private static int ProcessSQLiteDB(FileInfo fiSourceFile, string sourceTableName) { try { var runner = new Runner { ShowProgressAtConsole = true }; RegisterEvents(runner); var success = runner.ProcessSQLite(fiSourceFile.DirectoryName, fiSourceFile.Name, sourceTableName); if (success) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Processing complete"); ProgRunner.SleepMilliseconds(750); return(0); } ConsoleMsgUtils.ShowWarning("Error computing protein parsimony: RunAlgorithm reports false"); ProgRunner.SleepMilliseconds(1500); return(-3); } catch (Exception ex) { ConsoleMsgUtils.ShowError("Error computing protein parsimony", ex); ProgRunner.SleepMilliseconds(1500); return(-2); } }
public void TestFileLogger(string logDirectory, string logFileNameBase, string message, logMsgType entryType, int logCount, int logDelayMilliseconds) { var logFilePath = Path.Combine(logDirectory, logFileNameBase); var logger = new clsFileLogger(logFilePath); var randGenerator = new Random(); string formatString; if (logCount < 10) { formatString = "{0} {1}/{2}"; } else { formatString = "{0} {1,2}/{2}"; } for (var i = 0; i < logCount; i++) { logger.PostEntry(string.Format(formatString, message, i + 1, logCount), entryType, true); ProgRunner.SleepMilliseconds(logDelayMilliseconds + randGenerator.Next(0, logDelayMilliseconds / 10)); } var expectedName = logFileNameBase + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy"); if (!logger.CurrentLogFilePath.Contains(expectedName)) { Assert.Fail("Log file name was not in the expected format of " + expectedName + "; see " + logger.CurrentLogFilePath); } Console.WriteLine("Log entries written to " + logger.CurrentLogFilePath); }
public void TestFileLoggerConstructor(string logFileNameBase, string expectedBaseName) { FileLogger.ResetLogFileName(); var logger = new FileLogger(logFileNameBase, BaseLogger.LogLevels.INFO); logger.Info("Info message"); // This debug message won't appear in the log file because the LogLevel is INFO logger.Debug("Debug message"); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(logFileNameBase)) { ProgRunner.SleepMilliseconds(500); FileLogger.FlushPendingMessages(); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Log file path: " + FileLogger.LogFilePath); var expectedName = expectedBaseName + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy") + FileLogger.LOG_FILE_EXTENSION; if (!FileLogger.LogFilePath.EndsWith(expectedName)) { Assert.Fail("Log file name was not in the expected format of " + expectedName + "; see " + FileLogger.LogFilePath); } }
public void TestFileLogger( string logDirectory, string logFileNameBase, string message, BaseLogger.LogLevels entryType, int logCount, int logDelayMilliseconds) { FileLogger.ResetLogFileName(); var logFilePath = Path.Combine(logDirectory, logFileNameBase); var logger = new FileLogger(logFilePath); var randGenerator = new Random(); for (var i = 0; i < logCount; i++) { var logMessage = message + " " + i; switch (entryType) { case BaseLogger.LogLevels.DEBUG: logger.Debug(logMessage); break; case BaseLogger.LogLevels.INFO: logger.Info(logMessage); break; case BaseLogger.LogLevels.WARN: logger.Warn(logMessage); break; case BaseLogger.LogLevels.ERROR: logger.Error(logMessage); break; case BaseLogger.LogLevels.FATAL: logger.Fatal(logMessage); break; default: logger.Fatal("Unrecognized log type: " + entryType); break; } ProgRunner.SleepMilliseconds(logDelayMilliseconds + randGenerator.Next(0, logDelayMilliseconds / 10)); } var expectedName = logFileNameBase + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy") + FileLogger.LOG_FILE_EXTENSION; if (!FileLogger.LogFilePath.EndsWith(expectedName)) { Assert.Fail("Log file name was not in the expected format of " + expectedName + "; see " + FileLogger.LogFilePath); } Console.WriteLine("Log entries written to " + FileLogger.LogFilePath); }
/// <summary> /// Entry method /// </summary> private static void Main() { try { mLogger = new FileLogger(@"Logs\StatusMsgDBUpdater", BaseLogger.LogLevels.INFO); var appVersion = ProcessFilesOrDirectoriesBase.GetEntryOrExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(); mLogger.Info("=== Started StatusMessageDBUpdater V" + appVersion + " ====="); var restart = true; var runFailureCount = 0; var startTime = DateTime.UtcNow; while (restart) { // Start the main program running try { var mainProcess = new MainProgram(); mainProcess.DebugEvent += MainProcess_DebugEvent; mainProcess.ErrorEvent += MainProcess_ErrorEvent; mainProcess.WarningEvent += MainProcess_WarningEvent; mainProcess.StatusEvent += MainProcess_StatusEvent; if (!mainProcess.InitMgr(startTime)) { ProgRunner.SleepMilliseconds(1500); return; } // Start the main process // If it receives the ReadConfig command, DoProcess will return true restart = mainProcess.DoProcess(); runFailureCount = 0; } catch (Exception ex2) { ShowErrorMessage("Error running the main process", ex2); runFailureCount++; var sleepSeconds = 1.5 * runFailureCount; if (sleepSeconds > 30) { sleepSeconds = 30; } ProgRunner.SleepMilliseconds((int)(sleepSeconds * 1000)); } } FileLogger.FlushPendingMessages(); } catch (Exception ex) { ShowErrorMessage("Error starting application", ex); } ProgRunner.SleepMilliseconds(1500); }
static int Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length < 1) { ShowSyntax(); return(0); } FileInfo fiSourceFile; try { var inputFilePath = args[0]; fiSourceFile = new FileInfo(args[0]); if (!fiSourceFile.Exists) { ShowSyntax("Input file not found: " + inputFilePath); ProgRunner.SleepMilliseconds(1500); return(-1); } } catch (Exception ex) { ShowSyntax("Exception validating the input file path: " + ex.Message); ProgRunner.SleepMilliseconds(1500); return(-2); } var sqliteExtensions = new SortedSet <string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) { ".db", ".db3", ".sqlite", ".sqlite3" }; if (sqliteExtensions.Contains(fiSourceFile.Extension)) { var sourceTableName = args.Length > 1 ? args[1] : Runner.DEFAULT_SQLITE_TABLE; var result = ProcessSQLiteDB(fiSourceFile, sourceTableName); return(result); } else { var result = ProcessTextFile(args, fiSourceFile); return(result); } }
public void TestQueueLogger(string logDirectory, string logFileNameBase, string message, logMsgType entryType, int logCount, int logDelayMilliseconds) { var logFilePath = Path.Combine(logDirectory, logFileNameBase); var logger = new clsFileLogger(logFilePath); var randGenerator = new Random(); var queueLogger = new clsQueLogger(logger); string formatString; if (logCount < 10) { formatString = "{0} {1}/{2}"; } else { formatString = "{0} {1,2}/{2}"; } for (var i = 0; i < logCount; i++) { queueLogger.PostEntry(string.Format(formatString, message, i + 1, logCount), entryType, true); ProgRunner.SleepMilliseconds(logDelayMilliseconds + randGenerator.Next(0, logDelayMilliseconds / 10)); } if (logCount > 5) { var messages = new List <clsLogEntry>(); for (var i = 0; i < logCount; i++) { messages.Add(new clsLogEntry(string.Format(formatString, "Bulk " + message, i + 1, logCount), entryType)); } queueLogger.PostEntries(messages); } // Sleep to give the Queue logger time to log the log entries ProgRunner.SleepMilliseconds(4000); var expectedName = logFileNameBase + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString(clsFileLogger.FILENAME_DATE_STAMP); if (!logger.CurrentLogFilePath.Contains(expectedName)) { Assert.Fail("Log file name was not in the expected format of " + expectedName + "; see " + logger.CurrentLogFilePath); } Console.WriteLine("Log entries written to " + logger.CurrentLogFilePath); }
public void TestLogTools(string logDirectory, string logFileNameBase, BaseLogger.LogLevels entryType, BaseLogger.LogLevels logThresholdLevel) { var logFilePath = Path.Combine(logDirectory, logFileNameBase); LogTools.CreateFileLogger(logFilePath, logThresholdLevel); Console.WriteLine("Log file; " + LogTools.CurrentLogFilePath); var message = "Test log " + entryType + " via LogTools (log threshold is " + logThresholdLevel + ")"; switch (entryType) { case BaseLogger.LogLevels.DEBUG: LogTools.LogDebug(message); break; case BaseLogger.LogLevels.INFO: LogTools.LogMessage(message); break; case BaseLogger.LogLevels.WARN: LogTools.LogWarning(message); break; case BaseLogger.LogLevels.ERROR: LogTools.LogError(message); break; case BaseLogger.LogLevels.FATAL: LogTools.LogFatalError(message); break; default: LogTools.LogError("Unrecognized log type: " + entryType); break; } ProgRunner.SleepMilliseconds(100); LogTools.FlushPendingMessages(); }
private bool ProcessFileThreaded(string inputFilePath, string outputDirectoryPath) { try { mInputFilePath = inputFilePath; mOutputDirectoryPath = outputDirectoryPath; var processingThread = new Thread(ProcessFileWork); processingThread.Start(); var threadAborted = false; // Loop until URL call finishes, or until timeoutSeconds elapses while (processingThread.ThreadState != ThreadState.Stopped) { ProgRunner.SleepMilliseconds(25); if (processingThread.ThreadState == ThreadState.Aborted) { threadAborted = true; break; } Application.DoEvents(); } if (threadAborted) { ShowErrorMessage("The processing thread was aborted"); return(false); } return(mProcessingSuccess); } catch (Exception ex) { ShowErrorMessage("Error in ProcessFileThreaded", ex); return(false); } }
private void TestStaticLogging( string message, BaseLogger.LogLevels entryType, int logCount, int logDelayMilliseconds, string expectedLogFileName) { var randGenerator = new Random(); string formatString; if (logCount < 10) { formatString = "{0} {1}/{2}"; } else { formatString = "{0} {1,2}/{2}"; } for (var i = 0; i < logCount; i++) { FileLogger.WriteLog(entryType, string.Format(formatString, message, i + 1, logCount)); ProgRunner.SleepMilliseconds(logDelayMilliseconds + randGenerator.Next(0, logDelayMilliseconds / 10)); } if (!FileLogger.LogFilePath.EndsWith(expectedLogFileName)) { var errMsg = "Log file name was not in the expected format of " + expectedLogFileName + "; see " + FileLogger.LogFilePath; Assert.Fail(errMsg); } FileLogger.FlushPendingMessages(); Console.WriteLine("Log entries written to " + FileLogger.LogFilePath); }
/// <summary> /// Call the Python script to create the plots /// </summary> /// <returns>True if success, otherwise false</returns> /// <remarks>Call ErrorHistogramsToPng and ErrorScatterPlotsToPng prior to calling this method</remarks> private bool GeneratePlotsWithPython(MetadataFileInfo metadataFileInfo) { if (!PythonInstalled) { NotifyPythonNotFound("Could not find the python executable"); return(false); } if (metadataFileInfo.BaseOutputFile.Directory == null) { OnErrorEvent("Unable to determine the parent directory of the base output file: " + metadataFileInfo.BaseOutputFile.FullName); return(false); } if (!metadataFileInfo.BaseOutputFile.Directory.Exists) { metadataFileInfo.BaseOutputFile.Directory.Create(); } var workDir = metadataFileInfo.BaseOutputFile.Directory.FullName; var exeDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location); if (exeDirectory == null) { OnErrorEvent("Unable to determine the path to the directory with the PPMErrorCharter executable"); return(false); } var pythonScriptFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(exeDirectory, "")); if (!pythonScriptFile.Exists) { OnErrorEvent("Python plotting script not found: " + pythonScriptFile.FullName); return(false); } var baseOutputName = metadataFileInfo.BaseOutputFile.Name; var metadataFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(workDir, "MZRefinery_Plotting_Metadata.txt")); OnDebugEvent("Creating " + metadataFile.FullName); using (var writer = new StreamWriter(new FileStream(metadataFile.FullName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.ReadWrite))) { var plotFilesDefined = 0; if (metadataFileInfo.HistogramPlotFile != null) { writer.WriteLine("HistogramPlotFilePath=" + metadataFileInfo.HistogramPlotFile.FullName); plotFilesDefined++; } if (metadataFileInfo.MassErrorPlotFile != null) { writer.WriteLine("MassErrorPlotFilePath=" + metadataFileInfo.MassErrorPlotFile.FullName); plotFilesDefined++; } if (plotFilesDefined < 2) { writer.WriteLine("BaseOutputName=" + baseOutputName); metadataFileInfo.HistogramPlotFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(metadataFileInfo.BaseOutputFile.FullName, baseOutputName + "_Histograms.png")); metadataFileInfo.MassErrorPlotFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(metadataFileInfo.BaseOutputFile.FullName, baseOutputName + "_MassErrors.png")); } writer.WriteLine("HistogramData=" + metadataFileInfo.ErrorHistogramsExportFileName); writer.WriteLine("MassErrorVsTimeData=" + metadataFileInfo.MassErrorVsTimeExportFileName); writer.WriteLine("MassErrorVsMassData=" + metadataFileInfo.MassErrorVsMassExportFileName); } var args = PathUtils.PossiblyQuotePath(pythonScriptFile.FullName) + " " + PathUtils.PossiblyQuotePath(metadataFile.FullName); OnDebugEvent("{0} {1}", PythonPath, args); var progRunner = new ProgRunner { Arguments = args, CreateNoWindow = true, MonitoringInterval = 2000, Name = "PythonPlotter", Program = PythonPath, Repeat = false, RepeatHoldOffTime = 0, WorkDir = workDir }; RegisterEvents(progRunner); const int MAX_RUNTIME_SECONDS = 600; const int MONITOR_INTERVAL_MILLISECONDS = 1000; var runtimeExceeded = false; try { // Start the program executing progRunner.StartAndMonitorProgram(); var startTime = DateTime.UtcNow; // Loop until program is complete, or until MAX_RUNTIME_SECONDS seconds elapses while (progRunner.State != ProgRunner.States.NotMonitoring) { ProgRunner.SleepMilliseconds(MONITOR_INTERVAL_MILLISECONDS); if (DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(startTime).TotalSeconds < MAX_RUNTIME_SECONDS) { continue; } OnErrorEvent("Plot creation with Python has taken more than {0:F0} minutes; aborting", MAX_RUNTIME_SECONDS / 60.0); progRunner.StopMonitoringProgram(kill: true); runtimeExceeded = true; break; } } catch (Exception ex) { OnErrorEvent("Exception creating plots using Python", ex); return(false); } if (runtimeExceeded) { return(false); } // Examine the exit code if (progRunner.ExitCode == 0) { OnStatusEvent("Generated plots; see:\n " + metadataFileInfo.HistogramPlotFile?.FullName + "\nand\n " + metadataFileInfo.MassErrorPlotFile?.FullName); if (DeleteTempFiles) { // Delete the temp export files try { metadataFile.Delete(); File.Delete(Path.Combine(workDir, metadataFileInfo.ErrorHistogramsExportFileName)); File.Delete(Path.Combine(workDir, metadataFileInfo.MassErrorVsTimeExportFileName)); File.Delete(Path.Combine(workDir, metadataFileInfo.MassErrorVsMassExportFileName)); } catch (Exception ex) { OnErrorEvent("Error deleting files: " + ex.Message); } } else { ConsoleMsgUtils.ShowDebug("{0}\n {1}\n {2}\n {3}\n {4}", "Not deleting the following temporary files since debug mode is enabled", metadataFile.FullName, Path.Combine(workDir, metadataFileInfo.ErrorHistogramsExportFileName), Path.Combine(workDir, metadataFileInfo.MassErrorVsTimeExportFileName), Path.Combine(workDir, metadataFileInfo.MassErrorVsMassExportFileName)); } return(true); } OnErrorEvent("Python ExitCode = " + progRunner.ExitCode); return(false); }
protected bool GeneratePlotsWithPython(FileInfo exportFile, DirectoryInfo workDir) { if (!PythonInstalled) { NotifyPythonNotFound("Could not find the python executable"); return(false); } var exeDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location); if (exeDirectory == null) { OnErrorEvent("Unable to determine the path to the directory with the MSFileInfoScanner executable"); return(false); } var pythonScriptFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(exeDirectory, "")); if (!pythonScriptFile.Exists) { OnErrorEvent("Python plotting script not found: " + pythonScriptFile.FullName); return(false); } var args = PathUtils.PossiblyQuotePath(pythonScriptFile.FullName) + " " + PathUtils.PossiblyQuotePath(exportFile.FullName); OnDebugEvent(string.Format("{0} {1}", PythonPath, args)); var progRunner = new ProgRunner { Arguments = args, CreateNoWindow = true, MonitoringInterval = 2000, Name = "PythonPlotter", Program = PythonPath, Repeat = false, RepeatHoldOffTime = 0, WorkDir = workDir.FullName }; RegisterEvents(progRunner); const int MAX_RUNTIME_SECONDS = 600; const int MONITOR_INTERVAL_MILLISECONDS = 1000; var runtimeExceeded = false; try { // Start the program executing progRunner.StartAndMonitorProgram(); var startTime = DateTime.UtcNow; // Loop until program is complete, or until MAX_RUNTIME_SECONDS seconds elapses while (progRunner.State != ProgRunner.States.NotMonitoring) { ProgRunner.SleepMilliseconds(MONITOR_INTERVAL_MILLISECONDS); if (DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(startTime).TotalSeconds < MAX_RUNTIME_SECONDS) { continue; } OnErrorEvent(string.Format("Plot creation with Python has taken more than {0:F0} minutes; aborting", MAX_RUNTIME_SECONDS / 60.0)); progRunner.StopMonitoringProgram(kill: true); runtimeExceeded = true; break; } } catch (Exception ex) { OnErrorEvent("Exception creating plots using Python", ex); return(false); } if (runtimeExceeded) { return(false); } // Examine the exit code if (progRunner.ExitCode == 0) { var success = RenameTempPngFile(exportFile, workDir); return(success); } OnErrorEvent("Python ExitCode = " + progRunner.ExitCode); return(false); }
private static int ProcessTextFile(IReadOnlyList <string> args, FileInfo fiSourceFile) { string parsimonyResultsFilePath; string proteinGroupMembersFilePath; try { if (args.Count < 2) { Runner.GetDefaultOutputFileNames(fiSourceFile, out parsimonyResultsFilePath, out proteinGroupMembersFilePath); } else { Runner.GetDefaultOutputFileNames(fiSourceFile, out _, out proteinGroupMembersFilePath); parsimonyResultsFilePath = args[1]; } var outputFile = new FileInfo(parsimonyResultsFilePath); // ReSharper disable once MergeIntoPattern if (outputFile.Directory != null && !outputFile.Directory.Exists) { outputFile.Directory.Create(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ShowSyntax("Exception validating the output file path: " + ex.Message); ProgRunner.SleepMilliseconds(1500); return(-2); } try { var runner = new Runner { ShowProgressAtConsole = true }; RegisterEvents(runner); var success = runner.ProcessTextFile(fiSourceFile, parsimonyResultsFilePath, proteinGroupMembersFilePath); if (success) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Processing Complete"); ProgRunner.SleepMilliseconds(750); return(0); } ConsoleMsgUtils.ShowWarning("Error computing protein parsimony: ProcessTextFile reports false"); ProgRunner.SleepMilliseconds(1500); return(-3); } catch (Exception ex) { ConsoleMsgUtils.ShowError("Error computing protein parsimony", ex); ProgRunner.SleepMilliseconds(1500); return(-4); } }
private void TestRunProgram(string exeName, string cmdArgs, bool createNoWindow, bool writeConsoleOutput, int maxRuntimeSeconds, bool programAbortExpected) { const int MONITOR_INTERVAL_MSEC = 500; var utilityExe = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(UTILITIES_DIRECTORY, exeName)); if (!utilityExe.Exists) { Assert.Fail("Exe not found: " + utilityExe.FullName); } var processStats = new PRISMWin.ProcessStats(); var workDir = @"C:\Temp"; var tempDir = new DirectoryInfo(workDir); if (!tempDir.Exists) { tempDir.Create(); } var coreCount = processStats.GetCoreCount(); Console.WriteLine("Machine has {0} cores", coreCount); Assert.GreaterOrEqual(coreCount, 2, "Core count less than 2"); var progRunner = new ProgRunner { Arguments = cmdArgs, CreateNoWindow = createNoWindow, MonitoringInterval = MONITOR_INTERVAL_MSEC, Name = "ProgRunnerUnitTest", Program = utilityExe.FullName, Repeat = false, RepeatHoldOffTime = 0, WorkDir = workDir, CacheStandardOutput = false, EchoOutputToConsole = false, WriteConsoleOutputToFile = writeConsoleOutput, ConsoleOutputFileIncludesCommandLine = true }; progRunner.StartAndMonitorProgram(); var cachedProcessID = 0; var dtStartTime = DateTime.UtcNow; var abortProcess = false; while (progRunner.State != ProgRunner.States.NotMonitoring) { if (cachedProcessID == 0) { cachedProcessID = progRunner.PID; } ProgRunner.SleepMilliseconds(MONITOR_INTERVAL_MSEC / 2); try { if (cachedProcessID > 0) { var cpuUsage = processStats.GetCoreUsageByProcessID(cachedProcessID); Console.WriteLine("CPU Usage: " + cpuUsage); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Unable to get the core usage: {0}", ex.Message); } ProgRunner.SleepMilliseconds(MONITOR_INTERVAL_MSEC / 2); if (maxRuntimeSeconds > 0) { if (DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(dtStartTime).TotalSeconds > maxRuntimeSeconds) { Console.WriteLine("Aborting ProcessID {0} since runtime has exceeded {1} seconds", cachedProcessID, maxRuntimeSeconds); abortProcess = true; } } if (abortProcess) { progRunner.StopMonitoringProgram(kill: true); } } processStats.ClearCachedPerformanceCounterForProcessID(cachedProcessID); if (writeConsoleOutput) { ProgRunner.SleepMilliseconds(250); var consoleOutputFilePath = progRunner.ConsoleOutputFilePath; Assert.IsNotEmpty(consoleOutputFilePath, "Console output file path is empty"); var consoleOutputFile = new FileInfo(consoleOutputFilePath); Assert.True(consoleOutputFile.Exists, "File not found: " + consoleOutputFilePath); var secondsSinceMidnight = (int)(DateTime.Now.Subtract(DateTime.Today).TotalSeconds); if (consoleOutputFile.DirectoryName == null) { Assert.Fail("Unable to determine the parent directory of " + consoleOutputFilePath); } var newFilePath = Path.Combine(consoleOutputFile.DirectoryName, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(consoleOutputFilePath) + "_" + secondsSinceMidnight + ".txt"); consoleOutputFile.MoveTo(newFilePath); // Open the file and assure that the first line contains the .exe name using (var reader = new StreamReader(new FileStream(newFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite))) { if (reader.EndOfStream) { Assert.Fail("The ConsoleOutput file is empty: " + newFilePath); } var dataLine = reader.ReadLine(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dataLine)) { Assert.Fail("The first line of the ConsoleOutput file is empty: " + newFilePath); } if (!dataLine.ToLower().Contains(exeName)) { Assert.Fail("The first line of the ConsoleOutput file does not contain " + exeName + ": " + newFilePath); } } } if (programAbortExpected) { Assert.True(abortProcess, "Process was expected to be aborted due to excessive runtime, but was not"); } else { Assert.False(abortProcess, "Process was aborted due to excessive runtime; this is unexpected"); } }
/// <summary> /// Program entry point /// </summary> /// <param name="args"></param> /// <returns>0 if no error, error code if an error</returns> private static int Main(string[] args) { var programName = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly()?.GetName().Name; var exeName = Path.GetFileName(PRISM.FileProcessor.ProcessFilesOrDirectoriesBase.GetAppPath()); var parser = new CommandLineParser <CommandLineOptions>(programName, GetAppVersion()) { ProgramInfo = "This program compares two or more files (typically in separate directories) to check whether the " + "start of the files match, the end of the files match, and selected sections inside the files also match. " + "Useful for comparing large files without reading the entire file. " + "Alternatively, you can provide two directory paths and the program will compare all of the files " + "in the first directory to the identically named files in the second directory.", ContactInfo = "Program written by Matthew Monroe for the Department of Energy (PNNL, Richland, WA)" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]" + Environment.NewLine + "Website: or or" }; parser.UsageExamples.Add( "Program syntax 1: compare two files; in this case the filenames cannot have wildcards" + Environment.NewLine + " " + exeName + " FilePath1 FilePath2" + Environment.NewLine + " [/N:NumberOfSamples] [/Bytes:SampleSizeBytes]" + Environment.NewLine + " [/KB:SizeKB] [/MB:SizeMB] [/GB:SizeGB]" + Environment.NewLine + " [/L[:LogFilePath]] [/LogDirectory:LogDirectoryPath]"); parser.UsageExamples.Add("Program syntax 2: compare two directories (including all subdirectories)" + Environment.NewLine + " " + exeName + " DirectoryPath1 DirectoryPath2" + Environment.NewLine + " [/N:NumberOfSamples] [/Bytes:SampleSizeBytes]" + Environment.NewLine + " [/L] [/LogDirectory]"); parser.UsageExamples.Add(ConsoleMsgUtils.WrapParagraph( "Program syntax 3: compare a set of files in one directory to identically named files in a separate directory. " + "Use wildcards in FileMatchSpec to specify the files to examine") + Environment.NewLine + " " + exeName + " FileMatchSpec DirectoryPathToExamine" + Environment.NewLine + " [/N:NumberOfSamples] [/Bytes:SampleSizeBytes]" + Environment.NewLine + " [/L] [/LogDirectory]"); parser.UsageExamples.Add(ConsoleMsgUtils.WrapParagraph( "Program syntax 4: compare a DMS dataset's files between the storage server and the archive. " + "The first argument must be DMS; the second argument is the Dataset Name.") + Environment.NewLine + " " + exeName + " DMS DatasetNameToCheck" + Environment.NewLine + " [/N:NumberOfSamples] [/Bytes:SampleSizeBytes]" + Environment.NewLine + " [/L] [/LogDirectory]"); var result = parser.ParseArgs(args); var options = result.ParsedResults; if (!result.Success || !options.Validate()) { if (parser.CreateParamFileProvided) { return(0); } // Delay for 1000 msec in case the user double clicked this file from within Windows Explorer (or started the program via a shortcut) ProgRunner.SleepMilliseconds(1000); return(-1); } try { int returnCode; mProcessingClass = new SampledFileComparer { NumberOfSamples = options.NumberOfSamples, SampleSizeBytes = options.SampleSizeBytes, IgnoreErrorsWhenUsingWildcardMatching = true, LogMessagesToFile = options.LogMessagesToFile, LogFilePath = options.LogFilePath, LogDirectoryPath = options.LogDirectoryPath }; mProcessingClass.ProgressUpdate += ProcessingClass_ProgressChanged; mProcessingClass.ProgressReset += ProcessingClass_ProgressReset; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.InputFileOrDirectoryPath)) { ShowErrorMessage("Base file or directory to compare is empty"); return(-1); } bool success; if (string.Equals(options.InputFileOrDirectoryPath, "DMS", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && options.ComparisonFileOrDirectoryPath.IndexOf("\\", StringComparison.Ordinal) < 0) { // InputFile is "DMS" // Treat ComparisonFile as a dataset name and compare files on the storage server to files in the archive // This feature does not yet support files in MyEMSL success = mProcessingClass.ProcessDMSDataset(options.ComparisonFileOrDirectoryPath); } else { // Comparing two files or two directories success = mProcessingClass.ProcessFilesWildcard(options.InputFileOrDirectoryPath, options.ComparisonFileOrDirectoryPath); } if (success) { returnCode = 0; } else { returnCode = (int)mProcessingClass.ErrorCode; if (returnCode != 0) { ShowErrorMessage("Error while processing: " + mProcessingClass.GetErrorMessage()); } } return(returnCode); } catch (Exception ex) { ShowErrorMessage("Error occurred in modMain->Main: " + ex.Message); return(-1); } }
public static int Main() { var commandLineParser = new clsParseCommandLine(); mInputFilePath = string.Empty; mOutputDirectoryPath = string.Empty; mParameterFilePath = string.Empty; mRecurseDirectories = false; mMaxLevelsToRecurse = 0; mQuietMode = false; mLogMessagesToFile = false; mLogFilePath = string.Empty; mLastSubtaskProgressTime = DateTime.UtcNow; try { var proceed = false; if (commandLineParser.ParseCommandLine()) { if (SetOptionsUsingCommandLineParameters(commandLineParser)) { proceed = true; } } if (commandLineParser.ParameterCount + commandLineParser.NonSwitchParameterCount == 0 && !commandLineParser.NeedToShowHelp) { #if GUI ShowGUI(); #else ShowProgramHelp(); #endif return(0); } if (!proceed || commandLineParser.NeedToShowHelp || mInputFilePath.Length == 0) { ShowProgramHelp(); return(-1); } mMASIC = new clsMASIC(); RegisterMasicEvents(mMASIC); mMASIC.Options.DatasetLookupFilePath = mDatasetLookupFilePath; mMASIC.Options.SICOptions.DatasetID = mDatasetID; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mMASICStatusFilename)) { mMASIC.Options.MASICStatusFilename = mMASICStatusFilename; } mMASIC.LogMessagesToFile = mLogMessagesToFile; mMASIC.LogFilePath = mLogFilePath; mMASIC.LogDirectoryPath = mLogDirectoryPath; if (!mQuietMode) { #if GUI mProgressForm = new frmProgress(); mProgressForm.InitializeProgressForm("Parsing " + Path.GetFileName(mInputFilePath), 0, 100, false, true); mProgressForm.InitializeSubtask(string.Empty, 0, 100, false); mProgressForm.ResetKeyPressAbortProcess(); mProgressForm.Show(); Application.DoEvents(); #else Console.WriteLine("Parsing " + Path.GetFileName(mInputFilePath)); #endif } int returnCode; if (mRecurseDirectories) { if (mMASIC.ProcessFilesAndRecurseDirectories(mInputFilePath, mOutputDirectoryPath, mOutputDirectoryAlternatePath, mRecreateDirectoryHierarchyInAlternatePath, mParameterFilePath, mMaxLevelsToRecurse)) { returnCode = 0; } else { returnCode = (int)mMASIC.ErrorCode; } } else if (mMASIC.ProcessFilesWildcard(mInputFilePath, mOutputDirectoryPath, mParameterFilePath)) { returnCode = 0; } else { returnCode = (int)mMASIC.ErrorCode; if (returnCode != 0) { Console.WriteLine("Error while processing: " + mMASIC.GetErrorMessage()); } } if (returnCode != 0) { ProgRunner.SleepMilliseconds(1500); } return(returnCode); } catch (Exception ex) { ShowErrorMessage("Error occurred in Program->Main: " + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); ProgRunner.SleepMilliseconds(1500); return(-1); } #if GUI finally { if (mProgressForm != null) { mProgressForm.HideForm(); mProgressForm = null; } } #endif }