private void PopulateControls() { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml("<ProductList></ProductList>"); XmlElement root = doc.DocumentElement; XmlHelper.AddNode(doc, root, "ModuleTitle", this.Title); XmlHelper.AddNode(doc, root, "ZoneTitle", CurrentZone.Name); XmlHelper.AddNode(doc, root, "ViewMore", ProductResources.ViewMoreLabel); if (ModuleConfiguration.ResourceFileDef.Length > 0 && ModuleConfiguration.ResourceKeyDef.Length > 0) { List <string> lstResourceKeys = ModuleConfiguration.ResourceKeyDef.SplitOnCharAndTrim(';'); foreach (string item in lstResourceKeys) { XmlHelper.AddNode(doc, root, item, ResourceHelper.GetResourceString(ModuleConfiguration.ResourceFileDef, item)); } } CmsBasePage basePage = Page as CmsBasePage; bool userCanUpdate = ProductPermission.CanUpdate; SiteUser currentUser = SiteUtils.GetCurrentSiteUser(); List <Product> lstProducts = new List <Product>(); if (ProductConfiguration.RecentlyViewedProductsEnabled && config.Position == 0) { lstProducts = ProductHelper.GetRecentlyViewedProducts(config.MaxProductsToGet); } else if (config.ZoneId > -1) { int zoneId = config.ZoneId; if (zoneId == 0) { zoneId = CurrentZone.ZoneId; } string zoneRangeIds = ProductHelper.GetRangeZoneIdsToSemiColonSeparatedString(siteSettings.SiteId, zoneId); lstProducts = Product.GetPageBySearch(1, config.MaxProductsToGet, siteSettings.SiteId, zoneRangeIds, 1, WorkingCulture.LanguageId, -1, -1, null, null, config.Position); } else { lstProducts = Product.GetPage(SiteId, -1, WorkingCulture.LanguageId, config.Position, 1, config.MaxProductsToGet); } foreach (Product product in lstProducts) { XmlElement productXml = doc.CreateElement("Product"); root.AppendChild(productXml); ProductHelper.BuildProductDataXml(doc, productXml, product, timeZone, timeOffset, ProductHelper.BuildEditLink(product, basePage, userCanUpdate, currentUser)); } XmlHelper.XMLTransform(xmlTransformer, SiteUtils.GetXsltBasePath("product", ModuleConfiguration.XsltFileName), doc); }
public void BuildProductRelatedXml( XmlDocument doc, XmlElement root, int languageId) { List <Product> lstProducts = Product.GetRelatedProducts(basePage.SiteId, product.ProductGuid, false, ProductConfiguration.RelatedProductsTwoWayRelationship); foreach (Product productRelated in lstProducts) { XmlElement productXml = doc.CreateElement("ProductRelated"); root.AppendChild(productXml); ProductHelper.BuildProductDataXml(doc, productXml, productRelated, timeZone, timeOffset, ProductHelper.BuildEditLink(productRelated, basePage, userCanUpdate, currentUser)); } }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { Encoding encoding = new UTF8Encoding(); context.Response.ContentEncoding = encoding; string query = WebUtils.ParseStringFromQueryString("q", string.Empty); if (query.Length == 0) { return; } // if (WebConfigSettings.EscapingSpecialCharactersInKeyword) //Escaping Special Characters: + - && || ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ " ~ * ? : \ { query = query.Replace("-", "\\-") .Replace("+", "\\+") .Replace("&&", "\\&&") .Replace("||", "\\||") .Replace("!", "\\!") .Replace("(", "\\(") .Replace(")", "\\)") .Replace("{", "\\{") .Replace("}", "\\}") .Replace("[", "\\[") .Replace("]", "\\]") .Replace("^", "\\^") .Replace("\"", "\\\"") .Replace("~", "\\~") .Replace("*", "\\*") .Replace("?", "\\?") .Replace(":", "\\:") .Replace("\\", "\\\\") ; } query = query.Trim().Replace(" ", " + ") + "*"; SiteSettings siteSettings = CacheHelper.GetCurrentSiteSettings(); int pageSize = 20; int totalHits = 1; bool queryErrorOccurred = false; bool isSiteEditor = WebUser.IsAdminOrContentAdmin || (SiteUtils.UserIsSiteEditor()); string result = string.Empty; CanhCam.SearchIndex.IndexItemCollection searchResults = CanhCam.SearchIndex.IndexHelper.Search( siteSettings.SiteId, isSiteEditor, GetUserRoles(context, siteSettings.SiteId), Product.FeatureGuid, WorkingCulture.DefaultName, DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MaxValue, query, false, WebConfigSettings.SearchResultsFragmentSize, 1, pageSize, WebConfigSettings.SearchMaxClauseCount, out totalHits, out queryErrorOccurred); if (searchResults.Count > 0) { string productGuids = string.Empty; string sepa = string.Empty; foreach (IndexItem item in searchResults) { if (!productGuids.ContainsCaseInsensitive(item.ItemGuid.ToString())) { productGuids += sepa + item.ItemGuid.ToString(); sepa = ";"; } } if (productGuids.Length > 0) { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml("<ProductList></ProductList>"); XmlElement root = doc.DocumentElement; var timeOffset = SiteUtils.GetUserTimeOffset(); var timeZone = SiteUtils.GetUserTimeZone(); List <Product> lstProducts = Product.GetByGuids(siteSettings.SiteId, productGuids, 1, WorkingCulture.LanguageId); foreach (Product product in lstProducts) { XmlElement productXml = doc.CreateElement("Product"); root.AppendChild(productXml); ProductHelper.BuildProductDataXml(doc, productXml, product, timeZone, timeOffset, string.Empty); } result = XmlHelper.TransformXML(SiteUtils.GetXsltBasePath("product", "ProductSuggestSearch.xslt"), doc); } } if (result.Length > 0) { context.Response.Write(result); } else { context.Response.Write(" "); } context.Response.End(); }
private void PopulateControls() { DateTime?startDate = null; if (txtDays.Text.Length > 0) { int days = -1; int.TryParse(txtDays.Text, out days); if (days > 0) { DateTime localTime = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day, 0, 0, 0).AddDays(-days); if (timeZone != null) { startDate = localTime.ToUtc(timeZone); } else { startDate = localTime.AddHours(-timeOffset); } } } List <OrderItem> lstOrderItems = OrderItem.GetPageBySearch(siteSettings.SiteId, -1, -1, -1, -1, startDate, null, null, null, siteUser.UserGuid, null, pageNumber, pageSize); if (lstOrderItems.Count > 0) { string productGuids = string.Empty; string attribute = string.Empty; foreach (OrderItem orderItem in lstOrderItems) { productGuids += orderItem.ProductGuid.ToString() + ";"; string tmp = orderItem.AttributesXml; if (tmp.Length > 0) { tmp += ";"; } //if (orderItem.AttributeDescription.Length > 0) // tmp += orderItem.AttributeDescription + ";"; attribute += tmp; } if (attribute.Length > 0) { lstOptions = CustomFieldOption.GetByOptionIds(siteSettings.SiteId, attribute); } List <Product> lstProducts = Product.GetByGuids(siteSettings.SiteId, productGuids, -1, WorkingCulture.LanguageId); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml("<ProductList></ProductList>"); XmlElement root = doc.DocumentElement; lstOrderItems.ForEach(orderItem => { Product product = ProductHelper.GetProductFromList(lstProducts, orderItem.ProductId); if (product != null) { XmlElement productXml = doc.CreateElement("Product"); root.AppendChild(productXml); ProductHelper.BuildProductDataXml(doc, productXml, product, null); // Order detail XmlHelper.AddNode(doc, productXml, "OrderCode", orderItem.Order.OrderCode); XmlHelper.AddNode(doc, productXml, "OrderDate", FormatDate(orderItem.Order.CreatedUtc, "dd/MM/yyyy")); XmlHelper.AddNode(doc, productXml, "OrderStatus", ProductHelper.GetOrderStatus(orderItem.Order.OrderStatus)); XmlHelper.AddNode(doc, productXml, "OrderTotal", ProductHelper.FormatPrice(orderItem.Quantity * orderItem.Price - orderItem.DiscountAmount, true)); } }); XmlHelper.XMLTransform(xmlTransformer, SiteUtils.GetXsltBasePath("Product", "PurchaseHistory.xslt"), doc); } }
private void RenderNode(XmlDocument doc, XmlElement xmlElement, gbSiteMapNode gbNode) { if (!ShouldRender(gbNode)) { return; } XmlElement item = doc.CreateElement("Zone"); xmlElement.AppendChild(item); XmlHelper.AddNode(doc, item, "ZoneId", gbNode.ZoneId.ToInvariantString()); XmlHelper.AddNode(doc, item, "Depth", gbNode.Depth.ToInvariantString()); XmlHelper.AddNode(doc, item, "ChildCount", gbNode.ChildNodes.Count.ToInvariantString()); XmlHelper.AddNode(doc, item, "IsClickable", gbNode.IsClickable.ToString().ToLower()); XmlHelper.AddNode(doc, item, "Url", FormatUrl(gbNode)); XmlHelper.AddNode(doc, item, "Target", (gbNode.OpenInNewWindow == true ? "_blank" : "_self")); XmlHelper.AddNode(doc, item, "Title", GetZoneTitle(gbNode)); XmlHelper.AddNode(doc, item, "Description", GetDescription(gbNode)); XmlHelper.AddNode(doc, item, "ImageUrl", gbNode.PrimaryImage); List <Product> lstProducts = new List <Product>(); if (config.ShowAllProducts) { string zoneIds = ProductHelper.GetRangeZoneIdsToSemiColonSeparatedString(siteSettings.SiteId, gbNode.ZoneId); if (config.MaxItemsToGet == 0) { int iCount = Product.GetCountByListZone(siteSettings.SiteId, zoneIds, languageId, config.ProductPosition); XmlHelper.AddNode(doc, item, "ProductCount", iCount.ToString()); } else if (config.MaxItemsToGet > 0) { lstProducts = Product.GetPageByListZone(siteSettings.SiteId, zoneIds, languageId, config.ProductPosition, 1, config.MaxItemsToGet); } else { int iCount = Product.GetCountByListZone(siteSettings.SiteId, zoneIds, languageId, config.ProductPosition); XmlHelper.AddNode(doc, item, "ProductCount", iCount.ToString()); lstProducts = Product.GetPageByListZone(siteSettings.SiteId, zoneIds, languageId, config.ProductPosition, 1, Math.Abs(config.MaxItemsToGet)); } } else { if (config.MaxItemsToGet == 0) { int iCount = Product.GetCount(siteSettings.SiteId, gbNode.ZoneId, languageId, config.ProductPosition); XmlHelper.AddNode(doc, item, "ProductCount", iCount.ToString()); } else if (config.MaxItemsToGet > 0) { lstProducts = Product.GetPage(siteSettings.SiteId, gbNode.ZoneId, languageId, config.ProductPosition, 1, config.MaxItemsToGet); } else { int iCount = Product.GetCount(siteSettings.SiteId, gbNode.ZoneId, languageId, config.ProductPosition); XmlHelper.AddNode(doc, item, "ProductCount", iCount.ToString()); lstProducts = Product.GetPage(siteSettings.SiteId, gbNode.ZoneId, languageId, config.ProductPosition, 1, Math.Abs(config.MaxItemsToGet)); } } foreach (Product product in lstProducts) { XmlElement productXml = doc.CreateElement("Product"); item.AppendChild(productXml); ProductHelper.BuildProductDataXml(doc, productXml, product, timeZone, timeOffset, ProductHelper.BuildEditLink(product, basePage, userCanUpdate, currentUser)); } if ((currentNode != null) && (currentNode.ZoneGuid == gbNode.ZoneGuid) // Selected ) { XmlHelper.AddNode(doc, item, "IsActive", "true"); } else { XmlHelper.AddNode(doc, item, "IsActive", "false"); } if (gbNode.ChildNodes.Count > 0) { foreach (SiteMapNode childNode in gbNode.ChildNodes) { gbSiteMapNode gbChildNode = childNode as gbSiteMapNode; if (gbChildNode == null) { continue; } RenderNode(doc, item, gbChildNode); } } }
private void DoSearch() { if (Page.IsPostBack) { return; } if (Request.QueryString.Get("q") == null) { return; } query = Request.QueryString.Get("q"); if (this.query.Length == 0) { return; } //txtSearchInput.Text = Server.HtmlEncode(query).Replace(""", "\"") ; txtSearchInput.Text = SecurityHelper.SanitizeHtml(query); // string queryToSearch = query; if (WebConfigSettings.EscapingSpecialCharactersInKeyword) //Escaping Special Characters: + - && || ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ " ~ * ? : \ { queryToSearch = queryToSearch.Replace("-", "\\-") .Replace("+", "\\+") .Replace("&&", "\\&&") .Replace("||", "\\||") .Replace("!", "\\!") .Replace("(", "\\(") .Replace(")", "\\)") .Replace("{", "\\{") .Replace("}", "\\}") .Replace("[", "\\[") .Replace("]", "\\]") .Replace("^", "\\^") .Replace("\"", "\\\"") .Replace("~", "\\~") .Replace("*", "\\*") .Replace("?", "\\?") .Replace(":", "\\:") .Replace("\\", "\\\\") ; } if (ConfigHelper.GetBoolProperty("Product:AppendWildcardToEndKeyword", false) && query.Length > 1) { queryToSearch = queryToSearch + "*"; } queryErrorOccurred = false; CanhCam.SearchIndex.IndexItemCollection searchResults = CanhCam.SearchIndex.IndexHelper.Search( siteSettings.SiteId, isSiteEditor, GetUserRoles(), Product.FeatureGuid, CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.Name, DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MaxValue, queryToSearch, WebConfigSettings.EnableSearchResultsHighlighting, WebConfigSettings.SearchResultsFragmentSize, pageNumber, pageSize, WebConfigSettings.SearchMaxClauseCount, out totalHits, out queryErrorOccurred); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml("<ProductList></ProductList>"); XmlElement root = doc.DocumentElement; XmlHelper.AddNode(doc, root, "SiteRoot", SiteRoot); XmlHelper.AddNode(doc, root, "TotalProducts", totalHits.ToString()); XmlHelper.AddNode(doc, root, "Keyword", Server.HtmlEncode(query)); XmlHelper.AddNode(doc, root, "ProductText", ResourceHelper.GetResourceString("ProductResources", "ProductFeatureName")); XmlHelper.AddNode(doc, root, "NewsText", ResourceHelper.GetResourceString("ProductResources", "NewsFeatureName")); if (searchResults.Count == 0) { if (InitIndexIfNeeded()) { return; } if (txtSearchInput.Text.Length > 0) { string noResults = Resources.ProductResources.SearchResultsNotFound; if (queryErrorOccurred) { noResults = ResourceHelper.GetResourceString("Resource", "SearchQueryInvalid"); } XmlHelper.AddNode(doc, root, "NoResults", noResults); } } else { float duration = searchResults.ExecutionTime * 0.0000001F; string searchSumary = string.Format(Resources.ProductResources.SearchResultsFormat, totalHits.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), Server.HtmlEncode(query), duration.ToString()); XmlHelper.AddNode(doc, root, "SearchSumary", searchSumary); XmlHelper.AddNode(doc, root, "Duration", duration.ToString()); totalPages = 1; if (pageSize > 0) { totalPages = totalHits / pageSize; } if (totalHits <= pageSize) { totalPages = 1; } else { int remainder; Math.DivRem(totalHits, pageSize, out remainder); if (remainder > 0) { totalPages += 1; } } string searchUrl = SiteRoot + "/Product/SearchResults.aspx?q=" + Server.UrlEncode(query) + "&p={0}"; pgrTop.PageURLFormat = searchUrl; pgrTop.ShowFirstLast = true; pgrTop.CurrentIndex = pageNumber; pgrTop.PageSize = pageSize; pgrTop.PageCount = totalPages; pgrTop.Visible = (totalPages > 1); pgrBottom.PageURLFormat = searchUrl; pgrBottom.ShowFirstLast = true; pgrBottom.CurrentIndex = pageNumber; pgrBottom.PageSize = pageSize; pgrBottom.PageCount = totalPages; pgrBottom.Visible = (totalPages > 1); string productGuids = string.Empty; string sepa = string.Empty; foreach (IndexItem item in searchResults) { if (!productGuids.ContainsCaseInsensitive(item.ItemGuid.ToString())) { productGuids += sepa + item.ItemGuid.ToString(); sepa = ";"; } } if (productGuids.Length > 0) { List <Product> lstProducts = Product.GetByGuids(siteSettings.SiteId, productGuids, 1, WorkingCulture.LanguageId); foreach (Product product in lstProducts) { XmlElement productXml = doc.CreateElement("Product"); root.AppendChild(productXml); ProductHelper.BuildProductDataXml(doc, productXml, product, timeZone, timeOffset, string.Empty); if (WebConfigSettings.EnableSearchResultsHighlighting) { foreach (IndexItem item in searchResults) { if (item.ItemGuid == product.ProductGuid) { XmlHelper.AddNode(doc, productXml, "HighlightContent", item.Intro); break; } } } } } } XmlHelper.XMLTransform(xmlTransformer, SiteUtils.GetXsltBasePath("product", "ProductSearchResults.xslt"), doc); }
private XmlDocument GetPageXml(int zoneId, int pageNumber, int pageSize, out int totalPages) { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml("<ProductList></ProductList>"); XmlElement root = doc.DocumentElement; XmlHelper.AddNode(doc, root, "ModuleTitle", this.moduleTitle); XmlHelper.AddNode(doc, root, "ZoneTitle", basePage.CurrentZone.Name); XmlHelper.AddNode(doc, root, "ZoneDescription", basePage.CurrentZone.Description); XmlHelper.AddNode(doc, root, "ViewMore", ProductResources.ViewMoreLabel); XmlHelper.AddNode(doc, root, "SiteUrl", siteRoot); XmlHelper.AddNode(doc, root, "ZoneUrl", SiteUtils.GetCurrentZoneUrl()); if (module != null && module.ResourceFileDef.Length > 0 && module.ResourceKeyDef.Length > 0) { List <string> lstResourceKeys = module.ResourceKeyDef.SplitOnCharAndTrim(';'); foreach (string item in lstResourceKeys) { XmlHelper.AddNode(doc, root, item, ResourceHelper.GetResourceString(module.ResourceFileDef, item)); } } //Render view mode BuildViewModeXml(doc, root); //Render sort mode BuildSortModeXml(doc, root); int languageId = WorkingCulture.LanguageId; List <Product> lstProducts = new List <Product>(); string propertyCondition = string.Empty; string andClause = " "; int numberGroup = 0; List <CustomField> lstCustomFields = CustomFieldHelper.GetCustomFieldsFromContext(siteSettings.SiteId, Product.FeatureGuid, basePage.CurrentZone.ZoneGuid, languageId); foreach (CustomField field in lstCustomFields) { if ( field.DataType == (int)CustomFieldDataType.CheckBox || field.DataType == (int)CustomFieldDataType.SelectBox ) { if (field.FilterType == (int)CustomFieldFilterType.ByValue) { string paramName = ProductHelper.QueryStringFilterSingleParam + field.CustomFieldId.ToString(); int optionValue = WebUtils.ParseInt32FromQueryString(paramName, -1); if (optionValue > 0) { propertyCondition += andClause + "(CustomFieldID=" + field.CustomFieldId + " AND CustomFieldOptionID=" + optionValue.ToString() + ")"; andClause = " OR "; numberGroup += 1; } } else { string paramName = ProductHelper.QueryStringFilterMultiParam + field.CustomFieldId.ToString(); string optionValues = WebUtils.ParseStringFromQueryString(paramName, string.Empty); // Split and validate data List <int> lstValues = new List <int>(); optionValues.SplitOnCharAndTrim('/').ForEach(s => { int value = -1; if (int.TryParse(s, out value)) { lstValues.Add(value); } }); if (lstValues.Count > 0) { propertyCondition += andClause + "(CustomFieldID=" + field.CustomFieldId + " AND CustomFieldOptionID IN (" + string.Join(",", lstValues.ToArray()) + "))"; andClause = " OR "; numberGroup += 1; } } } } if (numberGroup > 0) { propertyCondition = "(SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT CustomFieldID) FROM gb_ProductProperties WHERE ProductID=p.ProductID AND (" + propertyCondition + ")) = " + numberGroup.ToString(); } string keyword = null; if (config.EnableKeywordFiltering) { keyword = WebUtils.ParseStringFromQueryString(ProductHelper.QueryStringKeywordParam, null); } int sort = WebUtils.ParseInt32FromQueryString(ProductHelper.QueryStringSortModeParam, 0); decimal?priceMin; decimal?priceMax; ProductHelper.GetPriceFromQueryString(out priceMin, out priceMax); int totalRows = 0; if (numberGroup > 0 || priceMin != null || priceMax != null || sort > 0 || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyword) ) { string rangeZoneIds = null; if (ProductConfiguration.FilterProductByTopLevelParentZones) { var topLevelNode = SiteUtils.GetTopLevelParentNode(SiteUtils.GetSiteMapNodeByZoneId(zoneId)); if (topLevelNode != null) { rangeZoneIds = ProductHelper.GetRangeZoneIdsToSemiColonSeparatedString(siteSettings.SiteId, topLevelNode.ZoneId); } } else { if (config.ZoneIds.Length == 0) { rangeZoneIds = ProductHelper.GetRangeZoneIdsToSemiColonSeparatedString(siteSettings.SiteId, zoneId); } else { rangeZoneIds = config.ZoneIds; } } totalRows = Product.GetCountBySearch(siteSettings.SiteId, rangeZoneIds, 1, languageId, -1, -1, priceMin, priceMax, -1, -1, propertyCondition, null, keyword); if (pageSize == -1) { pageSize = totalRows; } totalPages = CaculateTotalPages(pageSize, totalRows); lstProducts = Product.GetPageBySearch(pageNumber, pageSize, siteSettings.SiteId, rangeZoneIds, 1, languageId, -1, -1, priceMin, priceMax, -1, -1, propertyCondition, null, keyword, false, null, sort); } else { if (config.ZoneIds.Length == 0) { if (config.ShowAllProducts) { string rangeZoneIds = ProductHelper.GetRangeZoneIdsToSemiColonSeparatedString(siteSettings.SiteId, zoneId); totalRows = Product.GetCountByListZone(siteSettings.SiteId, rangeZoneIds, languageId, -1); if (pageSize == -1) { pageSize = totalRows; } totalPages = CaculateTotalPages(pageSize, totalRows); lstProducts = Product.GetPageByListZone(siteSettings.SiteId, rangeZoneIds, languageId, -1, pageNumber, pageSize); } else { totalRows = Product.GetCount(siteSettings.SiteId, zoneId, languageId, -1); if (pageSize == -1) { pageSize = totalRows; } totalPages = CaculateTotalPages(pageSize, totalRows); lstProducts = Product.GetPage(siteSettings.SiteId, zoneId, languageId, -1, pageNumber, pageSize); } } else { totalRows = Product.GetCountByListZone(siteSettings.SiteId, config.ZoneIds, languageId, -1); if (pageSize == -1) { pageSize = totalRows; } totalPages = CaculateTotalPages(pageSize, totalRows); lstProducts = Product.GetPageByListZone(siteSettings.SiteId, config.ZoneIds, languageId, -1, pageNumber, pageSize); } } XmlHelper.AddNode(doc, root, "TotalProducts", totalRows.ToString()); BuildPageSizeXml(doc, root); List <int> productIds = new List <int>(); if (ProductConfiguration.EnableComparing) { productIds = ProductHelper.GetCompareProductsIds(); XmlHelper.AddNode(doc, root, "CompareProductsCount", productIds.Count.ToString()); XmlHelper.AddNode(doc, root, "CompareListUrl", siteRoot + "/Product/Compare.aspx"); List <Product> compareProducts = ProductHelper.GetCompareProducts(); foreach (Product product in compareProducts) { XmlElement productXml = doc.CreateElement("Compared"); root.AppendChild(productXml); ProductHelper.BuildProductDataXml(doc, productXml, product, timeZone, timeOffset, ProductHelper.BuildEditLink(product, basePage, userCanUpdate, currentUser)); } } List <ProductProperty> productProperties = new List <ProductProperty>(); List <CustomField> customFields = new List <CustomField>(); if (config.ShowCustomFieldsInProductList) { List <int> lstProductIds = new List <int>(); foreach (Product product in lstProducts) { lstProductIds.Add(product.ProductId); } if (lstProductIds.Count > 0) { productProperties = ProductProperty.GetPropertiesByProducts(lstProductIds); } if (productProperties.Count > 0) { var customFieldIds = new List <int>(); foreach (var property in productProperties) { if (!customFieldIds.Contains(property.CustomFieldId)) { customFieldIds.Add(property.CustomFieldId); } } var tmp = CustomField.GetActiveByFields(basePage.SiteId, Product.FeatureGuid, customFieldIds, languageId); customFields = CustomField.GetByOption(tmp, CustomFieldOptions.ShowInCatalogPages); } } foreach (Product product in lstProducts) { XmlElement productXml = doc.CreateElement("Product"); root.AppendChild(productXml); ProductHelper.BuildProductDataXml(doc, productXml, product, timeZone, timeOffset, ProductHelper.BuildEditLink(product, basePage, userCanUpdate, currentUser), productIds); if (config.ShowCustomFieldsInProductList) { BuildCustomFieldsXml(doc, productXml, product.ProductId, customFields, productProperties); } } if (pageNumber < totalPages) { string pageUrl = ProductHelper.BuildFilterUrlLeaveOutPageNumber(Request.RawUrl); if (pageUrl.Contains("?")) { pageUrl += "&" + ProductHelper.QueryStringPageNumberParam + "=" + (pageNumber + 1).ToString(); } else { pageUrl += "?" + ProductHelper.QueryStringPageNumberParam + "=" + (pageNumber + 1).ToString(); } XmlHelper.AddNode(doc, root, "NextPageUrl", pageUrl); } return(doc); }
public void BuildProductOtherXml( XmlDocument doc, XmlElement root, int zoneId, int pageNumber, int pageSize, out int totalPages) { XmlHelper.AddNode(doc, root, "ProductOtherText", ProductResources.OtherProductLabel); int siteId = CacheHelper.GetCurrentSiteSettings().SiteId; List <Product> lstProducts = new List <Product>(); if (pageSize < 0) { pageSize = -pageSize; totalPages = 1; int totalRows = Product.GetCount(basePage.SiteId, zoneId, languageId, -1); if (pageSize > 0) { totalPages = totalRows / pageSize; } if (totalRows <= pageSize) { totalPages = 1; } else if (pageSize > 0) { int remainder; Math.DivRem(totalRows, pageSize, out remainder); if (remainder > 0) { totalPages += 1; } } lstProducts = Product.GetPage(siteId, zoneId, languageId, -1, pageNumber, pageSize); } else { lstProducts = Product.GetPageProductOther(zoneId, product.ProductId, languageId, pageNumber, pageSize, out totalPages); } foreach (Product productOther in lstProducts) { XmlElement productXml = doc.CreateElement("ProductOther"); root.AppendChild(productXml); ProductHelper.BuildProductDataXml(doc, productXml, productOther, timeZone, timeOffset, ProductHelper.BuildEditLink(productOther, basePage, userCanUpdate, currentUser)); if (productOther.ProductId == productId) { XmlHelper.AddNode(doc, productXml, "IsActive", "true"); } else { XmlHelper.AddNode(doc, productXml, "IsActive", "false"); } } if (pageNumber < totalPages) { string pageUrl = ProductHelper.FormatProductUrl(product.Url, product.ProductId, product.ZoneId); if (config.LoadFirstProduct) { pageUrl = SiteUtils.GetCurrentZoneUrl(); } if (pageUrl.Contains("?")) { pageUrl += "&pagenumber=" + (pageNumber + 1).ToString(); } else { pageUrl += "?pagenumber=" + (pageNumber + 1).ToString(); } XmlHelper.AddNode(doc, root, "NextPageUrl", pageUrl); } }