コード例 #1
        static void Check(string s, params PropertyPathGrammar.ISyntax[] expected)
            var parsed = PropertyPathGrammar.Parse(s).ToList();

            Assert.Equal(expected.Length, parsed.Count);
            for (var c = 0; c < parsed.Count; c++)
                Assert.Equal(expected[c], parsed[c]);
        public IXamlAstNode Transform(AstTransformationContext context, IXamlAstNode node)
            if (node is XamlAstXamlPropertyValueNode pv &&
                pv.Values.Count == 1 &&
                pv.Values[0] is XamlAstTextNode text &&
                .Equals(context.GetAvaloniaTypes().PropertyPath) == true
                var parentScope = context.ParentNodes().OfType <AvaloniaXamlIlTargetTypeMetadataNode>()
                if (parentScope == null)
                    throw new XamlX.XamlParseException("No target type scope found for property path", text);
                if (parentScope.ScopeType != AvaloniaXamlIlTargetTypeMetadataNode.ScopeTypes.Style)
                    throw new XamlX.XamlParseException("PropertyPath is currently only valid for styles", pv);

                IEnumerable <PropertyPathGrammar.ISyntax> parsed;
                    parsed = PropertyPathGrammar.Parse(text.Text);
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new XamlX.XamlParseException("Unable to parse PropertyPath: " + e.Message, text);

                var       elements    = new List <IXamlIlPropertyPathElementNode>();
                IXamlType currentType = parentScope.TargetType.GetClrType();

                var expectProperty  = true;
                var expectCast      = true;
                var expectTraversal = false;
                var types           = context.GetAvaloniaTypes();

                IXamlType GetType(string ns, string name)
                    return(TypeReferenceResolver.ResolveType(context, $"{ns}:{name}", false,
                                                             text, true).GetClrType());

                void HandleProperty(string name, string typeNamespace, string typeName)
                    if (!expectProperty || currentType == null)
                        throw new XamlX.XamlParseException("Unexpected property node", text);

                    var propertySearchType =
                        typeName != null?GetType(typeNamespace, typeName) : currentType;

                    IXamlIlPropertyPathElementNode prop = null;
                    var avaloniaPropertyFieldName       = name + "Property";
                    var avaloniaPropertyField           = propertySearchType.GetAllFields().FirstOrDefault(f =>
                                                                                                           f.IsStatic && f.IsPublic && f.Name == avaloniaPropertyFieldName);

                    if (avaloniaPropertyField != null)
                        prop = new XamlIlAvaloniaPropertyPropertyPathElementNode(avaloniaPropertyField,
                                                                                 XamlIlAvaloniaPropertyHelper.GetAvaloniaPropertyType(avaloniaPropertyField, types, text));
                        var clrProperty = propertySearchType.GetAllProperties().FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == name);
                        prop = new XamlIClrPropertyPathElementNode(clrProperty);

                    if (prop == null)
                        throw new XamlX.XamlParseException(
                                  $"Unable to resolve property {name} on type {propertySearchType.GetFqn()}",

                    currentType = prop.Type;
                    expectProperty  = false;
                    expectTraversal = expectCast = true;

                foreach (var ge in parsed)
                    if (ge is PropertyPathGrammar.ChildTraversalSyntax)
                        if (!expectTraversal)
                            throw new XamlX.XamlParseException("Unexpected child traversal .", text);
                        elements.Add(new XamlIlChildTraversalPropertyPathElementNode());
                        expectTraversal = expectCast = false;
                        expectProperty  = true;
                    else if (ge is PropertyPathGrammar.EnsureTypeSyntax ets)
                        if (!expectCast)
                            throw new XamlX.XamlParseException("Unexpected cast node", text);
                        currentType = GetType(ets.TypeNamespace, ets.TypeName);
                        elements.Add(new XamlIlCastPropertyPathElementNode(currentType, true));
                        expectProperty = false;
                        expectCast     = expectTraversal = true;
                    else if (ge is PropertyPathGrammar.CastTypeSyntax cts)
                        if (!expectCast)
                            throw new XamlX.XamlParseException("Unexpected cast node", text);
                        //TODO: Check if cast can be done
                        currentType = GetType(cts.TypeNamespace, cts.TypeName);
                        elements.Add(new XamlIlCastPropertyPathElementNode(currentType, false));
                        expectProperty = false;
                        expectCast     = expectTraversal = true;
                    else if (ge is PropertyPathGrammar.PropertySyntax ps)
                        HandleProperty(ps.Name, null, null);
                    else if (ge is PropertyPathGrammar.TypeQualifiedPropertySyntax tqps)
                        HandleProperty(tqps.Name, tqps.TypeNamespace, tqps.TypeName);
                        throw new XamlX.XamlParseException("Unexpected node " + ge, text);
                var propertyPathNode = new XamlIlPropertyPathNode(text, elements, types);
                if (propertyPathNode.Type == null)
                    throw new XamlX.XamlParseException("Unexpected end of the property path", text);
                pv.Values[0] = propertyPathNode;
