private string checkSelectedStates(int selectedState, IDbCommand cmd, ProjeSahiplik pSBegin, ProjeSahiplik pSEnd) { string r = ""; if (selectedState == tumProjeler) { r += ""; } if (selectedState == teslimEdilmis) { r += " and pS.ApproveDate is not null "; } if (selectedState == zamanindaOnce) { r += " and pS.ApproveDate is not null and Convert(datetime,pS.EndDate,105)>Convert(datetime,pS.ApproveDate,105)"; } if (selectedState == zamaninda) { r += " and pS.ApproveDate is not null and Convert(datetime,pS.EndDate,105)=Convert(datetime,pS.ApproveDate,105)"; } if (selectedState == zamanindanSonra) { r += " and pS.ApproveDate is not null and Convert(datetime,pS.EndDate,105)<Convert(datetime,pS.ApproveDate,105)"; } if (selectedState == zamanıDolmusVeTeslimEdilmemis) { r += " and pS.ApproveDate is null and Convert(datetime,pS.EndDate,105)<Convert(datetime,GETDATE(),105)"; } return(r); }
private void projeAta() { ProjeAta pAta = new ProjeAta(); gridToEntity(); pAta.setProje(projeEntity); pAta.ShowDialog(); if (pAta.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { try { stajyerEntity = pAta.getStajyer(); DateTime EndDate = pAta.getEndDate(); ProjeSahiplik pSEntity = new ProjeSahiplik(); pSEntity.Active = true; pSEntity.EndDate = EndDate; pSEntity.InsDate = DateTime.Now; pSEntity.ProjeId = projeEntity.Id; pSEntity.StajyerId = stajyerEntity.Id; new ProjeSahiplikDAOBase().Save(pSEntity); MessageBox.Show("Başarılı"); } catch (Exception e1) { MessageBox.Show("HATA"); } } }
public void openProject(ProjeSahiplik pSEntity, bool adminStajyer) { string path = pSEntity.Path + "\\" + pSEntity.ProjeAdi + ".sln"; FolderBrowserDialog fbd = null; DialogResult result; Process p; if (adminStajyer) { string adminPath = pSEntity.Path; try { if (File.Exists(path)) { adminPath += "\\" + pSEntity.ProjeAdi + ".sln"; p = new Process(); p.StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(adminPath); p.Start(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Intern does not upload any project!"); } return; } catch { MessageBox.Show("File Deleted or wrong Location!"); } } else { while (!File.Exists(path)) { MessageBox.Show("Yol bulunamadı yeni yol tanımlayın"); fbd = new FolderBrowserDialog(); result = fbd.ShowDialog(); if (result == DialogResult.OK) { pSEntity.Path = fbd.SelectedPath; path = pSEntity.Path + "\\" + pSEntity.ProjeAdi + ".sln"; } else { return; } } new ProjeSahiplikDAO().Save(pSEntity); } p = new Process(); p.StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(path); p.Start(); }
private void screenToEntity() { if (pSEntity == null) { pSEntity = new ProjeSahiplik(); } pSEntity.Id = (int)projeGrid.CurrentRow.Cells["Id"].Value; pSEntity = new ProjeSahiplikDAO().SelectById(pSEntity.Id); pSEntity.Versiyon = projeGrid.CurrentRow.Cells["Versiyon"].Value.ToString(); pSEntity.ProjeAdi = projeGrid.CurrentRow.Cells["ProjeAdi"].Value.ToString(); }
public List <ProjeVersiyonlari> getAllInternProjectsVersions(ProjeSahiplik projeSahiplikEntity) { string select = "select p.Adi ,pV.* "; string from = "from Proje p join ProjeSahiplik pS on p.Id = pS.ProjeId join ProjeVersiyonlari pV on pS.Id = pV.ProjeSahiplikId "; string where = " where pS.Id = @ProjeSahiplikId and pV.Active = @Active"; string query = select + from + where; IDbCommand cmd = this.CreateCommand(query); AddParameter(cmd, "@Active", true); AddParameter(cmd, "@ProjeSahiplikId", projeSahiplikEntity.Id); List <ProjeVersiyonlari> a = SelectCompact(cmd).Cast <ProjeVersiyonlari>().ToList(); return(a); }
public bool updateProject(ProjeSahiplik pSEntity) { string path = pSEntity.Path; if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { MessageBox.Show("File can't find"); return(false); } try { //find project Proje pEntity = new ProjeDAO().SelectById(pSEntity.ProjeId); //increase version number string versiyonNumber = versiyonNumarasiArttir(pSEntity.Versiyon); string destDirName = @"..\..\Projeler\" + pSEntity.StajyerId + "\\" + pEntity.Adi + "\\" + versiyonNumber; DirectoryCopy(path, destDirName, true); ProjeVersiyonlari pVEntity = new ProjeVersiyonlari(); pVEntity.Versiyon = versiyonNumber; pVEntity.InsDate = DateTime.Now; pVEntity.Active = true; pVEntity.ProjeSahiplikId = pSEntity.Id; pVEntity.Path = destDirName; new ProjeVersiyonlariDAO().Save(pVEntity); pSEntity.Versiyon = versiyonNumber; new ProjeSahiplikDAO().Save(pSEntity); } catch { return(false); } return(true); }
private void projeGridToEntity() { row = ProjeGrid.CurrentRow; if (pSEntity == null) { pSEntity = new ProjeSahiplik(); } if (versiyonEntity == null) { versiyonEntity = new ProjeVersiyonlari(); } pSEntity.Id = (int)row.Cells["Id"].Value; pSEntity = new ProjeSahiplikDAO().SelectById(pSEntity.Id); pSEntity.Versiyon = row.Cells["Versiyon"].Value.ToString(); pSEntity.ProjeAdi = row.Cells["ProjeAdi"].Value.ToString(); versiyonEntity.ProjeSahiplikId = (int)row.Cells["Id"].Value; versiyonEntity.ProjeAdi = row.Cells["ProjeAdi"].Value.ToString(); versiyonEntity.Versiyon = row.Cells["Versiyon"].Value.ToString(); if (versiyonEntity.Versiyon != "<yok>") { versiyonEntity = new ProjeVersiyonlariDAO().SelectOneByOwnerIdAndVersion(versiyonEntity); } pSEntity.Path = versiyonEntity.Path; }
public void Delete(ProjeSahiplik Entity) { Entity.Active = false; Save(Entity); }
private string checkSelectedDates(bool beginInsDatePicker, bool beginEndDatePicker, bool beginApproveDatePicker , bool finishInsDatePicker, bool finishEndDatePicker, bool finishApproveDatePicker, IDbCommand cmd, ProjeSahiplik pSBegin, ProjeSahiplik pSEnd) { string r = ""; if (beginInsDatePicker) { r += " and CONVERT(datetime,pS.InsDate,105)>=@beginInsDate"; AddParameter(cmd, "@beginInsDate", pSBegin.InsDate); } if (beginEndDatePicker) { r += " and CONVERT(datetime,pS.EndDate,105) >=@beginEndDate"; AddParameter(cmd, "@beginEndDate", pSBegin.EndDate); } if (beginApproveDatePicker) { r += " and CONVERT(datetime, pS.ApproveDate,105)>=@beginApproveDate"; AddParameter(cmd, "@beginApproveDate", pSBegin.ApproveDate); } if (finishInsDatePicker) { r += " and CONVERT(datetime, pS.InsDate,105) <=@finishInsDate"; AddParameter(cmd, "@finishInsDate", pSEnd.InsDate); } if (finishEndDatePicker) { r += " and CONVERT(datetime, pS.EndDate,105) <=@finishEndDate"; AddParameter(cmd, "@finishEndDate", pSEnd.EndDate); } if (finishApproveDatePicker) { r += " and CONVERT(datetime,pS.ApproveDate,105) <=@finishApproveDate"; AddParameter(cmd, "@finishApproveDate", pSEnd.ApproveDate); } return(r); }
public List <ProjeSahiplik> searchInProjeSahiplik(bool beginInsDatePicker, bool beginEndDatePicker, bool beginApproveDatePicker, bool finishInsDatePicker, bool finishEndDatePicker, bool finishApproveDatePicker, int selectedState, ProjeSahiplik pSBegin, ProjeSahiplik pSEnd, Proje pEntity, Kullanici kEntity) { IDbCommand cmd = this.CreateCommand(""); string whereEkle = ""; string where = ""; whereEkle += checkSelectedDates(beginInsDatePicker, beginEndDatePicker, beginApproveDatePicker, finishInsDatePicker, finishEndDatePicker, finishApproveDatePicker, cmd, pSBegin, pSEnd); whereEkle += checkSelectedStates(selectedState, cmd, pSBegin, pSEnd); whereEkle += getFromTxtField(cmd, pEntity, kEntity); where += whereEkle; string query = ""; query = "Select pS.Id as [Id], p.Adi as [ProjeAdi], k.Adi as [StajyerAdi], pS.Versiyon as [Versiyon], k.Id as [StajyerId]," + " p.Id as [ProjeId], pS.Active,pS.InsDate, pS.EndDate, pS.ApproveDate, pS.Path " + " from dbo.Kullanici k " + "inner join dbo.ProjeSahiplik pS on pS.StajyerId = k.Id " + "inner join dbo.Proje p on p.Id = pS.ProjeId "; query += where; cmd.CommandText = query; return(SelectCompact(cmd).ToList()); }