public void TestFailure() { Promise<long> p = new Promise<long>(cb => cb("uh oh", default(long))); bool test = false; p.Success(x => test = true); Assert.IsFalse(test); p.Fail(s => test = true); Assert.IsTrue(test); var p2 = p.FlatMap(l => new Promise<int>(cb => cb(null, 3))); test = false; p2.Success(x => test = true); Assert.IsFalse(test); p2.Fail(s => test = true); Assert.IsTrue(test); }
public UIRenderPlane(UISpriteBatch batch, Promise<Texture2D> texture) { this.GD = batch.GraphicsDevice; this.Target = batch.GetBuffer(); this.Texture = texture; this.Batch = batch; //GD.PresentationParameters.RenderTargetUsage = RenderTargetUsage.PreserveContents; /** Switch the render target **/ Batch.Pause(); GD.SetRenderTarget(0, Target); GD.Clear(Color.TransparentBlack); Batch.Resume(); /** batch.Pause(); var buffer = batch.GetBuffer(); var gd = GameFacade.GraphicsDevice; var renderTarget = gd.GetRenderTarget(0); gd.SetRenderTarget(0, buffer); batch.Resume(); gd.render //gd.Clear(Color.TransparentBlack);**/ }
private object BuidlListHal(Promise<int> total, IEnumerable<Place> places, SearchPlacesParameters parameters) { var totalPages = total/parameters.PageSize; var builder = new HalBuilder(Request.Url.ToString()) .AddProperty("pages", totalPages) .AddProperty("page", parameters.Page) .EmbedListResourceWithProperties( "places", places, place => Settings.ToAbsolute(string.Format("/places/{0}", place.Id)), place => place.Id, place => place.EnglishName, place => place.CornishName, place => place.Type, place => place.Parish); if (parameters.Page < totalPages) builder.AddLink("next", new SearchUrlBuilder(parameters).NextPage().Build()); if (parameters.Page > 1) builder.AddLink("prev", new SearchUrlBuilder(parameters).PreviousPage().Build()); return builder.Build(); }
public void Promise_Reject_UserInfo() { var args = default(object[]); var are = new AutoResetEvent(false); var resolve = new MockCallback(_ => { }); var reject = new MockCallback(a => { args = a; are.Set(); }); var promise = new Promise(resolve, reject); var code = "42"; var message = "foo"; var e = new Exception(); e.Data.Add("qux", "baz"); promise.Reject(code, message, e); are.WaitOne(); Assert.IsNotNull(args); Assert.AreEqual(1, args.Length); var json = args[0] as JObject; Assert.IsNotNull(json); var userInfo = json["userInfo"] as JObject; Assert.IsNotNull(userInfo); Assert.AreEqual("baz", userInfo["qux"]); }
public void ShouldAddFriend(Cloud cloud) { // Use two test accounts Login2NewUsers(cloud, (gamer1, gamer2) => { // Expects friend status change event Promise restOfTheTestCompleted = new Promise(); gamer1.StartEventLoop(); gamer1.Community.OnFriendStatusChange += (FriendStatusChangeEvent e) => { Assert(e.FriendId == gamer2.GamerId, "Should come from P2"); Assert(e.NewStatus == FriendRelationshipStatus.Add, "Should have added me"); restOfTheTestCompleted.Done(CompleteTest); }; // Add gamer1 as a friend of gamer2 gamer2.Community.AddFriend(gamer1.GamerId) .ExpectSuccess(addResult => { // Then list the friends of gamer1, gamer2 should be in it return gamer1.Community.ListFriends(); }) .ExpectSuccess(friends => { Assert(friends.Count == 1, "Expects one friend"); Assert(friends[0].GamerId == gamer2.GamerId, "Wrong friend ID"); restOfTheTestCompleted.Resolve(); }); }); }
// Callback from native code void IStore.GetInformationAboutProducts_Done(string message) { // Extract promise and allow again Promise<List<ProductInfo>> promise; lock (this) { promise = LastGetInformationAboutProductsPromise; LastGetInformationAboutProductsPromise = null; } if (promise == null) { Debug.LogWarning("Responding to GetInformationAboutProducts without having promise set"); } Bundle json = Bundle.FromJson(message); // Error if (json.Has("error")) { promise.Reject(ParseError(json)); return; } List<ProductInfo> result = new List<ProductInfo>(); foreach (Bundle obj in json["products"].AsArray()) { result.Add(new ProductInfo(obj)); } promise.Resolve(result); }
public void ShouldAssociateGodfather(Cloud cloud) { Login2NewUsers(cloud, (gamer1, gamer2) => { // Expects godchild event Promise restOfTheTestCompleted = new Promise(); gamer1.StartEventLoop(); gamer1.Godfather.OnGotGodchild += (GotGodchildEvent e) => { Assert(e.Gamer.GamerId == gamer2.GamerId, "Should come from player2"); Assert((object)e.Reward == (object)Bundle.Empty, "No reward should be associated"); restOfTheTestCompleted.Done(CompleteTest); }; // P1 generates a code and associates P2 with it gamer1.Godfather.GenerateCode() // Use code .ExpectSuccess(genCode => gamer2.Godfather.UseCode(genCode)) .ExpectSuccess(dummy => gamer2.Godfather.GetGodfather()) .ExpectSuccess(result => { Assert(result.GamerId == gamer1.GamerId, "P1 should be godfather"); Assert(result.AsBundle().Root.Has("godfather"), "Underlying structure should be accessible"); return gamer1.Godfather.GetGodchildren(); }) .ExpectSuccess(result => { Assert(result.Count == 1, "Should have only one godchildren"); Assert(result[0].GamerId == gamer2.GamerId, "P2 should be godchildren"); restOfTheTestCompleted.Resolve(); }); }); }
public void _if_onRejected_is_not_a_function_it_must_be_ignored_1() { var promise = new Promise<object>(); var resultPromise = promise .Then( v => Promise.Resolved(), null ); var resolved = 0; var errors = 0; var e = new Exception(); resultPromise.Then(() => ++resolved); resultPromise.Catch(ex => { Assert.Equal(e, ex); ++errors; }); promise.Reject(e); Assert.Equal(0, resolved); Assert.Equal(1, errors); }
public Promise LoadActivityStates(string studentId, IEnumerable<string> activityIds) { Promise promise = new Promise(); try { Uri serverUri = new Uri(appSettings.ServerURI, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute); Uri restUri = new Uri(serverUri, "rest/"); ActivityStateRepository repo = new ActivityStateRepository(restUri); if (repo == null) { throw new Exception("ActivityStateRepository is not initialized."); } repo.GetActivityStates(studentId, activityIds, (ActivityStateRepository.Response response) => { if (response.Success) { promise.Resolve(response.Items); } else { promise.Reject(new Exception(response.Error)); } }); } catch (Exception e) { promise.Reject(e); } return promise; }
public Promise SignIn(string domain, string username, string password) { Promise promise = new Promise(); try { Uri serverUri = new Uri(appSettings.ServerURI, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute); Uri restUri = new Uri(serverUri, "rest/"); StudentRepository repo = new StudentRepository(restUri); if (repo == null) { throw new Exception("StudentRepository is not initialized."); } repo.SignIn(domain, username, password, (StudentRepository.Response response) => { if (response.Success) { Token = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); promise.Resolve(response.Item); } else { promise.Reject(new Exception(response.Error)); } }); } catch (Exception e) { promise.Reject(e); } return promise; }
/// <summary> /// Download text from a URL. /// A promise is returned that is resolved when the download has completed. /// The promise is rejected if an error occurs during download. /// </summary> static IPromise<string> Download(string url) { Console.WriteLine("Downloading " + url + " ..."); var promise = new Promise<string>(); using (var client = new WebClient()) { client.DownloadStringCompleted += (s, ev) => { if (ev.Error != null) { Console.WriteLine("An error occurred... rejecting the promise."); // Error during download, reject the promise. promise.Reject(ev.Error); } else { Console.WriteLine("... Download completed."); // Downloaded completed successfully, resolve the promise. promise.Resolve(ev.Result); } }; client.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri(url), null); } return promise; }
public AsyncStreamWriter(Stream stream, Action onComplete, Action<Exception> onError) { _stream = stream; _promise = new Promise<bool>(); if (onComplete != null) _promise.Done(r => onComplete()); if (onError != null) _promise.Fail(onError); }
public IPromise<string> GetJsonString() { var promise = new Promise<string> (); using (var client = new WebClient()) { if (this.headers != null) { foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> h in this.headers){ client.Headers.Add(h.Key, h.Value); } } client.DownloadStringCompleted += (s, ev) => { if (ev.Error != null){ promise.Reject(ev.Error); } else { promise.Resolve(ev.Result); } }; client.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri(this.url), null); } return promise; }
public IPromise<string> GET(Dictionary<string, string> parameters) { if (parameters == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException (); } var promise = new Promise<string> (); using(var client = new WebClient()){ if (this.headers != null) { foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> h in this.headers){ client.Headers.Add(h.Key, h.Value); } } client.DownloadStringCompleted += (s, ev) => { if (ev.Error != null){ promise.Reject(ev.Error); } else { promise.Resolve(ev.Result); } }; client.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri(this.url + "?" + PromisedRequest.Helpers.GenerateQueryString(parameters)), null); } return promise; }
public Promise LoadSettings(string studentId) { Promise promise = new Promise(); try { Uri serverUri = new Uri(appSettings.ServerURI, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute); Uri restUri = new Uri(serverUri, "rest/"); CourseSettingsRepository repo = new CourseSettingsRepository(restUri); if (repo == null) { throw new Exception("CourseSettingsRepository is not initialized."); } repo.GetByKey("studentid/", studentId, (CourseSettingsRepository.Response response) => { if (response.Success) { promise.Resolve(response.Item); } else { promise.Reject(new Exception(response.Error)); } }); } catch (Exception e) { promise.Reject(e); } return promise; }
public void TestBasicPromise() { Promise<int> p1 = new Promise<int>(cb => cb(null, 5)); bool test = false; p1.Success(s => test = true); p1.Success(s => Assert.AreEqual(s, 5)); Assert.IsTrue(test); }
public void Signalled_Promise_throws_exception_on_Signal(object value) { var p = new Promise<object>(); p.Signal(value); Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>( () => p.Signal(value), "Cannot signal fulfilled Promise."); }
public IPromise Ready() { if (started) { return Promise.Resolved(); } var result = new Promise(); onStart += result.Resolve; return result.WithName(string.Format("Inventory slot ready: {0}", name)); }
public void _must_not_transition_to_any_other_state() { var rejectedPromise = new Promise<object>(); rejectedPromise.Reject(new Exception()); Assert.Throws<ApplicationException>(() => rejectedPromise.Resolve(new object())); Assert.Equal(PromiseState.Rejected, rejectedPromise.CurState); }
public void exception_is_thrown_for_resolve_after_reject() { var promise = new Promise<int>(); promise.Reject(new ApplicationException()); Assert.Throws<ApplicationException>(() => promise.Resolve(5) ); }
IPromise BuyGems(ShopModel model) { promise = new Promise(); if (iapService.IsInitialized()) iapService.BuyConsumableProduct(model.googleId); else promise.Reject(new Exception()); return promise; }
public void CanResolvePromiseAndTriggerThenHandler() { var promise = new Promise(); var completed = 0; promise.Then(() => ++completed); promise.Resolve(); Assert.AreEqual(1, completed); }
public void ExceptionIsThrownForResolveAfterReject() { var promise = new Promise<int>(); promise.Reject(new ApplicationException()); Assert.Throws<ApplicationException>(() => promise.Resolve(5) ); }
public void can_handle_Done_onResolved() { var promise = new Promise(); var callback = 0; promise.Done(() => ++callback); promise.Resolve(); Assert.Equal(1, callback); }
public void When_pending_a_promise_may_transition_to_either_the_fulfilled_or_rejected_state() { var pendingPromise1 = new Promise<object>(); Assert.Equal(PromiseState.Pending, pendingPromise1.CurState); pendingPromise1.Resolve(new object()); Assert.Equal(PromiseState.Resolved, pendingPromise1.CurState); var pendingPromise2 = new Promise<object>(); Assert.Equal(PromiseState.Pending, pendingPromise2.CurState); pendingPromise2.Reject(new Exception()); Assert.Equal(PromiseState.Rejected, pendingPromise2.CurState); }
public IPromise LoadBonuses() { Promise promise = new Promise(); wwwService.Send<GetBonuses>(new GetBonuses(), (request) => { bonuses = request.Bonuses; replaceOrAddBonuses(bonuses); promise.Resolve(); }, (error) => { promise.Reject(new Exception(error)); }); return promise; }
public void can_resolve_promise_and_trigger_then_handler() { var promise = new Promise(); var completed = 0; promise.Then(() => ++completed); promise.Resolve(); Assert.Equal(1, completed); }
void Ascend() { _state = ChangeState.Ascending; _t = 0; _to = Grid.CoordToPosition(_tile.Coordinate) + (_tile.Elevation * Vector3.up); _from = transform.position; _colorFrom = GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color; _colorTo = Color.white; Level.CurrentLevel.AddPromise(_tilePromise = new Promise()); }
public IPromise LoadPaths() { Promise promise = new Promise(); wwwService.Send<GetPaths>(new GetPaths(), (request) => { paths = request.Paths; replaceOrAddPaths(paths); promise.Resolve(); }, (error) => { promise.Reject(new Exception(error)); }); return promise; }
public void Descend() { _state = ChangeState.Descending; _t = 0; _from = transform.position; _to = transform.position - Vector3.up * 10; _colorFrom = GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color; _colorTo =; Level.CurrentLevel.AddPromise(_tilePromise = new Promise()); }
protected override void Reinitialize <T>(FactoryObjectParams assetParams, FactoryObject item, Promise <T> assetReadyPromise) { item.Reinitialize(assetParams, assetReadyPromise); }
public override void Reinitialize <T>(FactoryObjectParams assetParams, Promise <T> assetReadyPromise) { _assetParams = assetParams; assetReadyPromise.Resolve(this as T); }
public IPromise FlowPromise() { Event?.Invoke(); return(Promise.Resolved()); }
public static IEnumerator WWWEnumerator(WWW www, Promise <Either <Cancelled, Either <WWWError, WWW> > > promise) => WWWEnumerator(www).afterThis(() => promise.complete( Either <Cancelled, Either <WWWError, WWW> > .Right(www.toEither()) ));
private void ContinueWithRepaint(Promise promise) { this.Repaint(); }
/// <summary> /// Gets an object's ID given an object's screen position. /// </summary> /// <param name="x">The object's X position.</param> /// <param name="y">The object's Y position.</param> /// <param name="gd">GraphicsDevice instance.</param> /// <param name="state">WorldState instance.</param> /// <returns>Object's ID if the object was found at the given position.</returns> public short GetObjectIDAtScreenPos(int x, int y, GraphicsDevice gd, WorldState state) { /** Draw all objects to a texture as their IDs **/ var oldCenter = state.CenterTile; var tileOff = state.WorldSpace.GetTileFromScreen(new Vector2(x, y)); state.CenterTile += tileOff; var pxOffset = state.WorldSpace.GetScreenOffset(); var _2d = state._2D; Promise <Texture2D> bufferTexture = null; var worldBounds = new Rectangle((-pxOffset).ToPoint(), new Point(1, 1)); state.TempDraw = true; state._2D.OBJIDMode = true; state._3D.OBJIDMode = true; using (var buffer = state._2D.WithBuffer(BUFFER_OBJID, ref bufferTexture)) { _2d.SetScroll(-pxOffset); while (buffer.NextPass()) { foreach (var obj in Blueprint.Objects) { var tilePosition = obj.Position; if (obj.Level != state.Level) { continue; } var oPx = state.WorldSpace.GetScreenFromTile(tilePosition); obj.ValidateSprite(state); var offBound = new Rectangle(obj.Bounding.Location + oPx.ToPoint(), obj.Bounding.Size); if (!offBound.Intersects(worldBounds)) { continue; } var renderInfo = GetRenderInfo(obj); _2d.OffsetPixel(oPx); _2d.OffsetTile(tilePosition); _2d.SetObjID(obj.ObjectID); obj.Draw(gd, state); } state._3D.Begin(gd); foreach (var avatar in Blueprint.Avatars) { _2d.OffsetPixel(state.WorldSpace.GetScreenFromTile(avatar.Position)); _2d.OffsetTile(avatar.Position); avatar.Draw(gd, state); } state._3D.End(); } } state._3D.OBJIDMode = false; state._2D.OBJIDMode = false; state.TempDraw = false; state.CenterTile = oldCenter; var tex = bufferTexture.Get(); Color[] data = new Color[1]; tex.GetData <Color>(data); var f = Vector3.Dot(new Vector3(data[0].R / 255.0f, data[0].G / 255.0f, data[0].B / 255.0f), new Vector3(1.0f, 1 / 255.0f, 1 / 65025.0f)); return((short)Math.Round(f * 65535f)); }
/// <summary> /// Prep work before screen is painted /// </summary> /// <param name="gd"></param> /// <param name="state"></param> public virtual void PreDraw(GraphicsDevice gd, WorldState state) { //var oht = state.BaseHeight; //state.BaseHeight = 0; var pxOffset = -state.WorldSpace.GetScreenOffset(); //state.BaseHeight = oht; var damage = Blueprint.Damage; var _2d = state._2D; /** * Tasks: * If zoom or rotation has changed, redraw all static layers * If scroll has changed, redraw static layer if the scroll is outwith the buffered region * If architecture has changed, redraw appropriate static layer * If there is a new object in the static layer, redraw the static layer * If an objects in the static layer has changed, redraw the static layer and move the object to the dynamic layer * If wall visibility has changed, redraw wall layer (should think about how this works with breakthrough wall mode */ var im = state.ThisFrameImmediate; var redrawStaticObjects = im; var redrawFloor = im; var redrawWall = im; var recacheWalls = false; var recacheCutaway = false; var recacheFloors = false; var recacheTerrain = false; var recacheObjects = false; var drawImmediate = false; var lightChangeType = 0; if (TicksSinceLight++ > 60 * 4) { damage.Add(new BlueprintDamage(BlueprintDamageType.OUTDOORS_LIGHTING_CHANGED)); } WorldObjectRenderInfo info = null; foreach (var item in damage) { switch (item.Type) { case BlueprintDamageType.OPENGL_SECOND_DRAW: recacheFloors = true; break; case BlueprintDamageType.ROTATE: case BlueprintDamageType.ZOOM: case BlueprintDamageType.LEVEL_CHANGED: recacheObjects = true; recacheWalls = true; recacheFloors = true; if (item.Type != BlueprintDamageType.OPENGL_SECOND_DRAW && !FSOEnvironment.DirectX) { //need to draw one frame after this in opengl. //to mitigate a problem with floor content not setting to "wrap" mode GameThread.NextUpdate(x => { Blueprint.Damage.Add(new BlueprintDamage(BlueprintDamageType.OPENGL_SECOND_DRAW)); }); } break; case BlueprintDamageType.SCROLL: if (StaticObjects == null || StaticObjects.PxOffset != GetScrollIncrement(pxOffset, state)) { redrawFloor = true; redrawWall = true; redrawStaticObjects = true; } break; case BlueprintDamageType.PRECISE_ZOOM: drawImmediate = true; redrawFloor = redrawWall = redrawStaticObjects = true; break; case BlueprintDamageType.LIGHTING_CHANGED: if (lightChangeType >= 2) { break; } var room = (ushort)item.TileX; redrawFloor = true; redrawWall = true; redrawStaticObjects = true; state.Light?.InvalidateRoom(room); Blueprint.GenerateRoomLights(); state.OutsideColor = Blueprint.RoomColors[1]; state._3D.RoomLights = Blueprint.RoomColors; state.OutsidePx.SetData(new Color[] { new Color(Blueprint.OutsideColor, (Blueprint.OutsideColor.R + Blueprint.OutsideColor.G + Blueprint.OutsideColor.B) / (255 * 3f)) }); if (state.AmbientLight != null) { state.AmbientLight.SetData(Blueprint.RoomColors); } TicksSinceLight = 0; break; case BlueprintDamageType.OUTDOORS_LIGHTING_CHANGED: if (lightChangeType >= 1) { break; } lightChangeType = 1; redrawFloor = true; redrawWall = true; redrawStaticObjects = true; Blueprint.GenerateRoomLights(); state.OutsideColor = Blueprint.RoomColors[1]; state._3D.RoomLights = Blueprint.RoomColors; state.OutsidePx.SetData(new Color[] { new Color(Blueprint.OutsideColor, (Blueprint.OutsideColor.R + Blueprint.OutsideColor.G + Blueprint.OutsideColor.B) / (255 * 3f)) }); if (state.AmbientLight != null) { state.AmbientLight.SetData(Blueprint.RoomColors); } state.Light?.InvalidateOutdoors(); TicksSinceLight = 0; break; case BlueprintDamageType.OBJECT_MOVE: /** Redraw if its in static layer **/ info = GetRenderInfo(item.Component); if (info.Layer == WorldObjectRenderLayer.STATIC) { recacheObjects = true; info.Layer = WorldObjectRenderLayer.DYNAMIC; } if (item.Component is ObjectComponent) { ((ObjectComponent)item.Component).DynamicCounter = 0; } break; case BlueprintDamageType.OBJECT_GRAPHIC_CHANGE: /** Redraw if its in static layer **/ info = GetRenderInfo(item.Component); if (info.Layer == WorldObjectRenderLayer.STATIC) { recacheObjects = true; info.Layer = WorldObjectRenderLayer.DYNAMIC; } if (item.Component is ObjectComponent) { ((ObjectComponent)item.Component).DynamicCounter = 0; } break; case BlueprintDamageType.OBJECT_RETURN_TO_STATIC: info = GetRenderInfo(item.Component); if (info.Layer == WorldObjectRenderLayer.DYNAMIC) { recacheObjects = true; info.Layer = WorldObjectRenderLayer.STATIC; } break; case BlueprintDamageType.WALL_CUT_CHANGED: recacheCutaway = true; break; case BlueprintDamageType.ROOF_STYLE_CHANGED: Blueprint.RoofComp.StyleDirty = true; break; case BlueprintDamageType.ROOM_CHANGED: for (sbyte i = 0; i < Blueprint.RoomMap.Length; i++) { state.Rooms.SetRoomMap(i, Blueprint.RoomMap[i]); } if (state.Light != null) { if (lightChangeType < 2) { lightChangeType = 2; state.Light.InvalidateAll(); } } Blueprint.Indoors = null; Blueprint.RoofComp.ShapeDirty = true; break; case BlueprintDamageType.FLOOR_CHANGED: case BlueprintDamageType.WALL_CHANGED: //recacheTerrain = true; recacheFloors = true; recacheWalls = true; Blueprint.RoofComp.ShapeDirty = true; break; } } if (recacheFloors || recacheTerrain) { redrawFloor = true; } if (recacheWalls || recacheCutaway) { redrawWall = true; } if (recacheObjects) { redrawStaticObjects = true; } damage.Clear(); //scroll buffer loads in increments of SCROLL_BUFFER var newOff = GetScrollIncrement(pxOffset, state); var oldCenter = state.CenterTile; state.CenterTile += state.WorldSpace.GetTileFromScreen(newOff - pxOffset); //offset the scroll to the position of the scroll buffer. var tileOffset = state.CenterTile; pxOffset = newOff; if (recacheTerrain) { Blueprint.Terrain.RegenTerrain(gd, Blueprint); } if (recacheWalls) { Blueprint.WCRC?.Generate(gd, state, false); } else if (recacheCutaway) { Blueprint.WCRC?.Generate(gd, state, true); } state.Light?.ParseInvalidated((sbyte)(state.Level + ((state.DrawRoofs) ? 1 : 0)), state); if (recacheWalls || recacheCutaway) { _2d.Pause(); _2d.Resume(); //clear the sprite buffer before we begin drawing what we're going to cache Blueprint.WallComp.Draw(gd, state); ClearDrawBuffer(StaticWallCache); state.PrepareLighting(); _2d.End(StaticWallCache, true); } if (recacheFloors) { _2d.Pause(); _2d.Resume(); //clear the sprite buffer before we begin drawing what we're going to cache //Blueprint.FloorComp.Draw(gd, state); Blueprint.FloorGeom.FullReset(gd, state.BuildMode > 1); ClearDrawBuffer(StaticFloorCache); _2d.End(StaticFloorCache, true); } if (recacheObjects) { _2d.Pause(); _2d.Resume(); foreach (var obj in Blueprint.Objects) { if (obj.Level > state.Level) { continue; } var renderInfo = GetRenderInfo(obj); if (renderInfo.Layer == WorldObjectRenderLayer.STATIC) { var tilePosition = obj.Position; _2d.OffsetPixel(state.WorldSpace.GetScreenFromTile(tilePosition)); _2d.OffsetTile(tilePosition); _2d.SetObjID(obj.ObjectID); obj.Draw(gd, state); } } ClearDrawBuffer(StaticObjectsCache); _2d.End(StaticObjectsCache, true); } if (!drawImmediate) { state.PrepareLighting(); if (redrawStaticObjects || redrawFloor || redrawWall) { /** Draw static objects to a texture **/ Promise <Texture2D> bufferTexture = null; Promise <Texture2D> depthTexture = null; using (var buffer = state._2D.WithBuffer(BUFFER_STATIC, ref bufferTexture, BUFFER_STATIC_DEPTH, ref depthTexture)) { while (buffer.NextPass()) { DrawFloorBuf(gd, state, pxOffset); DrawWallBuf(gd, state, pxOffset); DrawObjBuf(gd, state, pxOffset); } } StaticObjects = new ScrollBuffer(bufferTexture.Get(), depthTexture.Get(), newOff, new Vector3(tileOffset, 0)); } } //state._2D.PreciseZoom = state.PreciseZoom; state.CenterTile = oldCenter; //revert to our real scroll position state.ThisFrameImmediate = drawImmediate; }
protected override Future <object> DoStart() { var promise = new Promise <object>(); try { Pipe = new NamedPipe(PipeName, Server); Pipe.OnConnected += () => { var handler = OnPipeConnected; if (handler != null) { handler(); } }; Pipe.OnReadDataBuffer += (dataBuffer) => { RaiseFramePayload(dataBuffer); }; if (StartAsync) { Task ready; if (Server) { ready = Pipe.WaitForConnectionAsync(); } else { ready = Pipe.ConnectAsync(); } Task.Run(async() => { await ready.ConfigureAwait(false); ReadStreamHeader(); Pipe.StartReading(ReadFrameHeader); }); promise.Resolve(null); } else { Task.Run(async() => { try { if (Server) { await Pipe.WaitForConnectionAsync(); } else { await Pipe.ConnectAsync(); } ReadStreamHeader(); Pipe.StartReading(ReadFrameHeader); promise.Resolve(null); } catch (Exception ex) { promise.Reject(ex); } }); } } catch (Exception ex) { promise.Reject(ex); } return(promise); }
private IPromise <string> LoginAmlCall(bool async) { var result = new Promise <string>(); result.CancelTarget( Process(new Command("<Item/>").WithAction(CommandAction.ValidateUser), async) .Progress(result.Notify) .Done(r => { string xml; using (var reader = new StreamReader(r)) { xml = reader.ReadToEnd(); } var root = XElement.Parse(xml); var data = root.DescendantsAndSelf("Result").FirstOrDefault(); var afNs = (XNamespace)""; var authNode = root.DescendantsAndSelf(afNs + "supported_authentication_schema").FirstOrDefault(); if (authNode != null && authNode.Element(afNs + "schema")?.Attribute("mode")?.Value == "SHA256" && _authenticator is LegacyAuthenticator legacy) { legacy.HashFunction = ElementFactory.Local.CalcSha256; // Switch from MD5 hashing to SHA256 LoginAmlCall(async) .Done(result.Resolve) .Fail(result.Reject); } else if (data == null) { var res = ElementFactory.Local.FromXml(xml); var ex = res.Exception ?? ElementFactory.Local.ServerException("Failed to login"); ex.SetDetails(Database, "<Item/>"); Database = null; _httpUsername = null; result.Reject(ex); } else { foreach (var elem in data.Elements()) { switch (elem.Name.LocalName) { case "id": UserId = elem.Value; break; case "login_name": _httpUsername = elem.Value; break; case "database": Database = elem.Value; break; case "i18nsessioncontext": _context.DefaultLanguageCode = elem.Element("default_language_code").Value; _context.DefaultLanguageSuffix = elem.Element("default_language_suffix").Value; _context.LanguageCode = elem.Element("language_code").Value; _context.LanguageSuffix = elem.Element("language_suffix").Value; _context.Locale = elem.Element("locale").Value; _context.TimeZone = elem.Element("time_zone").Value; break; case "ServerInfo": foreach (var info in elem.Elements()) { if (info.Name.LocalName == "Version") { Version = new Version(info.Value); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(elem.Value)) { _serverInfo.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("ServerInfo/" + elem.Name.LocalName, elem.Value)); } } break; default: if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(elem.Value)) { _serverInfo.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(elem.Name.LocalName, elem.Value)); } break; } } _vaultConn.InitializeStrategy(); result.Resolve(UserId); } }).Fail(ex => { Database = null; _httpUsername = null; result.Reject(ex); })); return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Gets an object group's thumbnail provided an array of objects. /// </summary> /// <param name="objects">The object components to draw.</param> /// <param name="gd">GraphicsDevice instance.</param> /// <param name="state">WorldState instance.</param> /// <returns>Object's ID if the object was found at the given position.</returns> public Texture2D GetObjectThumb(ObjectComponent[] objects, Vector3[] positions, GraphicsDevice gd, WorldState state) { var oldZoom = state.Zoom; var oldRotation = state.Rotation; /** Center average position **/ Vector3 average = new Vector3(); for (int i = 0; i < positions.Length; i++) { average += positions[i]; } average /= positions.Length; state.SilentZoom = WorldZoom.Near; state.SilentRotation = WorldRotation.BottomRight; state.WorldSpace.Invalidate(); state.InvalidateCamera(); state.TempDraw = true; var pxOffset = new Vector2(442, 275) - state.WorldSpace.GetScreenFromTile(average); var _2d = state._2D; Promise <Texture2D> bufferTexture = null; Promise <Texture2D> depthTexture = null; state._2D.OBJIDMode = false; Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(); using (var buffer = state._2D.WithBuffer(BUFFER_THUMB, ref bufferTexture, BUFFER_THUMB_DEPTH, ref depthTexture)) { _2d.SetScroll(new Vector2()); while (buffer.NextPass()) { for (int i = 0; i < objects.Length; i++) { var obj = objects[i]; var tilePosition = positions[i]; //we need to trick the object into believing it is in a set world state. var oldObjRot = obj.Direction; var oldRoom = obj.Room; obj.Direction = Direction.NORTH; obj.Room = 65535; state.SilentZoom = WorldZoom.Near; state.SilentRotation = WorldRotation.BottomRight; obj.OnRotationChanged(state); obj.OnZoomChanged(state); _2d.OffsetPixel(state.WorldSpace.GetScreenFromTile(tilePosition) + pxOffset); _2d.OffsetTile(tilePosition); _2d.SetObjID(obj.ObjectID); obj.Draw(gd, state); //return everything to normal obj.Direction = oldObjRot; obj.Room = oldRoom; state.SilentZoom = oldZoom; state.SilentRotation = oldRotation; obj.OnRotationChanged(state); obj.OnZoomChanged(state); } bounds = _2d.GetSpriteListBounds(); } } bounds.X = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(1023, bounds.X)); bounds.Y = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(1023, bounds.Y)); if (bounds.Width + bounds.X > 1024) { bounds.Width = 1024 - bounds.X; } if (bounds.Height + bounds.Y > 1024) { bounds.Height = 1024 - bounds.Y; } //return things to normal state.WorldSpace.Invalidate(); state.InvalidateCamera(); state.TempDraw = false; var tex = bufferTexture.Get(); return(TextureUtils.Clip(gd, tex, bounds)); }
protected void OnGUI() { if (this.columns == null) { return; } if (Event.current.type == EventType.repaint) { this.UpdateColumnWidths(); } GUI.enabled = this.updatePromise == null && EditorApplication.isCompiling == false; var headerStyle = new GUIStyle(GUIStyle.none) { clipping = TextClipping.Clip, fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold, normal = { background = Texture2D.whiteTexture } }; var cellStyle = new GUIStyle(GUIStyle.none) { clipping = TextClipping.Clip, normal = { background = Texture2D.whiteTexture } }; // paddings GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(GUILayout.Width(this.position.width - this.padding.x - this.padding.width)); GUILayout.Space(this.padding.x); GUILayout.BeginVertical(GUILayout.Width(this.position.height - this.padding.y - this.padding.height)); GUILayout.Space(this.padding.y); // render headers GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(headerStyle); foreach (var column in this.columns) { GUILayout.Label(column.Title, GUILayout.Width(column.Width)); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.Separator(); // render rows foreach (var row in this.rows) { if (row.Disabled) { continue; } GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(cellStyle); foreach (var column in this.columns) { column.Renderer(row, column.Width); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } EditorGUILayout.Separator(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label(this.updateStatus ?? string.Empty); EditorGUILayout.Space(); var wasEnabled = GUI.enabled; GUI.enabled = wasEnabled && this.rows.All(r => r.CurrentVersion.IsCompleted && r.AllBuilds.IsCompleted) && !EditorApplication.isCompiling; var actionText = this.rows.Any(r => r.Action != DeploymentAction.ACTION_SKIP) ? Resources.UI_UNITYPLUGIN_WINDOW_UPDATE_UPDATE_BUTTON : Resources.UI_UNITYPLUGIN_ABOUT_CLOSE_BUTTON; if (this.updatePromise == null && GUILayout.Button(actionText, GUILayout.Width(80))) { if (actionText == Resources.UI_UNITYPLUGIN_ABOUT_CLOSE_BUTTON) { this.Close(); return; } this.updatePromise = new Coroutine <object>(this.PerformUpdateAsync()); this.updatePromise.ContinueWith(p => { if (p.HasErrors) { this.updateStatus = Resources.UI_UNITYPLUGIN_WINDOW_UPDATE_ERROR_MESSAGE + ": " + p.Error.Unwrap().Message; Debug.LogError("An update process has ended with error." + Environment.NewLine + p.Error.Unwrap()); Menu.FocusConsoleWindow(); } this.Repaint(); }); } GUI.enabled = wasEnabled; GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); // paddings GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(1, 1, 1, 1); if (Event.current.type == EventType.repaint && GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect().y > 0) { var newRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); this.position = new Rect(this.position.position, new Vector2(this.position.width, newRect.y + 7)); this.minSize = new Vector2(this.minSize.x, this.position.height); this.maxSize = new Vector2(this.maxSize.x, this.position.height); } GUI.enabled = true; }
/// <summary> /// Prep work before screen is painted /// </summary> /// <param name="gd"></param> /// <param name="state"></param> public void PreDraw(GraphicsDevice gd, WorldState state) { var pxOffset = -state.WorldSpace.GetScreenOffset(); var damage = Blueprint.Damage; var _2d = state._2D; /** * Tasks: * If zoom or rotation has changed, redraw all static layers * If scroll has changed, redraw static layer if the scroll is outwith the buffered region * If architecture has changed, redraw appropriate static layer * If there is a new object in the static layer, redraw the static layer * If an objects in the static layer has changed, redraw the static layer and move the object to the dynamic layer * If wall visibility has changed, redraw wall layer (should think about how this works with breakthrough wall mode */ var redrawStaticObjects = false; var redrawFloor = false; var redrawWall = false; var recacheWalls = false; var recacheFloors = false; var recacheTerrain = false; var recacheObjects = false; if (TicksSinceLight++ > 60 * 4) { damage.Add(new BlueprintDamage(BlueprintDamageType.LIGHTING_CHANGED)); } WorldObjectRenderInfo info = null; foreach (var item in damage) { switch (item.Type) { case BlueprintDamageType.ROTATE: case BlueprintDamageType.ZOOM: case BlueprintDamageType.LEVEL_CHANGED: recacheObjects = true; recacheWalls = true; recacheFloors = true; recacheTerrain = true; break; case BlueprintDamageType.SCROLL: if (StaticObjects == null || StaticObjects.PxOffset != GetScrollIncrement(pxOffset)) { redrawFloor = true; redrawWall = true; redrawStaticObjects = true; } break; case BlueprintDamageType.LIGHTING_CHANGED: redrawFloor = true; redrawWall = true; redrawStaticObjects = true; Blueprint.GenerateRoomLights(); state.OutsideColor = Blueprint.RoomColors[1]; state._3D.RoomLights = Blueprint.RoomColors; state._2D.AmbientLight.SetData(Blueprint.RoomColors); TicksSinceLight = 0; break; case BlueprintDamageType.OBJECT_MOVE: /** Redraw if its in static layer **/ info = GetRenderInfo(item.Component); if (info.Layer == WorldObjectRenderLayer.STATIC) { recacheObjects = true; info.Layer = WorldObjectRenderLayer.DYNAMIC; } if (item.Component is ObjectComponent) { ((ObjectComponent)item.Component).DynamicCounter = 0; } break; case BlueprintDamageType.OBJECT_GRAPHIC_CHANGE: /** Redraw if its in static layer **/ info = GetRenderInfo(item.Component); if (info.Layer == WorldObjectRenderLayer.STATIC) { recacheObjects = true; info.Layer = WorldObjectRenderLayer.DYNAMIC; } if (item.Component is ObjectComponent) { ((ObjectComponent)item.Component).DynamicCounter = 0; } break; case BlueprintDamageType.OBJECT_RETURN_TO_STATIC: info = GetRenderInfo(item.Component); if (info.Layer == WorldObjectRenderLayer.DYNAMIC) { recacheObjects = true; info.Layer = WorldObjectRenderLayer.STATIC; } break; case BlueprintDamageType.WALL_CUT_CHANGED: recacheWalls = true; break; case BlueprintDamageType.FLOOR_CHANGED: case BlueprintDamageType.WALL_CHANGED: recacheTerrain = true; recacheFloors = true; recacheWalls = true; break; } if (recacheFloors || recacheTerrain) { redrawFloor = true; } if (recacheWalls) { redrawWall = true; } if (recacheObjects) { redrawStaticObjects = true; } } damage.Clear(); var tileOffset = state.WorldSpace.GetTileFromScreen(-pxOffset); //scroll buffer loads in increments of SCROLL_BUFFER var newOff = GetScrollIncrement(pxOffset); var oldCenter = state.CenterTile; state.CenterTile += state.WorldSpace.GetTileFromScreen(newOff - pxOffset); //offset the scroll to the position of the scroll buffer. tileOffset = state.CenterTile; pxOffset = newOff; if (recacheTerrain) { Blueprint.Terrain.RegenTerrain(gd, state, Blueprint); } if (recacheWalls) { _2d.Pause(); _2d.Resume(); //clear the sprite buffer before we begin drawing what we're going to cache Blueprint.WallComp.Draw(gd, state); ClearDrawBuffer(StaticWallCache); _2d.End(StaticWallCache, true); } if (recacheFloors) { _2d.Pause(); _2d.Resume(); //clear the sprite buffer before we begin drawing what we're going to cache Blueprint.FloorComp.Draw(gd, state); ClearDrawBuffer(StaticFloorCache); _2d.End(StaticFloorCache, true); } if (redrawFloor) { /** Draw archetecture to a texture **/ Promise <Texture2D> bufferTexture = null; Promise <Texture2D> depthTexture = null; using (var buffer = state._2D.WithBuffer(BUFFER_FLOOR_PIXEL, ref bufferTexture, BUFFER_FLOOR_DEPTH, ref depthTexture)) { _2d.SetScroll(pxOffset); while (buffer.NextPass()) { _2d.RenderCache(StaticFloorCache); Blueprint.Terrain.DepthMode = _2d.OutputDepth; Blueprint.Terrain.Draw(gd, state); } } StaticFloor = new ScrollBuffer(bufferTexture.Get(), depthTexture.Get(), pxOffset, new Vector3(tileOffset, 0)); } if (redrawWall) { Promise <Texture2D> bufferTexture = null; Promise <Texture2D> depthTexture = null; using (var buffer = state._2D.WithBuffer(BUFFER_WALL_PIXEL, ref bufferTexture, BUFFER_WALL_DEPTH, ref depthTexture)) { _2d.SetScroll(pxOffset); while (buffer.NextPass()) { _2d.RenderCache(StaticWallCache); } } StaticWall = new ScrollBuffer(bufferTexture.Get(), depthTexture.Get(), pxOffset, new Vector3(tileOffset, 0)); } if (recacheObjects) { _2d.Pause(); _2d.Resume(); foreach (var obj in Blueprint.Objects) { if (obj.Level > state.Level) { continue; } var renderInfo = GetRenderInfo(obj); if (renderInfo.Layer == WorldObjectRenderLayer.STATIC) { var tilePosition = obj.Position; _2d.OffsetPixel(state.WorldSpace.GetScreenFromTile(tilePosition)); _2d.OffsetTile(tilePosition); _2d.SetObjID(obj.ObjectID); obj.Draw(gd, state); } } ClearDrawBuffer(StaticObjectsCache); _2d.End(StaticObjectsCache, true); } if (redrawStaticObjects) { /** Draw static objects to a texture **/ Promise <Texture2D> bufferTexture = null; Promise <Texture2D> depthTexture = null; using (var buffer = state._2D.WithBuffer(BUFFER_STATIC_OBJECTS_PIXEL, ref bufferTexture, BUFFER_STATIC_OBJECTS_DEPTH, ref depthTexture)) { _2d.SetScroll(pxOffset); while (buffer.NextPass()) { _2d.RenderCache(StaticObjectsCache); } } StaticObjects = new ScrollBuffer(bufferTexture.Get(), depthTexture.Get(), pxOffset, new Vector3(tileOffset, 0)); } state.CenterTile = oldCenter; //revert to our real scroll position }
public IEnumerable PerformUpdateAsync() { var deploymentActions = new List <DeploymentAction>(); try { // downloading for (var i = 0; i < this.rows.Length; i++) { var row = this.rows[i]; if (row.Disabled || row.Action == DeploymentAction.ACTION_SKIP) { continue; } var progressCallback = this.GetProgressReportFor(row, i + 1, this.rows.Length); var downloadVersion = default(SemanticVersion); if (row.Action == DeploymentAction.ACTION_DOWNLOAD || row.Action == DeploymentAction.ACTION_UPDATE) { downloadVersion = row.SelectedVersion; } else if (row.Action == DeploymentAction.ACTION_REPAIR) { downloadVersion = row.CurrentVersion.GetResult(); } if (row.Id == ProductInformation.PRODUCT_CHARON) { deploymentActions.Add(new CharonDeploymentAction(downloadVersion, progressCallback)); } else { deploymentActions.Add(new LibraryDeploymentAction(row.Id, downloadVersion, row.Location, progressCallback)); } } if (deploymentActions.Count == 0) { yield break; } // call prepare yield return(Promise.WhenAll(deploymentActions.ConvertAll(a => a.Prepare()).ToArray()).IgnoreFault()); // call deploy yield return(Promise.WhenAll(deploymentActions.ConvertAll(a => a.Complete()).ToArray()).IgnoreFault()); foreach (var forceReImportPath in deploymentActions.SelectMany(a => a.ChangedAssets)) { AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(forceReImportPath, ImportAssetOptions.ForceUpdate); } this.updateStatus = Resources.UI_UNITYPLUGIN_PROGRESS_DONE; } finally { foreach (var deploymentAction in deploymentActions) { deploymentAction.CleanUp(); } } this.Close(); // re-load window if not 'Close' button was pressed if (this.rows.All(r => r.Action == DeploymentAction.ACTION_SKIP) == false) { Promise.Delayed(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)).ContinueWith(_ => EditorWindow.GetWindow <UpdateWindow>(utility: true)); } }
public override Widget build(BuildContext context) { JPushPlugin.context = context; return(new WillPopScope( onWillPop: () => { var promise = new Promise <bool>(); if (LoginScreen.navigator?.canPop() ?? false) { LoginScreen.navigator.pop(); promise.Resolve(false); } else if (Screen.orientation != ScreenOrientation.Portrait) { //视频全屏时禁止物理返回按钮 EventBus.publish(EventBusConstant.fullScreen, new List <object> { true }); promise.Resolve(false); } else if (navigator.canPop()) { navigator.pop(); promise.Resolve(false); } else { if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android) { if (this._exitApp) { CustomToast.hidden(); promise.Resolve(true); if (this._timer != null) { this._timer.Dispose(); this._timer = null; } } else { this._exitApp = true; CustomToastItem( context: context, "再按一次退出", TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(2000) )); this._timer =, () => { this._exitApp = false; }); promise.Resolve(false); } } else { promise.Resolve(true); } } return promise; }, child: new Navigator( key: globalKey, observers: new List <NavigatorObserver> { _routeObserve }, onGenerateRoute: settings => { return new PageRouteBuilder( settings: settings, (context1, animation, secondaryAnimation) => mainRoutes[](context1), (context1, animation, secondaryAnimation, child) => { if (fullScreenRoutes.ContainsKey( { return new ModalPageTransition( routeAnimation: animation, child: child ); } return new PushPageTransition( routeAnimation: animation, child: child ); } ); } ) )); }
public Deferrer(Promise promise) { Promise = promise; }
/// <summary> /// Gets the current lot's thumbnail. /// </summary> /// <param name="objects">The object components to draw.</param> /// <param name="gd">GraphicsDevice instance.</param> /// <param name="state">WorldState instance.</param> /// <returns>Object's ID if the object was found at the given position.</returns> public virtual Texture2D GetLotThumb(GraphicsDevice gd, WorldState state, Action <Texture2D> rooflessCallback) { if (!(state.Camera is WorldCamera)) { return(new Texture2D(gd, 8, 8)); } var oldZoom = state.Zoom; var oldRotation = state.Rotation; var oldLevel = state.Level; var oldCutaway = Blueprint.Cutaway; var wCam = (WorldCamera)state.Camera; var oldViewDimensions = wCam.ViewDimensions; //wCam.ViewDimensions = new Vector2(-1, -1); var oldPreciseZoom = state.PreciseZoom; //full invalidation because we must recalculate all object sprites. slow but necessary! state.Zoom = WorldZoom.Far; state.Rotation = WorldRotation.TopLeft; state.Level = Blueprint.Stories; state.PreciseZoom = 1 / 4f; state._2D.PreciseZoom = state.PreciseZoom; state.WorldSpace.Invalidate(); state.InvalidateCamera(); var oldCenter = state.CenterTile; state.CenterTile = Blueprint.GetThumbCenterTile(state); state.CenterTile -= state.WorldSpace.GetTileFromScreen(new Vector2((576 - state.WorldSpace.WorldPxWidth) * 4, (576 - state.WorldSpace.WorldPxHeight) * 4) / 2); var pxOffset = -state.WorldSpace.GetScreenOffset(); state.TempDraw = true; Blueprint.Cutaway = new bool[Blueprint.Cutaway.Length]; var _2d = state._2D; state.ClearLighting(false); Promise <Texture2D> bufferTexture = null; var lastLight = state.OutsideColor; state.OutsideColor = Color.White; state._2D.OBJIDMode = false; using (var buffer = state._2D.WithBuffer(BUFFER_LOTTHUMB, ref bufferTexture)) { _2d.SetScroll(pxOffset); while (buffer.NextPass()) { _2d.Pause(); _2d.Resume(); Blueprint.FloorGeom.SliceReset(gd, new Rectangle(6, 6, Blueprint.Width - 13, Blueprint.Height - 13)); //Blueprint.SetLightColor(WorldContent.GrassEffect, Color.White, Color.White); Blueprint.Terrain.Draw(gd, state); Blueprint.Terrain.DrawMask(gd, state, state.Camera.View, state.Camera.Projection); Blueprint.WallComp.Draw(gd, state); _2d.Pause(); _2d.Resume(); foreach (var obj in Blueprint.Objects) { var renderInfo = GetRenderInfo(obj); var tilePosition = obj.Position; _2d.OffsetPixel(state.WorldSpace.GetScreenFromTile(tilePosition)); _2d.OffsetTile(tilePosition); obj.Draw(gd, state); } _2d.Pause(); _2d.Resume(); rooflessCallback?.Invoke(bufferTexture.Get()); Blueprint.RoofComp.Draw(gd, state); } } Blueprint.Damage.Add(new BlueprintDamage(BlueprintDamageType.LIGHTING_CHANGED)); Blueprint.Damage.Add(new BlueprintDamage(BlueprintDamageType.FLOOR_CHANGED)); //return things to normal //state.PrepareLighting(); state.OutsideColor = lastLight; state.PreciseZoom = oldPreciseZoom; state.WorldSpace.Invalidate(); state.InvalidateCamera(); wCam.ViewDimensions = oldViewDimensions; state.TempDraw = false; state.CenterTile = oldCenter; state.Zoom = oldZoom; state.Rotation = oldRotation; state.Level = oldLevel; Blueprint.Cutaway = oldCutaway; var tex = bufferTexture.Get(); return(tex); //TextureUtils.Clip(gd, tex, bounds); }
public SqlQueryHolderTask(SqlQueryHolderBase holder) { _holder = holder; _result = new Promise <SqlQueryHolderBase>(); }
/// <summary> /// Attempt to update or install necessary XR software. Will only be called if /// <see cref="XRSessionSubsystemDescriptor.supportsInstall"/> is true. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public virtual Promise <SessionInstallationStatus> InstallAsync() { return(Promise <SessionInstallationStatus> .CreateResolvedPromise(SessionInstallationStatus.ErrorInstallNotSupported)); }
/// <summary> /// Get the session's availability, such as whether the platform supports XR. /// </summary> /// <returns>A <see cref="Promise{T}"/> that the caller can yield on until availability is determined.</returns> public virtual Promise <SessionAvailability> GetAvailabilityAsync() { return(Promise <SessionAvailability> .CreateResolvedPromise(SessionAvailability.None)); }
public static void exists(Promise promise, string directoryPath) { promise.Resolve(new object[] { System.IO.Directory.Exists(directoryPath) }); }
public static void tryCompleteError <Val>(this Promise <Try <Val> > p, Exception error) { p.tryComplete(F.err <Val>(error)); }
public static void tryCompleteError <Err, Val>(this Promise <Either <Err, Val> > p, Err error) { p.tryComplete(Either <Err, Val> .Left(error)); }
public static void tryCompleteSuccess <Err, Val>(this Promise <Either <Err, Val> > p, Val value) { p.tryComplete(Either <Err, Val> .Right(value)); }
public static Future <A> async <A>(out Promise <A> promise) => Future <A> .async(out promise);
public IPromise <string> BuySmallGems() { // do stuff here return(Promise <string> .Resolved("some-receipt-id")); }
public static void tryCompleteSuccess <Val>(this Promise <Try <Val> > p, Val value) { p.tryComplete(F.scs(value)); }
public override Widget build(BuildContext context) { GlobalContext.context = context; return(new WillPopScope( onWillPop: () => { TipMenu.dismiss(); var promise = new Promise <bool>(); if (LoginScreen.navigator?.canPop() ?? false) { LoginScreen.navigator.pop(); promise.Resolve(false); } else if (Screen.orientation != ScreenOrientation.Portrait) { //视频全屏时禁止物理返回按钮 EventBus.publish(sName: EventBusConstant.fullScreen, new List <object> { true }); promise.Resolve(false); } else if (navigator.canPop()) { navigator.pop(); promise.Resolve(false); } else { if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android) { if (this._exitApp) { CustomToast.hidden(); promise.Resolve(true); if (this._timer != null) { this._timer.Dispose(); this._timer = null; } } else { this._exitApp = true; CustomToastItem( context: context, "再按一次退出", TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(2000) )); this._timer =, () => { this._exitApp = false; }); promise.Resolve(false); } } else { promise.Resolve(true); } } return promise; }, child: new Navigator( key: globalKey, observers: new List <NavigatorObserver> { _routeObserve, _heroController }, onGenerateRoute: settings => new CustomPageRoute( settings: settings, fullscreenDialog: fullScreenRoutes.ContainsKey(key:, builder: context1 => mainRoutes[key:](context: context1) ) ) )); }
public static IPromise <Codec> getCodec(Image image) { return(Promise <Codec> .Resolved(new ImageCodec(image))); }
internal static Promise <RequirementsCheckResult> CheckRequirementsAsync() { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.CharonPath) || !File.Exists(Settings.CharonPath)) { return(Promise.FromResult(RequirementsCheckResult.MissingExecutable)); } var additionalChecks = new List <Promise <RequirementsCheckResult> >(); if (RuntimeInformation.IsWindows) { if (DotNetRuntimeInformation.GetVersion() == null && (String.IsNullOrEmpty(MonoRuntimeInformation.MonoPath) || File.Exists(MonoRuntimeInformation.MonoPath) == false)) { return(Promise.FromResult(RequirementsCheckResult.MissingRuntime)); } } else { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(MonoRuntimeInformation.MonoPath) || File.Exists(MonoRuntimeInformation.MonoPath) == false) { return(Promise.FromResult(RequirementsCheckResult.MissingRuntime)); } additionalChecks.Add(GetMonoVersionAsync().ContinueWith(getMonoVersion => { if (getMonoVersion.HasErrors || getMonoVersion.GetResult() == null || getMonoVersion.GetResult() < MinimalMonoVersion) { return(RequirementsCheckResult.MissingRuntime); } else { return(RequirementsCheckResult.Ok); } })); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.Current.EditorVersion)) { additionalChecks.Add(GetVersionAsync().ContinueWith(getCharonVersion => { if (getCharonVersion.HasErrors || getCharonVersion.GetResult() == null || getCharonVersion.GetResult().ToString() != Settings.Current.EditorVersion) { return(RequirementsCheckResult.WrongVersion); } else { return(RequirementsCheckResult.Ok); } })); } if (additionalChecks.Count == 0) { return(Promise.FromResult(RequirementsCheckResult.Ok)); } else { return(Promise.WhenAll(additionalChecks.ToArray()) .ContinueWith(results => results.GetResult().FirstOrDefault(r => r != RequirementsCheckResult.Ok))); } }
protected virtual IPromise <string> OnCreate() { return(Promise <string> .Rejected(null)); }