コード例 #1
            /// <summary>
            /// 绑定表单
            /// </summary>
            protected override void OnBind(Product bindFrom)
                // 基本信息
                Name = bindFrom.Name;
                Type = bindFrom.Type ??
                       new ProductTypeListItemProvider().GetItems().Select(i => i.Value).FirstOrDefault();
                State = bindFrom.State ??
                        new ProductStateListItemProvider().GetItems().Select(i => i.Value).FirstOrDefault();
                DisplayOrder = bindFrom.DisplayOrder;
                ProductClass = new HashSet <Guid>(bindFrom.Classes.Select(c => c.Id));
                ProductTag   = new HashSet <Guid>(bindFrom.Tags.Select(t => t.Id));
                Seller       = bindFrom.Seller == null ? null : bindFrom.Seller.Username;
                Remark       = bindFrom.Remark;
                // 商品相册
                var templateManager = Application.Ioc.Resolve <TemplateManager>();
                var configManager   = Application.Ioc.Resolve <GenericConfigManager>();
                var albumSettings   = configManager.GetData <ProductAlbumSettings>();

                ProductAlbumAlert = new HtmlString(templateManager.RenderTemplate(
                                                       "shopping.product/tmpl.album_alert.html", new {
                    width  = albumSettings.OriginalImageWidth,
                    height = albumSettings.OriginalImageHeight
                ProductAlbum = new ProductAlbumUploadData(bindFrom.Id);
                // 属性规格
                Category       = bindFrom.Category?.Id;
                PropertyValues = bindFrom.PropertyValues.ToEditList();
                // 价格库存
                MatchedDatas = bindFrom.MatchedDatas.ToEditList();
                // 商品介绍
                Introduction = bindFrom.Introduction;
コード例 #2
            /// <summary>
            /// 绑定表单
            /// </summary>
            protected override void OnBind(Product bindFrom)
                // 基本信息
                Name = bindFrom.Name;
                Type = bindFrom.Type ??
                       new ProductTypeListItemProvider().GetItems().Select(i => i.Value).FirstOrDefault();
                State = bindFrom.State ??
                        new ProductStateListItemProvider().GetItems().Select(i => i.Value).FirstOrDefault();
                DisplayOrder = bindFrom.DisplayOrder;
                ProductClass = new HashSet <Guid>(bindFrom.Classes.Select(c => c.Id));
                ProductTag   = new HashSet <Guid>(bindFrom.Tags.Select(t => t.Id));
                Seller       = bindFrom.Seller == null ? null : bindFrom.Seller.Username;
                Remark       = bindFrom.Remark;
                // 商品相册
                var templateManager = Application.Ioc.Resolve <TemplateManager>();
                var configManager   = Application.Ioc.Resolve <GenericConfigManager>();
                var albumSettings   = configManager.GetData <ProductAlbumSettings>();

                ProductAlbumAlert = new T("Uploaded pictures will be scaled to {0}x{1}, " +
                                          "upload pictures of this size can achieve the best display effect",
                                          albumSettings.OriginalImageWidth, albumSettings.OriginalImageHeight);
                ProductAlbum = new ProductAlbumUploadData(bindFrom.Id);
                // 属性规格
                Category       = bindFrom.Category?.Id;
                PropertyValues = bindFrom.PropertyValues.ToEditList();
                // 价格库存
                MatchedDatas = bindFrom.MatchedDatas.ToEditList();
                // 商品介绍
                Introduction = bindFrom.Introduction;
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// 解析提交的字段的值
        /// </summary>
        public object Parse(FormField field, IList <string> values)
            var data      = new ProductAlbumUploadData();
            var attribute = (ProductAlbumUploaderAttribute)field.Attribute;
            var request   = HttpManager.CurrentContext.Request;

            data.MainImageIndex = request.Get <long>(attribute.Name + "_MainImageIndex");
            for (int x = 1; x <= ProductAlbumUploadData.MaxImageCount; ++x)
                var image       = request.GetPostedFile(attribute.Name + "_Image_" + x);
                var deleteImage = request.Get <bool>(attribute.Name + "_DeleteImage_" + x);