コード例 #1
ファイル: ExampleTest.cs プロジェクト: softempire/proj4net
        public void TestExplicitTransform()
            const String csName1 = "EPSG:32636";
            const String csName2 = "EPSG:4326";

            CoordinateTransformFactory       ctFactory = new CoordinateTransformFactory();
            CoordinateReferenceSystemFactory csFactory = new CoordinateReferenceSystemFactory();

             * Create {@link CoordinateReferenceSystem} & CoordinateTransformation.
             * Normally this would be carried out once and reused for all transformations
            CoordinateReferenceSystem crs1 = csFactory.CreateFromName(csName1);
            CoordinateReferenceSystem crs2 = csFactory.CreateFromName(csName2);

            ICoordinateTransform trans = ctFactory.CreateTransform(crs1, crs2);

             * Create input and output points.
             * These can be constructed once per thread and reused.
            ProjCoordinate p1 = new ProjCoordinate();
            ProjCoordinate p2 = new ProjCoordinate();

            p1.X = 500000;
            p1.Y = 4649776.22482;

             * Transform point
            trans.Transform(p1, p2);

            Assert.IsTrue(IsInTolerance(p2, 33, 42, 0.000001));
コード例 #2
ファイル: Proj4NetTests.cs プロジェクト: softempire/proj4net
        public void CRSFactoryTest()
            CoordinateReferenceSystemFactory crsFactory = new CoordinateReferenceSystemFactory();
            CoordinateReferenceSystem        crsSource  = crsFactory.CreateFromName("EPSG:4326");

            Assert.AreEqual("EPSG:4326", crsSource.Name);
            CoordinateReferenceSystem crsTarget = crsFactory.CreateFromParameters("EPSG:3875", "+proj=merc +lon_0=0 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs");

            Assert.AreEqual("EPSG:3875", crsTarget.Name);
            BasicCoordinateTransform t = new BasicCoordinateTransform(crsSource, crsTarget);

            ProjCoordinate prjSrc = new ProjCoordinate(0, 0);
            ProjCoordinate prjTgt = new ProjCoordinate();

            t.Transform(prjSrc, prjTgt);

            BasicCoordinateTransform t2      = new BasicCoordinateTransform(crsTarget, crsSource);
            ProjCoordinate           prjTgt2 = new ProjCoordinate();

            t2.Transform(prjTgt, prjTgt2);

            Assert.AreEqual(0d, prjSrc.Distance(prjTgt2));
コード例 #3
ファイル: ExampleTest.cs プロジェクト: softempire/proj4net
        private static Boolean CheckTransform(String csName, double lon, double lat, double expectedX, double expectedY, double tolerance)
            CoordinateTransformFactory       ctFactory = new CoordinateTransformFactory();
            CoordinateReferenceSystemFactory csFactory = new CoordinateReferenceSystemFactory();

             * Create {@link CoordinateReferenceSystem} & CoordinateTransformation.
             * Normally this would be carried out once and reused for all transformations
            CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = csFactory.CreateFromName(csName);

            const String wgs84Param         = "+title=long/lat:WGS84 +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=degrees";
            CoordinateReferenceSystem wgs84 = csFactory.CreateFromParameters("WGS84", wgs84Param);

            ICoordinateTransform trans = ctFactory.CreateTransform(wgs84, crs);

             * Create input and output points.
             * These can be constructed once per thread and reused.
            ProjCoordinate p  = new ProjCoordinate();
            ProjCoordinate p2 = new ProjCoordinate();

            p.X = lon;
            p.Y = lat;

             * Transform point
            trans.Transform(p, p2);

            return(IsInTolerance(p2, expectedX, expectedY, tolerance));
コード例 #4
ファイル: TerrainReader.cs プロジェクト: JHaugland/WetAffairs
        public static Vector2 CalculatePixelvalue(ProjCoordinate OrthoCoordinate)
            Vector2 res = new Vector2();

            res.x = (float)((((OrthoCoordinate.Longitude * PIXEL_FACTOR)) + NORTHPOLE_OFFSET));
            res.y = (float)(OrthoCoordinate.Latitude * PIXEL_FACTOR);
            //Coordinate pco = PixelValueToCoordinate(res);
コード例 #5
ファイル: TerrainReader.cs プロジェクト: JHaugland/WetAffairs
        public static Coordinate PixelValueToCoordinate(Vector2 pixvalue)
            const float a = PIXEL_FACTOR;
            const float b = -PIXEL_FACTOR;

            double     latOrtho  = -(Math.Pow(b, -1) + Math.Pow(b, -1) * pixvalue.y);
            double     longOrtho = -(NORTHPOLE_OFFSET)*Math.Pow(a, -1) + Math.Pow(a, -1) * pixvalue.x;
            var        pro       = new ProjCoordinate(latOrtho, longOrtho);
            Coordinate c         = pro.FromOrthoProjectedCoordinate();

コード例 #6
        public void TestOrthographicProjection()
            Coordinate     coorOrigo   = new Coordinate(89.99999999, 0.000000000001);
            ProjCoordinate pCoordOrigo = coorOrigo.ToOrthoProjectedCoordinate();

            Coordinate     coordSouthEast      = new Coordinate(0, -90);
            Coordinate     coordSouthMeredian  = new Coordinate(0, 0);
            ProjCoordinate pCoordSouthEast     = coordSouthEast.ToOrthoProjectedCoordinate();
            ProjCoordinate pCoordSouthMeredian = coordSouthMeredian.ToOrthoProjectedCoordinate();
            Coordinate     coordBergen         = new Coordinate(60, 5);
            Coordinate     coordLondon         = new Coordinate(51.508056, -0.124722);
            Coordinate     coordReykjarvik     = new Coordinate(64.133333, -21.933333);
            Coordinate     coordBoston         = new Coordinate(42.357778, -71.061667);
            Coordinate     coordMoscow         = new Coordinate(55.751667, 37.617778);
            Coordinate     coordNorthCape      = new Coordinate(71.1725, 25.794444);

            ProjCoordinate pCoordBergen     = coordBergen.ToOrthoProjectedCoordinate();
            ProjCoordinate pCoordLondon     = coordLondon.ToOrthoProjectedCoordinate();
            ProjCoordinate pCoordReykjarvik = coordReykjarvik.ToOrthoProjectedCoordinate();
            ProjCoordinate pCoordBoston     = coordBoston.ToOrthoProjectedCoordinate();
            ProjCoordinate pCoordMoscow     = coordMoscow.ToOrthoProjectedCoordinate();
            ProjCoordinate pCoordNorthcape  = coordNorthCape.ToOrthoProjectedCoordinate();

            ProjCoordinate pCoordNorthOfBergen = new Coordinate(62, 5).ToOrthoProjectedCoordinate();
            ProjCoordinate pCoordSouthOfBergen = new Coordinate(58, 5).ToOrthoProjectedCoordinate();
            ProjCoordinate pCoordWestOfBergen  = new Coordinate(60, 0).ToOrthoProjectedCoordinate();
            ProjCoordinate pCoordEastOfBergen  = new Coordinate(60, 10).ToOrthoProjectedCoordinate();

            GameManager.Instance.Log.LogDebug("*** TestOrthographicProjection()");
            GameManager.Instance.Log.LogDebug("NORTH TO SOUTH ALONG NULL-MERIDIAN, EVERY 10");
            for (int i = 90; i > 0; i -= 10)
                Coordinate     coor  = new Coordinate(i, 0);
                ProjCoordinate pcoor = coor.ToOrthoProjectedCoordinate();
                GameManager.Instance.Log.LogDebug(string.Format("Coordinate {0} is projected as {1}", coor, pcoor));
            GameManager.Instance.Log.LogDebug("*** WEST TO EAST ALONG 60 DEG N, EVERY 10");
            for (int i = -90; i < 90; i += 10)
                Coordinate     coor  = new Coordinate(60, i);
                ProjCoordinate pcoor = coor.ToOrthoProjectedCoordinate();
                GameManager.Instance.Log.LogDebug(string.Format("Coordinate {0} is projected as {1}", coor, pcoor));

            Coordinate coordNullNull = new ProjCoordinate(0, 0).FromOrthoProjectedCoordinate();

            Coordinate coord2    = pCoordOrigo.FromOrthoProjectedCoordinate();
            double     DistanceM = MapHelper.CalculateDistanceM(coorOrigo, coord2);

            Assert.IsTrue(DistanceM < 1, "Coordinate 1 projected and back again should be the same");
コード例 #7
        public static Coordinate FromEquiCoordinate(this ProjCoordinate projectedCoordinate)
            Coordinate result = new Coordinate();

            result.LongitudeDeg = (float)(projectedCoordinate.Longitude / Math.Cos(0) /
                                          (Math.PI / 180.0));

            // Calculate the geographic Y coordinate (latitude)
            result.LatitudeDeg = (float)(projectedCoordinate.Latitude / (Math.PI / 180.0));

            //result.Latitude = projectedCoordinate.Latitude.ToRadian() * Math.Cos(0) * ONEOVERWGS84SEMIMAJOR;
            //result.Longitude = projectedCoordinate.Longitude.ToRadian() * ONEOVERWGS84SEMIMAJOR;
コード例 #8
        public void TestProjCordinate()
            Coordinate     C1 = new Coordinate(61.0, 5.0);
            ProjCoordinate P1 = MapProjection.ToEquiProjectedCoordinate(C1);
            Coordinate     C2 = MapProjection.FromEquiCoordinate(P1);

            double d  = C1.LatitudeDeg - C2.LatitudeDeg;
            double d2 = C1.LongitudeDeg - C2.LongitudeDeg;

            Assert.IsFalse(d > 0.1 && d < -0.1, "Coordinate C1 != C2");
            Assert.IsFalse(d2 > 0.1 && d2 < -0.1, "Coordinate C1 != C2");
            //Assert.AreEqual(C1.Latitude, C2.Latitude, "Coordinate C1 != C2");
            //Assert.AreEqual(C1.Longitude, C2.Longitude, "Coordinate C1 != C2");
コード例 #9
        public static ProjCoordinate ToOrthoProjectedCoordinate(this Coordinate geograpicCoordinate)
            double latRad        = geograpicCoordinate.LatitudeRad;
            double longRad       = geograpicCoordinate.LongitudeRad;
            double latCenterRad  = ORTHO_LATITUDE_CENTER_RAD;
            double longCenterRad = ORTHO_LONGITUDE_CENTER_RAD;

            double x = MapHelper.RADIUS_OF_EARTH_KM * Math.Cos(latRad) * Math.Sin(longRad - longCenterRad);
            double y = MapHelper.RADIUS_OF_EARTH_KM * (
                (Math.Cos(latCenterRad) * Math.Sin(latRad)) - (Math.Sin(latCenterRad) * Math.Cos(latRad) *
                                                               Math.Cos(longRad - longCenterRad)));
            ProjCoordinate result = new ProjCoordinate(y * -1, x);

            //note: Does not clip results that are "behind" the globe
コード例 #10
        public Boolean CheckTransform(
            CoordinateReferenceSystem srcCRS, double x1, double y1,
            CoordinateReferenceSystem tgtCRS, double x2, double y2,
            double tolerance)
            p.X = x1;
            p.Y = y1;
            var trans = ctFactory.CreateTransform(srcCRS, tgtCRS);

            trans.Transform(p, p2);

            var dx    = Math.Abs(p2.X - x2);
            var dy    = Math.Abs(p2.Y - y2);
            var delta = Math.Max(dx, dy);

            if (_verbose)
                Console.Write("{0} => {1}", srcCRS.Name, tgtCRS.Name);

            var isInTol = delta <= tolerance;

            if (_verbose)
                if (!isInTol)
                    Console.WriteLine(" ... FAILED");
                    var source = p.ToShortString();
                    Console.WriteLine("\t{0} -> {1}", source, p2.ToShortString());

                    var result = new ProjCoordinate(x2, y2);
                    var offset = new ProjCoordinate(p2.X - x2, p2.Y - y2);
                    Console.WriteLine("\t{0}    {1},  (tolerance={2}, max delta={3})",
                                      new string(' ', source.Length), result.ToShortString(),
                                      tolerance, delta);
                    Console.WriteLine("\tSource CRS: " + srcCRS.GetParameterString());
                    Console.WriteLine("\tTarget CRS: " + tgtCRS.GetParameterString());
                    Console.WriteLine(" ... PASSED");

コード例 #11
        public static ProjCoordinate ToEquiProjectedCoordinate(this Coordinate geographicCoordinate)
            // First, convert the geographic coordinate to radians
            double radianX = geographicCoordinate.LongitudeDeg * (Math.PI / 180);
            double radianY = geographicCoordinate.LatitudeDeg * (Math.PI / 180);

            // Make a new Point object
            ProjCoordinate result = new ProjCoordinate();

            // Calculate the projected X coordinate
            result.Longitude = (float)(radianX * Math.Cos(0));

            // Calculate the projected Y coordinate
            result.Latitude = (float)radianY;

            // Return the result

            //result.Latitude = geographicCoordinate.Latitude.ToRadian() * Math.Cos(0) * WGS84SEMIMAJOR;//Hmm...
            //result.Longitude = geographicCoordinate.Longitude.ToRadian()* WGS84SEMIMAJOR; //
            //return result;
コード例 #12
        public static Coordinate FromOrthoProjectedCoordinate(this ProjCoordinate projectedCoordinate)
            double latCenterRad  = ORTHO_LATITUDE_CENTER_RAD;
            double longCenterRad = ORTHO_LONGITUDE_CENTER_RAD;
            double y             = -projectedCoordinate.Latitude;
            double x             = projectedCoordinate.Longitude;
            double rho           = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(x, 2) + Math.Pow(y, 2));
            double c             = Math.Asin(rho / MapHelper.RADIUS_OF_EARTH_KM);

            double cCos = Math.Cos(c);
            double cSin = Math.Sin(c);

            double latCenterRadCos = Math.Cos(latCenterRad);
            double latCenterRadSin = Math.Sin(latCenterRad);

            double latRad  = Math.Asin((cCos * latCenterRadSin) + ((y * cSin * latCenterRadCos) / rho));
            double longRad = longCenterRad + Math.Atan((x * cSin) / ((rho * latCenterRadCos * cCos) - y * latCenterRadSin * cSin));

            Coordinate result = new Coordinate(latRad.ToDegreeSignedLatitude(), longRad.ToDegreeSignedLongitude());

コード例 #13
        public Boolean RunGrid(double tolerance)
            Boolean isWithinTolerance = true;

            _gridExtent = GridExtent(_cs.Projection);
            double minx = _gridExtent[0];
            double miny = _gridExtent[1];
            double maxx = _gridExtent[2];
            double maxy = _gridExtent[3];

            ProjCoordinate p = new ProjCoordinate();
            double         dx = (maxx - minx) / GridSize;
            double         dy = (maxy - miny) / GridSize;
            Int32          tests = 0, testsPassed = 0;

            for (int ix = 0; ix <= GridSize; ix++)
                for (int iy = 0; iy <= GridSize; iy++)
                    p.X = ix == GridSize ?
                               : minx + ix * dx;

                    p.Y = iy == GridSize ?
                               : miny + iy * dy;

                    Boolean isWithinTol = RoundTrip(p, tolerance);
                    if (isWithinTol)
            return(tests == testsPassed);
コード例 #14
        public void testRepeatedTransform()
            var crsFactory = new CoordinateReferenceSystemFactory();

            var src  = crsFactory.CreateFromName("epsg:4326");
            var dest = crsFactory.CreateFromName("epsg:27700");

            var ctf       = new CoordinateTransformFactory();
            var transform = ctf.CreateTransform(src, dest);

            var srcPt  = new ProjCoordinate(0.899167, 51.357216);
            var destPt = new ProjCoordinate();

            transform.Transform(srcPt, destPt);
            Console.WriteLine(srcPt + " ==> " + destPt);

            // do it again
            var destPt2 = new ProjCoordinate();

            transform.Transform(srcPt, destPt2);
            Console.WriteLine(srcPt + " ==> " + destPt2);

コード例 #15
        public ProjCoordinate projectInverse(double x, double y, ProjCoordinate lp)
            if (Spherical)
                double cosz = 0, rh, sinz = 0;

                rh = ProjectionMath.Distance(x, y);
                if ((lp.Y = rh * .5) > 1.0)
                    throw new ProjectionException();
                lp.Y = 2.0 * Math.Asin(lp.Y);
                if (Mode == AzimuthalMode.Oblique || Mode == AzimuthalMode.Equator)
                    sinz = Math.Sin(lp.Y);
                    cosz = Math.Cos(lp.Y);
                switch (Mode)
                case AzimuthalMode.Equator:
                    lp.Y = Math.Abs(rh) <= EPS10 ? 0.0 : Math.Asin(y * sinz / rh);
                    x   *= sinz;
                    y    = cosz * rh;

                case AzimuthalMode.Oblique:
                    lp.Y = Math.Abs(rh) <= EPS10 ? ProjectionLatitude :
                           Math.Asin(cosz * _sinphi0 + y * sinz * _cosphi0 / rh);
                    x *= sinz * _cosphi0;
                    y  = (cosz - Math.Sin(lp.Y) * _sinphi0) * rh;

                case AzimuthalMode.NorthPole:
                    y    = -y;
                    lp.Y = ProjectionMath.PiHalf - lp.Y;

                case AzimuthalMode.SouthPole:
                    lp.Y -= ProjectionMath.PiHalf;
                lp.X = (y == 0.0 && (Mode == AzimuthalMode.Equator || Mode == AzimuthalMode.Oblique)) ?
                       0.0 : Math.Atan2(x, y);
                double cCe, sCe, q, rho, ab = 0;

                switch (Mode)
                case AzimuthalMode.Equator:
                case AzimuthalMode.Oblique:
                    if ((rho = ProjectionMath.Distance(x /= _dd, y *= _dd)) < EPS10)
                        lp.X = 0.0;
                        lp.Y = ProjectionLatitude;
                    cCe = Math.Cos(sCe = 2.0 * Math.Asin(.5 * rho / _rq));
                    x  *= (sCe = Math.Sin(sCe));
                    if (Mode == AzimuthalMode.Oblique)
                        q = _qp * (ab = cCe * _sinb1 + y * sCe * _cosb1 / rho);
                        y = rho * _cosb1 * cCe - y * _sinb1 * sCe;
                        q = _qp * (ab = y * sCe / rho);
                        y = rho * cCe;

                case AzimuthalMode.NorthPole:
                case AzimuthalMode.SouthPole:
                    if (Mode == AzimuthalMode.NorthPole)
                        y = -y;
                    if ((q = (x * x + y * y)) == 0)
                        lp.X = 0.0;
                        lp.Y = ProjectionLatitude;
                    ab = 1.0 - q / _qp;
                    if (Mode == AzimuthalMode.SouthPole)
                        ab = -ab;
                lp.X = Math.Atan2(x, y);
                lp.Y = ProjectionMath.AuthLat(Math.Asin(ab), _apa);
コード例 #16
        public ProjCoordinate project(double lam, double phi, ProjCoordinate xy)
            if (Spherical)
                double coslam, cosphi, sinphi;

                sinphi = Math.Sin(phi);
                cosphi = Math.Cos(phi);
                coslam = Math.Cos(lam);
                switch (Mode)
                case AzimuthalMode.Equator:
                    xy.Y = 1.0 + cosphi * coslam;
                    if (xy.Y <= EPS10)
                        throw new ProjectionException();
                    xy.X  = (xy.Y = Math.Sqrt(2.0 / xy.Y)) * cosphi * Math.Sin(lam);
                    xy.Y *= Mode == AzimuthalMode.Equator
                                ? sinphi
                            _cosphi0 * sinphi - _sinphi0 * cosphi * coslam;

                case AzimuthalMode.Oblique:
                    xy.Y = 1.0
                           + _sinphi0 * sinphi + _cosphi0 * cosphi * coslam;
                    if (xy.Y <= EPS10)
                        throw new ProjectionException();
                    xy.X = (xy.Y = Math.Sqrt(2.0 / xy.Y))
                           * cosphi * Math.Sin(lam);
                    xy.Y *= Mode == AzimuthalMode.Equator
                                ? sinphi
                            _cosphi0 * sinphi - _sinphi0 * cosphi * coslam;

                case AzimuthalMode.NorthPole:
                case AzimuthalMode.SouthPole:
                    if (Mode == AzimuthalMode.NorthPole)
                        coslam = -coslam;
                    if (Math.Abs(phi + ProjectionLatitude) < EPS10)
                        throw new ProjectionException();
                    xy.Y = ProjectionMath.PiFourth - phi * .5;
                    xy.Y = 2.0
                           * (Mode == AzimuthalMode.SouthPole ? Math.Cos(xy.Y) : Math.Sin(xy.Y));
                    xy.X  = xy.Y * Math.Sin(lam);
                    xy.Y *= coslam;
                double coslam, sinlam, sinphi, q, sinb = 0, cosb = 0, b = 0;

                coslam = Math.Cos(lam);
                sinlam = Math.Sin(lam);
                sinphi = Math.Sin(phi);
                q      = ProjectionMath.Qsfn(sinphi, Eccentricity, _oneEs);
                if (Mode == AzimuthalMode.Oblique || Mode == AzimuthalMode.Equator)
                    sinb = q / _qp;
                    cosb = Math.Sqrt(1.0 - sinb * sinb);
                switch (Mode)
                case AzimuthalMode.Oblique:
                    b = 1.0 + _sinb1 * sinb + _cosb1 * cosb * coslam;

                case AzimuthalMode.Equator:
                    b = 1.0 + cosb * coslam;

                case AzimuthalMode.NorthPole:
                    b = ProjectionMath.PiHalf + phi;
                    q = _qp - q;

                case AzimuthalMode.SouthPole:
                    b = phi - ProjectionMath.PiHalf;
                    q = _qp + q;
                if (Math.Abs(b) < EPS10)
                    throw new ProjectionException();
                switch (Mode)
                case AzimuthalMode.Oblique:
                    xy.Y = _ymf * (b = Math.Sqrt(2.0 / b))
                           * (_cosb1 * sinb - _sinb1 * cosb * coslam);
                    xy.X = _xmf * b * cosb * sinlam;

                case AzimuthalMode.Equator:
                    xy.Y = (b = Math.Sqrt(2.0 / (1.0 + cosb * coslam))) * sinb * _ymf;
                    xy.X = _xmf * b * cosb * sinlam;

                case AzimuthalMode.NorthPole:
                case AzimuthalMode.SouthPole:
                    if (q >= 0.0)
                        xy.X = (b = Math.Sqrt(q)) * sinlam;
                        xy.Y = coslam * (Mode == AzimuthalMode.SouthPole ? b : -b);
                        xy.X = xy.Y = 0.0;
コード例 #17
        public MapVisulizer()

            _player = new Player();

            CenterMarker.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, (backgr.Height - CenterMarker.Height) / 2);
            CenterMarker.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, (backgr.Width - CenterMarker.Width) / 2);

            _game = GameManager.Instance.CreateGame(_player, "TestGame");
            _game.IsNetworkEnabled = false;
            Group group = new Group();

            Position pos      = new Position(60.25, 5.25);
            BaseUnit unitMain = GameManager.Instance.GameData.CreateUnit(_player, group, "arleighburke", "Arleigh Burke", pos, true);

            unitMain.MovementOrder.AddWaypoint(new Waypoint(new Position(60.5, 5.5)));

            unitMain.ActualSpeedKph = 40.0;
            unitMain.Position.BearingDeg = .0;
            //pos = new Position(61.5, 5.5);
            BaseUnit unitFollow  = GameManager.Instance.GameData.CreateUnit(_player, group, "arleighburke", "Hood", pos, true);
            BaseUnit unitFollow2 = GameManager.Instance.GameData.CreateUnit(_player, group, "arleighburke", "Hood", pos, true);

            MovementFormationOrder order  = new MovementFormationOrder(unitMain, 326000, -326000, 0);
            MovementFormationOrder order2 = new MovementFormationOrder(unitMain, -326000, 326000, 0);
            Waypoint waypoint             = order.GetActiveWaypoint();
            Waypoint waypoint2            = order2.GetActiveWaypoint();

            unitFollow.Position  = waypoint.Position.Clone();
            unitFollow2.Position = waypoint2.Position.Clone();
            double distanceM = MapHelper.CalculateDistanceM(unitMain.Position.Coordinate, unitFollow.Position.Coordinate);

            ProjCoordinate min = MapProjection.ToEquiProjectedCoordinate(new Coordinate(61.0, 6.0));
            ProjCoordinate max = MapProjection.ToEquiProjectedCoordinate(new Coordinate(62.0, 5));
            Coordinate     CenterCoordinate = MapHelper.CalculateMidpoint(new Coordinate(62.0, 5.0), new Coordinate(62.0, 6.0));

            RotateTransform rt = new RotateTransform();

            rt.Angle   = (double)unitMain.Position.BearingDeg;
            rt.CenterX = mainShip.Width / 2;
            rt.CenterY = mainShip.Height / 2;

            double testX = MapHelper.LongitudeToXvalue(unitMain.Position.Coordinate.LongitudeDeg, 1);
            double testY = MapHelper.LatitudeToYvalue(unitMain.Position.Coordinate.LatitudeDeg, 1);

            testX = ((512 - 10) / 2) + testX;
            testY = ((512 - 10) / 2) + testY;

            mainShip.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, testX);
            mainShip.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, testY);
            mainShip.RenderTransform = rt;

            rt.Angle = (double)waypoint.Position.BearingDeg;
            folowingShip.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, ((512 - 10) / 2) + MapHelper.LongitudeToXvalue(waypoint.Position.Coordinate, 1));
            folowingShip.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, ((512 - 10) / 2) + MapHelper.LatitudeToYvalue(waypoint.Position.Coordinate, 1));
            folowingShip.RenderTransform = rt;

            rt.Angle = (double)waypoint2.Position.BearingDeg;
            folowingShip2.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, ((512 - 10) / 2) + MapHelper.LongitudeToXvalue(waypoint2.Position.Coordinate, 1));
            folowingShip2.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, ((512 - 10) / 2) + MapHelper.LatitudeToYvalue(waypoint2.Position.Coordinate, 1));
            folowingShip2.RenderTransform = rt;
コード例 #18
        private object Transform2D_(object geometry, bool inverse)
            if (_projectionPipeline == null)

            CoordinateReferenceSystem from = _fromSrs, to = _toSrs;
            bool fromProjective = _fromProjective, toProjektive = _toProjective;

            if (geometry == null)

            if (from == null || to == null)

            if (geometry is PointCollection)
                IPointCollection pColl = (IPointCollection)geometry;
                int pointCount         = pColl.PointCount;
                if (pointCount == 0)

                IPointCollection target = null;

                var basicTransformations = BasicTransformations(inverse);
                for (int b = 0, b_to = basicTransformations.Length; b < b_to; b++)
                    BasicCoordinateTransform t = basicTransformations[b];

                    if (pColl is IRing)
                        target = new Ring();
                    else if (pColl is IPath)
                        target = new Path();
                    else if (pColl is IMultiPoint)
                        target = new MultiPoint();
                        target = new PointCollection();

                    for (int i = 0; i < pointCount; i++)
                        ProjCoordinate cFrom = new ProjCoordinate(pColl[i].X, pColl[i].Y);
                        var            cTo   = new ProjCoordinate();
                        t.Transform(cFrom, cTo);
                        target.AddPoint(new Point(cTo.X, cTo.Y));

                    pColl = target;
            if (geometry is IPoint)
                IPoint target = null;

                var basicTransformations = BasicTransformations(inverse);
                for (int b = 0, b_to = basicTransformations.Length; b < b_to; b++)
                    BasicCoordinateTransform t = basicTransformations[b];

                    ProjCoordinate cFrom = new ProjCoordinate(((IPoint)geometry).X, ((IPoint)geometry).Y), cTo = new ProjCoordinate();
                    t.Transform(cFrom, cTo);
                    target = new Point(cTo.X, cTo.Y);

                    geometry = target;
            if (geometry is IEnvelope)
                return(Transform2D_(((IEnvelope)geometry).ToPolygon(10), inverse));
            if (geometry is IPolyline)
                int       count    = ((IPolyline)geometry).PathCount;
                IPolyline polyline = new Polyline();
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    polyline.AddPath((IPath)Transform2D_(((IPolyline)geometry)[i], inverse));
            if (geometry is IPolygon)
                int      count   = ((IPolygon)geometry).RingCount;
                IPolygon polygon = new Polygon();
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    polygon.AddRing((IRing)Transform2D_(((IPolygon)geometry)[i], inverse));

            if (geometry is IAggregateGeometry)
                int count = ((IAggregateGeometry)geometry).GeometryCount;
                IAggregateGeometry aGeom = new AggregateGeometry();
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    aGeom.AddGeometry((IGeometry)Transform2D_(((IAggregateGeometry)geometry)[i], inverse));
