TENANTS_NAME);
                if (file == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot find file {TENANTS_NAME}");

                // Deserialize the json
                var tenantsList = await file.DownloadAsJsonAsync(new
                    tenants = new[]
                        new { id = "", tenantName = "", referenceOwner = "" }

                var existingDbTenants = context.Tenants.ToDictionary(t => t.Id, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                foreach (var tenant in tenantsList.tenants)
                    // Update tenant, if already exists
                    if (existingDbTenants.TryGetValue(tenant.id, out Tenant dbTenant))
                        dbTenant.TenantName           = tenant.tenantName;
                        dbTenant.ReferenceOwner       = tenant.referenceOwner;
                        context.Entry(dbTenant).State = EntityState.Modified;
                        // Add new tenant
                        dbTenant = new Tenant
                            Id             = tenant.id,
                            TenantName     = tenant.tenantName,
                            ReferenceOwner = tenant.referenceOwner
                        context.Entry(dbTenant).State = EntityState.Added;


                // Remove exceed categories
                var objectStateManager = ((IObjectContextAdapter)context).ObjectContext.ObjectStateManager;
                foreach (var dbTenant in existingDbTenants)
                    context.Entry(dbTenant.Value).State = EntityState.Deleted;

                await context.SaveChangesAsync();
コード例 #9
        private async Task SyncContentPages()
            using (ProvisioningAppDBContext context = GetContext())
                // Find the content pages files
                var files = await _cloneProvider.GetAsync(CONTENT_PATH, WriteLog);

                if (files == null || files.Count() == 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot find files in folder {CONTENT_PATH}");

                // Consider system pages only
                var existingDbContentPages = context.ContentPages
                                             .Where(cp => cp.Id.StartsWith("system", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                                             .ToDictionary(cp => cp.Id, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                foreach (ITemplateFile file in files)
                    // Get the file content
                    String fileContent = await GetHtmlContentAsync(CONTENT_PATH, file.Path.Substring(file.Path.LastIndexOf('/') + 1));

                    // Update Content Page, if already exists
                    if (existingDbContentPages.TryGetValue(file.Path, out ContentPage dbContentPage))
                        dbContentPage.Content = fileContent;
                        context.Entry(dbContentPage).State = EntityState.Modified;
                        // Add new Content Page
                        dbContentPage = new ContentPage
                            Id      = file.Path,
                            Content = fileContent,
                        context.Entry(dbContentPage).State = EntityState.Added;


                // Remove leftover pages
                var objectStateManager = ((IObjectContextAdapter)context).ObjectContext.ObjectStateManager;
                foreach (var dbContentPage in existingDbContentPages)
                    context.Entry(dbContentPage.Value).State = EntityState.Deleted;

                await context.SaveChangesAsync();
コード例 #10
        private static void CleanupCurrentActionItem(ProvisioningActionModel action, ProvisioningAppDBContext dbContext)
            // Check if there is the action item for the current action
            var existingItem = dbContext.ProvisioningActionItems.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Id == action.CorrelationId);

            // And in case it does exist and it is not failed
            if (existingItem != null && !existingItem.FailedOn.HasValue)
                // Delete it
コード例 #11
        public ActionResult ContentPage(String contentPageId)
            ContentPageViewModel model = new ContentPageViewModel();

            ProvisioningAppDBContext context = new ProvisioningAppDBContext();
            var targetContentPageId          = $"system/pages/{contentPageId}.md";
            var contentPage = context.ContentPages.FirstOrDefault(cp => cp.Id == targetContentPageId);

            if (contentPage == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("There is no Content Page with the provided contentPageId!");

            model.Content = contentPage.Content;

            return(View("ContentPage", model));
コード例 #12
        //private static async Task CleanupKeyVault()
        //    // Get the reference date for removal of keys (expired at least 2 hours ago)
        //    var referenceDateTime = DateTime.Now.AddHours(-2);

        //    // This job cleans up the expired keys from the Azure Key Vault
        //    var vault = new KeyVaultService();

        //    // Get all the keys stored in Key Vault
        //    var allKeys = await vault.ListKeysAsync();

        //    // Check for expired keys
        //    foreach (var key in allKeys)
        //    {
        //        var currentKey = await vault.GetFullKeyAsync(key);
        //        if (currentKey.Attributes.Expires <= referenceDateTime)
        //        {
        //            // The key is expired, let's remove it
        //            await vault.RemoveKeyAsync(key);

        //            // Log the action
        //            Console.WriteLine($"Deleted key {key} that expired on {currentKey.Attributes.Expires}");
        //        }
        //        else
        //        {
        //            Console.WriteLine($"Key {key} is not yet expired");
        //        }

        //        // Delay to avoid throttling
        //        System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
        //    }

        //private static async Task CleanupSqlVault()
        //    Console.WriteLine("Cleaning up SQL Vault");

        //    // This job cleans up the expired keys from the Sql Azure Database
        //    var sqlVault = new SqlServerVaultService();
        //    await sqlVault.CleanupTokensAsync();

        //    Console.WriteLine("Cleaned SQL Vault");

        private static async Task CleanupSqlServer()
            // Get the expired actions
            var dbContext    = new ProvisioningAppDBContext();
            var now          = DateTime.Now;
            var expiredItems = dbContext.ProvisioningActionItems.Where(i => i.ExpiresOn <= now);

            // And delete any expired item
            foreach (var i in expiredItems)
                Console.WriteLine($"Deleting action item {i.Id} because it is expired");

                // Delete it

            await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();
コード例 #13
        public ActionResult CategoriesMenu(String returnUrl = null)
            CategoriesMenuViewModel model = new CategoriesMenuViewModel();

            // Let's see if we need to filter the output categories
            var slbHost         = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SPLBSiteHost"];
            var testEnvironment = Boolean.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TestEnvironment"]);

            string targetPlatform = null;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(returnUrl) &&
                !String.IsNullOrEmpty(slbHost) &&
                model.BaseLinksUrl = returnUrl.Substring(0, returnUrl.LastIndexOf(@"/") + 1);
                targetPlatform     = "LOOKBOOK";
                model.BaseLinksUrl = String.Empty;
                targetPlatform     = "SPPNP";

            // Get all the Categories together with the Packages
            ProvisioningAppDBContext context = new ProvisioningAppDBContext();

            var tempCategories = context.Categories
                                 .Where(c => c.Packages.Any(
                                            p => p.Visible &&
                                            (testEnvironment || !p.Preview) &&
                                            p.TargetPlatforms.Any(pf => pf.Id == targetPlatform)
                                 .OrderBy(c => c.Order)

            model.Categories = tempCategories;

            return(PartialView("CategoriesMenu", model));
コード例 #14
        private async Task <DomainModel.Package> GetPackageAsync(ITemplateFolder folder, ProvisioningAppDBContext context)
            var items = await _cloneProvider.GetAsync(folder.Path, WriteLog);

            // Read settings file
            ITemplateFile settingsFile = items.OfType <ITemplateFile>().FindFile(SETTINGS_NAME);

            if (settingsFile == null)
                WriteLog($"Cannot find file {SETTINGS_NAME}");

            #region Prepare the settings file and its outline

            var settings = await settingsFile.DownloadAsJsonAsync(new TemplateSettings());


            // Read the package file
            ITemplateFile packageFile = items.FindFile(settings.packageFile);
            if (packageFile == null)
                WriteLog($"Cannot find file {settings.packageFile}");

            #region Fix the Preview Image URLs

            // Fix the URLs in the metadata settings
            if (settings?.metadata?.displayInfo?.previewImages != null)
                int previewImagesCount = settings.metadata.displayInfo.previewImages.Length;
                for (var n = 0; n < previewImagesCount; n++)
                    var previewImageUrl = settings.metadata.displayInfo.previewImages[n].url;
                    settings.metadata.displayInfo.previewImages[n].url =
                        ChangeUri(packageFile.DownloadUri, previewImageUrl);

            if (settings?.metadata?.displayInfo?.detailItemCategories != null)
                int detailItemCategoriesCount = settings.metadata.displayInfo.detailItemCategories.Length;
                for (var n = 0; n < detailItemCategoriesCount; n++)
                    if (settings.metadata.displayInfo.detailItemCategories[n].items != null)
                        var detailItemCategoryItemsCount = settings.metadata.displayInfo.detailItemCategories[n].items.Length;
                        for (var m = 0; m < detailItemCategoryItemsCount; m++)
                            var detailItemCategoryItemPreviewImageUrl = settings.metadata.displayInfo.detailItemCategories[n].items[m].previewImage;
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(detailItemCategoryItemPreviewImageUrl))
                                settings.metadata.displayInfo.detailItemCategories[n].items[m].previewImage =
                                    ChangeUri(packageFile.DownloadUri, detailItemCategoryItemPreviewImageUrl);


            var package = new DomainModel.Package
                Id         = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.templateId) ? new Guid(settings.templateId) : Guid.NewGuid(),
                PackageUrl = packageFile.DownloadUri.ToString(),
                // New properties for Wave2
                Promoted           = settings.promoted,
                Preview            = settings.preview,
                TimesApplied       = 0,
                PropertiesMetadata = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(settings.metadata),
                // New properties for Wave 5
                Abstract                   = settings.@abstract,
                SortOrder                  = settings.sortOrder,
                SortOrderPromoted          = settings.sortOrderPromoted,
                RepositoryRelativeUrl      = folder.Path,
                MatchingSiteBaseTemplateId = settings.matchingSiteBaseTemplateId,
                ForceNewSite               = settings.forceNewSite,
                Visible        = settings.visible,
                PageTemplateId = settings.metadata?.displayInfo?.pageTemplateId,
                // New properties for Wave 12
                DisplayName       = settings.metadata?.displayInfo?.siteTitle,
                ForceExistingSite = settings.forceExistingSite,

            // Read the instructions.md and the provisioning.md files
            String instructionsContent = await GetHtmlContentAsync(folder.Path, INSTRUCTIONS_NAME);

            String provisioningContent = await GetHtmlContentAsync(folder.Path, PROVISIONING_NAME);

            package.Instructions   = instructionsContent;
            package.ProvisionRecap = provisioningContent;

            // Read any pre-requirement content files
            var preRequirementContents = items.FindFiles(i =>
                                                         i.Path.ToLower().Contains("prerequirement-") &&
                                                         i.Path.EndsWith(".md", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));

            // Process content for pre-requirements, if any
            if (preRequirementContents != null)
                // Get the existing content pages for the current folder
                var existingDbContentPages = context.ContentPages
                                             .Where(cp => cp.Id.StartsWith(folder.Path, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                                             .ToDictionary(cp => cp.Id, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

                foreach (var prc in preRequirementContents)
                    // Get the file content
                    String fileContent = await GetHtmlContentAsync(folder.Path, prc.Path.Substring(prc.Path.LastIndexOf('/') + 1));

                    // Update Content Page, if already exists
                    if (existingDbContentPages.TryGetValue(prc.Path, out ContentPage dbContentPage))
                        dbContentPage.Content = fileContent;
                        context.Entry(dbContentPage).State = EntityState.Modified;
                        // Add new Content Page
                        dbContentPage = new ContentPage
                            Id      = prc.Path,
                            Content = fileContent,
                        context.Entry(dbContentPage).State = EntityState.Added;


                // Remove leftover content pages, if any
                var objectStateManager = ((IObjectContextAdapter)context).ObjectContext.ObjectStateManager;
                foreach (var dbContentPage in existingDbContentPages)
                    context.Entry(dbContentPage.Value).State = EntityState.Deleted;

            // Find the categories to apply
            if (settings.categories != null && settings.categories.Length > 0)
                var dbCategories = settings.categories.Select(c =>
                    Category dbCategory = context.Categories.Find(c);
                    if (dbCategory == null)
                        WriteLog($"Cannot find category with id {c}");


            // Find the platforms to apply
            if (settings.platforms != null && settings.platforms.Length > 0)
                var dbPlatforms = settings.platforms.Select(p =>
                    Platform dbPlatform = context.Platforms.Find(p);
                    if (dbPlatform == null)
                        WriteLog($"Cannot find platform with id {p}");


            // Find then author and fill her/his information
            await FillAuthorAsync(package, packageFile.Path);

            // Open the package and set info
            await FillPackageAsync(package, packageFile);

コード例 #15
        private static Boolean CheckIfActionIsAlreadyRunning(ProvisioningActionModel action, ProvisioningAppDBContext dbContext)
            var result = false;

            var tenantId  = Guid.Parse(action.TenantId);
            var packageId = Guid.Parse(action.PackageId);

            // Check if there is already a pending action item with the same settings and not yet expired
            var alreadyExistingItems = from i in dbContext.ProvisioningActionItems
                                       where i.TenantId == tenantId && i.PackageId == packageId &&
                                       i.ExpiresOn > DateTime.Now &&
                                       i.FailedOn == null
                                       select i;

            // Prepare the action properties as JSON
            var currentActionProperties = action.PackageProperties != null?JsonConvert.SerializeObject(action.PackageProperties) : null;

            // Verify if the same package, with the same properties is already running in the same tenant
            foreach (var item in alreadyExistingItems)
                if (item.PackageProperties == currentActionProperties)
                    result = true;

            if (!result)
                // Add a ProvisioningActionItem record for tracking purposes
                dbContext.ProvisioningActionItems.Add(new ProvisioningActionItem
                    Id                = action.CorrelationId,
                    PackageId         = packageId,
                    TenantId          = tenantId,
                    PackageProperties = action.PackageProperties != null ? JsonConvert.SerializeObject(action.PackageProperties) : null,
                    CreatedOn         = DateTime.Now,
                    ExpiresOn         = DateTime.Now.AddHours(2),

コード例 #16
        private async Task SyncTemplatesAsync(string path, PackageType type)
            using (ProvisioningAppDBContext context = GetContext())
                var objectStateManager = ((IObjectContextAdapter)context).ObjectContext.ObjectStateManager;

                // Find packages inside folder
                IEnumerable <ITemplateItem> items = await _cloneProvider.GetAsync(path, WriteLog);

                var packages = await FindPackagesAsync(items, context);

                var existingDbPackages = context.Packages
                                         .Include(c => c.Categories)
                                         .Include(c => c.TargetPlatforms)
                                         // .Where(p => p.PackageType == type)
                                         .ToDictionary(c => c.Id);
                foreach (DomainModel.Package package in packages)
                    package.PackageType = type;

                    // Update package, if already exists
                    if (existingDbPackages.TryGetValue(package.Id, out DomainModel.Package dbPackage))
                        // Copy info into existing item
                        dbPackage.DisplayName     = package.DisplayName;
                        dbPackage.Author          = package.Author;
                        dbPackage.AuthorLink      = package.AuthorLink;
                        dbPackage.Description     = package.Description;
                        dbPackage.ImagePreviewUrl = package.ImagePreviewUrl;
                        dbPackage.PackageUrl      = package.PackageUrl;
                        dbPackage.Version         = package.Version;

                        // New properties for Wave2
                        dbPackage.Promoted           = package.Promoted;
                        dbPackage.Preview            = package.Preview;
                        dbPackage.PropertiesMetadata = package.PropertiesMetadata;

                        // Keep times applied from the DB
                        // dbPackage.TimesApplied = package.TimesApplied;

                        // New properties for Wave 4
                        dbPackage.Instructions   = package.Instructions;
                        dbPackage.ProvisionRecap = package.ProvisionRecap;

                        // New properties for Wave 5
                        dbPackage.SortOrder             = package.SortOrder;
                        dbPackage.SortOrderPromoted     = package.SortOrderPromoted;
                        dbPackage.RepositoryRelativeUrl = package.RepositoryRelativeUrl;
                        dbPackage.Abstract = package.Abstract;

                        // New properties for Wave 6
                        dbPackage.ForceNewSite = package.ForceNewSite;
                        dbPackage.MatchingSiteBaseTemplateId = package.MatchingSiteBaseTemplateId;

                        // New properties for Wave 7
                        dbPackage.Visible = package.Visible;

                        // New properties for Wave 8
                        dbPackage.PackageProperties = package.PackageProperties;

                        // Wave 12 - Allowed to move from one type to another
                        dbPackage.PackageType       = package.PackageType;
                        dbPackage.ForceExistingSite = package.ForceExistingSite;

                        context.Entry(dbPackage).State = EntityState.Modified;

                        // Add new categories
                        foreach (var c in package.Categories.Except(dbPackage.Categories).ToArray())
                            objectStateManager.ChangeRelationshipState(dbPackage, c, d => d.Categories, EntityState.Added);
                        // Remove old categories
                        foreach (var c in dbPackage.Categories.Except(package.Categories).ToArray())
                            objectStateManager.ChangeRelationshipState(dbPackage, c, d => d.Categories, EntityState.Deleted);

                        // Add new platforms
                        foreach (var c in package.TargetPlatforms.Except(dbPackage.TargetPlatforms).ToArray())
                            objectStateManager.ChangeRelationshipState(dbPackage, c, d => d.TargetPlatforms, EntityState.Added);
                        // Remove old platforms
                        foreach (var c in dbPackage.TargetPlatforms.Except(package.TargetPlatforms).ToArray())
                            objectStateManager.ChangeRelationshipState(dbPackage, c, d => d.TargetPlatforms, EntityState.Deleted);

                        // Add new package
                        context.Entry(package).State = EntityState.Added;

                // Remove leftover packages from current category
                foreach (var dbPackage in existingDbPackages.Where(p => p.Value.PackageType == type))
                    await context.Entry(dbPackage.Value).Collection(d => d.Categories).LoadAsync();

                    foreach (var dbCategory in dbPackage.Value.Categories.ToArray())
                        objectStateManager.ChangeRelationshipState(dbPackage.Value, dbCategory, d => d.Categories, EntityState.Deleted);

                    context.Entry(dbPackage.Value).State = EntityState.Deleted;

                await context.SaveChangesAsync();
コード例 #17
        private async Task <IReadOnlyList <DomainModel.Package> > FindPackagesAsync(IEnumerable <ITemplateItem> items, ProvisioningAppDBContext context)
            var packages = new List <DomainModel.Package>();

            foreach (ITemplateFolder folder in items.OfType <ITemplateFolder>())
                WriteLog($"Processing folder {folder.Path}...");

                    DomainModel.Package package = await GetPackageAsync(folder, context);

                    if (package == null)

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(package.DisplayName))
                catch (Exception ex)
                    WriteLog($"Error processing folder {folder.Path}: {ex.Message} - {ex.StackTrace}");

コード例 #18
        private static void MarkCurrentActionItemAsFailed(ProvisioningActionModel action, ProvisioningAppDBContext dbContext)
            // Check if there is the action item for the current action
            var existingItem = dbContext.ProvisioningActionItems.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Id == action.CorrelationId);

            // And in case it does exist
            if (existingItem != null)
                // Set the failure date and time
                existingItem.FailedOn = DateTime.Now;

                // Update the persistence storage
コード例 #19
        private async Task SyncPageTemplates()
            using (ProvisioningAppDBContext context = GetContext())
                // Find the category file
                var pageTemplatesFolders = await _cloneProvider.GetAsync(PAGE_TEMPLATES_PATH, WriteLog);

                if (pageTemplatesFolders == null || pageTemplatesFolders.Count() == 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot find Page Template folders in folder {PAGE_TEMPLATES_PATH}");

                var existingDbPageTemplates = context.PageTemplates.ToDictionary(cp => cp.Id, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                foreach (ITemplateFolder pageTemplateFolder in pageTemplatesFolders)
                    // Prepare content variables
                    String htmlContent = null;
                    String cssContent  = null;

                    // Get the page template folder content files
                    var pageTemplateFiles = await _cloneProvider.GetAsync(pageTemplateFolder.Path, WriteLog);

                    if (pageTemplateFiles == null || pageTemplateFiles.Count() == 0)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot find template files in Page Template folder {pageTemplateFolder.Path}");

                    foreach (ITemplateFile pageTemplateFile in pageTemplateFiles)
                        // If the content file is an HTML file
                        if (pageTemplateFile.Path.EndsWith(".html", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                            // Set the HTML content
                            htmlContent = await GetFileContentAsync(pageTemplateFolder.Path, pageTemplateFile.Path.Substring(pageTemplateFile.Path.LastIndexOf('/') + 1));
                        else if (pageTemplateFile.Path.EndsWith(".css", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                            // Set the CSS content
                            cssContent = await GetFileContentAsync(pageTemplateFolder.Path, pageTemplateFile.Path.Substring(pageTemplateFile.Path.LastIndexOf('/') + 1));

                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(htmlContent) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(cssContent))
                            // If we have both HTML and CSS content, just break the foreach loop

                    // Update Page Template, if already exists
                    if (existingDbPageTemplates.TryGetValue(pageTemplateFolder.Path, out PageTemplate dbPageTemplate))
                        dbPageTemplate.Html = htmlContent;
                        dbPageTemplate.Css  = cssContent;
                        context.Entry(dbPageTemplate).State = EntityState.Modified;
                        // Add new Content Page
                        dbPageTemplate = new PageTemplate
                            Id   = pageTemplateFolder.Path,
                            Html = htmlContent,
                            Css  = cssContent,
                        context.Entry(dbPageTemplate).State = EntityState.Added;


                // Remove exceed categories
                var objectStateManager = ((IObjectContextAdapter)context).ObjectContext.ObjectStateManager;
                foreach (var dbPageTemplate in existingDbPageTemplates)
                    context.Entry(dbPageTemplate.Value).State = EntityState.Deleted;

                await context.SaveChangesAsync();
コード例 #20
        private async Task <DomainModel.Package> GetPackageAsync(ITemplateFolder folder, ProvisioningAppDBContext context)
            var items = await _cloneProvider.GetAsync(folder.Path, WriteLog);

            // Read settings file
            ITemplateFile settingsFile = items.OfType <ITemplateFile>().FindFile(SETTINGS_NAME);

            if (settingsFile == null)
                WriteLog($"Cannot find file {SETTINGS_NAME}");

            var settings = await settingsFile.DownloadAsJsonAsync(new
                @abstract         = "",
                sortOrder         = 0,
                categories        = new string[0],
                packageFile       = "",
                promoted          = false,
                sortOrderPromoted = 0,
                preview           = false,
                metadata          = new {
                    properties = new[] {
                        new {
                            name           = "",
                            caption        = "",
                            description    = "",
                            editor         = "",
                            editorSettings = "",

            // Read the package file
            ITemplateFile packageFile = items.FindFile(settings.packageFile);

            if (packageFile == null)
                WriteLog($"Cannot find file {settings.packageFile}");

            var package = new DomainModel.Package
                Id         = Guid.NewGuid(),
                PackageUrl = packageFile.DownloadUri.ToString(),
                // New properties for Wave2
                Promoted           = settings.promoted,
                Preview            = settings.preview,
                TimesApplied       = 0,
                PropertiesMetadata = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(settings.metadata),
                // New properties for Wave 5
                Abstract              = settings.@abstract,
                SortOrder             = settings.sortOrder,
                SortOrderPromoted     = settings.sortOrderPromoted,
                RepositoryRelativeUrl = folder.Path,

            // Read the instructions.md and the provisioning.md files
            String instructionsContent = await GetHtmlContentAsync(folder.Path, INSTRUCTIONS_NAME);

            String provisioningContent = await GetHtmlContentAsync(folder.Path, PROVISIONING_NAME);

            package.Instructions   = instructionsContent;
            package.ProvisionRecap = provisioningContent;

            // Find the categories to apply
            var dbCategories = settings.categories.Select(c =>
                Category dbCategory = context.Categories.Find(c);
                if (dbCategory == null)
                    WriteLog($"Cannot find category with id {c}");



            // Find then author and fill his informations
            await FillAuthorAsync(package, packageFile.Path);

            // Open the package and set info
            await FillPackageAsync(package, packageFile);

コード例 #21
        private async Task <DomainModel.Package> GetPackageAsync(ITemplateFolder folder, ProvisioningAppDBContext context)
            var items = await _cloneProvider.GetAsync(folder.Path, WriteLog);

            // Read settings file
            ITemplateFile settingsFile = items.OfType <ITemplateFile>().FindFile(SETTINGS_NAME);

            if (settingsFile == null)
                WriteLog($"Cannot find file {SETTINGS_NAME}");

            #region Prepare the settings file and its outline

            var settings = await settingsFile.DownloadAsJsonAsync(new TemplateSettings());


            // Read the package file
            ITemplateFile packageFile = items.FindFile(settings.packageFile);
            if (packageFile == null)
                WriteLog($"Cannot find file {settings.packageFile}");

            #region Fix the Preview Image URLs

            // Fix the URLs in the metadata settings
            if (settings?.metadata?.displayInfo?.previewImages != null)
                int previewImagesCount = settings.metadata.displayInfo.previewImages.Length;
                for (var n = 0; n < previewImagesCount; n++)
                    var previewImageUrl = settings.metadata.displayInfo.previewImages[n].url;
                    settings.metadata.displayInfo.previewImages[n].url =
                        ChangeUri(packageFile.DownloadUri, previewImageUrl);

            if (settings?.metadata?.displayInfo?.detailItemCategories != null)
                int detailItemCategoriesCount = settings.metadata.displayInfo.detailItemCategories.Length;
                for (var n = 0; n < detailItemCategoriesCount; n++)
                    if (settings.metadata.displayInfo.detailItemCategories[n].items != null)
                        var detailItemCategoryItemsCount = settings.metadata.displayInfo.detailItemCategories[n].items.Length;
                        for (var m = 0; m < detailItemCategoryItemsCount; m++)
                            var detailItemCategoryItemPreviewImageUrl = settings.metadata.displayInfo.detailItemCategories[n].items[m].previewImage;
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(detailItemCategoryItemPreviewImageUrl))
                                settings.metadata.displayInfo.detailItemCategories[n].items[m].previewImage =
                                    ChangeUri(packageFile.DownloadUri, detailItemCategoryItemPreviewImageUrl);


            var package = new DomainModel.Package
                Id         = Guid.NewGuid(),
                PackageUrl = packageFile.DownloadUri.ToString(),
                // New properties for Wave2
                Promoted           = settings.promoted,
                Preview            = settings.preview,
                TimesApplied       = 0,
                PropertiesMetadata = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(settings.metadata),
                // New properties for Wave 5
                Abstract                   = settings.@abstract,
                SortOrder                  = settings.sortOrder,
                SortOrderPromoted          = settings.sortOrderPromoted,
                RepositoryRelativeUrl      = folder.Path,
                MatchingSiteBaseTemplateId = settings.matchingSiteBaseTemplateId,
                ForceNewSite               = settings.forceNewSite,
                Visible        = settings.visible,
                PageTemplateId = settings.metadata?.displayInfo?.pageTemplateId,

            // Read the instructions.md and the provisioning.md files
            String instructionsContent = await GetHtmlContentAsync(folder.Path, INSTRUCTIONS_NAME);

            String provisioningContent = await GetHtmlContentAsync(folder.Path, PROVISIONING_NAME);

            package.Instructions   = instructionsContent;
            package.ProvisionRecap = provisioningContent;

            // Find the categories to apply
            if (settings.categories != null && settings.categories.Length > 0)
                var dbCategories = settings.categories.Select(c =>
                    Category dbCategory = context.Categories.Find(c);
                    if (dbCategory == null)
                        WriteLog($"Cannot find category with id {c}");


            // Find the platforms to apply
            if (settings.platforms != null && settings.platforms.Length > 0)
                var dbPlatforms = settings.platforms.Select(p =>
                    Platform dbPlatform = context.Platforms.Find(p);
                    if (dbPlatform == null)
                        WriteLog($"Cannot find platform with id {p}");


            // Find then author and fill his informations
            await FillAuthorAsync(package, packageFile.Path);

            // Open the package and set info
            await FillPackageAsync(package, packageFile);

コード例 #22
        public static async Task RunAsync([QueueTrigger("actions")] ProvisioningActionModel action, TextWriter log)
            var startProvisioning = DateTime.Now;

            String provisioningEnvironment = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SPPA:ProvisioningEnvironment"];

            log.WriteLine($"Processing queue trigger function for tenant {action.TenantId}");
            log.WriteLine($"PnP Correlation ID: {action.CorrelationId.ToString()}");

            // Instantiate and use the telemetry model
            TelemetryUtility telemetry = new TelemetryUtility((s) => {
            Dictionary <string, string> telemetryProperties = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            // Configure telemetry properties
            // telemetryProperties.Add("UserPrincipalName", action.UserPrincipalName);
            telemetryProperties.Add("TenantId", action.TenantId);
            telemetryProperties.Add("PnPCorrelationId", action.CorrelationId.ToString());
            telemetryProperties.Add("TargetSiteAlreadyExists", action.TargetSiteAlreadyExists.ToString());
            telemetryProperties.Add("TargetSiteBaseTemplateId", action.TargetSiteBaseTemplateId);

            // Get a reference to the data context
            ProvisioningAppDBContext dbContext = new ProvisioningAppDBContext();

                // Log telemetry event

                if (CheckIfActionIsAlreadyRunning(action, dbContext))
                    throw new ConcurrentProvisioningException("The requested package is currently provisioning in the selected target tenant and cannot be applied in parallel. Please wait for the previous provisioning action to complete.");

                var tokenId = $"{action.TenantId}-{action.UserPrincipalName.ToLower().GetHashCode()}-{action.ActionType.ToString().ToLower()}-{provisioningEnvironment}";

                // Retrieve the SPO target tenant via Microsoft Graph
                var graphAccessToken = await ProvisioningAppManager.AccessTokenProvider.GetAccessTokenAsync(
                    tokenId, "https://graph.microsoft.com/",

                log.WriteLine($"Retrieved target Microsoft Graph Access Token.");

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(graphAccessToken))
                    #region Get current context data (User, SPO Tenant, SPO Access Token)

                    // Get the currently connected user name and email (UPN)
                    var jwtAccessToken = new System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt.JwtSecurityToken(graphAccessToken);

                    String delegatedUPN = String.Empty;
                    var    upnClaim     = jwtAccessToken.Claims.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Type == "upn");
                    if (upnClaim != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(upnClaim.Value))
                        delegatedUPN = upnClaim.Value;

                    String delegatedUserName = String.Empty;
                    var    nameClaim         = jwtAccessToken.Claims.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Type == "name");
                    if (nameClaim != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(nameClaim.Value))
                        delegatedUserName = nameClaim.Value;

                    // Determine the URL of the root SPO site for the current tenant
                    var            rootSiteJson = HttpHelper.MakeGetRequestForString("https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/root", graphAccessToken);
                    SharePointSite rootSite     = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SharePointSite>(rootSiteJson);

                    String spoTenant = rootSite.WebUrl;

                    log.WriteLine($"Target SharePoint Online Tenant: {spoTenant}");

                    // Configure telemetry properties
                    telemetryProperties.Add("SPOTenant", spoTenant);

                    // Retrieve the SPO Access Token
                    var spoAccessToken = await ProvisioningAppManager.AccessTokenProvider.GetAccessTokenAsync(
                        tokenId, rootSite.WebUrl,

                    log.WriteLine($"Retrieved target SharePoint Online Access Token.");


                    // Connect to SPO, create and provision site
                    AuthenticationManager authManager = new AuthenticationManager();
                    using (ClientContext context = authManager.GetAzureADAccessTokenAuthenticatedContext(spoTenant, spoAccessToken))
                        // Telemetry and startup
                        var web = context.Web;
                        context.ClientTag = $"SPDev:ProvisioningPortal-{provisioningEnvironment}";
                        context.Load(web, w => w.Title, w => w.Id);
                        await context.ExecuteQueryAsync();

                        // Save the current SPO Correlation ID
                        telemetryProperties.Add("SPOCorrelationId", context.TraceCorrelationId);

                        log.WriteLine($"SharePoint Online Root Site Collection title: {web.Title}");

                        #region Store the main site URL in KeyVault

                        // Store the main site URL in the vault
                        var vault = ProvisioningAppManager.SecurityTokensServiceProvider;

                        // Read any existing properties for the current tenantId
                        var properties = await vault.GetAsync(tokenId);

                        if (properties == null)
                            // If there are no properties, create a new dictionary
                            properties = new Dictionary <String, String>();

                        // Set/Update the RefreshToken value
                        properties["SPORootSite"] = spoTenant;

                        // Add or Update the Key Vault accordingly
                        await vault.AddOrUpdateAsync(tokenId, properties);


                        #region Provision the package

                        var package = dbContext.Packages.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == new Guid(action.PackageId));

                        if (package != null)
                            // Update the Popularity of the package

                            #region Get the Provisioning Hierarchy file

                            // Determine reference path variables
                            var blobConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["BlobTemplatesProvider:ConnectionString"];
                            var blobContainerName    = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["BlobTemplatesProvider:ContainerName"];

                            var packageFileName           = package.PackageUrl.Substring(package.PackageUrl.LastIndexOf('/') + 1);
                            var packageFileUri            = new Uri(package.PackageUrl);
                            var packageFileRelativePath   = packageFileUri.AbsolutePath.Substring(2 + blobContainerName.Length);
                            var packageFileRelativeFolder = packageFileRelativePath.Substring(0, packageFileRelativePath.LastIndexOf('/'));

                            // Configure telemetry properties
                            telemetryProperties.Add("PackageFileName", packageFileName);
                            telemetryProperties.Add("PackageFileUri", packageFileUri.ToString());

                            // Read the main provisioning file from the Blob Storage
                            CloudStorageAccount csa;
                            if (!CloudStorageAccount.TryParse(blobConnectionString, out csa))
                                throw new ArgumentException("Cannot create cloud storage account from given connection string.");

                            CloudBlobClient    blobClient    = csa.CreateCloudBlobClient();
                            CloudBlobContainer blobContainer = blobClient.GetContainerReference(blobContainerName);

                            var blockBlob = blobContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(packageFileRelativePath);

                            // Crate an in-memory copy of the source stream
                            MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream();
                            await blockBlob.DownloadToStreamAsync(mem);

                            mem.Position = 0;

                            // Prepare the output hierarchy
                            ProvisioningHierarchy hierarchy = null;

                            if (packageFileName.EndsWith(".xml", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                                // That's an XML Provisioning Template file

                                XDocument xml = XDocument.Load(mem);
                                mem.Position = 0;

                                // Deserialize the stream into a provisioning hierarchy reading any
                                // dependecy with the Azure Blob Storage connector
                                var formatter           = XMLPnPSchemaFormatter.GetSpecificFormatter(xml.Root.Name.NamespaceName);
                                var templateLocalFolder = $"{blobContainerName}/{packageFileRelativeFolder}";

                                var provider = new XMLAzureStorageTemplateProvider(

                                // Get the full hierarchy
                                hierarchy           = ((IProvisioningHierarchyFormatter)formatter).ToProvisioningHierarchy(mem);
                                hierarchy.Connector = provider.Connector;
                            else if (packageFileName.EndsWith(".pnp", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                                // That's a PnP Package file

                                // Get a provider based on the in-memory .PNP Open XML file
                                OpenXMLConnector    openXmlConnector = new OpenXMLConnector(mem);
                                XMLTemplateProvider provider         = new XMLOpenXMLTemplateProvider(

                                // Get the .xml provisioning template file name
                                var xmlTemplateFileName = openXmlConnector.Info?.Properties?.TemplateFileName ??
                                                          packageFileName.Substring(packageFileName.LastIndexOf('/') + 1)
                                                          .ToLower().Replace(".pnp", ".xml");

                                // Get the full hierarchy
                                hierarchy           = provider.GetHierarchy(xmlTemplateFileName);
                                hierarchy.Connector = provider.Connector;


                            #region Apply the template

                            // Prepare variable to collect provisioned sites
                            var provisionedSites = new List <Tuple <String, String> >();

                            // If we have a hierarchy with at least one Sequence
                            if (hierarchy != null) // && hierarchy.Sequences != null && hierarchy.Sequences.Count > 0)
                                Console.WriteLine($"Provisioning hierarchy \"{hierarchy.DisplayName}\"");

                                var tenantUrl = UrlUtilities.GetTenantAdministrationUrl(context.Url);

                                // Retrieve the SPO Access Token
                                var spoAdminAccessToken = await ProvisioningAppManager.AccessTokenProvider.GetAccessTokenAsync(
                                    tokenId, tenantUrl,

                                log.WriteLine($"Retrieved target SharePoint Online Admin Center Access Token.");

                                using (var tenantContext = authManager.GetAzureADAccessTokenAuthenticatedContext(tenantUrl, spoAdminAccessToken))
                                    using (var pnpTenantContext = PnPClientContext.ConvertFrom(tenantContext))
                                        var tenant = new Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.TenantAdministration.Tenant(pnpTenantContext);

                                        // Prepare a dictionary to hold the access tokens
                                        var accessTokens = new Dictionary <String, String>();

                                        // Prepare logging for hierarchy application
                                        var ptai = new ProvisioningTemplateApplyingInformation();
                                        ptai.MessagesDelegate += delegate(string message, ProvisioningMessageType messageType)
                                            log.WriteLine($"{messageType} - {message}");
                                        ptai.ProgressDelegate += delegate(string message, int step, int total)
                                            log.WriteLine($"{step:00}/{total:00} - {message}");
                                        ptai.SiteProvisionedDelegate += delegate(string title, string url)
                                            log.WriteLine($"Fully provisioned site '{title}' with URL: {url}");
                                            var provisionedSite = new Tuple <string, string>(title, url);
                                            if (!provisionedSites.Contains(provisionedSite))

//#if !DEBUG
//                                        // Set the default delay for sites creations to 5 mins
//                                        ptai.DelayAfterModernSiteCreation = 60 * 5;

                                        // Configure the OAuth Access Tokens for the client context
                                        accessTokens.Add(new Uri(tenantUrl).Authority, spoAdminAccessToken);
                                        accessTokens.Add(new Uri(spoTenant).Authority, spoAccessToken);

                                        // Configure the OAuth Access Tokens for the PnPClientContext, too
                                        pnpTenantContext.PropertyBag["AccessTokens"] = accessTokens;
                                        ptai.AccessTokens = accessTokens;

                                        #region Theme handling

                                        // Process the graphical Theme
                                        if (action.ApplyTheme)
                                            // If we don't have any custom Theme
                                            if (!action.ApplyCustomTheme)
                                                // Associate the selected already existing Theme to all the sites of the hierarchy
                                                foreach (var sc in hierarchy.Sequences[0].SiteCollections)
                                                    sc.Theme = action.SelectedTheme;
                                                    foreach (var s in sc.Sites)
                                                        UpdateChildrenSitesTheme(s, action.SelectedTheme);


                                        // Configure provisioning parameters
                                        if (action.PackageProperties != null)
                                            foreach (var key in action.PackageProperties.Keys)
                                                if (hierarchy.Parameters.ContainsKey(key.ToString()))
                                                    hierarchy.Parameters[key.ToString()] = action.PackageProperties[key].ToString();
                                                    hierarchy.Parameters.Add(key.ToString(), action.PackageProperties[key].ToString());

                                                // Configure telemetry properties
                                                telemetryProperties.Add($"PackageProperty.{key}", action.PackageProperties[key].ToString());

                                        // Log telemetry event
                                        telemetry?.LogEvent("ProvisioningFunction.BeginProvisioning", telemetryProperties);

                                        // Define a PnPProvisioningContext scope to share the security context across calls
                                        using (var pnpProvisioningContext = new PnPProvisioningContext(async(r, s) =>
                                            if (accessTokens.ContainsKey(r))
                                                // In this scenario we just use the dictionary of access tokens
                                                // in fact the overall operation for sure will take less than 1 hour
                                                return(await Task.FromResult(accessTokens[r]));
                                                // Try to get a fresh new Access Token
                                                var token = await ProvisioningAppManager.AccessTokenProvider.GetAccessTokenAsync(
                                                    tokenId, $"https://{r}",

                                                accessTokens.Add(r, token);

                                            // Configure the webhooks, if any
                                            if (action.Webhooks != null && action.Webhooks.Count > 0)
                                                foreach (var t in hierarchy.Templates)
                                                    foreach (var wh in action.Webhooks)
                                                        AddProvisioningTemplateWebhook(t, wh, ProvisioningTemplateWebhookKind.ProvisioningTemplateStarted);
                                                        AddProvisioningTemplateWebhook(t, wh, ProvisioningTemplateWebhookKind.ObjectHandlerProvisioningStarted);
                                                        AddProvisioningTemplateWebhook(t, wh, ProvisioningTemplateWebhookKind.ObjectHandlerProvisioningCompleted);
                                                        AddProvisioningTemplateWebhook(t, wh, ProvisioningTemplateWebhookKind.ProvisioningTemplateCompleted);
                                                        AddProvisioningTemplateWebhook(t, wh, ProvisioningTemplateWebhookKind.ExceptionOccurred);

                                                foreach (var wh in action.Webhooks)
                                                    AddProvisioningWebhook(hierarchy, wh, ProvisioningTemplateWebhookKind.ProvisioningStarted);
                                                    AddProvisioningWebhook(hierarchy, wh, ProvisioningTemplateWebhookKind.ProvisioningCompleted);
                                                    AddProvisioningWebhook(hierarchy, wh, ProvisioningTemplateWebhookKind.ProvisioningExceptionOccurred);

                                            // Apply the hierarchy
                                            log.WriteLine($"Hierarchy Provisioning Started: {DateTime.Now:hh.mm.ss}");
                                                                           (hierarchy.Sequences != null && hierarchy.Sequences.Count > 0) ?
                                                                           hierarchy.Sequences[0].ID : null,
                                            log.WriteLine($"Hierarchy Provisioning Completed: {DateTime.Now:hh.mm.ss}");

                                        if (action.ApplyTheme && action.ApplyCustomTheme)
                                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(action.ThemePrimaryColor) &&
                                                !String.IsNullOrEmpty(action.ThemeBodyTextColor) &&
                                                log.WriteLine($"Applying custom Theme to provisioned sites");

                                                #region Palette generation for Theme

                                                var jsonPalette = ThemeUtility.GetThemeAsJSON(


                                                // Apply the custom theme to all of the provisioned sites
                                                foreach (var ps in provisionedSites)
                                                    using (var provisionedSiteContext = authManager.GetAzureADAccessTokenAuthenticatedContext(ps.Item2, spoAccessToken))
                                                        if (provisionedSiteContext.Web.ApplyTheme(jsonPalette))
                                                            log.WriteLine($"Custom Theme applied on site '{ps.Item1}' with URL: {ps.Item2}");
                                                            log.WriteLine($"Failed to apply custom Theme on site '{ps.Item1}' with URL: {ps.Item2}");

                                        // Log telemetry event
                                        telemetry?.LogEvent("ProvisioningFunction.EndProvisioning", telemetryProperties);

                                        // Notify user about the provisioning outcome
                                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(action.NotificationEmail))
                                            var appOnlyAccessToken = await ProvisioningAppManager.AccessTokenProvider.GetAppOnlyAccessTokenAsync(

                                                TemplateName     = action.DisplayName,
                                                ProvisionedSites = provisionedSites,

                                        // Log reporting event (1 = Success)
                                        LogReporting(action, provisioningEnvironment, startProvisioning, package, 1);
                                throw new ApplicationException($"The requested package does not contain a valid PnP Hierarchy!");

                            throw new ApplicationException($"Cannot find the package with ID: {action.PackageId}");


                        #region Process any children items

                        // If there are children items
                        if (action.ChildrenItems != null && action.ChildrenItems.Count > 0)
                            // Prepare any further child provisioning request
                            action.PackageId         = action.ChildrenItems[0].PackageId;
                            action.PackageProperties = action.ChildrenItems[0].Parameters;

                            // Enqueue any further child provisioning request
                            await ProvisioningAppManager.EnqueueProvisioningRequest(action);


                        log.WriteLine($"Function successfully executed!");
                        // Log telemetry event
                        telemetry?.LogEvent("ProvisioningFunction.End", telemetryProperties);
                    var noTokensErrorMessage = $"Cannot retrieve Refresh Token or Access Token for {action.CorrelationId} in tenant {action.TenantId}!";
                    throw new ApplicationException(noTokensErrorMessage);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Skip logging exception for Recycled Site
                if (ex is RecycledSiteException)
                    // rather log an event
                    telemetry?.LogEvent("ProvisioningFunction.RecycledSite", telemetryProperties);

                    // Log reporting event (3 = RecycledSite)
                    LogReporting(action, provisioningEnvironment, startProvisioning, null, 3, ex.ToDetailedString());
                // Skip logging exception for Concurrent Provisioning
                else if (ex is ConcurrentProvisioningException)
                    // rather log an event
                    telemetry?.LogEvent("ProvisioningFunction.ConcurrentProvisioning", telemetryProperties);

                    // Log reporting event (4 = ConcurrentProvisioningException)
                    LogReporting(action, provisioningEnvironment, startProvisioning, null, 4, ex.ToDetailedString());
                    // Log telemetry event
                    telemetry?.LogException(ex, "ProvisioningFunction.RunAsync", telemetryProperties);

                    // Log reporting event (2 = Failed)
                    LogReporting(action, provisioningEnvironment, startProvisioning, null, 2, ex.ToDetailedString());

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(action.NotificationEmail))
                    var appOnlyAccessToken = await ProvisioningAppManager.AccessTokenProvider.GetAppOnlyAccessTokenAsync(

                    // Notify user about the provisioning outcome
                        TemplateName     = action.DisplayName,
                        ExceptionDetails = SimplifyException(ex),
                        PnPCorrelationId = action.CorrelationId.ToString(),

                ProcessWebhooksExceptionNotification(action, ex);

                // Track the failure in the local action log
                MarkCurrentActionItemAsFailed(action, dbContext);

                throw ex;
                // Try to cleanup the pending action item, if any
                CleanupCurrentActionItem(action, dbContext);
