static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); var city = Prompt.Select("Select your city", new[] { "Seattle", "London", "Tokyo" }); Console.WriteLine($"Hello, {city}!"); var answer = Prompt.Confirm("Are you ready?"); Console.WriteLine($"Your answer is {answer}"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { while (true) { var processes = Process.GetProcesses().ToList().ToDictionary(i => $"{i.ProcessName} {i.Id}", i => i); var ps = Prompt.Select("Select Process", processes.Keys, 15); if (Prompt.Confirm("Are you sure to end " + ps, true)) { processes[ps].Kill(); } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { var name = Prompt.Input <string>("What's your name?", validators: new[] { Validators.Required() }); Console.WriteLine($"Hello, {name}!"); var city = Prompt.Select("Select your city", new[] { "Seattle", "London", "Tokyo", "New York", "Singapore", "Shanghai" }, pageSize: 3); Console.WriteLine($"Hello, {city}!"); var secret = Prompt.Password("Type new password", new[] { Validators.Required(), Validators.MinLength(8) }); Console.WriteLine("Password OK"); var answer = Prompt.Confirm("Are you ready?"); Console.WriteLine($"Your answer is {answer}"); }
/// <summary> /// Outputs the maze to a text file /// </summary> /// <param name="maze">A ready made maze</param> private void OutputToFile(Maze maze) { var inputFileName = Prompt.Input <string>(MenuPrompt.SAVE_INPUT_FILE_NAME); if (inputFileName.IndexOfAny(Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars()) >= 0) { Console.WriteLine(Error.INVALID_FILE_NAME + Environment.NewLine, inputFileName); if (!Prompt.Confirm(MenuConfirm.ENTER_AGAIN)) { OutputToFile(maze); return; } else { return; } } if (!inputFileName.Contains(Default.TXT_FILE_EXTENSION))//Add the .mze eztension if not present. { inputFileName += Default.TXT_FILE_EXTENSION; } string fileNameLocation = Default.TXT_FILE_FOLDER + inputFileName; //puts the file in the default folder if (File.Exists(fileNameLocation)) //Checks if file already exists. { Console.WriteLine(Error.SAVE_FILE_EXISTS + Environment.NewLine, Default.TXT_FILE_FOLDER + inputFileName); if (!Prompt.Confirm(MenuConfirm.OVERWRITE)) { OutputToFile(maze); return; } File.Delete(Default.TXT_FILE_FOLDER + fileNameLocation); } Console.WriteLine(Progress.SAVE + Environment.NewLine, fileNameLocation); using StreamWriter file = File.CreateText(fileNameLocation); file.WriteLine(maze.Display()); Console.WriteLine(Progress.SUCCESS_SAVE + Environment.NewLine, Default.TXT_FILE_FOLDER + inputFileName); file.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// Saves the maze to a json file /// </summary> /// <param name="maze">A ready made maze</param> private void SaveToFile(Maze maze) { var inputFileName = Prompt.Input <string>(MenuPrompt.SAVE_INPUT_FILE_NAME); if (inputFileName.IndexOfAny(Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars()) >= 0) { Console.WriteLine(Error.INVALID_FILE_NAME + Environment.NewLine, inputFileName); if (!Prompt.Confirm(MenuConfirm.ENTER_AGAIN)) { OutputToFile(maze); return; } else { return; } } if (!inputFileName.Contains(Default.MZE_FILE_EXTENSION))//Add the .mze eztension if not present. { inputFileName += Default.MZE_FILE_EXTENSION; } if (File.Exists(Default.MZE_FILE_FOLDER + inputFileName))//Checks if file already exists. { Console.WriteLine(Error.SAVE_FILE_EXISTS + Environment.NewLine, inputFileName); if (!Prompt.Confirm(MenuConfirm.OVERWRITE)) { SaveToFile(maze); return; } File.Delete(Default.MZE_FILE_FOLDER + inputFileName); } Console.WriteLine(Progress.SAVE, Default.MZE_FILE_FOLDER + inputFileName); using StreamWriter file = File.CreateText(Default.MZE_FILE_FOLDER + inputFileName); JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer(); serializer.Serialize(file, maze); Console.WriteLine(Progress.SUCCESS_SAVE + Environment.NewLine, Default.MZE_FILE_FOLDER + inputFileName); file.Close(); }
private void frmAssessment_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { //added 20101006 - check detail windows if (!WindowOpen(discountDetails) && !WindowOpen(paymentDetails)) { if (transaction != null) { if (Prompt.Confirm(transaction.DocumentNumber + " is modified. Discard changes?") == DialogResult.Yes) { e.Cancel = false; } else { e.Cancel = true; } } } else { e.Cancel = true; } }
private static void RunConfirmSample() { var answer = Prompt.Confirm("Are you ready?"); Console.WriteLine($"Your answer is {answer}"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // save colors to restore at the end var(fgColor, bgColor) = (ForegroundColor, BackgroundColor); _isSingleFile = CheckOptionAndRemove(ref args, "--single-file"); _zipFiles = CheckOptionAndRemove(ref args, "--zip"); if (args.Length > 0) { if (new[] { "debug", "rel" }.Any(c => c == args[0])) { args[0] = args[0] + ":any"; } } Target("clean", "Delete the {project}/bin and {project}/obj directories.", () => DeleteDirs($"{PROJECT_DIR}/bin", $"{PROJECT_DIR}/obj")); Target("clean:all", "Calls clean and then also deletes the /dist directory", DependsOn("clean"), () => DeleteDirs(OUTPUT_DIR)); Target("default", "Runs the rel:any target", DependsOn("rel:any")); Target("debug:all", $"Builds all debug targets: any, linux, macos & win10", DependsOn("clean:all", "debug:any", "debug:linux", "debug:macos", "debug:win10")); Target("debug:any", "Debug release that should run on any platform where .NET 5 runtime is installed.", DependsOn("clean"), () => Publish(DEFAULT_RUNTIME, DEBUG_CONFIG)); Target("debug:linux", "Self contained debug release targeting Linux.", DependsOn("clean"), () => Publish("linux-x64", DEBUG_CONFIG)); Target("debug:macos", $"Self contained debug release targeting Apple macOS.", DependsOn("clean"), () => Publish("osx-x64", DEBUG_CONFIG)); Target("debug:win10", "Self contained debug release targeting Microsoft Windows 10.", DependsOn("clean"), () => Publish("win10-x64", DEBUG_CONFIG)); Target("prompt", "Interactive mode that will ask for build options.", () => { var config = Prompt.Select("Select build configuration" , new[] { DEBUG_CONFIG, RELEASE_CONFIG } , defaultValue: DEBUG_CONFIG); var runtime = Prompt.Select("Select target runtime" , new[] { DEFAULT_RUNTIME, "linux-x64", "macos-x64", "win10-x64" } , defaultValue: DEFAULT_RUNTIME); _isSingleFile = (runtime != DEFAULT_RUNTIME) && Prompt.Confirm("Set the PublishSingleFile property to true?", defaultValue: false); _zipFiles = Prompt.Confirm("Move files to a zip file after the build?", false); if (Prompt.Confirm("Proceed with above values?", defaultValue: true)) { Publish(runtime, config); } }); Target("rel:all", $"Builds all release targets: any, linux, macos & win10", DependsOn("clean:all", "rel:any", "rel:linux", "rel:macos", "rel:win10")); Target("rel:any", "Release that should run on any platform where .NET 5 runtime is installed.", DependsOn("clean"), () => Publish(DEFAULT_RUNTIME, RELEASE_CONFIG)); Target("rel:linux", "Self contained release targeting Linux.", DependsOn("clean"), () => Publish("linux-x64", RELEASE_CONFIG)); Target("rel:macos", $"Self contained release targeting Apple macOS.", DependsOn("clean"), () => Publish("osx-x64", RELEASE_CONFIG)); Target("rel:win10", "Self contained release targeting Microsoft Windows 10.", DependsOn("clean"), () => Publish("win10-x64", RELEASE_CONFIG)); Target("tool:check", "Checks packages and lists those that have a newer version,\n have been deprecated or have known vulnerabilities.", () => { string[] checkPackageOptions = new[] { "--outdated", "--deprecated", "--vulnerable --include-transitive" }; void RunChecks(string prjDir) { foreach (var option in checkPackageOptions) { WriteLine($"\n>>> Checking for {option.Split(' ')[0][2..]} packages"); Run("dotnet", $"list {prjDir} package {option}"); }
private static void InteractiveMenu(string savepath) { Console.WriteLine("ShoutoutReset v" + Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version); Console.Write("Loading save... "); SaveData savedata = new(savepath); Console.WriteLine("OK\n"); Console.WriteLine("Use the up/down arrows to make a selection, and press enter to confirm."); var characterSelectOptions = savedata.SaveSlots.Select(x => $"{x.HunterName} (HR {x.HunterRank})").ToList(); var selectedCharacter = Prompt.Select("Select a character", characterSelectOptions); var charIdx = characterSelectOptions.IndexOf(selectedCharacter); if (charIdx == -1) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid character selected!"); return; } var saveslot = savedata.SaveSlots[charIdx]; while (true) { Console.WriteLine(); var action = Prompt.Select("What do you want to do?", actions); if (action == listAll) { Console.WriteLine("Shoutouts:"); for (int i = 0; i < saveslot.Native.Shoutouts.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine(ShoutoutToString(saveslot, i)); } } else if (action == resetSelected) { var options = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < saveslot.Native.Shoutouts.Length; i++) { options.Add(ShoutoutToString(saveslot, i)); } var choices = Prompt.MultiSelect("Select which shoutouts you want to select.", options, pageSize: 24); foreach (var choice in choices) { int idx = options.IndexOf(choice); if (idx == -1) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid options: " + choice); } else { ResetShoutout(saveslot, idx); } } } else if (action == resetAll) { bool confirm = Prompt.Confirm("This will rest all shoutouts to their default value. Continue?"); if (!confirm) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < saveslot.Native.Shoutouts.Length; i++) { ResetShoutout(saveslot, i); } Console.WriteLine("Done!"); Console.WriteLine("Make sure to choose 'Save and Exit' in the menu before closing this program."); } else if (action == saveAndExit) { bool confirm = Prompt.Confirm("This will overwrite your original savedata. It is your responsibility to create a backup. Continue?"); if (confirm) { savedata.Save(savepath); return; } } else { Console.WriteLine("Invalid choice!"); } } }
private static void RemovePackages(RemoveOptions options) { if (getuid() != 0 && geteuid() != 0) { Console.WriteLine("It is recommended to run this tool as root!".Pastel(Color.OrangeRed)); } var sip = IsSIPEnabled(); if (sip) { options.IsForced = true; Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("System Integrity Protection is enabled.".Pastel(Color.Green)); Console.WriteLine("Critical packages bundled with macOS cannot be removed."); Console.WriteLine("You may remove Apple-provided packages without using 'force' flag."); Console.WriteLine(); } else { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("System Integrity Protection is disabled.".Pastel(Color.OrangeRed)); Console.WriteLine("Critical packages bundled with macOS can now be removed."); Console.WriteLine("You must supply 'force' flag to remove Apple-provided packages."); Console.WriteLine(); } try { PrefixVolume(options); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { Console.WriteLine("Volume is not mounted, or its name is invalid.".Pastel(Color.OrangeRed)); return; } var packages = ListPackages(options.Volume); if (options.Packages != null && options.Packages.Any()) { packages = FilterPackages(packages, options.Packages.ToArray()); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.RegEx)) { try { var regex = new Regex(options.RegEx); packages = FilterPackages(packages, regex); } catch (ArgumentException) { Console.WriteLine("RegEx is invalid.".Pastel(Color.OrangeRed)); return; } } else { Console.WriteLine( "You must supply at least one package ID, or a single regex.".Pastel(Color.OrangeRed)); return; } if (packages.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine("No packages found matching given conditions.".Pastel(Color.Orange)); return; } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, packages)); Console.WriteLine($"{packages.Length} package(s) will be removed.".Pastel(Color.Orange)); Console.WriteLine(); var shouldContinue = options.QuietRemoval || Prompt.Confirm("Continue?", true); if (!shouldContinue) { Console.WriteLine("User cancelled removal operation."); return; } foreach (var package in packages) { if (RemovePackage(package, options.IsForced, options.QuietRemoval)) { Console.WriteLine($"Package '{package}' was removed!".Pastel(Color.Green)); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Package '{package}' was not removed!".Pastel(Color.OrangeRed)); } } }
private static bool RemovePackage(string id, bool forced, bool quietly) { if (id.StartsWith("", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && !forced) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("This package was added by Apple or macOS installer."); Console.WriteLine("With SIP disabled, you must remove it with 'force' flag.".Pastel(Color.OrangeRed)); return(false); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine($"Removing package '{id}'..."); var(files, folders) = InspectPackage(id); if (files.Length > 0) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, files)); Console.WriteLine($"{files.Length} file(s) will be permanently deleted!".Pastel(Color.OrangeRed)); Console.WriteLine(); var shouldContinue = quietly || Prompt.Confirm("Continue?"); if (!shouldContinue) { return(false); } try { RemoveFiles(id, files); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("You must be root to remove this package!".Pastel(Color.OrangeRed)); return(false); } } if (folders.Length > 0) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, folders)); Console.WriteLine( $"{folders.Length} folder(s) will be permanently deleted when empty!".Pastel(Color.OrangeRed)); Console.WriteLine(); var shouldContinue = quietly || Prompt.Confirm("Continue?"); if (!shouldContinue) { return(false); } try { RemoveDirectories(folders); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("You must be root to remove this package!".Pastel(Color.OrangeRed)); return(false); } } RemoveReceipt(id); return(true); }
public void Run() { Console.Clear(); Header("biblioZ-cli", "Interface de linea de comando para BiblioZone"); try { int opcion = Prompt.Menu("Seleccionar una de las acciones que queres realizar", new[] { "Importar Libros desde --file y ejecutar las pruebas en memoria", "Importar Libros desde --file y guardar en la DB", "*** Importar Autores desde --file [falta implementar guardar en la DB]", "Consultas varias desde el contexto", "Pruebas ingresando Libros" }); // TODO_HECHO obtener archivo desde la configuracion // // --file=D:\CURSOS\INCOMPANY\clase\datos\libros.csv --tipo=libros // // --file=D:\CURSOS\INCOMPANY\clase\datos\autores.csv --tipo=autores // // NOTA: cuando ponemos el menu, no tiene sentido usar la opcion --tipo // string file = _config["file"]; if (opcion.In(0, 2, 1) && file == null) { throw new ApplicationException("La opcion seleccionada necesita que se pase un archivo en --file"); } switch (opcion) { case 0: { if (Prompt.Confirm($"Es el archivo correcto? ==> {file}")) { _logger.LogInformation("Iniciando el procesamiento del archivo de Libros {archivo}", file); IEnumerable <Libro> lista = _imp.ImportarCSV(file); _logger.LogInformation("Ejecutando pruebas en memoria..."); // ejecutamos las pruebas sobre la lista importada (memoria) // Pruebas(lista); } } break; case 1: { if (Prompt.Confirm($"Es el archivo correcto? ==> {file}")) { _logger.LogInformation("Iniciando el procesamiento del archivo de Libros {archivo}", file); IEnumerable <Libro> lista = _imp.ImportarCSV(file); _logger.LogInformation("Iniciando el proceso de exportacion"); // eliminamos los datos previos?? if (Prompt.Confirm("Eliminamos datos previos?", true, "WARNING Esta operacion eliminara todos los datos de las 3 tablas de Articulos!!")) { _exp.ClearDatabase(); } // pasamos la responsabilidad de la exportacion al componente adecuado... // _exp.ExportarListaDeLibros(lista); } } break; case 2: { if (Prompt.Confirm($"Es el archivo correcto? ==> {file}")) { _logger.LogInformation("Iniciando el procesamiento del archivo de Autores {archivo}", file); var autoresTemp = _imp.ImportarAutores(file); Console.WriteLine("Lista de autores importados..."); foreach (var item in autoresTemp) { Console.WriteLine($"Se importo el siguiente par (idLibro, autor) ==> {item}"); _logger.LogDebug("Se importo el siguiente par (idLibro, autor) ==> {tupla}", item); } } } break; case 3: { string editorial = Prompt.Input <string>("Ingresar el nombre de una editorial"); Console.WriteLine($"Titulos para la Editorial {editorial}:\n"); foreach (string titulo in _exp.ObtenerTitulosDeEditorial(editorial)) { Console.WriteLine(titulo); } } break; case 4: { Console.WriteLine($"Pruebas de ingresos varias para libros y autores:\n"); string titulo = Prompt.Input <string>("Ingresar titulo o parte del titulo"); var libroResultado = _exp.GetLibros(titulo).FirstOrDefault(); if (libroResultado == null) { // crear nuevo libro... libroResultado = new Libro() { ID = "1234", Titulo = titulo, Publicacion = null }; } else { Console.WriteLine($"Autores del libro: {libroResultado.Titulo}"); foreach (var au in libroResultado.LibroAutores) { Console.WriteLine($"ID={au.ID_Autor} ; Nombre={au.Autor.Nombre}"); } } string autor = Prompt.Input <string>("Ingresar nombre del autor (exacto)"); var autorResultado = _exp.GetAutor(autor); if (autorResultado == null) { autorResultado = new Autor() { Nombre = autor }; } else { Console.WriteLine($"Libros escritos por {autor}"); foreach (var li in autorResultado.AutorLibros) { Console.WriteLine($"{li.Libro.Titulo}"); } } // PARA MEDITAR -- De que manera podemos evitar el UPDATE del Libro que no esta modificado?? // libroResultado.LibroAutores.Add(new LibroAutor() { Libro = libroResultado, Autor = autorResultado }); _exp.AgregarLibro(libroResultado); // _exp.AgregarLibroAutor(new LibroAutor() { Libro = libroResultado, Autor = autorResultado }); Console.WriteLine($"GUID: {libroResultado.ID_Real} Fecha: {libroResultado.Publicacion}"); } break; } } catch (ApplicationException ex) when(ex.Data.Contains("archivo")) { Console.WriteLine($"Se produjo una excepcion {ex.Message} Archivo: {ex.Data["archivo"]}"); } catch (NullReferenceException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } finally { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("[finally] ==> programa terminado!!"); } }
public bool Confirm(string prompt, bool?defaultValue = null) { var confirm = Prompt.Confirm(prompt, defaultValue); return(confirm); }
public override async Task <int> ExecuteAsync(CommandContext context, Settings settings) { var paths = new List <string>(); var di = new DirectoryInfo(settings.FolderPath); var toContinue = Prompt.Confirm("Looks like this directory is empty. Would you like to initialise it for packing?", true); if (!toContinue) { return(-1); } else { var objs = new List <VehicleSlot>(); var categories = Prompt.MultiSelect("Please select the file types you will be packing", new[] { "Player Aircraft", "Non-playable Aircraft", "Vessels" }); // var cat if (categories.Contains("Player Aircraft")) { var aircraft = Prompt.MultiSelect("Please select the aircraft you want to set up", Constants.PlayerAircraft, valueSelector: n => n.Name); var useNpc = false; if (aircraft.Any(a => a.NPCSlots.Any())) { useNpc = Prompt.Confirm("Would you like to create folders for the NPC variants?"); } objs.AddRange(aircraft); } if (categories.Contains("Non-playable Aircraft")) { var npAircraft = Prompt.MultiSelect("Please select the non-playable aircraft you want to set up", Constants.NonPlayableAircraft, valueSelector: n => n.Name); objs.AddRange(npAircraft); } if (categories.Contains("Vessels")) { var vesselChoice = Prompt.MultiSelect("Please select the vessels you want to set up", Constants.Vessels, valueSelector: n => n.Name); objs.AddRange(vesselChoice); } foreach (var obj in objs) { var objPath = obj.PathRoot + obj.ObjectName; var targetPath = Path.Combine(di.Name == "Nimbus" ? Directory.GetParent(di.FullName).FullName : di.FullName, objPath); _logger.LogInformation($"Created object structure for {obj.Name}/{obj.ObjectName}"); Directory.CreateDirectory(targetPath); if (obj is AircraftSlot ac) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(targetPath, "Materials")); if (ac.Factions.HasValue) { if (ac.HasFaction(NPCFaction.Universal)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(targetPath, "Textures")); } if (ac.HasFaction(NPCFaction.Osea)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(targetPath, "00")); } if (ac.HasFaction(NPCFaction.Erusea)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(targetPath, "01")); } } else { foreach (var regSlot in Enumerable.Range(0, 8)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(targetPath, $"0{regSlot}")); } } foreach (var npcSlot in ac.NPCSlots) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(targetPath, npcSlot)); } } if (obj is VesselSlot vs) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(targetPath, "Materials")); Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(targetPath, "Textures")); } } _logger.LogWarning("Slot-specific folders have been created for all playable aircraft for slots 1-8"); _logger.LogWarning("You should check exactly which slots your chosen aircraft actually suppports before packing!"); _logger.LogInformation($"Object folders have been set up for {objs.Count} objects!"); AnsiConsole.WriteLine("Press <ENTER> to continue..."); System.Console.ReadLine(); } return(0); }
public static bool OverwriteFileName(string fileName) { return(fileName == Shipwreck.CurrentGame.SaveFileName || Prompt.Confirm($"{fileName} already exists. Would you like to overwrite it?", true)); }