public void TestOrderProductUndefinedName() { OrderLogic logicO = new OrderLogic(); ProductLogic logicP = new ProductLogic(); try { ProductBinding product = new ProductBinding { Name = "Test", Price = 20 }; OrderBinding order = new OrderBinding { OrderProducts = new List <OrderProductBinding>() }; order.OrderProducts.Add(new OrderProductBinding { ProductId = 1, Count = 2 }); logicP.Create(product); logicO.Create(order); logicP.Delete(new ProductBinding { Id = 1 }); List <OrderView> list = logicO.Read(null); Assert.Equal("Undefined", list[0].OrderProducts[0].ProductName); } finally { logicO.Delete(null); logicP.Delete(null); } }
public void TestDeleteSingle() { ProductLogic logic = new ProductLogic(); try { ProductBinding model1 = new ProductBinding { Name = "Test1", Price = 10 }; ProductBinding model2 = new ProductBinding { Name = "Test2", Price = 20 }; logic.Create(model1); logic.Create(model2); logic.Delete(new ProductBinding { Id = 2 }); List <ProductView> list = logic.Read(null); Assert.Single(list); Assert.Equal(1, list[0].Id); Assert.Equal("Test1", list[0].Name); Assert.Equal(10, list[0].Price); } finally { logic.Delete(null); } }
public void TestDeleteOrderProducts() { OrderLogic logicO = new OrderLogic(); ProductLogic logicP = new ProductLogic(); try { OrderBinding model1 = new OrderBinding { Id = 1, OrderProducts = new List <OrderProductBinding>() }; model1.OrderProducts.Add(new OrderProductBinding { ProductId = 1 }); logicP.Create(new ProductBinding()); logicO.Create(model1); logicO.Delete(model1); OrderBinding model2 = new OrderBinding { Id = 1, OrderProducts = new List <OrderProductBinding>() }; model2.OrderProducts.Add(new OrderProductBinding { ProductId = 1 }); logicO.Create(model2); List <OrderView> list = logicO.Read(null); Assert.Single(list[0].OrderProducts); } finally { logicO.Delete(null); logicP.Delete(null); } }
public void TestCreateSeveralOPWithSameProductId() { OrderLogic logicO = new OrderLogic(); ProductLogic logicP = new ProductLogic(); try { OrderBinding model = new OrderBinding { OrderProducts = new List <OrderProductBinding>() }; model.OrderProducts.Add(new OrderProductBinding { ProductId = 1, Count = 3 }); model.OrderProducts.Add(new OrderProductBinding { ProductId = 1, Count = 2 }); logicP.Create(new ProductBinding { Id = 1 }); logicO.Create(model); List <OrderView> list = logicO.Read(null); Assert.Single(list[0].OrderProducts); Assert.Equal(1, list[0].OrderProducts[0].ProductId); Assert.Equal(5, list[0].OrderProducts[0].Count); } finally { logicO.Delete(null); logicP.Delete(null); } }
public void TestIncorrectPrice() { List <string> messages = new List <string>(); List <bool> results = new List <bool>(); ProductLogic logic = new ProductLogic(); try { ProductPageDriver driver = new ProductPageDriver(new UiContext(new OrderLogic(), logic), null); driver.ShowErrorMessage = (msg) => messages.Add(msg); driver.ProductName = () => "Ananas"; driver.ProductPrice = () => 0; results.Add(driver.SaveProduct()); driver.ProductName = () => "Banan"; driver.ProductPrice = () => - 1; results.Add(driver.SaveProduct()); Assert.Equal(2, results.Count); Assert.False(results[0]); Assert.False(results[1]); Assert.Equal(2, messages.Count); Assert.Equal("Incorrect price", messages[0]); Assert.Equal("Incorrect price", messages[1]); } finally { logic.Delete(null); } }
public IActionResult Delete(int id) { _productLogic.Delete(new Product { Id = id }); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public void TestGetAllProducts() { ProductLogic logic = new ProductLogic(); try { logic.Create(new ProductBinding { Name = "Test1", Price = 10 }); logic.Create(new ProductBinding { Name = "Test2", Price = 15 }); OrderProductPageDriver driver = new OrderProductPageDriver(new UiContext(new OrderLogic(), logic), new OrderView(), null); List <ProductView> list = driver.GetAllProducts(); Assert.Equal(2, list.Count); Assert.Equal("Test1", list[0].Name); Assert.Equal(10, list[0].Price); Assert.Equal("Test2", list[1].Name); Assert.Equal(15, list[1].Price); } finally { logic.Delete(null); } }
public void TestGetSelectedProduct() { ProductLogic logic = new ProductLogic(); try { logic.Create(new ProductBinding { Name = "Test1", Price = 10 }); OrderProductView orderProduct = new OrderProductView { ProductId = 1 }; OrderProductPageDriver driver = new OrderProductPageDriver(new UiContext(new OrderLogic(), logic), new OrderView(), orderProduct); ProductView product1 = driver.GetSelectedProduct(); driver = new OrderProductPageDriver(new UiContext(new OrderLogic(), logic), new OrderView(), null); ProductView product2 = driver.GetSelectedProduct(); Assert.Equal("Test1", product1.Name); Assert.Equal(10, product1.Price); Assert.Null(product2); } finally { logic.Delete(null); } }
public void TestIncorrectProductName() { List <string> messages = new List <string>(); List <bool> results = new List <bool>(); ProductLogic logic = new ProductLogic(); try { logic.Create(new ProductBinding { Name = "Ananas", Price = 87 }); ProductPageDriver driver = new ProductPageDriver(new UiContext(new OrderLogic(), logic), null); driver.ShowErrorMessage = (msg) => messages.Add(msg); driver.ProductName = () => "Ananas"; driver.ProductPrice = () => 87; results.Add(driver.SaveProduct()); driver.ProductName = () => " "; driver.ProductPrice = () => 87; results.Add(driver.SaveProduct()); Assert.Equal(2, results.Count); Assert.False(results[0]); Assert.False(results[1]); Assert.Equal(2, messages.Count); Assert.Equal("Product with name Ananas already exist", messages[0]); Assert.Equal("Field name is empty", messages[1]); } finally { logic.Delete(null); } }
public void TestMethodSaveCreatedOrder() { string message = ""; OrderLogic logicO = new OrderLogic(); ProductLogic logicP = new ProductLogic(); OrderPageDriver driver = new OrderPageDriver(new UiContext(logicO, logicP), null); driver.ShowInfoMessage = (msg) => { message = msg; }; try { logicP.Create(new ProductBinding { Price = 10 }); driver.MoveToOrderProductPage = (context, order, orderProduct) => order.OrderProducts.Add(new OrderProductView { ProductId = 1 }); driver.AddOrderProduct(); driver.AddOrderProduct(); driver.AddOrderProduct(); bool result = driver.SaveOrder(); List <OrderView> list = logicO.Read(null); Assert.True(result); Assert.Single(list); Assert.Single(list[0].OrderProducts); Assert.Equal("Order was created", message); } finally { logicO.Delete(null); logicP.Delete(null); } }
public void TestMethodSaveUpdatedProduct() { string message = ""; ProductLogic logic = new ProductLogic(); try { logic.Create(new ProductBinding { Name = "Ananas", Price = 87 }); ProductPageDriver driver = new ProductPageDriver(new UiContext(new OrderLogic(), logic), logic.Read(null)[0]); driver.ProductName = () => "Banan"; driver.ProductPrice = () => 38; driver.ShowInfoMessage = (msg) => message = msg; bool result = driver.SaveProduct(); List <ProductView> list = logic.Read(null); Assert.True(result); Assert.Single(list); Assert.Equal("Banan", list[0].Name); Assert.Equal(38, list[0].Price); Assert.Equal("Product №1 was updated", message); } finally { logic.Delete(null); } }
public void TestCreateWithOrderProducts() { OrderLogic logicO = new OrderLogic(); ProductLogic logicP = new ProductLogic(); try { OrderBinding model = new OrderBinding { Id = 1, OrderProducts = new List <OrderProductBinding>() }; model.OrderProducts.Add(new OrderProductBinding { Count = 10, ProductId = 1 }); model.OrderProducts.Add(new OrderProductBinding { Count = 13, ProductId = 2 }); logicP.Create(new ProductBinding { Id = 1, Name = "0", Price = 10 }); logicP.Create(new ProductBinding { Id = 2, Name = "1", Price = 5 }); logicO.Create(model); List <OrderView> list = logicO.Read(null); Assert.Equal(2, list[0].OrderProducts.Count); Assert.Equal(5, list[0].OrderProducts[1].Price); } finally { logicO.Delete(null); logicP.Delete(null); } }
public void TestDelete() { ProductLogic logic = new ProductLogic(); try { ProductBinding model = new ProductBinding { Name = "Test", Price = 10 }; logic.Create(model); logic.Delete(null); List <ProductView> list = logic.Read(null); Assert.Empty(list); } finally { logic.Delete(null); } }
public ActionResult DeleteApplicantEducation([FromBody] ProductPoco[] pocos) { try { _logic.Delete(pocos); return(Ok()); } catch (Exception ex) { return(BadRequest(ex.Message)); } }
public void TestUpdateSeveralOPWithSameProductId() { OrderLogic logicO = new OrderLogic(); ProductLogic logicP = new ProductLogic(); try { logicP.Create(new ProductBinding { Name = "0" }); logicP.Create(new ProductBinding { Name = "1" }); OrderBinding model = new OrderBinding { OrderProducts = new List <OrderProductBinding>() }; model.OrderProducts.Add(new OrderProductBinding { ProductId = 1, Count = 3 }); logicO.Create(model); OrderView ov = logicO.Read(null)[0]; OrderBinding model2 = new OrderBinding { Id = ov.Id, OrderProducts = new List <OrderProductBinding>() }; model2.OrderProducts.Add(new OrderProductBinding { ProductId = 1, Count = 3 }); model2.OrderProducts.Add(new OrderProductBinding { ProductId = 1, Count = 2 }); model2.OrderProducts.Add(new OrderProductBinding { ProductId = 2, Count = 1 }); model2.OrderProducts.Add(new OrderProductBinding { ProductId = 2, Count = 5 }); logicO.Update(model2); List <OrderView> list = logicO.Read(null); Assert.Equal(2, list[0].OrderProducts.Count); Assert.Equal(1, list[0].OrderProducts[0].ProductId); Assert.Equal(5, list[0].OrderProducts[0].Count); Assert.Equal(2, list[0].OrderProducts[1].ProductId); Assert.Equal(6, list[0].OrderProducts[1].Count); } finally { logicO.Delete(null); logicP.Delete(null); } }
public IHttpActionResult Delete(int id) { { if (id <= 0) { return(BadRequest("Not a valid category id")); } ProductLogic categ = new ProductLogic(); categ.Delete(id); return(Ok("This category is deleted")); } }
public void TestOrderProductAutoId() { OrderLogic logicO = new OrderLogic(); ProductLogic logicP = new ProductLogic(); try { OrderBinding model1 = new OrderBinding { Id = 1, OrderProducts = new List <OrderProductBinding>() }; OrderBinding model2 = new OrderBinding { Id = 1, OrderProducts = new List <OrderProductBinding>() }; model1.OrderProducts.Add(new OrderProductBinding { ProductId = 1 }); model1.OrderProducts.Add(new OrderProductBinding { ProductId = 2 }); model2.OrderProducts.Add(new OrderProductBinding { ProductId = 1 }); logicP.Create(new ProductBinding { Name = "0" }); logicP.Create(new ProductBinding { Name = "1" }); logicO.Create(model1); logicO.Create(model2); List <OrderView> list = logicO.Read(null); Assert.Equal(1, list[0].OrderProducts[0].Id); Assert.Equal(2, list[0].OrderProducts[1].Id); Assert.Equal(3, list[1].OrderProducts[0].Id); Assert.Equal(1, list[0].OrderProducts[0].OrderId); Assert.Equal(1, list[0].OrderProducts[1].OrderId); Assert.Equal(2, list[1].OrderProducts[0].OrderId); } finally { logicO.Delete(null); logicP.Delete(null); } }
protected void LinkButton1_Command(object sender, CommandEventArgs e) { EmployeeLogic el = new EmployeeLogic(); Employee e2 = el.SelectByID(Convert.ToInt32(Session["EmployeeID"])); if (!(e2.Designation.Equals("STOCK MANAGER") || e2.Designation.Equals("STOCK EMPLOYEE") || e2.Designation.Equals("EMPLOYEE") || e2.Designation.Equals("ACCOUNTATANT") || e2.Designation.Equals("HR MANAGER") || e2.Designation.Equals("HR EMPLOYEE"))) { ProductLogic pl = new ProductLogic(); Product p1 = pl.SelectByProductID(Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument)); if (p1 != null) { int i = pl.Delete(p1.ProductID); Response.Redirect("ProdList.aspx"); } } else { Response.Redirect("Access.aspx"); } }
public void TestGetCount() { ProductLogic logic = new ProductLogic(); try { logic.Create(new ProductBinding { Name = "Test1", Price = 10 }); OrderProductView orderProduct = new OrderProductView { ProductId = 1, Count = 10 }; OrderProductPageDriver driver = new OrderProductPageDriver(new UiContext(new OrderLogic(), logic), new OrderView(), orderProduct); int count = driver.GetCount(); Assert.Equal(10, count); } finally { logic.Delete(null); } }
public void TestCreateSameName() { ProductLogic logic = new ProductLogic(); string message = ""; try { ProductBinding model1 = new ProductBinding { Name = "Test", Price = 10 }; logic.Create(model1); try { ProductBinding model2 = new ProductBinding { Name = "Test", Price = 10 }; logic.Create(model2); } catch (Exception ex) { message = ex.Message; } List <ProductView> list = logic.Read(null); Assert.Single(list); Assert.Equal(1, list[0].Id); Assert.Equal("Test", list[0].Name); Assert.Equal(10, list[0].Price); Assert.Equal("Product with name Test already exist", message); } finally { logic.Delete(null); } }
public void TestMethodDeleteProduct() { string message = ""; ProductLogic logic = new ProductLogic(); try { logic.Create(new ProductBinding { Name = "Test1", Price = 10 }); logic.Create(new ProductBinding { Name = "Test2", Price = 15 }); logic.Create(new ProductBinding { Name = "Test3", Price = 23 }); ProductsPageDriver driver = new ProductsPageDriver(new UiContext(new OrderLogic(), logic)); List <ProductView> list = driver.GetAllProducts(); driver.SelectedProduct = () => list[1]; driver.ShowInfoMessage = (msg) => { message = msg; }; driver.DeleteProduct(); list = driver.GetAllProducts(); Assert.Equal(2, list.Count); Assert.Equal("Test1", list[0].Name); Assert.Equal(10, list[0].Price); Assert.Equal("Test3", list[1].Name); Assert.Equal(23, list[1].Price); Assert.Equal("Product №2 was deleted", message); } finally { logic.Delete(null); } }
public ActionResult DeleteProduct( [FromBody] ProductPoco[] pocos) { _logic.Delete(pocos); return(Ok()); }