コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This is an example console application that walks through how one might use the LevelUp C# SDK
        /// to place an order in the LevelUp sandbox platform.
        /// </summary>
        static void Main(string[] args)
            #region Parse Arguments

            if (args.Length != 5)

            int locationId;
            if (!Int32.TryParse(args[3], out locationId))

            string merchantUserName = args[0];
            string merchantPassword = args[1];
            string apiKey           = args[2];
            string customersQrCode  = args[4];


            // Step 1: Authenticate
            string accessToken = Authenticate(merchantUserName, merchantPassword, apiKey);

            // Step 2: Add items to your order
            List <Item> itemsToOrder = CreateAFewExampleItems();

            // Step 3: Propose the order to the LevelUp platform.  Find out how much discount credit to apply
            ProposedOrderResponse proposedOrder = ProposedOrder(accessToken, locationId, customersQrCode, itemsToOrder);

            // Step 4: Apply the discount credit on your POS

            // Step 5: Figure out the tax on your POS
            int taxInCents = CalculateTaxOnCheck(itemsToOrder, proposedOrder.DiscountAmountCents);

            // Step 6: Complete the order with the LevelUp platform.  The consumer's account is charged.
            CompletedOrderResponse completedOrder = CompleteOrder(accessToken, locationId, customersQrCode,
                                                                  proposedOrder.ProposedOrderIdentifier, proposedOrder.DiscountAmountCents, taxInCents, itemsToOrder);

            // Step 7: Apply the LevelUp payment & giftcard amount on your POS

            // Step 8: (cleanup) Refund the order
            RefundOrder(accessToken, completedOrder.OrderIdentifier);

            Console.WriteLine("Order Complete!  Check out the code to see how it's done.");

コード例 #2
 private static void ApplyDiscountToPOS(ProposedOrderResponse proposedOrderResponse)
     Console.WriteLine("Discount to apply: " + toDollarString(proposedOrderResponse.DiscountAmountCents));
     // Here is where you would submit the discount to your POS system.