public bool TryApplyAnUpdate(int sellerId, int productTypeId, out ICollection <string> errors) { errors = new List <string>(); //check product type existence ProductType productType = productTypeRepository.GetBy(productTypeId); if (productType == null) { errors.Add("Could not found product type"); } else if (productType.Status != ProductTypeStatus.Active) //check product type status { errors.Add("Product type is unavailable at the moment"); } ProductTypeUpdateRequest updateRequest = productTypeRepository.GetUpdateRequest(sellerId, productTypeId); if (!errors.Any()) { productType.ApplyUpdate(updateRequest); productType.UpdateRequests.Remove(updateRequest); return(true); } return(false); }
public IActionResult Edit(ProductTypeUpdateRequest request) { HttpClient httpclient = new HttpClient(); var result = httpclient.PutAsJsonAsync(uri, request).Result; return(RedirectToAction("Edit", new { categoryId = request.Id })); }
public bool TryRequestAnUpdate(int sellerId, ProductTypeUpdateRequest updateRequest, out ICollection <string> errors) { errors = new List <string>(); //check seller existence Seller seller = sellerRepository.GetBy(sellerId); if (seller == null) { errors.Add("Could not found seller"); } else if (seller.Status != SellerStatus.Active) //check seller status { errors.Add("Seller is unactive"); } //check product type existence ProductType productType = productTypeRepository.GetBy(updateRequest.ProductTypeId); if (productType == null) { errors.Add("Could not found product type"); } else if (productType.Status != ProductTypeStatus.Active) //check product type status { errors.Add("Product type is unavailable at the moment"); } //check category existence if (updateRequest.CategoryId != null) { Category category = categoryRepository.GetBy((int)updateRequest.CategoryId); if (category == null) { errors.Add("Could not found category"); } else if (category.ChildCategories.Any()) //check category have any childs or not { errors.Add("Category must have no childs"); } } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(updateRequest.Name)) { errors.Add("Product type name is required"); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(updateRequest.Descriptions)) { errors.Add("Update descriptions is required"); } if (!errors.Any()) { seller.RequestUpdateForProductType(updateRequest); return(true); } return(false); }
public static ProductTypeUpdateRequestAddModel ConvertToAddModel(this ProductTypeUpdateRequest updateRequest) => new ProductTypeUpdateRequestAddModel { CategoryId = updateRequest.CategoryId, Descriptions = updateRequest.Descriptions, Name = updateRequest.Name, ProductTypeId = updateRequest.ProductTypeId };
public void RequestUpdateForProductType(ProductTypeUpdateRequest updateRequest) { ProductTypeUpdateRequest oldUpdateRequest = ProductTypeUpdateRequests.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ProductTypeId == updateRequest.ProductTypeId); if (oldUpdateRequest != null) { ProductTypeUpdateRequests.Remove(oldUpdateRequest); } ProductTypeUpdateRequests.Add(updateRequest); }
public async Task <int> Update(ProductTypeUpdateRequest request) { var temp = await _context.ProductTypes.FindAsync(request.Id); if (temp == null) { return(-1); } temp.Name = request.Name; return(await _context.SaveChangesAsync()); }
public static ProductTypeUpdateRequestView ConvertToView(this ProductTypeUpdateRequest updateRequest) => new ProductTypeUpdateRequestView { Descriptions = updateRequest.Descriptions, CategoryId = updateRequest.CategoryId?.ToString(), CategoryName = updateRequest.Category?.Name, Name = updateRequest.Name, ProductTypeId = updateRequest.ProductTypeId.ToString(), ProductTypeName = updateRequest.ProductType.Name, SellerId = updateRequest.SellerId.ToString(), SellerName = updateRequest.Seller.Name };
public virtual IHttpActionResult Update(ProductTypeUpdateRequest request) { var entity = new ProductType { Id = request.Id, }; var result = _productTypeService.Update(entity); if (result > 0) { return(Succeed(new ProductTypeUpdateResponse { Id = entity.Id }, "新增成功")); } else { return(Fail("新增失败")); } }
public void CancelProductTypeUpdateRequest(ProductTypeUpdateRequest updateRequest) => ProductTypeUpdateRequests.Remove(updateRequest);
public async Task <IActionResult> UpdateProductType(ProductTypeUpdateRequest request) { var result = await _productTypeService.Update(request); return(Ok(result)); }