コード例 #1
        public IEnumerable <ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
            FirstName = BPValidations.Capitalise(FirstName);
            LastName  = BPValidations.Capitalise(LastName);
            FullName  = LastName + "," + FirstName;

            if (ProvinceCode != null)
                ProvinceCode = ProvinceCode.ToUpper();
            if (PostalCode != null)
                PostalCode = PostalCode.ToUpper();
                if (PostalCode[3] != ' ')
                    PostalCode = PostalCode.Insert(3, " ");

            //HomePhone and WorkPhone Validation
            HomePhone = BPValidations.FormatPhoneNumber(HomePhone);
            if (WorkPhone != null)
                WorkPhone = BPValidations.FormatPhoneNumber(WorkPhone);

            yield return(ValidationResult.Success);
コード例 #2
        public IEnumerable <ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ProvinceName))
                yield return(new ValidationResult("Province Name cannot be null",
                                                  new[] { nameof(ProvinceName) }));
                ProvinceName = Validations.Capitalize(ProvinceName);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ProvinceCode))
                yield return(new ValidationResult("Province Code cannot be null.",
                                                  new[] { nameof(ProvinceCode) }));

            ProvinceCode = ProvinceCode.Trim().ToUpper();

            if (ProvinceCode.Length > 2)
                yield return(new ValidationResult("Province Code cannot be greater than 2 characters",
                                                  new[] { nameof(ProvinceCode) }));

            yield return(ValidationResult.Success);
コード例 #3
 public override int GetHashCode()
         var hashCode = (CityCode != null ? CityCode.GetHashCode() : 0);
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (City != null ? City.GetHashCode() : 0);
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Province != null ? Province.GetHashCode() : 0);
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ ProvinceCode.GetHashCode();
コード例 #4
        public IEnumerable <ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
            // Format names
            FirstName = ClassLibrary.Validations.Capitalize(FirstName);
            LastName  = ClassLibrary.Validations.Capitalize(LastName);
            FullName  = string.Format("{0}, {1}", LastName, FirstName);
            // check privince code; in database; upper case
            string message = "";

                ProvinceCode = ProvinceCode.ToUpper();
                if (!ProvinceCodeExists(ProvinceCode))
                    message = string.Format("{0} is not a valid province code, please ensure it is only two letters", ProvinceCode);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                message = string.Format("Unknown error occured: {0}. Please enter a 2 digit code", e.ToString());
            if (message != "")
                yield return(new ValidationResult(message));
            // add in final format Q1A 1A1, custom validator validates the format
            // check home phone is required, work optional; check formatting as well
            // writing phone to database requires the format 519-555-1234
            bool homePhoneValid = validatePhoneNumber(HomePhone, false);

            if (homePhoneValid)
                HomePhone = formatPhoneNumber(HomePhone);
                yield return(new ValidationResult(string.Format("Phone number {0} was not valid, please enter a 10 digit phone number (i.e. 519-123-4567)", HomePhone)));
            bool workPhoneValid = validatePhoneNumber(WorkPhone, true);

            if (workPhoneValid)
                WorkPhone = formatPhoneNumber(WorkPhone);
                yield return(new ValidationResult(string.Format("Phone number {0} was not valid, please  leave empty or enter a 10 digit number (i.e. 519-123-4567", WorkPhone)));
            // date is required and cannot be in future; display like 23 Oct 2013 in form
            yield return(ValidationResult.Success);
コード例 #5
 public IEnumerable <ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
     FirstName    = MKValidation.Capitalise(FirstName);
     LastName     = MKValidation.Capitalise(LastName);
     FullName     = LastName + ", " + FirstName;
     HomePhone    = Phoneverification(HomePhone);
     WorkPhone    = Phoneverification(WorkPhone);
     ProvinceCode = ProvinceCode.ToUpper();
     PostalCode   = PostalCode.ToUpper();
     if (PostalCode.Length == 6)
         PostalCode = PostalCode.Insert(3, " ");
     yield return(ValidationResult.Success);
コード例 #6
        public IEnumerable <ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
            PatientsContext _context = new PatientsContext();

            //c.Non-blank firstName, lastName and gender are required
            FirstName = YKCapitalize(FirstName);
            if (FirstName == "")
                yield return(new ValidationResult("First name cannot be empty or just blanks",
                                                  new[] { nameof(FirstName) }));

            LastName = YKValidations.YKCapitalize(LastName);
            if (LastName == "")
                yield return(new ValidationResult("Last name cannot be empty or just blanks",
                                                  new[] { nameof(LastName) }));

            //Capitalise address, city and gender
            if (Address != null)
                Address = YKValidations.YKCapitalize(Address);

            if (City != null)
                City = YKValidations.YKCapitalize(City);

            //If provinceCode is not empty or null,
            if (ProvinceCode != null)
                // force it to upper case
                ProvinceCode = ProvinceCode.Trim().ToUpper();

                //  i.Validate it by fetching its record from the database … error if not found
                var provinceCode = _context.Province.Where(m => m.ProvinceCode == ProvinceCode).Any();

                if (!provinceCode)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Province Code is not on file",
                                                      new[] { nameof(ProvinceCode) }));
                    if (PostalCode == null)
                        yield return(new ValidationResult("Postal Code is needed when Province Code is given",
                                                          new[] { nameof(PostalCode) }));
            //f.postalCode is conditionally optional but, if provided:
            if (PostalCode != null)
                //i.Produce an error if provinceCode is invalid / missing … it’s required to edit a postal/ zip code
                if (ProvinceCode == null)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Province Code is needed when Postal Code is given.",
                                                      new[] { nameof(ProvinceCode) }));
                    var countryCode = _context.Province.Where(m => m.ProvinceCode == ProvinceCode).SingleOrDefault();
                    if (countryCode != null)
                        //ii.If provinceCode indicates the patient is in Canada,
                        //   verify that the first letter of the postalCode is correct for that province.
                        if (countryCode.CountryCode == "CA")
                            if (YKValidations.YKPostalCodeValidation(PostalCode))
                                PostalCode = YKValidations.YKPostalCodeFormat(PostalCode);
                                yield return(new ValidationResult("The format of the postalCode is not correct for that province.",
                                                                  new[] { nameof(PostalCode) }));
                        else if (countryCode.CountryCode == "US")
                            //iii.Validate and format the postal / zip code using the relevant method(s) in your XXValidations Class
                            //   (error if provinceCode is invalid / missing).
                            string postalCode = PostalCode;
                            if (YKValidations.YKZipCodeValidation(ref postalCode))
                                PostalCode = postalCode;
                                yield return(new ValidationResult("The format of the postalCode is not correct for that province.",
                                                                  new[] { nameof(PostalCode) }));
                            //If not, produce a pertinent error message for both fields.
                            yield return(new ValidationResult("The first letter of the postalCode is not correct for that province.",
                                                              new[] { nameof(PostalCode) }));

            //g.OHIP is optional, but if provided,
            if (Ohip != null)
                if (YKValidations.YKOhipValidation(Ohip))
                    //shift it to upper case and ensure it’s in this pattern: 1234 - 123 - 123 - XX.
                    Ohip = YKValidations.YKOhipFormat(Ohip);
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("OHIP, if provided, must match pattern: 1234-123-123-XX",
                                                      new[] { nameof(Ohip) }));

            //h.homePhone is optional, but if provided:
            //i.It must contain exactly 10 digits(discard punctuation and text like “emergency only”).
            if (HomePhone != null)
                HomePhone = YKValidations.YKExtractDigits(HomePhone.Trim());
                if (HomePhone.Length == 10)
                    string homePhone = HomePhone;
                    //ii.Reformat into dash notation: 519 - 748 - 5220
                    HomePhone = YKValidations.YKHomePhoneFormat(homePhone);
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("The phone number's length is not enough or right format",
                                                      new[] { nameof(HomePhone) }));
                //iii.Sorry about historical data … we didn’t have edits.They’ll be fixed on their next visit.

            //i.dateOfBirth is optional but, if provided, cannot be in the future
            if (DateOfBirth != null)
                if (DateOfBirth >= DateTime.Now)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Date of Birth cannot be in the future",
                                                      new[] { nameof(DateOfBirth) }));

            //i.If deceased is true, dateOfDeath is required.
            //iii.If dateOfDeath is provided, it cannot be in the future or before dateOfBirth(if it is provided)
            if (Deceased)
                if (DateOfDeath == null)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Date of Death is needed when Deceased is checked",
                                                      new[] { nameof(DateOfDeath) }));
                else if (DateOfBirth == null)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Date of Birth is needed when Deceased is checked",
                                                      new[] { nameof(DateOfBirth) }));
                else if (DateOfDeath >= DateTime.Now)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Date of Death cannot be in the future",
                                                      new[] { nameof(DateOfDeath) }));
                else if (DateOfDeath < DateOfBirth)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Date of Death cannot be before Date of Birth",
                                                      new[] { nameof(DateOfDeath) }));
                //ii.If deceased is false, dateOfDeath must be null.
                if (DateOfDeath != null)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Date of Death is not needed when Deceased is unchecked",
                                                      new[] { nameof(DateOfDeath) }));

            //gender is required and must be “M”, “F” or “X”.
            //Add a field-validation <span> to display error messages on Create & Edit views.
            Gender = YKValidations.YKCapitalize(Gender);
            if (Gender == null)
                yield return(new ValidationResult("Gender cannot be empty or just blanks",
                                                  new[] { nameof(Gender) }));
                if (Gender != "M" && Gender != "F" && Gender != "X")
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Gender should be M, F or X",
                                                      new[] { nameof(Gender) }));

            yield return(ValidationResult.Success);
コード例 #7
        public IEnumerable <ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
            if (ProvinceCode != null)
                if (ProvinceCode.Length != 2)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Province code cannot be longer than 2 characters", new[] { "ProvinceCode" }));
                    var provinceContext = _context.Province.Where(a => a.ProvinceCode == ProvinceCode).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (provinceContext == null)
                        yield return(new ValidationResult("Invalid province code", new[] { "ProvinceCode" }));
                        ProvinceCode = ProvinceCode.Trim().ToUpper();

            Regex postalCodeRegex = new Regex((@"^[A-Za-z]{1}[0-9]{1}[A-Za-z]{1}\s{0,1}[0-9]{1}[A-Za-z]{1}[0-9]{1}"), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            if (PostalCode != null)
                if (postalCodeRegex.IsMatch(PostalCode.Trim()))
                    if (!PostalCode.Contains(" "))
                        PostalCode = PostalCode.Insert(3, " ");
                        PostalCode = PostalCode.Trim().ToUpper();
                        PostalCode = PostalCode.Trim().ToUpper();
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Invalid postal code. Postal code must match Canadian postal pattern", new[] { "PostalCode" }));

            Regex homePhoneRegex = new Regex(@"^[0-9]{3}-{0,1}[0-9]{3}-{0,1}[0-9]{4}");

            if (HomePhone != null)
                if (homePhoneRegex.IsMatch(HomePhone))
                    if (!HomePhone.Contains('-'))
                        HomePhone = HomePhone.Insert(3, "-");
                        HomePhone = HomePhone.Insert(7, "-");
                        HomePhone = HomePhone.Trim();
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Invalid Phone Number Format. It must be in the format : 999-999-9999", new[] { "HomePhone" }));

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SpouseFirstName) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(SpouseLastName))
                FullName = LastName.Trim() + ", " + FirstName.Trim();
                if (SpouseLastName == null || SpouseLastName == LastName)
                    FullName = LastName.Trim() + ", " + FirstName.Trim() + " & " + SpouseFirstName.Trim();
                    FullName = LastName.Trim() + ", " + FirstName.Trim() + " & " + SpouseLastName.Trim() + ", " + SpouseFirstName.Trim();

            if (UseCanadaPost)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Street))
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("If Canada post is checked, street name is required", new[] { "Street" }));
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(City))
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("If Canada post is checked, city name is required", new[] { "City" }));
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Email))
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("If Canada post is not checked, email address is required", new[] { "Email" }));

            if (Street != null)
                Street = Street.Trim();

            if (City != null)
                City = City.Trim();

            if (Email != null)
                Email = Email.Trim();

            if (Comment != null)
                Comment = Comment.Trim();

            if (LastName != null)
                LastName = LastName.Trim();

            if (FirstName != null)
                FirstName = FirstName.Trim();

            if (SpouseFirstName != null)
                SpouseFirstName = SpouseFirstName.Trim();

            if (SpouseLastName != null)
                SpouseLastName = SpouseLastName.Trim();

            //determine if editing or creating new
            var memberId = _context.Member.Where(x => x.MemberId == MemberId).FirstOrDefault();

            if (memberId != null)
                //yield error : member id is already on file
                //yield error: member id not on file

            yield return(ValidationResult.Success);
コード例 #8
        public IEnumerable <ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
            bool isValid;

            // Validate First Name
            // Check for non-blank
            if (FirstName == null || FirstName.Trim() == "")
                yield return(new ValidationResult("First Name cannot be empty or just blanks", new[] { nameof(FirstName) }));
                // Capitalize
                FirstName = NDValidations.NDCapitalize(FirstName);

            // Validate Last Name
            // Check for non-blank
            if (LastName == null || LastName.Trim() == "")
                yield return(new ValidationResult("Last Name cannot be empty or just blanks", new[] { nameof(LastName) }));
                // Capitalize
                LastName = NDValidations.NDCapitalize(LastName);

            // Validate Gender
            // Check for non-blank
            if (Gender == null || Gender.Trim() == "")
                yield return(new ValidationResult("Gender cannot be empty or just blanks", new[] { nameof(Gender) }));
                // Capitalize
                Gender = NDValidations.NDCapitalize(Gender);
                if (Gender != "M" && Gender != "F" && Gender != "X")
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Gender must be either 'M', 'F' or 'X'", new[] { nameof(Gender) }));

            // Capitalize
            Address = NDValidations.NDCapitalize(Address);
            City    = NDValidations.NDCapitalize(City);

            // Validate ProvinceCode
            if (ProvinceCode != null)
                ProvinceCode = ProvinceCode.ToUpper();

                // Check if ProvinceCode exists in DB
                var province = context.Province.Where(p => p.ProvinceCode == ProvinceCode).FirstOrDefault();
                if (province == null)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Province Code is not on file", new[] { nameof(ProvinceCode) }));

            // Validate Postal Code
            if (PostalCode != null)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ProvinceCode))
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Province Code is required to validate Postal Code", new[] { nameof(ProvinceCode) }));
                    // Format Postal Code to 'A3A 3A3'
                    PostalCode = NDValidations.NDPostalCodeFormat(PostalCode);
                    if (PostalCode == string.Empty)
                        yield return(new ValidationResult("Postal Code must match pattern: A3A 3A3", new[] { nameof(PostalCode) }));

                    isValid = NDValidations.NDIsValidPostalCodeCanada(ProvinceCode.ToUpper().Trim(), PostalCode);
                    if (isValid == false)
                        yield return(new ValidationResult("First letter of Postal Code not valid for given Province", new[] { nameof(PostalCode) }));

                        // Validate and format US Zip Code
                        string zipCode = PostalCode;
                        isValid = NDValidations.NDZipCodeValidation(ref zipCode);
                        if (isValid == false)
                            yield return(new ValidationResult("Postal Code is invalid", new[] { nameof(PostalCode) }));
                            PostalCode = zipCode;

            // Validate OHIP
            if (Ohip != null)
                isValid = NDValidations.NDOhipValidation(Ohip);
                if (isValid)
                    Ohip = Ohip.ToUpper().Trim();
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("OHIP, if provided, must match pattern: 1234-123-123-XX", new[] { nameof(Ohip) }));

            // Validate Home Phone
            string phone = HomePhone;

            isValid = NDValidations.NDPhoneValidation(ref phone);
            if (!isValid)
                yield return(new ValidationResult("Home Phone, if provided, must be 10 digits: 123-123-1234", new[] { nameof(HomePhone) }));
                HomePhone = phone;

            // Validate Date Of Birth not in the future
            if (DateOfBirth != null && DateOfBirth > DateTime.Now)
                yield return(new ValidationResult("Date Of Birth cannot be in the future", new[] { nameof(DateOfBirth) }));

            // Validate Date Of Deceased
            if (Deceased == false)
                if (DateOfDeath != null)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Deceased must be true if Date of Death is provided", new[] { nameof(Deceased) }));
                if (DateOfDeath == null)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("If Deceased is true, a Date Of Death is required", new[] { nameof(DateOfDeath) }));
                else if (DateOfDeath > DateTime.Now)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Date Of Death cannot be in the future", new[] { nameof(DateOfDeath) }));
                else if (DateOfDeath < DateOfBirth)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Date Of Death cannot be before Date Of Birth", new[] { nameof(DateOfDeath) }));
コード例 #9
        //Method that validate and reformat inputs from user
        private void DAEdit()
            string errorMessage = "";
            Regex  regex;

            //Trim all string fields
            if (ProvinceCode.Trim() == null)
                ProvinceCode = "";
            if (Name.Trim() == null)
                Name = "";
            if (CountryCode.Trim() == null)
                CountryCode = "";
            if (TaxCode.Trim() == null)
                TaxCode = "";
            //Checks Name
            if (Name == "")
                errorMessage += "Name is required\n";
            //Checks Province Code
            regex = new Regex("^[a-zA-Z]{2}");
            if (!regex.IsMatch(ProvinceCode))
                errorMessage += "Province Code is required and must be" +
                                " 2 letters\n";
            else if (regex.IsMatch(ProvinceCode))
                ProvinceCode = ProvinceCode.ToUpper();
            //Checks Country Code
            if (!regex.IsMatch(CountryCode))
                errorMessage += "Country Code is required and must be" +
                                " 2 letters\n";
            else if (regex.IsMatch(CountryCode))
                CountryCode = CountryCode.ToUpper();

            if (TaxCode != "")
                TaxCode = TaxCode.ToUpper();
            //Checks Tax Code
            regex = new Regex("^[a-zA-Z]*");
            if (!regex.IsMatch(TaxCode))
                errorMessage += "Tax Code must be only letters\n";
            //Checks Tax Rate
            if (TaxCode == "" && TaxRate != 0)
                errorMessage += "Insert first a Tax Code, then a Tax Rate\n";
            else if (TaxCode != "" && (TaxRate < 0 || TaxRate > 1))
                errorMessage += "Tax Rate must be between 0 and 1, inclusive\n";
            //Checks federal tax
            if (TaxRate == 0 && IncludesFederalTax)
                errorMessage += "Includes Federal Tax must not be selected" +
                                " if Tax Rate is zero\n";
            //Checks if Province code already exists
            if (DAGetByProvinceCode(ProvinceCode) != null)
                IsEdit = true;
                IsEdit = false;
            //Checks to update
            if (
                DAGetByProvinceName(Name) != null &&
                (DAGetByProvinceCode(ProvinceCode) == null ||
                 DAGetByProvinceCode(ProvinceCode).ProvinceCode !=
                errorMessage += "The name entered already exists!\n";
            if (errorMessage != "")
                throw new Exception(errorMessage);
        public IEnumerable <ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
            PatientsContext _context = new PatientsContext();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FirstName) || FirstName == " ")
                yield return(new ValidationResult("First name is a required field and cannot be blank spaces", new[] { "FirstName" }));
                FirstName = FirstName.Trim();
                FirstName = MBValidations.MBCapitalize(FirstName);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(LastName) || LastName == " ")
                yield return(new ValidationResult("Last name is a required field and should not be blank space", new[] { "LastName" }));
                LastName = LastName.Trim();
                LastName = MBValidations.MBCapitalize(LastName);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Gender) || Gender == " ")
                yield return(new ValidationResult("Gender is a required field and should not start with a blank space", new[] { "Gender" }));
                Gender = Gender.Trim();
                Gender = MBValidations.MBCapitalize(Gender);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Address))
                Address = Address.Trim();
                Address = MBValidations.MBCapitalize(Address);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(City))
                City = City.Trim();
                City = MBValidations.MBCapitalize(City);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ProvinceCode))
                ProvinceCode = ProvinceCode.Trim();
                Province Pro   = new Province();
                string   error = "";
                ProvinceCode = ProvinceCode.ToUpper();
                    Pro = _context.Province.Where(m => m.ProvinceCode == ProvinceCode).FirstOrDefault();
                    //var country = Pro.CountryCode;
                catch (Exception e)
                    error = e.GetBaseException().Message;
                if (Pro == null)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult(error, new[] { nameof(ProvinceCode) }));
                    if (PostalCode != null)
                        PostalCode = PostalCode.Trim();
                        bool   val       = false;
                        string USZipCode = PostalCode;
                        if (Pro.CountryCode == "CA")
                            var    x       = Pro.FirstPostalLetter;
                            char[] charArr = x.ToCharArray();
                            foreach (char ch in charArr)
                                if (Convert.ToChar(PostalCode.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper()) == ch)
                                    val = true;
                            if (!val)
                                yield return(new ValidationResult("Postal code entered is not a valid code for the selected province", new[] { "PostalCode" }));
                            if (!MBValidations.MBPostalCodeValidation(PostalCode))
                                yield return(new ValidationResult("Postal code entered is not in valid format", new[] { "PostalCode" }));
                                PostalCode = MBValidations.MBPostalCodeFormat(PostalCode);
                        if (Pro.CountryCode == "US")
                            if (!MBValidations.MBZipCodeValidation(ref USZipCode))
                                yield return(new ValidationResult("Zip code entered is not in valid format", new[] { "PostalCode" }));
                                PostalCode = USZipCode;

            if (Ohip != null)
                Ohip = Ohip.ToUpper();
                Regex pattern = new Regex(@"^\d\d\d\d-\d\d\d-\d\d\d-[a-z][a-z]$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                if (!pattern.IsMatch(Ohip))
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("The value for OHIP entered is not in valid format", new[] { "Ohip" }));
            if (HomePhone != null)
                HomePhone = HomePhone.Trim();
                if (HomePhone.Length != 10)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("The Home Phone Number entered should be exactly 10 digits", new[] { "HomePhone" }));
                HomePhone = HomePhone.Insert(3, "-");
                HomePhone = HomePhone.Insert(7, "-");
            if (DateOfBirth != null)
                if (DateOfBirth > DateTime.Now)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("The date of Birth cannot be greater than current date", new[] { "DateOfBirth" }));
            if (Deceased)
                if (DateOfDeath == null)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("The date of death is required if the deceased checkbox is chec", new[] { "DateOfDeath" }));
                DateOfDeath = null;
            if (DateOfDeath != null)
                if (DateOfDeath > DateTime.Now || DateOfDeath < DateOfBirth)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("The date of death cannot be greater than current date and before the Date of birth", new[] { "DateOfBirth" }));

            if (Gender != "M" && Gender != "F" && Gender != "X")
                yield return(new ValidationResult("The value for gender entered must be M, F or X", new[] { "Gender" }));

            yield return(ValidationResult.Success);
コード例 #11
        //Validate Method
        public IEnumerable <ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
            OECContext _context = OECContext_Singleton.Context();

            //Trim all strings of leading and trailing spaces
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name) == false || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Name))
                Name = Name.Trim();
                //Use SKValidations.SKCapitalize to capitalize Name
                Name = SKValidations.SKCapitalize(Name);
            if (Name == "")
                yield return(new ValidationResult(
                                 "Name cannot be an empty string", new string[] { nameof(Name) }));

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Address) == false)
                Address = Address.Trim();
                //Use SKValidations.SKCapitalize to capitalize Address
                Address = SKValidations.SKCapitalize(Address);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Town) == false)
                Town = Town.Trim();
                //Use SKValidations.SKCapitalize to capitalize Town
                Town = SKValidations.SKCapitalize(Town);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(County) == false)
                County = County.Trim();
                //Use SKValidations.SKCapitalize to capitalize County
                County = SKValidations.SKCapitalize(County);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ProvinceCode) == false)
                ProvinceCode = ProvinceCode.Trim();

                Regex pattern = new Regex(@"^[a-zA-Z]{2}$");

                //Force ProvinceCode to upper before writing to database
                ProvinceCode = ProvinceCode.ToUpper();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(PostalCode) == false)
                PostalCode = PostalCode.Trim();
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(HomePhone) == false)
                HomePhone = HomePhone.Trim();
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CellPhone) == false)
                CellPhone = CellPhone.Trim();
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Email) == false)
                Email = Email.Trim();
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Directions) == false)
                Directions = Directions.Trim();

            //Either town or county must be provided, both are ok, but not necessary
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Town) == true && string.IsNullOrEmpty(County) == true)
                yield return(new ValidationResult(
                                 "At least one of Town or County must be provided.", new string[] { nameof(Town), nameof(County) }));

            //If email is not provided, address and postal code must be provided
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Email) == true &&
                (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Address) == true || string.IsNullOrEmpty(PostalCode) == true))
                yield return(new ValidationResult(
                                 "Either email, or both address and postal code must be provided.", new string[] { nameof(Email), nameof(Address), nameof(PostalCode) }));

            //Validate Postal Code
            var    country     = _context.Province.SingleOrDefault(p => p.ProvinceCode == ProvinceCode);
            string countryCode = country.CountryCode;
            bool   isValid     = true;
            string postalCode  = PostalCode;

            //Validate Canadian Postal Code
            if (countryCode == "CA")
                postalCode = postalCode.Trim();

                isValid = SKValidations.SKPostalCodeValidation(ref postalCode);

                if (isValid == false)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult(
                                     "Postal (Zip) Code is not a valid Canadian pattern: A6A 6A6 or A6A6A6", new string[] { nameof(PostalCode) }));
                    PostalCode = postalCode;
            // Validate US Zip Code
            else if (countryCode == "US")
                isValid = SKValidations.SKZipCodeValidation(ref postalCode);

                if (isValid == false)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult(
                                     "Postal (Zip) Code is not a valid US pattern: 12345 or 12345-1234", new string[] { nameof(PostalCode) }));
                    PostalCode = postalCode;

            //If both home and cell phone not provided
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(HomePhone) == true && string.IsNullOrEmpty(CellPhone) == true)
                yield return(new ValidationResult(
                                 "Either one of Home Phone or Cell Phone is required", new string[] { nameof(HomePhone), nameof(CellPhone) }));

            //If home phone provided
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(HomePhone) == false)
                //Extract phone number
                string numString = "";

                foreach (char c in HomePhone)
                    if (char.IsDigit(c))
                        numString += c;

                //Check if phone number is 10 digits long
                if (numString.Length != 10)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult(
                                     $"Not a valid phone number, must be 10 digits.", new string[] { nameof(HomePhone) }));
                //Format Cell Phone number before writing to Database
                    HomePhone = String.Format("{0:###-###-####}", double.Parse(numString));

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CellPhone) == false)
                //Check if phone number is 10 digits long
                string numString = "";

                foreach (char c in CellPhone)
                    if (char.IsDigit(c))
                        numString += c;

                if (numString.Length != 10)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult(
                                     $"Not a valid phone number, must be 10 digits.", new string[] { nameof(CellPhone) }));
                //Format Cell Phone number before writing to Database
                    CellPhone = String.Format("{0:###-###-####}", double.Parse(numString));

            //Last Contact Date cannot be provided unless DateJoined is available (but the reverse is allowed)
            if (LastContactDate != null && DateJoined == null)
                yield return(new ValidationResult(
                                 "Last Contact date cannot be provided unless Date Joined is available", new string[] { nameof(LastContactDate) }));

            //A farmer cannot be contacted before they have joined the program.
            if (DateJoined != null && LastContactDate != null && (DateJoined > LastContactDate))
                yield return(new ValidationResult(
                                 "A farmer cannot be contacted before they have joined the program.", new string[] { nameof(LastContactDate) }));

            yield return(ValidationResult.Success);
コード例 #12
        public IEnumerable <ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
            var patientProvince = new Province();

            if (FirstName == null || FirstName.Trim() == "")
                yield return(new ValidationResult("First Name cannot be empty or just blanks", new[] { nameof(FirstName) }));
                FirstName = SBValidations.SBCapitaize(FirstName);
            if (LastName == null || LastName.Trim() == "")
                yield return(new ValidationResult("Last Name cannot be empty or just blanks", new[] { nameof(LastName) }));
                LastName = SBValidations.SBCapitaize(LastName);
            if (ProvinceCode != null)
                if (ProvinceCode.Trim() != "")
                    ProvinceCode = ProvinceCode.Trim().ToUpper();
                    _context     = (PatientsContext)validationContext.GetService(typeof(PatientsContext));
                    if (!_context.Province.Any(a => a.ProvinceCode == ProvinceCode))
                        yield return(new ValidationResult("Please enter valid Province Code", new[] { nameof(ProvinceCode) }));
                        patientProvince = _context.Province.Where(a => a.ProvinceCode == ProvinceCode).FirstOrDefault();
            if (PostalCode != null)
                if (patientProvince.CountryCode == "CA")
                    string firstCharInPostalCode = PostalCode.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper();
                    if (!patientProvince.FirstPostalLetter.Contains(firstCharInPostalCode))
                        yield return(new ValidationResult("Please enter suitable Canadian Postal Code for your Province Code", new[] { nameof(PostalCode) }));

                        yield return(new ValidationResult("Please enter suitable Province Code for your Canadian Postal Code", new[] { nameof(ProvinceCode) }));
                    else if (SBValidations.SBPostalCodeValidation(PostalCode))
                        PostalCode = SBValidations.SBPostalCodeFormat(PostalCode);
                        yield return(new ValidationResult("Please enter valid Canadian Postal Code", new[] { nameof(PostalCode) }));
                    string postalCode = PostalCode;
                    if (SBValidations.SBZipCodeValidation(ref postalCode))
                        PostalCode = postalCode;
                        yield return(new ValidationResult("Please enter valid US Postal Code", new[] { nameof(PostalCode) }));
            if (Ohip != null)
                Ohip = Ohip.ToUpper();
                var _ohipRegEx = @"^\d{4}-\d{3}-\d{3}-[A-Z]{2}$";
                if (!Regex.Match(Ohip, _ohipRegEx).Success)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("OHIP, if provided must match pattern; 1234-123-123-XX", new[] { nameof(Ohip) }));
            if (HomePhone != null)
                HomePhone = SBValidations.SBExtractDigits(HomePhone);
                if (HomePhone.Length != 10)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Enter valid phone number", new[] { nameof(HomePhone) }));
                HomePhone = string.Format("{0:###-###-####}", long.Parse(HomePhone));
            if (DateOfBirth != null || DateOfBirth.ToString().Trim() != "")
                if (DateOfBirth > DateTime.Now)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Date of birth can't be in the future", new[] { nameof(DateOfBirth) }));
            if (Deceased)
                if (DateOfDeath == null || DateOfDeath.ToString().Trim() == "")
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Date of death is required if the person is deceased", new[] { nameof(DateOfDeath) }));
                else if (DateOfDeath.Value > DateTime.Now || DateOfDeath.Value < DateOfBirth)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Date of death can't be before date of birth or in the future", new[] { nameof(DateOfDeath) }));
                if (!(DateOfDeath == null) || !(DateOfDeath.ToString().Trim() == ""))
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Date of death is not required", new[] { nameof(DateOfDeath) }));
            if (Gender == null || Gender.Trim() == "")
                yield return(new ValidationResult("Gender cannot be empty or just blanks", new[] { nameof(Gender) }));
                Gender = SBValidations.SBCapitaize(Gender).Substring(0, 1);
                if (!Gender.Equals("M") && !Gender.Equals("F") && !Gender.Equals("X"))
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Please enter valid gender among (M, F, X)", new[] { nameof(Gender) }));
            if (Address != null)
                if (Address.Trim() != "")
                    Address = SBValidations.SBCapitaize(Address);
            if (City != null)
                if (City.Trim() != "")
                    City = SBValidations.SBCapitaize(City);

            yield return(ValidationResult.Success);
コード例 #13
        public IEnumerable <ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
            Name    = TRValidations.TRCapitalize(Name);
            Address = TRValidations.TRCapitalize(Address);
            Town    = TRValidations.TRCapitalize(Town);
            County  = TRValidations.TRCapitalize(County);

            ProvinceCode = ProvinceCode.ToUpper();
            if (Directions != null)
                Directions = Directions.Trim();

            var province = _context.Province.Where(pr => pr.ProvinceCode == ProvinceCode).FirstOrDefault();
            var country  = province.CountryCode;

            if (Town == null && County == null)
                yield return(new ValidationResult("Either Town or County must be provided!", new[] { nameof(Town), nameof(County) }));

            if (Email == null && (Address == null || PostalCode == null))
                yield return(new ValidationResult("Both Postal code and Address or Email must be provided", new[] { nameof(Email), nameof(Address), nameof(PostalCode) }));

            if (HomePhone == null && CellPhone == null)
                yield return(new ValidationResult("Either Home Phone or Cell Phone must be provided!", new[] { nameof(HomePhone), nameof(CellPhone) }));

            if (DateJoined != null && LastContactDate != null)
                if (DateTime.Compare((DateTime)DateJoined, (DateTime)LastContactDate) == 1)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Last Contact Date can not be earlier than Date Joined!", new[] { nameof(DateJoined), nameof(LastContactDate) }));

            var homePhone = HomePhone;

            if (TRValidations.PhoneValidation(ref homePhone))
                HomePhone = homePhone;
                yield return(new ValidationResult("Home Phone must be 10 digits!", new[] { nameof(HomePhone) }));

            var cellPhone = CellPhone;

            if (TRValidations.PhoneValidation(ref cellPhone))
                CellPhone = cellPhone;
                yield return(new ValidationResult("Cell Phone must be 10 digits!", new[] { nameof(CellPhone) }));

            if (PostalCode != null)
                var postalCode = PostalCode;
                switch (country)
                case "US":
                    if (TRValidations.TRZipCodeValidation(ref postalCode))
                        PostalCode = postalCode;
                        yield return(new ValidationResult("Postal Code is not valid USA zip code!", new[] { nameof(PostalCode) }));

                case "CA":
                    if (TRValidations.TRPostalCodeValidation(ref postalCode))
                        PostalCode = postalCode;
                        yield return(new ValidationResult("Postal Code is not valid Canadian!", new[] { nameof(PostalCode) }));

                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Postal Code is not implemented", new[] { nameof(PostalCode) }));


            yield return(ValidationResult.Success);
コード例 #14
        public IEnumerable <ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
            OECContext _context = OEC_Singleton.Context();

            FarmId = Convert.ToInt32(FarmId.ToString().Trim());
            if (Name != null)
                Name = Name.Trim();
                Name = HKValidations.HKCapitalize(Name);
            if (Address != null)
                Address = Address.Trim();
                Address = HKValidations.HKCapitalize(Address);
            if (Town != null)
                Town = Town.Trim();
                Town = HKValidations.HKCapitalize(Town);
            if (County != null)
                County = County.Trim();
                County = HKValidations.HKCapitalize(County);
            if (ProvinceCode != null)
                ProvinceCode = ProvinceCode.Trim();
                ProvinceCode = ProvinceCode.ToUpper();
            if (PostalCode != null)
                PostalCode = PostalCode.Trim();
            if (HomePhone != null)
                HomePhone = HomePhone.Trim();
            if (CellPhone != null)
                CellPhone = CellPhone.Trim();
            if (Email != null)
                Email = Email.Trim();
            if (Directions != null)
                Directions = Directions.Trim();

            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Name) || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ProvinceCode))
                if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Name))
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Name is required", new[] { "Name" }));
                if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ProvinceCode))
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Province Code is required", new[] { "ProvinceCode" }));

            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Town) && String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(County))
                yield return(new ValidationResult("Either the town or county must be provided.", new[] { "Town", "County" }));

            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Email))
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Address))
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Address must be provided.", new[] { "Address" }));
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(PostalCode))
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Postal Code must be provided.", new[] { "PostalCode" }));
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(PostalCode) && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ProvinceCode))
                string countryCode = "";
                if (ProvinceCode.Length == 2)
                    countryCode = _context.Province.SingleOrDefault(p => p.ProvinceCode == ProvinceCode).CountryCode;
                    countryCode = _context.Province.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Name == ProvinceCode).CountryCode;

                if (countryCode == "CA")
                    string pCode = PostalCode;

                    if (!HKValidations.HKPostalCodeValidation(ref pCode))
                        yield return(new ValidationResult("Please enter valid postal code.", new[] { "PostalCode" }));
                    PostalCode = pCode;
                else if (countryCode == "US")
                    string zCode = PostalCode;
                    if (!HKValidations.HKZipCodeValidation(ref zCode))
                        yield return(new ValidationResult("Please enter valid zip code.", new[] { "PostalCode" }));
                    PostalCode = zCode;

            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(HomePhone) && String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CellPhone))
                yield return(new ValidationResult("Either the home phone number or cell phone number must be provided.", new[] { "HomePhone", "CellPhone" }));
                if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(HomePhone))
                    string hPhone = HomePhone;
                    if (!HKValidations.HKPhoneNumberValidation(ref hPhone))
                        yield return(new ValidationResult("Home phone number must be 10 digits only.", new[] { "HomePhone" }));
                    HomePhone = hPhone;
                if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CellPhone))
                    string cPhone = CellPhone;
                    if (!HKValidations.HKPhoneNumberValidation(ref cPhone))
                        yield return(new ValidationResult("Cell phone number must be 10 digits only.", new[] { "CellPhone" }));
                    HomePhone = cPhone;

            yield return(ValidationResult.Success);
コード例 #15
        public IEnumerable <ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
            //if (MemberId != 0)
            //    FullName = FirstName + ' ' + LastName + " & " + SpouseFirstName;
            if (ProvinceCode != null)
                if (ProvinceCode.Length != 2)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("The Province Code should be exactly 2 characters long", new[] { "ProvinceCode" }));
                    var province = _context.Province.Where(m => m.ProvinceCode == ProvinceCode).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (province == null)
                        yield return(new ValidationResult("The Province Code is not valid", new[] { "ProvinceCode" }));
                        ProvinceCode = ProvinceCode.Trim().ToUpper();
            Regex PostalCodePattern = new Regex((@"^[a-zA-Z]{1}[0-9]{1}[a-zA-Z]{1}\s{0,1}[0-9]{1}[a-zA-Z]{1}[0-9]{1}"), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            if (PostalCodePattern.IsMatch(PostalCode.Trim()))
                if (!PostalCode.Contains(" "))
                    PostalCode = PostalCode.Insert(3, " ");
                    PostalCode = PostalCode.Trim().ToUpper();
                    PostalCode = PostalCode.Trim().ToUpper();
                yield return(new ValidationResult("The Postal Code entered is not in valid canadian format", new[] { "PostalCode" }));

            Regex HomePhonePattern = new Regex(@"^\d\d\d-{0,1}\d\d\d-{0,1}\d\d\d\d");

            if (HomePhone != null)
                if (HomePhonePattern.IsMatch(HomePhone))
                    if (!HomePhone.Contains('-'))
                        HomePhone = HomePhone.Insert(3, "-");
                        HomePhone = HomePhone.Insert(7, "-");
                        HomePhone = HomePhone.Trim();
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("The home Phone number entered is not in valid format 999-999-9999", new[] { "HomePhone" }));

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SpouseFirstName) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(SpouseLastName))
                FullName = LastName.Trim() + "," + FirstName.Trim();
                if (SpouseLastName == null || SpouseLastName == LastName)
                    FullName = FirstName.Trim() + ' ' + LastName.Trim() + " & " + SpouseFirstName.Trim();
                    FullName = LastName.Trim() + "," + FirstName.Trim() + " & " + SpouseLastName.Trim() + "," + SpouseFirstName.Trim();

            if (UseCanadaPost)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Street) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(City))
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("The Street name and City Name field are required fields if you have checked Canada Post checkbox", new[] { "Street" }));
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Email))
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("The Email address field is required", new[] { "Email" }));
            if (MemberId == 0)
                var duplicateID = _context.Member.Where(x => x.MemberId == MemberId).FirstOrDefault();
                if (duplicateID != null)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("The Member Id entered is already on file", new[] { "MemberId" }));
            if (Street != null)
                Street = Street.Trim();
            if (City != null)
                City = City.Trim();
            if (Email != null)
                Email = Email.Trim();
            if (Comment != null)
                Comment = Comment.Trim();
            yield return(ValidationResult.Success);
コード例 #16
        public IEnumerable <ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
            //First Name check and Capitalize
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FirstName))
                yield return(new ValidationResult("Requir First Name", new[] { "FirstName" }));
                FirstName = KYValidations.KYCapitalize(FirstName);

            //Last Name Check and Capitalize
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(LastName))
                yield return(new ValidationResult("Requir Last Name", new[] { "LastName" }));
                LastName = KYValidations.KYCapitalize(LastName);

            // Address Capitalize
            Address = KYValidations.KYCapitalize(Address);

            // City Capitalize
            City = KYValidations.KYCapitalize(City);

            //  Province Code Check
            Province findProvinceinDatadabase = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ProvinceCode))
                ProvinceCode = ProvinceCode.ToUpper();
                string err = string.Empty;
                    findProvinceinDatadabase = _context.Province.Where(a => a.ProvinceCode == ProvinceCode).FirstOrDefault();
                catch (Exception e)
                    err = e.GetBaseException().Message;

                if (findProvinceinDatadabase == null)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Province Code is not on file", new[] { "ProvinceCode" }));
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(err))
                    yield return(new ValidationResult(err, new[] { "ProvinceCode" }));

            //postalcode check and format
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PostalCode))
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ProvinceCode))
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Province Code is required to validate Postal Code", new[] { "ProvinceCode", "PostalCode" }));
                if (findProvinceinDatadabase != null)
                    if (findProvinceinDatadabase.CountryCode == "CA")
                        //if (!PostalCode.StartsWith(findProvinceinDatadabase.FirstPostalLetter))
                        //    yield return new ValidationResult("First letter of Postal Code not valid for given province", new[] { "ProvinceCode", "PostalCode", "" });

                        if (KYValidations.KYPostalCodeValidation(PostalCode))
                            PostalCode = KYValidations.KYPostalCodeFormat(PostalCode);
                            yield return(new ValidationResult("Postal Code not CDN pattern: A3A 3A3", new[] { "PostalCode" }));
                    else if (findProvinceinDatadabase.CountryCode == "USA")
                        string localPostalCode = PostalCode;
                        if (KYValidations.KYZipCodeValidation(ref localPostalCode))
                            PostalCode = localPostalCode;
                            yield return(new ValidationResult("Zip Code is not valid", new[] { "PostalCode" }));

            //OHIP check
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Ohip))
                Ohip = Ohip.ToUpper().Trim();
                Regex OhipValidate = new Regex(@"^\d{4}-\d{3}-\d{3}-[A-Z][A-Z]$");
                if (!OhipValidate.IsMatch(Ohip))
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("OHIP. if provided, must match pattern: 1234-123-123-XX", new[] { "Ohip" }));

            //Date of Birth check
            if (DateOfBirth != null)
                if (DateOfBirth > DateTime.Now)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Date of Birth cannot be in the future", new[] { "DateOfBirth" }));

            // Date of Death check
            string popupMessage = string.Empty;

            if (Deceased)
                if (DateOfDeath == null)
                    popupMessage = "Deceased must be true if Date of Death is provided";
                    yield return(new ValidationResult(popupMessage, new[] { "DateOfDeath" }));
                else if (DateOfDeath > DateTime.Now)
                    popupMessage = "Date of Death cannot be in the future";
                    yield return(new ValidationResult(popupMessage, new[] { "DateOfDeath" }));
                else if (DateOfDeath < DateOfBirth)
                    popupMessage = "Date of Death cannot be before Date of Birth";
                    yield return(new ValidationResult(popupMessage, new[] { "DateOfDeath", "DateOfBirth" }));
                if (DateOfDeath != null)
                    popupMessage = "Deceased must be true if Date of Death is provided";
                    yield return(new ValidationResult(popupMessage, new[] { "Deceased" }));
                if (DateOfDeath != null && DateOfDeath > DateTime.Now)
                    popupMessage = "Date of Death cannot be in the future";
                    yield return(new ValidationResult(popupMessage, new[] { "DateOfDeath" }));

            //Phone check
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(HomePhone))
                HomePhone = HomePhone.Trim();
                HomePhone = KYValidations.KYExtractDigits(HomePhone);
                if (HomePhone.Length != 10)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Home Phone, if provided, must be 10 digits: 123-123-1234", new[] { "HomePhone" }));
                    HomePhone = HomePhone.Insert(3, "-");
                    HomePhone = HomePhone.Insert(7, "-");

            //Gender Check and Capitalize
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Gender))
                yield return(new ValidationResult("Requir Gender", new[] { "Gender" }));
                string lowerGender = Gender.Trim().ToLower();;
                if (lowerGender != "m" && lowerGender != "f" && lowerGender != "x")
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Gender must be either 'M', 'F' or 'X'", new[] { "Gender" }));
                    Gender = KYValidations.KYCapitalize(Gender);

            yield return(ValidationResult.Success);
コード例 #17
        public IEnumerable <ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
            //trim all strings
            //DateOfDeath, DateOfBirth are not trimmed because they are not string

            //first name process
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FirstName))
                yield return(new ValidationResult("First Name is required", new[] { "FirstName" }));
                FirstName = FirstName.Trim();
                FirstName = AYValidation.AYCapitalize(FirstName);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(LastName))
                yield return(new ValidationResult("last Name is required", new[] { "LastName" }));
                LastName = LastName.Trim();
                LastName = AYValidation.AYCapitalize(LastName);

            Regex genderPattern = new Regex(@"^[MFXmfx]$");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Gender))
                yield return(new ValidationResult("Gender is required", new[] { "Gender" }));
            else if (genderPattern.IsMatch(Gender))
                Gender = AYValidation.AYCapitalize(Gender);
                yield return(new ValidationResult("Gender is among: M, F, X", new[] { "Gender" }));

            Address = AYValidation.AYCapitalize(Address).Trim();
            City    = AYValidation.AYCapitalize(City).Trim();

            Province correspondingProvince = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ProvinceCode))
                ProvinceCode = ProvinceCode.Trim().ToUpper();
                string err = string.Empty;
                    correspondingProvince = _context.Province.Where(a => a.ProvinceCode == ProvinceCode).FirstOrDefault();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    err = ex.GetBaseException().Message;

                if (correspondingProvince == null)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Province Code not on the list", new[] { "ProvinceCode" }));
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(err))
                    yield return(new ValidationResult(err, new[] { "ProvinceCode" }));

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PostalCode))
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ProvinceCode))
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Province Code is needed first", new[] { "PostalCode" }));
                if (correspondingProvince != null) //countrycode could be US or CA
                    if (correspondingProvince.CountryCode == "CA")
                        Regex firstLetterPattern = new Regex("^[" + correspondingProvince.FirstPostalLetter + "]$");
                        if (!firstLetterPattern.IsMatch(PostalCode.Substring(0, 1)))
                            yield return(new ValidationResult("Postal Code is not correct for that Province", new[] { "ProvinceCode", "PostalCode" }));
                            if (AYValidation.AYPostalCodeValidation(PostalCode))
                                PostalCode = AYValidation.AYPostalCodeFormat(PostalCode);
                                yield return(new ValidationResult("Postal Code is not correct.", new[] { "PostalCode" }));

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Ohip))
                Ohip = Ohip.Trim().ToUpper();
                Regex ohipPattern = new Regex(@"^\d\d\d\d[-]\d\d\d[-]\d\d\d[-][A-Z][A-Z]$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                if (!ohipPattern.IsMatch(Ohip))
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Ohip should match pattern: 1234-123-123-XX", new[] { "Ohip" }));

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(HomePhone))
                HomePhone = AYValidation.AYExtractDigits(HomePhone);
                if (HomePhone.Length != 10)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Home phone should be 10 digits", new[] { "HomePhone" }));
                    HomePhone = HomePhone.Insert(3, "-").Insert(7, "-");

            if (DateOfBirth != null) //dateofbirth is not string
                if (DateOfBirth > DateTime.Now)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Date of birth is not correct", new[] { "DateOfBirth" }));

            if (Deceased)
                if (DateOfDeath == null)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Please enter date of death", new[] { "DateOfBirth" }));
                if (DateOfDeath > DateTime.Now || DateOfDeath > DateTime.Now)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Please enter correct date of death", new[] { "DateOfBirth" }));
                if (DateOfDeath != null)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Don' enter date of death if not deceased", new[] { "DateOfDeath" }));

            yield return(ValidationResult.Success);
コード例 #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Method that validades properties from Member Controller
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="validationContext"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IEnumerable <ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
            #region global variables and database connection

            SailContext _context = SailContext_Singleton.Context();


            var results = new List <ValidationResult>();

            // Trim all string fields fields
            FirstName       = KGClassLibrary.KGValidations.KGTrimFields(FirstName);
            LastName        = KGClassLibrary.KGValidations.KGTrimFields(LastName);
            SpouseFirstName = KGClassLibrary.KGValidations.KGTrimFields(SpouseFirstName);
            SpouseLastName  = KGClassLibrary.KGValidations.KGTrimFields(SpouseLastName);
            Street          = KGClassLibrary.KGValidations.KGTrimFields(Street);
            City            = KGClassLibrary.KGValidations.KGTrimFields(City);
            ProvinceCode    = KGClassLibrary.KGValidations.KGTrimFields(ProvinceCode);
            PostalCode      = KGClassLibrary.KGValidations.KGTrimFields(PostalCode);
            HomePhone       = KGClassLibrary.KGValidations.KGTrimFields(HomePhone);
            Email           = KGClassLibrary.KGValidations.KGTrimFields(Email);
            Comment         = KGClassLibrary.KGValidations.KGTrimFields(Comment);

            // Capitalize
            FirstName       = KGClassLibrary.KGValidations.KGCapitalize(FirstName);
            LastName        = KGClassLibrary.KGValidations.KGCapitalize(LastName);
            SpouseFirstName = KGClassLibrary.KGValidations.KGCapitalize(SpouseFirstName);
            SpouseLastName  = KGClassLibrary.KGValidations.KGCapitalize(SpouseLastName);
            Street          = KGClassLibrary.KGValidations.KGCapitalize(Street);
            City            = KGClassLibrary.KGValidations.KGCapitalize(City);
            ProvinceCode    = ProvinceCode.ToUpper();

            // member name is provided
            if ((LastName != null || LastName != "") && (FirstName != null || FirstName != ""))
                // spouse name is not provided
                if ((SpouseFirstName == null || SpouseFirstName == "") && (SpouseLastName == null || SpouseLastName == ""))
                    FullName = LastName + ", " + FirstName;
                // spouse name was provided
                else if ((SpouseFirstName != null || SpouseFirstName != "" && SpouseLastName != null || SpouseLastName != ""))
                    FullName = LastName + ", " + FirstName + " & " + SpouseLastName + ", " + SpouseFirstName;
                // spouse last name is not provided
                else if ((SpouseFirstName != null || SpouseFirstName != "") && (SpouseLastName == null || SpouseLastName == "") ||
                         (SpouseLastName == LastName))
                    FullName = LastName + ", " + FirstName + " & " + SpouseFirstName;

            // Validate ProvinceCode
            Province province      = null;
            string   provinceError = null;
                province = _context.Province
                           .Where(p => p.ProvinceCode == ProvinceCode)
            }catch (Exception ex)
                provinceError = ex.Message;

            if (provinceError != null)
                yield return(new ValidationResult(provinceError));

            // Member selected useCanadaPost
            if (UseCanadaPost)
                if (province != null)
                    var country = _context.Country
                                  .Where(c => c.CountryCode == province.CountryCode)

                    // Country is CA
                    if (country.CountryCode == "CA")
                        // Validate postal code
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(PostalCode))
                            yield return(new ValidationResult("Postal code " + PostalCode + " not valid", new[] { nameof(PostalCode) }));
                        else if (!KGClassLibrary.KGValidations.KGPostalCodeValidation(PostalCode))
                            yield return(new ValidationResult("Postal code " + PostalCode + " not valid", new[] { nameof(PostalCode) }));
                        // Postal Code correct
                            PostalCode = KGClassLibrary.KGValidations.KGPostalCodeFormat(PostalCode);
                    // Country is US
                    else if (country.CountryCode == "US")
                        string refPostalCode = PostalCode;
                        // Validate Zip Code
                        if (KGClassLibrary.KGValidations.KGZipCodeValidation(ref refPostalCode))
                            yield return(new ValidationResult("Zip code " + PostalCode + " not valid", new[] { nameof(PostalCode) }));
                            PostalCode = KGClassLibrary.KGValidations.KGPostalCodeFormat(PostalCode);
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Province Code " + ProvinceCode + " is not on file", new[] { nameof(ProvinceCode) }));
            //useCanadaPost is false
                // If postalCode is provided, Provincecode cannot be null
                if (PostalCode != null && string.IsNullOrEmpty(ProvinceCode))
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("PostalCode is  optional but, if provided, provinceCode becomes required", new[] { nameof(ProvinceCode) }));
                // If postal Code inserted it is validated
                if (!KGClassLibrary.KGValidations.KGPostalCodeValidation(PostalCode))
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Postal code " + PostalCode + " not valid", new[] { nameof(PostalCode) }));

                // if provinceCode exists on province table
                if (province != null)
                    var country = _context.Country
                                  .Where(c => c.CountryCode == province.CountryCode)

                    // Country is Canada
                    if (country.CountryCode == "CA")
                        // Validate postalCode
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(PostalCode))
                            yield return(new ValidationResult("Postal code " + PostalCode + " not valid", new[] { nameof(PostalCode) }));
                        else if (!KGClassLibrary.KGValidations.KGPostalCodeValidation(PostalCode))
                            yield return(new ValidationResult("Postal code " + PostalCode + " not valid", new[] { nameof(PostalCode) }));
                        // Format postal code if no error
                            PostalCode = KGClassLibrary.KGValidations.KGPostalCodeFormat(PostalCode);
                    // country is US
                    else if (country.CountryCode == "US")
                        string refPostalCode = PostalCode;
                        // Validate Zip Code
                        if (!KGClassLibrary.KGValidations.KGZipCodeValidation(ref refPostalCode))
                            yield return(new ValidationResult("Zip code " + PostalCode + " not valid", new[] { nameof(PostalCode) }));
                        // // Format zip code if no error
                            PostalCode = refPostalCode;
                            PostalCode = KGClassLibrary.KGValidations.KGPostalCodeFormat(PostalCode);
            // if province Code is empty set it to null, because database does not acept empty
            if (ProvinceCode == "")
                ProvinceCode = null;

            // Validate HomePhone
            HomePhone = KGClassLibrary.KGValidations.KGExtractDigits(HomePhone);
            if (HomePhone.Length != 10)
                yield return(new ValidationResult("Home phone " + HomePhone + " must be 10 digits long: 519-748-5220", new[] { nameof(HomePhone) }));
                // Format to insert dashes
                HomePhone = string.Format("{0:###-###-####}", Convert.ToSingle(HomePhone));

            // Validate email, only if it is provided
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Email))
                Regex regex = new Regex(@"^([\w\.\-]+)@([\w\-]+)((\.(\w){2,3})+)$");
                if (!regex.IsMatch(Email))
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Email " + Email + " is in a wrong format, please follow [email protected]", new[] { nameof(Email) }));

            // If use CanadaPost is not selected, email is required
            if (UseCanadaPost == false)
                Regex regex = new Regex(@"^([\w\.\-]+)@([\w\-]+)((\.(\w){2,3})+)$");
                if (!regex.IsMatch(Email))
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Email " + Email + " is required unless member has restricted communication to Canada Post", new[] { nameof(Email) }));
                // usePostalcode is true, Street Address is required
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Street))
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Member wants to use Cananda Post - Street Address is required", new[] { nameof(Street) }));
                // usePostalcode is true, city is required
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(City))
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Member wants to use Cananda Post - City is required", new[] { nameof(City) }));

            // Validate Year Joined

            if (YearJoined != null)
                if (YearJoined > DateTime.Today.Year)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("The Year the member Joined the club cannot be in the future", new[] { nameof(YearJoined) }));
                // When creating a new member, year joined is required
                if (MemberId == 0)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("The Year the member Joined the club cannot be null", new[] { nameof(YearJoined) }));

            // if no error
            yield return(ValidationResult.Success);
コード例 #19
        public IEnumerable <ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
            if (FirstName == null)
                FirstName = string.Empty;
                FirstName = FirstName.Trim();
                FirstName = ASValidations.ASCapitalize(FirstName).ToString();

            if (LastName == null)
                LastName = string.Empty;
                LastName = LastName.Trim();
                LastName = ASValidations.ASCapitalize(LastName).ToString();

            if (Gender == null)
                Gender = string.Empty;
                Gender = Gender.Trim();
                Gender = ASValidations.ASCapitalize(Gender).ToString();

            if (Address == null)
                Address = string.Empty;
                Address = Address.Trim();
                Address = ASValidations.ASCapitalize(Address).ToString();

            if (City == null)
                City = string.Empty;
                City = City.Trim();
                City = ASValidations.ASCapitalize(City).ToString();

            if (ProvinceCode != null)
                var provSearch = _context.Province.Where(p => p.ProvinceCode == ProvinceCode).FirstOrDefault();

                if (provSearch == null)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Province code is not on file", new[] { nameof(ProvinceCode) }));

                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Province code is required to validate Postal Code", new[] { nameof(PostalCode) }));
                    var countrySearch = _context.Country.Where(a => a.CountryCode == provSearch.CountryCode).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (provSearch.CountryCode == "CA")
                        ProvinceCode = ProvinceCode.Trim();
                        ProvinceCode = ProvinceCode.ToUpper();

                        if (PostalCode != null || PostalCode == "")
                            PostalCode = PostalCode.Trim().ToUpper();
                            if (provSearch.FirstPostalLetter.Contains(PostalCode.Substring(0, 1)) == false)
                                yield return(new ValidationResult("First letter of postal code not valid for given province", new[] { nameof(PostalCode) }));
                                if (ASValidations.ASPostalCodeValidation(PostalCode) == false)
                                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Postal code not in cdn format: A3A 3A3", new[] { nameof(PostalCode) }));
                                    PostalCode = string.Format("{0} {1}", PostalCode.Substring(0, 3), PostalCode.Substring(3));
                    else if (provSearch.CountryCode == "US")
                        ProvinceCode = ProvinceCode.Trim();
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(PostalCode))
                            PostalCode = PostalCode.Trim();
                            if (!ASValidations.ASZipCodeValidation(PostalCode))
                                yield return(new ValidationResult("US Zip code format incorrect: 12345 / 12345-6789", new[] { nameof(PostalCode) }));

            if ((Deceased == true) && (DateOfDeath == null))
                yield return(new ValidationResult("If deceased is true, a date of death is required", new[] { nameof(DateOfDeath) }));
            else if ((Deceased == false) && (DateOfDeath != null))
                yield return(new ValidationResult("Deceased must be true, if Date of Death is provided", new[] { nameof(Deceased) }));

            if (Ohip != null)
                Ohip = Ohip.ToUpper();

            if (HomePhone != null)
                HomePhone = HomePhone.Trim();
                var HomePhoneNumber = ASValidations.ASExtractDigits(HomePhone).ToString();
                if (HomePhoneNumber.Length != 10)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Home Phone if provided, should be 10 digits: 123-123-1234", new[] { nameof(HomePhone) }));
                    HomePhone = string.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}", HomePhoneNumber.Substring(0, 3), HomePhoneNumber.Substring(3, 3), HomePhoneNumber.Substring(6));

            yield return(ValidationResult.Success);
コード例 #20
        public IEnumerable <ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FirstName))
                yield return(new ValidationResult("First name cannot be empty"));
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(LastName))
                yield return(new ValidationResult("Last Name cannot be empty", new[] { nameof(LastName) }));
            if (FirstName != null)
                FirstName = FirstName.Trim();
            if (LastName != null)
                LastName = LastName.Trim();
            if (Address != null)
                Address = Address.Trim();
            if (City != null)
                City = City.Trim();
            if (ProvinceCode != null)
                ProvinceCode = ProvinceCode.ToUpper();
            if (PostalCode != null)
                PostalCode = PostalCode.ToUpper();
            if (DateOfBirth != null)
                if (DateOfBirth > DateTime.Now)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("DateOfBirth can not be in future"));
                if (DateOfDeath != null)
                    if (DateOfBirth > DateOfDeath)
                        yield return(new ValidationResult("DateOfDeath can not be before DateOfBirth"));
                    if (DateOfDeath > DateTime.Now)
                        yield return(new ValidationResult("DateOfDeath can not be in future"));
                    if (Deceased == false)
                        yield return(new ValidationResult("Deceased must be checked "));
            if (HomePhone != null)
                if (HomePhone.Length != 10)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Homephone numbe rshould be exactly 10 numbers"));
                    HomePhone = Regex.Replace(HomePhone.ToString(), "[^0-9]+", string.Empty);
                    HomePhone = HomePhone.ToString().Insert(3, "-").Insert(7, "-");

            yield return(ValidationResult.Success);
コード例 #21
 /// <summary>
 /// 身份证号码。
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public override string ToString()
     return(string.Concat(ProvinceCode.ToString("00"), CityCode.ToString("00"), County.ToString("00"), Birthday.ToString("yyyyMMdd"), SerialNumber.ToString("000"), CheckCode));
コード例 #22
        public IEnumerable <ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
            string countryCodeFromInput = "";

            // 2. b. Trim all strings of leading and trailing spaces (fields not trimmed here
            // are trimmed by TACapitalize and TAExtractDigits methods below)
            if (ProvinceCode != null)
                ProvinceCode = ProvinceCode.Trim();
            if (Email != null)
                Email = Email.Trim();
            if (Comment != null)
                Comment = Comment.Trim();

            // 2.d. Using our library method to capitalize names, address and city
            FirstName       = ISValidations.ISCapitalize(FirstName);
            LastName        = ISValidations.ISCapitalize(LastName);
            SpouseFirstName = ISValidations.ISCapitalize(SpouseFirstName);
            SpouseLastName  = ISValidations.ISCapitalize(SpouseLastName);
            Street          = ISValidations.ISCapitalize(Street);
            City            = ISValidations.ISCapitalize(City);

            // 2.e. Compiling the full name from member's last and first name and
            // their spouse's names

            if (SpouseLastName == "" && SpouseFirstName == "")
                FullName = LastName + ", " + FirstName;
                if (SpouseLastName == "")
                    FullName = LastName + ", " + FirstName + " & " + SpouseFirstName;
                    if (SpouseLastName == LastName)
                        FullName = LastName + ", " + FirstName + " & " + SpouseFirstName;
                        FullName = LastName + ", " + FirstName + " & " + SpouseLastName +
                                   ", " + SpouseFirstName;
                if (SpouseFirstName == "")
                    FullName = LastName + ", " + FirstName + " & " + SpouseLastName;

            // 2.f. Force the province code to upper cases and validate it
            if (ProvinceCode != null && ProvinceCode != "")
                string   errors   = "";
                Province province = new Province();

                ProvinceCode = ProvinceCode.ToUpper();
                // we try to fetch a province record with the same province code from database
                    province = _context.Province.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ProvinceCode == ProvinceCode);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    errors = ex.GetBaseException().Message;

                // if fetching province code throws an exception, put its innermost message in ModelState
                if (errors != "")
                    yield return(new ValidationResult(errors,
                                                      new[] { "ProvinceCode" }));
                // if it's not on the file, display an appropriate message
                if (province == null)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("This province code is not on the file",
                                                      new[] { "ProvinceCode" }));
                    // 2.f.iii. Retain a record's Country field to use it in the postal code validation
                    countryCodeFromInput = province.CountryCode;

                // 2.g.i. Validate and format the postal/zip code depending on the country of origin
                if (countryCodeFromInput == "CA")
                    if (ISValidations.ISPostalCodeValidation(PostalCode))
                        PostalCode = ISValidations.ISPostalCodeFormat(PostalCode);
                        yield return(new ValidationResult("The postal code must be in format A1A 1A1",
                                                          new[] { "PostalCode" }));
                else if (countryCodeFromInput == "US")
                    string postalCode = PostalCode;
                    if (!ISValidations.ISZipCodeValidation(ref postalCode))
                        yield return(new ValidationResult("This zip code must contain 5 or 9 digits",
                                                          new[] { "PostalCode" }));
                        PostalCode = postalCode;

            // 2.g. If the postal code is provided, but the province code isn't, throw an error
                if (PostalCode != null && PostalCode != string.Empty)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("The province/state code is required to validate the " +
                                                      "postal/zip code", new[] { "ProvinceCode" }));

            // 2.h.i. Home phone must contain 10 digits
            HomePhone = ISValidations.ISExtractDigits(HomePhone);
            if (HomePhone.Length != 10)
                yield return(new ValidationResult("The phone number must be 10 digits long",
                                                  new[] { "HomePhone" }));
                // 2.h.ii. If it does, reformat it into dash notation
                HomePhone = HomePhone.Substring(0, 3) + "-" + HomePhone.Substring(3, 3) + "-" +

            // Email address must be a valid email pattern
            if (!(new EmailAddressAttribute()).IsValid(Email))
                yield return(new ValidationResult("The Email address is in incorrect format ",
                                                  new[] { "Email" }));

            // 2.j. Year Joined can only be null when editing an existing record
            if (MemberId == 0 && YearJoined == null)
                yield return(new ValidationResult("Year Joined cannot be empty for a new " +
                                                  "record", new[] { "YearJoined" }));
            // 2.j. Year Joined cannot be in the future
            if (YearJoined != null)
                if (YearJoined > DateTime.Now.Year)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("The year the member joined the club cannot " +
                                                      "be in the future", new[] { "YearJoined" }));

            // 2.k. default taskExepmpt and useCanadaPost to false
            if (TaskExempt == null)
                TaskExempt = false;
            if (UseCanadaPost == null)
                UseCanadaPost = false;

            // 2.l.i If useCanadaPost is false, valid email is required
            if (UseCanadaPost == false)
                if (Email == null || Email == "")
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Email address is required unless member has " +
                                                      "restricted communication to Canada Post", new[] { "Email" }));
            // 2.l.ii. If useCanadaPost is true, all the postal fields are required
                if (Street == null || Street == "")
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Member wants to use Canada Post - Street " +
                                                      "Address is required", new[] { "Street" }));
                if (City == null || City == "")
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Member wants to use Canada Post - City/Town " +
                                                      "is required", new[] { "City" }));
                if (ProvinceCode == null || ProvinceCode == "")
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Member wants to use Canada Post - Province " +
                                                      "Code is required", new[] { "ProvinceCode" }));
                if (PostalCode == null || PostalCode == "")
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Member wants to use Canada Post - Postal " +
                                                      "Code is required", new[] { "PostalCode" }));
            yield return(ValidationResult.Success);
コード例 #23
ファイル: ADFarmMetadata.cs プロジェクト: gnoleda/MSWebTech4
        //1dii creates a validate method
        public IEnumerable <ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
            OECContext _context = OEC_Singleton.Context();

            //trimm all strings of leading and trailing spaces
            if (Name != null)
                Name = Name.ToLower().Trim();
                Name = ADValidation.ADCapitalize(Name);
            if (Address != null)
                Address = Address.ToLower().Trim();
                Address = ADValidation.ADCapitalize(Address);
            if (Town != null)
                Town = Town.ToLower().Trim();
                Town = ADValidation.ADCapitalize(Town);
            if (County != null)
                County = County.ToLower().Trim();
                County = ADValidation.ADCapitalize(County);
            if (ProvinceCode != null)
                ProvinceCode = ProvinceCode.Trim();
                ProvinceCode = ProvinceCode.ToUpper();
            if (PostalCode != null)
                PostalCode = PostalCode.Trim();
            if (Email != null)
                Email = Email.Trim();
            if (Directions != null)
                Directions = Directions.Trim();

            //either the town or country must be provided
            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Town) && String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(County))
                yield return(new ValidationResult("At least one town or country must be provided."));

            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Email))
                if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Address) || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(PostalCode))
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("If no email, you must provide an address and postal code."));

            //if postal code provided, validate and format it using postalcodevalidation or zipcode validation, depending which country
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(PostalCode))
                if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ProvinceCode))
                    var countryCode = "";

                    if (ProvinceCode.Length == 2)
                        countryCode = _context.Province.SingleOrDefault(p => p.ProvinceCode == ProvinceCode).CountryCode;
                        countryCode = _context.Province.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Name == ProvinceCode).CountryCode;

                    string postalCode = PostalCode;
                    if (countryCode == "CA")
                        if (!ADValidation.ADPostalCodeValidation(ref postalCode))
                            yield return(new ValidationResult("Postal Code is not a valid pattern (N5G 6Z6)", new string[] { nameof(PostalCode) }));
                            PostalCode = postalCode;
                    if (countryCode == "US")
                        if (!ADValidation.ADZipCodeValidation(ref postalCode))
                            yield return(new ValidationResult("Zip Code is not a valid pattern (12345 or 12345-1234)", new string[] { nameof(PostalCode) }));
                        PostalCode = postalCode;

            //either home phone or cellphone must be provided
            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(HomePhone) && String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CellPhone))
                yield return(new ValidationResult("You must provide either your cell or home phone number."));
                Regex pattern = new Regex(@"\d{10}", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

                if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(HomePhone))
                    //get rid of all punctuation and trim and space
                    HomePhone = Regex.Replace(HomePhone, @"[^\w\s]", "").Trim();
                    HomePhone = Regex.Replace(HomePhone, "[^0-9]", "");

                    if (!pattern.IsMatch(HomePhone))
                        yield return(new ValidationResult("Home phone is incorrect pattern: ", new string[] { nameof(HomePhone) }));
                        //insert dashes into phone number
                        HomePhone = Regex.Replace(HomePhone, @"^(...)(...)(....)$", "$1-$2-$3");

                if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CellPhone))
                    //get rid of all punctuation and trim and space
                    CellPhone = Regex.Replace(CellPhone, @"[^\w\s]", "").Trim();
                    CellPhone = Regex.Replace(CellPhone, "[^0-9]", "");

                    if (!pattern.IsMatch(CellPhone))
                        yield return(new ValidationResult("Cell phone is incorrect pattern: ", new string[] { nameof(CellPhone) }));
                        //insert dashes into phone number
                        CellPhone = Regex.Replace(CellPhone, @"^(...)(...)(....)$", "$1-$2-$3");

            //lastcontact date cantbe provided unless datejoined
            if (LastContactDate != null && DateJoined == null)
                yield return(new ValidationResult("You must also provide Date Joined.", new string[] { nameof(DateJoined) }));
            //last contact date cant be before date joined
            if (DateJoined > LastContactDate)
                yield return(new ValidationResult("Last contact date can not be prior to date joined."));

            //1diii replace the throw statement
            yield return(ValidationResult.Success);
            //throw new NotImplementedException();
コード例 #24
        public IEnumerable <ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
            //Check if the provinceCode already exists int the database
            var checkProvinceCode = _context.Province
                                    .Where(p => p.ProvinceCode == ProvinceCode)
                                    .Select(p => p.ProvinceCode)

            if (ProvinceCode != null)
                if (checkProvinceCode != null)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Province already exists in the database", new[] { nameof(ProvinceCode) }));
                    if (ProvinceCode.Length != 2)
                        yield return(new ValidationResult("Province should be exactly 2 letters ", new[] { nameof(ProvinceCode) }));
                        ProvinceCode = ProvinceCode.Trim().ToUpper();
            //check ProvinceNmae already exists in the database
            var checkProvinceNmae = _context.Province
                                    .Where(p => p.Name == Name)
                                    .Select(p => p.Name)
            TextInfo textInfo = new CultureInfo("en-US", false).TextInfo;

            if (Name == null || Name.Trim() == "" || Name == "")
                yield return(new ValidationResult("Name can not be empty ", new[] { nameof(Name) }));
                if (checkProvinceNmae != null)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Province name already exists in the database", new[] { nameof(Name) }));
                    Name = textInfo.ToTitleCase(Name.ToLower().Trim());
            //check if CountryCode exists in the database
            var checkCountryCode = _context.Country
                                   .Where(c => c.CountryCode == CountryCode)
                                   .Select(c => c.CountryCode)

            if (CountryCode == null)
                yield return(new ValidationResult("CountryCode can not be empty", new[] { nameof(Name) }));
                if (checkCountryCode == null)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("CountryCode does not exist in the Country table", new[] { nameof(Name) }));
                    CountryCode = CountryCode.ToUpper();
            if (TaxCode != null)
                TaxCode = TaxCode.ToUpper();

            yield return(ValidationResult.Success);
コード例 #25
        public IEnumerable <ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
            if (FirstName.Trim().Length == 0)
                yield return(new ValidationResult("FirstName cannot be empty or blank ", new[] { "FirstName" }));
            if (LastName.Trim().Length == 0)
                yield return(new ValidationResult("FirstName cannot be empty or blank ", new[] { "LastName" }));

            if (UseCanadaPost == true)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Street))
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Street is Required ", new[] { "Street" }));
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(City))
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("City is Required ", new[] { "City" }));
                Street = Street.Trim();
                City   = City.Trim();
            if (UseCanadaPost == false)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Email))
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Email is Required ", new[] { "Email" }));
                    Email = Email.Trim();

            // MemberId = _context.Member.Max(a => a.MemberId) + 1;
            //var memberid = _context.Member.Where(a => a.MemberId == MemberId).FirstOrDefault();
            //if (memberid != null)
            //    yield return new ValidationResult("Member is already on file", new[] { "MemberId" });
            ProvinceCode = ProvinceCode.Trim();
            ProvinceCode = ProvinceCode.ToUpper();
            if (ProvinceCode.Length != 2)
                yield return(new ValidationResult("ProvinceCode length is not match ", new[] { "ProvinceCode" }));
            var province = _context.Member.Where(a => a.ProvinceCode == ProvinceCode).FirstOrDefault();

            if (province == null)
                yield return(new ValidationResult("ProvinceCode is not match ", new[] { "ProvinceCode" }));
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PostalCode))
                PostalCode = PostalCode.ToUpper().Trim();
                Regex PostalValidation = new Regex(@"^(?!.*[DFIOQU])[A-VXY][0-9][A-Z][0-9][A-Z][0-9]$");
                if (!PostalValidation.IsMatch(PostalCode))
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("PostalCode is not match ", new[] { "PostalCode" }));
                    PostalCode = PostalCode.Insert(3, " ");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(HomePhone))
                HomePhone = HomePhone.Trim();
                Regex PhoneValidation = new Regex(@"^\(?[0-9]{3}(\-|\)) ?[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}$");

                if (HomePhone.Length != 10 && !PhoneValidation.IsMatch(HomePhone))
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Home Phone should only be 10 digits", new[] { "HomePhone" }));
                    HomePhone = HomePhone.Insert(3, "-");
                    HomePhone = HomePhone.Insert(7, "-");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SpouseFirstName))
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SpouseLastName))
                    SpouseFirstName = SpouseFirstName.Trim();
                    SpouseLastName  = SpouseLastName.Trim();
                    FullName        = LastName + ", " + FirstName + "&" + SpouseLastName + ", " + SpouseFirstName;
                    FullName = LastName + ", " + FirstName + "&" + SpouseFirstName;
                FirstName = FirstName.Trim();
                LastName  = LastName.Trim();
                FullName  = LastName + ", " + FirstName;
コード例 #26
        public IEnumerable <ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
            //throw new NotImplementedException();

            if (FirstName == null || FirstName.Trim() == "")
                yield return(new ValidationResult("First name cannot be empty or just blanks",
                                                  new[] { nameof(FirstName) }));

            if (!(FirstName == null || FirstName.Trim() == ""))
                FirstName = FirstName.Trim();

            if (LastName == null || LastName.Trim() == "")
                yield return(new ValidationResult("Last name cannot be empty or just blanks",
                                                  new[] { nameof(LastName) }));

            if (!(LastName == null || LastName.Trim() == ""))
                LastName = LastName.Trim();

            FirstName = KAValidations.KACapitalize(FirstName);
            LastName  = KAValidations.KACapitalize(LastName);
            Address   = KAValidations.KACapitalize(Address);
            City      = KAValidations.KACapitalize(City);
            Gender    = KAValidations.KACapitalize(Gender);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ProvinceCode))
                ProvinceCode = ProvinceCode.ToUpper();

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Ohip))
                Ohip = KAValidations.KACapitalize(Ohip);

                if (!KAValidations.KAOhipValidation(Ohip))
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Ohip format not accepted. Accepted format is 1234-123-123-XX",
                                                      new[] { nameof(Ohip) }));

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(HomePhone))
                string phoneDigits = KAValidations.KAExtractDigits(HomePhone);

                if (Regex.IsMatch(phoneDigits, @"^[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]$"))
                    phoneDigits = phoneDigits.Insert(3, "-");
                    phoneDigits = phoneDigits.Insert(7, "-");

                    HomePhone = phoneDigits;

                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Home Phone number format is wrong. Home phone number must contain exactly 10 digits",
                                                      new[] { nameof(HomePhone) }));

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(DateOfBirth.ToString()))
                if (DateOfBirth > DateTime.Now)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Date of birth cannot be in future",
                                                      new[] { nameof(DateOfBirth) }));

            if (Deceased)
                if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(DateOfDeath.ToString()))
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Date of Death is compulsary for deceased patients",
                                                      new[] { nameof(DateOfDeath) }));

            if (!Deceased)
                if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(DateOfDeath.ToString()))
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Cannot add date of death for patient who is not dead (deceased must be checked)",
                                                      new[] { nameof(DateOfDeath) }));

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(DateOfDeath.ToString()))
                if (DateOfDeath < DateOfBirth)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Date of death cannot be before date of birth.",
                                                      new[] { nameof(DateOfDeath) }));

                if (DateOfDeath > DateTime.Now)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Date of death cannot be in future",
                                                      new[] { nameof(DateOfDeath) }));

            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Gender))
                yield return(new ValidationResult("Gender is required",
                                                  new[] { nameof(Gender) }));

            if (!(Gender == "M" || Gender == "F" || Gender == "X"))
                yield return(new ValidationResult("Gender must be M or F or X",
                                                  new[] { nameof(Gender) }));

            localPatientContext = (PatientsContext)validationContext.GetService(typeof(PatientsContext));

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ProvinceCode))
                ProvinceCode = KAValidations.KACapitalize(ProvinceCode);
                if (!(localPatientContext.Province.Any(x => x.ProvinceCode == ProvinceCode)))
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("This province name do not exists",
                                                      new[] { nameof(ProvinceCode) }));

                //catch (Exception ex) {


            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(PostalCode))
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ProvinceCode))
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("In order to add/edit postal code, You need to add valid Province code ",
                                                      new[] { nameof(PostalCode), nameof(ProvinceCode) }));

                PostalCode            = PostalCode.ToUpper();
                firstLetterPostalCode = PostalCode[0].ToString();

            if (localPatientContext.Province.Where(x => x.ProvinceCode == ProvinceCode)
                .Select(x => x.CountryCode).FirstOrDefault() == "CA")
                if (ProvinceCode.ToUpper() == "ON")
                    if (!(firstLetterPostalCode == "K" || firstLetterPostalCode == "L" || firstLetterPostalCode == "M" || firstLetterPostalCode == "N" || firstLetterPostalCode == "P"))
                        yield return(new ValidationResult("Postal Code and Province Name are not matching ",
                                                          new[] { nameof(PostalCode), nameof(ProvinceCode) }));

                else if (ProvinceCode.ToUpper() == "QC")

                    if (!(firstLetterPostalCode == "G" || firstLetterPostalCode == "H" || firstLetterPostalCode == "J"))
                        yield return(new ValidationResult("Postal Code and Province Name are not matching ",
                                                          new[] { nameof(PostalCode), nameof(ProvinceCode) }));

                    if (!(localPatientContext.Province.Where(x => x.ProvinceCode == ProvinceCode)
                          .Select(x => x.FirstPostalLetter).FirstOrDefault() == firstLetterPostalCode))
                        yield return(new ValidationResult("Postal Code and Province Name are not matching ",
                                                          new[] { nameof(PostalCode), nameof(ProvinceCode) }));

                if (!KAValidations.KAPostalCodeValidation(PostalCode))
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("The postal code is not as per the format",
                                                      new[] { nameof(PostalCode) }));

                if (KAValidations.KAPostalCodeValidation(PostalCode))
                    PostalCode = KAValidations.KAPostalCodeFormat(PostalCode);

            if (localPatientContext.Province.Where(x => x.ProvinceCode == ProvinceCode)
                .Select(x => x.CountryCode).FirstOrDefault() == "US")

                if (!KAValidations.KAZipCodeValidation(PostalCode))
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("The ZIP code is not as per the format",
                                                      new[] { nameof(PostalCode) }));

            yield return(ValidationResult.Success);
コード例 #27
        public IEnumerable <ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
            // First Name
            if (FirstName == null || FirstName.Trim() == "")
                yield return(new ValidationResult("First Name cannot be empty.",
                                                  new[] { nameof(FirstName) }));

                FirstName = "";
                FirstName = NSValidations.NSCapitalize(FirstName.Trim());
            // Last Name
            if (LastName == null || LastName.Trim() == "")
                yield return(new ValidationResult("Last Name cannot be empty.",
                                                  new[] { nameof(LastName) }));

                LastName = "";
                LastName = NSValidations.NSCapitalize(LastName.Trim());
            // Capitalization
            SpouseFirstName = NSValidations.NSCapitalize(SpouseFirstName);
            SpouseLastName  = NSValidations.NSCapitalize(SpouseLastName);
            Street          = NSValidations.NSCapitalize(Street);
            City            = NSValidations.NSCapitalize(City);
            // Full Name
            if (FirstName.Trim() != "" && LastName.Trim() != "")
                FullName = NSValidations.NSFullName(FirstName, LastName, SpouseFirstName, SpouseLastName);

            //Access To Context

            SailContext _context;
            var         optionsBuilder = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <SailContext>();

            optionsBuilder.UseSqlServer(@"Data Source=LAPTOP-55PDBKAC\SQLEXPRESSNS;Initial Catalog=Sail;Integrated Security=True");

            _context = new SailContext(optionsBuilder.Options);

            // Province Code
            Province currentRecord = null;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ProvinceCode))
                bool error = false;
                    currentRecord = _context.Province.Where(x => x.ProvinceCode == ProvinceCode).ToArray()[0];
                catch (Exception)
                    error = true;
                if (error)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Province Code must be a valid province.",
                                                      new[] { nameof(ProvinceCode) }));

                    ProvinceCode = "";
            // Postal Code
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(PostalCode) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(ProvinceCode))
                yield return(new ValidationResult("To enter a postal code, you must enter a valid province code.",
                                                  new[] { nameof(PostalCode) }));
            else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(PostalCode))
                if (currentRecord.CountryCode == "CA" && NSValidations.NSPostalCodeValidation(PostalCode))
                    PostalCode = NSValidations.NSPostalCodeFormat(PostalCode);
                else if (currentRecord.CountryCode == "US" && NSValidations.NSZipCodeValidation(PostalCode))
                    PostalCode = NSValidations.NSZipCodeFormat(PostalCode);
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Postal Code must be valid.",
                                                      new[] { nameof(ProvinceCode) }));

            // Home Phone

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(HomePhone) || !NSValidations.TelephoneNumberValidate(HomePhone))
                yield return(new ValidationResult("Phone number must be valid.",
                                                  new[] { nameof(HomePhone) }));
                HomePhone = NSValidations.TelephoneNumberFormat(HomePhone);

            // Email
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Email) && !NSValidations.NSValidEmail(Email))
                yield return(new ValidationResult("Email must be valid.",
                                                  new[] { nameof(Email) }));

            //Year Joined
            bool isEdit = false;

                Member checkEdit = _context.Member.Where(x => x.MemberId == MemberId).ToArray()[0];
                isEdit = true;
            catch (Exception)
            if (isEdit)
                if (YearJoined != null && !NSValidations.NSYearValidation(YearJoined))
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Year joined cannot be in the future.",
                                                      new[] { nameof(YearJoined) }));
                if (!NSValidations.NSYearValidation(YearJoined))
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Year joined is required and cannot be in the future.",
                                                      new[] { nameof(YearJoined) }));
            // Canada Post
            if (!UseCanadaPost && Email == null)
                yield return(new ValidationResult("If you will not use Canada Post, you must enter an email.",
                                                  new[] { nameof(Email), nameof(UseCanadaPost) }));
            if (UseCanadaPost)
                if (Street == null || Street.Trim() == "")
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("If you will use Canada Post, you must enter a street.",
                                                      new[] { nameof(Street), nameof(UseCanadaPost) }));
                if (City == null || City.Trim() == "")
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("If you will use Canada Post, you must enter a city.",
                                                      new[] { nameof(City), nameof(UseCanadaPost) }));
                if (ProvinceCode == null || ProvinceCode.Trim() == "")
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("If you will use Canada Post, you must enter a Province Code.",
                                                      new[] { nameof(ProvinceCode), nameof(UseCanadaPost) }));
                if (PostalCode == null || PostalCode.Trim() == "")
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("If you will use Canada Post, you must enter a Postal Code.",
                                                      new[] { nameof(PostalCode), nameof(UseCanadaPost) }));
コード例 #28
        //self_validation for memebr class
        public IEnumerable <ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
            SailContext _context = new SailContext();

            //trim all strings
            FirstName = FirstName.Trim();
            LastName  = LastName.Trim();
            if (SpouseFirstName != null)
                SpouseFirstName = SpouseFirstName.Trim();
            if (SpouseLastName != null)
                SpouseLastName = SpouseLastName.Trim();
            if (Street != null)
                Street = Street.Trim();
            if (City != null)
                City = City.Trim();
            if (ProvinceCode != null)
                ProvinceCode = ProvinceCode.Trim();
            if (PostalCode != null)
                PostalCode = PostalCode.Trim();
            HomePhone = HomePhone.Trim();
            if (Email != null)
                Email = Email.Trim();

            //capitalize designated fields
            FirstName       = HXClassLibrary.HXValidations.HXCapitalize(FirstName);
            LastName        = HXClassLibrary.HXValidations.HXCapitalize(LastName);
            SpouseFirstName = HXClassLibrary.HXValidations.HXCapitalize(SpouseFirstName);
            SpouseLastName  = HXClassLibrary.HXValidations.HXCapitalize(SpouseLastName);
            Street          = HXClassLibrary.HXValidations.HXCapitalize(Street);
            City            = HXClassLibrary.HXValidations.HXCapitalize(City);

            // format full name
            if (SpouseFirstName == "")
                FullName = LastName + ", " + FirstName;
            else if (SpouseFirstName != "" && SpouseLastName != "")
                if (SpouseLastName == LastName)
                    FullName = LastName + ", " + FirstName + " & " + SpouseFirstName;
                    FullName = LastName + ", " + FirstName + " & " + SpouseLastName + ", " + SpouseFirstName;
            else if (SpouseFirstName != "" && SpouseLastName == "")
                FullName = LastName + ", " + FirstName + " & " + SpouseFirstName;

            //validate province code
            Province province     = null;
            string   errorMessage = "";

                ProvinceCode = (ProvinceCode + "").ToUpper();
                province     = _context.Province.Find(ProvinceCode);
                if (province == null)
                    errorMessage = "the province code is not on file";
            catch (Exception ex)
                errorMessage = $"fetching provinceCode error: {ex.GetBaseException().Message}";
            if (errorMessage != "")
                yield return(new ValidationResult(
                                 new[] { "ProvinceCode" }));

            //validate postal code
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PostalCode))
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ProvinceCode))
                    yield return(new ValidationResult(
                                     "province code is required when having the postal code",
                                     new[] { "ProvinceCode" }));
                    if (province == null)
                        yield return(new ValidationResult(
                                         "The province code is not on file",
                                         new[] { "ProvinceCode" }));
                        if (province.CountryCode == "CA")
                            if (HXClassLibrary.HXValidations.HXPostalCodeValidation(PostalCode))
                                yield return(new ValidationResult(
                                                 "the postal code is invalid in Canada (it should follow the format: A1B 1E1)",
                                                 new[] { "PostalCode" }));
                        else if (province.CountryCode == "US")
                            string postalCode = PostalCode;
                            if (HXClassLibrary.HXValidations.HXZipCodeValidation(ref postalCode))
                                PostalCode = postalCode;
                                yield return(new ValidationResult(
                                                 "the zip code is invalid in the US (it should have 5 or 9 digits)",
                                                 new[] { "PostalCode" }));

            //validate home phone
            if (HXClassLibrary.HXValidations.HXExtractDigits(HomePhone).Length == 10)
                HomePhone = HXClassLibrary.HXValidations.HXExtractDigits(HomePhone).Insert(3, "-").Insert(6, "-");
                HomePhone = HXClassLibrary.HXValidations.HXExtractDigits(HomePhone);
                yield return(new ValidationResult(
                                 "a valid phone number should have 10 digits",
                                 new[] { "HomePhone" }));

            //validate year joined
            if (YearJoined > Convert.ToInt32(DateTime.Now.Year))
                yield return(new ValidationResult(
                                 "year joined can not be in the future",
                                 new[] { "YearJoined" }));

            var memberId = _context.Member.Find(MemberId);

            if (memberId == null)
                if (YearJoined == null)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult(
                                     "year joined can only be null for existing records.",
                                     new[] { "YearJoined" }));

            //validate using canada post
            if (UseCanadaPost == false)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Email))
                    yield return(new ValidationResult(
                                     "Must have a valid email if not using Canada Post",
                                     new[] { "Email" }));
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Street) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(City) ||
                    string.IsNullOrEmpty(ProvinceCode) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(PostalCode))
                    yield return(new ValidationResult(
                                     "street, city, province code, postal code can not be null when using Canada Post.",
                                     new[] { "UseCanadaPost" }));

            yield return(ValidationResult.Success);
コード例 #29
        public IEnumerable <ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
            _context = new ClubsContext();  //requires code somewhere else

            //var _context = validationContext.GetService<ClubsContext>(); // requires dependencyinjection

            // all strings that are null become empty and trim all
            if (FirstName == null)
                FirstName = "";
            FirstName = FirstName.Trim();
            if (LastName == null)
                LastName = "";
            LastName = LastName.Trim();
            if (CompanyName == null)
                CompanyName = "";
            CompanyName = CompanyName.Trim();
            if (StreetAddress == null)
                StreetAddress = "";
            StreetAddress = StreetAddress.Trim();
            if (PostalCode == null)
                PostalCode = "";
            PostalCode = PostalCode.Trim();
            if (ProvinceCode == null)
                ProvinceCode = "";
            ProvinceCode = ProvinceCode.Trim();
            if (Email == null)
                Email = "";
            Email = Email.Trim();
            if (Phone == null)
                Phone = "";
            Phone = Phone.Trim();

            // use our prebuilt string manipulators to capitalize and extract digits
            FirstName     = SDStringManipulation.SDCapitalize(FirstName);
            LastName      = SDStringManipulation.SDCapitalize(LastName);
            CompanyName   = SDStringManipulation.SDCapitalize(CompanyName);
            StreetAddress = SDStringManipulation.SDCapitalize(StreetAddress);
            City          = SDStringManipulation.SDCapitalize(City);

            Phone = SDStringManipulation.SDExtractDigits(Phone);

            if (FirstName == "" && LastName == "" && CompanyName == "")
                yield return(new ValidationResult("You must enter either First Name, Last Name, or Company Name."));

            if (ProvinceCode != "")
                var province = _context.Province.Where(a => a.ProvinceCode.ToLower() == ProvinceCode.ToLower()).FirstOrDefault(); // pull province
                if (province == null)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("The Province Code must be an existing province code within our database. Good luck figuring them out lol", new string[] { nameof(ProvinceCode) }));
                    ProvinceCode = ProvinceCode.ToUpper(); // to save nicely

                    var country = _context.Country.Where(a => a.CountryCode == province.CountryCode).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (PostalCode != "")
                        if (!SDStringManipulation.SDPostalCodeIsValid(PostalCode.ToUpper(), country.PostalPattern)) // runs the postal through the regex for the country's postal pattern
                            yield return(new ValidationResult("The postal code must match the country's format", new string[] { nameof(PostalCode) }));

                        if (country.Name == "Canada")
                            PostalCode = PostalCode.ToUpper(); // you would be ashamed of how long I was stuck here before realizing the regex was case sensitive (and that we should be storing them as capitals anyway)
                            if (PostalCode != "")
                                char firstLetter = PostalCode[0];
                                if (!province.FirstPostalLetter.Contains(firstLetter)) // checks against the saved first letters for province postal codes
                                    yield return(new ValidationResult("The postal code must match the province's postal codes.", new string[] { nameof(PostalCode) }));
                        if (PostalCode.Length > 6)
                            PostalCode.Insert(3, " ");

            if (Email == "")
                if (StreetAddress == "" || City == "" || PostalCode == "" || ProvinceCode == "")
                    yield return(new ValidationResult("You must submit either a valid email or all postal information."));

            Regex regPhone = new Regex(@"^[0-9]{10}$"); // upon coming back I realize I basically did this in my string manipulation and just have to check length

            // but hey it tests length too and I am just super done with this :)
            if (Phone == "")
                yield return(new ValidationResult("Please enter a valid phone number.", new string[] { nameof(Phone) }));
            else if (!regPhone.IsMatch(Phone))
                yield return(new ValidationResult("Please enter a 10 digit phone number.", new string[] { nameof(Phone) }));
                Phone = Phone.Insert(3, "-");
                Phone = Phone.Insert(7, "-");

            yield return(ValidationResult.Success);
コード例 #30
      public IEnumerable <ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
          Province province          = new Province();
          string   PostalCodePattern = "";
          string   phonePattern      = "";

          string CapitalFirst(string line)
              string[] toSplit;

              toSplit = line.Split();

              line = "";
              foreach (var item in toSplit)
                  line += item.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + item.Substring(1).ToLower();

          if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FirstName))
              FirstName = FirstName.Trim();
              FirstName = CapitalFirst(FirstName);
              yield return(new ValidationResult("first name cant be empty", new[] { "FirstName" }));
          if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(LastName))
              LastName = CapitalFirst(LastName).Trim();
              yield return(new ValidationResult("last name cant be empty", new[] { "lastName" }));
          if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(City))
              City = City.Trim();
          if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Address))
              Address = Address.Trim();
          if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ProvinceCode))
              ProvinceCode = ProvinceCode.Trim().ToUpper();
              province     = _context.Province.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ProvinceCode == ProvinceCode);
              if (province == null)
                  yield return(new ValidationResult("ProvinceCode is not in file", new[] { "ProvinceCode" }));
                  Country country = _context.Country
                                    .FirstOrDefault(c => c.CountryCode == province.CountryCode);
                  PostalCodePattern = country.PostalPattern;
                  phonePattern      = country.PhonePattern;
          if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ProvinceCode) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(PostalCode))
              yield return(new ValidationResult("you need to enter province code to validate", new[] { "PostalCode" }));
          else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PostalCode))
              Regex regex = new Regex(PostalCodePattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
              if (!regex.IsMatch(PostalCode))
                  yield return(new ValidationResult(" provincecode is not match", new[] { "PostalCode" }));
          yield return(ValidationResult.Success);