コード例 #1
        private static void Demo()
            SimulatorNamespace.SimGrocery sg = new SimulatorNamespace.SimGrocery();
            Config.randomNumberSeed    = 42;
            Config.random              = new Random(Config.randomNumberSeed);
            Config.verboseConsoleMode  = false;
            Config.elapsedMinutesToRun = 0;     // zero means ignore this limit
            Config.setTransactionDelay(5);      // Seconds
            Config.useCurrentDateStampForTransaction = true;
            Config.startDate               = DateTime.Now;
            Config.throughDate             = DateTime.Now.AddYears(10);
            Config.mode                    = Config.modeEnum.running;
            Config.server                  = "il-server-002.uccc.uc.edu\\mssqlserver2019";
            Config.login                   = "******";
            Config.password                = "******";
            Config.database                = "GroceryStoreSimulatorIsaiah";
            Config.useCoupons              = true;
            Config.checkForAllStoresClosed = true;
            Config.executeFailSafeOptions  = false;     // false = do not delete all the history from stores, employees, etc.
            Config.prioritizeProducts      = true;
            // This is tricky: the index of the selected item in the combo box must map to a specific enum. Be sure both are zero based:
            Config.storeCheckInterval   = Config.enum_availableCheckIntervals.OnThe10s;
            Config.emplCheckInterval    = Config.enum_availableCheckIntervals.OnThe10s;
            Config.productCheckInterval = Config.enum_availableCheckIntervals.OnThe10s;
            Config.couponCheckInterval  = Config.enum_availableCheckIntervals.OnThe10s;
            //String[] tmp = cbCouponAmountToAdd.SelectedItem.ToString().Split();
            Config.couponAmountToAdd = 100; // After couponCheckInterval
            int numOfTransactionsToAdd = 0; // 0 = infinite transactions

            if (Config.executeFailSafeOptions)
                ProductPriceHist.CopyFromFromProductTableIntoProductPriceHist(Config.startDate); // Config.earliestPossibleDate);     // Fail-safe strategy
                Empl.MakeAllEmplAvailableToWork(Config.startDate);                               // Config.earliestPossibleDate);                                   // Fail-safe strategy
                Store.MakeAllStoreOpenForBusiness(Config.startDate);                             // Config.earliestPossibleDate);                                 // Fail-safe strategy
            // Finally, start transacting
            Utils.Log("Starting Simulator...");
            sg.StartTransactionSimulation(numOfTransactionsToAdd, Config.random, null, null);
コード例 #2
        private void btnStartTransactionSimulator_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            TextBox.CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = false;    // We will spawn a thread that writes to a control on this thread.
            Boolean  validInput = true;
            DateTime startDate = DateTime.Now, throughDate = DateTime.Now;

            switch (Config.mode)
            case Config.modeEnum.idle:
                try {
                    // Check to see if the user wants to run for a period of elapsed time or run forever
                    if (cbIgnoreElapsedTime.Checked == true)
                        Config.elapsedMinutesToRun = 0;         // zero means ignore this limit
                        int      hours = 0, minutes = 0;
                        String[] split = txtElapsedTimeToRun.Text.Trim().Split(':');
                        hours = Convert.ToInt32(split[0]);
                        if (split.Length == 2)
                            minutes = Convert.ToInt32(split[1]);
                        Config.elapsedMinutesToRun = hours * 60 + minutes;
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    validInput = false;
                    MessageBox.Show("Input error: " + ex.Message, "Check Hours:Minutes to run.");
                try {
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    MessageBox.Show("Input error: " + ex.Message, "Check Transaction Delay.");
                    validInput = false;
                if (validInput && !cbUseCurrentDateStampForTransaction.Checked)
                    try {
                        // Don't store these values in the Config object unless both are valid.
                        startDate   = Convert.ToDateTime(txtStartDate.Text);
                        throughDate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtThroughDate.Text);
                        if ((throughDate - startDate).TotalDays < 0)
                            throw new Exception("Through Date must follow or equal Start Date.");
                        if (startDate < Config.earliestPossibleDate)
                            throw new Exception("Start date cannot be earlier than " + Config.earliestPossibleDate.ToShortDateString());
                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                        validInput = false;
                        MessageBox.Show("Input error: " + ex.Message, "Check Start Date and Through Date.");
                if (validInput)
                    Config.useCurrentDateStampForTransaction = cbUseCurrentDateStampForTransaction.Checked;
                    Config.startDate               = startDate;
                    Config.throughDate             = throughDate;
                    Config.mode                    = Config.modeEnum.running;
                    Config.server                  = txtServer.Text;
                    Config.login                   = txtLogin.Text;
                    Config.password                = txtPassword.Text;
                    Config.database                = txtDatabase.Text;
                    Config.useCoupons              = cbUseCoupons.Checked;
                    Config.checkForAllStoresClosed = cbCheckForAllStoresClosed.Checked;
                    Config.executeFailSafeOptions  = cbExecuteFailSafe.Checked;
                    Config.prioritizeProducts      = cbPrioritizeProducts.Checked;
                    // This is tricky: the index of the selected item in the combo box must map to a specific enum. Be sure both are zero based:
                    Config.storeCheckInterval   = (Config.enum_availableCheckIntervals)cbStoreCheckInterval.SelectedIndex;
                    Config.emplCheckInterval    = (Config.enum_availableCheckIntervals)cbEmplCheckInterval.SelectedIndex;
                    Config.productCheckInterval = (Config.enum_availableCheckIntervals)cbProductCheckInterval.SelectedIndex;
                    Config.couponCheckInterval  = (Config.enum_availableCheckIntervals)cbCouponCheckInterval.SelectedIndex;
                    String[] tmp = cbCouponAmountToAdd.SelectedItem.ToString().Split();
                    Config.couponAmountToAdd = Convert.ToInt32(tmp[0]);
                    int numOfTransactionsToAdd;
                    if (cbRunForever.Checked == true)
                        numOfTransactionsToAdd = 0;     // Zero means run forever
                        try {
                            numOfTransactionsToAdd = Convert.ToInt32(txtNumOfTransactionsToAdd.Text);
                        } catch (Exception ex) {
                            MessageBox.Show("Enter the number of transactions to add or select Run Forever", "Invalid Number");
                    try {
                        if (Config.executeFailSafeOptions)
                            ProductPriceHist.CopyFromFromProductTableIntoProductPriceHist(Config.startDate); // Config.earliestPossibleDate);     // Fail-safe strategy
                            Empl.MakeAllEmplAvailableToWork(Config.startDate);                               // Config.earliestPossibleDate);                                   // Fail-safe strategy
                            Store.MakeAllStoreOpenForBusiness(Config.startDate);                             // Config.earliestPossibleDate);                                 // Fail-safe strategy
                        // Finally, start transacting
                        sg.StartTransactionSimulation(numOfTransactionsToAdd, Config.random, txtResults, lblStatus);
                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                        txtResults.Text += "btnGo_Click:" + "sg.StartSimulation: " + ex.Message;
                    btnStartTransactionSimulator.Text = "Halt";
                    watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                    lblElapsedTime.Text = "";
                    timer1.Enabled    = true;
                    txtSeed.Enabled   = false;
                    lblStartTime.Text = (String.Format("{0:hh\\:mm\\:ss tt}", DateTime.Now));

            case Config.modeEnum.running:
                Config.mode = Config.modeEnum.idle;
                btnStartTransactionSimulator.Text = "Go";
                watch           = null;
                timer1.Enabled  = false;
                txtSeed.Enabled = true;