コード例 #1
        // Actions from DWKit Samples (with name changes for Tables and Fields)
        private async Task WriteProductTransitionAsync(ProcessInstance processInstance, WorkflowRuntime runtime, string actionParameter, CancellationToken token)
            if (processInstance.IdentityIds == null)

            var currentstate = WorkflowInit.Runtime.GetLocalizedStateName(processInstance.ProcessId, processInstance.CurrentState);

            var nextState = WorkflowInit.Runtime.GetLocalizedStateName(processInstance.ProcessId, processInstance.ExecutedActivityState);

            var command = WorkflowInit.Runtime.GetLocalizedCommandName(processInstance.ProcessId, processInstance.CurrentCommand);

            using (var scope = ServiceProvider.CreateScope())
                var userRepository = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <IJobRepository <User> >();
                var userNames      = userRepository.Get()
                                     .Where(u => processInstance.IdentityIds.Contains(u.WorkflowUserId.GetValueOrDefault().ToString()))
                                     .Select(u => u.Name).ToList();
                var userNamesString = String.Join(',', userNames);
                var productTransitionsRepository = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <IJobRepository <ProductTransition> >();
                var history = new ProductTransition
                    ProductId        = processInstance.ProcessId,
                    AllowedUserNames = userNamesString,
                    InitialState     = currentstate,
                    DestinationState = nextState,
                    Command          = command
                await productTransitionsRepository.CreateAsync(history);
コード例 #2
        public async Task AddTokenUseAsync(int projectId, int userId, string use)
            var project = await this.ProjectRepository.Get()
                          .Include(proj => proj.Products)
                          .Where(p => p.Id == projectId)

            var user = await this.UserRepository.Get()
                       .Where(u => u.Id == userId)

            if (project == null || user == null)

            foreach (var product in project.Products)
                var transition = new ProductTransition
                    ProductId        = product.Id,
                    AllowedUserNames = string.Empty,
                    TransitionType   = ProductTransitionType.ProjectAccess,
                    InitialState     = "Project " + use,
                    WorkflowUserId   = user.WorkflowUserId,
                    DateTransition   = DateTime.UtcNow

                await ProductTransitionRepository.CreateAsync(transition);
コード例 #3
 private async Task createTransitionRecord(Guid processId, ProductTransitionType transitionType, WorkflowType workflowType)
     using (var scope = ServiceProvider.CreateScope())
         var productTransitionsRepository = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <IJobRepository <ProductTransition> >();
         var transition = new ProductTransition
             ProductId        = processId,
             AllowedUserNames = String.Empty,
             TransitionType   = transitionType,
             WorkflowType     = workflowType,
             DateTransition   = DateTime.UtcNow
         transition = await productTransitionsRepository.CreateAsync(transition);
コード例 #4
        private async Task UpdateProductTransitionAsync(ProcessInstance processInstance, WorkflowRuntime runtime, string actionParameter, CancellationToken token)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(processInstance.CurrentCommand))

            var currentstate = WorkflowInit.Runtime.GetLocalizedStateName(processInstance.ProcessId, processInstance.CurrentState);

            var nextState = WorkflowInit.Runtime.GetLocalizedStateName(processInstance.ProcessId, processInstance.ExecutedActivityState);

            var command = WorkflowInit.Runtime.GetLocalizedCommandName(processInstance.ProcessId, processInstance.CurrentCommand);

            var isTimer = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(processInstance.ExecutedTimer);

            using (var scope = ServiceProvider.CreateScope())
                var productTransitionsRepository = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <IJobRepository <ProductTransition> >();
                var history = await productTransitionsRepository.Get()
                              .Where(h => h.ProductId == processInstance.ProcessId &&
                                     h.DateTransition == null &&
                                     h.InitialState == currentstate &&
                                     h.DestinationState == nextState).FirstOrDefaultAsync();

                if (history == null)
                    history = new ProductTransition
                        ProductId        = processInstance.ProcessId,
                        AllowedUserNames = String.Empty,
                        InitialState     = currentstate,
                        DestinationState = nextState
                    history = await productTransitionsRepository.CreateAsync(history);

                history.Command        = !isTimer ? command : string.Format("Timer: {0}", processInstance.ExecutedTimer);
                history.DateTransition = DateTime.UtcNow;
                if (Guid.TryParse(processInstance.IdentityId, out Guid identityId))
                    history.WorkflowUserId = identityId;
                await productTransitionsRepository.UpdateAsync(history);
コード例 #5
         *  DWKit Activities have two callbacks: Implementation and PreExecution Implementation.
         *  For each Activity on the direct path through the workflow, these should be assigned:
         *  Implementation:              UpdateProductTransition
         *  PreExecution Implementation: WriteProductTransition
         *  The PreExecution Implementation callback is called for each Activity in the workflow when Runtime.PreExecuteFromCurrentActivityAsync is called.
         *  That Runtime function follows the Direct Transitions in the workflow to provide an estimation of the steps that will be performed in the workflow.
         *  Note: If there are Direct Auto-Action Transitions with a conditional that is considered the next step in the "happy path", then
         *  the "Result on PreExecution" should be set to true so that the direct path will be followed.
         *  The Implementation callback is called while the workflow is running and the activity changes. It should update an existing ProductTransition.
        private async Task WriteProductTransitionAsync(ProcessInstance processInstance, WorkflowRuntime runtime, string actionParameter, CancellationToken token)
            if (processInstance.IdentityIds == null)

            var currentstate = processInstance.CurrentState;
            var nextState    = processInstance.ExecutedActivityState;

            using (var scope = ServiceProvider.CreateScope())
                // Only capture the command and allowedUsers if Command Trigger Type.  DWKit will reuse the previous Command and IdentityIds on Auto Trigger Type.
                // We don't want to report the previous Command or Identity with Auto Trigger Types.
                string command          = null;
                string allowedUserNames = null;
                if (processInstance.ExecutedTransition.Trigger.Type == TriggerType.Command)
                    command = WorkflowInit.Runtime.GetLocalizedCommandName(processInstance.ProcessId, processInstance.CurrentCommand);

                    var     identityIds       = processInstance.IdentityIds.ConvertAll(s => Guid.Parse(s)).ToList();
                    var     productRepository = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <IJobRepository <Product, Guid> >();
                    Product product           = await GetProductForProcess(processInstance, productRepository);

                    var userRepository = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <IJobRepository <User> >();
                    var userNames      = userRepository.Get()
                                         .Where(u => u.WorkflowUserId != null && identityIds.Contains(u.WorkflowUserId.Value))
                                         .Select(u => u.Name).ToList();
                    allowedUserNames = String.Join(',', userNames);

                var productTransitionsRepository = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <IJobRepository <ProductTransition> >();
                var history = new ProductTransition
                    ProductId        = processInstance.ProcessId,
                    AllowedUserNames = allowedUserNames,
                    InitialState     = currentstate,
                    DestinationState = nextState,
                    Command          = command

                await productTransitionsRepository.CreateAsync(history);
コード例 #6
        private async Task UpdateProductTransitionAsync(ProcessInstance processInstance, WorkflowRuntime runtime, string actionParameter, CancellationToken token)
            // Note: If admin uses "Set State" from DWKit Admin UI, the ExecutedTransition will be null

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(processInstance.CurrentCommand))

            // Skip Timers -- we are choosing not to report them in the ProductTransitions
            if (processInstance.ExecutedTransition?.Trigger.Type == TriggerType.Timer)

            var currentstate = processInstance.CurrentState;
            var nextState    = processInstance.ExecutedActivityState;
            var command      = WorkflowInit.Runtime.GetLocalizedCommandName(processInstance.ProcessId, processInstance.CurrentCommand);

            Log.Information($"Update Product Transition Async current: {currentstate} next: {nextState}");
            using (var scope = ServiceProvider.CreateScope())
                var     productRepository = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <IJobRepository <Product, Guid> >();
                Product product           = await GetProductForProcess(processInstance, productRepository);

                var productTransitionsRepository = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <IJobRepository <ProductTransition> >();
                var history = await productTransitionsRepository.Get()
                              .Where(h => h.ProductId == processInstance.ProcessId &&
                                     h.DateTransition == null &&
                                     h.InitialState == currentstate &&
                                     h.DestinationState == nextState).FirstOrDefaultAsync();

                if (history == null)
                    history = new ProductTransition
                        ProductId        = processInstance.ProcessId,
                        AllowedUserNames = String.Empty,
                        InitialState     = currentstate,
                        DestinationState = nextState
                    history = await productTransitionsRepository.CreateAsync(history);

                // Only capture the command or userif Command Trigger Type.  DWKit will reuse the previous Command and IdentityIds on Auto Trigger Type.
                // We don't want to report the previous Command or Identity with Auto Trigger Types.
                if (processInstance.ExecutedTransition?.Trigger.Type == TriggerType.Command)
                    history.Command = command;

                    if (Guid.TryParse(processInstance.IdentityId, out Guid identityId))
                        history.WorkflowUserId = identityId;
                if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(product.WorkflowComment))
                    history.Comment = product.WorkflowComment;
                    await ClearComment(processInstance);
                history.DateTransition = DateTime.UtcNow;
                await productTransitionsRepository.UpdateAsync(history);
コード例 #7
        protected void BuildTestData()
            CurrentUser = NeedsCurrentUser();
            user1       = AddEntity <AppDbContext, User>(new User
                ExternalId = "test-auth0-id1",
                Email      = "*****@*****.**",
                Name       = "Test Testenson1",
                GivenName  = "Test1",
                FamilyName = "Testenson1"
            storeType1 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, StoreType>(new StoreType
                Name        = "google_play_store",
                Description = "Google Play Store"
            storeType2 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, StoreType>(new StoreType
                Name        = "ios_app_store",
                Description = "IOS App Store"
            storeLang1 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, StoreLanguage>(new StoreLanguage
                Name        = "en-US",
                Description = "US English",
                StoreTypeId = storeType1.Id
            storeLang2 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, StoreLanguage>(new StoreLanguage
                Name        = "en-GB",
                Description = "United Kingdom English",
                StoreTypeId = storeType1.Id
            store1 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, Store>(new Store
                Name        = "wycliffeusa",
                Description = "Wycliffe USA - Google Play Store",
                StoreTypeId = storeType1.Id
            store2 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, Store>(new Store
                Name        = "wycliffeusa",
                Description = "Wycliffe USA - IOS Play Store",
                StoreTypeId = storeType2.Id
            org1 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, Organization>(new Organization
                Name                      = "TestOrg1",
                WebsiteUrl                = "https://testorg1.org",
                BuildEngineUrl            = "https://buildengine.testorg1",
                BuildEngineApiAccessToken = "replace",
                OwnerId                   = CurrentUser.Id
            org2 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, Organization>(new Organization
                Name                      = "TestOrg2",
                WebsiteUrl                = "https://testorg2.org",
                BuildEngineUrl            = "https://buildengine.testorg2",
                BuildEngineApiAccessToken = "replace",
                OwnerId                   = CurrentUser.Id
            org3 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, Organization>(new Organization
                Name                      = "TestOrg3",
                WebsiteUrl                = "https://testorg3.org",
                BuildEngineUrl            = "https://buildengine.testorg3",
                BuildEngineApiAccessToken = "replace",
                OwnerId                   = CurrentUser.Id
            org4 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, Organization>(new Organization
                Name                      = "TestOrg4",
                WebsiteUrl                = "https://testorg4.org",
                BuildEngineUrl            = "https://buildengine.testorg1",
                BuildEngineApiAccessToken = "replace",
                OwnerId                   = CurrentUser.Id
            orgStore1 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, OrganizationStore>(new OrganizationStore
                OrganizationId = org4.Id,
                StoreId        = store1.Id
            CurrentUserMembership = AddEntity <AppDbContext, OrganizationMembership>(new OrganizationMembership
                UserId         = CurrentUser.Id,
                OrganizationId = org1.Id
            CurrentUserMembership2 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, OrganizationMembership>(new OrganizationMembership
                UserId         = CurrentUser.Id,
                OrganizationId = org2.Id
            CurrentUserMembership3 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, OrganizationMembership>(new OrganizationMembership
                UserId         = user1.Id,
                OrganizationId = org3.Id
            CurrentUserMembership3 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, OrganizationMembership>(new OrganizationMembership
                UserId         = CurrentUser.Id,
                OrganizationId = org4.Id
            group1 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, Group>(new Group
                Name         = "TestGroup1",
                Abbreviation = "TG1",
                OwnerId      = org1.Id
            group2 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, Group>(new Group
                Name         = "TestGroup2",
                Abbreviation = "TG2",
                OwnerId      = org1.Id
            group3 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, Group>(new Group
                Name         = "TestGroup3",
                Abbreviation = "TG3",
                OwnerId      = org2.Id
            group4 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, Group>(new Group
                Name         = "TestGroup4",
                Abbreviation = "TG4",
                OwnerId      = org3.Id
            group5 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, Group>(new Group
                Name         = "TestGroup5",
                Abbreviation = "TG5",
                OwnerId      = org4.Id
            groupMembership1 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, GroupMembership>(new GroupMembership
                UserId  = CurrentUser.Id,
                GroupId = group1.Id
            groupMembership2 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, GroupMembership>(new GroupMembership
                UserId  = CurrentUser.Id,
                GroupId = group5.Id
            type1 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, ApplicationType>(new ApplicationType
                Name        = "scriptureappbuilder",
                Description = "Scripture App Builder"
            project1 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, Project>(new Project
                Name               = "Test Project1",
                TypeId             = type1.Id,
                Description        = "Test Description",
                OwnerId            = CurrentUser.Id,
                GroupId            = group1.Id,
                OrganizationId     = org1.Id,
                Language           = "eng-US",
                IsPublic           = true,
                WorkflowProjectUrl = "www.workflow.url"
            project2 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, Project>(new Project
                Name               = "Test Project2",
                TypeId             = type1.Id,
                Description        = "Test Description",
                OwnerId            = CurrentUser.Id,
                GroupId            = group1.Id,
                OrganizationId     = org1.Id,
                Language           = "eng-US",
                IsPublic           = true,
                WorkflowProjectUrl = "www.workflow.url"
            project3 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, Project>(new Project
                Name               = "Test Project3",
                TypeId             = type1.Id,
                Description        = "Test Description",
                OwnerId            = CurrentUser.Id,
                GroupId            = group3.Id,
                OrganizationId     = org2.Id,
                Language           = "eng-US",
                IsPublic           = true,
                WorkflowProjectUrl = "www.workflow.url"
            project4 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, Project>(new Project
                Name               = "Test Project4",
                TypeId             = type1.Id,
                Description        = "Test Description",
                OwnerId            = user1.Id,
                GroupId            = group4.Id,
                OrganizationId     = org3.Id,
                Language           = "eng-US",
                IsPublic           = true,
                WorkflowProjectUrl = "www.workflow.url"
            project5 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, Project>(new Project
                Name               = "Test Project5",
                TypeId             = type1.Id,
                Description        = "Test Description",
                OwnerId            = CurrentUser.Id,
                GroupId            = group5.Id,
                OrganizationId     = org4.Id,
                Language           = "eng-US",
                IsPublic           = true,
                WorkflowProjectUrl = "www.workflow.url"
            project6 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, Project>(new Project
                Name               = "Test Project6",
                TypeId             = type1.Id,
                Description        = "Test Description",
                OwnerId            = CurrentUser.Id,
                GroupId            = group5.Id,
                OrganizationId     = org4.Id,
                Language           = "eng-GB",
                IsPublic           = true,
                WorkflowProjectUrl = "www.workflow.url"
            project7 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, Project>(new Project
                Name           = "Test Project7",
                TypeId         = type1.Id,
                Description    = "Test Description",
                OwnerId        = CurrentUser.Id,
                GroupId        = group1.Id,
                OrganizationId = org1.Id,
                Language       = "eng-US",
                IsPublic       = true

            workflow1 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, WorkflowDefinition>(new WorkflowDefinition
                Name           = "TestWorkFlow",
                Enabled        = true,
                Description    = "This is a test workflow",
                WorkflowScheme = "Don't know what this is"
            workflow2 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, WorkflowDefinition>(new WorkflowDefinition
                Name           = "TestWorkFlow2",
                Enabled        = true,
                Description    = "This is a test workflow",
                WorkflowScheme = "Don't know what this is",
                StoreTypeId    = storeType1.Id
            productDefinition1 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, ProductDefinition>(new ProductDefinition
                Name        = "TestProd1",
                TypeId      = type1.Id,
                Description = "This is a test product",
                WorkflowId  = workflow1.Id
            productDefinition2 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, ProductDefinition>(new ProductDefinition
                Name        = "TestProd2",
                TypeId      = type1.Id,
                Description = "This is test product 2",
                WorkflowId  = workflow1.Id
            productDefinition3 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, ProductDefinition>(new ProductDefinition
                Name        = "TestProd3",
                TypeId      = type1.Id,
                Description = "This is test product 3",
                WorkflowId  = workflow1.Id
            productDefinition4 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, ProductDefinition>(new ProductDefinition
                Name        = "TestProd4",
                TypeId      = type1.Id,
                Description = "This is a test product",
                WorkflowId  = workflow2.Id

            orgProduct1 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, OrganizationProductDefinition>(new OrganizationProductDefinition
                OrganizationId      = org1.Id,
                ProductDefinitionId = productDefinition1.Id
            orgProduct2 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, OrganizationProductDefinition>(new OrganizationProductDefinition
                OrganizationId      = org2.Id,
                ProductDefinitionId = productDefinition2.Id
            orgProduct3 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, OrganizationProductDefinition>(new OrganizationProductDefinition
                OrganizationId      = org3.Id,
                ProductDefinitionId = productDefinition3.Id
            orgProduct4 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, OrganizationProductDefinition>(new OrganizationProductDefinition
                OrganizationId      = org4.Id,
                ProductDefinitionId = productDefinition4.Id
            product1 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, Product>(new Product
                ProjectId           = project1.Id,
                ProductDefinitionId = productDefinition1.Id
            product2 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, Product>(new Product
                ProjectId           = project4.Id,
                ProductDefinitionId = productDefinition3.Id
            product3 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, Product>(new Product
                ProjectId           = project3.Id,
                ProductDefinitionId = productDefinition2.Id
            product4 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, Product>(new Product
                ProjectId           = project5.Id,
                ProductDefinitionId = productDefinition4.Id,
                StoreId             = store1.Id,
                StoreLanguageId     = storeLang1.Id
            productBuild1 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, ProductBuild>(new ProductBuild
                ProductId = product1.Id,
                Version   = "4.7.1",
                BuildId   = 2879,
                Success   = true
            productBuild2 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, ProductBuild>(new ProductBuild
                ProductId = product1.Id,
                Version   = "4.7.1",
                BuildId   = 2880,
                Success   = true
            productBuild3 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, ProductBuild>(new ProductBuild
                ProductId = product1.Id,
                Version   = "4.7.1",
                BuildId   = 2881,
                Success   = true
            productBuild4 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, ProductBuild>(new ProductBuild
                ProductId = product3.Id,
                Version   = "4.7.1",
                BuildId   = 2882,
                Success   = true
            productArtifact1_1 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, ProductArtifact>(new ProductArtifact
                ProductId      = product1.Id,
                ProductBuildId = productBuild1.Id,
                ArtifactType   = "apk",
                Url            = "https://sil-prd-aps-artifacts.s3.amazonaws.com/prd/jobs/build_scriptureappbuilder_1/2879/test-4.7.apk",
                ContentType    = "application/octet-stream"
            productArtifact1_2 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, ProductArtifact>(new ProductArtifact
                ProductId      = product1.Id,
                ProductBuildId = productBuild1.Id,
                ArtifactType   = "about",
                Url            = "https://sil-prd-aps-artifacts.s3.amazonaws.com/prd/jobs/build_scriptureappbuilder_1/2879/about.txt",
                ContentType    = "text/plain"
            productArtifact2_1 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, ProductArtifact>(new ProductArtifact
                ProductId      = product1.Id,
                ProductBuildId = productBuild2.Id,
                ArtifactType   = "apk",
                Url            = "https://sil-prd-aps-artifacts.s3.amazonaws.com/prd/jobs/build_scriptureappbuilder_1/2880/test-4.7.apk",
                ContentType    = "application/octet-stream"
            productArtifact2_2 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, ProductArtifact>(new ProductArtifact
                ProductId      = product1.Id,
                ProductBuildId = productBuild2.Id,
                ArtifactType   = "about",
                Url            = "https://sil-prd-aps-artifacts.s3.amazonaws.com/prd/jobs/build_scriptureappbuilder_1/2880/about.txt",
                ContentType    = "text/plain"
            productArtifact3_1 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, ProductArtifact>(new ProductArtifact
                ProductId      = product1.Id,
                ProductBuildId = productBuild3.Id,
                ArtifactType   = "apk",
                Url            = "https://sil-prd-aps-artifacts.s3.amazonaws.com/prd/jobs/build_scriptureappbuilder_1/2881/test-4.7.apk",
                ContentType    = "application/octet-stream"
            productArtifact3_2 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, ProductArtifact>(new ProductArtifact
                ProductId      = product1.Id,
                ProductBuildId = productBuild3.Id,
                ArtifactType   = "about",
                Url            = "https://sil-prd-aps-artifacts.s3.amazonaws.com/prd/jobs/build_scriptureappbuilder_1/2881/about.txt",
                ContentType    = "text/plain"
            productArtifact3_3 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, ProductArtifact>(new ProductArtifact
                ProductId      = product1.Id,
                ProductBuildId = productBuild3.Id,
                ArtifactType   = "version",
                Url            = "https://sil-prd-aps-artifacts.s3.amazonaws.com/prd/jobs/build_scriptureappbuilder_1/2881/version.json",
            productArtifact4_1 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, ProductArtifact>(new ProductArtifact
                ProductId      = product3.Id,
                ProductBuildId = productBuild4.Id,
                ArtifactType   = "apk",
                Url            = "https://sil-prd-aps-artifacts.s3.amazonaws.com/prd/jobs/build_scriptureappbuilder_1/2882/test-4.7.apk",
                ContentType    = "application/octet-stream"
            productArtifact4_2 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, ProductArtifact>(new ProductArtifact
                ProductId      = product4.Id,
                ProductBuildId = productBuild4.Id,
                ArtifactType   = "about",
                Url            = "https://sil-prd-aps-artifacts.s3.amazonaws.com/prd/jobs/build_scriptureappbuilder_1/2882/about.txt",
                ContentType    = "text/plain"
            productPublication1 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, ProductPublication>(new ProductPublication
                ProductId      = product1.Id,
                ProductBuildId = productBuild1.Id,
                ReleaseId      = 2180,
                Channel        = "production",
                Success        = true
            productPublication2 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, ProductPublication>(new ProductPublication
                ProductId      = product1.Id,
                ProductBuildId = productBuild2.Id,
                ReleaseId      = 2181,
                Channel        = "production",
                Success        = true
            productPublication3 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, ProductPublication>(new ProductPublication
                ProductId      = product1.Id,
                ProductBuildId = productBuild3.Id,
                ReleaseId      = 2182,
                Channel        = "production",
                Success        = false
            productPublication4 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, ProductPublication>(new ProductPublication
                ProductId      = product3.Id,
                ProductBuildId = productBuild4.Id,
                ReleaseId      = 2183,
                Channel        = "production",
                Success        = false
            transition1 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, ProductTransition>(new ProductTransition
                ProductId        = product1.Id,
                WorkflowUserId   = Guid.NewGuid(),
                AllowedUserNames = "Chris Hubbard",
                InitialState     = "Readiness Check",
                DestinationState = "Approval",
                Command          = "Continue",
                DateTransition   = new DateTime(2019, 06, 17)
            transition2 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, ProductTransition>(new ProductTransition
                ProductId        = product1.Id,
                WorkflowUserId   = Guid.NewGuid(),
                AllowedUserNames = "David Moore",
                InitialState     = "Approval",
                DestinationState = "Product Creation",
                Command          = "Approve",
                DateTransition   = new DateTime(2019, 06, 17)
            transition3 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, ProductTransition>(new ProductTransition
                ProductId        = product1.Id,
                WorkflowUserId   = null,
                InitialState     = "Product Creation",
                DestinationState = "Check Product Creation",
                Command          = "Approve"
            transition4 = AddEntity <AppDbContext, ProductTransition>(new ProductTransition
                ProductId        = product1.Id,
                WorkflowUserId   = null,
                InitialState     = "Check Product Creation",
                DestinationState = "App Builder Configuration",
                Command          = "Approve"