コード例 #1
            public void onInspectorPostFieldModification()
                GuiEditorProfilesTree         GuiEditorProfilesTree         = "GuiEditorProfilesTree";
                GuiEditorProfileChangeManager GuiEditorProfileChangeManager = "GuiEditorProfileChangeManager";

                GuiEditorGui.GuiEditor GuiEditor   = "GuiEditor";
                ProfilePane            ProfilePane = "ProfilePane";

                UndoAction action     = this.currentFieldEditAction;
                SimObject  objectx    = action["objectId"];
                string     fieldName  = action["fieldName"];
                string     arrayIndex = action["arrayIndex"];
                string     oldValue   = action["fieldValue"];
                string     newValue   = objectx.getFieldValue(fieldName, arrayIndex == "(null)" ? -1 : arrayIndex.AsInt());

                // If it's the name field, make sure to sync up the treeview.

                if (action["fieldName"] == "name")
                    GuiEditorProfilesTree.onProfileRenamed(objectx, newValue);


                // Add change record.

                GuiEditorProfileChangeManager.registerEdit(objectx, fieldName, arrayIndex, oldValue);

                this.currentFieldEditAction = "";

                GuiEditor.setProfileDirty(objectx, true, false);
コード例 #2
            public override void onInspectorFieldModified(string objectx, string fieldName, string arrayIndex, string oldValue, string newValue)
                SimObject obj = objectx;

                GuiEditorGui.GuiEditor        GuiEditor                     = "GuiEditor";
                GuiEditorProfilesTree         GuiEditorProfilesTree         = "GuiEditorProfilesTree";
                GuiEditorProfileChangeManager GuiEditorProfileChangeManager = "GuiEditorProfileChangeManager";
                ProfilePane ProfilePane = "ProfilePane";

                GuiEditor.setProfileDirty(obj, true, false);

                // If it's the name field, make sure to sync up the treeview.

                if (fieldName == "name")
                    GuiEditorProfilesTree.onProfileRenamed(obj, newValue);

                // Add change record.

                //GuiEditorProfileChangeManager.registerEdit(obj, fieldName, oldValue);
                GuiEditorProfileChangeManager.registerEdit(obj, fieldName, arrayIndex, oldValue);

                // Add undo.


                string nameOrClass = obj.getName();

                if (nameOrClass == "")
                    nameOrClass = obj.getClassName();

                ObjectCreator oc = new ObjectCreator("InspectorFieldUndoAction");

                oc["actionName"] = nameOrClass + "." + fieldName + " Change";

                oc["objectId"]   = obj.getId();
                oc["fieldName"]  = fieldName;
                oc["fieldValue"] = oldValue;
                oc["arrayIndex"] = arrayIndex;

                oc["inspectorGui"] = this;

                InspectorFieldUndoAction action = oc.Create();
