コード例 #1
        public void TestInvalidPartition()
            var producerDataList = new List <KeyedMessage <string, Message> >();

            producerDataList.Add(new KeyedMessage <string, Message>("topic1", "key1", new Message(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("msg1"))));

            var config = new ProducerConfig();

            config.Brokers = TestUtils.GetBrokerListFromConfigs(this.props);

            // form expected partitions metadata
            var topic1Metadata      = this.GetTopicMetadata("topic1", 0, 0, "localhost", 9092);
            var topicPartitionInfos = new Dictionary <string, TopicMetadata> {
                { "topic1", topic1Metadata }

            var producerPool = new ProducerPool(config);

            var handler = new DefaultEventHandler <string, string>(
                config, new NegativePartitioner(), null, null, producerPool, topicPartitionInfos);

                Assert.False(true, "Should not throw any exception");
コード例 #2
        public void TestNoBroker()
            var config = new ProducerConfig();

            config.Brokers = TestUtils.GetBrokerListFromConfigs(this.props);

            // create topic metadata with 0 partitions
            var topic1Metadata      = new TopicMetadata("topic1", new List <PartitionMetadata>());
            var topicPartitionInfos = new Dictionary <string, TopicMetadata> {
                { "topic1", topic1Metadata }

            var producerPool = new ProducerPool(config);

            var producerDataList = new List <KeyedMessage <string, string> >();

            producerDataList.Add(new KeyedMessage <string, string>("topic1", "msg1"));

            var handler = new DefaultEventHandler <string, string>(
                config, null, new StringEncoder(), new StringEncoder(), producerPool, topicPartitionInfos);

                Assert.True(false, "Should fail with FailedToSendMessageException");
            catch (FailedToSendMessageException)
                // expted
コード例 #3
        public void TestSerializeEvents()
            var produceData =
                TestUtils.GetMsgStrings(5).Select(m => new KeyedMessage <string, string>("topic1", m)).ToList();
            var config = new ProducerConfig();

            config.Brokers = TestUtils.GetBrokerListFromConfigs(this.props);

            // form expected partitions metadata
            var topic1Metadata      = this.GetTopicMetadata("topic1", 0, 0, "localhost", 9092);
            var topicPartitionInfos = new Dictionary <string, TopicMetadata> {
                { "topic1", topic1Metadata }

            var producerPool = new ProducerPool(config);

            var handler = new DefaultEventHandler <string, string>(
                config, null, new StringEncoder(), new StringEncoder(), producerPool, topicPartitionInfos);

            var serializedData   = handler.Serialize(produceData);
            var deserializedData =
                    d => new KeyedMessage <string, string>(d.Topic, Util.ReadString(d.Message.Payload))).ToList();

            TestUtils.CheckEquals(produceData.GetEnumerator(), deserializedData.GetEnumerator());
コード例 #4
    public override Task PublishManyFromOutboxAsync(IEnumerable <OutgoingEventInfo> outgoingEvents, OutboxConfig outboxConfig)
        var producer           = ProducerPool.Get(AbpKafkaEventBusOptions.ConnectionName);
        var outgoingEventArray = outgoingEvents.ToArray();

        foreach (var outgoingEvent in outgoingEventArray)
            var messageId = outgoingEvent.Id.ToString("N");
            var headers   = new Headers
                { "messageId", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(messageId) }

                new Message <string, byte[]>
                Key     = outgoingEvent.EventName,
                Value   = outgoingEvent.EventData,
                Headers = headers

コード例 #5
    private Task <DeliveryResult <string, byte[]> > PublishAsync(
        string topicName,
        string eventName,
        byte[] body,
        Headers headers,
        Dictionary <string, object> headersArguments)
        var producer = ProducerPool.Get(AbpKafkaEventBusOptions.ConnectionName);

        return(PublishAsync(producer, topicName, eventName, body, headers, headersArguments));
コード例 #6
        public override async Task PublishAsync(Type eventType, object eventData)
            var eventName = EventNameAttribute.GetNameOrDefault(eventType);
            var body      = Serializer.Serialize(eventData);

            var producer = ProducerPool.Get(AbpKafkaEventBusOptions.ConnectionName);

            await producer.ProduceAsync(
                new Message <string, byte[]>
                Key = eventName, Value = body
コード例 #7
    private async Task PublishAsync(string topicName, string eventName, byte[] body, Headers headers, Dictionary <string, object> headersArguments)
        var producer = ProducerPool.Get(AbpKafkaEventBusOptions.ConnectionName);

        SetEventMessageHeaders(headers, headersArguments);

        await producer.ProduceAsync(
            new Message <string, byte[]>
            Key     = eventName,
            Value   = body,
            Headers = headers
コード例 #8
        private async Task PublishAsync(string topicName, Type eventType, object eventData, Headers headers, Dictionary <string, object> headersArguments)
            var eventName = EventNameAttribute.GetNameOrDefault(eventType);
            var body      = Serializer.Serialize(eventData);

            var producer = ProducerPool.Get(AbpKafkaEventBusOptions.ConnectionName);

            SetEventMessageHeaders(headers, headersArguments);

            await producer.ProduceAsync(
                new Message <string, byte[]>
                Key = eventName, Value = body, Headers = headers
コード例 #9
    private Task <DeliveryResult <string, byte[]> > PublishAsync(
        string topicName,
        string eventName,
        byte[] body,
        Headers headers)
        var producer = ProducerPool.Get(AbpKafkaEventBusOptions.ConnectionName);

                   new Message <string, byte[]>
            Key = eventName,
            Value = body,
            Headers = headers
コード例 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Used by the producer to send a metadata request since it has access to the ProducerConfig
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="topics">The topics for which the metadata needs to be fetched</param>
        /// <param name="brokers">The brokers in the cluster as configured on the client</param>
        /// <param name="producerConfig">The producer's config</param>
        /// <param name="correlationId">topic metadata response</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static TopicMetadataResponse FetchTopicMetadata(
            ISet <string> topics, IList <Broker> brokers, ProducerConfig producerConfig, int correlationId)
            var fetchMetaDataSucceeded = false;
            var i = 0;
            var topicMetadataRequest = new TopicMetadataRequest(
                TopicMetadataRequest.CurrentVersion, correlationId, producerConfig.ClientId, topics.ToList());

            TopicMetadataResponse topicMetadataResponse = null;
            Exception             t = null;

            // shuffle the list of brokers before sending metadata requests so that most requests don't get routed to the same broker
            var shuffledBrokers = brokers.Shuffle();

            while (i < shuffledBrokers.Count() && !fetchMetaDataSucceeded)
                var producer = ProducerPool.CreateSyncProducer(producerConfig, shuffledBrokers[i]);
                Logger.InfoFormat("Fetching metadata from broker {0} with correlation id {1} for {2} topic(s) {3}", shuffledBrokers[i], correlationId, topics.Count, string.Join(",", topics));
                    topicMetadataResponse  = producer.Send(topicMetadataRequest);
                    fetchMetaDataSucceeded = true;
                catch (Exception e)
                    Logger.Warn(string.Format("Fetching topic metadata with correlation id {0} for topic [{1}] from broker [{2}] failed", correlationId, topics, shuffledBrokers[i]), e);
                    t = e;

            if (!fetchMetaDataSucceeded)
                throw new KafkaException(
                              "fetching topic metadata for topics [{0}] from broker [{1}] failed", string.Join(",", topics), string.Join(", ", shuffledBrokers)),

            Logger.DebugFormat("Successfully fetched metadata for {0} topic(s) {1}", topics.Count(), string.Join(",", topics));
コード例 #11
        public void TestRandomPartitioner()
            var config = new ProducerConfig();

            config.Brokers = TestUtils.GetBrokerListFromConfigs(this.props);

            // create topic metadata with 0 partitions
            var topic1Metadata = this.GetTopicMetadata("topic1", 0, 0, "localhost", 9092);
            var topic2Metadata = this.GetTopicMetadata("topic2", 0, 0, "localhost", 9092);

            var topicPartitionInfos = new Dictionary <string, TopicMetadata>
                { "topic1", topic1Metadata },
                { "topic2", topic2Metadata }

            var producerPool = new ProducerPool(config);
            var handler      = new DefaultEventHandler <string, string>(
                config, null, null, null, producerPool, topicPartitionInfos);

            var producerDataList = new List <KeyedMessage <string, Message> >();

            producerDataList.Add(new KeyedMessage <string, Message>("topic1", new Message(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("msg1"))));
            producerDataList.Add(new KeyedMessage <string, Message>("topic2", new Message(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("msg2"))));
            producerDataList.Add(new KeyedMessage <string, Message>("topic1", new Message(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("msg3"))));

            var partitionedDataOpt = handler.PartitionAndCollate(producerDataList);

            if (partitionedDataOpt != null)
                foreach (var brokerAndData in partitionedDataOpt)
                    var dataPerBroker = brokerAndData.Value;
                    foreach (var topicPartitionData in dataPerBroker)
                        var partitionId = topicPartitionData.Key.Partiton;
                        Assert.True(partitionId == 0);
                Assert.False(true, "Failed to collate requests by topic, partition");
        public DefaultEventHandler(ProducerConfig config, IPartitioner partitioner, IEncoder <TValue> encoder, IEncoder <TKey> keyEncoder, ProducerPool producerPool, Dictionary <string, TopicMetadata> topicPartitionInfos = null)
            this.Config       = config;
            this.partitioner  = partitioner;
            this.encoder      = encoder;
            this.keyEncoder   = keyEncoder;
            this.producerPool = producerPool;

            if (topicPartitionInfos != null)
                this.topicPartitionInfos = topicPartitionInfos;

            this.brokerPartitionInfo          = new BrokerPartitionInfo(this.Config, this.producerPool, this.topicPartitionInfos);
            this.topicMetadataRefreshInterval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(config.TopicMetadataRefreshIntervalMs);

            this.producerStats      = ProducerStatsRegistry.GetProducerStats(config.ClientId);
            this.producerTopicStats = ProducerTopicStatsRegistry.GetProducerTopicStats(config.ClientId);
コード例 #13
        public void TestPartitionAndCollateEvents()
            var producerDataList = new List <KeyedMessage <int, Message> >();

            // use bogus key and partition key override for some messages
            producerDataList.Add(new KeyedMessage <int, Message>("topic1", 0, new Message(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("msg1"))));
            producerDataList.Add(new KeyedMessage <int, Message>("topic2", -99, 1, new Message(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("msg2"))));
            producerDataList.Add(new KeyedMessage <int, Message>("topic1", 2, new Message(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("msg3"))));
            producerDataList.Add(new KeyedMessage <int, Message>("topic1", -101, 3, new Message(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("msg4"))));
            producerDataList.Add(new KeyedMessage <int, Message>("topic2", 4, new Message(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("msg5"))));

            var broker1 = new Broker(0, "localhost", 9092);
            var broker2 = new Broker(1, "localhost", 9093);

            // form expected partitions metadata
            var partition1Metadata = new PartitionMetadata(0, broker1, new List <Broker> {
                broker1, broker2
            var partition2Metadata = new PartitionMetadata(1, broker2, new List <Broker> {
                broker1, broker2
            var topic1Metadata = new TopicMetadata(
                "topic1", new List <PartitionMetadata> {
                partition1Metadata, partition2Metadata
            var topic2Metadata = new TopicMetadata(
                "topic2", new List <PartitionMetadata> {
                partition1Metadata, partition2Metadata

            var topicPartitionInfos = new Dictionary <string, TopicMetadata>
                { "topic1", topic1Metadata },
                { "topic2", topic2Metadata }
            var intPartitioner = new IntPartitioner();

            var config = new ProducerConfig();

            config.Brokers = TestUtils.GetBrokerListFromConfigs(this.props);

            var producerPool = new ProducerPool(config);
            var handler      = new DefaultEventHandler <int, string>(
                config, intPartitioner, null, new IntEncoder(), producerPool, topicPartitionInfos);

            var topic1Broker1Data = new List <KeyedMessage <int, Message> >
                new KeyedMessage <int, Message>(
                    new Message(
                new KeyedMessage <int, Message>(
                    new Message(
            var topic1Broker2Data = new List <KeyedMessage <int, Message> >
                new KeyedMessage <int, Message>(
                    new Message(

            var topic2Broker1Data = new List <KeyedMessage <int, Message> >
                new KeyedMessage <int, Message>(
                    new Message(
            var topic2Broker2Data = new List <KeyedMessage <int, Message> >
                new KeyedMessage <int, Message>(
                    new Message(

            var expectedResult = new Dictionary <int, Dictionary <TopicAndPartition, List <KeyedMessage <int, Message> > > >
                { 0,
                  new Dictionary <TopicAndPartition, List <KeyedMessage <int, Message> > >
                      { new TopicAndPartition("topic1", 0), topic1Broker1Data },
                      { new TopicAndPartition("topic2", 0), topic2Broker1Data }
                  } },
                { 1,
                  new Dictionary <TopicAndPartition, List <KeyedMessage <int, Message> > >
                      { new TopicAndPartition("topic1", 1), topic1Broker2Data },
                      { new TopicAndPartition("topic2", 1), topic2Broker2Data }
                  } },

            var actualResut = handler.PartitionAndCollate(producerDataList);

            Assert.Equal(expectedResult.Count, actualResut.Count);
            foreach (var key in expectedResult.Keys)
                var exptectedInnerDict = expectedResult[key];
                var actualInnerDict    = actualResut[key];
                Assert.Equal(exptectedInnerDict.Count, actualInnerDict.Count);
                foreach (var topicAndPartition in exptectedInnerDict.Keys)
                    var exptectedKeyedMsgs = exptectedInnerDict[topicAndPartition];
                    var actualKeyedMsgs    = actualInnerDict[topicAndPartition];