private void writeButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int id = Province.ProvincesUnordered.Count; int[] colour = { (int)redInput.Value, (int)greenInput.Value, (int)blueInput.Value }; if (!Province.Create(id, colour)) { return; } Province p = Province.Get(id); p.Type = (ProvinceType)provTypeInput.SelectedItem; p.Terrain = (Terrain)terrainInput.SelectedItem; p.Continent = (Continent)continentInput.SelectedItem; p.Coastal = (bool)coastalInput.SelectedItem; State s = (State)stateInput.SelectedItem; s.Provinces.Add(p); Province.Save(); string regionFile = regionFiles.Find(x => x.Split(@"\").Last().StartsWith($"{regionInput.SelectedItem}-")); string[] regionFileContents = File.ReadAllLines(regionFile); regionFileContents[4] += $" {id}"; File.WriteAllLines(regionFile, regionFileContents); statusLabel.Text = $"Province {id} successfully written"; Reset(); }
public HttpResponseMessage Get( string country = "", string province = "" ) { DataTable dt = Province.Get(country, province); List <object> list = Province.GetDataSource(dt); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, Util.APIResponse.GetData(list))); }
public CascadingDropDownNameValue[] GetProvinces( string knownCategoryValues, string category) { StringDictionary values = CascadingDropDown.ParseKnownCategoryValuesString(knownCategoryValues); Int32 CountryId = Convert.ToInt32(values["Country"]); return(Province.Get(CountryId).Select(p => new CascadingDropDownNameValue(p.Title, p.ProvinceId.ToString()) ).ToArray()); }
public static List <Card> VictoryAndTreasures() { return(new List <Card> { Copper.Get(), Silver.Get(), Gold.Get(), Estate.Get(), Duchy.Get(), Province.Get() }); }
private static List <Pile> VictoryAndTreasures(bool two) { return(new List <Pile> { new Pile(Copper.Get(), 60), new Pile(Silver.Get(), 40), new Pile(Gold.Get(), 30), new Pile(Estate.Get(), two ? 8 : 12), new Pile(Duchy.Get(), two ? 8 : 12), new Pile(Province.Get(), two ? 8 : 12) }); }
public static bool ParseState(string path) { string f = File.ReadAllText(path); currentFile = RemoveWhiteSpace(f); //check the provinces list is a list of numbers string provinceString = FindKey("provinces"); if (!Regex.IsMatch(provinceString, @"{((\s+)(\d+))+\s*}")) { Status = $"Malformed provinces in {path}."; return(false); } //get all the numbers in string form var provStrings = Regex.Matches(provinceString, @"\d+"); HashSet <Province> provs = new HashSet <Province>(); foreach (Match m in provStrings) { string s = m.Value; //one of the provinces wasn't a number if (!int.TryParse(s, out int provId)) { Status = $"Province {s} isn't an int in {path}."; return(false); } Province p = Province.Get(provId); if (p == null) { Status = $"Province {provId} doesn't exist"; return(false); } //check if there are any province-level buildings string temp = FindKey(s); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(temp)) { p.LandForts = FindKeyInt("[^_]bunker", temp); p.CoastalForts = FindKeyInt("coastal_bunker", temp); p.NavalBase = FindKeyInt("naval_base", temp); } provs.Add(p); p.SetUnmodified(); } //check if there's any vps specified in the file //doesnt have to be for provinces from this state List <string> vpLists = FindMultipleKey("victory_points"); foreach (string s in vpLists) { Match m = Regex.Match(s, $@"(\d+)\s+(\d+)"); if (m.Success) { int pid = int.Parse(m.Groups[1].Value); Province p = Province.Get(pid); if (p == null) { Status = $"Victory points specified for invalid province {pid}"; return(false); } p.VictoryPoints = int.Parse(m.Groups[2].Value); p.SetUnmodified(); } } ResourceSet res = new ResourceSet { Aluminium = FindKeyDouble("aluminium"), Steel = FindKeyDouble("steel"), Tungsten = FindKeyDouble("tungsten"), Chromium = FindKeyDouble("chromium"), Oil = FindKeyDouble("oil"), Rubber = FindKeyDouble("rubber") }; StateCategory?c = FindKey("category").ConvertStateCategory(); if (c == null) { //state didn't have a valid category listed Status = $"Error parsing state category in {path}."; return(false); } int stateId = FindKeyInt("id"); string stateName = FindKey("name"); int buildingFactor = FindKeyInt("buildings_max_level_factor"); if (State.Create(stateId)) { State s = State.Get(stateId); s.Name = stateName; s.FileName = path.Split('\\').Last(); s.Manpower = FindKeyInt("manpower"); s.BuildFactor = buildingFactor == 0 ? 1 : buildingFactor; s.Category = (StateCategory)c; s.Resources = res; s.Owner = FindKey("owner"); s.Cores = FindMultipleKey("add_core_of").ToHashSet(); s.Infrastructure = FindKeyInt("infrastructure"); s.CivillianFactories = FindKeyInt("industrial_complex"); s.MilitaryFactories = FindKeyInt("arms_factory"); s.Dockyards = FindKeyInt("dockyard"); s.Refineries = FindKeyInt("synthetic_refinery"); s.Antiair = FindKeyInt("antiair"); s.Silos = FindKeyInt("fuel_silo"); s.Radar = FindKeyInt("radar_station"); s.Rockets = FindKeyInt("rocket_site"); s.Reactors = FindKeyInt("nuclear_reactor"); s.Airbases = FindKeyInt("air_base"); s.Impassable = FindKey("impassable") == "yes"; s.Provinces = provs; s.SetUnmodified(); } //something went wrong when creating the state else { Status = $"Error creating state {stateId} for {path}."; return(false); } return(true); }
public static bool ParseProvinceDef(string path) { string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(path); string[] data; foreach (string l in lines) { data = l.Split(';'); int id = -1; int[] rgb = new int[3]; if (!int.TryParse(data[0], out id)) { Status = $"malformed province ID in line {l}"; return(false); } if (!int.TryParse(data[1], out rgb[0])) { Status = $"malformed R for province {id}"; return(false); } if (!int.TryParse(data[2], out rgb[1])) { Status = $"malformed G for province {id}"; return(false); } if (!int.TryParse(data[3], out rgb[2])) { Status = $"malformed B for province {id}"; return(false); } if (Province.Create(id, rgb)) { Province p = Province.Get(id); p.Type = data[4] switch { "sea" => ProvinceType.Sea, "lake" => ProvinceType.Lake, _ => ProvinceType.Land, }; p.Coastal = data[5] == "true"; p.Terrain = data[6] switch { "ocean" => Terrain.Ocean, "lake" => Terrain.Lake, "forest" => Terrain.Forest, "hills" => Terrain.Hills, "mountain" => Terrain.Mountain, "plains" => Terrain.Plains, "urban" => Terrain.Urban, "jungle" => Terrain.Jungle, "marsh" => Terrain.Marsh, "desert" => Terrain.Desert, "water_fjords" => Terrain.Water_Fjords, "water_shallow_sea" => Terrain.Water_Shallow_Sea, "water_deep_ocean" => Terrain.Water_Deep_Ocean, _ => Terrain.Unknown, }; if (!int.TryParse(data[7], out int continent)) { Status = $"malformed continent for province {id}"; return(false); } p.Continent = (Continent)continent; p.SetUnmodified(); } else { Status = $"Error creating province {id}.\n{Province.Status}"; return(false); } } return(true); }
public override Card SelectCardToGain(KingdomWrapper wrapper, PlayerState ps, Kingdom k, Phase phase) { var provinces = k.GetPile(CardType.Province); if (buyAgenda.Provinces > provinces.Count && wrapper.GetCard(CardType.Province) != null) { return(Province.Get()); } var duchies = k.GetPile(CardType.Duchy); if (buyAgenda.Duchies > provinces.Count && wrapper.GetCard(CardType.Duchy) != null) { return(Duchy.Get()); } var estates = k.GetPile(CardType.Estate); if (buyAgenda.Estates > provinces.Count && wrapper.GetCard(CardType.Estate) != null) { return(Estate.Get()); } for (int i = 0; i < buyAgenda.BuyMenu.Count; i++) { var tuple = buyAgenda.BuyMenu[i]; if (tuple.Number <= 0) { continue; } var card = wrapper.GetCard(tuple.Card); if (card == null) { continue; } tuple.Number--; if (tuple.Number == 0) { buyAgenda.BuyMenu.RemoveAt(i); } else { buyAgenda.BuyMenu[i] = tuple; // this is a value type, i have to return the value back } if (card.IsTreasure) { playerInfo.TreasureTotal += card.Coins; } if (card.Type == CardType.Moneylender) { playerInfo.TreasureTotal -= 1; } else if (card.Type == CardType.Bureaucrat) { playerInfo.TreasureTotal += 2; } else if (card.Type == CardType.Mine) { playerInfo.TreasureTotal += 1; } return(card); } return(null); }
protected void ddlCountry_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { ddlCountry.Cascade(ddlProvince, (CountryId) => Province.Get(CountryId)); ddlProvince.Cascade(ddlCity, (ProvinceId) => City.Get(ProvinceId)); }
protected override void Execute(CodeActivityContext executionContext) { //Create the tracing service ITracingService tracingService = executionContext.GetExtension <ITracingService>(); //Create the context IWorkflowContext context = executionContext.GetExtension <IWorkflowContext>(); IOrganizationServiceFactory serviceFactory = executionContext.GetExtension <IOrganizationServiceFactory>(); IOrganizationService service = serviceFactory.CreateOrganizationService(context.UserId); tracingService.Trace("Loaded UpsertSupplierWorkflow"); tracingService.Trace("CREATING Contact object with the input values"); tracingService.Trace("Checkpoint 1"); Contact contact = new Contact(); int partyid = PartyID.Get <int>(executionContext); tracingService.Trace("Starting assigning attribute variables."); contact.First_Name = FirstName.Get <string>(executionContext).ToString(); tracingService.Trace("First Name Populated"); tracingService.Trace(string.Format("Setting party id = {0}", partyid)); contact.Party_Id = partyid; tracingService.Trace("Party ID populated"); contact.Last_Name = LastName.Get <string>(executionContext).ToString(); tracingService.Trace("Last Name Populated"); contact.Payment_Method = PaymentMethod.Get <string>(executionContext).ToString(); tracingService.Trace("Payment Method Populated"); contact.SIN = SIN.Get <string>(executionContext).ToString(); tracingService.Trace("SIN Populated"); contact.Address1 = Address1.Get <string>(executionContext).ToString(); tracingService.Trace("Address1 Populated"); contact.Country_Code = Country.Get <string>(executionContext).ToString(); tracingService.Trace("Country Populated"); contact.City = City.Get <string>(executionContext).ToString(); tracingService.Trace("City Populated"); contact.Province_Code = Province.Get <string>(executionContext).ToString(); tracingService.Trace("Province Populated"); contact.Postal_Code = PostalCode.Get <string>(executionContext).ToString(); tracingService.Trace("Postal Code Populated"); tracingService.Trace("Checkpoint 2"); EntityReference contactRef = ContactReference.Get <EntityReference>(executionContext); contact.ID = contactRef.Id; tracingService.Trace("Fetching the Configs"); ////Get the configuration record for Oracle_T4A group from the configs entity and get the connection value from the record. var configs = Helper.GetSystemConfigurations(service, ConfigEntity.Group.ORACLE_T4A, string.Empty); tracingService.Trace("Fetching Connection"); string connection = Helper.GetConfigKeyValue(configs, ConfigEntity.Key.CONNECTION, ConfigEntity.Group.ORACLE_T4A); try { tracingService.Trace("Fetching Oracle Response by making call to Helper.UpsertSupplierInOracle()"); OracleResponse response = Helper.UpsertSupplierInOracle(contact, connection, tracingService); if (response.TransactionCode == OracleResponse.T4A_STATUS.OK) { tracingService.Trace("Inside OracleResponse.T4A_STATUS.OK \nRetriving and setting response values to output"); PartyID.Set(executionContext, response.PartyId); tracingService.Trace("Party ID Output Param is set"); } tracingService.Trace("Setting up transaction code and transaction message"); TransactionCode.Set(executionContext, response.TransactionCode.Trim()); TransactionMessage.Set(executionContext, response.TransactionMessage); } catch (InvalidWorkflowException ex) { Helper.LogIntegrationError(service, ErrorType.CONTACT_ERROR, IntegrationErrorCodes.UPSERT_SUPPLIER.GetIntValue(), Strings.T4A_FER_ERROR, string.Format("Error Description: {0} ", ex.Message), contactRef); } catch (Exception ex) { Helper.LogIntegrationError(service, ErrorType.CONTACT_ERROR, IntegrationErrorCodes.UPSERT_SUPPLIER.GetIntValue(), Strings.T4A_FER_ERROR, string.Format("Error Description: {0} ", ex.Message), contactRef); } }