コード例 #1
        public override string GetHtml()
            var html = string.Empty;

            // fetch data sets
            var queryResultsLocal = Queries.GetLongestFocusOnProgram(_date);
            var durInMin          = (queryResultsLocal == null) ? 0 : queryResultsLocal.DurationInSec / 60.0;

            if (queryResultsLocal == null || durInMin <= _minFocusTime)
                html += VisHelper.NotEnoughData(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "We either don't have enough data or you didn't focus on a single program for more than {0} minutes on this day.", _minFocusTime));

            // HTML
            html += "<p style='text-align: center; margin-top:-0.7em;'><strong style='font-size:2.5em; color:" + Shared.Settings.RetrospectionColorHex + ";'>" + Math.Round(durInMin, 0) + "</strong> min</p>";
            html += string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "<p style='text-align: center; margin-top:-0.7em;'>in {0}<br />from {1} to {2}</p>",

コード例 #2
 public NetstatEntry(Guid logsetHash, int worker, BsonDocument netstatEntryDocument, BsonDocument transportReservationDocument, DateTime?fileLastModified)
     LogsetHash                  = logsetHash;
     Worker                      = worker;
     FileLastModified            = fileLastModified;
     Line                        = BsonDocumentHelper.GetInt("line", netstatEntryDocument);
     ProcessName                 = BsonDocumentHelper.GetString("process", netstatEntryDocument);
     ComponentName               = BsonDocumentHelper.GetString("component", netstatEntryDocument);
     Protocol                    = BsonDocumentHelper.GetString("protocol", transportReservationDocument);
     LocalAddress                = BsonDocumentHelper.GetString("local_address", transportReservationDocument);
     LocalPort                   = BsonDocumentHelper.GetNullableInt("local_port", transportReservationDocument);
     ForeignAddress              = BsonDocumentHelper.GetString("foreign_address", transportReservationDocument);
     ForeignPort                 = BsonDocumentHelper.GetNullableInt("foreign_port", transportReservationDocument);
     TcpState                    = BsonDocumentHelper.GetString("tcp_state", transportReservationDocument);
     IsKnownTableauServerProcess = ProcessNameHelper.IsKnownTableauServerProcess(ProcessName);
     EntryHash                   = HashHelper.GenerateHashGuid(LogsetHash.ToString(), Worker, Line, ProcessName, ComponentName, Protocol, LocalAddress, LocalPort, ForeignAddress, ForeignPort, TcpState);
コード例 #3
        public NetstatActiveConnection(NetstatDocumentEntry entry, string worker, DateTime?fileLastModified)
            Line           = entry.Line;
            ProcessName    = entry.ProcessName;
            ProcessId      = entry.ProcessId;
            ComponentName  = entry.ComponentName;
            Protocol       = entry.Protocol;
            LocalAddress   = entry.LocalAddress;
            LocalPort      = entry.LocalPort;
            ForeignAddress = entry.ForeignAddress;
            ForeignPort    = entry.ForeignPort;
            TcpState       = entry.TcpState;
            RecvQ          = entry.RecvQ;
            SendQ          = entry.SendQ;

            IsKnownTableauServerProcess = ProcessNameHelper.IsKnownTableauServerProcess(ProcessName);
            Worker           = worker;
            FileLastModified = fileLastModified;
コード例 #4
 public NetstatActiveConnection(Guid logsetHash, string worker, BsonDocument activeConnectionsDocument, DateTime?fileLastModified)
     LogsetHash                  = logsetHash;
     Worker                      = worker;
     FileLastModified            = fileLastModified;
     Line                        = BsonDocumentHelper.GetInt("line", activeConnectionsDocument);
     ProcessName                 = BsonDocumentHelper.GetString("process", activeConnectionsDocument);
     ProcessId                   = BsonDocumentHelper.GetNullableInt("pid", activeConnectionsDocument);
     ComponentName               = BsonDocumentHelper.GetString("component", activeConnectionsDocument);
     Protocol                    = BsonDocumentHelper.GetString("protocol", activeConnectionsDocument);
     LocalAddress                = BsonDocumentHelper.GetString("local_address", activeConnectionsDocument);
     LocalPort                   = BsonDocumentHelper.GetNullableInt("local_port", activeConnectionsDocument);
     ForeignAddress              = BsonDocumentHelper.GetString("foreign_address", activeConnectionsDocument);
     ForeignPort                 = BsonDocumentHelper.GetNullableInt("foreign_port", activeConnectionsDocument);
     TcpState                    = BsonDocumentHelper.GetString("tcp_state", activeConnectionsDocument);
     RecvQ                       = BsonDocumentHelper.GetNullableInt("recv_q", activeConnectionsDocument);
     SendQ                       = BsonDocumentHelper.GetNullableInt("send_q", activeConnectionsDocument);
     IsKnownTableauServerProcess = ProcessNameHelper.IsKnownTableauServerProcess(ProcessName);
     EntryHash                   = HashHelper.GenerateHashGuid(LogsetHash.ToString(), Worker, Line, ProcessName, ComponentName, Protocol, LocalAddress, LocalPort, ForeignAddress, ForeignPort, TcpState);
コード例 #5
 private string FormatProcesses(string process)
     return(string.IsNullOrEmpty(process) ? string.Empty : ProcessNameHelper.GetFileDescription(process).Replace("'", "") + ", ");
コード例 #6
        public override string GetHtml()
            var html = string.Empty;

            // fetch data sets
            var prodResponses = Queries.GetUserProductivityTimelineData(_date, _type, true);
            var programsUsed  = Queries.GetTopProgramsUsedWithTimes(_date, _type, maxNumberOfTopPrograms);

            if (prodResponses.Count < 3 || programsUsed.Count < 1)
                html += VisHelper.NotEnoughData(_notEnoughDataMsg);

            // prepare data sets

            // create & initialize dictionary
            var dict = new Dictionary <string, MyPair>();

            foreach (var p in programsUsed)
                if (dict.ContainsKey(p.Key))
                dict.Add(p.Key, new MyPair(0, 0));

            // populate dictionary
            for (var i = 1; i < prodResponses.Count; i++)
                // only count if PerceivedProductivity was either unproductive (1-3) or productive (5-7)
                var perceivedProductivity = prodResponses[i].Item2;
                if (perceivedProductivity > 7 || perceivedProductivity < 1 || perceivedProductivity == 4)

                var intStart = prodResponses[i - 1].Item1;
                var intEnd   = prodResponses[i].Item1;

                foreach (var program in programsUsed)
                    foreach (var pItem in program.Value)
                        if (pItem.From > intStart && pItem.To < intEnd)
                            if (perceivedProductivity <= 3 && perceivedProductivity >= 1)
                                dict[program.Key].Unproductive += pItem.DurInMins;
                            // prodResponses[i].Item2 = 4 is neutral
                            else if (perceivedProductivity >= 5 && perceivedProductivity <= 7)
                                dict[program.Key].Productive += pItem.DurInMins;

            // visualize data sets
            var totalProductive   = dict.Sum(i => i.Value.Productive);
            var totalUnproductive = dict.Sum(i => i.Value.Unproductive);

            // check if enough data is available
            if (totalProductive == 0 && totalUnproductive == 0)
                html += VisHelper.NotEnoughData(_notEnoughDataMsg);

            // create blank table
            html += string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "<table id='{0}'>", VisHelper.CreateChartHtmlTitle(Title));
            html += "<thead><tr><th>Program</th><th>Productive</th><th>Unproductive</th></tr></thead>";
            html += "<tbody>";
            foreach (var p in dict)
                var programUnproductive = (totalUnproductive == 0) ? 0 : Math.Round(100.0 / totalUnproductive * p.Value.Unproductive, 0);
                var programProductive   = (totalProductive == 0) ? 0 : Math.Round(100.0 / totalProductive * p.Value.Productive, 0);

                html += "<tr>";
                html += "<td>" + ProcessNameHelper.GetFileDescription(p.Key) + "</td>";
                html += "<td style='color:green;'>" + programProductive + "%</td>";
                html += "<td style='color:red;'>" + programUnproductive + "%</td>";
                html += "</tr>";
            html += "</tbody>";
            html += "</table>";

            // create & add javascript
            var js = "<script type='text/javascript'>"
                     + "var tf = new TableFilter('" + VisHelper.CreateChartHtmlTitle(Title) + "', { base_path: '/', "
                     + "col_widths:[ '12.4em', '6.25em', '6.25em'], "                                                                                                       // fixed columns sizes
                     + "col_0: 'none', col_1: 'none', col_2: 'none', "
                     + "alternate_rows: true, "                                                                                                                             // styling options
                     + "grid_layout: true, grid_width: '25.6em', grid_height: '18em', grid_cont_css_class: 'grd-main-cont', grid_tblHead_cont_css_class: 'grd-head-cont', " // styling & behavior of the table
                                                                                                                                                                            //+ "extensions: [{name: 'sort', types: [ 'string', 'number', 'number'] }], "
                     + "}); "                                                                                                                                               // no content options
                     + "tf.init(); "
                     + "</script>";

            html += " " + js;
