コード例 #1
ファイル: Missile.cs プロジェクト: danielwhelansb/OpenRA
        public Missile(MissileInfo info, ProjectileArgs args)
            Info = info;
            Args = args;

            SubPxPosition = Args.src.ToPSubPos();
            Altitude      = Args.srcAltitude;
            Facing        = Args.facing;

            if (info.Inaccuracy > 0)
                offset = (PVecInt)(info.Inaccuracy * args.firedBy.World.SharedRandom.Gauss2D(2)).ToInt2();

            if (Info.Image != null)
                anim = new Animation(Info.Image, () => Facing);

            if (Info.ContrailLength > 0)
                Trail = new ContrailHistory(Info.ContrailLength,
                                            Info.ContrailUsePlayerColor ? ContrailHistory.ChooseColor(args.firedBy) : Info.ContrailColor,
コード例 #2
ファイル: ParaBomb.cs プロジェクト: patrickwieth/ToW-Engine
        public ParaBomb(ParaBombInfo info, ProjectileArgs args)
            this.info = info;
            this.args = args;
            pos       = args.Source;
            var convertedVelocity = new WVec(info.Velocity.Y, -info.Velocity.X, info.Velocity.Z);

            velocity     = convertedVelocity.Rotate(WRot.FromYaw(args.Facing));
            acceleration = new WVec(info.Acceleration.Y, -info.Acceleration.X, info.Acceleration.Z);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.Image))
                anim = new Animation(args.SourceActor.World, info.Image, () => args.Facing);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.OpenSequence))
                    anim.PlayThen(info.OpenSequence, () => anim.PlayRepeating(info.Sequences.Random(args.SourceActor.World.SharedRandom)));

                parachute = new Animation(args.SourceActor.World, info.Image, () => args.Facing);
                parachute.PlayThen(info.ParachuteOpeningSequence, () => parachute.PlayRepeating(info.ParachuteSequence));
コード例 #3
        public Missile(MissileInfo info, ProjectileArgs args)
            this.info = info;
            this.args = args;

            pos            = args.Source;
            hFacing        = args.Facing.Facing;
            gravity        = new WVec(0, 0, -info.Gravity);
            targetPosition = args.PassiveTarget;
            var limit = info.RangeLimit != WDist.Zero ? info.RangeLimit : args.Weapon.Range;

            rangeLimit     = new WDist(Util.ApplyPercentageModifiers(limit.Length, args.RangeModifiers));
            minLaunchSpeed = info.MinimumLaunchSpeed.Length > -1 ? info.MinimumLaunchSpeed.Length : info.Speed.Length;
            maxLaunchSpeed = info.MaximumLaunchSpeed.Length > -1 ? info.MaximumLaunchSpeed.Length : info.Speed.Length;
            maxSpeed       = info.Speed.Length;
            minLaunchAngle = info.MinimumLaunchAngle;
            maxLaunchAngle = info.MaximumLaunchAngle;

            var world = args.SourceActor.World;

            if (world.SharedRandom.Next(100) <= info.LockOnProbability)
                lockOn = true;

            var inaccuracy = lockOn && info.LockOnInaccuracy.Length > -1 ? info.LockOnInaccuracy.Length : info.Inaccuracy.Length;

            if (inaccuracy > 0)
                var maxInaccuracyOffset = Util.GetProjectileInaccuracy(info.Inaccuracy.Length, info.InaccuracyType, args);
                offset = WVec.FromPDF(world.SharedRandom, 2) * maxInaccuracyOffset / 1024;

            DetermineLaunchSpeedAndAngle(world, out speed, out vFacing);

            velocity = new WVec(0, -speed, 0)
                       .Rotate(new WRot(WAngle.FromFacing(vFacing), WAngle.Zero, WAngle.Zero))
                       .Rotate(new WRot(WAngle.Zero, WAngle.Zero, WAngle.FromFacing(hFacing)));

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.Image))
                anim = new Animation(world, info.Image, () => renderFacing);

            if (info.ContrailLength > 0)
                var color = info.ContrailUsePlayerColor ? ContrailRenderable.ChooseColor(args.SourceActor) : info.ContrailColor;
                contrail = new ContrailRenderable(world, color, info.ContrailWidth, info.ContrailLength, info.ContrailDelay, info.ContrailZOffset);

            trailPalette = info.TrailPalette;
            if (info.TrailUsePlayerPalette)
                trailPalette += args.SourceActor.Owner.InternalName;

            shadowColor = new float3(info.ShadowColor.R, info.ShadowColor.G, info.ShadowColor.B) / 255f;
            shadowAlpha = info.ShadowColor.A;
コード例 #4
ファイル: Bullet.cs プロジェクト: watsoncui/OpenRA
        public Bullet(BulletInfo info, ProjectileArgs args)
            Info = info;
            Args = args;

            if (info.Inaccuracy > 0)
                var factor = ((Args.dest - Args.src).ToCVec().Length) / args.weapon.Range;
                Args.dest += (PVecInt)(info.Inaccuracy * factor * args.firedBy.World.SharedRandom.Gauss2D(2)).ToInt2();
                Log.Write("debug", "Bullet with Inaccuracy; factor: #{0}; Projectile dest: {1}", factor, Args.dest);

            if (Info.Image != null)
                anim = new Animation(Info.Image, GetEffectiveFacing);

            if (Info.ContrailLength > 0)
                Trail = new ContrailHistory(Info.ContrailLength,
                                            Info.ContrailUsePlayerColor ? ContrailHistory.ChooseColor(args.firedBy) : Info.ContrailColor,
コード例 #5
        public WarheadTrailProjectileEffect(WarheadTrailProjectileInfo info, ProjectileArgs args, int lifespan, int estimatedlifespan)
            this.info              = info;
            this.args              = args;
            this.lifespan          = lifespan;
            this.estimatedlifespan = estimatedlifespan;
            projectilepos          = args.Source;
            source = args.Source;

            world     = args.SourceActor.World;
            targetpos = args.PassiveTarget;
            facing    = args.Facing;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.Image))
                anim = new Animation(world, info.Image, new Func <WAngle>(GetEffectiveFacing));

            if (info.ContrailLength > 0)
                var color = info.ContrailUsePlayerColor ? ContrailRenderable.ChooseColor(args.SourceActor) : info.ContrailColor;
                contrail = new ContrailRenderable(world, color, info.ContrailWidth, info.ContrailLength, info.ContrailDelay, info.ContrailZOffset);

            trailPalette = info.TrailPalette;
            if (info.TrailUsePlayerPalette)
                trailPalette += args.SourceActor.Owner.InternalName;

            smokeTicks = info.TrailDelay;
コード例 #6
        public SpriteRailgun(ProjectileArgs args, SpriteRailgunInfo info, Color beamColor)
            this.args = args;
            this.info = info;
            target    = args.PassiveTarget;
            BeamColor = beamColor;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.HitAnim))
                hitanim = new Animation(args.SourceActor.World, info.HitAnim);


            var pos   = args.Source;
            var angle = WAngle.Zero;

            for (var i = cycleCount * info.QuantizationCount - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                // Make it narrower near the end.
                var rad = i < info.QuantizationCount ? info.HelixRadius / 4 :
                          i < 2 * info.QuantizationCount ? info.HelixRadius / 2 :

                // Note: WAngle.Sin(x) = 1024 * Math.Sin(2pi/1024 * x)
                var offset = rad.Length * angle.Cos() * leftVector / (1024 * 1024)
                             + rad.Length * angle.Sin() * upVector / (1024 * 1024);
                var animpos = pos + offset;
                args.SourceActor.World.AddFrameEndTask(w => w.Add(new SpriteEffect(animpos, angle, w,
                                                                                   info.HelixAnim, info.HelixAnimSequence, info.HelixAnimPalette)));

                pos   += forwardStep;
                angle += angleStep;
コード例 #7
        public LaserZapCA(LaserZapCAInfo info, ProjectileArgs args, Color color)
            this.args      = args;
            this.info      = info;
            this.color     = color;
            secondaryColor = info.SecondaryBeamUsePlayerColor ? args.SourceActor.Owner.Color : info.SecondaryBeamColor;
            target         = args.PassiveTarget;

            // Game.Debug(target.ToString());
            source = args.Source;

            if (info.Inaccuracy.Length > 0)
                var inaccuracy = OpenRA.Mods.Common.Util.ApplyPercentageModifiers(info.Inaccuracy.Length, args.InaccuracyModifiers);
                var maxOffset  = inaccuracy * (target - source).Length / args.Weapon.Range.Length;
                target += WVec.FromPDF(args.SourceActor.World.SharedRandom, 2) * maxOffset / 1024;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.HitAnim))
                hitanim     = new Animation(args.SourceActor.World, info.HitAnim);
                showHitAnim = true;

            hasLaunchEffect = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.LaunchEffectImage) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.LaunchEffectSequence);
コード例 #8
        public IProjectile Create(ProjectileArgs args)
            var bc = BeamPlayerColor ? Color.FromArgb(BeamColor.A, args.SourceActor.Owner.Color) : BeamColor;
            var hc = HelixPlayerColor ? Color.FromArgb(HelixColor.A, args.SourceActor.Owner.Color) : HelixColor;

            return(new Railgun(args, this, bc, hc));
コード例 #9
        public Missile(MissileInfo info, ProjectileArgs args)
            this.info = info;
            this.args = args;

            pos    = args.Source;
            facing = args.Facing;

            targetPosition = args.PassiveTarget;

            if (info.Inaccuracy.Range > 0)
                offset = WVec.FromPDF(args.SourceActor.World.SharedRandom, 2) * info.Inaccuracy.Range / 1024;

            if (info.Image != null)
                anim = new Animation(args.SourceActor.World, info.Image, () => facing);

            if (info.ContrailLength > 0)
                var color = info.ContrailUsePlayerColor ? ContrailRenderable.ChooseColor(args.SourceActor) : info.ContrailColor;
                trail = new ContrailRenderable(args.SourceActor.World, color, info.ContrailLength, info.ContrailDelay, 0);
コード例 #10
        public Missile(MissileInfo info, ProjectileArgs args)
            this.info = info;
            this.args = args;

            pos    = args.Source;
            facing = args.Facing;

            targetPosition = args.PassiveTarget;

            var world = args.SourceActor.World;

            if (world.SharedRandom.Next(100) <= info.LockOnProbability)
                lockOn = true;

            if (info.Inaccuracy.Range > 0)
                var inaccuracy = OpenRA.Traits.Util.ApplyPercentageModifiers(info.Inaccuracy.Range, args.InaccuracyModifiers);
                offset = WVec.FromPDF(world.SharedRandom, 2) * inaccuracy / 1024;

            if (info.Image != null)
                anim = new Animation(world, info.Image, () => facing);

            if (info.ContrailLength > 0)
                var color = info.ContrailUsePlayerColor ? ContrailRenderable.ChooseColor(args.SourceActor) : info.ContrailColor;
                trail = new ContrailRenderable(world, color, info.ContrailLength, info.ContrailDelay, 0);
コード例 #11
ファイル: Missile.cs プロジェクト: epicelite/OpenRA
        public Missile(MissileInfo info, ProjectileArgs args)
            this.info = info;
            this.args = args;

            pos    = args.Source;
            facing = args.Facing;

            targetPosition = args.PassiveTarget;

            // Convert ProjectileArg definitions to world coordinates
            // TODO: Change the yaml definitions so we don't need this
            var inaccuracy = (int)(info.Inaccuracy * 1024 / Game.CellSize);

            speed = info.Speed * 1024 / (5 * Game.CellSize);

            if (info.Inaccuracy > 0)
                offset = WVec.FromPDF(args.SourceActor.World.SharedRandom, 2) * inaccuracy / 1024;

            if (info.Image != null)
                anim = new Animation(info.Image, () => facing);

            if (info.ContrailLength > 0)
                var color = info.ContrailUsePlayerColor ? ContrailRenderable.ChooseColor(args.SourceActor) : info.ContrailColor;
                trail = new ContrailRenderable(args.SourceActor.World, color, info.ContrailLength, info.ContrailDelay, 0);
コード例 #12
        public GravityBomb(GravityBombInfo info, ProjectileArgs args)
            this.info = info;
            this.args = args;
            pos       = args.Source;
            var convertedVelocity = new WVec(info.Velocity.Y, -info.Velocity.X, info.Velocity.Z);

            velocity = convertedVelocity.Rotate(WRot.FromYaw(args.Facing));
            var convertedAcceleration = new WVec(info.Acceleration.Y, -info.Acceleration.X, info.Acceleration.Z);

            acceleration = convertedAcceleration.Rotate(WRot.FromYaw(args.Facing));

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.Image))
                anim = new Animation(args.SourceActor.World, info.Image, () => args.Facing);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.OpenSequence))
                    anim.PlayThen(info.OpenSequence, () => anim.PlayRepeating(info.Sequences.Random(args.SourceActor.World.SharedRandom)));

            shadowColor = new float3(info.ShadowColor.R, info.ShadowColor.G, info.ShadowColor.B) / 255f;
            shadowAlpha = info.ShadowColor.A / 255f;
コード例 #13
ファイル: Laser.cs プロジェクト: IceReaper/OpenKrush
        public Laser(ProjectileArgs args, LaserInfo info)
            this.info   = info;
            this.random = args.SourceActor.World.SharedRandom;

            this.colors = new Color[info.Radius];

            for (var i = 0; i < info.Radius; i++)
                var color = info.Color == Color.Transparent ? args.SourceActor.Owner.Color : info.Color;
                var bw    = (float)((info.InnerLightness - info.OuterLightness) * i / (info.Radius - 1) + info.OuterLightness) / 0xff;
                var dstR  = bw > .5 ? 1 - (1 - 2 * (bw - .5)) * (1 - (float)color.R / 0xff) : 2 * bw * ((float)color.R / 0xff);
                var dstG  = bw > .5 ? 1 - (1 - 2 * (bw - .5)) * (1 - (float)color.G / 0xff) : 2 * bw * ((float)color.G / 0xff);
                var dstB  = bw > .5 ? 1 - (1 - 2 * (bw - .5)) * (1 - (float)color.B / 0xff) : 2 * bw * ((float)color.B / 0xff);
                this.colors[i] = Color.FromArgb((int)(dstR * 0xff), (int)(dstG * 0xff), (int)(dstB * 0xff));

            var direction = args.PassiveTarget - args.Source;

            if (this.info.SegmentLength == WDist.Zero)
                this.offsets = new[] { args.Source, args.PassiveTarget }
                var numSegments = (direction.Length - 1) / info.SegmentLength.Length + 1;

                this.offsets      = new WPos[numSegments + 1];
                this.offsets[0]   = args.Source;
                this.offsets[^ 1] = args.PassiveTarget;
コード例 #14
ファイル: Bullet.cs プロジェクト: anvilvapre/OpenRA-1
        public Bullet(BulletInfo info, ProjectileArgs args)
            this.info = info;
            this.args = args;
            pos       = args.Source;
            source    = args.Source;

            var world = args.SourceActor.World;

            if (info.LaunchAngle.Length > 1)
                angle = new WAngle(world.SharedRandom.Next(info.LaunchAngle[0].Angle, info.LaunchAngle[1].Angle));
                angle = info.LaunchAngle[0];

            if (info.Speed.Length > 1)
                speed = new WDist(world.SharedRandom.Next(info.Speed[0].Length, info.Speed[1].Length));
                speed = info.Speed[0];

            target = args.PassiveTarget;
            if (info.Inaccuracy.Length > 0)
                var inaccuracy = Util.ApplyPercentageModifiers(info.Inaccuracy.Length, args.InaccuracyModifiers);
                var range      = Util.ApplyPercentageModifiers(args.Weapon.Range.Length, args.RangeModifiers);
                var maxOffset  = inaccuracy * (target - pos).Length / range;
                target += WVec.FromPDF(world.SharedRandom, 2) * maxOffset / 1024;

            facing = (target - pos).Yaw.Facing;
            length = Math.Max((target - pos).Length / speed.Length, 1);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.Image))
                anim = new Animation(world, info.Image, new Func <int>(GetEffectiveFacing));

            if (info.ContrailLength > 0)
                var color = info.ContrailUsePlayerColor ? ContrailRenderable.ChooseColor(args.SourceActor) : info.ContrailColor;
                contrail = new ContrailRenderable(world, color, info.ContrailWidth, info.ContrailLength, info.ContrailDelay, info.ContrailZOffset);

            trailPalette = info.TrailPalette;
            if (info.TrailUsePlayerPalette)
                trailPalette += args.SourceActor.Owner.InternalName;

            smokeTicks       = info.TrailDelay;
            remainingBounces = info.BounceCount;
コード例 #15
        public IProjectile Create(ProjectileArgs args)
            var palette = IsPlayerPalette ? MissilePalette + args.SourceActor.Owner.InternalName : MissilePalette;

            return(new NukeLaunch(args.SourceActor.Owner, MissileImage, WeaponInfo, palette, MissileUp, MissileDown, args.Source, args.PassiveTarget,
                                  DetonationAltitude, RemoveMissileOnDetonation, FlightVelocity, 0, FlightDelay, SkipAscent,
                                  TrailImage, TrailSequences, TrailPalette, TrailUsePlayerPalette, TrailDelay, TrailInterval));
コード例 #16
 public TeslaZap(TeslaZapInfo info, ProjectileArgs args)
     this.args        = args;
     this.info        = info;
     ticksUntilRemove = info.Duration;
     damageDuration   = info.DamageDuration > info.Duration ? info.Duration : info.DamageDuration;
     target           = args.PassiveTarget;
コード例 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Applies modifications to a new projectile and removes disallowed ones
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">The GetDataHandlerArgs object containing the player that sent the
        /// packet and the data of the packet</param>
        /// <returns>Whether or not the packet was handled (and should therefore not be processed
        /// by anything else)</returns>
        private bool HandleProjectile(GetDataHandlerArgs args)
            var   ident     = args.Data.ReadInt16();
            var   pos       = new Vector2(args.Data.ReadSingle(), args.Data.ReadSingle());
            var   vel       = new Vector2(args.Data.ReadSingle(), args.Data.ReadSingle());
            var   knockback = args.Data.ReadSingle();
            var   dmg       = args.Data.ReadInt16();
            var   owner     = args.Data.ReadByte();
            var   type      = args.Data.ReadInt16();
            var   aiFlags   = (BitsByte)args.Data.ReadByte();
            float ai0       = 0;
            float ai1       = 0;

            if (aiFlags[0])
                ai0 = args.Data.ReadSingle();
            if (aiFlags[1])
                ai1 = args.Data.ReadSingle();
            owner = (byte)args.Player.Index;
            float[] ai = new float[Projectile.maxAI];

            bool handled = false;

            if (args.Player.TPlayer.hostile)
                if (Controller.Projectiles.Count(p => p.netID == type && p.banned) > 0)
                    if (args.Player.IsDead)
                        handled = true;
                        var projArgs = new ProjectileArgs(
                            ident: ident,
                            owner: owner,
                            type: type,
                            damage: dmg,
                            velocity: vel,
                            position: pos,
                            ai0: ai0,
                            ai1: ai1
                        handled = args.Player.ModifyProjectile(projArgs);

コード例 #18
        public ElectricBolt(ElectricBoltInfo info, ProjectileArgs args)
            this.args = args;
            this.info = info;
            var playerColors = args.SourceActor.Owner.Color;
            var colors       = info.Colors;

            for (var i = 0; i < info.PlayerColorZaps; i++)

            target = args.PassiveTarget;
            source = args.Source;
            random = args.SourceActor.World.LocalRandom;

            hasLaunchEffect = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.LaunchEffectImage) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.LaunchEffectSequence);

            var direction = args.PassiveTarget - args.Source;

            if (info.Distortion != 0)
                leftVector = new WVec(direction.Y, -direction.X, 0);
                if (leftVector.Length != 0)
                    leftVector = 1024 * leftVector / leftVector.Length;

                upVector = leftVector.Length != 0
                                        ? new WVec(
                    -direction.X * direction.Z,
                    -direction.Z * direction.Y,
                    direction.X * direction.X + direction.Y * direction.Y)
                                        : new WVec(direction.Z, direction.Z, 0);
                if (upVector.Length != 0)
                    upVector = 1024 * upVector / upVector.Length;

            zaps = new HashSet <Pair <Color, WPos[]> >();
            foreach (var c in colors)
                var numSegments = (direction.Length - 1) / info.SegmentLength.Length + 1;
                var offsets     = new WPos[numSegments + 1];
                offsets[0] = args.Source;
                offsets[offsets.Length - 1] = args.PassiveTarget;

                var angle = new WAngle((-info.Angle.Angle / 2) + random.Next(info.Angle.Angle));

                for (var i = 1; i < numSegments; i++)
                    offsets[i] = WPos.LerpQuadratic(source, target, angle, i, numSegments);

                zaps.Add(Pair.New(c, offsets));
コード例 #19
        void SeedResources(Actor self)
            var pieces = self.World.SharedRandom.Next(info.Pieces[0], info.Pieces[1]) * ticks / growTicks;

            if (pieces < info.Pieces[0])
                pieces = info.Pieces[0];

            var cells = self.World.Map.FindTilesInAnnulus(self.Location, 1, info.Range);

            for (var i = 0; i < pieces; i++)
                var cell = cells.SkipWhile(p => resLayer.GetResourceType(p) == resType && resLayer.IsFull(p)).Cast <CPos?>().RandomOrDefault(self.World.SharedRandom);
                if (cell == null)
                    cell = cells.Random(self.World.SharedRandom);

                var args = new ProjectileArgs
                    Weapon = self.World.Map.Rules.Weapons[info.Weapon.ToLowerInvariant()],
                    Facing = WAngle.Zero,
                    CurrentMuzzleFacing = () => WAngle.Zero,

                    DamageModifiers = self.TraitsImplementing <IFirepowerModifier>()
                                      .Select(a => a.GetFirepowerModifier()).ToArray(),

                    InaccuracyModifiers = self.TraitsImplementing <IInaccuracyModifier>()
                                          .Select(a => a.GetInaccuracyModifier()).ToArray(),

                    RangeModifiers = self.TraitsImplementing <IRangeModifier>()
                                     .Select(a => a.GetRangeModifier()).ToArray(),

                    Source        = self.CenterPosition,
                    CurrentSource = () => self.CenterPosition,
                    SourceActor   = self,
                    PassiveTarget = self.World.Map.CenterOfCell(cell.Value)

                self.World.AddFrameEndTask(_ =>
                    if (args.Weapon.Projectile != null)
                        var projectile = args.Weapon.Projectile.Create(args);
                        if (projectile != null)

                        if (args.Weapon.Report != null && args.Weapon.Report.Any())
                            Game.Sound.Play(SoundType.World, args.Weapon.Report, self.World, self.CenterPosition);
コード例 #20
        public override void DoImpact(Target target, Actor firedBy, IEnumerable <int> damageModifiers)
            var map = firedBy.World.Map;

            var targetCell = map.CellContaining(target.CenterPosition);

            if (!IsValidImpact(target.CenterPosition, firedBy))

            var targetCells = map.FindTilesInCircle(targetCell, Range);

            foreach (var cell in targetCells)
                var tc = Target.FromCell(firedBy.World, cell);

                if (!weapon.IsValidAgainst(tc, firedBy.World, firedBy))

                var args = new ProjectileArgs
                    Weapon = weapon,
                    Facing = (map.CenterOfCell(cell) - target.CenterPosition).Yaw.Facing,

                    DamageModifiers = !firedBy.IsDead ? firedBy.TraitsImplementing <IFirepowerModifier>()
                                      .Select(a => a.GetFirepowerModifier()).ToArray() : new int[0],

                    InaccuracyModifiers = !firedBy.IsDead ? firedBy.TraitsImplementing <IInaccuracyModifier>()
                                          .Select(a => a.GetInaccuracyModifier()).ToArray() : new int[0],

                    RangeModifiers = !firedBy.IsDead ? firedBy.TraitsImplementing <IRangeModifier>()
                                     .Select(a => a.GetRangeModifier()).ToArray() : new int[0],

                    Source        = target.CenterPosition,
                    SourceActor   = firedBy,
                    PassiveTarget = map.CenterOfCell(cell),
                    GuidedTarget  = tc

                if (args.Weapon.Projectile != null)
                    var projectile = args.Weapon.Projectile.Create(args);
                    if (projectile != null)
                        firedBy.World.AddFrameEndTask(w => w.Add(projectile));

                    if (args.Weapon.Report != null && args.Weapon.Report.Any())
                        Game.Sound.Play(args.Weapon.Report.Random(firedBy.World.SharedRandom), target.CenterPosition);
コード例 #21
ファイル: Bullet.cs プロジェクト: ushalin/OpenRA
        public Bullet(BulletInfo info, ProjectileArgs args)
            this.info = info;
            this.args = args;
            this.pos  = args.Source;

            var world = args.SourceActor.World;

            if (info.Angle.Length > 1)
                angle = new WAngle(world.SharedRandom.Next(info.Angle[0].Angle, info.Angle[1].Angle));
                angle = info.Angle[0];

            if (info.Speed.Length > 1)
                speed = new WRange(world.SharedRandom.Next(info.Speed[0].Range, info.Speed[1].Range));
                speed = info.Speed[0];

            target = args.PassiveTarget;
            if (info.Inaccuracy.Range > 0)
                var inaccuracy = OpenRA.Traits.Util.ApplyPercentageModifiers(info.Inaccuracy.Range, args.InaccuracyModifiers);
                var maxOffset  = inaccuracy * (target - pos).Length / args.Weapon.Range.Range;
                target += WVec.FromPDF(world.SharedRandom, 2) * maxOffset / 1024;

            facing = OpenRA.Traits.Util.GetFacing(target - pos, 0);
            length = Math.Max((target - pos).Length / speed.Range, 1);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.Image))
                anim = new Animation(world, info.Image, GetEffectiveFacing);

            if (info.ContrailLength > 0)
                var color = info.ContrailUsePlayerColor ? ContrailRenderable.ChooseColor(args.SourceActor) : info.ContrailColor;
                contrail = new ContrailRenderable(world, color, info.ContrailLength, info.ContrailDelay, 0);

            trailPalette = info.TrailPalette;
            if (info.TrailUsePlayerPalette)
                trailPalette += args.SourceActor.Owner.InternalName;

            smokeTicks = info.TrailDelay;
コード例 #22
        public override void DoImpact(Target target, Actor firedBy, IEnumerable <int> damageModifiers)
            if (!target.IsValidFor(firedBy))

            var world = firedBy.World;
            var map   = world.Map;

            if (!IsValidImpact(target.CenterPosition, firedBy))

            var targetpos = UseZOffsetAsAbsoluteHeight
                                ? new WPos(target.CenterPosition.X + Offset.X, target.CenterPosition.Y + Offset.Y,
                                           map.CenterOfCell(map.CellContaining(target.CenterPosition)).Z + Offset.Z)
                                : target.CenterPosition + Offset;

            var fragmentTarget = Target.FromPos(targetpos);

            var args = new ProjectileArgs
                Weapon = weapon,
                Facing = (fragmentTarget.CenterPosition - target.CenterPosition).Yaw.Facing,

                DamageModifiers = !firedBy.IsDead ? firedBy.TraitsImplementing <IFirepowerModifier>()
                                  .Select(a => a.GetFirepowerModifier()).ToArray() : new int[0],

                InaccuracyModifiers = !firedBy.IsDead ? firedBy.TraitsImplementing <IInaccuracyModifier>()
                                      .Select(a => a.GetInaccuracyModifier()).ToArray() : new int[0],

                RangeModifiers = !firedBy.IsDead ? firedBy.TraitsImplementing <IRangeModifier>()
                                 .Select(a => a.GetRangeModifier()).ToArray() : new int[0],

                Source        = target.CenterPosition,
                CurrentSource = () => target.CenterPosition,
                SourceActor   = firedBy,
                GuidedTarget  = fragmentTarget,
                PassiveTarget = fragmentTarget.CenterPosition

            if (args.Weapon.Projectile != null)
                var projectile = args.Weapon.Projectile.Create(args);
                if (projectile != null)
                    firedBy.World.AddFrameEndTask(w => w.Add(projectile));

                if (args.Weapon.Report != null && args.Weapon.Report.Any())
                    Game.Sound.Play(SoundType.World, args.Weapon.Report.Random(firedBy.World.SharedRandom), target.CenterPosition);
コード例 #23
        public override void DoImpact(Target target, Actor firedBy, IEnumerable <int> damageModifiers)
            Actor selftarget = firedBy;

            if (!IsValidImpact(target.CenterPosition, firedBy))

            Target shrapnelTarget = Target.Invalid;

            shrapnelTarget = Target.FromActor(selftarget);

            if (shrapnelTarget.Type != TargetType.Invalid)
                var args = new ProjectileArgs
                    Weapon = weapon,
                    Facing = (shrapnelTarget.CenterPosition - target.CenterPosition).Yaw.Facing,

                    DamageModifiers = !firedBy.IsDead
                        ? firedBy.TraitsImplementing <IFirepowerModifier>()
                                      .Select(a => a.GetFirepowerModifier()).ToArray()
                        : new int[0],

                    InaccuracyModifiers = !firedBy.IsDead
                        ? firedBy.TraitsImplementing <IInaccuracyModifier>()
                                          .Select(a => a.GetInaccuracyModifier()).ToArray()
                        : new int[0],

                    RangeModifiers = !firedBy.IsDead
                        ? firedBy.TraitsImplementing <IRangeModifier>()
                                     .Select(a => a.GetRangeModifier()).ToArray()
                        : new int[0],

                    Source        = target.CenterPosition,
                    SourceActor   = firedBy,
                    GuidedTarget  = shrapnelTarget,
                    PassiveTarget = shrapnelTarget.CenterPosition

                if (args.Weapon.Projectile != null)
                    var projectile = args.Weapon.Projectile.Create(args);
                    if (projectile != null)
                        firedBy.World.AddFrameEndTask(w => w.Add(projectile));

                    if (args.Weapon.Report != null && args.Weapon.Report.Any())
                        Game.Sound.Play(SoundType.World, args.Weapon.Report.Random(firedBy.World.SharedRandom), target.CenterPosition);
コード例 #24
ファイル: ThrowsShrapnel.cs プロジェクト: RAunplugged/OpenRA
        public void Killed(Actor self, AttackInfo attack)
            if (IsTraitDisabled)

            foreach (var wep in Info.WeaponInfos)
                var pieces = self.World.SharedRandom.Next(Info.Pieces[0], Info.Pieces[1]);
                var range  = self.World.SharedRandom.Next(Info.Range[0].Length, Info.Range[1].Length);

                for (var i = 0; pieces > i; i++)
                    var rotation = WRot.FromFacing(self.World.SharedRandom.Next(1024));
                    var args     = new ProjectileArgs
                        Weapon = wep,
                        Facing = self.World.SharedRandom.Next(-1, 255),
                        CurrentMuzzleFacing = () => 0,

                        DamageModifiers = self.TraitsImplementing <IFirepowerModifier>()
                                          .Select(a => a.GetFirepowerModifier()).ToArray(),

                        InaccuracyModifiers = self.TraitsImplementing <IInaccuracyModifier>()
                                              .Select(a => a.GetInaccuracyModifier()).ToArray(),

                        RangeModifiers = self.TraitsImplementing <IRangeModifier>()
                                         .Select(a => a.GetRangeModifier()).ToArray(),

                        Source        = self.CenterPosition,
                        CurrentSource = () => self.CenterPosition,
                        SourceActor   = self,
                        PassiveTarget = self.CenterPosition + new WVec(range, 0, 0).Rotate(rotation)

                    self.World.AddFrameEndTask(x =>
                        if (args.Weapon.Projectile != null)
                            var projectile = args.Weapon.Projectile.Create(args);
                            if (projectile != null)

                            if (args.Weapon.Report != null && args.Weapon.Report.Any())
                                Game.Sound.Play(SoundType.World, args.Weapon.Report.Random(self.World.SharedRandom), self.CenterPosition);
コード例 #25
ファイル: RadBeam.cs プロジェクト: Orikuilov/Engine
        public RadBeam(ProjectileArgs args, RadBeamInfo info, Color color)
            this.args = args;
            this.info = info;
            target    = args.PassiveTarget;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.HitAnim))
                hitanim = new Animation(args.SourceActor.World, info.HitAnim);
コード例 #26
        public LaserZap(ProjectileArgs args, LaserZapInfo info, Color color)
            this.args  = args;
            this.info  = info;
            this.color = color;

            if (info.Explosion != null)
                this.explosion = new Animation(info.Explosion);
コード例 #27
ファイル: LaserZap.cs プロジェクト: epicelite/OpenRA
        public LaserZap(ProjectileArgs args, LaserZapInfo info, Color color)
            this.args   = args;
            this.info   = info;
            this.color  = color;
            this.target = args.PassiveTarget;

            if (info.HitAnim != null)
                this.hitanim = new Animation(info.HitAnim);
コード例 #28
ファイル: LaserZap.cs プロジェクト: ushalin/OpenRA
        public LaserZap(ProjectileArgs args, LaserZapInfo info, Color color)
            this.args   = args;
            this.info   = info;
            this.color  = color;
            this.target = args.PassiveTarget;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.HitAnim))
                this.hitanim = new Animation(args.SourceActor.World, info.HitAnim);
コード例 #29
        public TeslaZap(TeslaZapInfo info, ProjectileArgs args)
            Args = args;
            var bright = SequenceProvider.GetSequence(info.Image, "bright");
            var dim    = SequenceProvider.GetSequence(info.Image, "dim");

            for (var n = 0; n < info.DimZaps; n++)
                renderables.AddRange(DrawZapWandering(args.src, args.dest, dim));
            for (var n = 0; n < info.BrightZaps; n++)
                renderables.AddRange(DrawZapWandering(args.src, args.dest, bright));
コード例 #30
        public GravityBomb(GravityBombInfo info, ProjectileArgs args)
            Args     = args;
            altitude = args.srcAltitude;

            anim = new Animation(info.Image);
            if (anim.HasSequence("open"))
                anim.PlayThen("open", () => anim.PlayRepeating("idle"));