コード例 #1
        public void Can_run_activity_recordpromotionusage()
            var orderGroup = CreateCart();

            var          promotionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var          memberId    = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            const string couponCode  = "Test123";
            const PromotionUsageStatus testStatus = PromotionUsageStatus.Reserved;
            var lineItemSkuReward = orderGroup.OrderForms[0].LineItems[0];

            lineItemSkuReward.Discounts.Add(new LineItemDiscount()
                DiscountAmount = 100,
                PromotionId    = promotionId,
                DiscountCode   = couponCode,
                LineItemId     = lineItemSkuReward.LineItemId

            var customerSession = new Mock <ICustomerSessionService>();

            customerSession.Setup(x => x.CustomerSession).Returns(() => new CustomerSession {
                CustomerId = memberId

            var usages = new List <PromotionUsage>();

            var mockUnitOfWork = new Mock <IUnitOfWork>();
            var repository     = new Mock <IMarketingRepository>();

            repository.Setup(x => x.PromotionUsages).Returns(usages.AsQueryable);
            repository.Setup(x => x.UnitOfWork).Returns(mockUnitOfWork.Object);
            repository.Setup(x => x.Add(It.IsAny <PromotionUsage>())).Callback <PromotionUsage>(usages.Add);

            var activity = new RecordPromotionUsageActivity(customerSession.Object, repository.Object)
                UsageStatus = testStatus

            InvokeActivity(activity, orderGroup);

            var addedUsage = repository.Object.PromotionUsages.First(x => x.PromotionId == promotionId);

            Assert.True(addedUsage.Status == (int)testStatus, "Wrong promotion usage status");
            Assert.True(addedUsage.CouponCode.Equals(couponCode), "Wrong promotion usage status");
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Records the promotions.
        /// Step 1: Load the existing usage that is related to the current order (if any).
        /// Step 2: Record/update the usage of lineitem, order and shipment level discounts.
        /// The CustomerId can be taken from the Current Order.CustomerId.
        /// </summary>
        private void RecordPromotions()
            List <Discount> discounts = new List <Discount>();

            OrderGroup group = this.OrderGroup;

            // if the order has been just added, skip recording the discounts
            if (group.ObjectState == Mediachase.MetaDataPlus.MetaObjectState.Added)

            PromotionUsageStatus status = this.UsageStatus;

            foreach (OrderForm form in group.OrderForms)
                // Add order level discounts
                foreach (Discount discount in form.Discounts)

                // Add lineitem discounts
                foreach (LineItem item in form.LineItems)
                    foreach (Discount discount in item.Discounts)

                // Add shipping discounts
                foreach (Shipment shipment in form.Shipments)
                    foreach (Discount discount in shipment.Discounts)

            // Load existing usage Dto for the current order
            PromotionUsageDto usageDto = PromotionManager.GetPromotionUsageDto(0, Guid.Empty, group.OrderGroupId);

            // Clear all old items first
            if (usageDto.PromotionUsage.Count > 0)
                foreach (PromotionUsageDto.PromotionUsageRow row in usageDto.PromotionUsage)

            // Now process the discounts
            foreach (Discount discount in discounts)
                // we only record real discounts that exist in our database
                if (discount.DiscountId <= 0)

                PromotionUsageDto.PromotionUsageRow row = usageDto.PromotionUsage.NewPromotionUsageRow();
                row.CustomerId   = group.CustomerId;
                row.LastUpdated  = DateTime.UtcNow;
                row.OrderGroupId = group.OrderGroupId;
                row.PromotionId  = discount.DiscountId;
                row.Status       = status.GetHashCode();
                row.Version      = 1; // for now version is always 1


            // Save the promotion usage