public InformationAboutViewModel(IUnityContainer container, IDialogService dialogService) { this.container = container; this.dialogService = dialogService; Configuration config; #if DEBUG config = Configuration.Debug; #else config = Configuration.Release; #endif this.Package = new Package(ProcessExecutable.Name(), ProcessExecutable.AssemblyVersion(), config); this.ShowLicenseCommand = new DelegateCommand(() => { var view = this.container.Resolve <InformationAboutLicense>(); this.dialogService.ShowCustomDialog( 0xe73e, 16, ResourceUtils.GetStringResource("Language_License"), view, 400, 0, false, true, true, false, ResourceUtils.GetStringResource("Language_Ok"), string.Empty, null); }); }
public InformationAboutViewModel(IUnityContainer container, IDialogService dialogService) { this.container = container; this.dialogService = dialogService; this.Package = new Package(ProcessExecutable.Name(), ProcessExecutable.AssemblyVersion()); this.ShowLicenseCommand = new DelegateCommand(() => this.ShowLicense()); }
public Splash() { Configuration config; #if DEBUG config = Configuration.Debug; #else config = Configuration.Release; #endif this.package = new Package(ProcessExecutable.Name(), ProcessExecutable.AssemblyVersion(), config); InitializeComponent(); }
public InformationAboutViewModel(IUnityContainer container, IDialogService dialogService) { this.container = container; this.dialogService = dialogService; Configuration config; #if DEBUG config = Configuration.Debug; #else config = Configuration.Release; #endif this.Package = new Package(ProcessExecutable.Name(), ProcessExecutable.AssemblyVersion(), config); this.ShowLicenseCommand = new DelegateCommand(() => this.ShowLicense()); }
public InformationAboutViewModel(IUnityContainer container, IDialogService dialogService) { this.container = container; this.dialogService = dialogService; Configuration config; #if DEBUG config = Configuration.Debug; #else config = Configuration.Release; #endif this.Package = new Package(ProcessExecutable.Name(), ProcessExecutable.AssemblyVersion(), config); this.ShowLicenseCommand = new DelegateCommand(() => { var view = this.container.Resolve <InformationAboutLicense>(); this.dialogService.ShowCustomDialog( 0xe73e, 16, ResourceUtils.GetString("Language_License"), view, 400, 0, false, true, true, false, ResourceUtils.GetString("Language_Ok"), string.Empty, null); }); this.OpenLinkCommand = new DelegateCommand <string>((url) => { try { Actions.TryOpenLink(url); } catch (Exception ex) { LogClient.Error("Could not open link {0}. Exception: {1}", url, ex.Message); } }); }
public AboutViewModel(IDialogService dialogService) { this.dialogService = dialogService; Configuration config; #if DEBUG config = Configuration.Debug; #else config = Configuration.Release; #endif this.Package = new Package(ProcessExecutable.Name(), ProcessExecutable.AssemblyVersion(), config); this.ShowLicenseCommand = new RelayCommand(() => { AboutLicense view = SimpleIoc.Default.GetInstance <AboutLicense>(); this.dialogService.ShowCustomDialog( ResourceUtils.GetStringResource("Language_License"), view, 400, 0, false, true, false, ResourceUtils.GetStringResource("Language_Ok"), string.Empty, null); }); this.OpenLinkCommand = new RelayCommand <string>((link) => { try { Actions.TryOpenLink(link); } catch (Exception ex) { LogClient.Error("Could not open the link {0} in Internet Explorer. Exception: {1}", link, ex.Message); } }); }
private async Task CheckForUpdatesAsync() { // Indicate for the rest of the class that we are checking for updates // ------------------------------------------------------------------- this.checkingForUpdates = true; // We start checking for updates: stop the timer // --------------------------------------------- this.checkNewVersionTimer.Stop(); // Get the current version // ----------------------- var currentVersion = this.CreateDummyPackage(ProcessExecutable.AssemblyVersion()); CoreLogger.Current.Info("Update check: current version = {0}", currentVersion.Version.ToString()); // Get the latest version online // ----------------------------- if (!this.canCheckForUpdates) { return; // Stop here if the update check was disabled while we were running } Package latestOnlineVersion = await this.GetLatestOnlineVersionAsync(); CoreLogger.Current.Info("Update check: latest online version = {0}.{1}.{2}.{3}", latestOnlineVersion.Version.Major.ToString(), latestOnlineVersion.Version.Minor.ToString(), latestOnlineVersion.Version.Build.ToString(), latestOnlineVersion.Version.Revision.ToString()); // Compare the versions // -------------------- if (currentVersion.IsOlder(latestOnlineVersion)) { if (this.automaticDownload) { // Automatic download is enabled // ----------------------------- // Define the name of the file to which we will download the update string updatePackageExtractedDirectoryFullPath = Path.Combine(this.updatesSubDirectory, latestOnlineVersion.Filename); string updatePackageDownloadedFileFullPath = Path.Combine(this.updatesSubDirectory, latestOnlineVersion.Filename + latestOnlineVersion.UpdateFileExtension); // Check if there is a directory with the name of the update package: // that means the file was already downloaded and extracted. if (Directory.Exists(updatePackageExtractedDirectoryFullPath)) { // The folder exists, that means that the new version was already extracted previously. // Raise an event that a new version is available for installation. if (this.canCheckForUpdates) { this.NewDownloadedVersionAvailable(latestOnlineVersion, updatePackageExtractedDirectoryFullPath); } } else { // Check if there is a package with the name of the update package: that would mean the update was already downloaded. if (!this.IsDownloadedPackageAvailable(updatePackageDownloadedFileFullPath)) { // No package available yet: download it. OperationResult downloadResult = await this.DownloadAsync(latestOnlineVersion, updatePackageDownloadedFileFullPath); if (downloadResult.Result) { OperationResult processResult = await this.ProcessDownloadedPackageAsync(); if (processResult.Result) { // Processing the downloaded file was successful. Raise an event that a new version is available for installation. if (this.canCheckForUpdates) { this.NewDownloadedVersionAvailable(latestOnlineVersion, updatePackageExtractedDirectoryFullPath); } } else { // Processing the downloaded file failed. Log the failure reason. CoreLogger.Current.Error("Update check: could not process downloaded files. User is notified that there is a new version online. Exception: {0}", processResult.GetFirstMessage()); // Raise an event that there is a new version available online. if (this.canCheckForUpdates) { this.NewOnlineVersionAvailable(latestOnlineVersion); } } } else { // Downloading failed: log the failure reason. CoreLogger.Current.Error("Update check: could not download the file. Exception: {0}", downloadResult.GetFirstMessage()); } } else { OperationResult extractResult = this.ExtractDownloadedPackage(updatePackageDownloadedFileFullPath); if (extractResult.Result) { // Extracting was successful. Raise an event that a new version is available for installation. if (this.canCheckForUpdates) { this.NewDownloadedVersionAvailable(latestOnlineVersion, updatePackageExtractedDirectoryFullPath); } } else { // Extracting failed: log the failure reason. CoreLogger.Current.Error("Update check: could not extract the package. Exception: {0}", extractResult.GetFirstMessage()); } } } } else { // Automatic download is not enabled // --------------------------------- // Raise an event that a New version Is available for download if (this.canCheckForUpdates) { this.NewOnlineVersionAvailable(latestOnlineVersion); } } } else { this.NoNewVersionAvailable(latestOnlineVersion); CoreLogger.Current.Info("Update check: no newer version was found."); } // Indicate for the rest of the class that we have finished checking for updates // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- this.checkingForUpdates = false; // We're finished checking for updates: start the timer // ---------------------------------------------------- this.checkNewVersionTimer.Start(); }
private void Window_Closed(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { // Stop monitoring tablet mode this.windowsIntegrationService.StopMonitoringTabletMode(); // Make sure the Tray icon is removed from the tray this.trayIcon.Visible = false; // Stop listening to keyboard outside the application this.win32InputService.UnhookKeyboard(); // This makes sure the application doesn't keep running when the main window is closed. // Extra windows created by the main window can keep a WPF application running even when // the main window is closed, because the default ShutDownMode of a WPF application is // OnLastWindowClose. This was happening here because of the Mini Player Playlist. Application.Current.Shutdown(); LogClient.Info("### STOPPED {0}, version {1} ###", ProductInformation.ApplicationName, ProcessExecutable.AssemblyVersion().ToString()); }
private async void Window_Closing(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e) { if (SettingsClient.Get <bool>("Behaviour", "ShowTrayIcon") & SettingsClient.Get <bool>("Behaviour", "CloseToTray") & !this.isShuttingDown) { e.Cancel = true; // Minimize first, then hide from Taskbar. Otherwise a small window // remains visible in the lower left corner of the screen. this.WindowState = WindowState.Minimized; // When closing to tray, hide this window from Taskbar and ALT-TAB menu. this.ShowInTaskbar = false; try { WindowUtils.HideWindowFromAltTab(this); } catch (Exception ex) { LogClient.Error("Could not hide main window from ALT-TAB menu. Exception: {0}", ex.Message); } } else { LogClient.Info("### STOPPING {0}, version {1} ###", ProductInformation.ApplicationName, ProcessExecutable.AssemblyVersion().ToString()); if (this.lifetimeService.MustPerformClosingTasks) { e.Cancel = true; await this.lifetimeService.PerformClosingTasksAsync(); this.Close(); } } }
private void ExecuteStartup() { LogClient.Info("### STARTING {0}, version {1}, IsPortable = {2}, Windows version = {3} ({4}) ###", ProcessExecutable.Name(), ProcessExecutable.AssemblyVersion().ToString(), SettingsClient.BaseGet <bool>("Configuration", "IsPortable").ToString(), EnvironmentUtils.GetFriendlyWindowsVersion(), EnvironmentUtils.GetInternalWindowsVersion()); // Handler for unhandled AppDomain exceptions AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(CurrentDomain_UnhandledException); // Create a jumplist and assign it to the current application JumpList jl = new JumpList(); JumpList.SetJumpList(Application.Current, jl); // Show the Splash Window Window splashWin = new Splash(); splashWin.Show(); }
private void ExecuteEmergencyStop(Exception ex) { // This is a workaround for a bug in the .Net framework, which randomly causes a System.ArgumentNullException when // scrolling through a Virtualizing StackPanel. Scroll to playing song sometimes triggers this bug. We catch the // Exception here, and do nothing with it. The application can just proceed. This prevents a complete crash. // This might be fixed in .Net 4.5.2. See here: if (ex.GetType().ToString().Equals("System.ArgumentNullException") & ex.Source.ToString().Equals("PresentationCore")) { LogClient.Warning($"Ignored Unhandled Exception: {ex.Message}"); return; } // This is a workaround for an exception which is thrown on a select number of systems. // This is the exception: System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): Access is denied // at MS.Win32.UnsafeNativeMethods.GetWindowText(HandleRef hWnd, StringBuilder lpString, Int32 nMaxCount) // The cause of the exception is unknown. Most likely this is due to an external factor. if (ex.GetType().ToString().Equals("System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception") & ex.Message.Contains("MS.Win32.UnsafeNativeMethods.GetWindowText")) { LogClient.Warning($"Ignored Unhandled Exception: {ex.Message}"); return; } LogClient.Error("Unhandled Exception. {0}", LogClient.GetAllExceptions(ex)); // Close the application to prevent further problems LogClient.Info("### FORCED STOP of {0}, version {1} ###", ProductInformation.ApplicationName, ProcessExecutable.AssemblyVersion()); // Stop playing (This avoids remaining processes in Task Manager) var playbackService = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance <IPlaybackService>(); playbackService.Stop(); // Emergency save of the settings SettingsClient.Write(); Current.Shutdown(); }
protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e) { // Create a jump-list and assign it to the current application JumpList.SetJumpList(Current, new JumpList()); // Check that there is only one instance of the application running this.instanceMutex = new Mutex(true, $"{ProductInformation.ApplicationGuid}-{ProcessExecutable.AssemblyVersion()}", out bool isNewInstance); // Process the command-line arguments this.ProcessCommandLineArguments(isNewInstance); if (isNewInstance) { this.instanceMutex.ReleaseMutex(); this.LaunchInitializer(); base.OnStartup(e); } else { // HACK: because shutdown is too fast, some logging might be missing in the log file. LogClient.Warning("{0} is already running. Shutting down.", ProductInformation.ApplicationName); this.Shutdown(); } }
protected override void InitializeShell(Window shell) { LogClient.Info($"### STARTING {ProductInformation.ApplicationName}, version {ProcessExecutable.AssemblyVersion()}, IsPortable = {SettingsClient.BaseGet<bool>("Configuration", "IsPortable")}, Windows version = {EnvironmentUtils.GetFriendlyWindowsVersion()} ({EnvironmentUtils.GetInternalWindowsVersion()}), IsWindows10 = {Core.Base.Constants.IsWindows10} ###"); // Handler for unhandled AppDomain exceptions AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += CurrentDomain_UnhandledException; this.InitializeWcfServices(); Current.MainWindow = shell; bool showOobe = SettingsClient.Get <bool>("General", "ShowOobe"); if (showOobe) { var oobeWin = Container.Resolve <Oobe>(); // These 2 lines are required to set the RegionManager of the child window. // If we don't do this, regions on child windows are never known by the Shell // RegionManager and navigation doesn't work RegionManager.SetRegionManager(oobeWin, Container.Resolve <IRegionManager>()); RegionManager.UpdateRegions(); // Show the OOBE window. Don't tell the Indexer to start. // It will get a signal to start when the OOBE window closes. LogClient.Info("Showing Oobe screen"); // Disable shutdown when the dialogs close Application.Current.ShutdownMode = ShutdownMode.OnExplicitShutdown; // Show as a dialog. This prevents further code execution until the dialog is closed. oobeWin.ShowDialog(); oobeWin.ForceActivate(); } // Re-enable normal shutdown mode Current.ShutdownMode = ShutdownMode.OnMainWindowClose; // Show the main window LogClient.Info("Showing Main screen"); shell.Show(); // We're not showing the OOBE screen, tell the IndexingService to start. if (!showOobe) { Container.Resolve <IIndexingService>().RefreshCollectionAsync(); } }
private async Task PerformClosingTasksAsync() { CoreLogger.Current.Info("Performing closing tasks"); this.ShowClosingAnimation(); // Write the settings // ------------------ SettingsClient.Write(); // Save queued tracks // ------------------ if (this.playbackService.IsSavingQueuedTracks) { while (this.playbackService.IsSavingQueuedTracks) { await Task.Delay(50); } } else { await this.playbackService.SaveQueuedTracksAsync(); } // Stop playing // ------------ this.playbackService.Stop(); // Update file metadata // -------------------- await this.metadataService.SafeUpdateFileMetadataAsync(); // Save track statistics // --------------------- if (this.playbackService.IsSavingPlaybackCounters) { while (this.playbackService.IsSavingPlaybackCounters) { await Task.Delay(50); } } else { await this.playbackService.SavePlaybackCountersAsync(); } CoreLogger.Current.Info("### STOPPING {0}, version {1} ###", ProductInformation.ApplicationName, ProcessExecutable.AssemblyVersion().ToString()); this.mustPerformClosingTasks = false; this.Close(); }
protected override void InitializeShell(Window shell) { LogClient.Info($"### STARTING {ProductInformation.ApplicationName}, version {ProcessExecutable.AssemblyVersion()}, IsPortable = {SettingsClient.BaseGet<bool>("Configuration", "IsPortable")}, Windows version = {EnvironmentUtils.GetFriendlyWindowsVersion()} ({EnvironmentUtils.GetInternalWindowsVersion()}), IsWindows10 = {Core.Base.Constants.IsWindows10} ###"); // Handler for unhandled AppDomain exceptions AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += CurrentDomain_UnhandledException; var initializer = new Initializer(); if (initializer.IsMigrationNeeded()) { // Show the Update Window var initWin = new Initialize(); initWin.ShowDialog(); initWin.ForceActivate(); } this.InitializeWcfServices(); Application.Current.MainWindow = shell; if (SettingsClient.Get <bool>("General", "ShowOobe")) { var oobeWin = Container.Resolve <Oobe>(); // These 2 lines are required to set the RegionManager of the child window. // If we don't do this, regions on child windows are never known by the Shell // RegionManager and navigation doesn't work RegionManager.SetRegionManager(oobeWin, Container.Resolve <IRegionManager>()); RegionManager.UpdateRegions(); // Show the OOBE window. Don't tell the Indexer to start. // It will get a signal to start when the OOBE window closes. LogClient.Info("Showing Oobe screen"); oobeWin.ShowDialog(); oobeWin.ForceActivate(); } LogClient.Info("Showing Main screen"); Application.Current.MainWindow.Show(); // We're not showing the OOBE screen, tell the IndexingService to start. Container.Resolve <IIndexingService>().RefreshCollectionAsync(); }
private void ExecuteStartup() { LogClient.Info("### STARTING {0}, version {1}, IsPortable = {2}, Windows version = {3} ({4}) ###", ProductInformation.ApplicationDisplayName, ProcessExecutable.AssemblyVersion(), SettingsClient.BaseGet <bool>("Configuration", "IsPortable"), EnvironmentUtils.GetFriendlyWindowsVersion(), EnvironmentUtils.GetInternalWindowsVersion()); // Handler for unhandled AppDomain exceptions AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(CurrentDomain_UnhandledException); // Show the Splash Window Window splashWin = new Splash(); splashWin.Show(); }
private async void CheckNow() { if (this.isDismissed) { return; } LogClient.Info("Checking for updates"); this.canCheck = true; // Get the current version var currentVersion = this.CreateDummyPackage(ProcessExecutable.AssemblyVersion()); LogClient.Info("Update check: current version = {0}", currentVersion.Version); // Get a new version online if (!this.canCheck) { return; // Stop here if the update check was disabled } Package newOnlineVersion = await this.GetNewVersionAsync(currentVersion); LogClient.Info("Update check: new online version = {0}.{1}.{2}.{3}", newOnlineVersion.UnformattedVersion); // Check if the online version is valid if (this.IsValidVersion(newOnlineVersion.Version)) { bool automaticDownload = SettingsClient.Get <bool>("Updates", "AutomaticDownload") & !SettingsClient.Get <bool>("Configuration", "IsPortable"); if (automaticDownload) // Automatic download is enabled { // Define the name of the file to which we will download the update string updatePackageExtractedDirectoryFullPath = Path.Combine(this.updatesSubDirectory, newOnlineVersion.Filename); string updatePackageDownloadedFileFullPath = Path.Combine(this.updatesSubDirectory, newOnlineVersion.Filename + newOnlineVersion.UpdateFileExtension); // Check if there is a directory with the name of the update package: // that means the file was already downloaded and extracted. if (Directory.Exists(updatePackageExtractedDirectoryFullPath)) { // The folder exists, that means that the new version was already extracted previously. if (this.canCheck) { // Raise an event that a new version is available for installation. this.NewVersionAvailable(this, new UpdateAvailableEventArgs() { UpdatePackage = newOnlineVersion, UpdatePackageLocation = updatePackageExtractedDirectoryFullPath }); } } else { // Check if there is a package with the name of the update package: that would mean the update was already downloaded. if (!this.IsDownloadedPackageAvailable(updatePackageDownloadedFileFullPath)) { // No package available yet: download it. OperationResult downloadResult = await this.DownloadAsync(newOnlineVersion, updatePackageDownloadedFileFullPath); if (downloadResult.Result) { OperationResult processResult = await this.ProcessDownloadedPackageAsync(); if (processResult.Result) { // Processing the downloaded file was successful. Raise an event that a new version is available for installation. if (this.canCheck) { this.NewVersionAvailable(this, new UpdateAvailableEventArgs() { UpdatePackage = newOnlineVersion, UpdatePackageLocation = updatePackageExtractedDirectoryFullPath }); } } else { // Processing the downloaded file failed. Log the failure reason. LogClient.Error("Update check: could not process downloaded files. User is notified that there is a new version online. Exception: {0}", processResult.GetFirstMessage()); // Raise an event that there is a new version available online. if (this.canCheck) { this.NewVersionAvailable(this, new UpdateAvailableEventArgs() { UpdatePackage = newOnlineVersion, UpdatePackageLocation = updatePackageExtractedDirectoryFullPath }); } } } else { // Downloading failed: log the failure reason. LogClient.Error("Update check: could not download the file. Exception: {0}", downloadResult.GetFirstMessage()); // Downloading failed, but we want the user to know that there is a new version. if (this.canCheck) { this.NewVersionAvailable(this, new UpdateAvailableEventArgs() { UpdatePackage = newOnlineVersion }); } } } else { OperationResult extractResult = this.ExtractDownloadedPackage(updatePackageDownloadedFileFullPath); if (extractResult.Result) { // Extracting was successful. Raise an event that a new version is available for installation. if (this.canCheck) { this.NewVersionAvailable(this, new UpdateAvailableEventArgs() { UpdatePackage = newOnlineVersion, UpdatePackageLocation = updatePackageExtractedDirectoryFullPath }); } } else { // Extracting failed: log the failure reason. LogClient.Error("Update check: could not extract the package. Exception: {0}", extractResult.GetFirstMessage()); } } } } else // Automatic download is not enabled { // Raise an event that a new version Is available for download if (this.canCheck) { this.NewVersionAvailable(this, new UpdateAvailableEventArgs() { UpdatePackage = newOnlineVersion }); } } } else { this.NoNewVersionAvailable(this, new EventArgs()); LogClient.Info("No new version was found"); } if (SettingsClient.Get <bool>("Updates", "CheckPeriodically")) { this.EnablePeriodicCheck(); } }
protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e) { Tracer.Info2(InfraColor.White, InfraColor.DarkBlue, "**** Starting App ******"); // Create a jump-list and assign it to the current application JumpList.SetJumpList(Current, new JumpList()); // Check that there is only one instance of the application running this.instanceMutex = new Mutex(true, $"{ProductInformation.ApplicationGuid}-{ProcessExecutable.AssemblyVersion()}", out bool isNewInstance); // Process the command-line arguments this.ProcessCommandLineArguments(isNewInstance); if (isNewInstance) { this.instanceMutex.ReleaseMutex(); this.LaunchInitializer(); base.OnStartup(e); TheProgram.Program.SetPlaybackService(Container.Resolve <IPlaybackService>()); } else { // HACK: because shutdown is too fast, some logging might be missing in the log file. Tracer.Warn("{0} is already running. Shutting down.", ProductInformation.ApplicationName); this.Shutdown(); } }
private void TrayIconContextMenuExit_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { CoreLogger.Current.Info("### STOPPING {0}, version {1} ###", ProductInformation.ApplicationName, ProcessExecutable.AssemblyVersion().ToString()); this.isShuttingDown = true; this.Close(); }
private void ExecuteEmergencyStop(Exception ex) { // This is a workaround for a bug in the .Net framework, which randomly causes a System.ArgumentNullException when // scrolling through a Virtualizing StackPanel. Scroll to playing song sometimes triggers this bug. We catch the // Exception here, and do nothing with it. The application can just proceed. This prevents a complete crash. // This might be fixed in .Net 4.5.2. See here: if (ex.GetType().ToString().Equals("System.ArgumentNullException") & ex.Source.ToString().Equals("PresentationCore")) { LogClient.Warning("Avoided Unhandled Exception: {0}", ex.Message); return; } LogClient.Error("Unhandled Exception. {0}", LogClient.GetAllExceptions(ex)); // Close the application to prevent further problems LogClient.Info("### FORCED STOP of {0}, version {1} ###", ProductInformation.ApplicationName, ProcessExecutable.AssemblyVersion()); // Stop playing (This avoids remaining processes in Task Manager) var playbackService = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance <IPlaybackService>(); playbackService.Stop(); // Emergency save of the settings SettingsClient.Write(); Application.Current.Shutdown(); }
private async void Shell_Closing(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e) { LogClient.Info("### STOPPING {0}, version {1} ###", ProductInformation.ApplicationName, ProcessExecutable.AssemblyVersion().ToString()); // Prevent saving the size when the window is minimized. // When minimized, the actual size is not detected correctly, // which causes a too small size to be saved. if (!(this.WindowState == WindowState.Minimized)) { if (this.WindowState == WindowState.Maximized) { SettingsClient.Set <bool>("General", "IsMaximized", true); } else { SettingsClient.Set <bool>("General", "IsMaximized", false); // TODO: make tis better. Workaround for bug "MainWindow opens with size 0 px" if (this.ActualWidth > 50 & this.ActualHeight > 50) { SettingsClient.Set <int>("General", "Width", (int)this.ActualWidth); SettingsClient.Set <int>("General", "Height", (int)this.ActualHeight); } else { SettingsClient.Set <int>("General", "Width", Defaults.DefaultMainWindowWidth); SettingsClient.Set <int>("General", "Height", Defaults.DefaultMainWindowHeight); } SettingsClient.Set <int>("General", "Top", (int)this.Top); SettingsClient.Set <int>("General", "Left", (int)this.Left); } // Save the settings immediately SettingsClient.Write(); } await this.noteService.CloseAllNoteWindowsAsync(); }
private void ExecuteStartup() { LogClient.Info($"### STARTING {ProductInformation.ApplicationName}, version {ProcessExecutable.AssemblyVersion()}, IsPortable = {SettingsClient.BaseGet<bool>("Configuration", "IsPortable")}, Windows version = {EnvironmentUtils.GetFriendlyWindowsVersion()} ({EnvironmentUtils.GetInternalWindowsVersion()}), IsWindows10 = {Constants.IsWindows10} ###"); // Handler for unhandled AppDomain exceptions AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(CurrentDomain_UnhandledException); var initializer = new Initializer(); if (initializer.IsMigrationNeeded()) { // Show the Update Window BorderlessWindows10Window initWin = new Initialize(); initWin.Show(); initWin.ForceActivate(); } else { // Start the bootstrapper Bootstrapper bootstrapper = new Bootstrapper(); bootstrapper.Run(); } }
private void ExecuteEmergencyStop(Exception ex) { // This is a workaround for a bug in the .Net framework, which randomly causes a System.ArgumentNullException when // scrolling through a Virtualizing StackPanel. Scroll to playing song sometimes triggers this bug. We catch the // Exception here, and do nothing with it. The application can just proceed. This prevents a complete crash. // This might be fixed in .Net 4.5.2. See here: if (ex.GetType().ToString().Equals("System.ArgumentNullException") & ex.Source.ToString().Equals("PresentationCore")) { if (this.CanLogUnhandledException()) { LogClient.Warning($"Ignored Unhandled Exception: {ex.Message}"); } return; } // This is a workaround for an inexplicable issue which occurs on 1 user's computer (as far as I know). // Exception "System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): Access is denied" is thrown when performing // function "MS.Win32.UnsafeNativeMethods.GetWindowText(HandleRef hWnd, StringBuilder lpString, Int32 nMaxCount)" if (ex.GetType().ToString().Equals("System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception") & ex.Source.ToString().Equals("WindowsBase")) { if (this.CanLogUnhandledException()) { LogClient.Warning($"Ignored Unhandled Exception: {ex.Message}"); } return; } // This is a workaround for an exception which occurs when using Dopamine together with WinDock ( // Unhandled Exception. Exception: System.OverflowException: Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow. // at System.Windows.Shell.WindowChromeWorker._HandleNCHitTest(WM uMsg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, Boolean & handled) // at System.Windows.Shell.WindowChromeWorker._WndProc(IntPtr hwnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, Boolean & handled) if (ex.GetType().ToString().Equals("System.OverflowException") & ex.Source.ToString().Equals("PresentationFramework")) { if (this.CanLogUnhandledException()) { LogClient.Warning($"Ignored Unhandled Exception: {ex.Message}"); } return; } // LogClient.Warning($"Ignored Unhandled Exception: Message=<<<<{ex.Message}>>>>"); // LogClient.Warning($"Ignored Unhandled Exception: Type=<<<<{ex.GetType().ToString()}>>>>"); // LogClient.Warning($"Ignored Unhandled Exception: Source=<<<<{ex.Source.ToString()}>>>>"); // return; LogClient.Error("Unhandled Exception. {0}", LogClient.GetAllExceptions(ex)); // Close the application to prevent further problems LogClient.Info("### FORCED STOP of {0}, version {1} ###", ProductInformation.ApplicationName, ProcessExecutable.AssemblyVersion()); // Stop playing (This avoids remaining processes in Task Manager) var playbackService = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance <IPlaybackService>(); playbackService.Stop(); // Emergency save of the settings SettingsClient.Write(); Current.Shutdown(); }
private void ExecuteEmergencyStop(Exception ex) { LogClient.Error("Unhandled Exception. {0}", LogClient.GetAllExceptions(ex)); // Close the application to prevent further problems LogClient.Info("### FORCED STOP of {0}, version {1} ###", ProcessExecutable.Name(), ProcessExecutable.AssemblyVersion().ToString()); // Emergency save of the settings SettingsClient.Write(); Application.Current.Shutdown(); }
protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e) { base.OnStartup(e); // Check that there is only one instance of the application running bool isNewInstance = false; instanceMutex = new Mutex(true, string.Format("{0}-{1}", ProductInformation.ApplicationGuid, ProcessExecutable.AssemblyVersion().ToString()), out isNewInstance); // Process the commandline arguments this.ProcessCommandLineArguments(isNewInstance); if (isNewInstance) { instanceMutex.ReleaseMutex(); this.ExecuteStartup(); } else { LogClient.Warning("{0} is already running. Shutting down.", ProcessExecutable.Name()); this.Shutdown(); } }
private void ExecuteStartup() { LogClient.Info($"### STARTING {ProductInformation.ApplicationName}, version {ProcessExecutable.AssemblyVersion()}, IsPortable = {SettingsClient.BaseGet<bool>("Configuration", "IsPortable")}, Windows version = {EnvironmentUtils.GetFriendlyWindowsVersion()} ({EnvironmentUtils.GetInternalWindowsVersion()}), IsWindows10 = {Constants.IsWindows10} ###"); // Handler for unhandled AppDomain exceptions AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(CurrentDomain_UnhandledException); // Start the bootstrapper Bootstrapper bootstrapper = new Bootstrapper(); bootstrapper.Run(); }