public void SetDesiredPosition_NonExistentValueReturnsFalse() { var pm = new ProgramMethods(); var kb = new Keyboard(); var TenCoordinates = pm.SetDesiredPosition("10", kb); Assert.AreEqual(TenCoordinates.letterExists, false, "letter 10 should not be found on keyboard"); }
public void SetDesiredPosition_Initial() { var pm = new ProgramMethods(); var kb = new Keyboard(); var ACoordinates = pm.SetDesiredPosition("A", kb); Assert.AreEqual(ACoordinates.x, 1, "x coordinate of 'A' should be 1"); Assert.AreEqual(ACoordinates.y, 0, "y coordinate of 'A' should be 0"); }
public void TrackPathAndSelect_Initial() { var pm = new ProgramMethods(); var kb = new Keyboard(); kb.DesiredPosX = 6; kb.DesiredPosY = 5; bool didExecutePath = pm.TrackPathAndSelect(kb); Assert.AreEqual(true, didExecutePath, "Path was not executed properly"); }
public void Output_Initial() { bool fileExists = true; var pm = new ProgramMethods(); string path = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop), "OSKtest"); if (!File.Exists(path)) { fileExists = false; using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(path)) { sw.WriteLine("Hello"); } } var list = pm.Output(path); Assert.AreEqual(list[0], "D,R,#,U,R,R,R,#,D,R,#,#,D,L,L,L,#"); if (!fileExists) { File.Delete(path); } }
public void TestInitialize() { kb = new Keyboard(); pm = new ProgramMethods(); }