コード例 #1
        private void PopulatePropertyInfo()
            if (m_properties.Count == 0)
                // Need to actually fetch properties
                // Start with getting a list of all the properties
                UInt32 count = 0;

                // Get # of properties
                UInt32 hr   = GetPropertyList(m_handle, IntPtr.Zero, ref count);
                int[]  ids  = new int[count];
                IntPtr pIds = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem((int)count * sizeof(UInt32));

                hr = GetPropertyList(m_handle, pIds, ref count);

                Marshal.Copy(pIds, ids, 0, (int)count);

                // Now I want the property descriptors
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    PropertyDescriptor descriptor = new PropertyDescriptor();

                    hr = GetPropertyDescriptor(m_handle, (uint)ids[i], ref descriptor);

                    PropertyValueOption[] options = new PropertyValueOption[descriptor.ValueCount];

                    for (uint index = 0; index < descriptor.ValueCount; index++)
                        GetPropertyValueOption(m_handle, descriptor.Id, ref options[index], index);
//                        UInt32 countReturned = descriptor.ValueCount;
//                        GetPropertyValueOptions(m_handle, descriptor.Id, ref options, ref countReturned);

                    m_properties[descriptor.Id] = new CameraProperty(descriptor, options);
コード例 #2
 protected static extern UInt32 GetPropertyValueOption(UInt32 hCamera, UInt32 propertyId, ref PropertyValueOption option, UInt32 index);