private void productClientButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ProductViewer product = (ProductViewer)productSelectView.SelectedItem; for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { if (client.Name ==[i].Name) { if (doWhat == "Add") { for (int j = 0; j <; j++) { if (product.Name ==[j].Name) { shoplogic.AddToBasket([i],[j]); } } } else { for (int j = 0; j <[i].Basket.Count(); j++) { if (product.Name ==[i].Basket[j].Name) { shoplogic.RemoveFromBasket([i],[i].Basket[j]); } } } } } updateLists(); }
public frmCreateOrder(Form calling_form) { _storeViewer = new StoreViewer(); _staffViewer = new StaffViewer(); _productViewer = new ProductViewer(); _customerViewer = new CustomerViewer(); _newOrderCreator = new NewOrderCreator(); //we pass in the form that opened this form. Then we know how to get back to it. _calling_form = calling_form; InitializeComponent(); }
private void deleteButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (eventView.Visibility == Visibility.Visible) { showWarningLabel("You need to be in Client or Product view!"); } else if (clientView.Visibility == Visibility.Visible) { ClientViewer clientToDelete = (ClientViewer)clientView.SelectedItem; shoplogic.LeaveShopp(new Client(0, clientToDelete.Name)); } else { ProductViewer productToDelete = (ProductViewer)productView.SelectedItem; shoplogic.RemoveFromStock(new Product(productToDelete.Price, productToDelete.Name)); } updateLists(); }
public ActionResult AddProductViewer(Viewer request) { try { using (ESamhashoEntities entities = new ESamhashoEntities()) { DateTime dateTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1); ProductViewer viewer = entities.ProductViewers.FirstOrDefault( a => a.ProductId == request.DataId && a.IpAddress.Equals(request.IpAddress) && a.DateCreated >= dateTime && a.DateCreated <= DateTime.Now); if (viewer != null) { return(new ActionResult { Success = true, Message = "" }); } ProductViewer productViewer = new ProductViewer { DateCreated = DateTime.Now, ProductId = request.DataId, Country = request.Country, IpAddress = request.IpAddress, Town = request.Town }; entities.ProductViewers.Add(productViewer); entities.SaveChanges(); return(new ActionResult { Success = true, Message = "" }); } } catch (Exception exception) { Dictionary <string, string> dictionary = request.ToDictionary(); ServiceHelper.LogException(exception, dictionary, ErrorSource.Product); return(new ActionResult { Message = "Error, product failed to confirm viewed." }); } }
// view for creating new orders public ActionResult NewOrder() { // need to eventually query our business layers to retrieve information to pre-populates parts of the form // create bll viewer objects used for populating data int StoreID = 1; // Santa Cruz Store StaffViewer staffViewer = new StaffViewer(); ProductViewer productViewer = new ProductViewer(); CustomerViewer customerViewer = new CustomerViewer(); StoreViewer storeViewer = new StoreViewer(); NewOrderModel model = new NewOrderModel() { Staff = staffViewer.GetAllEmployesByStore(StoreID), Products = productViewer.GetRandom10(), Customers = customerViewer.GetRandom10(), Store = storeViewer.GetStore(StoreID) }; return(View(model)); }
// GET: Admin/Product/Details/5 public async Task <ActionResult> Details(Guid?id) { ViewBag.ProductCategories = new SelectList(db.ProductCategories.ToList(), "Id", "Name"); if (id == null) { return(View(new Product())); } Product product = await db.Products.Include("ProductTags").FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == id); if (product == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } product.ViewCount++; db.Entry(product).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); ViewBag.Tags = db.ProductTags.ToList(); ViewBag.ProductCanLikes = db.Products.OrderByDescending(x => x.ViewCount).Take(10).ToList(); if (Session["PRODUCT_VIEWER"] == null) { Session["PRODUCT_VIEWER"] = new List <ProductViewer>(); } List <ProductViewer> productViewers = Session["PRODUCT_VIEWER"] as List <ProductViewer>; if (productViewers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Product.Id == product.Id) == null) { var productView = new ProductViewer { Product = product, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now }; productViewers.Add(productView); } else { ProductViewer item = productViewers.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Product.Id == product.Id); item.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; } ViewBag.ProductViewers = productViewers; return(View(product)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { ProductViewer productViewer = new ProductViewer(); PaymentMethodViewer paymentMethodViewer = new PaymentMethodViewer(); IPaymentGatewayService paymentGateway = new ThirdPartyPaymentGatewayService(); productViewer.ListAllProducts(); Console.WriteLine("Please enter product id: "); int productId = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Please enter quantity: "); int qty = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); Product product = productViewer.Get(productId); paymentMethodViewer.ListSavedPaymentMethods(); Console.WriteLine("Please choose payment method: "); int paymentMethodId = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); PaymentInfo paymentInfo = paymentMethodViewer.Get(paymentMethodId); paymentInfo.Amount = product.Price * qty; Order order = new Order { Product = product, Quantity = qty, TotalPrice = product.Price * qty }; OrderManager.PlaceOrder(order, paymentInfo); Console.WriteLine("======================================================================"); Console.WriteLine($"{order.Status}"); Console.WriteLine("======================================================================"); Console.ReadKey(); }
/// <summary> /// Runs the order form in the UI /// </summary> private static void CreateOrderForm() { int store_id, staff_id, product_id, customer_id, quantity; if (_storeViewer == null) { _storeViewer = new StoreViewer(); } if (_staffViewer == null) { _staffViewer = new StaffViewer(); } if (_productViewer == null) { _productViewer = new ProductViewer(); } if (_customerViewer == null) { _customerViewer = new CustomerViewer(); } if (_newOrderCreator == null) { _newOrderCreator = new NewOrderCreator(); } IList <StaffViewModel> staff; IList <StoreViewModel> stores = _storeViewer.GetAllStores(); IList <CustomerViewModel> customers = _customerViewer.GetRandom10(); IList <ProductViewModel> products = _productViewer.GetRandom10(); WriteHeader(); WriteOrderFormHeader(); Console.WriteLine("Select store:"); Console.WriteLine("---------------"); for (var i = 0; i < stores.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine("{0}. {1}", i + 1, stores[i].Name); } CommandPrompt("Select store"); string str_store_id = Console.ReadLine(); //validate the incoming store_id if (!Int32.TryParse(str_store_id, out store_id) || store_id > stores.Count || store_id < 1) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid store entry. Press any key..."); Console.ReadKey(); return; } //store_id is valid - grab employees staff = _staffViewer.GetAllEmployesByStore(store_id); //write the employee info onscreen WriteHeader(); WriteOrderFormHeader(); Console.WriteLine("Select salesperson:"); Console.WriteLine("--------------------"); for (var i = 0; i < staff.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine("{0}. {1} {2}", i + 1, staff[i].FirstName, staff[i].LastName); } CommandPrompt("Select salesperson"); string str_staff_id = Console.ReadLine(); //validate the incoming staff_id if (!Int32.TryParse(str_staff_id, out staff_id) || staff_id > staff.Count || staff_id < 1) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid salesperson entry. Press any key..."); Console.ReadKey(); return; } //staff_id is valid - print out customers WriteHeader(); WriteOrderFormHeader(); Console.WriteLine("Select customer:"); Console.WriteLine("--------------------"); for (var i = 0; i < customers.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine("{0}. {1} {2}", i + 1, customers[i].FirstName, customers[i].LastName); } CommandPrompt("Select customer"); string str_customer_id = Console.ReadLine(); //validate the incoming customer_id if (!Int32.TryParse(str_customer_id, out customer_id) || customer_id > customers.Count || customer_id < 1) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid customer entry. Press any key..."); Console.ReadKey(); return; } //customer_id is valid - print out products WriteHeader(); WriteOrderFormHeader(); Console.WriteLine("Select product:"); Console.WriteLine("--------------------"); for (var i = 0; i < products.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine("{0}. {1}", i + 1, products[i].Name); } CommandPrompt("Select product"); string str_product_id = Console.ReadLine(); //validate the incoming product_id if (!Int32.TryParse(str_product_id, out product_id) || product_id > products.Count || product_id < 1) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid product entry. Press any key..."); Console.ReadKey(); return; } //product_id is valid - print out quantity WriteHeader(); WriteOrderFormHeader(); Console.WriteLine("Select quantity:"); string str_quantity = Console.ReadLine(); //validate the incoming product_id if (!Int32.TryParse(str_quantity, out quantity) || quantity < 1) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid quantity. Press any key..."); Console.ReadKey(); return; } //all inputs valid - show an order summary screen WriteHeader(); WriteOrderFormHeader(); Console.WriteLine("Order Details:"); Console.WriteLine("----------------"); Console.WriteLine("Entered by {0} {1} at {2}", staff[staff_id - 1].FirstName, staff[staff_id - 1].LastName, stores[store_id - 1].Name); Console.WriteLine("Order for {0} {1}", customers[customer_id - 1].FirstName, customers[customer_id - 1].LastName); Console.WriteLine(products[product_id - 1].Name); Console.WriteLine("Qty: {0}", quantity); CommandPrompt("Is this correct? (Y/N)"); string str_response = Console.ReadLine(); if (str_response.ToLower() == "y") { NewOrderDTO newOrder = new NewOrderDTO() { store_id = store_id, staff_id = staff_id, customer_id = customer_id, order_date = DateTime.Now, }; NewOrderItemDTO newItem = new NewOrderItemDTO() { product_id = product_id, quantity = quantity }; newOrder.items.Add(newItem); _newOrderCreator = new NewOrderCreator(); try { int order_number = _newOrderCreator.CreateOrder(newOrder); WriteHeader(); WriteOrderFormHeader(); Console.WriteLine("Order #{0} created successfully.", order_number); Console.WriteLine("Press any key..."); Console.ReadKey(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } return; } }