public void AttachAndLaunch(ProcessEntry processEntry, SolutionTypeEntry solutionTypeEntry) { if (solutionTypeEntry == null) { MessageBox.Show("Select solution to run."); return; } if (mainSolution != null) { TerminateRunningSolution(); return; } if (processEntry == null) { MessageBox.Show("No WoW process selected."); return; } mainForm.PostInfo("Launching...", Color.Gold); Client clientToRun = AttachToProcess(processEntry.GetProcess(), null); RunSolution(solutionTypeEntry.GetSolutionType(), clientToRun); }
private void RefreshProcessList(string filter, bool hideUnrestricted) { List <ProcessEntry> processes = ProcessEntry.GetProcesses(); processes.Sort((a, b) => a.Pid - b.Pid); IEnumerable <ProcessEntry> filtered = processes.Where(p => p.Token != null); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filter)) { filter = filter.ToLower(); filtered = filtered.Where(p => p.Name.ToLower().Contains(filter)); } if (hideUnrestricted) { filtered = filtered.Where(p => p.Token.IsRestricted() || p.Token.IsAppContainer() || p.Token.GetTokenIntegrityLevel() < TokenIntegrityLevel.Medium); } treeViewProcesses.Nodes.Clear(); listViewThreads.Items.Clear(); foreach (ProcessEntry entry in filtered) { AddProcessNode(entry); AddThreads(entry); } listViewThreads.AutoResizeColumns(ColumnHeaderAutoResizeStyle.ColumnContent); listViewThreads.AutoResizeColumns(ColumnHeaderAutoResizeStyle.HeaderSize); }
public bool Restart(int index) { ProcessEntry entry = m_processList[index]; if (entry.process == null || entry.process.HasExited) { Console.WriteLine("Error: process already exited"); return(true); } try { entry.restartOnExit = true; entry.process.Kill(); OnProcessStopped(entry); return(true); } catch (System.Exception) { //TODO: Display error dialog m_onEvent?.Invoke("StopFailure"); } return(false); }
private bool StartInternal(ProcessEntry entry) { try { entry.process = Process.Start(entry.pinfo); entry.process.EnableRaisingEvents = true; entry.process.Exited += OnProcessExit; entry.restartOnExit = true; if ( > 0) { //entry.process.WaitForInputIdle(500); Thread.Sleep(500); SetWindowText(entry.process.MainWindowHandle,; } OnProcessStarted(entry); m_onEvent?.Invoke("StatusUpdated"); return(true); } catch (System.Exception) { m_onEvent?.Invoke("StartFailure"); } return(false); }
public static void Entry <TStartup, TConfig>() where TStartup : class where TConfig : class, IDocumentsWebConfiguration, new() { ProcessEntry.Entry(); var config = new TConfig(); Configuration <TConfig> .Load(config.SectionName, instance : config); ThreadPool.SetMinThreads(50, 50); var host = new WebHostBuilder() .UseKestrel(options => { options.Limits.MaxRequestBodySize = 250 * 1024 * 1024; options.Limits.MinResponseDataRate = null; options.Limits.MaxConcurrentConnections = null; options.Limits.MaxConcurrentUpgradedConnections = null; }) .UseContentRoot(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()) .ConfigureServices((services) => { services.AddSingleton(config); }) .UseStartup <TStartup>() .UseUrls(config.HostingURL) .Build(); host.Run(); }
private void openTokenToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TreeNode selectedNode = treeViewProcesses.SelectedNode; if (selectedNode != null) { ProcessEntry process = selectedNode.Tag as ProcessEntry; HandleEntry handle = selectedNode.Tag as HandleEntry; if (process != null) { TokenForm.OpenForm(process.Token, true); } else if (handle != null) { try { TokenForm.OpenForm(new UserToken(NativeBridge.DuplicateHandleFromProcess(handle, (uint)(TokenAccessRights.Query | TokenAccessRights.QuerySource), 0)), false); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(this, ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } } }
public static IList <ProcessInfo> EnumProcesses() { var hSnapshot = Win32.CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(CreateToolhelpSnapshotFlags.SnapProcess, 0); var processes = new List <ProcessInfo>(256); var pe = new ProcessEntry(); pe.Init(); if (!Win32.Process32First(hSnapshot, ref pe)) { return(processes); } do { // skip idle process if (pe.th32ProcessID == 0) { continue; } processes.Add(new ProcessInfo { Id = pe.th32ProcessID, Name = pe.szExeFile }); } while(Win32.Process32Next(hSnapshot, ref pe)); //Win32.CloseHandle(hSnapshot); return(processes); }
public async static Task <int> StartAsync(params Task[] tasks) { ProcessEntry.Entry(); await Task.WhenAny(tasks); return(0); }
public ProcessTransited(IReadOnlyCollection <ICommand> producedCommands, IMessageMetadata metadata, ProcessEntry procesTransitEntry, IProcessState newProcessState) : base(producedCommands, metadata) { ProcessTransitEntry = procesTransitEntry; NewProcessState = newProcessState; }
/// <summary> /// See <see cref="IReducible.Reduce(double, ProcessEntry, ProcessZeros, Reduction.Finalize)"/>. /// </summary> public double Reduce(double identityValue, ProcessEntry processEntry, ProcessZeros processZeros, Finalize finalize) { double accumulator = identityValue; // no zeros implied accumulator = processEntry(data[0], accumulator); accumulator = processEntry(data[1], accumulator); return(finalize(accumulator)); }
private void PushFileEntryEvent(ProcessEntry whichProcess, List <FileEntry> fileEntry) { fileEntry.ForEach((entry) => this.ListViewLog.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new[] { whichProcess.ImageName, entry.Timestamp.ToLongTimeString(), entry.FullPath }))); }
public FutureEventsSchedulingMessageHandler(IActorRef schedulingActor, ILogger log) { _logger = log; _schedulerActorRef = schedulingActor; _schedulingFutureEventProcessEntry = new ProcessEntry(GetType() .Name, "Scheduling raise future event command", "FutureEventScheduled event occured"); }
public MeminfoViewData(ProcessMeminfo meminfo, ProcessEntry process) { this.Pid = meminfo.Pid; this.processName = process?.Name ?? "-"; this.PssTotal = meminfo.Total.PssTotal; this.PssNativeHeap = meminfo.NativeHeap.PssTotal; this.PssDalvikHeap = meminfo.DalvikHeap.PssTotal; this.UssTotal = meminfo.Total.PrivateDirty + meminfo.Total.PrivateClean; this.UssEGL = meminfo.EglMtrack.PrivateDirty + meminfo.EglMtrack.PrivateClean; this.UssGL = meminfo.GlMtrack.PrivateDirty + meminfo.GlMtrack.PrivateClean; }
public ProcessViewData(ProcessEntry pi, int cpuPeakRange) { this.Pid = pi.Pid; this.Priority = pi.Priority; this.Cpu = 0.0f; //this.Vss = pi.Vss; //this.Rss = pi.Rss; this.User = pi.User; this.ThreadCount = pi.Threads.Count(); this.Name = pi.Name; this.cpuPeakRange = cpuPeakRange; }
static void DumpProcessEntry(ProcessEntry entry, HashSet<string> mitigation_filter, bool all_mitigations) { ProcessMitigations mitigations = entry.Mitigations; Console.WriteLine("Process Mitigations: {0,8} - {1}", entry.Pid, entry.Name); IEnumerable<PropertyInfo> props = _props.Values.Where(p => all_mitigations || mitigation_filter.Contains(p.Name)); foreach (PropertyInfo prop in props.OrderBy(p => p.Name)) { FormatEntry(prop.Name, prop.GetValue(mitigations)); } Console.WriteLine(); }
public ProcessEntry Find(ProcessEntry proc, ObservableCollection <ProcessEntry> list) { if (proc != null) { if (list.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Pid == proc.Pid) != null) { return(list.First(p => p.Pid == proc.Pid)); } } return(system); }
public int AddProcess(string name, string exec, string args) { ProcessEntry entry = new ProcessEntry(); = name; entry.exec = exec; entry.args = args; m_processList.Add(entry); return(m_processList.Count - 1); //this is the index now assigned to the process. }
/// <summary> /// See <see cref="IReducible.Reduce(double, ProcessEntry, ProcessZeros, Reduction.Finalize)"/>. /// </summary> public double Reduce(double identityValue, ProcessEntry processEntry, ProcessZeros processZeros, Finalize finalize) { double aggregator = identityValue; int nnz = values.Length; for (int i = 0; i < nnz; ++i) { aggregator = processEntry(values[i], aggregator); } aggregator = processZeros(NumRows * NumColumns - nnz, aggregator); return(finalize(aggregator)); }
public static void KillProcess(string processName) { ProcessEntry[] processes = ProcessEntry.GetProcesses(); foreach (var process in processes) { if (process.ExeFile.ToLower().CompareTo(processName.ToLower()) == 0) { process.Kill(); return; } } }
static void DumpProcessEntry(ProcessEntry entry, HashSet <string> mitigation_filter, bool all_mitigations) { ProcessMitigations mitigations = entry.Mitigations; Console.WriteLine("Process Mitigations: {0,8} - {1}", entry.Pid, entry.Name); IEnumerable <PropertyInfo> props = _props.Values.Where(p => all_mitigations || mitigation_filter.Contains(p.Name)); foreach (PropertyInfo prop in props.OrderBy(p => p.Name)) { FormatEntry(prop.Name, prop.GetValue(mitigations)); } Console.WriteLine(); }
private void ComboBox_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { ProcessEntry selected = (ProcessEntry)comboBox1.SelectedItem; if (selected != null) { liveGraph.ProcessPid = selected.Pid; } else { liveGraph.ProcessPid = -1; } }
public static bool ProcessExists(string processName) { ProcessEntry[] processes = ProcessEntry.GetProcesses(); foreach (var process in processes) { if (process.ExeFile.ToLower().CompareTo(processName.ToLower()) == 0) { return(true); } } return(false); }
public AggregateActor(IAggregateCommandsHandler <TAggregate> handler, ISnapshotsPersistencePolicy snapshotsPersistencePolicy, IConstructAggregates aggregateConstructor, IConstructSnapshots snapshotsConstructor, IActorRef customHandlersActor) : base(aggregateConstructor, snapshotsConstructor, snapshotsPersistencePolicy) { _aggregateCommandsHandler = handler; _publisher = Context.System.GetTransport(); _customHandlersActor = customHandlersActor; _domainEventProcessEntry = new ProcessEntry(Self.Path.Name, AggregateActorConstants.PublishingEvent, AggregateActorConstants.CommandExecutionCreatedAnEvent); _domainEventProcessFailEntry = new ProcessEntry(Self.Path.Name, AggregateActorConstants.CommandExecutionFinished, AggregateActorConstants.CommandRaisedAnError); _commandCompletedProcessEntry = new ProcessEntry(Self.Path.Name, AggregateActorConstants.CommandExecutionFinished, AggregateActorConstants.ExecutedCommand); Behavior.Become(AwaitingCommandBehavior, nameof(AwaitingCommandBehavior)); }
internal void AttachPreset(Preset preset) { if (!preset.Clients.Any()) { MessageBox.Show("No clients specified in preset."); return; } var notInjectedWowProcessess = ProcessEntry.GetRunningWoWProcessess() .Where(procEntry => !injectedClients.Any(injectedClient => injectedClient.Process == procEntry.GetProcess())) .Select(procEntry => procEntry.GetProcess()); var clientsToRun = new List <Client>(); foreach (var process in notInjectedWowProcessess) { var client = AttachToProcess(process, null); /* match process to preset config by character name */ if (client.IsInWorld() && client.GetObjectMgrAndPlayer()) { string name = client.ControlInterface.remoteControl.GetUnitName(client.Player.GetAddress()); client.LaunchSettings = preset.Clients.FirstOrDefault(settings => settings.Character == name); clientsToRun.Add(client); } } Console.WriteLine($"Matched {clientsToRun.Count} clients."); if (!clientsToRun.Any()) { return; } var orderedClientsToRun = clientsToRun.OrderBy(client => Array.IndexOf(preset.Clients, client.LaunchSettings)); string solutionName = preset.Clients[0].Solution; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(solutionName)) { RunSolution(Type.GetType(solutionName), orderedClientsToRun.Count() == 1 ? (object)orderedClientsToRun.First() : orderedClientsToRun); } }
// public static int GetParentProcessId(int processId, string exeName) { int parentProcessId = 0; if (processId > 0) { IntPtr oHnd = UnsafeNativeMethods.CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(Enumerations.Snapshots.Process, 0); if (oHnd == IntPtr.Zero) { return(0); } ProcessEntry oProcInfo = new ProcessEntry(); oProcInfo.Size = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(ProcessEntry)); if (UnsafeNativeMethods.Process32First(oHnd, ref oProcInfo) == false) { return(0); } do { if (processId == oProcInfo.ProcessId) { Process parentProcess = Process.GetProcessById((int)oProcInfo.ParentProcessId); if (parentProcess.ProcessName.Equals(exeName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { parentProcessId = (int)oProcInfo.ParentProcessId; } } }while (parentProcessId == 0 && UnsafeNativeMethods.Process32Next(oHnd, ref oProcInfo)); if (parentProcessId > 0) { return(parentProcessId); } else { return(0); } } return(0); }
private void UpdateValues(ComputerObj comp) { this.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { Applications = new ObservableCollection <ProcessEntry>(comp.ProcessList.Where(p => p.IsApplication == true)); listView.ItemsSource = Applications; ProcessEntry selected = SelectedApplication; if (SelectedApplication != null) { SelectedApplication = Applications.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Pid == selected.Pid); } listView.SelectedItem = SelectedApplication; }); }
private void AddProcessNode(ProcessEntry entry) { try { UserToken token = entry.Token; TreeNode node = new TreeNode(String.Format("Pid: {0} - Name: {1} (User:{2}, IL: {3}, R: {4}, AC: {5})", entry.Pid, entry.Name, token.GetUser().GetName(), token.GetTokenIntegrityLevel(), token.IsRestricted(), token.IsAppContainer())); node.Tag = entry; treeViewProcesses.Nodes.Add(node); } catch (Win32Exception) { // Do nothing } }
public ProcessTreeBuilder() { int snapshot = NativeMethods.CreateSnapshot(SnapshotFlag.TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0); ProcessEntry entry = new ProcessEntry() { Size = Marshal.SizeOf <ProcessEntry>() }; if (NativeMethods.GetFirstProcess(snapshot, ref entry)) { do { unorderedNodes.Add(new ExtendProcess(entry)); } while (NativeMethods.GetNextProcess(snapshot, ref entry)); } NativeMethods.CloseHandle(snapshot); }
public ActionResult OpenIncident(string DocumentID) { StaffADProfile staffADProfile = new StaffADProfile(); // staffADProfile.user_logon_name = Environment.UserName; staffADProfile.user_logon_name = User.Identity.Name; //AD ActiveDirectoryQuery activeDirectoryQuery = new ActiveDirectoryQuery(staffADProfile); staffADProfile = activeDirectoryQuery.GetStaffProfile(); Profile profile = new Profile(); profile = new LinqCalls().getProfile(staffADProfile.employee_number); bool checkICA = new IC_A_Users().ValidateCheckApproverUser(staffADProfile.employee_number); ViewData["ICA"] = checkICA; bool checkAdmin = new IC_A_Users().ValidateAdminUser(staffADProfile.employee_number); ViewData["Admin"] = checkAdmin; if (profile.JobTitle == "HEAD OF OPERATIONS" || profile.JobTitle == "ACTING HEAD OF OPERATIONS" || checkAdmin == true || checkICA == true) { if (profile.JobTitle == "HEAD OF OPERATIONS" || profile.JobTitle == "ACTING HEAD OF OPERATIONS" || checkAdmin == true) { ViewData["HopUser"] = true; } else { ViewData["HopUser"] = false; } InputClass Entry = new InputClass(); Entry = new ProcessEntry().GetEntry(DocumentID).First(); = Entry.DateSubmitted; return(View(Entry)); } else { ViewData["HopUser"] = false; TempData["ErrorMessage"] = "You are not Authorized to view this page"; return(RedirectToAction("ErrorPage")); } }
public void UpdateList(ComputerObj comp) { this.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { ProcessEntry selectedListView = selectedProcessListView; ProcessEntry selectedComboBox = selectedProcessComboBox; procListListView = new ObservableCollection <ProcessEntry>(comp.ProcessList.OrderByDescending(p => p.Cpu)); // TEMPORARY - sorting to make it easier since most processes use 0% procListComboBox = new ObservableCollection <ProcessEntry>(comp.ProcessList.OrderByDescending(p => p.Cpu)); // TEMPORARY - sorting to make it easier since most processes use 0% //procListTreeView = new ObservableCollection<ProcessEntry>(comp.ProcessTree.OrderByDescending(p => p.Cpu)); procListComboBox.Insert(0, system); selectedProcessListView = Find(selectedListView, procListListView); selectedProcessComboBox = Find(selectedComboBox, procListComboBox); UpdateColumnHeaders(comp); UpdateProcessTreeView(); }); }
private void AddThreads(ProcessEntry entry) { List<ThreadEntry> threads = entry.GetThreadsWithTokens(); foreach (ThreadEntry thread in threads) { try { ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(String.Format("{0} - {1}", entry.Pid, entry.Name)); item.SubItems.Add(thread.Tid.ToString()); UserToken token = thread.Token; item.SubItems.Add(token.GetUser().GetName()); item.SubItems.Add(token.GetImpersonationLevel().ToString()); item.Tag = thread; listViewThreads.Items.Add(item); } catch (Win32Exception) { } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { bool show_help = false; _pid = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id; try { OptionSet opts = new OptionSet() { { "p|pid=", "Specify a PID of a process to impersonate when checking", v => _pid = int.Parse(v.Trim()) }, { "n", "Specifes the list of arguments represents names instead of pids", v => _named_process = v != null }, { "i", "Use an indentify level token when impersonating", v => _identify_only = v != null }, { "t", "Dump accessible threads for process", v => _dump_threads = v != null }, { "k", "Dump tokens for accessible objects", v => _dump_token = v != null }, { "sddl", "Dump SDDL strings for objects", v => _print_sddl = v != null }, { "h|help", "show this message and exit", v => show_help = v != null }, }; List<string> pids = opts.Parse(args).Select(s => s.ToLower()).ToList(); if (show_help) { ShowHelp(opts); } else { IEnumerable<ProcessEntry> processes = new ProcessEntry[0]; if (pids.Count > 0 && !_named_process) { List<ProcessEntry> procs = new List<ProcessEntry>(); using (ImpersonateProcess imp = NativeBridge.Impersonate(_pid, _identify_only ? TokenSecurityLevel.Identification : TokenSecurityLevel.Impersonate)) { foreach (string pid_name in pids) { try { procs.Add(new ProcessEntry(NativeBridge.OpenProcess(int.Parse(pid_name)))); } catch (Win32Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error opening pid {0} - {1}", pid_name, ex.Message); } } } processes = procs; } else { try { using (ImpersonateProcess imp = NativeBridge.Impersonate(_pid, _identify_only ? TokenSecurityLevel.Identification : TokenSecurityLevel.Impersonate)) { processes = NativeBridge.GetProcesses().Select(h => new ProcessEntry(h)); } if (_named_process && pids.Count > 0) { processes = processes.Where(p => pids.Contains(p.Name.ToLower())); } } catch (Win32Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); } } List<ProcessEntry> ps = processes.ToList(); ps.Sort((a, b) => a.Pid - b.Pid); processes = ps; foreach (ProcessEntry process in processes) { Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1} {2}", process.Pid, process.Name, process.GetGrantedAccess()); if (_print_sddl && process.StringSecurityDescriptor.Length > 0) { Console.WriteLine("SDDL: {0}", process.StringSecurityDescriptor); } if (_dump_token && process.Token != null) { Console.WriteLine("User: {0}", process.Token.UserName); if (_print_sddl && process.Token.StringSecurityDescriptor.Length > 0) { Console.WriteLine("Token SDDL: {0}", process.Token.StringSecurityDescriptor); } } if (_dump_threads) { foreach (ThreadEntry thread in process.Threads) { Console.WriteLine("-- Thread {0}: {1}", thread.Tid, thread.GetGrantedAccess()); if (_print_sddl && thread.StringSecurityDescriptor.Length > 0) { Console.WriteLine("---- SDDL: {0}", thread.StringSecurityDescriptor); } if (_dump_token && thread.Token != null) { Console.WriteLine("---- Impersonating {0}", thread.Token.UserName); if (_print_sddl && thread.Token.StringSecurityDescriptor.Length > 0) { Console.WriteLine("---- Token SDDL: {0}", thread.Token.StringSecurityDescriptor); } } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }