コード例 #1
        internal static Mock <IWishListRepository> Create()
            var dummyCart = new ProcessedCart
                CustomerId = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Shipments  = new List <Shipment> {
                    new Shipment()
                BillingCurrency = GetRandom.String(1),
                CartType        = GetRandom.String(1),
                Name            = GetRandom.String(1),
                ScopeId         = GetRandom.String(1),
                Status          = GetRandom.String(1)

            var repository = new Mock <IWishListRepository>();

            repository.Setup(repo => repo.GetWishListAsync(It.IsNotNull <GetCartParam>()))
            repository.Setup(repo => repo.AddLineItemAsync(It.IsNotNull <AddLineItemParam>()))

            repository.Setup(repo => repo.RemoveLineItemAsync(It.IsNotNull <RemoveLineItemParam>()))

        public void SetUp()
            _container  = new AutoMocker();
            _repository = _container.CreateInstance <CartRepository>();

            var cacheProvider = _container.GetMock <ICacheProvider>();

            .Setup(provider => provider.GetOrAddAsync(
                       It.IsNotNull <CacheKey>(),
                       It.IsNotNull <Func <Task <ProcessedCart> > >(),
                       It.IsAny <Func <ProcessedCart, Task> >(),
                       It.IsAny <CacheKey>()))
            .Returns <CacheKey, Func <Task <ProcessedCart> >, Func <ProcessedCart, Task>, CacheKey>(
                (key, func, arg3, arg4) => func())

            var overtureClient = _container.GetMock <IOvertureClient>();
            var dummyCart      = new ProcessedCart();

            .Setup(client => client.SendAsync(
                       It.IsNotNull <GetCartRequest>()))
コード例 #3
        private Mock <IOvertureClient> CreateOvertureClientMock()
            var clientMock = _container.GetMock <IOvertureClient>();

            clientMock.Setup(ov => ov.SendAsync(It.IsNotNull <AddPaymentRequest>()))
            .Returns((AddPaymentRequest r) =>
                var cart = new ProcessedCart
                    Id          = GetRandom.Guid(),
                    ScopeId     = r.ScopeId,
                    CustomerId  = r.CustomerId,
                    Name        = r.CartName,
                    CultureName = r.CultureName,
                    Payments    = new List <Payment>
                        new Payment
                            PaymentStatus  = PaymentStatus.New,
                            Id             = GetRandom.Guid(),
                            BillingAddress = r.BillingAddress,
                            Amount         = r.Amount.GetValueOrDefault()

            }).Verifiable("Overture call for 'AddPaymentRequest' was not made.");
コード例 #4
        internal static Mock <IOvertureClient> CreateMockWithValue(ProcessedCart cart)
            var overtureClient = new Mock <IOvertureClient>();

            overtureClient.Setup(client => client.SendAsync(It.IsNotNull <GetCartRequest>()))

            overtureClient.Setup(client => client.SendAsync(It.IsNotNull <AddLineItemRequest>()))

            overtureClient.Setup(client => client.SendAsync(It.IsNotNull <AddPaymentRequest>()))

            overtureClient.Setup(client => client.SendAsync(It.IsNotNull <RemoveLineItemRequest>()))

            overtureClient.Setup(client => client.SendAsync(It.IsNotNull <UpdateLineItemRequest>()))

            overtureClient.Setup(client => client.SendAsync(It.IsNotNull <UpdateShipmentRequest>()))

コード例 #5
        private CheckoutService CreateCheckoutService(ProcessedCart cart)
            var mockedLookupService = new Mock <ILookupService>();
            var mockedImageService  = new Mock <IImageService>();

            mockedLookupService.Setup(a => a.GetLookupDisplayNamesAsync(It.IsAny <GetLookupDisplayNamesParam>())).ReturnsAsync(
                new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { "Cash", "TestDisplayName" }

            mockedImageService.Setup(a => a.GetImageUrlsAsync(It.IsAny <IEnumerable <LineItem> >())).ReturnsAsync(new List <ProductMainImage>());


            var mockedDamProvider = new Mock <IDamProvider>();

            mockedDamProvider.Setup(x => x.GetProductMainImagesAsync(It.IsAny <GetProductMainImagesParam>()))
            .ReturnsAsync(new List <ProductMainImage>());


            var mockedAddressRepository = new Mock <IAddressRepository>();
            var address = new Address()
                PropertyBag    = new PropertyBag(),
                FirstName      = GetRandom.String(5),
                LastName       = GetRandom.String(5),
                AddressName    = GetRandom.String(5),
                Line2          = GetRandom.String(5),
                Line1          = GetRandom.String(5),
                CountryCode    = GetRandom.String(3),
                City           = GetRandom.String(5),
                PostalCode     = GetRandom.String(5),
                PhoneNumber    = GetRandom.String(5),
                RegionCode     = GetRandom.String(5),
                Email          = GetRandom.String(5),
                PhoneExtension = GetRandom.String(5),

            mockedAddressRepository.Setup(x => x.GetAddressByIdAsync(It.IsAny <Guid>()))
            .Returns((Guid id) =>
                var result = address;
                result.Id  = id;

            _container.Use <ILocalizationProvider>(LocalizationProviderFactory.Create());
            _container.Use <IViewModelMapper>(ViewModelMapper);
            _container.Use <ICartRepository>(new CartRepositoryUpdateCartMock {
                CurrentCart = cart
            _container.Use <IComposerJsonSerializer>(new ComposerJsonSerializerMock(MetadataRegistry.Object, ViewModelMapper));
            var cartViewModelFactory = _container.CreateInstance <CartViewModelFactory>();

            _container.Use <ICartViewModelFactory>(cartViewModelFactory);
            return(_container.CreateInstance <CheckoutService>());
コード例 #6
        private static ProcessedCart CreateBasicCart()
            var cart = new ProcessedCart
                CultureName = "en-US",
                Shipments   = new List <Shipment>
                    new Shipment()
                        Id = GetRandom.Guid()
                Payments = new List <Payment>()
                    new Payment()
                        PaymentStatus = PaymentStatus.New
                Total    = 10,
                Customer = new CustomerSummary()

        private void MockGetCart(PaymentMethod activePaymentMethod = null)
            var cartRepoMock = _container.GetMock <ICartRepository>();

            cartRepoMock.Setup(repo => repo.GetCartAsync(It.IsAny <GetCartParam>()))
            .Returns((GetCartParam p) =>
                var cart = new ProcessedCart()
                    ScopeId     = p.Scope,
                    CustomerId  = p.CustomerId,
                    CultureName = p.CultureInfo.Name,
                    Name        = p.CartName,
                    Payments    = new List <Payment>
                        new Payment
                            Id             = GetRandom.Guid(),
                            PaymentStatus  = PaymentStatus.New,
                            BillingAddress = new Address(),
                            PaymentMethod  = activePaymentMethod

コード例 #8
        public void WHEN_no_message_in_cart_SHOULD_return_all_valid_line_item()
            var cart = new ProcessedCart
                Messages = GetRandom.Boolean() ? null : new List <ExecutionMessage>()

            var lineItems = new List <LineItem>
                new LineItem
                    Id = GetRandom.Guid()
                new LineItem
                    Id = GetRandom.Guid()

            var sut = Container.CreateInstance <SurfacedErrorLineItemValidationProvider>();

            var isValid = lineItems.All(li => sut.ValidateLineItem(cart, li));

            lineItems.Where(li => li.PropertyBag != null && li.PropertyBag.ContainsKey(SurfacedErrorLineItemValidationProvider.IsValidKey))
            .Should().HaveSameCount(lineItems, "process should create a Property Bag with the IsInvalid key");

            lineItems.Where(li => (bool)li.PropertyBag[SurfacedErrorLineItemValidationProvider.IsValidKey])
            .Should().HaveSameCount(lineItems, "all line items should be valid.");
        public void WHEN_cart_is_ok_SHOULD_call_lineItemvalidationprovider()
            var cart = new ProcessedCart
                Shipments = new List <Shipment>
                    new Shipment
                        LineItems = new List <LineItem>
                            new LineItem(),
                            new LineItem(),
                            new LineItem()
            var sut = Container.CreateInstance <LineItemService>();

            var lineItems = sut.GetInvalidLineItems(cart);

            Container.GetMock <ILineItemValidationProvider>().Verify(m => m.ValidateLineItem(It.IsNotNull <ProcessedCart>(), It.IsNotNull <LineItem>()));
        private ProcessedCart CreateWishListWithLineItems()
            ProcessedCart cart = new ProcessedCart();

            cart.Id         = Guid.NewGuid();
            cart.CustomerId = Guid.NewGuid();
            var shipment = new Shipment();

            shipment.LineItems = new List <LineItem>();
            shipment.LineItems.Add(new LineItem
                ProductId = "0001",
                Id        = Guid.NewGuid()
            shipment.LineItems.Add(new LineItem
                ProductId = "0002",
                Id        = Guid.NewGuid()
            cart.Shipments = new List <Shipment> {

コード例 #11
        private void UseCartRepository()
            var fakeCart = new ProcessedCart
                CustomerId = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Shipments  = new List <Shipment> {
                    new Shipment()
                Payments = new List <Payment> {
                    new Payment {
                        PaymentStatus = PaymentStatus.New
                BillingCurrency = GetRandom.String(1),
                CartType        = GetRandom.String(1),
                Name            = GetRandom.String(1),
                ScopeId         = GetRandom.String(1),
                Status          = GetRandom.String(1)

            var cartRepositoryMock = new Mock <ICartRepository>();

            cartRepositoryMock.Setup(repo => repo.GetCartAsync(It.IsNotNull <GetCartParam>()))

            cartRepositoryMock.Setup(repo => repo.UpdateCartAsync(It.IsNotNull <UpdateCartParam>()))

コード例 #12
 protected virtual Task <ProcessedCart> FixWishList(ProcessedCart wishList)
     return(FixCartService.SetFulfillmentLocationIfRequired(new FixCartParam
         Cart = wishList
コード例 #13
        public virtual async Task <ProcessedCart> StartEditOrderModeAsync(Overture.ServiceModel.Orders.Order order)
            if (order == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(order));

            Guid          orderId   = Guid.Parse(order.Id);
            ProcessedCart draftCart = null;

            var createOrderDraftParam = new CreateCartOrderDraftParam
                CultureInfo = ComposerContext.CultureInfo,
                OrderId     = orderId,
                Scope       = order.ScopeId,
                CustomerId  = Guid.Parse(order.CustomerId)

                draftCart = await OrderRepository.CreateCartOrderDraft(createOrderDraftParam).ConfigureAwait(false);
            catch (ComposerException ex)
                var ownedBySomeoneElseError   = ex.Errors?.FirstOrDefault(e => e.ErrorCode == Constants.ErrorCodes.IsOwnedBySomeoneElse);
                var ownedByRequestedUserError = ex.Errors?.FirstOrDefault(e => e.ErrorCode == Constants.ErrorCodes.IsOwnedByRequestedUser);
                if (ownedBySomeoneElseError != null)
                    draftCart = await ChangeOwnership(order).ConfigureAwait(false);
                else if (ownedByRequestedUserError != null)
                    draftCart = await CartRepository.GetCartAsync(new GetCartParam
                        Scope       = order.ScopeId,
                        CartName    = order.Id.GetDraftCartName(),
                        CartType    = CartConfiguration.OrderDraftCartType,
                        CustomerId  = Guid.Parse(order.CustomerId),
                        CultureInfo = ComposerContext.CultureInfo

            if (draftCart == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Expected draft cart, but received null.");

            //Set Edit Mode
            ComposerContext.EditingCartName = draftCart.Name;

コード例 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the cart contains a valid Payment instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cart">Cart used to evaluate payments.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the first shipment contains at least one valid payment.</returns>
        protected virtual bool HasAnyValidPayment(ProcessedCart cart)
            if (cart.Payments == null)

            bool hasValidPayment = cart.Payments.Any(p => !p.IsVoided());

コード例 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the cart's first shipment has a valid fulfillment location.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cart"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected virtual bool HasValidFulfillmentLocation(ProcessedCart cart)
            if (cart.Shipments == null || !cart.Shipments.Any())

            var hasValidFulfillmentLocation = cart.Shipments.First().FulfillmentLocationId != Guid.Empty;

コード例 #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if a line item is valid.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cart">Cart to which belongs the line item.</param>
        /// <param name="lineItem">Line item to validate.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool ValidateLineItem(ProcessedCart cart, LineItem lineItem)
            var propertyBag       = lineItem.PropertyBag ?? (lineItem.PropertyBag = new PropertyBag());
            var erronousLineItems = GetErronousLineItemMessages(cart);
            var group             = erronousLineItems.FirstOrDefault(g => g.Key == lineItem.Id);
            var isValid           = IsValid(lineItem, group);

            propertyBag[IsValidKey] = isValid;

        public async Task WHEN_guest_cart_contains_no_lineitem_SHOULD_do_nothing()
            var guestCustomerId  = Guid.NewGuid();
            var loggedCustomerId = Guid.NewGuid();
            var guestCart        = new ProcessedCart
                Shipments = new List <Shipment>
                    new Shipment
                        LineItems = new List <LineItem>()
            var loggedCart = new ProcessedCart
                Shipments = new List <Shipment>
                    new Shipment
                        LineItems = new List <LineItem>()

            var cartRepositoryMock = new Mock <ICartRepository>();

            .Setup(c => c.GetCartAsync(It.Is <GetCartParam>(x => x.CustomerId == guestCustomerId)))

            .Setup(c => c.GetCartAsync(It.Is <GetCartParam>(x => x.CustomerId == loggedCustomerId)))

            var provider = _container.CreateInstance <OverwriteCartMergeProvider>();

            var param = new CartMergeParam
                GuestCustomerId  = guestCustomerId,
                LoggedCustomerId = loggedCustomerId,
                Scope            = GetRandom.String(32)

            await provider.MergeCartAsync(param).ConfigureAwait(false);

            cartRepositoryMock.Verify(c => c.UpdateCartAsync(It.IsAny <UpdateCartParam>()), Times.Never);
コード例 #18
        public virtual List <LineItem> GetInvalidLineItems(ProcessedCart cart)
            if (cart == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("cart");

            var lineItems = cart.GetLineItems();

            var invalidLineItems = lineItems.Where(lineItem => !LineItemValidationProvider.ValidateLineItem(cart, lineItem)).ToList();

        public void WHEN_cart_is_null_SHOULD_throw_ArgumentNullException()
            ProcessedCart cart = null;
            var           sut  = Container.CreateInstance <LineItemService>();

            var exception = Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => sut.GetInvalidLineItems(cart));

コード例 #20
        public virtual async Task <CartViewModel> UpdateBillingAddressPostalCodeAsync(UpdateBillingAddressPostalCodeParam param)
            if (param == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("param");

            ProcessedCart cart = await CartRepository.GetCartAsync(new GetCartParam
                BaseUrl     = param.BaseUrl,
                Scope       = param.Scope,
                CultureInfo = param.CultureInfo,
                CustomerId  = param.CustomerId,
                CartName    = param.CartName

            if (cart.Payments == null || cart.Payments.Any(x => x.IsVoided()))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("There is no valid payment from which we can get or set the billing address");

            var payment = cart.Payments.First(x => !x.IsVoided());

            if (payment.BillingAddress == null)
                payment.BillingAddress = new Address()
                    PropertyBag = new PropertyBag()

            await MapBillingAddressPostalCodeToPaymentAsync(param, payment);

            return(await UpdateCartAsync(new UpdateCartViewModelParam
                BaseUrl = param.BaseUrl,
                BillingCurrency = cart.BillingCurrency,
                CartName = cart.Name,
                CartType = cart.CartType,
                Coupons = cart.Coupons,
                CultureInfo = param.CultureInfo,
                Customer = cart.Customer,
                CustomerId = cart.CustomerId,
                OrderLocation = cart.OrderLocation,
                Payments = cart.Payments,
                PropertyBag = cart.PropertyBag,
                Scope = cart.ScopeId,
                Shipments = cart.Shipments,
                Status = cart.Status
コード例 #21
        internal static Mock<ICartRepository> Create()
            var dummyCart = new ProcessedCart
                CustomerId = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Shipments = new List<Shipment> { new Shipment() },
                BillingCurrency = GetRandom.String(1),
                CartType = GetRandom.String(1),
                Name = GetRandom.String(1),
                ScopeId = GetRandom.String(1),
                Status = GetRandom.String(1)

            var dummyCartListSummary = new List<CartSummary> { new CartSummary() };
            var dummyOrder = new Order();

            var cartRepository = new Mock<ICartRepository>();

            cartRepository.Setup(repo => repo.GetCartsByCustomerIdAsync(It.IsNotNull<GetCartsByCustomerIdParam>()))

            cartRepository.Setup(repo => repo.GetCartAsync(It.IsNotNull<GetCartParam>()))

            cartRepository.Setup(repo => repo.AddLineItemAsync(It.IsNotNull<AddLineItemParam>()))

            cartRepository.Setup(repo => repo.RemoveLineItemAsync(It.IsNotNull<RemoveLineItemParam>()))

            cartRepository.Setup(repo => repo.UpdateLineItemAsync(It.IsNotNull<UpdateLineItemParam>()))

            cartRepository.Setup(repo => repo.UpdateCartAsync(It.IsNotNull<UpdateCartParam>()))

            cartRepository.Setup(repo => repo.CompleteCheckoutAsync(It.IsNotNull<CompleteCheckoutParam>()))

            return cartRepository;
コード例 #22
        internal static Mock <IWishListRepository> CreateWithValues(ProcessedCart wishList)
            var repository = new Mock <IWishListRepository>();

            repository.Setup(repo => repo.GetWishListAsync(It.IsNotNull <GetCartParam>()))
            repository.Setup(repo => repo.AddLineItemAsync(It.IsNotNull <AddLineItemParam>()))

            repository.Setup(repo => repo.RemoveLineItemAsync(It.IsNotNull <RemoveLineItemParam>()))

コード例 #23
        internal static Mock <IOvertureClient> Create()
            ProcessedCart      dummyCart            = new ProcessedCart();
            List <CartSummary> dummyCartListSummary = new List <CartSummary> {
                new CartSummary()
            var dummyOrder = new Order();

            var overtureClient = new Mock <IOvertureClient>();

            overtureClient.Setup(client => client.SendAsync(It.IsNotNull <GetCartsByCustomerIdRequest>()))

            overtureClient.Setup(client => client.SendAsync(It.IsNotNull <GetCartRequest>()))

            overtureClient.Setup(client => client.SendAsync(It.IsNotNull <AddLineItemRequest>()))

            overtureClient.Setup(client => client.SendAsync(It.IsNotNull <AddPaymentRequest>()))

            overtureClient.Setup(client => client.SendAsync(It.IsNotNull <RemoveLineItemRequest>()))

            overtureClient.Setup(client => client.SendAsync(It.IsNotNull <UpdateLineItemRequest>()))

            overtureClient.Setup(client => client.SendAsync(It.IsNotNull <UpdateShipmentRequest>()))

            overtureClient.Setup(client => client.SendAsync(It.IsNotNull <CompleteCheckoutRequest>()))

コード例 #24
        internal static Mock <IWishListRepository> CreateWithNullValues()
            var dummyCart = new ProcessedCart
                AdditionalFeeTotal = null,
                Name               = null,
                AdjustmentTotal    = null,
                BillingCurrency    = null,
                CartType           = null,
                PropertyBag        = null,
                Coupons            = null,
                CreatedBy          = null,
                CultureName        = null,
                Customer           = null,
                DiscountTotal      = null,
                FulfillmentCost    = null,
                LastModifiedBy     = null,
                MerchandiseTotal   = null,
                OrderLocation      = null,
                OriginalPromotions = null,
                ScopeId            = null,
                Shipments          = null,
                Status             = null,
                SubTotal           = null,
                TaxTotal           = null,
                Total              = null

            var repository = new Mock <IWishListRepository>();

            repository.Setup(repo => repo.GetWishListAsync(It.IsNotNull <GetCartParam>()))
            repository.Setup(repo => repo.AddLineItemAsync(It.IsNotNull <AddLineItemParam>()))

            repository.Setup(repo => repo.RemoveLineItemAsync(It.IsNotNull <RemoveLineItemParam>()))

コード例 #25
        public virtual async Task <CartViewModel> UpdateShippingAddressPostalCodeAsync(UpdateShippingAddressPostalCodeParam param)
            if (param == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("param");

            ProcessedCart cart = await CartRepository.GetCartAsync(new GetCartParam
                BaseUrl     = param.BaseUrl,
                Scope       = param.Scope,
                CultureInfo = param.CultureInfo,
                CustomerId  = param.CustomerId,
                CartName    = param.CartName

            if (cart.Shipments == null || !cart.Shipments.Any())
                throw new InvalidOperationException("No shipment was found in the cart.");

            Shipment shipment = cart.Shipments.First();

            await MapShippingAddressPostalCodeToShipmentAsync(param, shipment);

            return(await UpdateCartAsync(new UpdateCartViewModelParam
                BaseUrl = param.BaseUrl,
                BillingCurrency = cart.BillingCurrency,
                CartName = cart.Name,
                CartType = cart.CartType,
                Coupons = cart.Coupons,
                CultureInfo = param.CultureInfo,
                Customer = cart.Customer,
                CustomerId = cart.CustomerId,
                OrderLocation = cart.OrderLocation,
                Payments = cart.Payments,
                PropertyBag = cart.PropertyBag,
                Scope = cart.ScopeId,
                Shipments = cart.Shipments,
                Status = cart.Status
コード例 #26
        public Task <ProcessedCart> UpdateCartAsync(UpdateCartParam param)
            var processedCart = new ProcessedCart
                CultureName     = param.CultureInfo.Name,
                CustomerId      = param.CustomerId,
                ScopeId         = param.Scope,
                Name            = param.CartName,
                BillingCurrency = param.BillingCurrency,
                CartType        = param.CartType,
                Coupons         = param.Coupons,
                Customer        = param.Customer,
                OrderLocation   = param.OrderLocation,
                PropertyBag     = param.PropertyBag,
                Shipments       = param.Shipments,
                Status          = param.Status,

コード例 #27
        internal static ProcessedCart CreateCartBasedOnAddCouponRequest(AddCouponRequest request, CouponState state)
            var cart = new ProcessedCart
                Name = request.CartName,
                CultureName = request.CultureName,
                Coupons = new List<Coupon>()
                    new Coupon()
                        CouponCode = request.CouponCode,
                        CouponState = state
                CustomerId = request.CustomerId,
                ScopeId = request.ScopeId,
                Shipments = new List<Shipment>()

            return cart;
コード例 #28
        public void WHEN_lineItem_is_not_in_stock_SHOULD_return_false()
            var lineItemId = GetRandom.Guid();

            var cart = new ProcessedCart
                Messages = new List <ExecutionMessage>
                    new ExecutionMessage
                        MessageId   = GetRandom.Guid().ToString(),
                        Severity    = ExecutionMessageSeverity.Error,
                        PropertyBag = new PropertyBag
                            { SurfacedErrorLineItemValidationProvider.EntityTypeKey, "LineItem" },
                            { SurfacedErrorLineItemValidationProvider.LineItemIdKey, lineItemId.ToString() }

            var lineItem = new LineItem
                Id     = lineItemId,
                Status = "Invalid status"

            var sut = Container.CreateInstance <SurfacedErrorLineItemValidationProvider>();

            var isValid = sut.ValidateLineItem(cart, lineItem);

            .Contain(new KeyValuePair <string, object>(SurfacedErrorLineItemValidationProvider.IsValidKey, false));
コード例 #29
        public void WHEN_message_has_other_entityType_than_lineitem_SHOULD_ignore_message()
            var invalidLineItemId = GetRandom.Guid();
            var cart = new ProcessedCart
                Messages = new List <ExecutionMessage>
                    new ExecutionMessage
                        MessageId   = GetRandom.Guid().ToString(),
                        Severity    = ExecutionMessageSeverity.Unspecified,
                        PropertyBag = new PropertyBag
                            { SurfacedErrorLineItemValidationProvider.EntityTypeKey, GetRandom.String(12) },
                            { SurfacedErrorLineItemValidationProvider.LineItemIdKey, invalidLineItemId.ToString() }

            var lineItem = new LineItem
                Id = invalidLineItemId

            var sut = Container.CreateInstance <SurfacedErrorLineItemValidationProvider>();

            var isValid = sut.ValidateLineItem(cart, lineItem);

            .Contain(new KeyValuePair <string, object>(SurfacedErrorLineItemValidationProvider.IsValidKey, true));
        public async Task WHEN_Passing_Valid_Parameters_SHOULD_Succeed()
            var guestCustomerId  = Guid.NewGuid();
            var loggedCustomerId = Guid.NewGuid();
            var guestCart        = new ProcessedCart
                Shipments = new List <Shipment>
                    new Shipment
                        LineItems = new List <LineItem>
                            new LineItem
                                ProductId = "P1",
                                Quantity  = 1
            var loggedCart = new ProcessedCart
                Shipments = new List <Shipment>
                    new Shipment
                        LineItems = new List <LineItem>
                            new LineItem
                                ProductId = "P2",
                                Quantity  = 1

            var cartRepositoryMock = new Mock <ICartRepository>();

            .Setup(c => c.GetCartAsync(It.Is <GetCartParam>(x => x.CustomerId == guestCustomerId)))

            .Setup(c => c.GetCartAsync(It.Is <GetCartParam>(x => x.CustomerId == loggedCustomerId)))

            var provider = _container.CreateInstance <OverwriteCartMergeProvider>();

            var param = new CartMergeParam
                GuestCustomerId  = guestCustomerId,
                LoggedCustomerId = loggedCustomerId,
                Scope            = GetRandom.String(32)
            await provider.MergeCartAsync(param).ConfigureAwait(false);

            cartRepositoryMock.Verify(c => c.UpdateCartAsync(It.Is <UpdateCartParam>(p => VerifyMergedCart(p))), Times.Once);