コード例 #1
        public static void AddValue(this PropertyOrFieldValueList propList, PropertyIds pid, object value)
            PropertyDef propDef = new PropertyDef(pid);

            PropertyOrFieldValue propValue = new PropertyOrFieldValue(pid);

            if (propDef.Format == PropertyFormats.Date ||
                propDef.Format == PropertyFormats.Datetime)
                propValue.SetValue(DateTime.ParseExact((string)value, "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssK", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            else if (propDef.Format == PropertyFormats.Object)

コード例 #2
        public bool run(Database db)
            Console.WriteLine("Initialise BulkDataLoader sample ...");

            string originName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["originName"];

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(originName))
                originName = "Bulk Loader Sample";

            //  create an origin to use for this sample. Look it up first just so you can rerun the code.
            m_origin = db.FindTrimObjectByName(BaseObjectTypes.Origin, originName) as Origin;
            if (m_origin == null)
                m_origin                = new Origin(db, OriginType.Custom1);
                m_origin.Name           = "Bulk Loader Sample";
                m_origin.OriginLocation = "N/A";

                // sample code assumes you have a record type defined called "Document"
                m_origin.DefaultRecordType = db.FindTrimObjectByName(BaseObjectTypes.RecordType, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["recordType"]) as RecordType;

                // don't bother with other origin defaults for the sample, just save it so we can use it

            // construct a BulkDataLoader for this origin
            m_loader = new BulkDataLoader(m_origin);

            m_loader.UseBulkLoaderRecordNumbering = false;

            // there are various optimisations use by the bulk loader, here is where we
            // initialise them
            if (!m_loader.Initialise())
                // this sample has no way of dealing with the error.

            Console.WriteLine("Starting up an import run ...");
            // the sample is going to do just one run, let's get started...
            // you will need to specify a working folder that works for you
            m_loader.StartRun("Simulated Input Data", ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["workPath"]);

            XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Load("SampleImport.xml");

            foreach (XElement invoice in xdoc.Element("Invoices").Elements("Invoice"))
                Record importRec = m_loader.NewRecord();

                PropertyOrFieldValueList propList = new PropertyOrFieldValueList();
                propList.AddValue(PropertyIds.RecordTitle, invoice.Element("Number").Value);
                propList.AddValue(PropertyIds.RecordDateCreated, invoice.Element("Date").Value);
                propList.AddValue(PropertyIds.RecordNotes, invoice.Element("Notes").Value);

                string customerName = invoice.Element("Customer").Value;

                PropertyValue positionName = new PropertyValue(PropertyIds.LocationSortName);

                Int64 authorUri = m_loader.FindLocation(positionName);

                if (authorUri == 0)
                    string[] customerNames = customerName.Split(',');

                    Location authorLoc = m_loader.NewLocation();
                    authorLoc.TypeOfLocation = LocationType.Person;
                    authorLoc.Surname        = customerNames.First().Trim();
                    authorLoc.GivenNames     = customerNames.Skip(1).First().Trim();

                    // now submit the location to the bulk loader queue
                    authorUri = m_loader.SubmitLocation(authorLoc);

                propList.AddValue(PropertyIds.RecordAuthor, authorUri);

                m_loader.SetProperties(importRec, propList);

                // If you have a document to attach then construct an InputDocument and do it here
                //   m_loader.SetDocument(importRec, doc, BulkLoaderCopyMode.WindowsCopy);

                // submit it to the bulk loader

            // by now the loader has accumulated record inserts and location inserts
            // if you set a breakpoint here and look into the right subfolder of your working folder
            // you will see a bunch of temporary files ready to be loaded into the SQL engine

            // process this batch
            Console.WriteLine("Processing import batch ...");

            // grab a copy of the history object (it is not available in bulk loader after we end the run)
            Int64 runHistoryUri = m_loader.RunHistoryUri;

            // we're done, lets end the run now
            Console.WriteLine("Processing complete ...");

            // just for interest, lets look at the origin history object and output what it did
            OriginHistory hist = new OriginHistory(db, runHistoryUri);

            Console.WriteLine("Number of records created ..... " + System.Convert.ToString(hist.RecordsCreated));
            Console.WriteLine("Number of locations created ... " + System.Convert.ToString(hist.LocationsCreated));
            Console.WriteLine("Number of records in error ... " + System.Convert.ToString(hist.RecordsInError));
