public virtual IProgressResult <float, T> LoadAssetAsync <T>(string path) where T : Object { try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { throw new System.ArgumentNullException("path", "The path is null or empty!"); } ProgressResult <float, T> result = new ProgressResult <float, T>(); AssetPathInfo pathInfo = this.pathInfoParser.Parse(path); if (pathInfo == null) { throw new System.Exception(string.Format("Not found the AssetBundle or parses the path info '{0}' failure.", path)); } T asset = this.GetCache <T>(path); if (asset != null) { result.UpdateProgress(1f); result.SetResult(asset); return(result); } IProgressResult <float, IBundle> bundleResult = this.LoadBundle(pathInfo.BundleName); float weight = bundleResult.IsDone ? 0f : DEFAULT_WEIGHT; bundleResult.Callbackable().OnProgressCallback(p => result.UpdateProgress(p * weight)); bundleResult.Callbackable().OnCallback((r) => { if (r.Exception != null) { result.SetException(r.Exception); return; } using (IBundle bundle = r.Result) { IProgressResult <float, T> assetResult = bundle.LoadAssetAsync <T>(pathInfo.AssetName); assetResult.Callbackable().OnProgressCallback(p => result.UpdateProgress(weight + (1f - weight) * p)); assetResult.Callbackable().OnCallback((ar) => { if (ar.Exception != null) { result.SetException(ar.Exception); } else { result.SetResult(ar.Result); this.AddCache <T>(path, ar.Result); } }); } }); return(result); } catch (System.Exception e) { return(new ImmutableProgressResult <float, T>(e, 0f)); } }
public virtual IProgressResult <float, Object[]> LoadAllAssetsAsync(string bundleName, System.Type type) { try { if (bundleName == null) { throw new System.ArgumentNullException("bundleName"); } if (type == null) { throw new System.ArgumentNullException("type"); } ProgressResult <float, Object[]> result = new ProgressResult <float, Object[]>(); IProgressResult <float, IBundle> bundleResult = this.LoadBundle(bundleName); float weight = bundleResult.IsDone ? 0f : DEFAULT_WEIGHT; bundleResult.Callbackable().OnProgressCallback(p => result.UpdateProgress(p * weight)); bundleResult.Callbackable().OnCallback((r) => { if (r.Exception != null) { result.SetException(r.Exception); return; } using (IBundle bundle = r.Result) { IProgressResult <float, Object[]> assetResult = bundle.LoadAllAssetsAsync(type); assetResult.Callbackable().OnProgressCallback(p => result.UpdateProgress(weight + (1f - weight) * p)); assetResult.Callbackable().OnCallback((ar) => { if (ar.Exception != null) { result.SetException(ar.Exception); } else { result.SetResult(ar.Result); } }); } }); return(result); } catch (System.Exception e) { return(new ImmutableProgressResult <float, Object[]>(e, 0f)); } }
public virtual IProgressResult <float, IBundle> LoadBundle(BundleInfo bundleInfo, int priority) { try { if (bundleInfo == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("The bundleInfo is null!"); } DefaultBundle bundle = this.GetOrCreateBundle(bundleInfo, priority); var result = bundle.Load(); ProgressResult <float, IBundle> resultCopy = new ProgressResult <float, IBundle>(); result.Callbackable().OnProgressCallback(p => resultCopy.UpdateProgress(p)); result.Callbackable().OnCallback((r) => { if (r.Exception != null) { resultCopy.SetException(r.Exception); } else { resultCopy.SetResult(new InternalBundleWrapper(bundle)); } }); return(resultCopy); } catch (Exception e) { return(new ImmutableProgressResult <float, IBundle>(e, 0f)); } }
private void InternalOpen <T>(Type type, ProgressResult <float, T> promise, ViewModel viewModel) where T : View { View view = null; var path = (GetClassData(type).Attribute as UIAttribute).Path; promise.Callbackable().OnCallback(progressResult => { Sort(view); view.Show(); }); if (openedSingleViews.TryGetValue(type, out var view1)) { promise.UpdateProgress(1); promise.SetResult(view1); } else { view = ReflectionHelper.CreateInstance(type) as View; Executors.RunOnCoroutineNoReturn(CreateViewGo(promise, view, path, viewModel)); } openedViews.Add(view); if (view.IsSingle) { openedSingleViews[type] = view; } }
/// <summary> /// 等待多久 /// </summary> /// <param name="duration">单位s</param> /// <returns></returns> public static IProgressResult <float> WaitAsync(float duration) { ProgressResult <float> result = new ProgressResult <float>(true); Timer timer = new Timer(); timer.Init(duration, onComplete: () => result.SetResult(), onUpdate: val => { result.UpdateProgress(val / duration); }, false, false, null); Timer._manager.RegisterTimer(timer); return(result); }
private void InternalOpen <T>(Type type, ProgressResult <float, T> promise, ViewModel viewModel) where T : View { promise.Callbackable().OnCallback(progressResult => { var _view = progressResult.Result; Sort(_view); _view.Show(); if (_view.IsSingle) { _openedViews[type] = _view; } }); if (_openedViews.TryGetValue(type, out var view)) { promise.UpdateProgress(1); promise.SetResult(view); } else { Executors.RunOnCoroutineNoReturn(CreateView(promise, type, viewModel)); } }
public virtual IProgressResult <float, IBundle> Load() { if (this.result == null || this.result.Exception != null) { this.result = this.Execute <float, IBundle>(promise => Wrap(DoLoadBundleAndDependencies(promise))); } ProgressResult <float, IBundle> resultCopy = new ProgressResult <float, IBundle>(); this.result.Callbackable().OnProgressCallback(p => resultCopy.UpdateProgress(p)); this.result.Callbackable().OnCallback((r) => { if (r.Exception != null) { resultCopy.SetException(r.Exception); } else { resultCopy.SetResult(new InternalBundleWrapper(this, r.Result)); } }); return(resultCopy); }