protected ProjectBuilder(Project project, ProgressEventHandler total_handler, ProgressEventHandler task_handler) { this.project = project; this.total_handler = total_handler; this.task_handler = task_handler; total = new ProgressEventArgs (); }
public void OnProgressUpdate(object sender, ProgressEventArgs args) { this.filteredReplays = args.Filtered; this.totalReplays = args.Total - args.Filtered; this.progressBar1.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, new Action<double>(this.UpdateProgressBar), args.Progress); this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, new Action(this.Refresh)); }
public void ProgressHadler(object sender, ProgressEventArgs e) { if (!Visible) Show(); if (e.Step == 0) { progressBar.Maximum = e.Steps; begin = DateTime.Now; } progressBar.Value = e.Step; stepLabel.Text = e.Step.ToString() + "/" + e.Steps.ToString(); actionNameLabel.Text = e.Process + " (" + e.ProcessedItem + ")"; Text = "Loading... (" + DateTime.Now.Subtract(begin).ToString() + ")"; if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(lastRefresh).Milliseconds > 200) { lastRefresh = DateTime.Now; Refresh(); } if (e.Step == (e.Steps - 1)) Hide(); }
void processor_ProgressUpdate(object sender, ProgressEventArgs<CopyFileWorkItem> e) { if (CopyFileProgressUpdate != null) { CopyFileProgressUpdate(this, e); } }
void OnProgress(object sender, ProgressEventArgs e) { if (e.before < this.progress && e.after >= this.progress) { Debug.LogFormat("{0} progress went from {1} to {2} which crosses threshold {3}, adding {4} to cash",, e.before, e.after, this.progress,; +=; thing.ProgressChanged -= OnProgress; } }
protected virtual void OnProgressEvent(ProgressEventArgs e) { Throw.If(e).IsNull(); EventHandler<ProgressEventArgs> evt = ProgressEvent; if (evt != null) { evt(this, e); } }
private void AssertEventArgsCorrect(ProgressEventArgs actual, EventType et, LocalNamespace ns, LocalTopic topic, Status oldStatus, Status newStatus, string message) { Assert.AreEqual(et, actual.EventType, "Checking that event types are equivalent for " + message); Assert.AreEqual(ns.Name, actual.Namespace.Name, "Checking that namespaces are equivalent for " + message); Assert.AreEqual(topic.Name, actual.Topic.Name, "Checking that topics are equivalent for " + message); Assert.AreEqual(oldStatus, actual.OldStatus, "Checking that old statuses are equivalent for " + message); Assert.AreEqual(newStatus, actual.NewStatus, "Checking that new statuses are equivalent for " + message); }
public void ProgressHandler(object sender, ProgressEventArgs e) { progress.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate() { if (!activity.Text.Equals(e.Process)) activityProgress.PerformStep(); activity.Text = e.Process; activityCountLabel.Text = activityProgress.Value.ToString() + "/3"; progressText.Text = e.ProcessedItem; progressCountLabel.Text = e.Step.ToString() + "/" + e.Steps; if (e.Step == 0) progress.Maximum = e.Steps; progress.Value = e.Step; })); }
private void ShowProgress(ProgressEventArgs e) { if ("nextStep".Equals(e.Message)) { label9.Text = "Ready measuring with signal"; button3.Enabled = true; progressBar.Value = 0; return; } if (objProcess.getIsStopped()) { label9.Text = "Result of measurement can be found in c:\\temp\\measurement.txt"; stopProcess(); progressBar.Value = 0; return; } progressBar.Value = (progressBar.Value + 1) % 100; if ( e.Message.Length > 0 ) label9.Text = e.Message; }
private bool AddFile(string filePath) { var success = false; try { var tagFile = new TagFile(filePath); Files.Add(tagFile); FileIndex++; success = true; } catch (TagLib.CorruptFileException) { FileCount--; } catch (TagLib.UnsupportedFormatException) { FileCount--; } var e = new ProgressEventArgs(index: FileIndex, count: FileCount, path: filePath, success: success); Progress.Report(e); return e.Continue; }
/// <summary> /// The progress item completed handler. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The sender.</param> /// <param name="e">The event arguments.</param> private void ProgressItemCompletedHandler(object sender, ProgressEventArgs e) { this.IsBusy = false; this.ReleaseProgressItem(); }
void explorer_OnProgress(object sender, ProgressEventArgs e) { SetMessageText(e.Message, true); }
public void OnProgress(object sender, ProgressEventArgs e) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
/// <summary> /// Shows DC migration progress /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> static void DCMigrationManager_Progress(object sender, ProgressEventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", e.EventDateTime, e.Message); }
private void ProgressChangePercent(object sender, ProgressEventArgs e) { Assert.AreEqual(actualPerc, e.Percent); actualPerc += actualAdd; }
public void OnProgress(object sender, ProgressEventArgs e) { _listener.OnProgress(sender, e); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> void m_ftpClient_ProgressChanged(object sender, ProgressEventArgs e) { if (e.ThreadId == THREAD_VERSION_CHECK) { if (e.Percentage == POSFtpClient.ProgressCompleted || e.Percentage == POSFtpClient.ProgressFailed) { if (this.InvokeRequired) { this.BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker) delegate() { Step02_GetVersionResult(); }); } else { Step02_GetVersionResult(); } } return; } // folder download if (e.Percentage != POSFtpClient.ProgressCompleted) { UpdateProgress(this, new UpdateProgressEventArgs() { StatusMessage = string.Format("{0} 버전을 다운로드 하는 중...", m_newVersion), ProgressMessage = string.Format("{0}/0", Path.GetFileName(e.ServerFile)), Percentage = e.Percentage, TotalPercentage = e.TotalPercentage }); } else { UpdateProgress(this, new UpdateProgressEventArgs() { StatusMessage = string.Format("{0} 버전을 다운로드 하는 중...", m_newVersion), ProgressMessage = string.Format("{0}/1", Path.GetFileName(e.ServerFile)), Percentage = e.Percentage, TotalPercentage = e.TotalPercentage }); if (m_ftpClient.RemainFileCount == 0) { if (this.InvokeRequired) { this.BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker) delegate() { Step03_DownloadVersionFolderCompleted(); }); } else { Step03_DownloadVersionFolderCompleted(); } } } }
private void OnProgressEvent(ProgressEventArgs e) { ProgressEvent?.Invoke(this, e); }
private void MergerProgressEvent(object sender, ProgressEventArgs e) { OnProgressEvent(e); }
private void Compressor_Compressing(object sender, ProgressEventArgs e) { ToolStatus.Text = "Building " + targetBuildName + ".."; ToolProgress.MaxValue = 100; ToolProgress.Value = e.PercentDone; }
private void OnProgressAvailable(object sender, ProgressEventArgs e) { ProgressAvailable(this, e); }
public void InvokeProgress(ProgressEventArgs e) { Progressed?.Invoke(this, e); }
public void OnTestGenerated(object sender, ProgressEventArgs e) { InvokeProgress(e); }
public void InvokeWrittingProgress(ProgressEventArgs e) { var handler = WrittingProgress; if (handler != null) handler(this, e); }
/// <summary> /// fires the progress event if necessary /// </summary> /// <param name="pEArgs"></param> /// <returns>"true", if the process should be cancelled, otherwise "false"</returns> private Boolean sendProgressEvent(ProgressEventArgs pEArgs) { long ProgressSendLevel; Boolean retValue = false; try { if((m_EventTimer.currentMeasuring() > m_TimeSlice_ms) || pEArgs.ForceRefresh || pEArgs.NewLine || pEArgs.AddSeparator) { // time is reason Progress.Raise(this, pEArgs); if(pEArgs.TotalValue > 0) ProgressSendLevel = ((100 * pEArgs.CurrentValue/pEArgs.TotalValue) / 10) * 10; else ProgressSendLevel = -1; m_EventTimer.startMeasuring(); m_lastProgress = ProgressSendLevel; Debug.Print("Progress (t):" + ProgressSendLevel.ToString()); } else { // progress is reason if(pEArgs.TotalValue > 0) ProgressSendLevel = ((100 * pEArgs.CurrentValue/pEArgs.TotalValue) / 10) * 10; else ProgressSendLevel = -1; if(((pEArgs.TotalValue != 0) && (((100 * pEArgs.CurrentValue/pEArgs.TotalValue) % m_PercentSlice) == 0) && (ProgressSendLevel != m_lastProgress)) || (ProgressSendLevel != m_lastProgress)) { // time is reason Progress.Raise(this, pEArgs); m_EventTimer.startMeasuring(); m_lastProgress = ProgressSendLevel; Debug.Print("Progress (l):" + ProgressSendLevel.ToString()); } } retValue = pEArgs.Cancelled ; return retValue; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Error while checking for progress event needed", ex); } }
private void ProgressChange(ProgressEventArgs e) { Assert.AreEqual(actual, e.ProgressCurrent); actual += actualAdd; }
void RunInternal() { for (int i = 0; i < files.Count; i++) { string f = files[i]; multihasnext = false; multiindex = 0; do { LoadOne(f); } while (multihasnext); if (OnProgress != null) { var e = new ProgressEventArgs(i + 1, files.Count); OnProgress(this, e); if (e.ShouldCancel) return; } } }
private void UploadService_Processed(object sender, ProgressEventArgs e) { this.setProgress(e.Progress); }
public static void OnProgress(int progress) { try { var handler = OnProgressHandler; if (handler == null) return; var args = new ProgressEventArgs(progress); handler(null, args); } catch (Exception) { //ignored } }
void manager_SessionProgressReported(object sender, ProgressEventArgs e) { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { txtSession.Text = e.Message; })); }
public void updateProgress(object sender, ProgressEventArgs e) { ProgressValue = e.Progress; }
private void sql_OnTableProgress(object sender, ProgressEventArgs e) { Application.DoEvents(); progressBar1.Value = (int)e.Progress; }
private void UpdateStatus(object sender, ProgressEventArgs e) { SetStatus(e.Status); }
private void OnProgressAvailable(object sender, ProgressEventArgs e) { _providerServices.ProgressWindow.ShowProgress(e.Operation, e.PercentComplete); }
protected override void OnProgress(ProgressEventArgs args) { this.Log("OnProgress() - progress: {0}%, overall progress: {1}%", args.ProgressPercentage, args.OverallPercentage); }
/// <summary> /// Raises the Progress Event /// </summary> /// <param name="e">The Event Args</param> protected void OnProgress(ProgressEventArgs e) { if (Progress == null) return; Progress(this, e); }
private void Initializer_OnProgress(ProgressEventArgs obj) { Log($"{obj.TotalPercentage}% - {obj.Message} ({obj.ServiceName})"); }
/// <summary> /// The progress item changed handler. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The sender.</param> /// <param name="e">The event arguments.</param> private void ProgressItemChangedHandler(object sender, ProgressEventArgs e) { this.Percentage = this.progressItem.Percentage; this.Subtitle = this.progressItem.Text; this.Title = this.progressItem.Title; }
/// <summary> /// Imports the prices from a list of csv-strings /// </summary> /// <param name="CSV_Strings">data to import</param> /// <param name="importBehaviour">filter, which prices to import</param> /// <param name="dataSource">if data has no information about the datasource, this setting will count</param> /// <returns>a list of converted station data (including correct station ids) </returns> public List<EDStation> ImportPricesFromCSVStrings(String[] CSV_Strings, enImportBehaviour importBehaviour, enDataSource dataSource) { Boolean MissingSystem = false; Boolean MissingStation = false; String currentLanguage; DataTable newData; List<EDStation> StationData; List<EDSystem> SystemData = null; List<CsvRow> csvRowList = new List<CsvRow>(); ProgressEventArgs eva; Int32 counter = 0; Dictionary<String, String> foundNames = new Dictionary<string,string>(); // quick cache for finding commodity names try { // ***************************************************************** // START :section for automatically add unknown commodities currentLanguage = Program.DBCon.getIniValue(IBESettingsView.DB_GROUPNAME, "Language", Program.BASE_LANGUAGE, false); newData = new DataTable(); newData.TableName = "Names"; newData.Columns.Add(Program.BASE_LANGUAGE, typeof(String)); if(currentLanguage != Program.BASE_LANGUAGE) newData.Columns.Add(currentLanguage, typeof(String)); eva = new ProgressEventArgs() { Info="analysing data...", AddSeparator = true}; sendProgressEvent(eva); for (int i = 0; i < CSV_Strings.Length; i++) { String currentName; List<dsEliteDB.tbcommoditylocalizationRow> currentCommodity; if (CSV_Strings[i].Trim().Length > 0) { currentName = new CsvRow(CSV_Strings[i]).CommodityName; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(currentName)) { // check if we need to remap this name Datasets.dsEliteDB.tbdnmap_commodityRow mappedName = (Datasets.dsEliteDB.tbdnmap_commodityRow)BaseData.tbdnmap_commodity.Rows.Find(new object[] {currentName, ""}); if (mappedName != null) { CSV_Strings[i] = CSV_Strings[i].Replace(mappedName.CompanionName, mappedName.GameName); currentName = mappedName.GameName; } if (!foundNames.ContainsKey(currentName)) { currentCommodity = Program.Data.BaseData.tbcommoditylocalization.Where(x => x.locname.Equals(currentName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)).ToList(); if (currentCommodity.Count == 0) { if (currentLanguage == Program.BASE_LANGUAGE) newData.Rows.Add(currentName); else newData.Rows.Add(currentName, currentName); } foundNames.Add(currentName, ""); } } } counter++; eva = new ProgressEventArgs() { Info="analysing data...", CurrentValue=counter, TotalValue=CSV_Strings.GetUpperBound(0) + 1 }; sendProgressEvent(eva); if(eva.Cancelled) break; } eva = new ProgressEventArgs() { Info="analysing data...", CurrentValue=counter, TotalValue=counter, ForceRefresh=true }; sendProgressEvent(eva); if (!eva.Cancelled) if(newData.Rows.Count > 0) { // add found unknown commodities var ds = new DataSet(); ds.Tables.Add(newData); ImportCommodityLocalizations(ds); // refresh translation columns Program.Data.updateTranslation(); // refresh working tables Program.Data.PrepareBaseTables(Program.Data.BaseData.tbcommoditylocalization.TableName); Program.Data.PrepareBaseTables(Program.Data.BaseData.tbcommodity.TableName); } // END : section for automatically add unknown commodities // ***************************************************************** // convert csv-strings to EDStation-objects StationData = fromCSV(CSV_Strings, ref SystemData, ref csvRowList); // check if we've unknown systems or stations if(!eva.Cancelled) foreach (EDStation Station in StationData) { if (Station.SystemId == 0) MissingSystem = true; else if(Station.Id == 0) MissingStation = true; } if ((!eva.Cancelled) && MissingSystem) { // add unknown systems ImportSystems_Own(ref SystemData, true); } if (!eva.Cancelled && (MissingSystem || MissingStation)) { // add unknown stations foreach (EDStation Station in StationData) { // first get all missing system ids if (Station.SystemId == 0) { EDSystem thisSystem = SystemData.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == Station.SystemName); if(thisSystem != null) { // got it - set the id Station.SystemId = thisSystem.Id; } } } ImportStations_Own(StationData, new Dictionary<Int32, Int32>(), true); } // now import the prices ImportPrices(StationData, importBehaviour, dataSource); if (MissingSystem) { // reloading of base tables Program.Data.PrepareBaseTables(Program.Data.BaseData.tbsystems.TableName); } if (MissingSystem || MissingStation) { // reloading of base tables Program.Data.PrepareBaseTables(Program.Data.BaseData.tbstations.TableName); Program.Data.PrepareBaseTables(Program.Data.BaseData.visystemsandstations.TableName); } return StationData; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Error while importing self collected price data", ex); } }
/// <summary> /// creates a list of "EDStations" with price listings from csv-array /// </summary> /// <param name="CSV_Strings">String to be converted</param> /// <param name="foundSystems"></param> /// <param name="csvRowList">for optional processing outside: a list of the data converted to CsvRow-objects</param> /// <returns></returns> public List<EDStation> fromCSV(String[] CSV_Strings, ref List<EDSystem> foundSystems, ref List<CsvRow> csvRowList) { List<EDStation> foundValues = new List<EDStation>(); Dictionary<String, Int32> foundIndex = new Dictionary<String, Int32>(); Dictionary<String, Int32> foundSystemIndex = new Dictionary<String, Int32>(); String LastID = ""; EDSystem LastSystem = null; String currentID = ""; EDStation currentStation = null; Int32 Index = 0; Dictionary<String, Int32> commodityIDCache = new Dictionary<string,Int32>(); // quick cache for finding commodity names Int32 currentItem = 0; ProgressEventArgs eva; try { eva = new ProgressEventArgs() { Info="converting data...", CurrentValue=currentItem, TotalValue=CSV_Strings.GetUpperBound(0)+1, AddSeparator = true }; sendProgressEvent(eva); if(foundSystems != null) foundSystems.Clear(); else foundSystems = new List<EDSystem>(); foreach (String CSV_String in CSV_Strings) { if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(CSV_String.Trim())) { CsvRow currentRow = new CsvRow(CSV_String); if(csvRowList != null) csvRowList.Add(currentRow); currentID = currentRow.StationID; if(!LastID.Equals(currentID, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { if(currentStation != null) currentStation.ListingExtendMode = false; if(foundIndex.TryGetValue(currentID, out Index)) currentStation = foundValues[Index]; else { currentStation = new EDStation(currentRow); foundValues.Add(currentStation); foundIndex.Add(currentID, foundValues.Count-1); } LastID = currentRow.StationID; currentStation.ListingExtendMode = true; if((LastSystem == null) || (!LastSystem.Name.Equals(currentRow.SystemName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))) { if(foundSystemIndex.TryGetValue(currentRow.SystemName, out Index)) LastSystem = foundSystems[Index]; else { LastSystem = new EDSystem(); LastSystem.Name = currentRow.SystemName; if(LastSystem.Id == 0) LastSystem.Id = currentStation.SystemId; foundSystems.Add(LastSystem); foundSystemIndex.Add(currentRow.SystemName, foundSystems.Count-1); } } } currentStation.addListing(currentRow, ref commodityIDCache); } eva = new ProgressEventArgs() { Info="converting data...", CurrentValue=currentItem, TotalValue=CSV_Strings.GetUpperBound(0)+1}; sendProgressEvent(eva); if(eva.Cancelled) break; currentItem++; } if(currentStation != null) currentStation.ListingExtendMode = false; eva = new ProgressEventArgs() { Info="converting data...", CurrentValue=currentItem, TotalValue=CSV_Strings.GetUpperBound(0)+1, ForceRefresh=true}; sendProgressEvent(eva); return foundValues; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Error while getting station values from CSV-String", ex); } }
/// <summary> /// This event is used to detect when map is ready for printing. /// </summary> private void Map_Progress(object sender, ProgressEventArgs e) { IsMapReady = e.Progress == 100; }
/// <summary> /// exports the market data to a file /// </summary> /// <param name="fileName"></param> public void ExportMarketDataToCSV(string fileName, Boolean inCurrentLanguage, Boolean extendedFormat) { String sqlString; DataTable data; Int32 Counter; StringBuilder sBuilder = new StringBuilder(); Char filterCharacter=(char)(48); Int32 totalDataCount = 0; ProgressEventArgs eva; try { if(System.IO.File.Exists(fileName)) System.IO.File.Delete(fileName); var writer = new StreamWriter(File.OpenWrite(fileName)); if(extendedFormat) writer.WriteLine("System;Station;Commodity;Sell;Buy;Demand;;Supply;;Date;SourceFileName;Source"); else writer.WriteLine("System;Station;Commodity;Sell;Buy;Demand;;Supply;;Date;"); data = new DataTable(); Counter = 0; totalDataCount = Program.DBCon.Execute<Int32>("select count(*) from tbCommodityData;"); for (int i = 0; i < 36; i++) { if(i < 10) filterCharacter = (char)(48 + i); else filterCharacter = (char)(65 + i - 10); if (inCurrentLanguage) { // export names in user language sqlString = String.Format("select Sy.systemname, St.stationname, C.loccommodity as commodity, D.sell,, D.demand, D.demandlevel,, D.supplylevel, D.timestamp, S.source" + " from tbSystems Sy, tbStations St, tbCommodityData D, tbCommodity C, tbSource S" + " where = St.system_id" + " and = D.station_id" + " and D.commodity_id =" + " and D.sources_id =" + " and Sy.systemname like '{0}%'" + " order by Sy.systemname, St.stationname, C.loccommodity", filterCharacter); } else { // export names in default language (english) sqlString = String.Format("select Sy.systemname, St.stationname, C.commodity, D.sell,, D.demand, D.demandlevel,, D.supplylevel, D.timestamp, S.source" + " from tbSystems Sy, tbStations St, tbCommodityData D, tbCommodity C, tbSource S" + " where = St.system_id" + " and = D.station_id" + " and D.commodity_id =" + " and D.sources_id =" + " and Sy.systemname like '{0}%'" + " order by Sy.systemname, St.stationname, C.commodity", filterCharacter); } eva = new ProgressEventArgs() { Info=String.Format("collecting data '{0}'...", filterCharacter), CurrentValue=Counter, TotalValue=totalDataCount, NewLine=true}; sendProgressEvent(eva); Program.DBCon.Execute(sqlString, data); foreach (DataRow row in data.Rows) { String Demand = ""; String Supply = ""; if (inCurrentLanguage) { Demand = ((String)BaseTableIDToName("economylevel", SQL.DBConvert.To<int?>(row["demandlevel"]), "loclevel")).NToString(""); Supply = ((String)BaseTableIDToName("economylevel", SQL.DBConvert.To<int?>(row["supplylevel"]), "loclevel")).NToString(""); } else { Demand = ((String)BaseTableIDToName("economylevel", SQL.DBConvert.To<int?>(row["demandlevel"]), "level")).NToString(""); Supply = ((String)BaseTableIDToName("economylevel", SQL.DBConvert.To<int?>(row["supplylevel"]), "level")).NToString(""); } sBuilder.Append(row["systemname"] + ";" + row["stationname"] + ";" + row["commodity"] + ";" + row["sell"] + ";" + row["buy"] + ";" + row["demand"] + ";" + Demand + ";" + row["supply"] + ";" + Supply + ";" + row["timestamp"]); if(extendedFormat) { sBuilder.Append(";;" + //sourceFileName, no more in use but for compatibility row["source"]); //source } writer.WriteLine(sBuilder.ToString()); sBuilder.Clear(); Counter++; eva = new ProgressEventArgs() { Info=String.Format("export prices '{0}'...", filterCharacter), CurrentValue=Counter, TotalValue=totalDataCount}; sendProgressEvent(eva); if(eva.Cancelled) break; } eva = new ProgressEventArgs() { Info=String.Format("export prices '{0}'...", filterCharacter), CurrentValue=Counter, TotalValue=totalDataCount, ForceRefresh=true}; sendProgressEvent(eva); if(eva.Cancelled) break; if(eva.Cancelled) break; } eva = new ProgressEventArgs() { Info=String.Format("export prices '{0}'...", filterCharacter), CurrentValue=Counter, TotalValue=totalDataCount, ForceRefresh=true}; sendProgressEvent(eva); writer.Close(); writer.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Error while exporting to csv file", ex); } }
protected virtual void OnProgress(ProgressEventArgs e) { EventHandler<ProgressEventArgs> myEvent = Progress; if (myEvent != null) { myEvent(this, e); } }
private void ProgressionCallBack(object sender, ProgressEventArgs e) { this.textProgressInformation.Text += "\nPreparing page " + e.ProgressInfo.CurrentPageNumber.ToString(); this.progressScrollViewer.ScrollToBottom(); }
/// <summary> /// Imports the prices from the list of stations. It's clever /// firstly to import the stations from the same file. /// </summary> /// <param name="Stations"></param> private void ImportPrices(List<EDStation> Stations, enImportBehaviour importBehaviour, enDataSource dataSource) { DBConnector lDBCon = new DBConnector(Program.DBCon.ConfigData, true); ProgressEventArgs eva; try { StringBuilder sqlStringB = new StringBuilder(); String timeFilter = ""; Int32 Counter; Dictionary<Int32, Int32> commodityIDs = new Dictionary<Int32, Int32>(); List<Listing> missedListings = new List<Listing>(); Listing[] currentListing; Boolean currentListingDone; Int32 priceCountTotal = 0; Int32 priceCount = 0; Int32 SourceID; enDataSource initialDataSource = dataSource; if ((dataSource == enDataSource.fromRN) || (dataSource == enDataSource.fromIBE_OCR)) dataSource = enDataSource.fromIBE; if(dataSource == enDataSource.fromEDDN_T) dataSource = enDataSource.fromEDDN; // for the prices is no transaction necessary, because we're changing // only a single table // count the prices for messages foreach (EDStation Station in Stations) priceCountTotal += Station.Listings.Count(); Counter = 0; sendProgressEvent(new ProgressEventArgs() { Info="updating prices...", AddSeparator=true }); Boolean AddComma = false; int? DemandLevel = null; int? SupplyLevel = null; Dictionary<String, int?> Levels = new Dictionary<String, int?>(); // gettin' some freaky performance lDBCon.Execute("set global innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=2"); // now add the commodities and prices foreach (EDStation Station in Stations) { currentListingDone = false; missedListings.Clear(); currentListing = Station.Listings; do { commodityIDs.Clear(); currentListingDone = true; if ((Station.Id != 0) && (currentListing.Count() > 0)) { sqlStringB.Clear(); sqlStringB.Append("insert into tbCommodityData(id, station_id, commodity_id, Sell, Buy," + "Demand, DemandLevel, Supply, SupplyLevel, Sources_id, timestamp) "); foreach (Listing StationListing in currentListing) { // is this commodity already added in this round ? .... if (!commodityIDs.ContainsKey(StationListing.CommodityId)) { // ... no if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(StationListing.DataSource)) SourceID = (Int32)BaseTableNameToID("source", StationListing.DataSource); else SourceID = (Int32)dataSource; if (dataSource <= 0) throw new Exception("Illegal SourceID for import : " + SourceID); if (AddComma) sqlStringB.Append(" union all "); // cache level-ids getLevels(ref DemandLevel, ref SupplyLevel, Levels, StationListing); switch (importBehaviour) { case enImportBehaviour.OnlyNewer: timeFilter = String.Format("SC1.timestamp < {0}) or (SC1.timestamp is null)", DBConnector.SQLDateTime(DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(StationListing.CollectedAt).DateTime)); break; case enImportBehaviour.NewerOrEqual: timeFilter = String.Format("SC1.timestamp <= {0}) or (SC1.timestamp is null)", DBConnector.SQLDateTime(DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(StationListing.CollectedAt).DateTime)); break; case enImportBehaviour.All: timeFilter = String.Format("SC1.timestamp = SC1.timestamp", DBConnector.SQLDateTime(DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(StationListing.CollectedAt).DateTime)); break; } sqlStringB.Append(String.Format("(select if(SC1.cnt = 0, 0,,{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6},{7},{8},{9}" + " from (select ID, station_id, commodity_id, Count(*) As cnt, timestamp from tbCommodityData" + " where station_id = {0}" + " and commodity_id = {1}) SC1" + " where ({10})", Station.Id, StationListing.CommodityId, StationListing.SellPrice, StationListing.BuyPrice, StationListing.Demand, DemandLevel.ToNString("null"), StationListing.Supply, SupplyLevel.ToNString("null"), SourceID, DBConnector.SQLDateTime(DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(StationListing.CollectedAt).DateTime), timeFilter)); AddComma = true; commodityIDs.Add(StationListing.CommodityId, 0); } else { // If we add the same commodity multiple times in one command the database will not recognize // the doubled price and add both. So we add multiple prices step by step- only the newest // price will remain by this way. currentListingDone = false; missedListings.Add(StationListing); } priceCount++; } sqlStringB.Append(" on duplicate key update " + " Sell = Values(Sell)" + ", Buy = Values(Buy)" + ", Demand = Values(Demand)" + ", DemandLevel = Values(DemandLevel)" + ", Supply = Values(Supply)" + ", SupplyLevel = Values(SupplyLevel)" + ", Sources_id = Values(Sources_id)" + ", timestamp = Values(timestamp)"); lDBCon.Execute(sqlStringB.ToString()); } AddComma = false; Counter++; eva = new ProgressEventArgs() { Info="updating prices...", CurrentValue=priceCount, TotalValue=priceCountTotal }; if(sendProgressEvent(eva)) break; currentListing = missedListings.ToArray(); } while (!currentListingDone); if(((initialDataSource == enDataSource.fromIBE) || (initialDataSource == enDataSource.fromEDDN_T)) && Program.DBCon.getIniValue<Boolean>(frmDataIO.DB_GROUPNAME, "AutoPurgeNotMoreExistingDataDays", true.ToString(), false)) { // remove old prices if we got the data from ourself or from trusted eddn senders Program.Data.DeleteNoLongerExistingMarketData(Program.DBCon.getIniValue<Int32>(frmDataIO.DB_GROUPNAME, "PurgeNotMoreExistingDataDays", "30", false), Station.Id); } if(eva.Cancelled) break; } eva = new ProgressEventArgs() { Info="updating prices...", CurrentValue=priceCount, TotalValue=priceCountTotal, ForceRefresh=true }; // gettin' some freaky performance lDBCon.Execute("set global innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=1"); lDBCon.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { try{ // gettin' some freaky performance lDBCon.Execute("set global innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=1"); lDBCon.Dispose(); }catch (Exception) { } throw new Exception("Error while importing prices", ex); } }
private void Extr_Extracting(object sender, ProgressEventArgs e) { InfoLabel.Content = "Extracting patch file " + _downloadVersion + ": " + e.PercentDone + "%"; progressBar1.Value = e.PercentDone; }
/// <summary> /// Imports the prices from a list of csv-strings in EDDB format /// </summary> /// <param name="CSV_Strings">data to import</param> /// <param name="importBehaviour">filter, which prices to import</param> /// <param name="dataSource">if data has no information about the datasource, this setting will count</param> public void ImportPricesFromEDDBStrings(String[] CSV_Strings, enImportBehaviour importBehaviour, enDataSource dataSource, PriceImportParameters importParams) { List<EDStation> StationData; Boolean updateTables = false; ProgressEventArgs eva=new ProgressEventArgs(); Int32 initialSize=0; try { StationData = fromCSV_EDDB(CSV_Strings); if(importParams != null) { DataTable data = Program.Data.GetNeighbourSystems(importParams.SystemID, importParams.Radius); String info = "filter data to the bubble (radius " + importParams.Radius+ " ly) : " + data.Rows.Count +" systems..."; eva = new ProgressEventArgs() { Info=info, NewLine=true}; if(!sendProgressEvent(eva)) { if(data.Rows.Count > 0) { updateTables = true; initialSize = StationData.Count(); for (int i = StationData.Count()-1 ; i >= 0 ; i--) { if(data.Rows.Find(StationData[i].SystemId) == null) { // system is not in the bubble StationData.Remove(StationData[i]); } else { // system is in the bubble - set as visited Program.Data.checkPotentiallyNewSystemOrStation(StationData[i].SystemName, StationData[i].Name, null, true); } eva = new ProgressEventArgs() { Info=info, CurrentValue=initialSize-i, TotalValue=initialSize }; sendProgressEvent(eva); if(eva.Cancelled) break; } } else StationData.Clear(); } eva = new ProgressEventArgs() { Info=info, CurrentValue=initialSize, TotalValue=initialSize, ForceRefresh=true }; sendProgressEvent(eva); } if((!eva.Cancelled) && (updateTables)) { eva = new ProgressEventArgs() { Info = "refreshing basetables in memory...", NewLine=true }; sendProgressEvent(eva); if(!eva.Cancelled) { Program.Data.updateVisitedFlagsFromBase(); eva = new ProgressEventArgs() { Info = "refreshing basetables in memory...", CurrentValue=25, TotalValue=100, ForceRefresh=true }; sendProgressEvent(eva); } if(!eva.Cancelled) { Program.Data.PrepareBaseTables(Program.Data.BaseData.tbsystems.TableName); eva = new ProgressEventArgs() { Info = "refreshing basetables in memory...", CurrentValue=50, TotalValue=100, ForceRefresh=true }; sendProgressEvent(eva); } if(!eva.Cancelled) { Program.Data.PrepareBaseTables(Program.Data.BaseData.tbstations.TableName); eva = new ProgressEventArgs() { Info = "refreshing basetables in memory...", CurrentValue=75, TotalValue=100, ForceRefresh=true }; sendProgressEvent(eva); } if(!eva.Cancelled) { Program.Data.PrepareBaseTables(Program.Data.BaseData.visystemsandstations.TableName); eva = new ProgressEventArgs() { Info = "refreshing basetables in memory...", CurrentValue=100, TotalValue=100, ForceRefresh=true }; sendProgressEvent(eva); } } // now import the prices if(!eva.Cancelled) { ImportPrices(StationData, importBehaviour, dataSource); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Error while importing self collected price data", ex); } }
private void SetCurrentProgress(ProgressEventArgs args) { ProgressType type = args.Type; string resource = args.ResourceId; int total = args.MaxValue; double pg = args.Value; if (this.InvokeRequired) { Action<ProgressEventArgs> action = SetCurrentProgress; this.Invoke(action, new object[] { args }); } else { int span = this.CurrentProgress.Maximum - this.CurrentProgress.Minimum; double v = (((double)pg / total) * span) + this.CurrentProgress.Minimum; this.CurrentProgress.Value = (int)Math.Max(Math.Min(v, this.CurrentProgress.Maximum), this.CurrentProgress.Minimum); OperationLabel.Text = resource; int largePg = (int)Array.IndexOf(BUILD_STAGES, type); if (largePg >= 0) { this.TotalProgress.Maximum = 100; this.TotalProgress.Minimum = 0; double tick = 100 / BUILD_STAGES.Length; double lv = (tick * largePg) + (tick * (pg / total)); this.TotalProgress.Value = (int)Math.Max(Math.Min((int)lv, this.TotalProgress.Maximum), this.TotalProgress.Minimum); } switch (type) { case ProgressType.Uploading: { HideTotal(); if (Math.Abs(pg - total) < double.Epsilon) { OperationLabel.Text = Strings.ProgressWaitingForServer; CurrentProgress.Style = ProgressBarStyle.Marquee; } else { OperationLabel.Text = string.Format(Strings.ProgressUploading, ((double)pg / 1024), ((double)total / 1024)); this.Refresh(); } } break; case ProgressType.ListingFiles: { HideTotal(); OperationLabel.Text = Strings.ProgressReadingPackage; CurrentProgress.Style = ProgressBarStyle.Marquee; } break; case ProgressType.Compressing: { OperationLabel.Text = Strings.ProgressCompressing; } break; case ProgressType.MovingResources: { OperationLabel.Text = Strings.ProgressUpdatingReferences; } break; case ProgressType.PreparingFolder: { OperationLabel.Text = resource; } break; case ProgressType.SetResource: { CurrentProgress.Style = ProgressBarStyle.Continuous; CurrentProgress.Maximum = 100; CurrentProgress.Value = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Min(100.0, pg)); OperationLabel.Text = string.Format(Strings.ProgressSetResource, resource, pg); } break; case ProgressType.SetResourceData: { CurrentProgress.Style = ProgressBarStyle.Continuous; CurrentProgress.Maximum = 100; CurrentProgress.Value = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Min(100.0, pg)); OperationLabel.Text = string.Format(Strings.ProgressSetResourceData, resource, pg); } break; } } }
/// <summary> /// creates a list of "EDStations" with price listings from csv-array in EDDB format /// </summary> /// <param name="CSV_Strings">String to be converted</param> /// <param name="foundSystems"></param> /// <param name="csvRowList">for optional processing outside: a list of the data converted to CsvRow-objects</param> /// <returns></returns> public List<EDStation> fromCSV_EDDB(String[] CSV_Strings) { List<EDStation> foundValues = new List<EDStation>(); Dictionary<Int32, Int32> foundIndex = new Dictionary<Int32, Int32>(); Dictionary<String, Int32> foundSystemIndex = new Dictionary<String, Int32>(); Int32 LastID = 0; EDSystem LastSystem = null; Int32 currentID = 0; EDStation currentStation = null; Int32 Index = 0; Dictionary<String, Int32> commodityIDCache = new Dictionary<string,Int32>(); // quick cache for finding commodity names Int32 currentItem = 0; ProgressEventArgs eva; try { eva = new ProgressEventArgs() { Info="converting data...", CurrentValue=currentItem, TotalValue=CSV_Strings.GetUpperBound(0), NewLine= true}; sendProgressEvent(eva); foreach (String CSV_String in CSV_Strings) { if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(CSV_String.Trim())) { Listing currentRow = new Listing(CSV_String); currentID = currentRow.StationId; if(LastID != currentID) { if(currentStation != null) currentStation.ListingExtendMode = false; if(foundIndex.TryGetValue(currentID, out Index)) currentStation = foundValues[Index]; else { currentStation = new EDStation(currentRow); foundValues.Add(currentStation); foundIndex.Add(currentID, foundValues.Count-1); } LastID = currentRow.StationId; currentStation.ListingExtendMode = true; } currentStation.addListing(currentRow); } eva = new ProgressEventArgs() { Info="converting data...", CurrentValue=currentItem, TotalValue=CSV_Strings.GetUpperBound(0)}; sendProgressEvent(eva); if(eva.Cancelled) break; currentItem++; } if(currentStation != null) currentStation.ListingExtendMode = false; eva = new ProgressEventArgs() { Info="converting data...", CurrentValue=currentItem, TotalValue=CSV_Strings.GetUpperBound(0), ForceRefresh=true}; sendProgressEvent(eva); return foundValues; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Error while getting station values from CSV-String", ex); } }
void dataFilter_CurrentLineChanged(object sender, ProgressEventArgs e) { ucProgress.SetCount(e); }
private void Extractor_Extracting(object sender, ProgressEventArgs e) { ItemMessage = "Extracting Archive..." + e.PercentDone + "%"; StepItemProgress(); }
protected void OnProgress(object sender, ProgressEventArgs args) { if (Progress != null) { Progress(sender, args); } }
private void OnProgressAvailable(object sender, ProgressEventArgs e) { WriteProgress(ProgressActivityIds.DownloadPackageId, e.Operation, e.PercentComplete); }
private void ProgressChange(object sender, ProgressEventArgs e) { Assert.AreEqual(actual, e.CurrentRecord); actual += actualAdd; }
public void dataService_ProgressAvailable(object sender, ProgressEventArgs e) { App.ProgressHandler.Progress(null, e.PercentComplete, "Downloading"); }
private void OnProgressAvailable(object sender, ProgressEventArgs e) { _progressWindowOpener.ShowProgress(e.Operation, e.PercentComplete); }
void OnProcess(object sender, ProgressEventArgs e) { mCurFileProcessByteCount = e.Processed; mCurFileTotalByteCount = e.Target > 0 ? e.Target : e.Processed; }
private void OnCompressing(ProgressEventArgs e) { if (Compressing != null) { Compressing(this, e); } }
static void downloader_ProgressDownload(object sender, ProgressEventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine("[progress {0}]", e.Percentage); }