コード例 #1
    IEnumerator ShowLoadDialogCoroutine()
        // Show a load file dialog and wait for a response from user
        // Load file/folder: file, Initial path: default (Documents), Title: "Load File", submit button text: "Load"
        yield return(FileBrowser.WaitForLoadDialog(false, null, "Load File", "Load"));

        if (FileBrowser.Success)
            var player = _projectVideo.GetVideoPlayer();
            if (player != null)
                player.url = FileBrowser.Result;

        // Dialog is closed
        // Print whether a file is chosen (FileBrowser.Success)
        // and the path to the selected file (FileBrowser.Result) (null, if FileBrowser.Success is false)
        Debug.Log(FileBrowser.Success + " " + FileBrowser.Result);