protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool setupVariables = SetupVariables(); if (!setupVariables) { ProductsMessage message = new ProductsMessage() { ErrorMessage = "Sorry, we\'ve encountered an unknown error.<br />Please try again." }; Response.Write(SerializationHelper.ToJSONString(typeof(ProductsMessage), message)); } //Get product GetFavoriteProduct(); }
private void GetFavoriteProduct() { string db = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DatabaseConnectionString"].ConnectionString; string query = "EXEC [stp_SS_GetLovesByCategoryWithColor] @uId=" + this.userId + ", @position=" + this.position + ",@color=N'" + this.color + "',@contestId=" + this.contestId + ",@categoryId=N'" + this.category + "'"; SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(db); try { myConnection.Open(); using (SqlDataAdapter adp = new SqlDataAdapter(query, myConnection)) { SqlCommand cmd = adp.SelectCommand; cmd.CommandTimeout = 300000; System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); IList <Product> loves = new List <Product>(); while (dr.Read()) { Product p = Product.GetProductFromSqlDataReader(dr); loves.Add(p); } string itemCssClass = "fav-image", sliderId = "sliderCreate", shapeClass = "create-big-shape", contentClass = "create-content-text"; string text = "SELECT A DRESS"; if (position > 1) { itemCssClass += ("_" + position); sliderId += position; text = position == 2 ? "SELECT A HANDBAG" : "SELECT A SHOE"; shapeClass = "create-small-shape"; contentClass = "create-content-small-text"; } Panel favCarousel = new Panel(); Panel slider = new Panel(); //add the emoty box HtmlGenericControl li = new HtmlGenericControl("li"); li.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<div class=\"" + shapeClass + "\"><div class=\"" + contentClass + "\"><strong>" + text + "</strong><br>FROM FAVORITES</div></div>")); slider.Controls.Add(li); int carouselPosition = 1; foreach (ShopSenseDemo.Product love in loves) { Panel item = new Panel(); item.CssClass = itemCssClass; HyperLink link = new HyperLink(); System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image fav = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image(); link.Controls.Add(fav); fav.ImageUrl = love.GetThumbnailUrl(); fav.AlternateText =; link.NavigateUrl = "javascript:sliderselect(" + position + "," + carouselPosition + ")"; link.ToolTip =; item.Controls.Add(link); favCarousel.Controls.Add(item); //Add the item to the top slider HtmlGenericControl newLi = new HtmlGenericControl("li"); Panel productPanel = new Panel(); productPanel.ID = "MainContent_" + sliderId + "div" + carouselPosition.ToString(); productPanel.CssClass = position == 1 ? "product-image" : "product-small-image"; ProductHyperLink pdtlink = new ProductHyperLink(love); pdtlink.NavigateUrl = love.AffiliateUrl; System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image pdtImg = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image(); pdtImg.ImageUrl = position == 1 ? love.GetImageUrl() : love.GetNormalImageUrl(); pdtImg.AlternateText =; pdtImg.ToolTip =; pdtImg.ID = "pdt-" +; pdtlink.Controls.Add(pdtImg); productPanel.Controls.Add(pdtlink); newLi.Controls.Add(productPanel); slider.Controls.Add(newLi); carouselPosition++; } ProductsMessage msg = new ProductsMessage(); msg.Position = position; msg.FavoriteHtml = WebHelper.RenderHtml(favCarousel); msg.SliderHtml = WebHelper.RenderHtml(slider); msg.Color = this.color; msg.Category = this.category; string callbackName = Request.QueryString["callback"]; Response.Write(callbackName + "(" + SerializationHelper.ToJSONString(typeof(ProductsMessage), msg) + ");"); } } finally { myConnection.Close(); } }