private void ExecuteProfilerAttachSQL(SqlCommand cmd) { string mdfPath = m_analysisPath.EndsWith(".mdf") ? m_analysisPath.Substring(0, m_analysisPath.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1) : m_analysisPath.EndsWith(".trc") ? mdfPath = m_analysisPath.Substring(0, m_analysisPath.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1) + "Analysis\\" : m_analysisPath + "\\Analysis\\"; cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases WHERE name = N'" + AnalysisTraceID + "'", connSqlDb); if (Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar()) == 1) { // The database was already attached - change default to leave as it was before. chkDettachProfilerAnalysisDBWhenDone.Invoke(new System.Action(() => chkDettachProfilerAnalysisDBWhenDone.Checked = false)); } else { chkDettachProfilerAnalysisDBWhenDone.Invoke(new System.Action(() => chkDettachProfilerAnalysisDBWhenDone.Checked = true)); } cmd = new SqlCommand("IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT name FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases WHERE name = N'" + AnalysisTraceID + "') CREATE DATABASE [" + AnalysisTraceID + "] ON (FILENAME = N'" + mdfPath + AnalysisTraceID + ".mdf')," + "(FILENAME = N'" + mdfPath + AnalysisTraceID + ".ldf') " + "FOR ATTACH", connSqlDb); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); bProfilerTraceDbAttached = true; Invoke(new System.Action(() => { splitProfilerAnalysis.Visible = true; ttStatus.SetToolTip(chkDettachProfilerAnalysisDBWhenDone, "Profiler traces were imported into a trace database in the file:\r\n" + AnalysisTraceID + ".mdf\r\n\r\nLocated at:\r\n" + mdfPath + "\\Analysis\r\n\r\n" + "Uncheck this checkbox if the scenario requires further analysis offline, to leave the database attached when exiting this tool.\r\n\r\n" + "NOTE: While attached the SQL data source at [" + (connSqlDb.DataSource.StartsWith(".") ? Environment.MachineName + connSqlDb.DataSource.Substring(1) : connSqlDb.DataSource) + "] locks these files from deletion."); ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.AppendText((ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.Text.EndsWith("\r\n") ? "" : "\r\n") + "Attached trace database [" + AnalysisTraceID + "]\r\nto SQL instance [" + (connSqlDb.DataSource.StartsWith(".") ? Environment.MachineName + connSqlDb.DataSource.Substring(1) : connSqlDb.DataSource) + "]\r\nfor analysis at " + DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss UTCzzz") + ".\r\n"); })); }
private void AttachProfilerTraceDB() { splitProfilerAnalysis.Invoke(new System.Action(() => splitProfilerAnalysis.Visible = splitProfilerAnalysis.Enabled = btnAnalysisFolder.Enabled = false)); tcAnalysis.Invoke(new System.Action(() => ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.Text += (ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.Text.EndsWith("\r\n") || ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.Text == "" ? "" : "\r\n") + "Attaching profiler trace database...")); ValidateProfilerTraceDBConnectionStatus(); if (connSqlDb.State == ConnectionState.Open) { connSqlDb.ChangeDatabase("master"); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases WHERE name = N'" + AnalysisTraceID + "') ALTER DATABASE [" + AnalysisTraceID + "] SET MULTI_USER", connSqlDb); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); try { ExecuteProfilerAttachSQL(cmd); } catch (SqlException ex) { LogException(ex); Invoke(new System.Action(() => cmbProfilerAnalyses.Enabled = txtProfilerAnalysisQuery.Enabled = false)); if (ex.Message.Contains("cannot be opened because it is version")) { MessageBox.Show("Unable to attach to database since it was created with a later version of SQL than the selected server.", "Select another instance", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); frmSimpleSQLServerPrompt sqlprompt = new frmSimpleSQLServerPrompt(); while (true) { if (sqlprompt.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { Properties.Settings.Default["SqlForProfilerTraceAnalysis"] = sqlprompt.cmbServer.Text; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); connSqlDb = new SqlConnection("Data Source=" + sqlprompt.cmbServer.Text + ";Integrated Security=true;Persist Security Info=false;"); connSqlDb.Open(); cmd.Connection = connSqlDb; try { ExecuteProfilerAttachSQL(cmd); break; } catch (Exception ex2) { LogException(ex2); MessageBox.Show("Unable to attach to database since it was created with a later version of SQL than the selected server.", "Select another instance", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } else { Invoke(new System.Action(() => ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.AppendText((ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.Text.EndsWith("\r\n") ? "" : "\r\n") + "Unable to load trace data to SQL table. No local instance able to host the data is available.\r\nTry opening again on a machine with a local SQL instance running."))); return; } } } else if (ex.Message.Contains("Unable to open the physical file") || ex.Message.Contains("The path specified by")) { ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.Invoke(new System.Action(() => ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.Text = (ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.Text.EndsWith("\r\n") ? "" : "\r\n") + "Trace file is not yet imported to database table for analysis. Import to perform analysis.\r\n")); return; } else { ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.Invoke(new System.Action(() => ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.AppendText((ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.Text.EndsWith("\r\n") ? "" : "\r\n") + "Unable to attach to database due to exception:\r\n" + ex.Message))); } } } btnAnalysisFolder.Invoke(new System.Action(() => btnAnalysisFolder.Enabled = splitProfilerAnalysis.Enabled = true)); }
private bool ValidateProfilerTraceDBConnectionStatus() { if (connSqlDb.State != ConnectionState.Open) { string sqlForTraces = Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey(@"Software\SSASDiag").GetValue("SqlForProfilerTraceAnalysis") as string; string exMsg = ""; if (sqlForTraces != "") { connSqlDb = new SqlConnection("Data Source=" + sqlForTraces + ";Integrated Security=true;Connection Timeout=2;"); try { connSqlDb.Open(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (!ex.Message.StartsWith("A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server.")) { LogException(ex); } sqlForTraces = ""; exMsg = ex.Message; } } if (sqlForTraces == "") { DialogResult r = DialogResult.Abort; Invoke(new System.Action(() => { frmSimpleSQLServerPrompt sqlprompt = new frmSimpleSQLServerPrompt(); sqlprompt.cmbServer.Text = sqlForTraces; r = sqlprompt.ShowDialog(this); if (r == DialogResult.OK) { Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey(@"Software\SSASDiag").SetValue("SqlForProfilerTraceAnalysis", sqlprompt.cmbServer.Text); sqlForTraces = sqlprompt.cmbServer.Text; } })); if (r == DialogResult.OK) { connSqlDb = new SqlConnection("Data Source=" + Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey(@"Software\SSASDiag").GetValue("SqlForProfilerTraceAnalysis") as string + ";Integrated Security=true;Persist Security Info=false;"); try { connSqlDb.Open(); } catch (Exception ex) { LogException(ex); } } else { Invoke(new System.Action(() => { ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.AppendText((ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.Text.EndsWith("\r\n") ? "" : "\r\n") + "Failure attaching to trace database: " + exMsg + "\r\n"); btnImportProfilerTrace.Visible = true; })); return(false); } } } return(true); }
private void ValidateProfilerTraceViews() { SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connSqlDb.ConnectionString.Replace("Connection Timeout=2;", "")); conn.Open(); conn.ChangeDatabase(AnalysisTraceID); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT TOP 1 name FROM sys.views WHERE name = N'" + AnalysisTraceID + "_v'", conn); if (cmd.ExecuteScalar() != null) { bProfilerEventClassSublcassViewPresent = true; } else { bProfilerEventClassSublcassViewPresent = false; } ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.Invoke(new System.Action(() => ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.AppendText((ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.Text.EndsWith("\r\n") ? "" : "\r\n") + "Confirmed event class/subclass view is " + (bProfilerEventClassSublcassViewPresent ? "present." : "not present.")))); cmd.CommandText = @" declare @sql nvarchar(max) = (case when exists (select * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where TABLE_NAME = '" + AnalysisTraceID + @"' and COLUMN_NAME = 'currentTime' -- and schema name too, if you like ) then 'select max(currentTime) from [" + AnalysisTraceID + @"]' else 'select NULL as currentTime' end) ; exec sp_executesql @sql; "; new Thread(new ThreadStart(() => { if (cmd.Connection.State == ConnectionState.Open) { // This isn't immediately required and we save 1-2s by doing it off this thread. EndOfTrace = DateTime.MinValue; object dt = cmd.ExecuteScalar(); if (!Convert.IsDBNull(dt)) { EndOfTrace = Convert.ToDateTime(dt); System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(Program.CurrentFormattedLocalDateTime() + ": End of trace [" + AnalysisTraceID + "] noted at " + EndOfTrace); } conn.Close(); } })).Start(); Invoke(new System.Action(() => { cmbProfilerAnalyses.DataSource = ProfilerTraceAnalysisQueries.Where(q => q.QueryType == (bProfilerEventClassSublcassViewPresent ? ProfilerQueryTypes.QueriesWithEventClassSubclassNames : ProfilerQueryTypes.BaseQuery) || q.Name == "").ToList(); cmbProfilerAnalyses.Refresh(); })); }
private void BgCancelTrace_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e) { ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.AppendText("\r\nDropped trace database and deleted files successfully.\r\nTrace file is not yet imported to database table for analysis. Import to perform analysis.\r\n"); AnalysisMessagePumpTimer.Stop(); tbCollection.ForeColor = SystemColors.ControlText; tcCollectionAnalysisTabs.Refresh(); tbCollection.Enabled = true; btnAnalysisFolder.Enabled = true; btnImportProfilerTrace.Enabled = true; btnImportProfilerTrace.Text = "Import and &Analyze"; }
private void AnalysisMessagePumpTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (tcAnalysis.SelectedTab.Name == "tbProfilerTraces") { ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.AppendText("."); } if (tcAnalysis.SelectedTab.Name == "Network Trace") { (tcAnalysis.SelectedTab.Controls["StatusTextBox"] as TextBox).AppendText("."); } }
private bool ValidateProfilerTraceDBConnectionStatus() { if (connSqlDb.State != ConnectionState.Open) { string sqlForTraces = Properties.Settings.Default["SqlForProfilerTraceAnalysis"] as string; string exMsg = ""; if (sqlForTraces != "") { connSqlDb = new SqlConnection("Data Source=" + sqlForTraces + ";Integrated Security=true;Connection Timeout=2;"); try { connSqlDb.Open(); } catch (Exception ex) { LogException(ex); sqlForTraces = ""; exMsg = ex.Message; } } if (sqlForTraces == "") { DialogResult r = DialogResult.Abort; Invoke(new System.Action(() => { frmSimpleSQLServerPrompt sqlprompt = new frmSimpleSQLServerPrompt(); sqlprompt.cmbServer.Text = sqlForTraces; r = sqlprompt.ShowDialog(this); if (r == DialogResult.OK) { Properties.Settings.Default["SqlForProfilerTraceAnalysis"] = sqlForTraces = sqlprompt.cmbServer.Text; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); } })); if (r == DialogResult.OK) { connSqlDb = new SqlConnection("Data Source=" + Properties.Settings.Default["SqlForProfilerTraceAnalysis"] + ";Integrated Security=true;Persist Security Info=false;"); try { connSqlDb.Open(); } catch (Exception ex) { LogException(ex); } } else { Invoke(new System.Action(() => ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.AppendText((ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.Text.EndsWith("\r\n") ? "" : "\r\n") + "Failure attaching to trace database: " + exMsg + "\r\n"))); return(false); } } } return(true); }
private void ValidateProfilerTraceViews() { SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connSqlDb.ConnectionString.Replace("Connection Timeout=2;", "")); conn.Open(); conn.ChangeDatabase(AnalysisTraceID); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT TOP 1 name FROM sys.views WHERE name = N'" + AnalysisTraceID + "_v'", conn); if (cmd.ExecuteScalar() != null) { bProfilerEventClassSublcassViewPresent = true; } else { bProfilerEventClassSublcassViewPresent = false; } ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.Invoke(new System.Action(() => ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.AppendText((ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.Text.EndsWith("\r\n") ? "" : "\r\n") + "Confirmed event class/subclass view is " + (bProfilerEventClassSublcassViewPresent ? "present." : "not present.")))); cmd.CommandText = "SELECT MAX(CurrentTime) FROM [" + AnalysisTraceID + "]"; new Thread(new ThreadStart(() => { if (cmd.Connection.State == ConnectionState.Open) { // This isn't immediately required and we save 1-2s by doing it off this thread. EndOfTrace = Convert.ToDateTime(cmd.ExecuteScalar()); System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("End of trace [" + AnalysisTraceID + "] noted at " + EndOfTrace); conn.Close(); } })).Start(); Invoke(new System.Action(() => { cmbProfilerAnalyses.DataSource = ProfilerTraceAnalysisQueries.Where(q => q.QueryType == (bProfilerEventClassSublcassViewPresent ? ProfilerQueryTypes.QueriesWithEventClassSubclassNames : ProfilerQueryTypes.BaseQuery) || q.Name == "").ToList(); cmbProfilerAnalyses.Refresh(); })); }
private void btnImportProfilerTrace_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (btnImportProfilerTrace.Text == "Import and &Analyze") { bCancelProfilerImport = false; tbCollection.ForeColor = SystemColors.ControlDark; tcCollectionAnalysisTabs.Refresh(); tbCollection.Enabled = false; btnAnalysisFolder.Enabled = false; btnImportProfilerTrace.Text = "&Cancel Import"; LogFeatureUse("Profiler Analysis", "Started"); if (!ValidateProfilerTraceDBConnectionStatus()) { tbCollection.ForeColor = SystemColors.ControlText; tcCollectionAnalysisTabs.Refresh(); tbCollection.Enabled = true; btnAnalysisFolder.Enabled = true; btnImportProfilerTrace.Enabled = true; btnImportProfilerTrace.Text = "Import and &Analyze"; return; } AnalysisMessagePumpTimer.Interval = 1000; AnalysisMessagePumpTimer.Start(); try { BackgroundWorker bg = new BackgroundWorker(); bg.DoWork += bgImportProfilerTrace; bg.RunWorkerCompleted += bgImportProfilerTraceComplete; bg.RunWorkerAsync(new object[] { ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox, "Initial Catalog=" + AnalysisTraceID + ";Persist Security Info=False;" + connSqlDb.ConnectionString }); } catch (SqlException ex) { LogException(ex); if (ex.Message == "ExecuteNonQuery requires an open and available Connection. The connection's current state is closed.") { ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.Text = "Trace file is not yet imported to database table for analysis. No SQL Server was available to perform import."; btnImportProfilerTrace.Visible = true; } else { ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.Text = "Error loading profiler trace: \r\n" + ex.Message; } ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.AppendText("\r\nImport trace to database failed. Dropping trace database..."); LogFeatureUse("Profiler Analysis", "Failed: " + ex.Message); BackgroundWorker bgCancelTrace = new BackgroundWorker(); bgCancelTrace.DoWork += BgCancelTrace_DoWork; bgCancelTrace.RunWorkerCompleted += BgCancelTrace_RunWorkerCompleted; bgCancelTrace.RunWorkerAsync(); } } else { bCancelProfilerImport = true; btnImportProfilerTrace.Enabled = false; ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.AppendText("\r\nUser cancelled loading of trace to table. Dropping trace database..."); LogFeatureUse("Profiler Analysis", "User cancelled import"); BackgroundWorker bgCancelTrace = new BackgroundWorker(); bgCancelTrace.DoWork += BgCancelTrace_DoWork; bgCancelTrace.RunWorkerCompleted += BgCancelTrace_RunWorkerCompleted; bgCancelTrace.RunWorkerAsync(); } }
private void bgImportProfilerTrace(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { try { if (m_analysisPath.EndsWith(".trc")) { m_analysisPath = m_analysisPath.Substring(0, m_analysisPath.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1); } SetAnalysisFolderPermissionsAndCreateDB(m_analysisPath); ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.Invoke(new System.Action(() => ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.Text = "Importing profiler trace to database [" + AnalysisTraceID + "] on SQL instance: [" + (connSqlDb.DataSource == "." ? Environment.MachineName : connSqlDb.DataSource) + "].")); string connstr = (e.Argument as object[])[1] as string; if (!connstr.Contains("Initial Catalog")) { connstr += (connstr.EndsWith(";") ? "" : ";") + "Initial Catalog=" + AnalysisTraceID + ";"; } if (connstr.Contains("Initial Catalog=;")) { connstr = connstr.Replace("Initial Catalog=;", "Initial Catalog=" + AnalysisTraceID + ";"); } ASProfilerTraceImporterProcess = new Process(); ASProfilerTraceImporterProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; ASProfilerTraceImporterProcess.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; ASProfilerTraceImporterProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; ASProfilerTraceImporterProcess.StartInfo.FileName = Program.TempPath + "ASProfilerTraceImporterCmd.exe"; ASProfilerTraceImporterProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = "\"" + Directory.GetFiles(m_analysisPath, AnalysisTraceID + "*.trc")[0] + "\" \"" + connstr + "\" \"" + AnalysisTraceID + "\""; ASProfilerTraceImporterProcess.Start(); while (!ASProfilerTraceImporterProcess.HasExited) { string sOut = ASProfilerTraceImporterProcess.StandardOutput.ReadLine(); System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(sOut); if (sOut != null) { if (sOut.StartsWith("Loaded ")) { ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.Invoke(new System.Action(() => { List <string> loadedline = ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.Lines.Where(l => l.StartsWith("Loaded ")).ToList(); if (loadedline.Count > 0) { ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.Text = ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.Text.Replace(loadedline.First(), sOut); } else { ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.AppendText((ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.Text == "" ? "" : "\r\n") + sOut); } } )); } else if (sOut == "Database prepared for analysis." || sOut == "Import of profiler trace cancelled.") { break; } else { ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.Invoke(new System.Action(() => ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.AppendText((ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.Text == "" ? "" : "\r\n") + sOut))); } } } if (!bCancelProfilerImport) { ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.Invoke(new System.Action(() => ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.AppendText((ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.Text.EndsWith("\r\n") ? "" : "\r\n") + "Adding profiler database to collection data..."))); DettachProfilerTraceDB(false); AddFileFromFolderIfAnlyzingZip(m_analysisPath + "\\Analysis\\" + AnalysisTraceID + ".mdf"); AddFileFromFolderIfAnlyzingZip(m_analysisPath + "\\Analysis\\" + AnalysisTraceID + ".ldf"); if (txtFolderZipForAnalysis.Text.EndsWith(".zip")) { ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.Invoke(new System.Action(() => ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.AppendText("\r\nDeleting redundant profiler trace files from data extraction location..."))); foreach (string file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(m_analysisPath, AnalysisTraceID + "*.trc")) { File.Delete(file); } } AttachProfilerTraceDB(); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogException(ex); if (ex.Message == "ExecuteNonQuery requires an open and available Connection. The connection's current state is closed.") { ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.Invoke(new System.Action(() => ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.Text = "Trace file is not yet imported to database table for analysis. No SQL Server was available to perform import.\r\n")); btnImportProfilerTrace.Invoke(new System.Action(() => btnImportProfilerTrace.Visible = true)); } else { ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.Invoke(new System.Action(() => ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.Text = "Error loading trace: " + ex.Message + "\r\n")); } } }
private void AttachProfilerTraceDB() { CurrentProfilerTraceColumnList = new List <string>(); splitProfilerAnalysis.Invoke(new System.Action(() => splitProfilerAnalysis.Visible = splitProfilerAnalysis.Enabled = btnAnalysisFolder.Enabled = false)); tcAnalysis.Invoke(new System.Action(() => ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.Text += (ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.Text.EndsWith("\r\n") || ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.Text == "" ? "" : "\r\n") + "Attaching profiler trace database...")); ValidateProfilerTraceDBConnectionStatus(); if (connSqlDb.State == ConnectionState.Open) { connSqlDb.ChangeDatabase("master"); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases WHERE name = N'" + AnalysisTraceID + "') ALTER DATABASE [" + AnalysisTraceID + "] SET MULTI_USER", connSqlDb); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); try { ExecuteProfilerAttachSQL(cmd); cmd.CommandText = "select column_name from [" + AnalysisTraceID + "].INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where table_name = N'" + AnalysisTraceID + "'"; SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (dr.Read()) { CurrentProfilerTraceColumnList.Add((dr["column_name"] as string).ToLower()); } dr.Close(); } catch (SqlException ex) { LogException(ex); Invoke(new System.Action(() => cmbProfilerAnalyses.Enabled = txtProfilerAnalysisQuery.Enabled = false)); if (ex.Message.Contains("cannot be opened because it is version")) { MessageBox.Show("Unable to attach to database since it was created with a later version of SQL than the selected server.", "Select another instance", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); frmSimpleSQLServerPrompt sqlprompt = new frmSimpleSQLServerPrompt(); while (true) { if (sqlprompt.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey(@"Software\SSASDiag").SetValue("SqlForProfilerTraceAnalysis", sqlprompt.cmbServer.Text); connSqlDb = new SqlConnection("Data Source=" + sqlprompt.cmbServer.Text + ";Integrated Security=true;Persist Security Info=false;"); connSqlDb.Open(); cmd.Connection = connSqlDb; try { ExecuteProfilerAttachSQL(cmd); cmd.CommandText = "select column_name from [" + AnalysisTraceID + "].INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where table_name = N'" + AnalysisTraceID + "'"; SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (dr.Read()) { CurrentProfilerTraceColumnList.Add((dr["column_name"] as string).ToLower()); } dr.Close(); break; } catch (Exception ex2) { LogException(ex2); MessageBox.Show("Unable to attach to database since it was created with a later version of SQL than the selected server.", "Select another instance", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } else { Invoke(new System.Action(() => ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.AppendText((ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.Text.EndsWith("\r\n") ? "" : "\r\n") + "Unable to load trace data to SQL table. No local instance able to host the data is available.\r\nTry opening again on a machine with a local SQL instance running."))); return; } } } else if (ex.Message.Contains("Unable to open the physical file") || ex.Message.Contains("The path specified by")) { ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.Invoke(new System.Action(() => { ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.Text = (ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.Text.EndsWith("\r\n") && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.Text) ? "" : "\r\n") + "Trace file is not yet imported to database table for analysis. Import to perform analysis.\r\n"; btnImportProfilerTrace.Visible = true; })); return; } else { ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.Invoke(new System.Action(() => ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.AppendText((ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.Text.EndsWith("\r\n") ? "" : "\r\n") + "Unable to attach to database due to exception:\r\n" + ex.Message))); ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.Invoke(new System.Action(() => { ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.Text = (ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.Text.EndsWith("\r\n") && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.Text) ? "" : "\r\n") + "Trace file is not yet imported to database table for analysis. Import to perform analysis.\r\n"; btnImportProfilerTrace.Visible = true; })); } } } btnAnalysisFolder.Invoke(new System.Action(() => btnAnalysisFolder.Enabled = splitProfilerAnalysis.Enabled = true)); }
private void PopulateAnalysisTabs() { lblInitialAnalysisPrompt.Visible = false; if (connSqlDb.State != ConnectionState.Closed) { connSqlDb.Close(); } if (File.Exists(m_analysisPath)) { if (!m_analysisPath.EndsWith(".zip")) { AnalysisTraceID = m_analysisPath.Substring(0, m_analysisPath.LastIndexOf(".")).Substring(m_analysisPath.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1).TrimEnd("0123456789".ToCharArray()); } } else { AnalysisTraceID = GetAnalysisIDFromLog(); } foreach (TabPage t in tcAnalysis.TabPages) { if (t.Name == "tbProfilerTraces") { HiddenTabPages.Add(t); } } tcAnalysis.TabPages.Clear(); btnImportProfilerTrace.Visible = true; string mdfPath = ""; if (m_analysisPath != null) { if (m_analysisPath.EndsWith(".zip")) { SelectivelyExtractAnalysisDataFromZip(); } if ((File.Exists(m_analysisPath) && m_analysisPath.EndsWith("\\msmdsrv.ini")) || File.Exists(m_analysisPath + "\\msmdsrv.ini")) { tcAnalysis.TabPages.Add(new TabPage("Configuration") { ImageIndex = 0, Name = "Configuration" }); tcAnalysis.TabPages["Configuration"].Controls.Add(GetStatusTextBox("Check back soon for automated analysis of configuration details.")); } if ((File.Exists(m_analysisPath) && m_analysisPath.EndsWith(".mdmp")) || (!File.Exists(m_analysisPath) && Directory.GetFiles(m_analysisPath, "*.mdmp", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Count() > 0)) { if (ValidateProfilerTraceDBConnectionStatus()) { ucASDumpAnalyzer DumpAnalyzer = new ucASDumpAnalyzer(m_analysisPath, connSqlDb); DumpAnalyzer.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; tcAnalysis.TabPages.Add(new TabPage("Memory Dumps") { ImageIndex = 1, Name = "Memory Dumps" }); tcAnalysis.TabPages["Memory Dumps"].Controls.Add(DumpAnalyzer); } } if ((File.Exists(m_analysisPath) && m_analysisPath.EndsWith(".evtx")) || File.Exists(m_analysisPath + "\\" + AnalysisTraceID + "_Application.evtx") || File.Exists(m_analysisPath + "\\" + AnalysisTraceID + "_System.evtx")) { tcAnalysis.TabPages.Add(new TabPage("Event Logs") { ImageIndex = 2, Name = "Event Logs" }); tcAnalysis.TabPages["Event Logs"].Controls.Add(GetStatusTextBox("Check back soon for automated analysis of event logs.")); } if ((File.Exists(m_analysisPath) && m_analysisPath.EndsWith(".etl")) || (File.Exists(m_analysisPath) && m_analysisPath.EndsWith(".cap")) || File.Exists(m_analysisPath + "\\" + AnalysisTraceID + ".etl") || File.Exists(m_analysisPath + "\\Analysis\\" + AnalysisTraceID + "_NetworkAnalysis.diag.log")) { tcAnalysis.TabPages.Add(new TabPage("Network Trace") { ImageIndex = 3, Name = "Network Trace" }); TextBox txtNetworkAnalysis = GetStatusTextBox(); Button btnAnalyzeNetworkTrace = new Button() { Text = "Analyze Trace", Name = "btnAnalyzeNetworkTrace", Left = tcAnalysis.Width / 2 - 54, Width = 108, Top = 80, Visible = false }; tcAnalysis.TabPages["Network Trace"].Controls.Add(btnAnalyzeNetworkTrace); btnAnalyzeNetworkTrace.Click += btnAnalyzeNetworkTrace_Click; tcAnalysis.TabPages["Network Trace"].Controls.Add(txtNetworkAnalysis); if (File.Exists(m_analysisPath + "\\Analysis\\" + AnalysisTraceID + "_NetworkAnalysis.log")) { txtNetworkAnalysis.Text = File.ReadAllText(m_analysisPath + "\\Analysis\\" + AnalysisTraceID + "_NetworkAnalysis.log"); AddFileFromFolderIfAnlyzingZip(m_analysisPath + "\\Analysis\\" + AnalysisTraceID + "_NetworkAnalysis.log"); AddFileFromFolderIfAnlyzingZip(m_analysisPath + "\\Analysis\\" + AnalysisTraceID + "_NetworkAnalysis.diag.log"); } else { btnAnalyzeNetworkTrace.Visible = true; } } if ((File.Exists(m_analysisPath) && m_analysisPath.EndsWith(".blg")) || File.Exists(m_analysisPath + "\\" + AnalysisTraceID + ".blg")) { tcAnalysis.TabPages.Add(new TabPage("Performance Logs") { ImageIndex = 4, Name = "Performance Logs" }); tcAnalysis.TabPages["Performance Logs"].Controls.Add(GetStatusTextBox("Check back soon for automated analysis of performance logs.")); } if ( (File.Exists(m_analysisPath) && m_analysisPath.EndsWith(".trc")) || (File.Exists(m_analysisPath) && m_analysisPath.EndsWith(".mdf")) || ( !File.Exists(m_analysisPath) && (Directory.GetFiles(m_analysisPath, AnalysisTraceID + "*.trc").Count() > 0 || File.Exists(m_analysisPath + "\\Analysis\\" + AnalysisTraceID + ".mdf")) ) ) { SetupSQLTextbox(); LogFeatureUse("Profiler Analysis", "Initializing analysis tab"); splitProfilerAnalysis.Visible = false; ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.Text = ""; tcAnalysis.TabPages.Add(HiddenTabPages.Where(t => t.Text == "Profiler Traces").First()); HiddenTabPages.Remove(HiddenTabPages.Where(t => t.Text == "Profiler Traces").First()); if (!Validate2016ManagementComponents()) { ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.Text = "SQL 2016 Management Studio components required.\r\nComplete install from and then open Profiler Trace Analysis again."; btnImportProfilerTrace.Visible = false; } else { btnImportProfilerTrace.Visible = true; string sqlForTraces = Properties.Settings.Default["SqlForProfilerTraceAnalysis"] as string; if (m_analysisPath.EndsWith(".trc")) { mdfPath = m_analysisPath.Substring(0, m_analysisPath.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1) + "Analysis" + m_analysisPath.Substring(m_analysisPath.LastIndexOf("\\")).Replace(".trc", "").TrimEnd(new char[] { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' }) + ".mdf"; } else { mdfPath = m_analysisPath; } if (File.Exists(mdfPath) || File.Exists(m_analysisPath + "\\Analysis\\" + AnalysisTraceID + ".mdf")) { AddFileFromFolderIfAnlyzingZip(m_analysisPath + "\\Analysis\\" + AnalysisTraceID + ".mdf"); AddFileFromFolderIfAnlyzingZip(m_analysisPath + "\\Analysis\\" + AnalysisTraceID + ".ldf"); ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.AppendText("Using trace data loaded into SQL .mdf at " + m_analysisPath + (m_analysisPath.EndsWith(".mdf") ? ".\r\n" : "\\Analysis\\.\r\n")); new Thread(new ThreadStart(() => AttachProfilerTraceDB())).Start(); splitProfilerAnalysis.Visible = true; btnImportProfilerTrace.Visible = false; } else { ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.Text = "Trace file is not yet imported to database table for analysis. Import to perform analysis."; } } } } }
void CompleteAnalysisTabsPopulationAfterZipExtraction() { string mdfPath = ""; if ((File.Exists(m_analysisPath) && m_analysisPath.EndsWith("\\msmdsrv.ini")) || File.Exists(m_analysisPath + "\\msmdsrv.ini")) { tcAnalysis.TabPages.Add(new TabPage("Configuration") { ImageIndex = 0, Name = "Configuration" }); tcAnalysis.TabPages["Configuration"].Controls.Add(GetStatusTextBox(File.ReadAllText(m_analysisPath + "\\msmdsrv.ini"))); } bool dirhasdumps = false; if (!File.Exists(m_analysisPath)) { if (Directory.GetFiles(m_analysisPath, "*.mdmp", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly).Count() > 0) { dirhasdumps = true; } else { foreach (string dir in Directory.EnumerateDirectories(m_analysisPath)) { if (!dir.Contains("\\$RECYCLE.BIN") && !dir.Contains("\\System Volume Information") && Directory.GetFiles(dir, "*.mdmp", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Count() > 0) { dirhasdumps = true; break; } } } } if ((File.Exists(m_analysisPath) && m_analysisPath.EndsWith(".mdmp")) || dirhasdumps || (Directory.Exists(m_analysisPath + "\\Analysis") && Directory.GetFiles(m_analysisPath + "\\Analysis", "SSASDiag_MemoryDump_Analysis_*.mdf", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly).Count() > 0)) { if (ValidateProfilerTraceDBConnectionStatus()) { ucASDumpAnalyzer DumpAnalyzer = new ucASDumpAnalyzer(m_analysisPath, connSqlDb, StatusFloater); DumpAnalyzer.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; tcAnalysis.TabPages.Add(new TabPage("Memory Dumps") { ImageIndex = 1, Name = "Memory Dumps" }); tcAnalysis.TabPages["Memory Dumps"].Controls.Add(DumpAnalyzer); } } if ((File.Exists(m_analysisPath) && m_analysisPath.EndsWith(".evtx")) || File.Exists(m_analysisPath + "\\" + AnalysisTraceID + "_Application.evtx") || File.Exists(m_analysisPath + "\\" + AnalysisTraceID + "_System.evtx")) { tcAnalysis.TabPages.Add(new TabPage("Event Logs") { ImageIndex = 2, Name = "Event Logs" }); RichTextBox eventlogstatus = GetStatusTextBox("Right-click to open captured logs in Event Viewer. Check back soon for automated analysis of event logs."); eventlogstatus.MouseUp += Eventlogstatus_MouseClick; tcAnalysis.TabPages["Event Logs"].Controls.Add(eventlogstatus); } if ((File.Exists(m_analysisPath) && m_analysisPath.EndsWith(".etl")) || (File.Exists(m_analysisPath) && m_analysisPath.EndsWith(".cap")) || File.Exists(m_analysisPath + "\\" + AnalysisTraceID + ".etl") || File.Exists(m_analysisPath + "\\Analysis\\" + AnalysisTraceID + "_NetworkAnalysis.diag.log")) { tcAnalysis.TabPages.Add(new TabPage("Network Trace") { ImageIndex = 3, Name = "Network Trace" }); RichTextBox txtNetworkAnalysis = GetStatusTextBox(); Button btnAnalyzeNetworkTrace = new Button() { Text = "Analyze Trace", Name = "btnAnalyzeNetworkTrace", Left = tcAnalysis.Width / 2 - 54, Width = 108, Top = 80, Visible = false }; tcAnalysis.TabPages["Network Trace"].Controls.Add(btnAnalyzeNetworkTrace); btnAnalyzeNetworkTrace.Click += btnAnalyzeNetworkTrace_Click; tcAnalysis.TabPages["Network Trace"].Controls.Add(txtNetworkAnalysis); if (File.Exists(m_analysisPath + "\\Analysis\\" + AnalysisTraceID + "_NetworkAnalysis.log")) { txtNetworkAnalysis.Text = File.ReadAllText(m_analysisPath + "\\Analysis\\" + AnalysisTraceID + "_NetworkAnalysis.log"); AddFileFromFolderIfAnlyzingZip(m_analysisPath + "\\Analysis\\" + AnalysisTraceID + "_NetworkAnalysis.log"); AddFileFromFolderIfAnlyzingZip(m_analysisPath + "\\Analysis\\" + AnalysisTraceID + "_NetworkAnalysis.diag.log"); } else { btnAnalyzeNetworkTrace.Visible = true; } } bool dirhasblgs = false; if (!File.Exists(m_analysisPath)) { if (Directory.GetFiles(m_analysisPath, "*.blg", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly).Count() > 0) { dirhasblgs = true; } else { foreach (string dir in Directory.EnumerateDirectories(m_analysisPath)) { if (!dir.Contains("\\$RECYCLE.BIN") && !dir.Contains("\\System Volume Information") && Directory.GetFiles(dir, "*.blg", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Count() > 0) { dirhasblgs = true; break; } } } } if (Args.ContainsKey("perfmonanalyzer") && ((File.Exists(m_analysisPath) && m_analysisPath.EndsWith(".blg")) || dirhasblgs || (Directory.Exists(m_analysisPath + "\\Analysis") && Directory.GetFiles(m_analysisPath + "\\Analysis", "SSASDiag_PerfMon_Analysis_*.mdf", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly).Count() > 0))) { if (ValidateProfilerTraceDBConnectionStatus()) { tcAnalysis.TabPages.Add(new TabPage("Performance Logs") { ImageIndex = 4, Name = "Performance Logs" }); ucASPerfMonAnalyzer PerfMonAnalyzer = new ucASPerfMonAnalyzer(m_analysisPath, connSqlDb, StatusFloater); PerfMonAnalyzer.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; tcAnalysis.TabPages["Performance Logs"].Controls.Add(PerfMonAnalyzer); } } if ( (File.Exists(m_analysisPath) && m_analysisPath.EndsWith(".trc")) || (File.Exists(m_analysisPath) && m_analysisPath.EndsWith(".mdf")) || ( !File.Exists(m_analysisPath) && (Directory.GetFiles(m_analysisPath, AnalysisTraceID + "*.trc").Count() > 0 || File.Exists(m_analysisPath + "\\Analysis\\" + AnalysisTraceID + ".mdf")) ) ) { SetupSQLTextbox(); LogFeatureUse("Profiler Analysis", "Initializing analysis tab"); splitProfilerAnalysis.Visible = false; ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.Text = ""; tcAnalysis.TabPages.Add(HiddenTabPages.Where(t => t.Text == "Profiler Trace").First()); HiddenTabPages.Remove(HiddenTabPages.Where(t => t.Text == "Profiler Trace").First()); if (!Validate2017ManagementComponents()) { ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.Text = "SQL 2017 Management Studio components required.\r\nComplete install from and then open Profiler Trace Analysis again."; btnImportProfilerTrace.Visible = false; } else { btnImportProfilerTrace.Visible = true; string sqlForTraces = Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey(@"Software\SSASDiag").GetValue("SqlForProfilerTraceAnalysis", "") as string; if (m_analysisPath.EndsWith(".trc")) { mdfPath = m_analysisPath.Substring(0, m_analysisPath.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1) + "Analysis" + m_analysisPath.Substring(m_analysisPath.LastIndexOf("\\")).Replace(".trc", "").TrimEnd(new char[] { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' }) + ".mdf"; } else { mdfPath = m_analysisPath; } if (File.Exists(mdfPath) || File.Exists(m_analysisPath + "\\Analysis\\" + AnalysisTraceID + ".mdf")) { AddFileFromFolderIfAnlyzingZip(m_analysisPath + "\\Analysis\\" + AnalysisTraceID + ".mdf"); AddFileFromFolderIfAnlyzingZip(m_analysisPath + "\\Analysis\\" + AnalysisTraceID + ".ldf"); ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.AppendText("Using trace data loaded into SQL .mdf at " + m_analysisPath + (m_analysisPath.EndsWith(".mdf") ? ".\r\n" : "\\Analysis\\.\r\n")); new Thread(new ThreadStart(() => AttachProfilerTraceDB())).Start(); splitProfilerAnalysis.Visible = true; btnImportProfilerTrace.Visible = false; } else { ProfilerTraceStatusTextBox.Text = "Trace file is not yet imported to database table for analysis. Import to perform analysis."; } } } // Prefer loading some tabs before others (Order of pref: Configuration (default if it exists anyway by alpha ordering as first tab), Network, Profiler, Memory Dump, then the others are all just placeholders so ignored. if (!tcAnalysis.TabPages.ContainsKey("Configuration")) { if (tcAnalysis.TabPages.ContainsKey("tbProfilerTraces")) { tcAnalysis.SelectedTab = tcAnalysis.TabPages["tbProfilerTraces"]; } else if (tcAnalysis.TabPages.ContainsKey("Network Trace")) { tcAnalysis.SelectedTab = tcAnalysis.TabPages["Network Trace"]; } else if (tcAnalysis.TabPages.ContainsKey("Memory Dumps")) { tcAnalysis.SelectedTab = tcAnalysis.TabPages["Memory Dumps"]; } } tcAnalysis.Visible = true; }