private void Progress_ProgressChanged(object sender, IndicatorProgressReport e)
            ProgressService.SetIndicatorAndShow(e.RingEnabled, e.Percentage, e.StatusMessage, e.WriteToDebugConsole);

            if (e.Percentage >= 100.0)
        private async void SetFileCache(IEnumerable <FileDiscoveryCache> cache)
            // Because the cache can either from from the Database or a recent Cache Discovery, we sort the cache here before moving on to display
            //cache = cache.OrderBy(x => x.FilePath).ToList();

            // Once the Cache is sorted, begin the proccessing to update the UI
            await Windows.ApplicationModel.Core.CoreApplication.MainView.CoreWindow.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal,
                                                                                                        () =>
                Debug.WriteLine($"{nameof(ThemeDetailsViewModel)} - {nameof(RefreshFileCache)} - COMPLETE");

                // Get the Grouped Cache
                var groupedCache = GroupedFileCache.FromCacheList(cache);

                // Clear the previous Cache and add in the new ones
                foreach (var c in groupedCache)